Digimon Unity - [Signup/Interest Thread!] (2024)

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Earphone-Jack The Doctor’s Guardian AI from the Starfall Islands and the Eggman Empire Since: Jun, 2024 Relationship Status: If it's you, it's okay

The Doctor’s Guardian AI

#1: Aug 12th 2024 at 2:38:11 PM

The year is 2014. Lately, strange things have been happening in Shibuya. Even in a clear, sunny day, a sudden blizzard can hit and disappear, electrical appliances go wild even if the power is cut, people can seemingly be cut by the wind.

Around this time, a group of youngsters suddenly received a strange message, which seemingly materialized a strange device and a creature calling itself a Digimon. Somehow, they got dragged into the middle of all this, and once one of them decides to try and figure out if there’s anyone else like them, their meeting will bring a change to all their fates.

Will they be able to get to the bottom of this? And will this meeting of two worlds unite them even further, or shatter their bonds?

Hi everyone! :) I’m Earphone-Jack (but you can call me Nero if you want), and this is Digimon Unity! This RP is mostly going to take inspiration from Digimon stories like Cyber Sleuth, Ghost Game, Tamers, and Adventure 2020!

As you can probably tell from the description, this game is going to be taking place in Japan, specifically Shibuya! For the most part, besides the series and games mentioned earlier, this RP will take inspiration from the Eighth Child Arc of Adventure 1999 and most of the pre-Digital World events in Tamers. The main goal of the RP (at least in these earlier parts of it), it’s to figure out who or what is causing these problems throughout Shibuya before they spread throughout all of Japan.

When it comes to partner Digimon, you can only use Rookie/Child level Digimon that also do not have an X-Antibody version in order for things to be more balanced in terms of power between all players. Digimon that start with the X-Antibody (like the Dorumon line) are fine tho. :3 If you need any help figuring out which Digimon to choose, you can either PM me with what kind of Digimon you think would fit you and I can try to find one, or you can use this Wikimon (aka. a fan-created Digimon wiki :3) link to choose which one to use in the RP! ^^ https://wikimon.net/Category:Child_LevelDigimon Unity - [Signup/Interest Thread!] (2) Also, since a lot of Digimon have large branches of possible Digivolutions, you can go wild with whatever evolutionary lines you can think of (as long as all the Digimon are connected), or choose a Digimon with a evolutionary line specific to itself (example: Impmon -> Punkmon -> Loudmon -> Heavymetaldramon, which I will be using!) Whatever works for you is fine! :3

Also, this is important to mention, but there won’t be a Discord for this. Not because I think it’s a bad idea or anything (it’s a great way to get story details for these things set up ^^), but I just… don’t have it atm. :/ I do plan on PMing story details for the current arc once a few people have signed up so we can get things underway though! ^^ And please go easy on me if I make any mistakes, this is my first time being a GM… ;w;

Finally, thank you Blueace sosososo much for coming up with this idea originally! ^^ I hope you like what I’ve done with this idea of yours! And I hope you all will sign up and join me on this fun adventure! :D

And don’t worry about being late to the start, you can still join! The more Digidestined, the better!

Character Sheet:

  • Name: What’s your character’s name?
  • Age: Most Digidestined are around the ages of 10-17 in most of these stories, so you can choose from that age range! :)
  • Gender: What gender identity does your character use?
  • Appearance: Either describe your appearance, or share a photo! ^^
  • Personality: What kind of personality does your character have? Are they hot-headed and short-tempered? Are they calm and calculating? Are they quiet and collected? Or are they just a bit of a jokester?
  • Backstory/Personal Problems: What led your character to be chosen? How did they grow up? What kind of things do they deal with on a day-to-day basis? What’s holding them back from their full potential?
  • Digivice: What does your Digivice look like? Is it like the Vital Bracelet like in Ghost Game? Maybe an accessory, like Keisuke’s visor from Hacker’s Memory? Or maybe just the original Digivice from Adventure?
  • Partner Digimon: Pretty much everything about your Digimon that you are tethered with!
    • Species: What kind of Digimon is your partner?
    • Evolution Line: What different kind of Digimon does your partner evolve into?
    • Attack Techniques: What unique attacks can your Digimon use?
    • Personality: How does your Digimon present itself and/or act that makes it unique?
  • Other: Anything else you wanna add, add it here! :3

