Dothan Alabama - [PDF Document] (2024)



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Magazine & Wellness Resource GuideMagazine & Wellness Resource Guide

2009 Edition2009 Edition

Proudly ServingDothan, AL

& Surrounding Areas

Cricket Lee

Passing it On…

SecondHand Smoke

Security in Difficult Times

Up Close & Personal

What will youdo with your gift?

–By Jeff Speegle

How to protectyour child.

New for ̀ 09:Healthy Kids,

Community Focus

and Faith & Family


page 5

page 47

page 19

page 49

Also InsideLiving with Alzheimer’s Disease • Word Search • Marriage Maintenance

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DepartmentsInside this issue

3 Living with Alzheimer’s Disease 6 Southern Heritage Funeral Home 7 Ozark Health & Rehab 8 ENTCare: Physicians Hearing Center11 Wesley Manor: Choosing a Facility12 Eye Center South27 Flowers Hospital36 Good Morning Mattress38 Staying Fit After 4039 Enterprise Health & Rehab Center40 Pilcher’s Ambulance Service41 Facing the End42 The Terrace at Grove Park43 ENTCare: Physicians44 Circle Pharmacy & Doctor’s Center Pharmacy53 DaVita: Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, & Kidney Disease53 Staying Safe at Home54 DaVita: Kidney Disease55 Women’s Medical Center55 DaVita: Questions to Ask My Doctor56 DaySpring Hospice

Publishers Mark Helms [emailprotected]

Kim Helms [emailprotected]

Art Direction Hodges Design Jason Hodges [emailprotected]

Contributing Writers Billy Helms, PhD Kimberly D. Helms, RN, MSN Jeff Speegle, ABC 33/40 Richard O’ Connor, Minister

Staff & creditsWelcome letter from our publishers

Contact us

Sales Executive D.H. Hunt [emailprotected]

Circulation David Ward

P.O. Box 81 Choccolocco, AL 36254 Office:256.235.1955 Fax:256.235.1935


the maturing public, and our loyal advertisers are responsible for this won-

derful growth. The very fact that you continue to tell us how much you enjoy

and use the magazine is the greatest reward we receive for our meager

efforts. Many of our readers have indicated that each issue is “a keeper” be-

cause of the Wellness Resource Guide and that the local advertisem*nts


That, our friends, is another reward for us! The continuing goal of Healthy

Horizons is to be useful to our senior citizens by providing them with infor-

mation useful to them in their golden years. With this issue we trust that you


being achieved. We believe this issue is the best of all. Thank you for using

us to make your lives better by continuing to strive for Healthy Horizons.

May the Lord’s richest blessings rest on you and yours!

For advertising information or to request additonal copies ofHealthyHorizonsMagazinepleasecall256.235.1955 or visit us online at


©2009byHealthyHorizonsMagazine.Allrightsreserved.Althoughsomepartsofthispublicationmaybereprinted and reproduced, we require that prior permission be obtained in writing. Healthy Horizons is a free pub-licationdistributedlocallyandissupportedbyouradvertisers.Itisavailableinselectedstores,physicianoffices,wellness centers, assisted living centers, hospitals and rehab centers. Please call for a location near you or if you would like copies placed at your business.

Wellness resource guide

57 Emergency Numbers Directory57 Wellness Directory60 Helpful Numbers Directory

Feature Faces 5 Cricket Lee: Up Close & Personal

Healthy Kids 13 ProtectYourHomeAgainstFire 13 Quality Time Activities to Beat Cabin Fever14 Epilepsy Surgery Gives Life Back to Family15 Sumlar Therapy: Healing on Horseback16 Dothan Pediatric Clinic18 St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital19 SecondHandSmoke:ProtectingYourChild20 ADRS: Helping Children with TBI21 Fun in the Sun While Learning About Diabetes!23 It’s Time to Start Swimming!

Community Focus28 Landmark Park31 Outdoor Alabama32 Big Oak Ranch33 Special Olympians33 Dothan Fire Department34 GetMovinginYourNationalForest

Faith & Family46 Dealing with Depression47 Just Plain Honesty47 PassingItOn…WhatWillYouDoWithYourGift48 Marriage Maintenance49 SecurityinDifficultTimes49 Memorable Moments

Fun & Games50 Crossword Puzzle & Word Search

Caregivers are often faced with difficulty in: •Dealingwithpatternsofbehaviorsexhibitedbytheindividual with Alzheimer’s disease.•Difficultyinmanagingactivitiesofdailyliving (such as dressing, bathing, and eating).•Medicationadministration.•Takingawaythecarkeys.

Each individual with Alzheimer’s disease is unique in regards to symp-toms and behaviors. It is important to “care for yourself” so that you may “care for others”. There are some simple actions which caregivers can do which will help “live with Alzheimer’s disease”.

Here are some tips: •Loveyourself•Careforyourself•Takeabreak(youdeserveit)•Haveregularmedicalcheckups•Goforawalk•Seekhelpfromextendedfamilyoryourchurchfamily•Eatabalanceddiet

Living withAlzheimer’s Disease Providing care for a parent or loved one with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) can be an overwhelming and oftendifficulttask.Challengesariseon a daily basis which caregivers must deal with. These challenges can make caregivers at a higher risk for depression and acute illness. Often caregivers experience illness themselves from the stress associated with providing care for a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease. Support from extended family mem-bers, friends and the surrounding community can ease the struggles which caregivers face. Facing the issues which accompany this illness can be extremely stressful and often overwhelming.

Reference: The National Institute on Aging (2008). Tips for caregivers. Retrieved December 4, 2008 from

“Each individual with Alzheimer’s disease is unique in regards to symptoms and behaviors.”

by Kimberly D. Helms, RN, MSN


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Community Wellness Guide 3

Switching to electronic records

New lease needs signing

Need to recruit another doctor

Still have seven patients to seeWall aneroid hasn’t arrived

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Feature FacesHealthy

Wesley Manor is a retirement home here in Dothan that is home to some of the most won-derful senior adults you’ll ever meet. Once a month, they allow me to come into their home and visit with them. During our visit, we sing hymns and share stories about our families and friends. As for me, I’d rather be singing or talk-ing than anything in the world so this is right up my alley. I’m so thankful that Gayle McCoy, the activities coordinator, invited me to be part of this wonderful time. AtWTVY-TV,wealwayshaveopportunitytoget involved in community events. My co-work-ers and I have been involved in blood drives, food drives, heath fairs sponsored by local hospitals, etc.We can always find somethingto get into, and doing things like this along with people you love and respect, makes it all the more fun. For about 11 years, I’ve been privileged to serve as a director for the Emerald Coast Southern Gospel Music Association. This orga-nization helps the developing artist grow their ministryaswellasestablishedministriesfindaplace for networking. Once a year, we have the ECSGMA Jubilee Weekend. During this time, we hold workshops and seminars for many as-pects of ministry and the business of ministry. Through team effort and much prayer, we have witnessed new groups develop and groups that

were considering a break up, healed. This is a wonderful place to serve when you see young artistflourish.Itissuchablessingtoservewithtwo dear friends on this board, Tammy Kirkland and Calvin Gann. Aside from the association, I also have two of the most wonderful vocal students. Their moms think I'm helping them, but in reality, they bring so much joy and satisfaction to my life. To see them grow and becomemore confident doesmore for me than they k now. Ericka and Alex are great examples of what you can accomplish if you work hard and put your mind to it. My husband, Dennis and I travel a lot of weekends every year sharing the unconditional love of God through testimony and song. During these services we are faced with many different people with many different needs. We’ve had the opportunity to pray and council with individ-uals as well as couples through the years. We love the opportunity of ministering in churches of various denominations, and I’m even called on for funerals, weddings and banquets. Some-times we are asked to donate our time and tal-ents for certain events. When we are aware of thebenefitsandneedsoftheindividualsasking,of course we are happy to do this. Our most favorite event every year is the Banquet for Spe-cial Citizens. These precious ones range in age from 10 years old to 40-something. It is amaz-

ing to see their faces light up when we sing Christmas carols and share Christmas stories and then when Santa arrives, man, what a joy to behold. It is by far, our favorite event of the year. I hope they keep asking us to come back year after year. Even with these opportunities, I have to say my favorite position would have to be wife, mom, and grandmother. I do love being involved in so many things, but when the day is over and I can come home to Dennis, my husband, that would have to be the best part of my day. After God, we alwayschooseusfirst,thenalltheotherstuffjustfalls into place. We have grown children, Sunny & Jon and two grandchildren, Tristn & Hunter. They are the best part of our life. I would only suggest that you be involved in community events and opportunities if you havetimeforyourfamilyfirst.Thiswillkeepyouhappy and healthy. There’s nothing keeping you from experienc-ing the joy of community service. Find some-thing you believe in and see if you don’t just get blessed by being involved. There’s nothing like watching eyes light up to a song, or tears of joywhenaneedhasbeenmet.Youmaythinkyour giving back to your community, but reality is, your community is giving back to you. For more information about Cricket Lee Min-istries, go to

Up close & personal with

During a recent interview with Healthy Horizons Magazine, I was

asked to share about my involvement in the community and vari-

ous other organizations that I was involved in. I’m happy to share

what these opportunities mean to me.

Cystic Fibrosis has become very dear to my heart. I was not

aware of this terrible disease until I met a beautiful lady named Jo

Anne Breath. When she told me about her grandson Cory and the

complications from this disease, I was overwhelmed and I wanted

to know what I could do to help. She then invited me to walk in

the Great Strides Walk for Cory, I said absolutely yes! Since then,

I have joined the committee for the Great Strides Walk held ev-


ease that affects the lungs and digestive system of about 30,000

children and adults in the United States (70,000 worldwide). theGreatStrides

Walk and how you can participate, check out the web site:

Cricket Lee

Community Wellness Guide 5

Whether the death of a loved one is anticipated or unexpected, it always has the potential for be-ingadifficulttimeforlovedones

left behind and those responsible for making thefinalarrangements. The decision to prearrange one’s funeral ser-viceoffersbothemotionalandfinancialbenefits.It is one of the most thoughtful ways one can ex-press love. Though one’s own death is not always easy to talk about, taking the necessary steps to prearrange can spare unnecessary hardship and complications for those you love. When you have made your own decisions about your final ar-rangements, your family will have peace of mind in knowing they have carried out your wishes. Pre-paid funeral plans are very cost effec-tive. With a funded funeral arrangement, the cost of your services and merchandise selections are locked in at today’s prices; the only increases

that could occur are for third party items such as opening and closing fees, obituary notices, death certificatesandflowers. When deciding whether or not to prepay, consider that inflationata fivepercentannualrate could escalate funeral costs dramatical-ly. The funeral that costs $6,000.00 today could cost $9,300.00 in ten years, $15,160.00 intwentyyearsand$24,695.00inthirtyyears. If you prefer not to prepay for funeral arrange-ments and desire only to put in writing your wish-es concerning your arrangements, a record of thatinformationwillbekeptonfileforyourfamilyto refer to at the time of need. If family circum-stances should ever cause you to leave the area, your preneed plan and policy can be transferred to a funeral home in the new area.

helpful informationphone:1-334-702-1712address:1000 Hodgesville Rd.Dothan, AL

When your Doctor says you need Therapy

to“Come Back Home”

Ozark Health andRehabilitation, LLC

For information please call 334-774-2561

Physical Therapy: Our center provides this treatment for short term patients who have experienced an orthopedic, muscoskeletal or neuromuscular injuryor decline in function. Occupational Therapy: These programs strive to provide a treatment plan to assistresidents in caring for themselves and regaining daily living skills.

Speech Therapy:This discipline is designed to help patients overcome diffi culties in communicating and swallowing.

Ozark Health & Rehabilitation:The Therapy Experts

Ozark Health and Rehabilitation is a skilled nursing facility that meets the long-term care and rehabili-tation needs of the surrounding

communities. We are committed to providing a variety of services such as intensive rehabilita-tion, traditional long-term care, and transitional care in order that each resident may attain and maintain their highest practical level of physical, mentalandpsychosocialwellbeing,asdefinedby the resident’s assessment and plan of care. We offer educational materials to assist fami-liesinmakingdecisionsthatbestfittheirfamily’sneeds. We strive through our initial orientation of setting realistic expectations to establish a plan of care that allows our residents to maintain as high a level of activity as possible. Services provided may be covered by the fol-lowing payment sources: Private Pay, Medicare, Medicade, Private Insurance, and managed care. We take pride in our commitment to your loved one and to the community as a whole.

Our Staff Our staff personify the NHS mission state-ment, “Our family caring for yours,” with the highest level of compassion and professionalism. The clinical staff consists of registered nurses, licensed practical nurses and certified nursingassistants. Our nursing staff is professionally trained in the delivery of care for all residents. Our Social Service Department is staffed with a full-time social worker who is dedicated to accessing and providing for the psychosocial needs of our residents. Our Activities Department provides daily activities designed to enhance our residents’ quality of life. Our caregivers are dedi-cated both to the delivery of skilled nursing care and to maintaining our residents’ dignity.

Physical Therapy Our center provides Physical Therapy for short-term or long-term residents who have experienced an orthopedic, musculoskeletal or neuromuscular decline in function. Our goal-ori-ented philosophy of treatment promotes well-ness, maintenance of good health and proper body mechanics in each patient. Our professionally trained and licensed thera-pists utilize equipment and treatment programs that identify, correct or compensate for a spe-cificdysfunction.Thegoalistorehabilitateeachresident to the highest possible level of function.

Our patient review meetings track the progress of a resident’s therapy.

Occupational Therapy Our Occupational Therapy programs strive to provide a treatment plan to assist residents in caring for themselves and regaining daily liv-ing skills. Treatment plans are coordinated with the nursing staff and physician to promote the resident’s recovery. Occupational Therapy’s goal-oriented treat-ment plan is designed to increase the indepen-dence of patients who have experienced a loss of ability due to an injury, disability caused by an illness or the natural process of aging.

Speech Therapy Our facility’s Speech Language Pathologists are professionally trained to help residents over-comedifficultiesincommunicatingandswallow-ing. An interdisciplinary approach is utilized to maximize the patient’s functional communication through verbal, visual and/or gestural means.

helpful informationphone:334.774.2561address:312 Bryan DriveOzark, Alabama

Community Wellness Guide 7

There are more than 500 million people ex-periencing diminished hearing worldwide, and unfortunately the number is rising. An estimated 60% go undetected, and 40% of all cases go untreated – don’t be one of the statistics that suffer in silence. The earlier you address a hearing loss the better. An untreated hearing loss may lead to numerous social and psychological problems, like isolation and withdrawal. It’s obvious but, the sooner you’re able to hear again, the better your hearingbecomes.Youcancompareyourhear-ing to your muscles– the more stimulation you can get the better.

You may have hearing loss if you experience any of these symptoms:

• You hear people speaking but strain to understand.• You frequently ask people to repeat.• You don’t laugh at jokes because you miss the punch line.• You frequently complain that people mumble.• You cannot hear the doorbell or the telephone.

If you have any of the above symptoms, we recommend obtaining a comprehensive audio-metric evaluation. This is more than just press-ing the button when you hear a “beep”. Rather, an audiometric evaluation allows the audiolo-gist to determine the type and degree of your hearing loss and it indicates how well (or how poorly) you understand speech in quiet and in noisy backgrounds. Speech sounds are the most important sounds we hear and the ability to understand speech is extremely important. Fortunately, there are many ways to help people with hearing loss and most people can benefitfromhearingaids.Modernhearingaidscan improve hearing considerably, improving your quality of life. Doing something about your hearinglossisnotdifficult.

The following steps describe the process:

1. If you suspect hearing problems, contact PhysiciansHearingCenterat334-673-7399and make an appointment with an audiologist for an audiometric evaluation. If your problem appears to be due to a medical condition, you will be referred to one of our physicians.

2. After determining the exact nature of your hearingloss,theaudiologistwillhelpyoufindthe right solution to your hearing problems based on your type and degree of hearing loss, as well as your listening needs.

3.Next,theaudiologistwillfitandtestthatyour hearing instruments are performing maxi-mally.Youwillbetaughthowtoinsert,clean,and care for your new ears. Follow-up appoint-ments will be scheduled to assure your com-plete satisfaction. Call (334)673-7399 today for an appoint-ment, or if you have questions regarding hear-ing loss and hearing aids we can help.

Physicians Hearing Center “An untreated hearing loss may lead to numerous

social and psychological problems, like isolation

and withdrawal.”

helpful informationphone:334-673-7399website:ENTcare.orgemail:[emailprotected]

8 Healthy Horizons Magazine

Chris L. Willingham, M.D.Ophthalmologist

Allan J. Kelley, M.D.Ophthalmologist

Peter Zloty, M.D.Ophthalmologist

Jimmy M. Carter, M.D.Ophthalmologist

Doug Freeley, M.D.Ophthalmologist

Michael A. Griffin, O.D.Optometrist

Brent McKinley, M.D.Ophthalmologist

Nicholas E. Barreca, M.D.Ophthalmologist

“SpecializingIn Medical,

Surgical, and Optical Eye

Care for Children and


10 Healthy Horizons Magazine

Questions to Ask My Doctor:

Blood PressureHigh blood pressure is closely linked to kidney failure. Untreated high blood pressure can lead to permanent damage to the blood vessels in the kidneys. The American Heart Association sets blood pressure guidelines at 120/80. If lifestyle changes are not enough to lower your blood pressure, you may need medication. Medicines like ACE inhibitors are an effective way to lower your blood pressure and can even help protect your kidneys from further damage. Ask your doctor if you should be treated for high blood pressure.

1. What is my blood pressure? 2. What should my blood pressure be? 3. What can I do to lower my blood pressure? 4. Should I be on blood pressure medicine? 5. What are ACE inhibitors and could they help me? 6. How can I get a blood pressure monitor to use at home? 7. How often should I check my blood pressure?

DiabetesDiabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure. Uncontrolled diabetes will damage your kidneys. Controlling diabetes is the treatment. Ask your doctor if your diabetes is in control.

1. How can I help control my blood sugar? 2. Would it be helpful to talk with a dietitian about my diet? 3. What should my blood sugar range be? 4. How often should I check my blood sugar? 5. What is my hemoglobin A1c level? 6. What should my hemoglobin A1c level be? 7. Do I need to change my diabetes medication?

