33 Delicious Apple Cider Recipes to Get into the Mood for Fall (2024)

Have you ever tried to make your own apple cider?

Once you made it, did you know what to do with it beyond drinking it?

Well, I have you covered on both fronts. I’m going to bring you some of the internet’s best recipes on making your own apple cider.

Plus I’m also going to share delicious apple cider recipes which can be made with the apple cider you just made. I hope you’re hungry because these recipes are delicious!

Don’t assume they’re all baked goods (though a few are.) There are some wonderful main courses you can make from apple cider and even a few adult beverages.

I can’t stand the suspense! Without further delay, here are apple cider recipes for making the brew and also to put the apple cider to work in different ways:

33 Delicious Apple Cider Recipes to Get into the Mood for Fall (1)

1. Best Homemade Apple Cider

33 Delicious Apple Cider Recipes to Get into the Mood for Fall (2)

Are you looking for a delicious and easy way to make homemade apple cider? You may have found it. This recipe is made in a slow cooker which makes it easy.

Yet, it looks delicious. You run the juice through a cheesecloth and drink. It doesn’t get much fresher than this.

2. Slow Cooker Apple Cider Maple Meatballs

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Let’s start off with a “YUM!” If you’re looking for a wonderful appetizer or snack, this recipe could be a homerun for you.

It’s easy to make. You place frozen meatballs in a slow cooker with apple cider, maple syrup, coarsely chopped apples, and a little ACV. Cook on low for a few hours, and you have an easy dish on your hands.

3. Baked Apple Cider Donuts

33 Delicious Apple Cider Recipes to Get into the Mood for Fall (4)

The first time I had apple cider donuts I was at an orchard with my kids. I grabbed a snack while they played and man, was it delicious!

When I saw this recipe for a baked option for the apple cider donuts, I knew it had to be shared. Enjoy this delicious snack whenever you can.

4. Apple Cider Pancakes

33 Delicious Apple Cider Recipes to Get into the Mood for Fall (5)

Are you looking for a truly ‘apple cider’ experience? These pancakes could be exactly what you need.

The pancakes are made with apple cider. From there, they get topped with delicious cinnamon sugar apples. What a way to start your day.

5. Cinnamon Apple Cider Muffins

33 Delicious Apple Cider Recipes to Get into the Mood for Fall (6)

These muffins would make a delicious way to start a crisp, fall morning. They include apple cider, chunks of apple, and different types of sugar.

But the fun doesn’t stop there. The muffins are rolled in sugar and cinnamon for the topping too. They’re easy to make and should be a slam dunk for the whole family.

6. New England Apple Cider Cake

33 Delicious Apple Cider Recipes to Get into the Mood for Fall (7)

This is a delicious apple cake which will pack a sweet punch. Apple cider and chunks of apples are inside the cake itself.

However, the homemade icing also contains apple cider. This will be a wonderful dessert and one to help you utilize your apples this season.

7. Apple Cider Syrup

33 Delicious Apple Cider Recipes to Get into the Mood for Fall (8)

I wasn’t one who enjoyed any type of syrup other than maple until recently. I made my own fresh blueberry syrup and fell in love.

Which is why I wanted to share this recipe. You can make a delicious syrup (perfect for the apple cider pancakes mentioned above) from apple cider too.

8. Apple Cider Donut Muffins
33 Delicious Apple Cider Recipes to Get into the Mood for Fall (9)

If you were to ask my children what their favorite muffin is they’d tell you it’s a donut muffin. I love them too because they taste great and are frugal too.

Well, if you have apple cider on hand, you can make another delicious version of the donut muffin. They’re a great way to start your day or to use as a snack.

9. Copycat Starbucks Caramel Apple Cider

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A moment of confession on my part, I don’t like Starbucks. I know, people lean towards me being nuts. Yet, I still visit the place on occasion because my teenagers love it.

If you’re a fan of the Starbuck’s Caramel Apple Cider, save yourself some money and check out this recipe to recreate it at home.

10. Apple Cider Brown Sugar Pulled Pork

33 Delicious Apple Cider Recipes to Get into the Mood for Fall (11)

There are certain foods which come together well. Peanut butter and jelly is one classic combo. Yet, another combo is pork with apples and sugar.