Example Sheet (my character! :D)

  • Name: Latro Kinzoku
  • Age: 16
  • Gender: Demigirl (They/She)
  • Appearance: 5''10 Brown skinned girl with dark brown hair and purple eyes, often seen wearing a denim jacket, a purple shirt, some black shorts, some black and white checkered shoes with purple socks, and a baseball cap.
  • Personality: Latro is a bit of a sharp and brash person, often pushing most people away from her, but they can also be very caring and empathetic if they get close to someone.
  • Backstory/Personal Problems: Latro was bullied a lot back in elementary and middle school. This led to her becoming cynical and untrusting of most people besides her family. Despite wanting nothing to do with most people, she secretly really wanted to have a large circle of friends. However, the main thing blocking her from that is her inability to be vulnerable with others. When her Digivice first appears in front of her (along with Gammamon), she makes friends with him after a few days. When she sees online that some kids her age seem to be dealing with similar phenomena, she decides to send out a message to all of them to meet at Yoyogi Park (OOC: actually searched this up, and it seems rlly nice! ^^) and talk…
  • Digivice: Latro’s Digivice takes the form of a navy blue Vital BraceletDigimon Unity - [Signup/Interest Thread!] (3), resonating with Gammamon to communicate in times of high stress.
  • Partner Digimon: Impmon!
    • Evolutionary Line: What kind of Digimon can your partner evolve into? Gammamon -> KausGammamon -> Regulusmon -> Siriusmon
    • Attack Techniques:
    • Gammamon:Digimon Unity - [Signup/Interest Thread!] (4)
      • Horn Attack: Charges with its two horns.
      • Breaclaw - Accumulates energy in its left hand and unleashes a claw attack.
    • KausGammamon:Digimon Unity - [Signup/Interest Thread!] (5)
      • Urda Impulse - Performs a ramming attack while gliding.
      • Lamberta Kick - A somersault kick that utilizes the jets from its knees.
    • Regulusmon:Digimon Unity - [Signup/Interest Thread!] (6)
      • Kalyp Bite - Opens the shield on its left arm wide and bites the enemy with it.
      • Genierce/Genias - Fires three penetrating lasers from its shield.
      • Dead-End Spike - Pierces the enemy with its two-pronged tail.
      • Gran Tr ES - Shoots a dark hellfire sphere from its mouth, swallowing not only matter but also light, and erasing everything without leaving a trace.
    • Siriusmon:Digimon Unity - [Signup/Interest Thread!] (7)
      • Photon Blaster - Fires light beam shots from its "Sylvia" cannon-blades.
      • Cosmo Blade - A blade of order with which, using "Sylvia's" blade deployed in the forward position, it bisects the opponent.
      • Breaquasar - Slings a slash of starlight contained within its blade, which coalesces with the light beam shot from its Photon Blaster and explodes.
      • Planet Knuckle - Packs its fists with life energy.
    • Personality: Gammamon is surprisingly mischievous, often causing chaos around himself for attention. Despite this, he can also be quite calculating and collected. Otherwise, he (for the most part) compliments Latro’s brash and loud personality.
  • Other: She always wanted to get an ear piercing, but she way too low of a pain tolerance.

Edited by Earphone-Jack on Aug 14th 2024 at 8:10:07 AM

“If silence is making you angry, you’re the problem.” - Kyoka Jiro, MHA

Skyzerk Bona-Fide Mastah from Chaldea Since: Apr, 2014 Relationship Status: Maxing my social links

Bona-Fide Mastah

#2: Aug 12th 2024 at 8:30:15 PM


I’ll make a sheet sometime this week

Riolugirl Rookie Trope Repairer from whence you came, you shall remain... (Experienced, Not Yet Jaded) Relationship Status: It's a god-awful small affair

Rookie Trope Repairer

#3: Aug 13th 2024 at 12:47:53 AM

Tentative interest!

And yes, the irony of a Pokémon superfan showing interest in a Digimon RP is not lost on me.

