CF-18,CF-25,CF-35, CF-40, CF-50, CF-50DZ, CF-60 · – Damage to the device resulting from mechanical influences and overvoltage – Alterations to the device made without the explicit - [PDF Document] (2024)

CF-18,CF-25,CF-35, CF-40, CF-50, CF-50DZ, CF-60· – Damage to the device resulting from mechanical influences and overvoltage – Alterations to the device made without the explicit - [PDF Document] (1)


CF-18,CF-25,CF-35, CF-40,CF-50, CF-50DZ, CF-60

AUS Compressor Cooler Instruction Manual

CF-40 AC

CF-50 AC


CF-60 AC


CF-35 AC

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Please read this operating manual carefully before starting the device. Keep it in a safe place for future reference. If the device is handed over toanother person, this operating manual must be handed over along with thedevice.

Contents1 Notes on using the manual ...................................................... 7

2 Safety instructions ........................................................................ 72.1 General safety ................................................................................ 82.2 Operating the device safely .......................................................... 9

3 Scope of delivery ........................................................................... 10

4 Intended use .................................................................................... 10

5 Function description ..................................................................... 115.1 Operating and display elements ................................................... 125.2 Accessories ...................................................................................... 14

6 Operation ........................................................................................... 146.1 Before initial use ............................................................................ 146.2 Energy saving tips .......................................................................... 156.3 Connecting the cooler .................................................................... 166.4 Using the battery monitor ............................................................. 176.5 Using the cooler ............................................................................. 186.6 Setting the temperature ................................................................ 196.7 Using the Emergency Switch ......................................................... 206.8 Switching off the cooler ................................................................. 206.9 Defrosting the cooler ...................................................................... 206.10 Replacing the device fuse (240V) ................................................. 216.11 Replacing the plug fuse (12/24 V) ............................................... 216.12 Replacing the light bulb ................................................................. 22

7 Cleaning and maintenance ........................................................22

8 Warranty ........................................................................................... 22

9 Troubleshooting ...............................................................................23

10 Disposal ............................................................................................... 24

11 Technical data .................................................................................. 24

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12/24V DC







1 2 3 4





CF-25, CF-35, CF-40,


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1 3 4 5 6 72


2 1



12/24V DC


CF-25, CF-35, CF-40, CF-50, CF-60

CF-35, CF-40, CF-50, CF-60CF-25

CF-35, CF-40, CF-50, CF-60





1 2

12/24V DC


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1 2 3




9 1 210

CF-50, CF-60


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CoolFreezeNotes on using the manual

1 Notes on using the manualThe following symbols are used in this operating manual:

Caution!Safety instruction: Failure to observe this instruction can cause personalinjury or damage the device.

Caution!Safety instruction: relating to a danger from an electrical current orvoltage. Failure to observe this instruction can cause injury or damagethe device and impair its function.

Note:Supplementary information for operating the device.

� Action: This symbol indicates that action is required on your part. The required action is described step-by-step.

� This symbol indicates the result of an action.Fig. 2 1, page 3: This refers to an element in an illustration. In thiscase, item 1 in figure 2 on page 3.Please observe the following safety instructions.

2 Safety instructions

• Caution!WAECO International will not be held liable for claims for damageresulting from the following:– Damage to the device resulting from mechanical influences and

overvoltage– Alterations to the device made without the explicit permission of

WAECO International– Use for purposes other than those described in the operating manual.

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CoolFreeze Safety Instructions

2.1 General safety

• Caution – Danger of electrocution!– When using the device on boats: If the device is powered by the

mains, ensure that the power supply is protected with a ground fault interrupter circuit.

• Check that the voltage specification on the type plate corresponds tothat of the energy supply.

• Only connect the device as follows:– With the cable supplied (Fig. 1 2, page 4) to the cigarette lighter

in the vehicle or to a 12/24 V plug socket in the vehicle – or with the enclosed connection cable (Fig. 1 3, page 4) to the

100-240 V AC mains (only CF-35, CF-40, CF-50, CF-60).• If the connection cable is damaged, it must be replaced to prevent

possible electrical hazards.• Do not pull the plug out of the cigarette lighter or the socket by the

cable.• Pull out the connection cable:

– Before cleaning and maintenance– After use– Before changing a fuse

• Disconnect the cooling device and other power consuming devicesfrom the battery before you connect the battery to a quick chargingdevice. Overvoltage can damage the electronics of the device.