Ad submitted by

Choosing a facility can have a greatemotional effect on the entire family. It isa good idea to plan ahead and visit one.Planning gives more control with notonly financial costs but in assuring that aunit will be available when the timecomes. Either make an appointment ordrop by. You will be able to talk with thestaff, other residents and their family. Thiswill give you a good first impression andgreatly aids with the decision makingprocess. Most caregivers feel much moreat ease after just one visit.

It is important to include the lovedone in the selection process along theway. This will aid in a smoother transi-tion to a new environment. Reserving aname on a waiting list may assure that

when a bed is open that you are able toprovide care as needed.

Choosing the level of service mayappear to be overwhelming. What do theterms assisted living, specialty care, shortterm rehabilitation and long term caremean? The facility you visit or requestinformation from will explain the levels.Just remember that moving is difficultfrom one facility to another. Try not tomove more than once.

Keeping itsimple will makeyou more relaxedas you begin theselection process.For example, howwill your loved one

be in relation to safety, medication, foodand hygiene? Will your loved one be safein the facility and at what level of care?How nutritious is the food not just thetaste and when is it available? Canhe/she transition to another level? Dothe residents appear to be satisfied withthe quality of care? Will your mom/dadneed assistance with grooming? What arethe hygiene practices? What is the med-ication management and administration?

There is more for you to thinkabout, but these four points will help youget started and feel comfortable as youplan ahead. The staff at the facility is yourpartner in gathering information as welland will guide you through the process.You don't need to know everythingbefore your first visit or call for informa-tion. Only you can decide what is theright choice once starting the process.

- An article submitted by Wesley Manor in DothanAlabama. 334.792.0921



Choosing a Facility

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Community Wellness Guide 11

2800 Ross Clark Circle, Ste 1

Dothan AL

334.793.2211 800.467.1393

Refractive/Lasik Surgery Cataracts Glaucoma Retina/Macular/Diabetic Treatment Oculoplastic General Ophthalmology Pediatric Eye Care Cosmetic Surgery Botox/Restylane Hearing Services, including Hearing Aids

Jorge L. Arango, M.D. Zsolt C. Bansagi, M.D.

William L. Bennett, M.D. Richard W. Bryant, M.D.

Andrew F. Dannemann, M.D. John G. Fortin, M.D.

Marnix E. Heersink, M.D.

Robert F. Hofmann, M.D. Irene H. Ludwig, M.D.

Martin E. Margolies, M.D. Micheal B. Minix, Jr., M.D.

Andalusia/Dothan/Panama City/Destin Medicare participating provider. Blue Cross/Blue Shield provider.

Financing available for all procedures.

2800 Ross Clark Circle, Ste 1

Dothan AL

334.793.2211 800.467.1393

Refractive/Lasik Surgery Cataracts Glaucoma Retina/Macular/Diabetic Treatment Oculoplastic General Ophthalmology Pediatric Eye Care Cosmetic Surgery Botox/Restylane Hearing Services, including Hearing Aids

Jorge L. Arango, M.D. Zsolt C. Bansagi, M.D.

William L. Bennett, M.D. Richard W. Bryant, M.D.

Andrew F. Dannemann, M.D. John G. Fortin, M.D.

Marnix E. Heersink, M.D.

Robert F. Hofmann, M.D. Irene H. Ludwig, M.D.

Martin E. Margolies, M.D. Micheal B. Minix, Jr., M.D.

Andalusia/Dothan/Panama City/Destin Medicare participating provider. Blue Cross/Blue Shield provider.

Financing available for all procedures.

For more than 25 years, Eye Center South has been committed to raising the bar of excellence while emphasiz-ing personalized patient services. Eye

Center South, one of the largest and most comprehensive practices in southern Alabama and northwest Florida, includes specialists in the medical and surgical treatment of eye dis-eases including cataracts, glaucoma, near and far sightedness and retinal-vitreous diseases. Cosmetic and reconstructive surgery of the eye and surrounding tissues is also available, as well as specialized children’s eye care. Optometrists, ophthalmologists, family doc-tors and other physician specialists alike turn to Eye Center South for optimum results. Eye Center South retains a distinguished group of physicians recognized for leadership in the field of ophthalmology aswell as outstandingachievement and training as surgeons. All are Board-Certifiedoronpathforcertification,andmany have been Fellowship-Trained at presti-gious training institutions.

Founding physician, Dr. Marnix E. Heersink, says that some patients travel from many miles away and comments, “We value the trust that referring physicians place in us for their patients’ care.” Expected to be complete in 2010, renova-tion and expansion plans will allow Eye Center South to bring additional eye care services to the Wiregrass community. The project incorpo-rates a unique architectural style that blends a historic look with modern building materials. “All of our physicians are committed to stay-ing on the very cutting-edge of medical tech-nology,” Dr. Heersink adds. “Our reputation is based on the quality of care we strive to achieve with every patient we are honored to serve.” Eye Center South can provide you and your family a lifetime of specialized eye care, from childhood through the senior years and every age group in between. Using the most ad-vanced techniques and state-of-the-art equip-ment, Eye Center South is dedicated to helping youachievethebesteyesightpossible.YourVi-sion is our Mission.

helpful informationphone:334-793-2211800-467-1393address:2800 Ross Clark Circle, Ste. 1Dothan,

“Optometrists, ophthalmologists, family doctors and other physician specialists alike turn to Eye Center

South for optimum results.”

12 Healthy Horizons Magazine

Never leavesmall children

alone in thehome, even

for a minute.

Install smoke alarms in furnace and sleeping areas. Check batteries once a month. Replace the batteries at least twice a year. Replace alarms every 10 years.

Plan several escape routes from the house. Plan a place to meet right after leaving the house.

Conduct home fire drills.

Keep matches and lighters away from children.

Be sure your gas water heater is off the ground. Spilled flammable liquids can be ignited by the pilot light.

Do not cleanclothes with

flammable liquids. Place a barrier around

open flames.

Do not wear loose-fitting clothing near a stove, fireplace or open space heater.

Have your heating system checked and cleaned yearly.

Check electric appliances and cords regularly for wear or loose connections.

Use only15-ampere

fuses for lighting circuits.

Never use a substitute for

a fuse.

Place fire extin-guishers around the home where the risk of fire is

greatest– in the kitchen and furnace room, and near the fireplace.

Visit the Children’s Health

website at

For more information on this and other children’s health and safety issues, please call the Children’s Connection Line at 1.800.504.9768

Healthy Kids


Protect Your Home Against FirePlanning Saves Lives Each year, approximately 488 children are killed in a


ing cause of unintentional deaths among children under

14 years of age. During the cold weather months, home


There are several steps you can take to protect your child


can Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), offers these tips to

keep your kids out of harm’s way:

Quality Time Activities to Beat Cabin Fever

Messy Mixes– Mixupsomemessyfun!Youprobablyhavetheingredi-ents for some simple craft recipes lying around the house. These projects will easily keep multiple sets of hands busy for hours as the snow falls andthewindhowlsoutside.TryGoopforolderkidsandfingerpaintingfor the younger bunch.

Get Moving– Does the cold weather make you want to hibernate? Does it make your children as grumpy as hungry bear cubs? Get moving and get your groove back! Try putting on a favorite high-energy CD or video and dance around the living room. This makes for great exercise when you can’t get outside.

Fort-ified– What could be more cozy on a cold winter day than your own private indoor hideaway? Constructing an indoor fort is a great way to while away the hours on a winter afternoon. For older children, building it is just as much fun as playing inside. All kids will enjoy the experience even more if Mom or Dad joins them inside!

Museum of Art– Turn a snow day into a show day! Art is a wonderful way for children to express their individuality. Help them showcase their

With chilly temperatures, gray skies and children screaming “I’m bored!” for the umpteenth time, winter can be a dreaded season. However, there are many things a stressed parent can do to turn a case of cabin fever into a magical moment with your child. Suzanne Reeves, Director of Child Life Development at Children’s Hospital in Birmingham, offers these tips for making the most out of cramped quarters:

talentsbyprovidingmaterialsandinspiration.Youdon’tneedalotoffancy supplies; let kids create with junk mail, print out free coloring pages from or even paint in the snow!

Indoor Sand Box– Youcan’tspendadayatthebeachwhenit’s30degrees outside! But you can give your children a similar experience indoors by creating a sandbox environment where they can dig to their hearts’ content.

Hunt for Treasure– Children never get tired of hunting for treasure– no matter how “ordinary” the treasure may actually be. This activity does take some preparation, but you can also involve your children with the process to make it fun for everyone. Have your kids craft a treasure hunt for each other or organize a scavenger hunt!

Hide and Seek– Kids never tire of this classic game. Organize an indoor version at home on a wintry day.

Good Clean Fun– A warm bath feels pretty good when winter winds are howling. Get your children involved in some good clean fun in the bath-tub– they’ll get cleaned up and have fun at the same time. Certainly, you’ll want to supervise tub play for safety, but they’ll have so much fun, you won’t mind hanging out in the bathroom!

In the Kitchen–The kitchen is likely the warmest place in the house on a cold day; spend some time with your kids creating warm winter treats like hot cocoa or cold concoctions like snow ice cream. Plan a dinner and open your own “restaurant.” Or just prepare a favorite recipe– no matter what their age, children love to help out in the kitchen.

For more information on this and other children’s health and safety issues, please call Children’s Connection Line at 1.800.504.9768 or visit our web site at

Community Wellness Guide 13

Epilepsy Surgery Gives Life Back to Family–By Tina Likos Horton Imagine having a 7-year-old son with epilepsy– a son who for two years has been experienc-ing up to 40 seizures each day. School is virtu-ally impossible. The wood and metal desks are dangerous; the block walls in the cafeteria are dangerous. Everything around him becomes a danger when he has a seizure. At home, it is just as bad. This child, who had been a lively, healthy little boy who lived to play baseball, cannot be left alone for a moment – not evenforaslongasittakestounloadthecar.Youknow, because you did that once on a Christmas Eve. Before you could return to the house, he had fallen through a glass table. The rest of the evening was spent in an emergency room. Eating is an ordeal, too. His face is dotted with bruises suffered when his face struck his plate during a seizure. Besides that, the medi-cations he takes leave him with little appetite. Youwatch as he growsmore andmore frail.The seizures are worse at night and, for you, thereisnorest.Youworry,too,abouthisoldersister – about the impact her brother’s condition is having on her life. Imagineyouare thischild.Youcanno lon-ger play sports or really do much of anything with your friends. On the rare occasion when you try to go to the mall, you have a seizure. People stare. You feel embarrassed. Imagineyour name is Kace Lightsey, and all you want is to be a normal kid again. Now, imaginefindinghope.“Fortwoyears,we were constantly here at Children’s Hospital,” recalls Shiann Jones, Kace’s mother. “Everyone wasworkingsohardtotrytofindoutwhatwaswrong, and I remember meeting Dr. Knowlton (Robert C. Knowlton, MD, MSPH, a UAB neu-rologist) and hearing him say he believed Kace was a candidate for epilepsy surgery. “It took me a while to educate myself about the procedure – to understand what it would do and the implications both good and bad. But we were at the point where I knew there was no other choice. We couldn’t live like we were – with no hope. It had become clear that Kace was never going to have any kind of life with the almost constant seizures.” By that time, Kace himself was ready for anything that could possibly put an end to his seizures. “I just kept telling myself, ‘I’m going to get better. I’m going to get better.’ So when I heard about the surgery, I said, ‘I’m ready if it is going to help get me back where I can play with my friends.’” Pediatric Neurosurgeon Jeffrey P. Blount, MD, says Kace’s story is not unusual– in fact,

he hears similar stories every day. He says he came to Children’s Hospital eight years ago so he could develop a world-class, purely pediatric epilepsy surgery program to help these children and their families. “Epilepsy is a catastrophic condition, and one of the hardest things about it is its terrible unpredictability,” he says. “Many of our patients are absolutely normal except for this electrical storm in their brain that comes out of the blue, unexpectedly, and robs them of their capability to be attentive, to carry on a conversation, to be there in the moment. “A person who has epilepsy can go from in-teracting in a meaningful way with their world and their friends and family to being completely incapacitated, completely humiliated, at just a second’s notice,” Dr. Blount adds. An ear-lier epilepsy surgery program at Children’s had become less active in the decade prior to Dr. Blount’s recruitment. But during the same peri-od, the development of better pediatric imaging modalities was heralding a re-emergence of the notion of surgical intervention as an option for children whose epilepsy could not be treated with medications. “In addition, we had learned over the past 15-20 years that children with medically intrac-table epilepsy often have a structural abnormality in their brain,” Dr. Blount explains. “Simultaneously, we had the development of surgical tech-niques that make localization and removal of portions of the brain more safe.” For children like Kace, epilepsy surgery had become a very viable treatment. “Kace received a brain injury in a fall when he was 5 years old, and he subsequently suffered a stroke,” says Dr. Blount. “His seizures began in earnest about six months later, and he was identified as a candidate for surgical interven-tion after having seizures for almost two years.”Kace came out of the surgery sitting upright and asking for a chocolate milkshake. “I knew then it was all worth it – all the an-guish, all the preliminary studies,” says Shiann. “I never imagined he would be sitting up on the gurney after that kind of brain surgery. And then to go home and have a kid who could sit at the table and eat his dinner and play his video games – these were the simple, everyday things which before had been completely lost to us.” According to Dr. Blount, more and more families arenowbenefiting frompediatric epi-lepsy surgery. “Our program is growing by leaps and bounds, and children do well in our purely pediatric environment,” he says, citing the im-

portance of board-certified pediatric anesthe-siologists, pediatric epileptologists, pediatric radiologists, nurse practitioners, nurses and EEG technicians. “All of our people are in this because they are really interested in treating children with severe epilepsy.” At the same time, Dr. Blount says it is not at all unusual thatShiann first learnedabout thepossibility of epilepsy surgery for Kace from a UAB physician. “We interface very smoothly with the UAB Comprehensive Epilepsy Center, which is one of the most accomplished programs in the na-tion,” he says. “Some of the doctors who evalu-ate patients for us and to whom I look for guid-anceindifficultcasesspendthemajorityoftheirtime doing adult care. This relationship with the UAB Center also gives our young patients op-portunities to participate in drug trials or to un-dergo testing using imaging modalities available on the UAB campus.” Up to 40 Alabama children will have epilepsy surgery at Children’s this year, but Dr. Blount

says five times that numberare probably good candidates for some sort of resection. “Surgical treatment for epi-lepsy is a vastly under-utilized resource,” he says. “There are many other children out therewhowouldbenefitfromhaving a surgical evaluation and a carefully constructed surgical intervention. “Another of our goals is to identify these children quickly and efficiently. Epilepsy sur-gery should be considered

early in the process – absolutely not as an op-tion of last resort.” Unfortunately, the service is a costly one. The surgical evaluation is a la-bor- and time-intensive process, according to Dr. Blount. “The insurance companies have not yet established a reimbursem*nt criteria for it, so sometimes we have had to turn to grants to get a child evaluated,” he explains. “This work consumes a lot of resources, but it also makes an astronomical difference in the lives of our pa-tients.” Shiann says she appreciates the technologi-cal advances that gave her son – and her fam-ily – their lives back, but it is Dr. Blount’s com-passion that she always will remember. “Before Kace’s operation, he told me, ‘I’m going to do surgery on your baby. I am going to take out part of his brain, but I am going to bring you back a better child who is going to have a won-derful long life.’ And I knew he meant that – that he said it with his heart. And I think that’s the biggest thing – he’s a wonderful doctor with a wonderful heart!”

Kace Lightsey, Age 7

Healthy KidsHealthy

14 Healthy Horizons Magazine

If you’ve ever been a patient, or been close to a patient, you’ve felt the medical grind and yearned for a treatment that is as enjoyable as it is effective. Hippotherapy, literally mean-

ing “therapy with the help of a horse,” is both. Derived from the Greek word hippos, mean-ing horse, hippotherapy is a treatment strategy used by specially-trained Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, and Speech-Lan-guage Pathologists to work toward a multi-tude of functional goals. With the patient on the horse, a horse handler leads the horse as the therapist strides purposefully beside the rider, providing physical support to the patient

Healing on Horseback–By Kristin Sumlar, PT when needed. The rider responds to the horse’s

multidimensional and rhythmic movement with increasedstrength,balance,flexibility,anden-durance. Positive effects are also seen in coor-dination, sensorimotor integration, respiration, speech production, and attention. When a patient is sitting astride the horse, without a saddle, the movement imparted to the rider is remarkably similar to the normal human walking pattern. He or she may be asked to sit or lie down forward, backward, or sideways on the horse, or even to stand in the stirrups. The patient does physical and cognitive exercises and plays games while the therapist carefully monitors the movement of the horse and the patient. Challenges presented to the patient in this unique environment are most often met with a smile. Not only are the therapists and horse handlers specially trained, the horses as well are chosen andtrainedwithcare.Horsesmustmeetspecificselection criteria regarding movement quality. They must be willing to work and to listen. They must be gentle and patient. The horse, horse handler, and therapist come together as a team, and their safety record is outstanding.

Autism, cerebral palsy, developmental delay, genetic syndromes, learning disabilities, sensory integration disorders, speech-language disorders, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, Down syn-drome, traumatic brain injury, stroke, spinal cord injury,spinabifida,andamputationaretypicalofthe conditions treated with hippotherapy. Hippotherapy can be a very effective com-ponent of a well-rounded therapy program for adults and children alike. Your physician canmake a referral to Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, or Speech Therapy that includes hippo-therapy.Tofindoutmoreabouthippotherapy,visit Sumlar Therapy Services, Inc. serves the children of the Wiregrass, specializing in pedi-atric Physical, Occupational, and Speech Ther-apy, with hippotherapy and aquatic therapy. For more information, visit, or call (334)445-6336.

helpful informationphone:334-445-6336address:193 Sam Lisenby RoadOzark,

SumlarTherapyServices, Inc.