"Our only limits are the ones we place on ourselves." (She/Her) (Current Focus: Forza Horizon-related entry pimping, crosswicking & cleanup)

BlitzTrain Since: Apr, 2014

#4: Aug 13th 2024 at 4:17:02 AM

Nah, that's not ironic it just means you have good taste in 'mons!Both are good franchises =p

I've been looking for a Digi-RP for a while so definite interest. Question about partner lines though, how do you feel about armor/digimetal based mons? From that wiki it seems like some of them don't actually need it to qualify, but I'm actually just getting back into digimon so not sure how that works here.

Also for no X-antibody mon, do you mean just none of the X-versions of mon? I read something about some mon being introduced with x antibodies so they never got an X version (or non-x in this case) because that was their default status.

Earphone-Jack The Doctor’s Guardian AI from the Starfall Islands and the Eggman Empire Since: Jun, 2024 Relationship Status: If it's you, it's okay

The Doctor’s Guardian AI

#5: Aug 13th 2024 at 6:24:55 AM

I’m rlly happy to see people are interested in this! ^^ This was a great way to start my day, lol- :3

Digimon Unity - [Signup/Interest Thread!] (12) Usually Armor Digimon need to use a Digi Egg/Digimental to turn into those forms, but it’s usually fine if they appear without one (like Shadramon in Ghost Game.)

As for X-Digimon, I should’ve specified that I meant just X-Antibody versions of Digimon. *~* Digimon that start with the X-Antibody like Dorumon are fine, I’ll edit that into the post! :3

“If silence is making you angry, you’re the problem.” - Kyoka Jiro, MHA

Blueace Surrounded by weirdoes from The End Of the World Since: Dec, 2010 Relationship Status: Chocolate!

Surrounded by weirdoes

#6: Aug 13th 2024 at 11:33:20 AM

Better ask now, before someone has to take a step back.

Anyone calling dibs on anything?

Edited by Blueace on Aug 13th 2024 at 2:35:51 PM

Wake me up at your own risk.

Riolugirl Rookie Trope Repairer from whence you came, you shall remain... (Experienced, Not Yet Jaded) Relationship Status: It's a god-awful small affair

Rookie Trope Repairer

#7: Aug 13th 2024 at 1:34:58 PM

That's where I'm struggling. I'm not sure what OP means by "a Digimon with a evolutionary line specific to itself", because it seems like everything evolves into everything else.

"Our only limits are the ones we place on ourselves." (She/Her) (Current Focus: Forza Horizon-related entry pimping, crosswicking & cleanup)

Earphone-Jack The Doctor’s Guardian AI from the Starfall Islands and the Eggman Empire Since: Jun, 2024 Relationship Status: If it's you, it's okay

The Doctor’s Guardian AI

#8: Aug 13th 2024 at 3:16:27 PM

Digimon Unity - [Signup/Interest Thread!] (16) & Digimon Unity - [Signup/Interest Thread!] (17)Digimon Unity - [Signup/Interest Thread!] (18) Yeah, looking back, that wasn’t a very good decision on my part. *~* I was mostly worried abt powerscaling and stuff, but that’s not important atm! Plus I want everyone to be able to choose whatever interesting evolution lines they want, so choosing specific lines wouldn’t be helpful at all! :3

So dw about specific lines or whatever, go wild with whatever unique lines you want! ^^

Edited by Earphone-Jack on Aug 13th 2024 at 6:19:20 AM

“If silence is making you angry, you’re the problem.” - Kyoka Jiro, MHA

AnotherMan Person, or Idea? from a solitary place Since: Jul, 2019 Relationship Status: Non-Canon

Person, or Idea?

#9: Aug 13th 2024 at 3:26:12 PM

I'd be interested in joining in, if there's still room left.