• Electronic devices are not toys!Always keep and use the device out of the reach of children.

• Do not operate the device if it is visibly damaged.

• This device may only be repaired by qualified personnel. Inadequaterepairs can lead to considerable hazards.

• Should your device need to be repaired, please contact WAECOcustomer service.

• Do not open the refrigerant circuit under any circ*mstances!

• The cooler is not suitable for transporting caustic materials ormaterials containing solvents.

• Food may only be stored in its original packaging or in suitablecontainers.

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CoolFreezeIntended use

2.2 Operating the device safely

• Caution – Danger of electrocution!Do not touch exposed cables with your bare hands. This especiallyapplies when operating the device from an AC mains.

• Before starting the device, ensure that the power supply line and theplug are dry.

• Do not place any electrical devices inside the cooler.

• Set up the device in a dry location where it is protected againstsplashing water.

• Protect the device and the cable against rain and moisture.

• Do not place the device near naked flames or other heat sources(heaters, direct sunlight, gas ovens etc.)

• Caution! Danger of overheating!Ensure at all times that there is sufficient ventilation so that the heatgenerated during normal operation is able to dissipate. Ensure thatthe ventilation slots are not covered. Make sure that the device issufficiently far away from walls and other objects so that the air cancirculate.

• Never immerse the device in water.

• Do not fill the inner container with ice or fluid.

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CoolFreeze Function description

3 Scope of delivery

Fig. 1 page 4, shows the scope of delivery.

Item Quantity Description1 1 Cooler2 1 Connection cable for 12/24 VDC connection3 1 (except CF-18, CF-25) Connection cable for 100 – 240 VAC connection4 2 (except CF-18, CF-25) Carrying handle, consisting of:

– 2 holders– 1 handle– 4 fastening screws

– 1 (CF-18 only) Plastic grille divider– 1 (CF-35 only) Powdercoated steel evap. protector– 1 (except CF-18, Powdercoated steel basket

CF-25, CF-50DZ)

– 2 (CF-50DZ only) Powdercoated steel basket– 2 (CF-50DZ only) Internal compartment divider (plastic)– 1 Operating manual

4 Intended use

The cooler is suitable for cooling and freezing foods. The device is alsosuitable for use on boats.

The device is designed to be operated from a 12 VDC or 24 VDC on-board supply socket of a vehicle (e. g. cigarette lighter), boat or caravanas well as from a 100 – 240 V AC mains (for CF-18 and CF-25 anoptional accessory adaptor is required for connection to AC mainspower).

Caution – When cooling perishable medicines!If you wish to cool medicines, please check if the cooling capacity of thedevice is adequate for this purpose.

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5 Function descriptionThe cooler can chill products, keep them cool as well as freeze them. Alow maintenance, CFC-free refrigerant circuit with compressor providesthe cooling. The extra strong CFC-free insulation and powerfulcompressor ensure especially fast cooling.

The cooler is designed for mobile use and can be carried by using afolding carrying bracket (CF-18), two recessed grips (CF-25) or tworemovable carrying handles (CF-35, CF-40, CF-50, CF-60).

When used on boats, the cooler can withstand a constant heel(inclination) of 30˚.

Scope of functions:

CF-18 CF-25 CF-35, CF-40, CF-50*, CF-60

Power supply with priority circuit for – – •connecting to the AC mainsBattery monitor for protecting the vehicle 2-level 3-levelbatteryTurbo mode for rapid coolingDisplay with temperature gaugeTemperature setting With

rotary With two buttons in steps of 1 ˚C (2 ˚F)control

Removable carrying handles

*Note: unless otherwise stated, throughout this manual CF-50 refers to both CF-50 AC and CF-50 ACDZ.

– ••– ••

– – •

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CoolFreeze Operation

5.1 Operating and display elements

CF-25, CF-35, CF-40Lock for lid: Fig. 2 1, page 4.