Dothan & EufaulaPediatric

ClinicInfants, Children and Adolescents

Our MissionTo place our patients first as we advanceour leadership position in pediatrichealthcare, providing Child Health Carewith compassion, excellence and value tothe communities we serve.A


Monday – Friday8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Dothan Pediatric Clinic126 Clinic Drive

Dothan, Alabama 36303(334) 793-1881

(334) 712-1815 (fax)

Eufaula Pediatric Clinic323 East Barbour StreetEufaula, Alabama 36027

(334) 619-0904(334) 619-0945 (fax)


Monday–Friday: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.BY APPOINTMENT ONLY

Saturday: 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 noonSunday: 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

William R.Barron Jr., M.D.

Kenneth C.Brown, M.D.

Amy Marshall,C.R.N.P.

Johna Cotton,C.R.N.P.

Trish Tyler,C.R.N.P.



Joanna MeKinley,M.D.

Karen Wakefield,C.R.N.P.

Jeffrey M.Tamburin, M.D.

Robert J.Benak, M.D.

James C.Wiley, M.D.

Lee Scott, M.D. Michael J.Ramsey, M.D.

Michelle S.Freeman, M.D.

Dothan Pediatric Clinic has introduced a team of behavioral and counseling professionals to help children and ad-olescents in the Wiregrass. This team

of three mental health specialists serves children of all ages. Dr. Brent Tucker is a Licensed Psychologist and Licensed Professional Counselor who provides psychological evaluations, counseling, behavior modification, and treatment of many disordersoccurring during childhood and adolescence. Ms. Kelly Turner, Licensed Professional Coun-selor,providescounselingandbehaviormodifica-tion services to children and families. Mr. Tracy Sachs provides testing and assessment for a vari-ety of childhood problems. Since creating its Department of Behavioral and CounselingServicesinJanuary2009,DothanPe-

diatric Clinic has provided help to children, adoles-cents, and families of various cultural backgrounds. With the diversity of culture comes the diversity of personal need; both are taken into consider-ation when providing individual treatment. “Our staff is dedicated to provide assessment and treatment for behavioral problems and counseling needs,” states Dr. Tucker. “We are here to help children–fromthosehavingdifficultyadjustingtolife changes to those who have serious mental ill-ness.”Thefirststepinhelpingachildistoconducta thorough assessment to determine the exact nature of the problem. A complete assessment is important to ensure an accurate diagnosis. An incorrect diagnosis, or oversight of a contributing factor, can intensify the real problem and delay ap-propriate treatment and progress. The professionals at Dothan Pediatric Clinic Behavioral and Counseling Services offer as-sessment and treatment for behavioral problems, ADHD, depression, anxiety, developmental delay, grief, post traumatic distress disorder (PTSD), and

other problems faced by children and families. Our behavioral and counseling professionals work under the assumption that all children can learn, grow and thrive. Our goal is to help each one reach his or her full potential. Dothan Pediatric Clinic was established in 1953, and although located on the campus ofFlowersHospital,thereisnodirectaffiliation.Wealso have an office in Eufaula, Alabama whichopened in 2008. Currently ten pediatricians, four nurse practitioners, three mental health profes-sionals, and a support staff of 75 provide health care to a pediatric population of approximately 131,000. Appointments for behavioral and coun-seling services can be arranged by calling (334) 793-1881orbytalkingwithyourDothanPediatricClinic physician.

William R. Barron, Jr., M.D.

Robert J. Benak, M.D.

Michael J. Ramsey, M.D.

Amy Marshall, C.R.N.P. Karen Wakefield, C.P.N.P. Johna Cotton, C.R.N.P. Trish Tyler, C.R.N.P. Kelly C. Turner L.P.C. Tracy Sachs, M.S.Brent T. Tucker, Ph.D.

Michelle S. Freeman, M.D. Kenneth C. Brown, M.D. Jeffrey M. Tamburin, M.D. Aimee Johnson–Wirt, M.D. Joanna A. McKinley, M.D. Mark F. Strassburg, M.D.

Lee Scott Jr., M.D.

DothanPediatric Clinic

Dothan Office Hours• Monday–Friday: 8AM–5PM

(By Appointment Only)

• Saturday: 8AM–11AM

• Sunday: 1PM–4PM

Healthy KidsHealthy

Eufaula Office Hours• Monday–Friday: 8AM–5PM

Caring for Infants, Children and Adolescents

16 Healthy Horizons Magazine

Community Wellness Guide 17

Healthy KidsHealthy

One of the crown jewels of American pedi-atric medicine, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital began with a promise. More than 60 years ago, a struggling young entertainer with $7 in his pocket knelt in a church before a statue of St. Jude Thaddeus, the patron saint of hopeless causes. “Show me my way in life,” implored Thomas, who pledged to build a shrine to the saint. When Thomas becameanationallyknown televisionandfilmentertainer,hefulfilledthatvow.TheresultisSt.Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Located in Memphis, Tennessee, it is one of the world’s premier biomedical research centers. The hos-pitalhasseveralaffiliateclinics,includingoneinHuntsville, Alabama. St. Jude has improved health care for chil-dren around the world. Today, the founder’s children, Marlo, Terre and Tony, remain a driv-ingforceinfulfillingtheirfather’sdreamthat“Nochild should die in the dawn of life.”

A place of hope St. Jude embraces a simple but daunt-ing mission: to advance cures, and means of

prevention, for pediatric catastrophic diseases through research and treatment. St. Jude is the place where some of today’s most gifted researchers come to make discov-eries that can be translated into cures. It’s a place where doctors across the world send their toughest cases and most vulnerable patients. It’s the only pediatric research center where families never pay for treatment not covered by insurance, and families without insurance are never asked to pay. At no cost, St. Jude also provides families with housing, transportation and meals for the patient and one parent. Families from all 50 states and more than 70 countries have come to St. Jude, where they findahavenofhopeintheirdarkesthours.

Teaming up for cures St. Jude attracts some of the world’s bright-estscientificmindstostudythemolecular,ge-netic and chemical bases of catastrophic dis-eases in children and translates this into better cure rates. Through the years, a team of scien-tists consisting of a Nobel Laureate and other world-class researchers have focused their efforts on cancers, immunodeficiencies, infec-tious diseases and genetic disorders. Research at St. Jude includes work in ge-nomics, pharmacology of chemotherapy, gene therapy, bone marrow transplantation, the biol-ogy of normal and cancerous cells, radiation treatment, blood diseases such as sickle cell disease,hereditarydiseases,influenza,pediat-ric HIV and psychological effects of catastrophic illnesses. St. Jude also conducts long-term out-come investigations on its patients and is the only pediatric research hospital to be named a Comprehensive Cancer Center by the National Cancer Institute.

From bench to bedside St.Judehasdevelopedscientifictreatmentplans that have dramatically increased over-all survival rates for childhood cancers. For instance, when the hospital opened in 1962,acute lymphoblastic leukemia, the most com-mon form of childhood cancer, was a virtual death sentence. Less than 4 percent of children survived. Today, thanks to St. Jude research, thesurvival rate ismore than90percent,andmost of these children go on to live productive lives. Most St. Jude patients are treated on an outpatient basis as part of ongoing research programs. The hospital helps families maintain as normal a life as possible during treatment. Many St. Jude patients receive some of their careatSt.JudeaffiliatesinsteadoftravelingtoMemphis.

A hospital without walls Less than 30 percent of the world’s children with cancer have access to modern treatments. That’s why St. Jude seeks to share its ground-breaking research and treatment globally through the transfer of knowledge, technology and organizational skills. The hospital reaches out to the rest of the world by forming collaborations with medical institutions in other countries. For instance, medical professionals from abroad are invited to spend time at St. Jude as on-site observ-ers. The hospital also shares its latest tech-niques and medicines at numerous interna-tional partner sites. An International Outreach Web site,, provides educa-tional content to thousands of health care pro-fessionals worldwide through online seminars and conferences; electronic books and jour-nals; self-paced courses; and Oncopedia, an interactive site devoted to pediatric hematology and oncology.

Raising funds for research Each year, millions of Americans partici-pate in more than 30,000 fund-raising ac-tivities sponsored by ALSAC, the fundraising organization of St. Jude. Individuals from all walks of life embrace the St. Jude mission and help make cures possible. A recent addition to these efforts is Thanks and Giving, a national program that encour-ages consumers to give thanks for the healthy children in their lives while giving to those who are not. Hospital founder Danny Thomas once said, “Success has nothing to do with what you gain in life or accomplish for yourself; it’s what you do for others.” Through the efforts of ALSAC, St. Jude continues its work of saving young lives—measuring its success one life at a time. For more information about St. Jude, visit

Article submitted by St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

18 Healthy Horizons Magazine

105 East Watts StreetEnterprise, Alabama 36330

(334) 393-KIDS800-942-9636

a service of

Norma P. Samuy,M.D., FAAP

Board Certifi ed,Pediatrics

Eric C. ArambuloM.D., FAAP

Board Certifi ed,Pediatrics

Where your children are as important to us as

they are to you…

Each year in Alabama, 289,000 children are

exposed to second hand smoke in the home.

This exposure can lead to life-long problems for

youngsters. In fact, Second hand smoke contains

over 4000 chemicals including more than 40 can-

cer causing agents and 200 known poisons.

Because their bodies and lungs aren’t com-

pletely developed, second hand smoke can be

even more harmful to children, and babies who

are exposed to smoking are more likely to die

from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, or SIDS.

One study published in the American Acad-

emy of Pediatrics journal shows that each year,

secondhand smoke is linked to up to 2 million

ear infections in children, nearly 530,000 doc-tor visits for asthma, up to 436,000 episodes of bronchitisand190,000casesofpneumoniainchildrenunderfiveyearsofa*ge. “Second hand smoke irritates the lungs of young children, causing them to come to our emergency department more than children not exposed to second hand smoke,” said Dr. Carden Johnston, Professor of Pediatric Medi-cine at Children’s Hospital. “Second had smoke is associated with an increased number of ear infections, pneumonia and asthma.”Second hand smoke is considered to be so dangerous that Alabama officials are workingto ban all smoking in public places. A bill that would ban smoking in work places and many public settings in Alabama still has a chance of becoming law as the Legislature prepares to take on this problem. Research shows that the more a child is ex-posed to second hand smoke the more likely they will be to pick up the habit themselves. YouthinAlabamapurchaseorsmoke14millionpacks of cigarettes each year. That’s $64,820 dollars per year youth in Alabama spend on cigarettes. If the ban becomes law, the American Can-cer Society says Alabama will join 26 other states that have some sort of smoke-free state-wide law.

Although this ban may make it easier to pre-

vent children from the effects of breathing sec-

ond hand smoke, Children’s Hospital urges par-

ents to take precautions to protect their children

from dangerous inhalation. Below are some tips

to decrease the amount of second hand smoke

children are exposed to:


tant for adults to talk with their physician about a

safe strategy to help them nix the nicotine.

• Adults should ensure that their child’s day

care is smoke-free.


smoke indoors.


other adults are not smoking around children.

• Families should avoid public places where

smoking is allowed. Stay away from restaurants

that are not smoke-free.


ing is to their children, and the harmful effects

it can have.

For more information on this and other chil-

dren’s health and safety issues, please call

Children’s Connection Line at 1.800.504.9768

or visit our web site at

Second Hand

Smoke:ProtectingYour Child

Community Wellness Guide 19

Please contact your child’s physician if he or she has experienced a trauma to the head and you notice any of these symptoms: nausea and vomiting, memory loss, trouble concentrating, headaches,difficultycompleting tasks, lackofinitiative,difficultywithproblem-solving,difficul-ty with decision-making, lack of energy, chang-es in sleep pattern, loss of balance, impulsive behavior, changes in hearing and/or vision, seizures, mood changes, depression, inappro-priate behavior, easily irritated or frustrated, dif-ficultyreturningtoschool,difficultyadjustingtodaily activities, social isolation. If your child does have problems associated with a TBI, the Alabama Department of Reha-bilitation Services (ADRS) may be able to help. Once enrolled, these children and their families are provided with comprehensive coordination of care by a specially trained staff member so that families can better navigate the system andchildrencanbestbenefitfromtheservicesthey receive. In addition, many of them receive specialized evaluations and possibly financialassistance to purchase health-related therapies (physical, occupational, and speech therapy), medications, and medical equipment. When the time comes, ADRS can help youth with brain injuries make plans for college and work. By partnering with families, health providers, and schools, ADRS helps children and youth with TBI return to their homes, schools, and commu-nities after their injury and assists them in mak-ing transitions during important developmental phases all the way through to adulthood. For more information, contact the Alabama Depart-ment of Rehabilitation Services.

Healthy KidsHealthy

Each year, more than 1 million children experience a traumatic brain

injury (TBI) in the United States. TBI occurs when a sudden trauma

causes damage to the brain. Causes include falls, motor vehicle

crashes, sports injuries, being hit by a car, and violence or abuse

(shaken baby syndrome, gunshot wounds). While the complications of TBI cause


the brain of a child can have a devastating impact on his or her overall develop-

ment, including the ability to learn and be successful in school, to participate

in the community, and be independent in adulthood. While some brain injuries

may not cause long-term problems, unfortunately, others can result in permanent

trouble with 1) physical and self-care skills, such as hand use, dressing, sleep-

ing, eating, walking, coordination, and balance; 2) cognition, including thinking,

memory, attention, and concentration; 3) sensory processing abilities, such as

sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell; 4) communication, including expression

and understanding; and 5) behavior or emotional problems, such as depression,

anxiety, personality changes, mood swings, aggression, acting out, and social in-

appropriateness. Some survivors can also develop long-term medical problems,

such as seizures, blindness, or hearing loss.

helpful informationphone:334-699-8600Toll Free 1-800-441-7607email:[emailprotected]

ADRS is Helping Children with Traumatic Brain Injuries or TBI

Article submitted by ADRS.

“While the complications of TBI cause difficulties for survivors of all ages, children are especially


Our professional staff is ready to assist TBI survivors of all ages.

20 Healthy Horizons Magazine

helpful informationphone:205-402-0415334-794-8656 address:500 Chase Park South, Ste 104Hoover, AL

Fun in the Sun While Learning About Diabetes!How do you feel when you get a shot? How do youlikehavingyourfingerstuckandbloodtakenfrom you? What if you were a child who had to do these things just to live? Thousands of Ala-bama children with diabetes, and many who live in the Wiregrass area, must do this every day. To a child, living with diabetes is like keeping lots of hula hoops going at the same time. They must balance their insulin, the food that they eat, and how physically active they are. They must take into account the effects of daily stresses: tests at school, girlfriends or boyfriends, and illness. Even ball games affect their blood sugar levels and make it hard to keep everything going right. Children with diabetes have friends who want to help make their lives better. Southeastern Dia-betes Education Services teaches children how to Live Well with Diabetes! We provide education, encouragement and motivation to overcome the daily challenges of living with diabetes. Wiregrass children with diabetes also have an-otherfriend–CHYLD(CaregiversHelpingYouthLivingwithDiabetes).CHYLDoperates severallocal family support programs for children with

diabetes throughout the year. These programs give families the opportunity to make friendships with others living with diabetes, get helpful infor-mation from healthcare professionals, and enjoy exciting leisure activities. For more information Southeastern Diabetes Education Services andCHYLDarepartneringwitheachother tooperate Camp Sugar Falls in Dothan July 22nd –24th,2009.LandmarkParkwillbethesiteofthis exciting program. Many fun recreation ac-tivitieswillfilleachday!Thecampwillbestaffedby healthcare professionals who will teach the children about diabetes while also providing care for their diabetes. Southeastern Diabetes Education Services provides children with diabetes and their fami-lies several other opportunities to learn about diabetes, meet others who have diabetes, and also enjoy fantastic recreation activities. Camp Seale Harris is our “overnight” summer camp program children with diabetes. Camp Seale Harris Junior and Senior Camps are week-long summer camp sessions for children ages 6 – 17 years. Teams of volunteer diabetes care profes-sionals teach the children how to successfully live with diabetes and provide medical care to them while they are at camp. Camp Seale Harris also operates a Family Summer Camp, a Spring

Family Weekend, and a Fall Family Weekend. These programs are for children with diabetes and their families. As with all of our programs, diabetes education is the theme and plenty of funrecreationactivitiesfilleveryday! Southeastern Diabetes Education Services desires to help all children who have diabetes. Asanon-profitcharitableorganization(FederalTaxID#63-109-1899),wedependonthegen-erosity of compassionate friends to enable us to teach children how to Live well With Diabetes! For more information about Camp Sugar Falls, Camp Seale Harris, and other programs operated by Southeastern Diabetes Education Services please go to



Community Wellness Guide 21

Healthy KidsHealthy

When time is of the essence, we all want our healthcare to move as fast as we do.

Welcome to AllSouth Urgent Care...

A New Way To Treat The Unexpected.When There’s No Time To Waste.When seeking treatment for urgent medical illnesses orinjuries, families are often faced with spending half of theirday in the waiting room. Following trends across the U.S.,AllSouth Urgent Care presents a new option: professional and prompt medical care. The importance of quality care and the value of time are understood by the facility’s highly trainedboard-certifi ed physicians.

When it comes to needing excellent care and shorter wait times, today’s busy families deserve a new way to treat the unexpected. Today’s busy families deserve AllSouth Urgent Care.

Located conveniently in the Dothan Pavilion on Montgomery Highway, AllSouth’s physicians treat non-life threatening illnesses and injuries for all ages. Rick M. Weber, M.D., with over 20 years of Emergency Medicine experience leads a team of healthcare professionals in offering a wide variety of services. From allergies to ankle sprains...From fevers to physicals...AllSouth Urgent care provides quality treatment.

On-Site CapabilitiesAt times, patients may need further diagnostic testing such as x-rays and/or laboratory analyses. AllSouth Urgent Care offers the following services on-site, saving our patients valuable time and travel expense:

EKGs • Full X-Rays • IV Fluids • Injections • Laboratory

Services Include:Auto Accident

TreatmentAcid Refl ux

AsthmaAnkle Sprains


DiabetesDOT Physicals

Drug ScreensFeverFlu

Flu ShotsFalls

HeadacheKnee InjuriesLacerations

Minor FracturesMinor Back Injuries

Neck SprainsRashes

SinusitisSore Throat


Sports PhysicalsSchool Physicals


Urinary Tract InfectionsTetanus Booster

Wart and Mole Removal

We understand that patients want quality of care along with respect for their tight schedules. At AllSouth Urgent Care, our goal is to provide a new healthcare resource for the Wiregrass Area —excellent medical care with shorter wait times.

