19 Mistakes From 'The Parent Trap' Fans Didn't Catch (2024)

19 Mistakes From 'The Parent Trap' Fans Didn't Catch (1)


Jordan Claes Updated September 8, 2021

Disney's The Parent Trap is a true '90s gem. It helped launch the career of Lindsay Lohan (for better or for worse) and supplied a much-needed revamping on a classic Disney tale.

Below are 10+ mistakes from The Parent Trap that fans didn't know.

Stack up on Oreos and make sure to have a hefty helping of peanut butter nearby. We're doing a deep-dive!

*The Parent Trap* is one of the most famous movies of all time, and may very well be one of Lindsay Lohan's most famous movies.

It is hilarious, beautiful, and will even prompt a tear or two from you!

It's a perfect movie.

While *The Parent Trap* might be one of the most iconic movies of all time, it is definitely not a perfect one.

It is because of that that we have decided to compile a list of some of the biggest mistakes in the movie!

Let's get into it!

1. What's with the water stain on Hallie's fencing jacket?

19 Mistakes From 'The Parent Trap' Fans Didn't Catch (3)


Have a look at the green lamé on the front of her jacket — soaking wet, right? Well, it should be considering Annie just knocked her into a water trough!

Keep your eyes glued to it because something's about to happen...

The stain has magically dried up! What happened there?

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I've heard of fast-drying or even water-resistant clothing but I don't think that's what we're seeing here.

More likely there was a cut scene and Lindsay Lohan had to be repositioned.

2. Annie wanted the balloon to hit her.

19 Mistakes From 'The Parent Trap' Fans Didn't Catch (5)


Pay attention during the scene with the water-balloon booby traps. When the final giant balloon falls, the camera is pointed downward.

As it falls, Annie takes one step forward — ensuring that the balloon will hit her.

3. What happened to the doorknob?

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When Hallie (playing Annie) approaches her mother's home, she pushes open the door and holds onto a large doorknob.

If you keep watching as the door swings open, you can see the knob completely vanish.

4. Who opened the car door?

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After arriving in San Francisco, Hallie, along with her mother and Martin, exit the car and close the door.

As they approach the hotel, the camera zooms up on Hallie and you can clearly see that the car door is once again opened.

5. What happened to Nick's sunglasses?

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During the scene where Annie (playing Hallie) meets Meredith for the first time, keep a close eye on Nick's sunglasses.

The camera zooms in on Annie (Hallie) and when it zooms out, Nick's sunglasses have been plucked right from atop his head!

6. The curious case of the changing scrunchie!

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Watch as Hallie makes her way down the steps of the isolation cabin. When the scene begins, the color of the scrunchie tying back her hair is a kind of faded yellow.

When the camera cuts and changes direction, the scrunchie in her hair is green.

7. Annie's ear clearly already has a hole in it.

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This scene used to make me squirm! But a careful eye reveals a lot.

When the camera zooms in, right before Hallie pierces Annie's ear, you can see that there's already a visible earring hole.

8. How did the bucket move?

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While Hallie and Annie are stuck in the isolation cabin, there's a shot of a bucket catching water. It's resting on the floor, perched on top of a stack of books.

Watch after the wind blows through the window and the pictures fall to the ground — all of a sudden the books that were underneath the bucket completely vanish.

9. Where did the tennis rackets go?

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As Annie and her two friends approach the fencing area, all three are holding tennis rackets.

When the camera cuts to the counselor and back to the girls, two rackets disappear and then reappear a split moment later!

10. Is it daytime or nighttime?

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As you can see from the setting sun behind Nick and Liz, it appears to be just before twilight.

Which is odd, considering when Nick fell in the pool only two minutes prior, the sun was high in the sky?

Then when Meredith arrives on the scene, it's bright as can be once again!

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When shooting a movie outdoors, you're always at the mercy of the weather.

Clearly the sun wasn't agreeing and this shot had to be done at varying times.

11. Annie and Hallie are too old.

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Bare with me because we're about to do some quick math! At the beginning of the film, Nick and Liz meet, get married, and get pregnant on the Queen Elizabeth II.

We then jump eleven years and nine months into the future to find the girls at camp.

During their time in the isolation cabin, Hallie and Annie learn that they have a shared birthday: October 11.

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Let's assume that their camp begins somewhere between July/August. That would make the girls 11 years and roughly nine months old.

But the film isn't accounting for the nine months it takes to actually carry a baby to term! Therefore, the girls should have just turned 11 — not be turning 12.

12. What's Meredith shrieking over?

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Obviously Lindsay Lohan doesn't have a twin, so the actors had to get creative and use their imagination when doing scenes.

If you watch when Meredith discovers that the girls are twins, she looks into the face of Hallie but stares right over Annie — because she wasn't actually there!

13. When Annie gets hit by the water balloon, she actually got very wet.

But in the next scene, when she meets with the camp leaders and Hallie, she is completely dry!

That is some kind of movie magic right there. How do they do it?

14. Shadows on the wall.

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When the twins are leaning against the wall of the cabin and talking, at one point you can see that only one of the twins has a shadow.

This was likely an editing mistake. Editing took quite some time since Lohan had to play two parts.

15. The air mattress.

When Meredith wakes up on the lake, you see a bird on her chest.

The bird is a red-crested turaco, which resides in Africa. How on Earth would it have made it all the way to the United States?

16. Camp Walden.

When they show the lake and sign that says Camp Walden, there are boats under a roof in front of the pier.

But when Annie jumps into the lake, the roof and boats are gone.

17. The color of the air mattress

When Allie and Annie drag Meredith to the lake, she's asleep and you can clearly see that the mattress is a deep green color.

But all that changes when she wakes up the next morning.

When she wakes up and you see the bird on her chest, the mattress is suddenly a different color.

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But then when she stands up, it is another color again.

A mistake or a trick of the light?We will never know.

18. Hallie in London.

When Hallie calls Annie in California, the phone operator should have informed Hallie that she was making a collect call, and she would have had to accept the charges.

But none of that happened!

19. The huge plot hole.

While we know that this was done to allow the story to develop, the idea of leaving two young girls alone in a cabin with no supervision is really far-fetched.

This would never happen in real life.

Did you catch any mistakes from *The Parent Trap* that others might not have seen?

Or were you one of the ones that completely missed these mistakes?

Either way, let us know down below in the comment section! We would love to hear from you!

19 Mistakes From 'The Parent Trap' Fans Didn't Catch (2024)


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