CF-18Operating panel and connection socket (Fig. 3 page 4):

Item Description Explanation1 TEMPERATURE Temperature controller,

cooling temperature at the end positions:COLD: +10 ˚C (+50 ˚F)FREEZE: –18 ˚C (0 ˚F)

2 POWER Operating displayLED is lit green: Device is switched on

and ready for operationLED is lit amber: Set temperature has

been reached

3 ERROR LED flashes red: Switched on device is not ready for operation

4 BATTERY Switch-on device/battery monitor:MONITOR 0: Device is switched off

HIGH: Device is switched on, battery monitor is in HIGH mode

LOW: Device is switched on, battery monitor is in LOW mode

5 12/24V DC Connection socket DC voltage supply

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CF-25, CF-35, CF-40, CF-50, CF-60Operating panel (Fig. 4 page 5)

Item Description Explanation1 ON Switches the cooler on or off when the

OFF button is pressed for between one and two seconds

2 POWER Status indicationLED lights up green: Compressor is onLED lights up amber: Compressor is offLED flashes amber:* Voltage insufficient

3 ERROR LED flashes red: Device is switched on but not ready for operation

4 SET Selects the input mode- Temperature setting- Celsius or Fahrenheit display- Set battery monitor

5 – Display, shows the information

6 UP + Press once to increase the value

7 DOWN – Press once to decrease the value

*Does not apply to model CF-25

CF-25Connection socket (Fig. 5 page 5):

Item Description1 Connection socket DC voltage supply

CF-35, CF-40, CF-50, CF-60Connection sockets (Fig. 6 page 5):

Item Description1 Connection socket AC voltage supply

2 Fuse holder

3 Connection socket DC voltage supply

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CoolFreeze Operation

5.2 AccessoriesIf you want to operate the coolers CF-18 and CF-25 from the 240 V AC mains, be sure to use the rectifier WAECO CoolPower EPS-816(CF-18 only) or EPS-817 (CF-18 and CF-25).

6 Operation6.1 Before initial use

NoteBefore starting your new cooler for the first time, you should clean itinside and outside with a damp cloth for hygienic reasons (please alsorefer to the chapter “Cleaning and maintenance” on page 22).

Mounting the handlesCF-35, CF-40, CF-50, CF-60

The handles are enclosed unassembled. If you wish to attach thehandles, proceed as follows:� Make a handle by putting two holders (Fig. 7 1, page 5) and a

handle (Fig. 7 2, page 5) together.� Fasten the grip with the enclosed screws in the holes provided.

Turning the lid aroundCF-50, CF-60

You can turn the lid around if you want to open the lid from the otherside.To do this, proceed as follows:� Open the lid and pull it out (Fig. 8 A, page 6).� Turn the lid.� Insert the lid in the lid holders on the opposite side of the cooler

(Fig. 8 B, page 6).

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Selecting the temperature units – ºC or ºFCF-25, CF-35, CF-40, CF-50, CF-60

You can switch the temperature display between Celsius and Fahrenheit.This is how to do it:� Switch on the cooler.� Press the “SET” button (Fig. 4 4, page 5) twice.� Use the “UP +” (Fig. 4 6, page 5) and “DOWN -” (Fig. 4 7,

page 5) buttons to select Celsius or Fahrenheit.� The selected temperature units then appear in the display for a few

seconds. The display flashes several times before it returns to the current temperature.

6.2 Energy saving tips� Choose a well ventilated installation location which is protected

from direct sunlight.� Allow hot food to cool down first before you place it into the

device.� Do not open the cooler more often than necessary.� Do not leave the lid open for longer than necessary.� Defrost the cooler once a layer of ice forms.� Avoid unnecessarily low temperatures.

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CoolFreeze Operation

6.3 Connecting the coolerConnecting to a battery (Vehicle or boat)

The cooler can be operated with 12 V or 24 V DC.

Caution – Danger of damaging the device!Disconnect the cooler and other consumer units from the battery beforeyou connect the battery to a quick charging device.Overvoltage can damage the electronics of the device.

For safety reasons the cooler is equipped with an electronic system toprevent polarity reversal. This protects the cooler against short-circuitingwhen connecting to a battery. � Plug the 12/24-V connection cable (Fig. 1 2, page 4) into the DC

voltage socket, the cigarette lighter or a 12 V or 24 V socket.

Connecting to a 100–240 V AC mains (E.g. in the home or office)

Caution – Danger of electrocution!Never handle plugs and switches with wet hands or if you are standingon a wet surface.