– Rick Weber, M.D.

• No appointments necessary• No lengthy waits• Cost-effective, quality health care

A new way to treat the unexpected

Hours of Operation:7 a.m. - 8 p.m. Mon. – Sat.

4585 Highway 231 North (In front of Barnes and Noble)

Dothan, Alabama 36303334•340•2600

We accept most Major Insurances, Mastercard, Visa and most Major Credit/Debit Cards.

When time is of the essence, we all want our healthcare to move as fast as we do.

Welcome to AllSouth Urgent Care...

A New Way To Treat The Unexpected.When There’s No Time To Waste.When seeking treatment for urgent medical illnesses orinjuries, families are often faced with spending half of theirday in the waiting room. Following trends across the U.S.,AllSouth Urgent Care presents a new option: professional and prompt medical care. The importance of quality care and the value of time are understood by the facility’s highly trainedboard-certifi ed physicians.

When it comes to needing excellent care and shorter wait times, today’s busy families deserve a new way to treat the unexpected. Today’s busy families deserve AllSouth Urgent Care.

Located conveniently in the Dothan Pavilion on Montgomery Highway, AllSouth’s physicians treat non-life threatening illnesses and injuries for all ages. Rick M. Weber, M.D., with over 20 years of Emergency Medicine experience leads a team of healthcare professionals in offering a wide variety of services. From allergies to ankle sprains...From fevers to physicals...AllSouth Urgent care provides quality treatment.

On-Site CapabilitiesAt times, patients may need further diagnostic testing such as x-rays and/or laboratory analyses. AllSouth Urgent Care offers the following services on-site, saving our patients valuable time and travel expense:

EKGs • Full X-Rays • IV Fluids • Injections • Laboratory

Services Include:Auto Accident

TreatmentAcid Refl ux

AsthmaAnkle Sprains


DiabetesDOT Physicals

Drug ScreensFeverFlu

Flu ShotsFalls

HeadacheKnee InjuriesLacerations

Minor FracturesMinor Back Injuries

Neck SprainsRashes

SinusitisSore Throat


Sports PhysicalsSchool Physicals


Urinary Tract InfectionsTetanus Booster

Wart and Mole Removal

We understand that patients want quality of care along with respect for their tight schedules. At AllSouth Urgent Care, our goal is to provide a new healthcare resource for the Wiregrass Area —excellent medical care with shorter wait times.

– Rick Weber, M.D.

• No appointments necessary• No lengthy waits• Cost-effective, quality health care

A new way to treat the unexpected

Hours of Operation:7 a.m. - 8 p.m. Mon. – Sat.

4585 Highway 231 North (In front of Barnes and Noble)

Dothan, Alabama 36303334•340•2600

We accept most Major Insurances, Mastercard, Visa and most Major Credit/Debit Cards.

When seeking treatment for urgent medical ill-nesses or injuries, families are often faced with spending half of their day in the waiting room. AllSouth Urgent Care presents a new option: professional and prompt medical care. The importance of quality care and the value of time are understood by the facility’s highly trained board-certifi ed physicians.

Located conveniently in the Dothan Pavilion onMontgomery Highway, AllSouth’s physicians treat non-life threatening illnesses and injuries

Services Include:Pediatrics

Auto AccidentTreatment

Acid RefluxAsthma

Ankle SprainsBronchitis



DiabetesDOT PhysicalsDrug Screens


Flu Shots


Knee InjuriesLacerations

Minor FracturesMinor Back Injuries

Neck SprainsRashes

When time is of the essence, we all want our healthcare to move as fast as we do.

Welcome to AllSouth Urgent Care…A New Way To Treat The Unexpected.

for all ages. Rick M. Weber, M.D., leads a team of healthcare professionals in offering a wide variety of services.

On-Site CapabilitiesAt times, patients may need further diagnostic testing such as x-rays and/or laboratory analyses. AllSouth Urgent Care offers the following ser-vices on-site, saving our patients valuable time and travel expense:

EKGs • Full X-Rays • IV Fluids Injections • Laboratory

SinusitisSore Throat


Sports PhysicalsSchool Physicals


Urinary Tract Infections

Tetanus Booster

Wart and Mole Removal

Hours of Operation:7AM – 8 PM Mon.– Sat.

4585 Highway 231 North(In front of Barnes and Noble)

Dothan, Alabama 36303

We accept most Major Insurances, Mastercard, Visa and most Major Credit/Debit Cards.

We understand that patients want quality ofcare along with respect for their tight schedules.At AllSouth Urgent Care, our goal is to provide anew healthcare resource for the Wiregrass Area — excellent medical care with shorter wait times.

– Rick Weber, M.D.

Community Wellness Guide 23

The Dothan Department of Leisure Services will be holding registra-tion for Summer Learn-to-Swim Classes beginning on Monday,

May 11th at Westgate Recreation Cen-ter, Wiregrass Park, Doug Tew Center, and Walton Park. Hours of registration on Monday, May 11th and Tuesday, May 12th willbefrom9:00amto7:00p.m.andfrom9:00a.m.to5:00p.m.fromthenon. Classes offered include Water Aware-ness(6–18months),TinyTots(19months– 3 years), Little Tykes (4 – 5 years), Begin-ners, Advanced Beginners, Intermediate, Swimmer, Guard Start, and Adult Swim-ming. Classes are offered at night as well as in the morning. Also, there will be four sessions of Aquacise, which involve exer-cises in the water. The cost for the classes is $10.00 except for Water Awareness, Tiny Tots, and Little Tykes, which will be $13.50. The cost for Guard Start is $27.50, and for Aquacise is $20.00.

New this summer is the fact that par-ents don’t get in the water with the Little Tykes classes whose age has changed to include just four and five year olds. Par-ents do still get in the water with Water Awareness (6 – 18 months), and Tiny Tots (19months–3years)classes.Forfurther

It’s Time to Start Swimming!

information, please call the Center of your choice: Westgate at 615-3760; Doug Tew at 615-3720; Wiregrass at 615-4740; Walton Park at 615-4710.

Join the Dothan Dolphins Swim Team! Anyone ages 6-18 years old is eligible, and participants must demonstrate the ability to swim one length of the pool (25 yards). No prior registration is neces-sary; just report to the pool desk at the tryoutdateandtime.Thefirsttwoweeksare free of charge, and the team fee is $40quarterly(3months)forthefirstchildand $25 quarterly for each additional child in the same family. Call Coach John or Coach Jessica at (334)615-3763 or (334)615-3767 for more information!

See the eye doctor just for Kids!

Doug Freeley, M.D.Pediatric Ophthalmologist

102 Doctors DriveDothan, Alabama (Behind SAMC) Now accepting Medicare & Medicaid

Healthy KidsHealthy

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Please note that your written comments and suggestions may be published in upcoming issues of Healthy Horizons Magazine.

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24 Healthy Horizons Magazine

We focused on creating the perfect place, so you could focuson the perfect moment.At Southeast Alabama Medical Center we know you want the birth of your child to be filled with special beginnings.From your baby’s first gentle touch to meeting her big brother or sister for the very first time. When your baby arrives,you’ll have time for family bonding. And you and your baby will share precious moments, like her first bath, with herbrother and father. At The Women’s Center you can have it all.

800-735-4998 Dothan, AL

From a name you already recognize.

Flowers Hospital has the same level of care you’ll find in a big-city hospital, including award-winning* clinical expertise,

highly advanced procedures and a team-based approach to healthcare. All right here at home. For more information about

Flowers Hospital, call 334-793-5000 or visit our website at

*Flowers Hospital has received six awards for its quality improvement programs including the Crystal Award of Excellence for Overall Quality Care and the Silver Award for Most Improved Quality of Care by AQAF, Alabama’s Medicare Quality Improvement Organization.

Award-winning care.

40995_FLOW_8_5x11_4C.indd 1 2/24/09 1:51:03 PM

Community Wellness Guide 27

From a name you already recognize.

Flowers Hospital has the same level of care you’ll find in a big-city hospital, including award-winning* clinical expertise,

highly advanced procedures and a team-based approach to healthcare. All right here at home. For more information about

Flowers Hospital, call 334-793-5000 or visit our website at

*Flowers Hospital has received six awards for its quality improvement programs including the Crystal Award of Excellence for Overall Quality Care and the Silver Award for Most Improved Quality of Care by AQAF, Alabama’s Medicare Quality Improvement Organization.

Award-winning care.

40995_FLOW_8_5x11_4C.indd 1 2/24/09 1:51:03 PM

Flowers HospitalFor more than a half-century, Flowers Hospital has served the healthcare needs of the Wire-grass Community. During that time, Flowers Hospital has grown in both size and complexity, keeping pace with the advancements in medi-cal science while continuing to care for patients asiftheyarefamily.Firstopenedin1950asasmall twelve-bed private hospital, Flowers Hos-pital has expanded into a respected regional re-ferral medical center with 235 beds, 4 intensive-care units, over 250 physicians representing all major medical specialties, and a support staff of 1,300 employees. Flowers Hospital continues to fulfill theircommitment to the community by providing quality healthcare. In the past two years, servic-es have been expanded to include bariatric sur-gery, digital mammography and robotic surgery. A program called Senior Circle has also been established to engage adults age 50 and over in healthy lifestyles. Most importantly, through a continuing commitment to provide quality healthcare, Flowers Hospital has received na-tional recognition for its quality initiatives. Flow-ers Hospital proudly serves the Wiregrass Com-munity and continues a tradition of healthcare excellence.

Flowers Hospital recognized by The Commonwealth Fund Flowers Hospital was recently recognized by the Commonwealth Fund, a private foundation that promotes high performance in healthcare systems by supporting independent research on healthcare issues, as the #1 hospital in the nation for its performance with the Centers for

Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) pro-cess-of-care quality measures. In December 2008, Flowers Hospital was selected as healthcare’s best for its performance with CMS’s quality measures for the time frame April 2006 through March 2007. These quality measures relate to practices in four clinical areas: heart attack, heart failure, pneumonia and surgical infection pre-vention. During this time period, Flowers Hospital achieved and sustained 99.7%compliance with CMS’s quality measures elevating it to the # 1 national ranking. Go to for more information.

Flowers Hospital Center for Metabolic and Weight Loss Surgery Bariatric surgery has proven to be effective in improving the health of individuals with many obesity-related conditions. Bariatric surgery procedures are only done when deemed medi-cally necessary and after other non-surgical op-tions have been exhausted. Bariatric surgery, the surgical reduction of stomach volume, is performed using one of two procedures: gastric bypass or gastric banding. Both procedures reduce stomach volume to about 30 ml. After surgery, the amount of food intake is decreased and food must be chewed thoroughly. Benefitsof thesurgery includereductionorelimination of adult onset diabetes, high blood pressure and respiratory conditions such as sleep apnea. Adaptation to life after weight loss surgery is ongoing. A monthly support group provides a secure, warm setting for patients un-dergoing the lifestyle changes to improve sur-gery outcomes and to achieve long-term weight loss. For more information, please call Flowers Hospital’s Center for Metabolic and Weight Loss Surgery at 334-944-7095. An educa-tional meeting is held on a monthly basis for individuals interested in bariatric surgery.

daVinci® Robotic Surgical System The da Vinci® system is a techno-logically-advanced minimally invasive alter-native to traditional open or laparoscopic surgeries. Seated at a special viewing and control console, the surgeon controls a ro-botic arm unit to perform delicate surgical procedures. The robotic system allows the surgeon to see the surgical site in far greater detail than traditional surgical methods. Instead of using a long, traditional in-cision to open the surgical site, surgeons using da Vinci need only make small in-cisions into which they guide three thin stainless steel probes guided by the da

Vinci surgical robotic arms. Smaller incisions means less trauma to surrounding tissue, which translates into reduced hospital stays. In many cases, a patient can go home in a day or two following a robotic procedure— half the time required for traditional open surgery. Robotic surgery can assist with speeding up recovery time, reducing post-operative infections, and allowing patients to return to their normal daily activities quicker.

helpful informationphone:334-793-5000

The original Flowers Hospital

opened its doors in 1950.

Today’s Flowers Hospital.

“Flowers Hospital proudly serves the Wiregrass Community

and continues a tradition of healthcare excellence.”

Digital Mammography Flowers Hospital is the only Dothan hospital offering digital mammography for patients and has received the Pink Ribbon Facility of Excel-lence designation. Digital mammography uses computers and specially designed digital detec-tors to produce an image that can be displayed on a high-resolution computer monitor. From a patient’s point of view, having a digital mammo-gram is very much like having a conventional screen-filmmammogram;however,withdigitalmammography, the exam is quicker and more comfortable. Digital mammograms produce im-ages that appear on the technologist’s monitor inamatterofsecondsandcanbeconfiguredtomaximize interpretation clarity.

Community Focus


Landmark Park in Dothan, Alabama is the place to go for an outing that is healthy for both mind and body. Pack a picnic and enjoy the outdoors at this

100-acre park, built to preserve the natural and cultural heritage of southeast Alabama’s Wire-grass Region. Landmark Park was established by the Do-than Landmarks Foundation. This organization began with a small group of people interested in preserving the area’s history. Now, the site hosts over 44,000 visitors each year and edu-cates children on history, science and nature throughfieldtrips,specialeventsandhands-onactivities. The park has been designated Ala-bama’sOfficialAgriculturalMuseum.

The Wiregrass Farmstead The Wiregrass Farmstead, located on the park grounds, is an 1890s living history farm,complete with an old farmhouse, smokehouse, cane mill, corn crib, cotton shed, syrup shed, and sheep, goats, cows, chickens, mules and pigs. Most of the animals on the farm are Heri-tage Breeds, including Pineywoods cows, Gulf Coast Native sheep, Guinea Hogs and Domin-ique Chickens. The Waddell House, located on the Wire-grassFarmstead,wasthefirstbuildingmovedto Landmark Park in the late 1970s. This oldfarmhouse was donated to the property and openedtothepublicin1979atthepark’san-nual Victorian Christmas open house.

Town Square Drift back in time with a stroll around the town square, including a Victorian gazebo, a one-room schoolhouse, a drugstore and old-fashioned soda fountain, a country store and a turn-of-the-century church. Several local build-

ings from neighboring towns have been relo-cated to the park. The Victorian style Gazebo was built at the park in 1982. This 600 square foot structurehosts musical acts during the park’s special events, and is also rented by individuals for weddings. In 1983, the 1908 Headland PresbyterianChurchwasmovedtotheproperty,andin1991the Brown’s Crossroads School was relocated to the park. Visitors to Landmark Park can enjoy an old-fashioned milkshake, soda or ice cream at the Martin Drugstore. This historic drugstore was located in Enterprise, Alabama the contents weremovedtoLandmarkParkin1997.Itnowdisplaysmedicinebottles,adoctor’sofficeandpharmacy and a working soda fountain. In October 1994, the Shelley General Storewas moved to the property from Tumbleton, Al-abama. It was a gift from the Shelley family and kids and other visitors enjoy shopping for wooden toys, cookbooks and other old country items.

Nature Trails and Other Outdoor Activities Experience nature with a walk through the woods on an elevated boardwalk, stroll on the nature trails, see wildlife exhibits and have a pic-nic in our picnic area. Finish the day with a trip to “The Barnyard” Playground. The boardwalk at Landmark Park is about 1800 feet and goes over Cedar Creek, home to several species of wildlife.

Special Events Landmark Park hosts several annual special events including Spring Farm Day, Wiregrass Heritage Festival, Ice Cream Social, the Antique and Collector Car Show, Music By Moonlight, the Johnny Mack Brown Western Festival and Victorian Christmas. Workshops for both chil-

dren and adults are held each season. Summer camps are offered each year for ages 4-11. The park also hosts over 14,000 school children eachyearoneducationalfieldtrips.

Membership and Support Families are encouraged to join Landmark Parktoreceivebenefitsincludingfreeparkad-mission, discounts on special programs, ad-vance notice of activities, and a subscription to “The Lark,” the park’s quarterly newsletter. Volunteers and members are a vital part of the organization. In 2008, volunteers recorded over 8,000 hours of donated time, and 1700 families are members of the organization.

Rentals Landmark Park also rents several areas of the facility for weddings, birthday parties and other events. The Stokes Activity Barn is a popular spot for weddings and “The Barnyard” Playground and Pavilion hosts several birthday parties each month.

LandmarkParkisanonprofitorganizationlo-cated on Hwy. 431 North in Dothan, three miles north of Dothan’s Ross Clark Circle. For more information, call 334-794-3452 or visit

Educational field trips for


Great playground for parties!

28 Healthy Horizons Magazine

SPRING FARM DAY • March 21, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.Turn back the clock 100 years and experience living history demonstra-tions of sheep shearing, blacksmithing, plowing with draft animals, basketweaving, quilting and other traditional spring farm activities. En-tertainment will include an “Old Time Fiddlers Convention” and the “Alabama State Horse and Mule Plowing Contest.”

A PARtY FoR the PARk• April 24, 6 p.m.An outdoor barbecue that you don’t want to miss. Bring your appetite and friends for this unique fundraiser. Advance tickets required.

YeLLAWooD® JohNNY MACk BRoWN WeSteRN FeStIVAL • May 9, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.Celebrate the Old West, Wiregrass style. Featuring movies and memo-rabilia of the late Dothan native and Western film star Johnny Mack Brown. Event includes shooting demonstrations, roping shows, reenact-ments, a chuck wagon cookoff, music and more. Barn dance with food and music held at the Stokes Activity Barn on May 8. Advance tickets required for barn dance.

ANIMAL tALeS • tuesdays in June and July, 10 a.m. Storytelling program for preschool age children. Participation is encour-aged through dance, song and pantomime. Reservations required.

ANIMAL ADVeNtuReS • Fridays in June and July, 10 a.m.One-hour educational programs featuring native and exotic animals. Recommended for ages five and older. Reservations required.