Earphone-Jack The Doctor’s Guardian AI from the Starfall Islands and the Eggman Empire Since: Jun, 2024 Relationship Status: If it's you, it's okay

The Doctor’s Guardian AI

#10: Aug 13th 2024 at 3:34:58 PM

Digimon Unity - [Signup/Interest Thread!] (21)Sure, I don’t see why not! I’ll always be taking signups for this RP! :3

“If silence is making you angry, you’re the problem.” - Kyoka Jiro, MHA

BlitzTrain Since: Apr, 2014

#11: Aug 13th 2024 at 3:57:04 PM

Digimon Unity - [Signup/Interest Thread!] (23)Digimon Unity - [Signup/Interest Thread!] (24)Digimon Unity - [Signup/Interest Thread!] (25)Digimon Unity - [Signup/Interest Thread!] (26)Digimon Unity - [Signup/Interest Thread!] (27)Still debating which of two lines I prefer for him but I'll go ahead and put dibs on Gomamon while I work on my backstory.

Skyzerk Bona-Fide Mastah from Chaldea Since: Apr, 2014 Relationship Status: Maxing my social links

Bona-Fide Mastah

#12: Aug 13th 2024 at 4:02:55 PM

I’m slowly getting my sheet together, but I’ll call dibs on Jazamon to be safe

thestonedog78 Princess Warlock from from deep space Since: Oct, 2012 Relationship Status: I'm just a poor boy, nobody loves me

Princess Warlock

#13: Aug 13th 2024 at 4:37:35 PM

Hi. I definitely would like to join. But first I have a couple of questions. I guess the first question can we have custom line, and maybe color? Second question, what is the power system? I’ve only watched the anime.

They can't for the life of them understand why nobody liked being ruled by a group of manic depressive demigods - 4chan

Blueace Surrounded by weirdoes from The End Of the World Since: Dec, 2010 Relationship Status: Chocolate!

Surrounded by weirdoes

#14: Aug 13th 2024 at 5:08:34 PM

  • Name: Yukimura Mitsuki
  • Age: 16
  • Appearance: Looking at me?Digimon Unity - [Signup/Interest Thread!] (31)
  • Personality: Yukimura is seen as bored and careless on his daily life. Generally, he seems content with doing just what he has to and go on with his own thing. Between that and his sharp tongue, he considers himself hard to get along with, and doesn't seem to ignore that. Find the right thing to get him motivated, though, and he suddenly shows different colors, becoming more active and competitive, and more determined than anyone would expect. In spite of it all, he can't stand seeing people in distress, and even if he feels clumsy when he tries to do something good for others.
  • Backstory/Personal Problems: Yukimura didn't consider his past too exceptional. His relationship was decent, he looked after his sister, and pushed to do his best at everything, including school. But as time went on, he started being bothered by a question. What is he doing this for? Some lame corporate job he pretends to want? Faking some interest in classes by some uppity teachers? After a while, he seemed to mostly lose interest in school, and mainly lives doing as he wants, pursuing his own dream of shining in the greatest stadiums in the world. His main problem is to find motivation for other aspects in life and learning how to handle people better.
  • Digivice: It resembles a blue Accel.Digimon Unity - [Signup/Interest Thread!] (32)
  • Partner Digimon:
    • Species: Gaomon.
    • Attack Techniques: Gao Rush: A high-speed punch barrage. Double backhand: Spins into a tornado to attack with his fists.
    • Personality: Gaomon is a serious Digimon, always alert and he uses any idle time to work out. But taking himself so seriously makes him easy to fluster and take things at face value. Even if getting his partner to buckle up is a challenge, messing with either is a bad idea, and Gaomon doesn't have a mean bone in his body, although he tends to sulk whenever he loses.
    • Other:

Wake me up at your own risk.

Skyzerk Bona-Fide Mastah from Chaldea Since: Apr, 2014 Relationship Status: Maxing my social links