Caution – Danger of electrocution!If you are operating your cooler on board a boat from a mainsconnection of 100–240 V AC, you must install a residual current circuitbreaker between the 100–240 V AC mains and the cooler.Seek advice from a trained technician.

CF-35, CF-40, CF-50, CF-60

The coolers CF-35, CF-40, CF-50, CF-60 have an integrated multi-voltagepower supply with priority circuit for connecting to an AC voltage sourceof 100–240 V. The priority circuit automatically switches the cooler tomains operation, if the device is connected to a 100–240 V AC mains,even if the 12/24 V connection cable is still attached.

When switching between the AC mains and the battery supply, the redLED may light up briefly.

� Plug the 100 – 240 V connection cable (Fig. 1 3, page 4) into the AC voltage socket and connect it to the 100 – 240 V AC voltage mains (only CF-35, CF-40, CF-50, CF-60).

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CF-18, CF-25To operate the coolers CF-18 and CF-25 from the 220–240 V AC mains,use the optional accessory rectifier WAECO CoolPower EPS-816 (CF-18only) or EPS-817 (CF-18 and CF-25).

6.4 Using the battery monitorThe device is equipped with a multi-level battery monitor that protectsyour vehicle battery against excessive discharging when the device isconnected to the on-board 12/24 V supply.

If the cooler is operated when the vehicle ignition is switched off, thecooler switches off automatically as soon as the supply voltage fallsbelow a set level. The cooler will switch back on once the battery hasbeen recharged to the restart voltage level.

Note – during low voltage (models CF-35, CF-40, CF-50, CF-60)When switched off by the battery monitor, the digital display (Fig. 45, page 5) goes blank and the power LED (Fig. 4 2, page 5) flashesamber.

Caution – Danger of damage!When switched off by the battery monitor, the battery will no longer befully charged. Avoid starting repeatedly or operating current consumerswithout longer charging phases. Ensure that the battery is recharged.

In “HIGH” mode, the battery monitor responds faster than at the levels“LOW” and “MED” (see the following table).

CF-25, CF-35, CF-40,CF-50, CF-60

Battery monitor mode LOW HIGH LOW MED HIGHSwitch-off voltage at 12 V 10.4 V 11.5 V 10.1 V 11.4 V 11.8 VRestart voltage at 12 V 11.5 V 12.5 V 11.1 V 12.2 V 12.6 VSwitch-off voltage at 24 V 22.1 V 24.0 V 21.5 V 24.1 V 24.6 VRestart voltage at 24 V 23.6 V 25.4 V 22.9 V 25.3 V 26.2 V

The method of battery mode selection follows:

CF-18� Slide the selection switch (Fig. 3 4, page 4) to “LOW” if operating

from a supply battery, or “HIGH” if operating from a standard vehiclestarter battery.

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CoolFreeze Troubleshooting


CF-25, CF-35, CF-40, CF-50, CF-60� Switch on the cooler.� Press the “SET” button (Fig. 4 4, page 5) three times.� Use the “UP +” (Fig. 4 6, page 5) and “DOWN -” (Fig. 4 7,

page 5) buttons to select the battery monitor mode.� Digital display will be as follows.

� The selected mode then appears in the display for a few seconds. The display flashes several times before it returns to the current temperature.

NoteWhen the cooler is supplied by the starter battery, select the batterymonitor mode “HIGH”. If the cooler is connected to a supply battery, thebattery monitor mode “LOW” will suffice.If you wish to operate the cooler from the AC mains, set the batterymonitor to the “LOW” position.

6.5 Using the cooler

Caution – Danger of overheating!Ensure at all times that there is sufficient ventilation so that the heatgenerated during operation can dissipate. Ensure that the ventilationslots are not covered. Make sure that the device is sufficiently far awayfrom walls and other objects so that the air can circulate.

� Place the cooler on a firm foundation. Make sure that the ventilation slots are not covered and that the heated air can dissipate.

� Close the cooler, see “Connecting the cooler” on page 16.

NoteIf you wish to operate the cooler from the AC mains, set the batterymonitor to the “LOW” position.

Caution – Danger from excessively low temperature!Ensure that the only objects placed in the cooler are those intended tobe cooled at the selected temperature.