MuSIC BY MooNLIGht • June 11, 25, July 9, 23, 7:30 p.m.Annual concert series under the stars on the Gazebo lawn. Pack a picnic supper and bring your lawn chairs. Martin Drugstore open and serving ice cream. Presented by MusicSouth.

oLD FAShIoNeD ICe CReAM SoCIAL • June 27, 5 p.m.-8 p.m.It’s a summertime treat for the whole family as we observe National Dairy Month. Activities include cow milking, butter churning, ice cream making and more. Plus, FREE single dip ice cream cones.

heRItAGe FoRuMS • Sundays in July, 3 p.m.Presentations on state and local history. Reservations required.

SCIeNCe oN SAtuRDAYS • Saturdays in August, 10 a.m.Fun, educational programs about the magic of science for children and families. Reservations required.

Landmark Park

Special events and Activities 2009

LoW CouNtRY BoIL • September 17, 6 p.m.A great way to end the summer with plenty of music, food, a silent auction and the opportunity to have fun while helping raise funds for Landmark Park. Advance tickets required.

WIReGRASS ANtIque & CoLLeCtoR CAR ShoW • october 3, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.One of the largest car shows in the Wiregrass. Approximately 200 cars on display ranging from “T” Models to custom classics.

WIReGRASS heRItAGe FeStIVAL • october 24, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.Lean how peanuts were harvested in the Wiregrass a half-century ago. Enjoy the sights, sounds and smells of cane grinding, syrup making, but-ter churning, basket weaving, soap making and other traditional farm activities. Plus, food, music and antique tractors and farm equipment.

VICtoRIAN ChRIStMAS • December 13, 1 p.m.-4 p.m. Holiday open house. Sample turn-of-the-century desserts, sip hot choc-olate or mulled cider and try your hand at making traditional Christmas decorations. A circuit-riding preacher will arrive on horseback to deliver a Christmas message at the church.

LANDMARk PARk, located 2.7 miles north of Dothan’s Ross Clark Cir-cle, is a 100 acre facility dedicated to preserving the cultural and natural heritage of the Wiregrass Region. Features of the park include an 1890s farmstead, complete with crops, buildings and animals typical of the pe-riod. In addition, visitors will find a crossroads village where they can visit a turn-of-the-century church, one-room school, general store, drugstore and gazebo. Children and parents will love the large playground as well as the nature trails, elevated boardwald, wildlife exhibits, picnic areas and planetarium. Landmark Park is open year-round except on New Years Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. No pets, please.

Other exhibits and programs are offered throughout the year. PARk houRS

Mon.-Sat., 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sun., noon-6 p.m.

StARLAB PLANetARIuM ShoWtIMeSSat., 11 a.m., 1 p.m., 3 p.m.; Sun., 1 p.m., 3 p.m.

PARk ADMISSIoNAdults, $4; Children ages 4-15, $3; Children ages 3 and under and park

members, free. Admission varies during special events.

StARLAB PLANetARIuM ADMISSIoNMembers, free; Nonmembers, $1. Not recommended for

children under 5.

LANDMARk PARkP.O. Box 6362

Dothan, AL 36302(334) 794-3452; fax (334) 677-7229

www.landmarkpark.comThis publication was made possible through

the support of the Dothan Area Convention and Visitor’s Bureau. For more tourism information concerning the Dothan area, please call

1-888-449-0212 or visit

Community Wellness Guide 29

Community Focus


30 Healthy Horizons Magazine

Landmark Park’s special events always draw a crowd, but the ongoing pro-grams and workshops at the park are Dothan’s best kept secrets. Most of

these programs are free with paid gate admis-sion—and completely free for park members. Every weekday, visitors to Landmark Park can join park staff to feed the farm animals on the Wiregrass Farmstead. Landmark Park is home to several sheep, pigs, mules, cows goats and chickens, and at 4 p.m. on week-days, guests can get a lesson on what each animal eats and the traditional role they played onthefarminthe1890s.Eachfarmanimalisaheritage breed typical of that era—Pineywoods cows, Dominique chickens, Gulf Coast Native sheep and Guinea hogs. These farm programs are co-sponsored by the Alabama Agricultural Museum. Kids especially enjoy getting a chance to feed the animals. On the fourth Saturday of each month, the farm manager of the Wiregrass Farmstead, along with special guests, presents programs on sea-sonal activities and methods of farming used at the turn of the century. Topics can include any-thing from planting a garden to heritage breeds of farm animals. These programs are presented at 10 a.m. and again at 2 p.m. They take place outside at the Wiregrass Farmstead. Registra-tion is required for these presentations. Moving inside and away from the farm, visi-tors can have a chance to meet Indy, the park’s Eastern Indigo Snake, every second Sunday at 4 p.m. The endangered Eastern Indigo snake is the largest snake in North America, and is native toAlabama.Thesesnakesareverybeneficialto

There’s AlwaysSomething Fun Going On at Landmark Park!

the environment, keeping the rodent population down. They, like the king snake, are immune to rattlesnake venom so they are able to eat these poisonous snakes as well. Watch as the staff feeds Indy and several other snakes and turtles in the Interpretive Center classroom. The Landmark Dulcimer Club meets every firstSaturdayat2p.m.forapracticelessonandjam session. The club meets in the Interpretive Center classroom and the only requirement is that participants have a mountain dulcimer. No experience or music reading ability is necessary. This stringed folk instrument was developed in the Appalacian Mountains and is simple to learn. If you don’t have access to a dulcimer, you can come enjoy the beautiful music. Every Saturday at 11 a.m., 1 p.m. and 3 p.m., and Sunday at 1 p.m. and 3 p.m., the STARLAB Planetarium is open to guests. View the night sky in season and learn about stars, constellations and related mythology. Planetari-um shows are $1 for nonmembers and free for park members. These programs, however, are

not recommended for children under the age of 5. As the seasons change, the stars change, so shows are different throughout the year. For unique gift ideas, visit the Shelley Gener-al Store, Martin Drugstore or Interpretive Center Gift Shop for a variety of history and nature-re-lated souvenirs, old fashioned toys, cookbooks, honey and more. The Shelley General Store is open Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m.– 4 p.m., the Martin Drugstore is open Wednes-day-Saturday from 10 a.m.– 4 p.m. and Sunday from 1 p.m.– 5 p.m. and the Gift Shop is open every day. Landmark Park is located on Hwy. 431 North in Dothan, just three miles north of Ross Clark Circle. For more information, visit www.landmarkpark.comorcall334-794-3452.

Community Wellness Guide 31

Some safety tips to consider:

• Everyoneshouldwearahatandeith




• Establishrulessuchas:Norunning.Keepyo





• Anglersshouldlearntheoverheadca




• Setupabuddysystem.Theyoungestang







• Bringalong-handledfishnet,notj






• Takeafirstaidkitwithmedicalsuppliesto




• Planforcolddrinkbreaks.Summertemperaturescanget








• Sunscreenisanecessity.Theultra












• Stayawayfromsnakes.Mostsnakesareharmless,butmostof











October 4, 2008 was a beautiful day for over 200 young anglers ages 5 –12, who par-ticipatedinthe11thAnnualYouthFishingDaysponsored by Dothan Leisure Services and Co-Sponsored by Alabama Division of Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries. This is an annual event that is held every October at the pond at EastgatePark.Thepondisstockedwithcatfishaboutaweekbeforetheevent.Thefisharecorralled so that the young anglers can have the experience of a successful day of catching fish.Thisisadayweretheyoungparticipantsgettofishwiththeassistancefromtheirpar-ents, grandparents, or older siblings. Several of the businesses in the community donated items to be given away as door prizes and items to go into goody bags. Each partici-pant gets a goody bag to take home as well a participant ribbon. The Houston Academy Key Club also supplies volunteers to help with bait-ing hooks, casting if the participant needs it, and helping serve refreshment throughout the day.Lotsoffishwerecaughtandagoodtimewas had by everyone.

Fishing is a fun way to spend time with family and friends outdoors.Whenyougofishingwithkids,youneedmorethanfishinggear.Remembertobring

along the right attitude and the right stuff for safety. The Alabama Department of Conser-

vation and Natural Resources sponsors a number of kids’fishingevents throughout the

summer,, to encourage inter-

est in angling as a family activity. Fishing can be simple. The Department has a free Basic

Fishing book on the Web,



Community Focus


John Croyle speaks with passion when he says Shelley’s name. Even though it happened 20 years ago, John can still see the frail 12-year-old, nervously

rocking herself on the bench outside a court-room where a hearing would determine her future. All she wanted was a chance to sleep without fear and wake up with hope. A judge would determine if she got that chance. John knew Shelley had been brutally raped by her father while her mother held her down; he’d read the court transcripts. But he read even more when he looked into her sad eyes. He’d seen that look of despair many times be-fore, and it never failed to grip his heart. By the time hemet Shelley in 1995, Johnwas no stranger to family court. He’d rescued countless boys from lives of abuse and neglect since1974,gainingcustodyorguardianshipofthem and bringing them to live in the Christian home environment of Big Oak Boys’ Ranch in Gadsden, Alabama. “I’ll take Shelley,” John implored the judge, who countered that the Ranch had been estab-lished for boys only. “Then my wife and I will take Shelley into our own home,” John pleaded. “Please, give her this chance. If you send Shel-ley back to her parents, she’ll be dead within six months.” But, for reasons of his own, the judge’s ears and heart were deaf to John’s pleas. John’s hands were tied, and he watched helplessly as the frail little girl with the sad eyes slowly walked out of the courtroom door and back to her parents. As it turned out, John was wrong. Shelley didn’t die in six months; she was battered to death by her father three months later. Her trag-ic death– so needless, so preventable – was a life-altering event for John, who sums up the painful experience: “Tee and I promised God that, when the time was right, we would open a home for girls. We promised God that, with His help, we would not allow this to happen to another girl, ever again.” In1988,thatpromisedranchforgirlsswungopen its gates, providing love and hope to girls who, like Shelley, just want a chance to sleep without fear and wake with hope.

John thinks of Shelley every morning when he drives into Big Oak Girls’ Ranch in Spring-ville, Alabama. The street, named after the little girl who never lived there, is a straight shot into the heart of John Croyle’s God-given vision and lifelong dream. The 325-acre facility has been home to scores of girls. John Croyle stands well over 6 feet tall. He played defensive end for the University of Ala-bama’s legendary football coach, Paul “Bear” Bryant. After college, he gave up the chance to play in the NFL because he felt drawn to mak-ing a difference in the lives of orphaned, abused and neglected children. When he talked about the early days of his dream, John’s typically booming voice softens with gratitude, “Here’s a guy who found out early what he was put on this earth to do.” In the past 30 years, over 1,700 children have called Big Oak home. Their lives have been changed, one by one.

John has four promises he makes personally to every child who comes to lives at Big Oak:1. I love you2. I’ll never lie to you3. I’ll stick with you ‘til you’re grown4. There are boundaries. Don’t cross them.

That’s Big Oak in a nutshell: love and bound-aries. Big Oak Girls’ Ranch and Big Oak Boys’ Ranch are rooted in the words of Isaiah 61:3, “So they will be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the Lord that He may be glo-rified.” It’s a perfect image of the transforma-tion that takes place to those who come to live under theshadeofBigOak.For thefirst timein many of their young lives, they feel wanted, cared for and protected. The roots of an oak tree are strong and deep, drinking in up to 50 gallons of water daily. At Big Oak Ranch, children thirsty for hope and happinessdrinkdeeplyastheylive–forthefirsttime in their lives – without fear of being hurt or abandoned. They can finally relax, breathedeeply, feel rooted, and thrive in family settings that are based on godly love. For more information about Big Oak Ranch, pleasecallouradministrativeofficeat(205)467-6226, or visit our website at

32 Healthy Horizons Magazine

Community Wellness Guide 33

Raising funds “to help children who cannot help themselves”. This has become the mission of Sergeant Jason Davis of the Dothan Fire De-

partment. J.D., as he is known by most of his friends, supporters and co-workers, created a non-profitorganizationaftertheuntimelydeathof his step-daughter. Through this foundation Sgt. Davis has been able to purchase a number of items to help ease the burden of the patients at Children’s Hospital in Birmingham, Alabama. The foundation was originally named in honor of his step-daughter as the Amanda Cox Foun-dation,however,becauseofhisaffiliationwiththe public safety community the name of the foundation has been changed to “Firefightersfor Kids, Inc.” J.D. has rallied the support of his co-workers in the Fire Department to continue this great foundation. In2007Jasonheld thefirstannualDothanFire Department– Amanda Cox Foundation

Roof-Top Fundraiser. Although it was the inau-gural event, over $19,000.00was raisedoverthree days to support Children’s Hospital. Sergeant Davis and another member of the Department isolate themselves on the roof of a local restaurant for three days to draw attention to and raise funds to help the children in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit at Children’s. This event was such an overwhelming success; it hasbecomeanannualeventthatistheflagshipcharity event of the Fire Department. Over the past several years the Foundation has purchased comfort items to help make the children feel a little more comfortable or more at home during their stay in the Unit. As an avid

motorcyclist, J.D. purchased a number of Harley

Davidson wagons for the hospital. The simple

pull wagons are used by the staff to transport ill

children to and from procedures throughout the

hospital rather than in hospital beds. “Some-

thing so simple makes great strides to reduce

a young one’s anxiety during their stay,” said

Sergeant Davis.


a special place in my heart for children in need” he


his avenue to further help those who cannot help

themselves as well as keeping the memory of his

step-daughter Amanda alive.

A Salute to Our Local Special OlympiansBy Det. LT David Lewis, Dothan Police Dept.

It seems like quite sometime ago now when I was asked to participate in a Law Enforce-ment Torch Run. At the time I was Familiar with Special Olympics as I had two co-

workers who had children with special needs. I am employed with our department as a de-tention officer. By having been involved withourdepartmentasanauxiliarypoliceofficerforseveral years. Ourdepartmenthasasmallgroupofofficerswho would sell tee shirts and run in the local touch run and do various other local events to raise money and awareness for special Olym-pics. They would also take part in the state run and return with stories of how the athletes

would treat them like heroes and how nothing bothered the athletes, they just wanted to par-ticipate and be a part of something other than their normal lives. At the time I was asked to help I was as-signed a large amount of Torch Run shirts to sell and given the dates of several fund raising events along with the date of the local Torch Run. It was not until I went to the state run and state games there was something special about being around the athletes. The athletes really do treat you as a hero, but what was important was their attitude about themselves. I could not have imagined anyone with any handicap could have the kind of willingness just to participate in the competition and to be around others who did not judge them as having such issues as they did. Iwasaskedtohelp judgeatrackandfieldevent. I watched as they all ran or walked and struggled to do their very best. I also watch as one athlete in almost last place fall and how theyallstopped,pickedhimupandallfinishedtogether. In no uncertain terms they are all win-ners, every one of them. I realize it is the athletes who are the heroes. I wanted everyone to understand what these Special Olympians are like. I wanted everyone to understand how they worked hard and gave it one hundred percent and did not complain

about anything. I wanted everyone to understand the Special Olympics prepares them to better equipped to handle life. Some athletes even live on their own and have a job and are very produc-tive. Everyone needs to know these athletes are not to be shut in, locked away or hidden from the world, they are just like you and me. Our community has responded to our athlete and special citizens by programs through public schools, giving money, some giving of their time and even hireling and coaching these special citizens. I have been blessed to know many of the athletes, and they truly are my heroes.

“I could not have imagined anyone with any handicap could have the kind of willingness just to participate in the competition and to be around others who did

not judge them as having such issues as they did.”