Bona-Fide Mastah

#15: Aug 13th 2024 at 5:43:39 PM

  • Name: Marta Cromwell
  • Age: 17
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance: The Icy Machine Queen
  • Personality: Socially awkward due to being more at home around machinery, so can come off as haughty or cold to others. Rather sweet and dorky when you get to know her. Very prone to geeking out over her interests and creations
  • Backstory/Personal Problems: This young woman is in Japan on a collegiate scholarship, having graduated high school a few years prior. She’s currently studying at the University of Tokyo with a major in robotics. Her intellectual nature and status as a foreigner leads to her pushing people away to focus on her studies. She wants friends, but is afraid of being too off putting to attempt to make any, and wants to feel like she fits in for once.
  • Digivice: Marta’s digivice takes the form of a visor that she can interface with using a virtual keyboard.
  • Partner Digimon:
    • Species: Jazamon
    • Attack Techniques:
      • Tap-tapping Pick: A fast piercing blow with its hard beak
      • Slash Rush: A flurry of fly-by slashes made with a beak and claws.
      • Feather Shoot: Throw a laser is the shape of a feather from your wing.
    • Personality: In consort with his partner, Jazamon comes off as standoffish to all but Marta, with whom he is usually seen perched on her shoulder. He’s also prone to mimicking his partner’s head movements. He’ll follow Marta’s orders to the letter, even to her detriment, as he cannot comprehend sarcasm.

Edited by Skyzerk on Aug 13th 2024 at 8:56:51 AM

Earphone-Jack The Doctor’s Guardian AI from the Starfall Islands and the Eggman Empire Since: Jun, 2024 Relationship Status: If it's you, it's okay

The Doctor’s Guardian AI

#16: Aug 13th 2024 at 6:11:29 PM

Digimon Unity - [Signup/Interest Thread!] (36) & Digimon Unity - [Signup/Interest Thread!] (37)Digimon Unity - [Signup/Interest Thread!] (38) Yukimura Mitsuki & Gaomon + Marta Cromwell & Jazamon are accepted! :D

[1] Hi there! Happy to hear you’re interested in this! :3 When it comes to custom lines, you can do them! (Heh, just not fanmade Digimon…) A bit confused by what you mean by color though, I’d appreciate a bit of an explanation for that. ^^

As for the power system… that does require me to go quite in-depth if I wanna give my full on nerdy analysis… *~* Basically, Digimon have a total of seven Stages/Levels in terms of power from evolution: (note: the little slashes are meant to differentiate betweenn the Sub/Dub versions of these levels) Baby/In-Training I -> Baby/In-Training II -> Child/Rookie -> Adult/Champion -> Perfect/Ultimate -> Ultimate/Mega -> Super Ultimate/Ultra

Idk yet if there will be Digimon of this level further into the RP since they’re incredibly strong and usually on nigh-unstoppable levels (looking at you Proximamon), but if someone makes a evo line capable of getting to this level, I’m cool with it! ^^

Edited by Earphone-Jack on Aug 13th 2024 at 9:23:25 AM

“If silence is making you angry, you’re the problem.” - Kyoka Jiro, MHA

thestonedog78 Princess Warlock from from deep space Since: Oct, 2012 Relationship Status: I'm just a poor boy, nobody loves me

Princess Warlock

#17: Aug 13th 2024 at 6:25:07 PM

I will clarify on what I meant. Like you know how Veemon is blue? I want to recolor him to black or something. Are we doing crest/armor, tamer thing, or savior thing?

They can't for the life of them understand why nobody liked being ruled by a group of manic depressive demigods - 4chan

Earphone-Jack The Doctor’s Guardian AI from the Starfall Islands and the Eggman Empire Since: Jun, 2024 Relationship Status: If it's you, it's okay

The Doctor’s Guardian AI

#18: Aug 13th 2024 at 7:00:16 PM

You… can’t really recolor Digimon for this RP. :/ Also, while Armor Digimon are allowed, I’m still a bit confused by your question. Do you mean that in terms of story?

Edited by Earphone-Jack on Aug 13th 2024 at 10:00:26 AM

“If silence is making you angry, you’re the problem.” - Kyoka Jiro, MHA

Blueace Surrounded by weirdoes from The End Of the World Since: Dec, 2010 Relationship Status: Chocolate!

Surrounded by weirdoes

#19: Aug 14th 2024 at 6:20:58 AM

For the moment, would any special evolution methods be used?

Wake me up at your own risk.

thestonedog78 Princess Warlock from from deep space Since: Oct, 2012 Relationship Status: I'm just a poor boy, nobody loves me

Princess Warlock

#20: Aug 14th 2024 at 10:18:01 AM

Digimon Unity - [Signup/Interest Thread!] (44)That what I meant.