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CoolFreezeTechnical Data

CF-18� Slide the sliding switch (Fig. 3 4, page 4) to “LOW” or “HIGH”

battery protection (See 6.4 “using the battery monitor” for suitable level).

� The “POWER” LED is lit green.� The cooler starts cooling the interior.� When the cooling temperature has been reached, the “POWER” LED

is lit amber.

CF-25, CF-35, CF-40, CF-50, CF-60� Press the “ON/OFF” button (Fig. 4 1, page 5) and hold down for

between one and two seconds.� The “POWER” LED lights up.� The display (Fig. 4 5, page 5) switches on and shows the current


Note – Displayed temperatures (Digital display models only).

CF-25, CF-35, CF-40, CF-50, CF-60 (Not CF-50DZ)The temperature displayed is that of the middle of the large interior compartment.

CF-50DZi With plastic dividers in: the display temperature is that of the

middle of the freezer compartment (furthest away from control panel).

ii With plastic dividers removed: the actual compartment temperature will be considerably warmer than the displayed temperature.

ALL MODELSTemperatures elsewhere in the compartment (away from centre) willdeviate from the displayed temperature.

� The cooler starts cooling the interior.

Locking the cooler� Close the lid.� Press the lock (Fig. 2 1, page 4) down, until it latches in place


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6.6 Setting the temperature

CF-18� Set the cooling temperature with the temperature controller

(Fig. 3 1, page 4).

CF-25, CF-35, CF-40, CF-50, CF-60� Press the “SET” button (Fig. 4 4, page 5) once.� Use the “UP +” (Fig. 4 6, page 5) and “DOWN -” (Fig. 4 7,

page 5) buttons to select the cooling temperature.� The cooling temperature appears in the display for a few seconds.

The display flashes several times and then the current temperature is displayed again.

6.7 Using The Emergency Switch� The emergency override switch (Fig. 5 & 6 4, page 5) is

located in the connection panel.� For normal operation the switch should be in the ‘NORMAL USE’

position.� In the unlikely event of an electronic control failure slide the Switch

to ‘EMERGENCY OVERRIDE’. NOTE: in this position the appliance will run all the time and will therefore perform as a freezer only.

6.8 Switching off the cooler� Empty the cooler.� Switch the cooler off.� Pull out the connection cable.If you do not want to use the cooler for a longer period of time:� Leave the lid slightly open. This prevents odour build-up.

6.9 Defrosting the coolerHumidity can form frost in the interior of the cooling device or on theevaporator. This reduces the cooling capacity. Defrost the device in goodtime to avoid this.

Caution – Danger of damaging the device!Never use hard or pointed tools to remove ice or to loosen objectswhich have frozen in place.

To defrost the cooler, proceed as follows:

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� Take out the contents of the cooling device.� If necessary, place them in another cooling device to keep them

cool.� Switch off the device.� Leave the cover open.� Wipe off the defrosted water.

6.10 Replacing the device fuse (240V)

Only CF-35, CF-40, CF-50, CF-60

Caution – Danger of electrocution!Disconnect the connection cable before you replace the device fuse.

� Pull off the connection cable.� Pry out the fuse insert (Fig. 6 2, page 5) with a screwdriver.� Replace the defective fuse with a new one that has the same

rating (T4,0AL 250V).� Press the fuse insert back into the housing.

6.11 Replacing the plug fuse (12/24 V)� Pull the adapter sleeve (Fig. 9 4, page 6) off of the plug.� Unscrew the screw (Fig. 9 5, page 6) out of the upper half of the

housing (Fig. 9 1, page 6).� Carefully raise the upper half of the housing from the lower

(Fig. 9 6, page 6) half.� Take out the contact pin (Fig. 9 3, page 6).� Replace the defective fuse (Fig. 9 2, page 6) with a new one that

has the same rating (8A 32V).� Re-assemble the plug in the reverse order.

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6.12 Replacing the light bulb

Only CF-25, CF-35, CF-40, CF-50, CF-60� Press the switch pin (Fig. 10 2, page 6) downwards so that the

transparent part (Fig. 10 1, page 6) of the lamp can be removed at the front.

� Replace the light bulb ensuring that:i) the LED’s inside the bulb face toward the transparent coverii) the polarity is correct. Test for operation and if the new bulb

does not work fit it the other way around.� Press the lamp back into the housing.