Community Focus


Exercising does not have to be in a gym. Stepping outdoors can improve your overall health. The U.S. Forest Service is encouraging people to get moving

in the National Forests in Alabama by exercis-ing in the Bankhead, Talladega, Tuskegee and Conecuh National Forests. A drive to one of Alabama’s national forests provides opportuni-ties for hiking, running, walking, bicycling, and swimming, and canoeing. Exercising in the great outdoors can burn just as many calories as jogging on a treadmill, and an additional ben-efitincludeswatchingnature. “Exercising outdoors is one of the best things nature has to offer,” said Miera C. Nagy, forest supervisor for the National Forests in Ala-bama. “Rather than staring at the same wall daily, you can witness changes in nature every minute while you’re getting your heart rate up.” Alabama’s four national forests have more than 342 miles of various types of trails located in northwest, northeast, west central, east cen-tral, and south Alabama. The trails are easy to moderate in terms of difficulty. “Our trails arebeautiful and peaceful landscapes that can be used for walking, running, or bicycling,” Nagy said. “A short 30-minute workout in the na-tional forest can reduce stress and be a form of cardiovascular exercise.” In addition to trails, the Forest Service manages 27 recreation sites that include some beaches for those who enjoy swimming. There are also places for canoeing and other water sports. A good rule of thumb when choosing an out-door exercising activity in the national forest is to be prepared before you leave. According to MikeCook,safetyofficer for theNationalFor-ests in Alabama, there are some things you should know before deciding to hit the trail for thefirsttimetoensureasafeandpleasurableexperience. For example, visitors should contact a district officetoobtainmapsthathighlighttrailsordis-cuss exercise plans with a recreation specialist. Cooksaid,“Youshouldbefamiliarwiththetypeof recreation activity the trail is designed for and be aware of the terrain, distance and elevation

before using the trail.” Maps can provide detailed description about the trail and help in deciding which workout is right for you. In terms of outer wear, a good pair of trail hiking shoes can provide a harder sole for stepping on rocks and terrain changes will protect feet. Of primary importance is to be equipped with the following 10 essentials on all hiking trips: map, compass, whistle (3 blasts for help), flashlight, sharpknife, fire starter,water,first-aidkit,extrafoodandclothingsuitableforthe season. For those who enjoy cycling as a form of exercising, mountain bicycles are the appropri-ate choice for designated mountain bike trails. There are also beach areas in the Bankhead, Conecuh, and Talladega National Forest (Shoal Creek and Oakmulgee Districts). Visitors inter-ested in swimming should be aware that life-guards are not present. If you’re exercising in the national forest, it is always smart to bring items such as water to prevent dehydration, sunscreen to protect your skin, comfortable

clothing appropriate for the season, and sun-glasses for eye protection. “We want our visi-tors to be safe while they enjoy the national forests and improve their health,” Cook said. Developed recreation sites throughout the National Forests in Alabama are open for the 2009recreationseason.Visitorscanenjoyad-ditionaloutdooractivitiessuchasfishing,boat-ing, picnicking, bird-watching, camping, horse-back riding, and all-terrain vehicle riding on des-ignated trails. Visit the Forest Service website at for maps, fees, site closures, restrictions and rules for visitors.

in Your National ForestGet Moving

For more information about National Forests in Alabama

recreational activities, please contact a district office

nearest you or contact:

The Supervisor’s Office in Montgomery(334) 832-4470

Bankhead District in Double Springs (205)489-5111

Conecuh District in Andalusia (334) 222-2555

Shoal Creek District in Heflin(256) 463-2272

Talladega District in Talladega(256)362-2909

Oakmulgee District in Centreville(205)926-9765

Tuskegee District in Tuskegee(334) 727-2652

34 Healthy Horizons Magazine

Site Location and Name



g A

















Bankhead National Forest- Brent, AL205-489-5111

Clear Creek (Walking/Hiking/Biking) * * * $4.00 per vehicle 2.5 Easy to Moderate

Corinth (Walking) * $4.00 per vehicle 0.5 Easy

Flint Creek (Off-highway Vehicles, Horse-back Riding, Mountain Biking)

* $3.00 per operator 16.3 Moderate to Difficult

Houston (Walking, Biking) * * $4.00 per vehicle 0.5 Easy

Natural Bridge Picnic Area (Walking) * None 1.5 Easy

Owl Creek Trails (Horse-back Riding, Mountain Biking)

* $3.00 per vehicle 24.9 Moderate to Difficult

Sipsey River Picnic Area (Walking) * $3.00 per vehicle 0.5 Easy

Conecuh National Forest-Andalusia, AL334-222-2555

Conecuh Trail (Hiking, Mountain Biking) * None 19.3 Easy to Moderate

Open Pond (Walking) * $3.00 per vehicle 1.0 Easy

Talladega National Forest- Oakmulgee Ranger DistrictBrent, AL205-926-9765

Payne Lake (Walking) * $3.00 per vehicle 1.0 Easy

Talladega National Forest- Shoal Creek Ranger DistrictHeflin, AL 256-463-2272

Pine Glen (Walking) * No Fee/ Dayuse 0.5 Easy

Pinhoti Trail (Hiking Only) * None 161.6 Moderate to Difficult

Warden Station (Horse, Mountain Biking) * * $3.00 per vehicle 33.0 Easy to Moderate

Talladega National Forest- Talladega Ranger DistrictTalladega, AL256-362-2909

Skyward Loop Trail (Hiking Only) * None 6.0 Moderate to Difficult

Chinnabee Silent Trail (Hiking Only) * None 6.0 Moderate to Difficult

Kentuck ORV Trail (OHV, Mountain Biking)

* None 23.3 Easy to Moderate

Lake Chinnabee (Walking, Biking) * None 1.0 Easy

Lake Howard (Hiking, Mountain Biking) * * None 14.0 Easy to Moderate

Pinhoti Trail (Hiking Only) * None 135.0 Moderate to Difficult

Tuskegee National ForestTuskegee, AL334-727-2652

Bartram Trail (Hiking, Mountain Biking) * * None 8.5 Easy to Moderate

Pleasant Hill (Hiking, Mountain Biking) * * None 4 Easy to Moderate

Please note: National Forests in Alabama trails have two trails designated for off-highway vehicle (OHV) use. If you are exercising on the Kentuck and Flint Creek Trails, you may also see visitors riding OHVs. Mountain bikers will share the Warden Station, Owl Creek and Flint Creek Trails with horse-back riders.

Get Moving in Your National Forest– Chart

Community Wellness Guide 35

It refreshes us like nothing else. It can be occasionally elusive, almost always comforting,anddefinitelyessentialtooursurvival. And although we spend 33% of

our lives asleep, we barely give it a moment’s notice....until we can’t sleep. Then we think about it to the point of obsession. For millions of people, the consequences of a poor night’s sleep – higher stress, in-creased mistakes, difficulty concentrating,even obesity – are every day occurrences. But it doesn’t have to be this way.“Sleep deprivation is a serious medical risk, but few people are aware of that,” says Joyce Walsleben, PhD, and associate professor of

medicineatNY&UschoolofMedicine.“Youhave to pay as much attention to your sleep as you do to eating a nutritious diet.” A spate of studies is turning up clear links between inadequate sleep and obesity, as well as several related conditions: heart disease, hypertension, and type 2 diabetes. “Sleeping less and weighing more are two of the most obvious social trends over the past century,” says Eric Olson, MD, co-director of the Sleep disorders Center at the Mayo Clinic. The good news is that with adequate shut-eye, these conditions may be revers-ible, experts say.

The sleep set is literally the foundation of your sleep. But beyond your investment in the mattress, it’s important to make an overall commitment to sleep. Here are some tips for maintaining a healthy sleep cycle and ensuring the best night’s rest:

1.Maintain a regular bed and wake time schedule, including weekends. 2.Establish a relaxing bedtime routine, such as soaking in a hot bath or hot tub and then reading a book or listening to soothing music. 3.Create a sleep-conducive environment that is dark, quiet, comfortable and cool. 4.Sleep on a comfortable mattress and pillow. 5.Finish eating at least two to three hours before your regular bedtime. 6.Exercise regularly. It is ideal to complete your workout at least a few hours before bedtime. 7.Avoid alcohol, nicotine (e.g., cigarettes, tobacco products), and caffeine (e.g., coffee, tea, soft drinks, chocolate) close to bedtime. These can lead to poor sleep, keep you awake or disrupt sleep later in the night.

“Good Mornings Begin with a Great Nights Sleep”

Useful tips

The latest survey from the Better Sleep Council finds that an increasing num-ber of women feel that a good night’s sleep, like proper diet and exercise, is central to their overall health and well being. However, while they may un-derstand this critical link, the poll also shows that women are failing to get the sleep they need.

Quick Facts from the Survey

• Sixty-eight percent (68%) of Ameri-can women admit to sleeping less than recommended average of eight hours per night.

• The top three factors that rob women of sleep: 1. Work- and/or family-related stress 2. Ailments such as an allergy or cold 3. Uncomfortable mattress or pillows

• One-third of women respondents feel that a balanced lifestyle requires a proper diet, regular exercise, and a good night’s sleep.

Once you are familiar with the menu of mattress options available, start the shop-ping process at a store that you know and trust. Remember, it is important to have an educated salesperson who can guide you through the many choices in bedding to help you find themattress that bestmeets yourpersonal needs.


Will you find:

• Factory trained sales associates

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mattress protectors, and pillows

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(even haul off old beds)


Please see our ad on the following page.Call us today or visit us on the web.

– Article submitted by Good Morning Mattress

36 Healthy Horizons Magazine

How’dyou sleep last night?

• We accept phone orders• Delivery and setup available• Med-lift chairs available• Interest-free fi nancing• Exclusive 1 year comfort guarantee!


Come by our storeor give us a call today!

3702 Montgomery Hwy. • Dothan, AL

40StayingFit After

What are we to do?

The “battle of the bulge” is on and we seem to be losing the WAR!

These are some tips to utilize in your quest for health. It is difficult to “eat the right way” in the fast paced life that we all lead.

1) Drink plenty of water-water is vital for health and plays a role in every bodily function. According to the Center for Disease Control (2008), water assist your body by regulating normal temperature, lubricating your joints, protects your spinal cord and helps eliminate waste in your body (by urination, perspiration and bowel movements).

2) Exercise-The Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommends both aerobic and muscle strengtheningexercise.Youshouldseekmedi-cal advice prior to implementing any type of exerciseprogram.YoumayaccesstheCDCwebsite at for your age group.

3) Eat a balanced diet-this is the hardest part for me! •Limittransandsaturatedfats •Limityourintakeoffoodshighin cholesterol •Learntoreadlabels(lookatfatcontent,try to purchase fat-free, mono or poly unsaturated fats)

4) Maintain a healthy weight Know your current weight •Ourgoalshouldbeabletogetonthe scales without fear that our spouse or significantotherislooking! •Obtainandmaintainahealthyweight

Figure your Body Mass Index •Overweightisdefinedasabodymass index (BMI) of 25 or higher; obesity is definedasaBMIof30orhigher •Visitthefollowingwebsiteforinformation on your current BMI http://www.consumer. gov/weightloss/bmi.htm

Be aware of the adverse effects of being overweight •Coronaryheartdisease •Type2diabetes •Cancers(endometrial,breast,andcolon) •Hypertension(highbloodpressure)

•Dyslipidemia(forexample,hightotal cholesterol or high levels of triglycerides) •Stroke •LiverandGallbladderdisease •Sleepapneaandrespiratoryproblems •Osteoarthritis(adegenerationofcartilage and its underlying bone within a joint) •Gynecologicalproblems(CDC,2008)

Reference: Center for Disease Control (2008). Nutri-tionforeveryone.RetrievedDecember9,2008from

by Kimberly D. Helms, RN, MSN

helpful informationphone:334-347-9541

address:300 Plaza DriveEnterprise, AL

Enterprise Health& Rehabilitation Center

“Service is Our Profession”We offer for you:

Skilled Nursing • Physical TherapySpeech Therapy • Occupational Therapy

Nutritional Support • Post Stroke RehabilitationWound Care • Infusion Therapy

Everyone at Enterprise Health & Rehabilitation thanks their patients and families for placing their complete trust and confidence in them. We look forward to taking care of your loved ones in the future!

300 Plaza Drive • Enterprise, AL • 334-347-9541

In1964theEnterpriseNursingHomeadmitteditsfirstpatienttothe 26 bed unit just completed. Since that time, we have grown to become one of the second largest nursing homes in the state of Alabama.Thefacilityisanon-profit,standalonefacility. Our name has changed to Enterprise Health and Rehabilitation Center. Thiswasdone tomore accurately reflect the short termrehab services as well as the traditional long-term care services we provide to our community and residents. Our goal of providing quality of care can only be met when there is qualified, caring individuals to provide that care.Wedrawouremployees from the City and the surrounding communities and en-courage dedication to the residents and the facility. The medical staff of the facility consists of local family practice physicians. Other local physicians specializing in orthopedic, surgery, optometry, urol-ogy and dialysis are available to our residents.

Enterprise Health& Rehabilitation Center

“Everyone at Enterprise Health & Rehabilitation

thanks their patients and fami-lies for placing their complete trust and confidence in them.

We look forward to taking care of your loved ones

in the future!”

Pilcher’ s Ambulance Service


“The team to count on when

seconds count.”

“State-of-the-art equipment and

qualifi edprofessionals”

923 South Foster StreetDothan, AL 36301

• Locally Ownedand Operated Since 1965

•Qualified Paramedics and EMT’s• Emergency and

Non-Emergency Transports• Remember – When Dialing 911


Thank you forchoosing Pilcher’s

Ambulance Service!

Pilcher's Ambulance has been saving lives for over 40 years in the Wiregrass. We have made a commitment to the people "So That More May Live." We have a staff of forty Paramedics and EMT's andafleetofthirteenadvancedlevelambulances. Pilcher's continues to strive to reach each individual that might need our services. We respond to all calls from a life-threatening emergencytoanon-emergencyrequestsuchasdoctor'soffices,outpatient clinics, nursing home facilities, dialysis clinics, and hos-pital-to-hospital transfers. Today, Pilcher's remains the oldest licensed ambulance service in the state of Alabama. Joey Pilcher and his family have always re-membered that each call, in which they respond to, is important to the person who has called. Thanks to everyone who has allowed the Pilcher Family to serve this community for over 40 years. When dialing 911 please remember to request your hometown ambu-lance service "PILCHER'S."

Pilcher’ s Ambulance Service

Est. 1965helpful informationphone:334-794-4444

address:923 South Foster StreetDothan, AL

by Kimberly D. Helms, RN, MSN Endof life discussions are often difficult toinitiate with healthcare providers and even more difficulttoinitiatewithfamilymembers.Health-care providers frequently focus on life saving endeavors, while family members are struggling with the thought of losing a loved one. However, there comes a time in an individual’s life when one must face the issue of dying. This is a dif-ficultjourney,yetoneweallmustfaceatsomepoint. Understanding end of life care can posi-tively impact a patient’s life (Center for Disease Control, 2008). Family members may be called upon to make decisions regarding the care a loved one will receive. Having an understanding of your loved one’s preferences and desires can make these difficult decisions somewhat easier. Forthis reason older adults should be encouraged to discuss their wishes with their family mem-bers and physicians prior to an acute illness. Anxiety levels are high when a loved one is seri-ouslyillandthatisanextremelydifficulttimetomake important decisions regarding healthcare (Center for Disease Control, 2008).

Facing the EndThe Value of Palliative &Hospice Care: Options forEnd of Life CareWhat is palliative care? Palliative care is aimed at achieving optimal quality of life for patients who are diagnosed with a terminal illness. Healthcare providers use a “holistic” approach. This basically means that the focus of treatment is on pain management, symptom management and other needs which arise with a serious illness. Palliative care has the goal of meeting the patient’s needs on an emotional, social, spiritual and physiological level. A patient’s cultural beliefs and values are taken into consideration when planning care which will be provided. Quality of life for the dy-ing patient is a major objective of palliative care (Center for Disease Control, 2008).

What does hospice care mean? Hospice care consists of a team of health-care providers and volunteers. This team deliv-ers a deliberate, well thought out plan of care to terminally ill patients. It includes a collaborative team effort geared toward improving the qual-ity of life experienced by patients. .Hospice is unique in the fact that supportive care is avail-able to the family of the dying patient during a time of crisis and also provides support during

bereavement. Medicare reimburses for hospice care. The patient must meet specific criteriafor Medicare to pay for services. This criterion includes: (a) a terminal diagnosis, (b) life expec-tancy of less than six months, (c) willingness to decline any further treatment. A patient may berecertifiedforhospicecareattheendofsixmonths if their condition still meets criteria for hospice care (Center for Disease Control, 2008).

Reference: Center for Disease Control (2008). End of life issues. Retrieved December 8, 2008 from

The SKIN CenterL. Terry Pynes, MD

Dermatology Associates and

Westwood Day Spa

Working together to offeryou

the finest in skin care products and techniques

2431 W Main St Ste 303Dothan, AL 36301

(334) 793-9222 or (334) 678-8772

Setting the Standard for Retirement Living The moment you walk into The Terrace at Grove Park, you know you’ve come home. We are a full service retirement community specificallydesignedforseniorsthatwanttobeas independent as possible, but know that as-sistance is only a step away. As soon as you en-ter our lovely surroundings you will feel the spirit of warmth and caring that gives you the com-forting peace of mind. Our staff has been care-fully selected and trained to provide the highest quality of service possible. We are compassion-ate and attentive to our residents. Smiles and hugs are readily available. We believe that using our integrity, talents and experience to create senior living community will make a difference in the lives of each resident.

We are dedicated to the idea that each per-son is an individual. We respect that individuality and understand that not everybody is the same nor do they have similar needs. There are a va-riety of group and individual activities that give our residents opportunities for socialization, recreation and spiritual involvement. Many of our residents are currently active in community clubs and organizations that assist in the con-tinued growth of the area. Assisted Living is there to help assist you and your loved ones in performing some of the activities of daily living. Our activities depart-ment provides weekly outings to several local shops. We participate in all senior workshops in the area and provide learning opportunities for each resident. A specialized therapeutic exer-cise program is available three days a week. We strive to eliminate the loneliness, help-lessness and boredom often found in seniors living alone. Few things are as rewarding and infectious as lifting another persons spirits. Through an act of kindness or special attention you can turn routine encounters with others into unforgettable experiences. Our community is based on core values. We are devoted to strong principles and in creat-ing a warm friendly environment. As soon as you feel that comforting peace of mind, you will understand why our community is setting the

standard for retirement living... it just feels like home. Give us the opportunity to provide you with a preview. Call us today for your personalized tour at: The Terrace at Grove Park, Dothan, AL (334) 792-7349.

334-792-7349101 Tulip Lane • Dothan, Alabama 36305

helpful informationphone:334-792-7349address:101 Tulip LaneDothan, AL

“We strive to eliminate the lone-liness, helplessness and boredom

often found in seniors living alone. Few things are as rewarding

and infectious as lifting another persons spirits.”

Our staff has been carefully selected and trained to provide the

highest quality of service possible.

42 Healthy Horizons Magazine

Otolaryngology (pronounced oh/toe/lair/in/goll/oh/jee) is the old-est medical specialty in the Unit-ed States. Otolaryngologists are

physicians trained in the medical and surgical management and treatment of patients with diseases and disorders of the ear, nose, throat (ENT), and related structures of the head and neck. They are commonly referred to as ENT physicians. Their special skills include diagnosing and managing diseases of the sinuses, larynx (voice box), oral cavity, and upper pharynx (mouth and throat), as well as structures of the neck and face. Otolaryngologists diagnose, treat, and managespecialty-specificdisordersaswellasmany primary care problems in both children and adults. Our professional medical staff consists of six otolaryngology head and neck surgeons, one allergy-immunologist, three audiologists, and one physical therapist We have two convenient locations in Dothan, Alabama to better serve our patients’ needs!