If you love this classic combination, you must check out this recipe. You can use your apple cider to make a delicious dinner for your family.

11. Apple Cider Mimosas

33 Delicious Apple Cider Recipes to Get into the Mood for Fall (12)

I don’t consume a great deal of alcohol, but if I’m going to have an adult beverage, then a mimosa is one choice at the top of my list.

Let’s be real. It’s one of the few beverages you can get away with drinking before noon and people don’t look at you funny. The next time you need a drink before noon, pull out your apple cider and this recipe and enjoy!

12. Apple Cider Caramels

33 Delicious Apple Cider Recipes to Get into the Mood for Fall (13)

At Christmas time, my family is extremely into making homemade candy. My sister, who doesn’t like to cook, will make candy every year. There’s something about it!

Well, whether you enjoy baking and cooking, or not, you can pull out the apple cider and make these delicious caramels. They make a wonderful gift or a delicious treat for yourself.

13. Mulled Apple Cider Chai French Crullers

33 Delicious Apple Cider Recipes to Get into the Mood for Fall (14)

French crullers are a favorite of many. If you’re one who enjoys them, you must check out this recipe.

It brings together many classic flavors but tops them off with the subtle hint of apple cider. If you’re up for baking, consider giving this option a try.

14. Apple Cider Doughnut Cake

33 Delicious Apple Cider Recipes to Get into the Mood for Fall (15)

You should know how amazing apple cider doughnuts and muffins are because they’ve even been turned into a cake.

If you’d rather enjoy these ingredients in a cake form, try this recipe. It’s delicious and will make a wonderful dessert for any occasion.

15. Apple Cider Jelly

33 Delicious Apple Cider Recipes to Get into the Mood for Fall (16)

You may have heard of people making apple jelly from their apple juice. It might interest you to know you can also make jelly from apple cider.

Not only does this jelly have a way of making your home smell wonderful, but it also tastes delicious on morning toast. You must try it!

16. Apple Cider Cupcakes

33 Delicious Apple Cider Recipes to Get into the Mood for Fall (17)

Are you having a fall gathering? Are you looking for a trend to accompany this occasion? Consider apples.

You can make apple cider to drink, but also use it in this delicious dessert recipe for cupcakes. The mixture of the apple cider, brown sugar, and cinnamon is enough to keep your mouth watering.

17. Apple Cider Chili

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Do you like to get spontaneous with your chili recipes? Would you like something a little out of the box compared to normal chili?

Well, this is your recipe. They’ve created a delicious chili recipe which includes apple cider. It gives it a different but delicious taste.

18. Apple Cider Slushy

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How excited do you get about apples and fall? If you’re the person who is posting about bonfires, sweatshirts, and changing leaves, you’re going to love this recipe.

This recipe allows you to take apple cider one step further. Throw the apple cider in the ice cream maker, and you’ll have a delicious slushy in no time.

19. Crock Pot Pumpkin Apple Cider

33 Delicious Apple Cider Recipes to Get into the Mood for Fall (20)

Holy moly! This recipe is everything fall in one crock pot. We all know when October hits you see apple and pumpkin everything advertised.

Well, you now have the recipe to make a pumpkin flavored apple cider in your crock pot. Let’s all give a huge thank you to the creator of this recipe.

20. Apple Cider Donut Bread

33 Delicious Apple Cider Recipes to Get into the Mood for Fall (21)

Again, you must realize at this point how delicious apple cider donuts are because someone wanted them in bread form.

If you’d love the flavor of an apple cider donut, but you’d prefer the ease of making into a loaf, this recipe is for you.

21. Apple Cider Biscotti

33 Delicious Apple Cider Recipes to Get into the Mood for Fall (22)

Biscotti is a delicious treat. Why shouldn’t it be included in the apple cider trend? Thankfully, someone created a recipe where it could be.

However, don’t mistake the apple cider as a subtle add. It was included in both the biscotti and the glaze. If you like apple cider, you should love this too.

22. Apple Cider Fritters

33 Delicious Apple Cider Recipes to Get into the Mood for Fall (23)

When I was growing up, we’d go to this apple themed restaurant on vacation where they specialized in apple fritters. They were my grandfather’s favorite.