7 Cleaning and maintenance

Caution – Danger of electrocution!Always pull out the mains plug before you clean and service the device.

Caution – Danger of damaging the device!Never clean the device under running water or in dish water.Do not use abrasive cleaning agents or hard objects during cleaning asthese can damage the device.Never use brushes, scouring pads or hard or pointed tools to remove iceor to loosen objects which have frozen in place.

� Occasionally clean the inside of the device with a damp cloth.

8 WarrantyOur general warranty conditions apply. If the product is defective, pleasetake it to the nearest authorised WAECO repair agent.For warranty repair processing, please present copy of the receipt withpurchase date.

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9 Troubleshooting


Device does notfunction, Power LEDdoes not glow.

The device does notcool (plug is inserted,“POWER” LED is lit).The device does notcool (plug is inserted,“POWER” LED flashes +digital display blank).*The device does notcool (plug is inserted,“ERROR” LED flashes).

When operating fromthe 12/24-V socket(cigarette lighter):The ignition is on andthe device is notworking and the LED isnot lit.

The display shows anerror message (e.g.“Err1”) and the devicedoes not cool.

Possible cause

There is no voltagepresent in the 12/24 Vsocket (cigarettelighter) in your vehicle.No voltage present inthe AC voltage socket.The device fuse isdefective.The integrated mainsadapter is defective.*Defective component.

Battery voltage is toolow.

1 CF-35 to CF-60The device hasswitched off due toan internal fault.

2. CF-18, CF-25either: Battery-voltage too lowor: internal fault.

The cigarette lightersocket is dirty. Thisresults in a poorelectrical contact.

The fuse of the 12/24V plug has blown.

The vehicle fuse hasblown.

The device hasswitched off due to aninternal fault.

Suggested remedy

The ignition must be switched on inmost vehicles to apply current to thecigarette lighter.

Try using another plug socket.

Replace the device fuse, see “Replacingthe device fuse” on page 21.This can only be repaired by anauthorised repair centre.This can only be repaired by anauthorised authorised repair centre.

Test the battery and charge it asneeded.

This can only be repaired by anauthorised repair centre.

Test battery and charge as needed.

This can only be repaired by anauthorised repair centre.If the plug of your cooler becomes verywarm in the cigarette lighter socket,either the lighter socket must becleaned or the plug has not beenassembled correctly.Replace the fuse in the cigarette lighterplug, see “Replacing the plug fuse(12/24 V)” on page 21.Replace the vehicle’s 12/24 V socketfuse (usually 15 A). Please refer to yourvehicle’s operating manual.This can only be repaired by an authorised repair centre.

*Does not apply to models CF-18 and CF-25

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11 Technical data

CF-18 CF-25 CF-35Overall capacity: 18 litres 23 litres 31 litresConnection voltage: 12/24 V DC and

100–240 V ACRated current:– 12 VDC: 3.1 A 6.8 A 6.0 A– 24 VDC: 1.9 A 3.0 A 3.0 A – 100–240 VAC: – – 1.3 to 0.7 ACooling range: +10 ˚C to –18 ˚C (+50 ˚F to 0 ˚F)Dimensions (WxHxD)in mm:Weight: 11.5 kg 12 kg 15.5 kg

CF-40 CF-50 CF-60Overall capacity: 37 litres 49 litres 59 litresConnection voltage: 12/24 V DC and 100–240 V ACRated current:– 12 VDC: 6.0 A 7.0 A 7.0 A– 24 VDC: 3.0 A 3.0 A 3.0 A – 100–240 VAC: 1.3 to 0.7 A 1.3 to 0.7 A 1.3 to 0.7 ACooling range: +10 ˚C to –18 ˚C (+50 ˚F to 0 ˚F)Dimensions (WxHxD)in mm:Weight: 17 kg CF-50 19 kg 21.5 kg

CF-50DZ 19.8 kg

NoteIf the ambient temperature is above 32˚C (90 ˚F), the minimumtemperature cannot be attained.

12/24 V DC

465x414x300 550x425x260 580x385x360

580x445x360 630x480x360 630x580x360

10 Disposal

� Place the packaging material in the appropriate recycling waste bins wherever possible.