OFFICE SERVICES:•Allergyandasthma•Hearingevaluations•Customizedrehabilitationprogramfor dizzy patients•Nasalendoscopywithsinuscultures•Directlaryngoscopywithbiopsy of suspicious voicebox lesions•Removalofearwax•Fineneedlebiopsiesofneckmasses•Laryngealvideostroboscopy(forpeople with voice problems)

SURGICAL SERVICES:Including but not limited to:•MyringotomyandTubes•Tonsilectomy/Adenoidectomy•Computer-assistedandlaserfunctional endoscopic sinus surgery•Nasalseptalsurgery•Submucousresectionandlaserreduction of the nasal turbinates•Surgeryofthethyroidgland•Salivaryglandsurgery(parotidand submandibular gland)•Tympanoplasty-repairofeardrumhole•Mastoidectomy(forchronic,drainingears)•Vocalcordmicrosurgery•Canceroftheheadandnecksurgery•Lasersurgery•Snoringandsleepapneasurgery

Our physicians: Front row: Dr. Joe Frank Smith, Dr. Steven Harris, Dr. Paul Motta

and Dr. Warren Rollins; Back row: Dr. Jonathan Lindman,Dr. Timothy Gannon,

and Dr. Kent Nunnally

helpful informationphone:Med Park East Location334-671-2855Flowers Hospital

Community Wellness Guide 43

For a full-service pharmacy and medi-cal supply store, Circle and Doctor’s Center Pharmacies are the places to go. These independent, family owned

business provide quick service, a friendly wel-come, and a commitment to customer service. J. Lendon Scott established Circle Pharma-cyin1973neartheSoutheastAlabamaMedi-cal Center, but has now passed the ownership down to his sons, Scotty, pharmacist, and Ja-son, Operations Manager, and to pharmacist David Jones. The Scott and Jones team keep his legacy with providing their customers with the one-stop shopping experience they ex-pect,andahelpfulstafftofulfillthecustomer’sneeds. Across town, pharmacist and part owner Michael Stinger continues the same quality ser-vices and help with the Doctor’s Center Phar-macy. “We strive to give customer’s a more one on one service. Michael goes the extra mile to see that certain things get covered on your insur-

ance, and the staff takes the time to make sure customers know how to safely use any equip-ment, “ said Wendy Simpler, Doctor’s Center bookkeeper. Both pharmacies administer flu vaccines.Circle also provides an in store shingles vac-cination. Both pharmacies’ on staff nurses will even go to an employer to administer the fluvaccine. “It saves you time instead of having an entire officecometous,”saidSimpler. Customized compounding medications is a service someone might not find at a chainpharmacy. The compounding center provides personalized medications for patients, includ-ing pets. Compounding technician Jason Scott and pharmacist Michael Stinger are skilled in tailoring a variety of medical solutions, creams, gels, capsules, and even “candies” into a form which best suits each individual patient’s needs. If a patient does not like the way the medica-tion tastes or smells, Circle and Doctor’s Center can compound a new taste or smell. If you can’t

swallow your pill, they can even change the way thedoseisdelivered.Evenintoatangerine-fla-vored lollipop. Both pharmacies goal is to ease thewaythepatientsreceivethebenefitoftheirmedications through personalized service. Each pharmacy also sells wide range of products including seat lift chairs, wheelchairs,

Circle Pharmacy& Doctor’s Center PharmacyProviding outstanding customer service for over 30 years!

Customized compound-ing medications is a

service someone might not find at a chain phar-macy. The compounding center provides person-alized medications for

patients, including pets.

44 Healthy Horizons Magazine

helpful information2 Locations to Serve You:Doctor’s Center Pharmacy4119 W. MainDothan, AL334-793-1316

Circle Pharmacy2021 Alexander Dr.Dothan, AL334-792-2717

walkers, canes, bathroom safety equipment, nebulizers and breathing medications, diabetic supplies and shoes, and wound care products. Both pharmacies sell mastactomy bras and prostheticswithcertifiedfittersandaprivatefit-ting room in store. Circle also has a “dollar wall.” It’s a favorite among customers where they can

findanythingfromlotionstocleaningproductsfor only a dollar. Each pharmacy strives to make the prescrip-tionfillingprocessasquicklyaspossible.Circlehas one drive through window, and Doctor’s Center has two. Both pharmacies also have a phonesystemwhereifcustomershavearefilllefton a prescription, they can call in to the auto-mated system. The customers dial in their pre-scription number and the order is sent straight to the pharmacist’s computer alerting the pharma-cisttheprescriptionneedstobefilled.Ifyouarenot able to come pick up your prescriptions, the pharmacies will deliver it for you. Both Circle and Doctor’s Center Pharmacies are friendly, helpful, full-service stores follow-

ing the simple philosophy started by J. Lendon Scott over 30 years ago: “If you can’t get it done at another pharmacy, we can do it here.”

Both pharmacies sell mastactomy bras and prosthetics with certified fitters and

a private fitting room in store.

Community Wellness Guide 45

Whatisdepression?Someonehasdefineditas “a feeling of helplessness and hopelessness that leads to an almost overwhelming sense of sadness.”That isapsychologist’sdefinition.Youand Iwouldsimplysay it is “getting theblues” or feeling down. There is, admittedly, a difference between the stresses that come upon us daily– those times when we just need to be left alone for a while and renew our thinking a bit to help us out of the emotional doldrums– and attacks of serious depression. Certainly, we should be trying to eliminate as many of those minor “down times” as we possibly can so that we can enjoy life and live it to the fullest. But in this article we are talk-ing about something much more severe. Real depression,thatwhichcanstoptheflowofyourlife and paralyze you emotionally for days and weeks and sometimes even longer, is a real and present danger for us all. While there are those who need psychiatric help, and professional assistance should be sought when necessary, for most of us, depression has emotional and circ*mstantial causes rather than chemical or biological ones. What most people do not realize is that the best textbook on human emotional help is the Bible.ItshouldnotsurpriseustofindthatGodhas placed in His word abundant help for our hearts and minds, when we consider that He formed us, and therefore knows us better than anyone on earth ever could, including ourselves. And what is encouraging is the fact that some of God’s most faithful servants have found themselves in the pit of depression. Great Bible heroes like Moses, David, Elijah and John the Baptist all went through depression, and these periods are recorded for us so that we might know several important points. First, having serious emotional problems does not mean that we have done something wrong.

believing church. Most importantly, make sure that God is at the center of your life every day. By building your existence around the one who made and understands you, you will guarantee yourself ultimate victory over the pitfalls of life.

Dealing withDepression

Article byRichard O’ ConnorMinister

Everyone goes through periods of despondency– sadness, depres-sion– times when things are not going the way we think they should go. Emotional pain, grief, and sadness are feelings experienced by everyone at some point in life. The Christian perspective says that Jesus Christ is the answer to depression.


John the Baptist, for example, was serving God faithfully,evenabouttosacrificehislifeforChrist,when he was at his lowest point emotionally. It is tempting for us to think that if we were “what we are supposed to be” we would not be de-pressed, for those who are close to God have nothing to be depressed about. But this is simply not the case, and the Bible proves it. Another thing we learn is that God is close to us even when we don’t feel that He is. When we are depressed, we do not “feel” the Lord’s pres-ence in the same way we do when our minds are functioning with healthy thoughts. But feel-ings– which come and go– have nothing to do with the reality of our relationship with God or His presence with us. We know He is with us, not because we “feel” that He is, but because He has promised that He will NEVER leave or forsake us. He was with David, Moses and Elijah when they were down, and He is with you as well. Finally we learn that we must battle depres-sion the same way they did: by turning to God. Christ is the one who can heal our broken heart. He said, “Come unto me all of you who are heavy-hearted and I will give you rest… Learn ofmeandyouwillfindrestforyoursoul.”Ien-courage you to take emotional pain very seri-ously, and by so doing, turn to the one who can help us more than anyone or anything. The best way for you succeed in life and ensure that you maintain a spirit of joy no matter what the cir-c*mstances is to give your heart to the Lord. Do not try to face depression alone. That is a mistake. Make sure that you spend time daily with God in prayer and meditation upon the Bible. You will be amazed at how emo-tionally refreshed ten minutes of concentrated prayer can make you feel. Make sure that you are associating regularly with positive, uplifting people. This is most easily and effectively done by being an active member of a strong Bible-

Community FocusHealthy Community SectionFaith & FamilyHealthy

46 Healthy Horizons Magazine

Article byJeff Speegle

Most seniors, by virtue of longevity, were taught to be honest. Unfor-tunately some have failed to pass on that vital trait to the ensuing

generation(s). Indeed, some have intentionally practiced dishonestly. Otherwise how can we accountfortheflagrantdishonestysocommonin today’s world? Who can look at deceptive actions in the business community and deny that “just plain honesty” is passé for most? The massive fraud uncoveredinthefinancialsectorwhosetentacleshavepenetratedthehousing,mortgage,financialand all related markets displays the proliferation of dishonesty fostered by greed with no sense of dishonesty or guilt. Even some government of-ficialsseemtohavebeendeeplyinvolved. Most of us have no part in the upper ech-elons listed above, but what about our partici-pation at the main street level? The salesperson who gouges the consumer either by “talk” or inflatedprices?Theprofessionalwhochargesexorbitant fees for services. The blue collar ser-

Just Plain HonestyBy Billy R. Helms, Ph.D

vice person who takes advantage of those who must use his services because they have no knowledge of how to do what must be done. After all, how many of us can do repairs to elec-trical, plumbing, structural, or mechanical mat-ters that plague us all at one time or another. One family was charged about $150 for parts and $850 for four hours labor for a nec-essary repair. Another was told that when re-placing a water heater certain other devices were necessary (about $300 worth) to meet the “state code.” As it turned out there was no “state code” and the regional code that applied was not necessary in a single family residence. This one had a happy ending with a full refund as demanded by the Attorney General of the state. The list could go on and on but greed and fundamental dishonesty bear terrible fruits. Yougettheidea,huh?Well,nowtoamorepersonal level. What about misrepresenting facts when dealing with others, possibly not even dealing with money? When truth is thrown aside and no sense of principle is embraced and truth is ignored, what has happened to ba-sically honest people? Can we just skirt around truth and still claim to be honest? When encour-aged to accomplish something, and we agree,

isn’t it less than honest not to do what we’ve

committed to do? And when we tell “little white

lies” to avoid the embarrassment for not doing

that thing, are we not much less than honest.

Certainly all of us fall into the category of not

fully living up to “just plain honesty,” wouldn’t we

all be better off if we all were people of integrity?

Someone has well said that “integrity” is what

we are when nobody is watching. True!

“A man’s word is his bond” was once a high-

ly esteemed philosophy. Some good people

would lose much materially rather than go back

on their word. Many, many years ago I watched

my father as he sold an old car. The two men

came to an agreement and the buyer was given

the keys on his word that he’d bring the money

thenextday.Yousee, theyweremembersof

the same fraternal society. Next day the man

showed up with the money. “A man’s word is

his bond.” We’re all members of the “human

race society.” Shouldn’t those same principles

apply across the board?

“Just plain honesty.” Now there’s a trait that I’d

be pleased to be known as having and also to be

known for putting it into practice. Wouldn’t you?

I remember being in a bible class one night at Riverchase Church of Christ. Our teacher Tim Genry opened the class by giving each one of us a dollar. There must have been 70 peo-

ple in that classroom! I remember thinking “well, this is kind of weird...getting paid to go to bible class.” It sure was a good way to hold our atten-tion, even if it bordered on bribery. Tim’s point (and by the way, he refused to take the money back) was to think about what we do with what we get every day. Some of us walked into that classroom thinking we didn’t have anything, but we left there with a dollar bill in our pocket. Some of us may have spent it on a soft drink. Some of us may have given it to the Salvation Army, but the point is we had something to give. The good Lord above has given each of us gifts. Part of our lifejourneyisfindingoutwhatthatgiftisorwhatthose gifts are. There are some days we feel like we have no talent at all. Then again, there are some days when we feel like we can take on the world. Whenever I need to be reminded about the imperfection in us all, I read the stories about Peter in theBible.Peterwasasconfidentandbrash as they get. If Peter had played football, he’d have been the quarterback. But then again, hewasn’tsoconfidentwhenJesusaskedhimto walk on the water. Or how about that time he

denied Jesus 3 times? That probably threw him off his game a little bit. But who’s the guy who bounces back and delivers one of the most pow-erful sermons of all time in Acts 2? It’s our good friend, but very human Peter. God is ready to do great things in ALL of us. He can work through us on our good days and even in our bad days. If we keep a smile on our face and a skip in our step on our bad days, that’s when God really shines through! Search for that gift. Use it. I’m a sportscaster. I love one-syllable words. Run. Hit. Shoot. Score. Christians can get inspiration from simple words like search. Use. And then there’s another one that’s very powerful. Let. L-E-T. Let Him work in you. We’ve been taught to share (Hey, there’s an-other one-syllable word...the Bible is full of ‘em.) In Acts 20:35, Paul wrote “ must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Je-sus, that He himself said “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Another beautiful one-syllable word is love. In 1962 a childwas born toGene andRuth AnnStallings. At the time Gene was an assistant foot-ball coach at Alabama. 30 years later he would be the head coach at Alabama and lead the Crim-son Tide to a national championship. But on this dayin1962,GeneandRuthAnn’sliveswouldbechanged forever. Their baby John Mark was born withDown’sSyndrome.Atfirst,Stallingsandhiswife didn’t want to believe it. But he says and I quote... “The good Lord knew what was best for

us.”JohnMarkwasn’tsupposedtolivepastfiveyears old. He lived to be 46. He died in August. Once John Mark met you, he never forgot your name. He couldn’t spell C-A-T, but Stallings said John Mark knew everything about L-O-V-E. He loved people in an unconditional way. He genu-inely cared about them and the situations they were in. He helped a lot of people with special needs at the RISE Foundation in Tuscaloosa. More than 4,000 people attended his funeral in Paris, Texas. Stallings summed up John Mark’s lifeinthisway“HedidtheVERYBESTwithwhathe had.” Stallings always said if his football play-ers at Alabama would’ve had that attitude, they would have been unbeatable. God gave us the very best He had. John 3:16 says “For God so loved the world, He gave us His only begotten Son so that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have ever-lasting life.” He gave His Son for us and it’s His Son that told us “it’s more blessed to give than to receive.” We’ve all been given a very special gift. What will we do with it?

Passing it on…What will you do with your gift?

Community Wellness Guide 47

Healthy Community SectionHealthyFaith & Family

If you are like me you have a little sticker in the corner of your car’s windshield to remind you to change the oil in your car at a certain mileage. Computers have little pop-ups to

remind us that new and updated information is available to keep our computer running at peak performance. And of course we get postcard re-minders from our doctors and dentists telling us it’s time for a check-up. These little messages do a pretty good job of keeping us informed that it’s been a while since we last made sure a particular area of our life was working properly. However, the reminders do no good if they go unheeded. Many of us know that marriage takes a lot of work. If a successful marriage is to be at-tained and enjoyed it must be given the time and effort to flourish– marriage cannot be put on cruise control. Just as we work to maintain other areas of our life we must also work to maintain our marriage. There is a verse from the book of Leviticus that says, “The fire shall be ever burning upon the altar; it shall never go out.” Now,

in the context it is talking about a fire burn-ing as an offering to God. Yet it also makes a great application for our marriages today. This is a picture of how that steadily burning flame, that never goes out, expresses the love that runs between two hearts in a great marriage. Our marriage flame, like the flame on that al-tar, should never go out. The flame that was burning to God had to be cared for every day. As the old ashes were carried off and new wood applied it was then and only then that the offering could reach God. The priest had to tend to the flame EVERY DAY. So it is with your marriage: Take time to tend the flame every day. Easier said than done? Let me give you a few practical suggestions:

1) Use Positive Communication Every Day God says “Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good for the use of edifying…” No marriage will succeed when the only communication comes in the form of sarcasm, negativity and criticism. You may have to schedule time to talk– but do it! One day your kids will be grown and gone and if you don’t communi-cate now you won’t know each other later.

2) Spend Time Together Every Day It’s great to spend time with the whole family, but set aside some time each day to talk or just sit together. Each week have a date night– just the two of you. “We don’t have the time” is the usual response I receive when I recommend this advice. But my answer is still the same, “If you cannot take the time to keep the iron of your marriage hot, than you have too many irons in the fire and you need to get some out!”

3) Show Appreciation Every Day Don’t take your mate for granted. Do the “little things”. Saying, “I Love You” and doing things to show it. Husbands, it wouldn’t kill us to help our wives with the housework or laun-dry on occasion. Wives, show your interest in your husband’s work and hobbies. Be remind-ed of this: Appreciation is the ability to have sincere interest in someone other than self!

4) Readily Resolve Conflict Every Day Listen, don’t ever believe that families that break up have problems, and families that stay together don’t. Family breakups have nothing to do with problems. There are mil-lions of people that have kept their marriage together, with bigger problems than some people who have broken up.

Marriage Maintenance

Thekey is theability tobereadytoresolveconflict.Remember, in Leviticus the priest had to take the old ashes out every day. We need todo thataswell.Take theoldashesofconflictouteveryday.Godreminds us to never the let sun go down on our wrath.

5) Practice Christianity in the Home Every Day Many people are familiar with the golden rule. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Where should that start? In church? At work? With my friends? Those are all good places to practice the rule but it must start at home! If you claim to be a Christian and yet don’t demonstrate it in the way you treat your spouse and children at home…then you are no Christian at all! Justasyoucannotchangetheoilinyourcaronceandbedone–Youcannotdothesethingsforaweekortwoandthinkitwillfixproblemsor keep you from having problems in your marriage. These are lifetime principles! It is my prayer that you will continually maintain your marriage so you may enjoy all the blessings that come from a godly home.

Article byRichard O’ Connor


“It is my prayer that you will continually maintain your marriage so you may enjoy all the blessings that come from a godly home.”

Community Wellness Guide 21

Who can doubt that we are in difficult times especially economically? We might add to that times are tough politically, socially, and even spiritually.

Those of us who can claim status as “se-niors” (and some of us “super-seniors”) have seen many ups and downs over the years. I was born early in the great depression years and was seven years old before I had a nick-el to call my own. Many of those reading this can identify with that situation. It is my fervent prayer that my children and grandchildren will never have to live through such times. Although those of us who did live through it as children didn’t know times were hard. Everybody was in the same boat and took happiness where they could find it. Families, friends and neighborsspent pleasant times together. We were, in-deed, made ready for a multitude of challenges in our lifetimes.

Security in DifficultTimesBy Billy R. Helms, Ph.D

In well over half a century as a preacher and

counselor, a lot of insight into people and cir-

c*mstances has been gained. Formal educa-

tion has taken a back seat to observing the lives

of a host of people. Each person has his own

set of problems and they are very personal and

special to them even if many others may have

similar things with which to cope.


ber the author) that there are two things that

everyone wants, significance and security. Reduced to simpler words, everyone wants to

have a sense of self-importance, and everyone

wants to know that they are safe and that all will

be well.