Well, this recipe seems similar. It includes apple cider in the dough, apples in the center, and more apple cider in the glaze.

23. Crab Apple Cider

33 Delicious Apple Cider Recipes to Get into the Mood for Fall (24)

Do you live in an area where crab apples grow everywhere? Most people don’t eat them, they only use the trees for landscaping.

Well, don’t waste those crab apples. Instead, check out this recipe, and learn how to turn them into delicious cider.

24. Apple Cider Whiskey Smash

33 Delicious Apple Cider Recipes to Get into the Mood for Fall (25)

Are you looking for a delicious adult beverage to go along with your apple cider? You’ve come to the right place.

This is a simple recipe which includes a little whiskey, a little lemon juice, and apple cider. You put it in a co*cktail shaker, and your beverage is complete.

25. Bourbon and Apple Cider co*cktail

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This beverage sounds delightful. It’s the perfect adult drink to go along with the apple cider pork recipe mentioned above.

Regardless of when you drink it, you’ll be pleased with how simple it is to make. It requires apple cider, bourbon, ginger ale, and a few apple slices to garnish the rim.

26. Apple Cider Snaps

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This cookie is obviously a play on ginger snaps. My mom loves these type of cookies, but if I’m honest, they’re hard and make my mouth hurt.

But if you’re someone who doesn’t mind putting those chompers to work, pull out the apple cider and this recipe to get busy baking.

27. Caramel Apple Cider Floats

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Would you ever imagine using apple cider in a float? After checking out this recipe you will. Plus, it’s simple to make.

For this dessert, you’ll need sparkling apple cider. Place vanilla ice cream in a cup, pour the cider over it, add whipped cream and caramel sauce to finish it off.

28. Apple Cider Cranberry Sauce

33 Delicious Apple Cider Recipes to Get into the Mood for Fall (29)

Did you consider apple cider as an October beverage? Oh no, friend. Apple cider can be used all throughout the year.

It can even be helpful at Thanksgiving with the cranberry sauce. This recipe shows you how to make a delicious cranberry sauce with the added twist of apple cider.

29. Vanilla Bean Caramel Apple Cider Sparkling co*cktail

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Are you getting ready to celebrate a special occasion, and you’d like a special beverage to accompany it? This beverage could be what you need.

The rim of the glass is coated in a vanilla bean syrup. The beverage itself contains apple cider, lemon juice, vodka, and champagne. It’s finished off with apples and maple cinnamon skewers.

30. Apple Cider Snickerdoodles

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Snickerdoodle cookies are a familiar classic. They offer sugar and vanilla in a cookie which makes for a perfect snack.

However, this snickerdoodle is a little different. It calls for an apple cider sugar mixture the cookies get rolled in prior to baking.

31. Spiked Apple Cider Punch

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Remember back in high school when the biggest worry you had at a school dance was someone spiking the punch?

Well, go back to those glory days, but this time spike your own punch on purpose. This recipe will share with you how to make an apple cider punch with a kick.

32. Apple Cider Margarita

33 Delicious Apple Cider Recipes to Get into the Mood for Fall (33)

Calling all people who love margaritas! You’re going to want to see this recipe. It takes a classic co*cktail and puts a twist on it.

You can’t have a margarita without tequila. This one also calls for Grand Marnier Liqueur and apple cider too.

33. Apple Cider Bubble Up Bake

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This is a simple dish which would work as a sweet side or even as a dessert. The apples are prepared as you would any baked apples.

However, the sauce includes delicious apple cider with different types of sugars. The whole thing is topped with yummy biscuit balls.

You now have over 30 different options for apple cider recipes, whether making it or using it. You should have many delicious dishes on your hands to work with.

Whether you’re new to making apple cider, or you have a stash you need to use, these apple cider recipes should help you and make your guests extremely happy too! Don’t throw away those peels though, we have great advice on what to do with your apple peelsand even a very nifty guide on making a cider press. Enjoy your apple season!

33 Delicious Apple Cider Recipes to Get into the Mood for Fall (35)

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33 Delicious Apple Cider Recipes to Get into the Mood for Fall (2024)


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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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