If you wish to finally dispose of the device, ask your local recyclingcentre or specialist dealer for details about how to do this in accordancewith the applicable disposal regulations.

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– 73/23/EEC – Low Voltage Electrical Equipment Directive

– 89/336/EEC – EMC Directive– 95/54/EEC

Versions and delivery options may vary due to technical modifications.This device is CFC-free. The coolant circuit contains R134a.

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Dometic New ZealandUnit 15, 180 Montgomerie RoadAirport Oaks, Auckland 1701phone: (09) 256 0018fax: (09)256 0017e-mail: [emailprotected]

VictoriaBldg 3B,Clayton Business Park1508 Centre Rd,Clayton VIC 3168phone: 1800 21 21 21

Dometic Australia, QLD1 John Duncan CourtVarsity Lakes, QLD, 4227phone: 1800 21 21 21fax: (07)5507 6001e-mail: [emailprotected]

EuropeWAECO (Schweiz) AGRiedackerstrasse 7aCH-8153 Rümlang (Zürich) phone: +41 44 8187171fax: +41 44 8187191e-mail: [emailprotected]

WAECO Danmark A/STvaervej 2DK-6640 Lunderskovphone: +45 75585966fax: +45 75586307e-mail: [emailprotected]

WAECO Ibérica S.A.Camí del Mig, 106Poligono Industrial Les CortsE-08349 Cabrera de Mar(Barcelona)phone: +34 93 7502277fax: +34 93 7500552e-mail: [emailprotected]

WAECO Distribution SARLZAC 2 · Les Portes de L‘Oise Rue Isaac Newton – BP 59F-60230 Chambly (Paris)phone: +33 1 30282020fax: +33 1 30282010e-mail: [emailprotected]

WAECO Finland OYMestarintie 4FIN-01730 Vantaaphone: +358 20 7413220fax: +358 9 7593700e-mail: [emailprotected]










oWAECO Italcold SRLVia dell’Industria 4/0I-40012 Calderara di Reno (BO)phone: +39 051 727094fax: +39 051 727687e-mail: [emailprotected]

WAECO Norge ASLeif Weldingsvei 16N-3208 Sandefjordphone: +47 33428450fax: +47 33428459e-mail: [emailprotected]

WAECO Benelux B.V.Ecustraat 3NL-4879 NP Etten-Leurphone: +31 76 5029000fax: +31 76 5029090e-mail: [emailprotected]

WAECO Svenska ABGustaf Melins gata 7S-42131 Västra Frölunda (Göteborg)phone: +46 31 7341100fax: +46 31 7341101e-mail: [emailprotected]

WAECO UK Ltd.Dorset DT2 8LY · Unit GRoman Hill Business ParkUK-Broadmaynephone: +44 1305 854000fax: +44 1305 854288e-mail: [emailprotected]

Overseas + Middle East Dometic Australia1 John Duncan CourtVarsity Lakes QLD 4227phone: +61 7 55076000fax: +61 7 55076001e-mail: [emailprotected]

WAECO Impex Ltd.Suites 3210-12 · 32/F · Tower 2The Gateway · 25 Canton RoadTsim Sha Tsui · KowloonHong Kongphone: +852 24632750fax: +852 24639067e-mail: [emailprotected]

WAECO Impex Ltd.Taipei Office2 FL-3 · No. 56 Tunhua South Rd, Sec 2Taipei 106, Taiwanphone: +886 2 27014090fax: +886 2 27060119e-mail: [emailprotected]

WAECO Middle East FZCOR/A 8, SD 6Jebel Ali, Dubaiphone: +971 4 8833858fax: +971 4 8833868e-mail: [emailprotected]

WAECO USA, Inc.8 Heritage Park RoadClinton, CT 06413phone: +1 860 6644911fax: +1 860 6644912e-mail: [emailprotected]

World HeadquartersWAECO International GmbH · Hollefeldstraße 63 · D-48282 Emsdettenphone: +49 2572 879-195 fax: +49 2572 879-322 e-mail: [emailprotected] Internet:








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CF-18,CF-25,CF-35, CF-40, CF-50, CF-50DZ, CF-60 · – Damage to the device resulting from mechanical influences and overvoltage – Alterations to the device made without the explicit - [PDF Document] (2024)


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