No problem on the color. I will try to work on my sheet today.

They can't for the life of them understand why nobody liked being ruled by a group of manic depressive demigods - 4chan

Earphone-Jack The Doctor’s Guardian AI from the Starfall Islands and the Eggman Empire Since: Jun, 2024 Relationship Status: If it's you, it's okay

The Doctor’s Guardian AI

#21: Aug 14th 2024 at 10:48:47 AM

Digimon Unity - [Signup/Interest Thread!] (46) & Digimon Unity - [Signup/Interest Thread!] (47)Digimon Unity - [Signup/Interest Thread!] (48) Sure! Things like DNA Digivolution, Armor Digivolution, Burst Evolution and other similar things are fine! ^^

Edited by Earphone-Jack on Aug 14th 2024 at 1:48:54 PM

“If silence is making you angry, you’re the problem.” - Kyoka Jiro, MHA

Riolugirl Rookie Trope Repairer from whence you came, you shall remain... (Experienced, Not Yet Jaded) Relationship Status: It's a god-awful small affair

Rookie Trope Repairer

#22: Aug 14th 2024 at 1:52:14 PM

Working on my form and calling dibs on Cutemon.

"Our only limits are the ones we place on ourselves." (She/Her) (Current Focus: Forza Horizon-related entry pimping, crosswicking & cleanup)

Earphone-Jack The Doctor’s Guardian AI from the Starfall Islands and the Eggman Empire Since: Jun, 2024 Relationship Status: If it's you, it's okay

The Doctor’s Guardian AI

#23: Aug 14th 2024 at 2:05:10 PM

Digimon Unity - [Signup/Interest Thread!] (51)Great choice! ^^

Originally was gonna go with Impmon for my character, but I might change that in a sec actually. :3

Edit: decided to go with Gammamon. ^^ Impmon is available if anyone wants to choose them!

Edited by Earphone-Jack on Aug 14th 2024 at 6:42:01 AM

“If silence is making you angry, you’re the problem.” - Kyoka Jiro, MHA

AnotherMan Person, or Idea? from a solitary place Since: Jul, 2019 Relationship Status: Non-Canon

Person, or Idea?

#24: Aug 14th 2024 at 2:35:31 PM

Name: Ichiro Hagakure

Age: 11

Gender: Male

Appearance: A 4'10'' tall youth, ethnically Japanese with black hair and eyes, and dressed in a navy school uniform that is eerily close to a Diet politician's attire.

Personality: Ichiro is extremely dutiful, very frequently involving himself in the affairs of his peers. There is a youthful innocence to his demeanour, in spite of the adult-like platitudes he says.

Backstory/Personal Problems: As the first-born son of an ambitious family, Ichiro bore the full weight of expectations on his shoulders, both to succeed in his studies and to uphold the family's honour. He strove to meet them as best as he could, at the cost of getting a reputation for being a stick-in-the-mud.

Digivice: Ichiro's Digivice is an original-style Digivice in a dark green colour.

Partner Digimon:

  • Species: Floramon
  • Evolution Line: To Be Determined
  • Attack Techniques:
    • Rain of Pollen (a spray of will-draining pollen from Floramon's arms)
    • Sweet Scent (an attention-grabbing fragrance)
    • Poison Ivy (binding/striking vines extended from Floramon's arms)
  • Personality: Floramon is an energetic, curious, and impulsive Digimon. She speaks what's on her mind and acts however she feels, which causes no end of trouble for Ichiro as he tries to keep her on the straight and narrow path.

Other: Ichiro habitually refers to people by their surnames, rather than their given names.

Earphone-Jack The Doctor’s Guardian AI from the Starfall Islands and the Eggman Empire Since: Jun, 2024 Relationship Status: If it's you, it's okay

The Doctor’s Guardian AI

#25: Aug 14th 2024 at 3:27:33 PM

Digimon Unity - [Signup/Interest Thread!] (54)Ichiro and Floramon are accepted!

“If silence is making you angry, you’re the problem.” - Kyoka Jiro, MHA


Total posts: 32

Digimon Unity - [Signup/Interest Thread!] (2024)


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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

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