Further explanation of this principle noted that

Jesus died for you and that proves you are im-

portant, and that God promises eternal life to the

obedient and faithful. We just can’t ask for more

than that, can we? We now can well understand


Recently the latest version of insecurity has

reemerged with the economic crash of 2008.

What meager savings we’ve been able to ac-cumulate for retirement has shrunken consid-erably. This has happened to many seniors (younger folks also, but they have longer to re-cover!) and that gives us a bit of a shaking that results in a degree of insecurity to each of us. Okay, I’ll admit, when things started going south with investments, I felt a strong nudge of excessive concern (worry)! After a couple of days my more logical side gave me a strong kick. Remember the words of the old hymn? “Be not dismayed what ere betide, God will take care of you.” Wow! My concern was with material security when at my age (and yours) the eternal security in Jesus is far and away the greatest blessing and concern of all. Remember Philippians 3:20-21 (NASB)? “For our citizen-ship is in heaven, from which also we eagerly wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ; who will transform the body of our humble state into conformity with the body of His glory, by the exertion of the power that He has even to subject all things to Himself.” Then, look at 2 Corinthians 5:1 (NASB) “For we know that if the earthly tent which is our house is torn down, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.”

How’s that for security no matterthe circ*mstances of life?

“In well over half a century as a preacher and counselor, a lot of insight into people and circum-

stances has been gained.”

A Child’s Perspective on Retirement A teacher asked her young pupils how they spent their vacation. One child wrote the following: “We always used to spend the holidays with Grandma and Grandpa. They used to live here in a big brick house, but Grandpa got retarded and they moved to Florida and now they live in a place with a lot of other retarded people.

“They live in a tin box and have rocks painted green to look like grass. They ride around on big tricycles and wear nametags because they don’t know who they are anymore. They go to a building called a wrecked center, but they must have got it fixed, because it is all right now.

They play games and do exercises there, but they

don’t do them very well. There is a swimming pool, too, but they all jump up and down in it with their hats on. I guess they don’t know how to swim.

At their gate, there is a dollhouse with a little old man sitting in it. He watches all day so nobody can escape. Sometimes they sneak out. Then they go cruising in their golf carts.

My Grandma used to bake cookies and stuff, but I guess she forgot how. Nobody there cooks, they just eat out. And they eat the same thing every night: Early Birds. Some of the people can’t get past the man in the dollhouse to go out. So the ones who do get out bring food back to the wrecked center and call it potluck.

My Grandma says Grandpa worked all his life to earn his retardment and says I should work hard so I can be retarded some day, too. When I earn my retardment I want to be the man in the doll house. Then I will let people out so they can visit their grandchildren.”

How Do You Feel? • Two elderly men in a retirement village were sitting in the reading room and one said to the other, “How do you really feel? I mean, you’re 75 years old, how do you honestly feel?’’ • “Honestly, I feel like a new born baby. I’ve got no hair, no teeth, and I just peed myself.’’

Local Church Bulletin AnnouncementsThe sermon this morning: “Jesus walks on the Water.” The sermon tonight: “Searching for Jesus.”

Ladies, don’t forget the rummage sale. It’s a chance to get rid of those things not worth keeping around the house. Bring your husbands.

The peacemaking meeting scheduled for today has been cancelled due to a conflict.

For those of you who have children and don’t know it, we have a nursery downstairs.A bean supper will be held on Tuesday evening, in the church hall. Music will follow.

At the evening service tonight, the sermon topic will be “What Is Hell?” Come early and listen to our choir practice.

Low Self Esteem Support Group will meet Thursday at 7 PM. Please use the back door.

(All were submitted via email December 12, 2008 by unknown author.)


Email your Memorable Moments to [emailprotected].

Community Wellness Guide 49

Across 1 Can dissolve in water and help to lower blood fats and maintain blood sugar (2 words)

3 Helps keep blood sugar and insulin levels from rising and falling too quickly (2 words)

6 Shown to have a number of beneficial effects including decreased risk of coronary heart disease

8 Heals cuts and wounds and also keeps teeth and gums healthy (2 words)

9 Raises low-density lipoprotein (2 words)

11 May help maintain a healthy blood pressure

12 Found in animal sources including red meat and whole dairy products (2 words)

Name Date(Key # 1 - 162651)

A Look at NutritionFind each of the following words.





Down 2 Reduces a woman’s risk of having a child with a brain or spinal cord defect 4 Processed in a way to making cooking fast and easy and have been stripped of all bran, fiber & nutrients (2 words) 5 Dark leafy vegetables packed with calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, zinc and Vitamins A, C, E and K 7 Keeps eyes and skin healthy and helps to protect against infections. (2 words) 10 Provide beneficial properties such as natural sugars





















–Crossword puzzle and word search courtesy of

Fun & GamesHealthy

50 Healthy Horizons Magazine

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•Ifyouhavediabetesand/orhighbloodpres-sure, check your readings as instructed and fol-low the medication schedule your doctor gives you.• Your doctor can recommend/enroll you inprograms to help with quitting smoking or drug rehabilitation.•Yourdoctorordietitiancanhelpdesignadietand exercise plan with you.• Always review your over-the-counter medi-cines with your doctor, including medicines for pain such as Advil®, Motrin®, and Tylenol®.•Visityourdoctorregularly.If you want more information on kidney disease filloutandmailthepostagepaidreplycardonthe“YouAreAtRisk”brochure, or call 1-888-MyKidney.

Article submitted by

Diabetes and high blood pressure

are common health problems in

the United States. They are the two

most common reasons for develop-

ing chronic kidney disease (CKD). About 70%

of the CKD population has diabetes, high blood

pressure, or both. Diabetes is the leading cause

of kidney failure in the United States. Because

a cure for diabetic kidney disease has not yet

been found, treatment involves controlling the

disorder and slowing its advance to kidney fail-

ure. Treatment to avoid diabetic kidney disease

should begin early — before kidney damage is

obvious. Diabetes damages small blood ves-

sels throughout the body, affecting the kidneys

as well as other organs and tissues: including

skin, nerves, muscles, intestines, and the heart.

Patients with diabetes can develop high blood

pressure as well as rapid hardening of the arter-

ies, which can lead to heart disease and eye


High blood pressure is closely linked to the

incidence of kidney disease; the stress of long-

term high blood pressure can cause permanent

damage to the blood vessels of the nephrons, the working units of the kidney, decreasing their ability to filter fluids and waste from theblood. The American Diabetes Association sets blood pressure guidelines for non-pregnant pa-tients, 18 years of age and older, at less than 120 mmHg systolic and 80 mmHg diastolic (120/80). Initial treatment goals include weight loss, quitting smoking, and dietary changes (i.e., using less salt and lowering cholesterol). If these lifestyle changes fail to control blood pressure, medicines such as angiotension con-verting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and calcium channel blockers are an effective option for some people. High blood pressure and high levels of blood sugar increase the risk that a person with dia-betes will progress to kidney failure. Early de-tection and treatment of even mild high blood pressure is important for people with diabetes. According to the National Kidney Foundation, the presence of high blood pressure may be the most important indicator of which people with diabetes develop chronic kidney disease. Although kidney disease is a common prob-lem of diabetes and high blood pressure, it is by no means certain. Taking extra special care to control your diabetes and blood pressure and maintain a healthy lifestyle can go a long way towards lowering your risk of kidney disease.


Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, and Kidney Disease

Community Wellness Guide 31

1. Invest in a security system for your home.

2. Ensure your locks, doors and windows are in good condition.

3. Do not open the door until you are sure who is knocking.

4. Make a list of your valuables and store the list in a safe place.

5. Do not keep a large amount of money in your home.

6. Join the neighborhood watch program.

7. Walk with friends.

8. Keep your car doors locked.

9. Do not open your car window or door to help strangers.

10. Park in well lit areas.

Growing old at home is important to many aging Americans. In today’s society we often face crime and other safety issues. It is important to become educated about potential threats to oursafetyandwellbeing.Educationisthefirststepaneldercantake in preventing physical harm, fraud, and theft Steps can be taken to maintain safety in one’s home. These steps include:

StayingSafe at Home

11. Carry your purse close to your body.

12. Have your monthly checks directly deposited into your checking account.

13. Hang up on phone solicitors.

14. Do not give out personal information over the phone such as your social security number, checking account or credit card information.

15. Be leery of deals which seem to be “too good to be true”.

16. Be careful when hiring door to door “home repair”.

Reference: The National Institute on Aging (2008).Crime and older people. Re-trieved December 4, 2008 from

Community Wellness Guide 53

54 Healthy Horizons Magazine

Kidney Disease

Importance of kidneys has been known since the biblical times, yet, a lot of miscon-ceptions persist about kidney function and diseases. It may be interesting to know kid-

neys are mentioned 30 times in the Bible mostly in Jeremiah and Psalms, as the site of tempera-ment and wisdom. It was also believed in the ancient times that God examined our kidneys to judge us. Although our knowledge about the kidneys has improved markedly, many misconceptions persist. The most important function of the kid-neys is to clear the toxins that are made as by-product of the metabolism, which are excreted dissolved in the urine. They also help making blood, control acid build-up, maintain electro-lyte balance, and help strengthen bones by converting vitamin D into an active form that can be used by the body. Eighty percent of the patients who develop kidney failure have either diabetes or hyperten-

sion, or both. When kidneys fail, even with only less than 5% of kidney functions people don’t see any change in the urine output, but they will not be excreting the impurities which will build up in the body. Kidney failure does not cause back pain, the symptoms may not be seen until late stages of the disease. When the symptoms do develop they could be varied and many times not attributed to the kidneys, so the diag-nosis can be missed. To prevent kidney failure good control of blood pressure and blood sugar are paramount. One of the earliest signs of kidney disease is in-creased amount albumin in the urine, which can bedoneindoctor’soffice.Indiabeticsandhy-pertensives it is important that this is checked at least once annually. There are medicines which help to reduce the amount of protein, like al-bumin, in the urine and these medicines called ACE Inhibitors are known to slow down the pro-gression of kidney disease. Other drugs called ARBs, Aldactone and recently Pentoxyphilline are also found to be useful. Luckily, there are treatment options avail-able for kidney failure, which work best when planned ahead of time. Kidney transplantation

is an option for many, but for people with as-sociated other serious health problems, this may not be an option. Fortunately, with dialysis treatments –which can be done at home-- and medicines we can replace all the kidney func-tions, although not as effectively as our own kidneys. Our goal in giving these treatments is not just to keep a person alive, but to give him/her good quality of life to be a useful member of the society. It is likely that God does not judge us by looking at our kidneys, but they are vital organs. Especially in high risk patients to develop kidney disease, like diabetics and hypertensives, it is important to get examination of the kidney func-tions annually.

Written by: Guru Prakash, MDDothan Hypertension, Nephrology Associates, P.C.

Kidney Education and YouKidney Education and You® classes are designed to provide information to patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and answer questions so that they are empowered with the knowledge they need to make better decisions about their health.

Introduction - What kidneys do - What causes kidney disease Ways to help take control of kidney disease and other diseases that are related to kidney disease Questions to ask your doctors

Practicing kidney-healthy behaviors Controlling your health through diet Common medicines for people with kidney disease What happens if your kidneys fail How to stay active and continue working Questions and answer opportunity



Introduction What kidneys do What causes kidney disease Preparing for dialysis Managing your health through diet Common medicines for people with kidney disease

An in-depth look at all of your treatment choices: Home therapies - Peritoneal dialysis (PD) - Home Hemodialysis (HHD)


In-center therapies - Hemodialysis - Nocturnal hemodialysis - Self Care hemodialysis TransplantConservative treatment

Choosing the right treatment for your lifestyle, especially if you want to keep working Understanding insurance Questions and answer opportunity



Making Healthy Choices — Preparing for dialysis in later Stage 4 and Stage 5 kidney disease

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© 2008 DaVita Inc. All rights reserved. KEYC-3625

KIDNEY EDUCATION AND YOU®1-888-MyKidney (695-4363)

Taking Control of Kidney Disease — Living with Stage 3 and early Stage 4 kidney disease

to make better decisions about their health.


Don’t delay! Sign up today! These classes will empower you with the

knowledge to help make better decisions about

your health.

Classes are free and offered monthly in

Dothan, Eufaula and Ozark.

Call Julie for more information at334-685-3255

Community Wellness Guide 55

helpful informationphone:334-793-3900 address:• 1118 Ross Clark Circle• 106 Westside

Choosing a team of expert physicians and trusted healthcare advisors in thefieldofobstetricsandgynecol-ogy can guide you through the most

important times of your life. Since no two wom-en are alike, finding a practice that suits yourhealthcare needs takes careful consideration. That iswhysince1982;Walter C. Young, M.D. began Women’s Medical Center, P.C. with the vision of finding exceptional Board Certified physicians to serve the women of the Wiregrass. Since that time, T. Hudson La-zenby, M.D., John H. Gordon, D.O., Trenace I. Dubreuil, M.D., Praful G. Patel, M.D., and Kenneth E. Farmer, Jr., M.D. have joined his efforts in making that possible. Because you expect excellence, Women’s Medical Center is the only practice in Dothan

withtwoconvenientofficelocations.Ourphysi-cians pride themselves on giving our patients their choice of facilities for maternity and surgi-cal services. We proudly boast that both facili-ties are equipped to provide exceptional care to the women we serve. In addition, obstetrical patients may prefer to see their primary physi-cian for all their visits, or choose to see all of our physicians in rotation. Some of our many services include obstetrics, gynecology, in-fertility, urogynecology, 4-D ultrasound, family planning, robotic surgery, and bone densitometry. At Women’s Medical Center, P.C. we strive to be more than the ordinary OB/GYNofficebyproviding high quality, personally oriented, inno-vative medical, obstetrical and surgical services to patients throughout our community. Our patients like our approach, and it is their stories told to friends and family that have elevated our repu-tation as a leader in the Wiregrass. It’s simple. Yourlifeisapartnership,withfamily,withfriends,with people you care about and people you can count on. Allow Women’s Medical Center to be-come your healthcare partner for life. Call today for your appointment (334)793-3900.

See our ad on page 38of this publication.

Article submitted by


Blood PressureHigh blood pressure is closely linked to kidney failure. Untreated high blood pressure can lead to permanent damage to the blood vessels in the kidneys. The American Heart Association sets blood pressure guidelines at 120/80. If lifestyle changes are not enough to lower your blood pressure, you may need medication. Medicines like ACE inhibitors are an effective way to lower your blood pressure and can even help protect your kidneys from further damage. Ask your doctor if you should be treated for high blood pressure.1. What is my blood pressure?2. What should my blood pressure be?3. What can I do to lower my blood pressure?4. Should I be on blood pressure medicine?5. What are ACE inhibitors and could they help me?6. How can I get a blood pressure monitor to use at home?7. How often should I check my blood pressure?

Questions to Ask My Doctor about Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, and Kidney Disease:

DiabetesDiabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure. Uncontrolled diabetes will damage your kid-neys. Controlling diabetes is the treatment. Ask your doctor if your diabetes is in control.1. How can I help control my blood sugar?2. Would it be helpful to talk with a dietitian about my diet?3. What should my blood sugar range be?4. How often should I check my blood sugar?5. What is my hemoglobin A1c level?6. What should my hemoglobin A1c level be?7. Do I need to change my diabetes medication?

Kidney FunctionKidneydiseaseisdescribedinfivestages,with5 being the worst. Over time your kidneys may stop working as well as they do right now. There are tests your doctor can do to find out howwell your kidneys are working. Ask your doctor about your kidney function.1. What stage of kidney disease am I in now?2. Do you know what my estimated glomerular filtrationrate (GFR) is? Do you track it over time?3. How will I know if my kidney function has changed? Arethereanyspecificwarningssign?4. Are there blood tests I should be having, and how often?

5. Are there urine tests I should be having, and how often?6. When should I be referred to a kidney spe-cialist?

Delaying Kidney DiseaseIf you have kidney disease there are ways to help keep your kidneys working well as long as they can. Ask your doctor what you can do to keep your kidneys healthy.1. What can I do to delay kidney disease?2. Are there medicines I should avoid?3. Do I need to make any changes to my diet?4. How often should I see my doctor?5. Are there other professionals that I should see, e.g. dietitian?

For more information on kidney diseaseCall1-888-MyKidney(695-4363)

What is Hospice?

Hospice isaconceptofcare,notaspecificplaceofcare.Within thisconcept, the

primary location for hospice care is normally the home setting, since the patient feels the

greatest level of security and comfort in his/her own familiar environment. Hospice care

can also be provided in other locations such as assisted living facilities, nursing homes or

other long term care facilities.

DaySpring Hospice is a locally owned and managed hospice agency serving the


designed to support the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of those who have life

limiting illnesses or conditions. DaySpring Hospice provides a physician directed, nurse

coordinated, and interdisciplinary team approach to personal care. The team, which also

includes a Social Worker, Chaplain, Home Health Aide, and Volunteer, provides person-

alized training and counseling services with a caring, compassionate attitude. With this

approach to care, the patient, caregivers and family are able to obtain the necessary infor-

mation and preparation for the reality of the illness and are able to face the last stages of


Daily primary care is provided by family members or loved ones. The DaySpring team is

available twenty four hours a day, seven days a week and 365 days a year to provide train-

ing, counseling and hands-on care managed by our RN.

Hospice emphasizes palliative care (i.e., relief of pain and symptom control) rather than

curative measures…and quality, rather than quantity, of life.

How Do I Choose a Hospice? Youchooseahospiceagency in thesamemanner and with the same care you would choose any product or service that will have a majorinfluenceonyourlifeorthelifeofalovedone. Friends and associates can be valuable sources of information, in many cases; they

helpful informationphone:334-347-29991-888-615-6646

have had personal experience with hospice agencies or know others who have. At DaySpring you will become very knowl-edgeable and comfortable with the specifichospice staff members who will be coming to the home to provide care. It is your, and the pa-tient’s best interest to know the people you will be working with during this critical time in your loved one’s life.

“You matter because you are you…

You matter to the last moment of life, and we will do

all we can, not only to help you die peace-

fully, but also to live until you die.”

–Dame Cicely SaundersFounder of the Hospice Concept

After you choose a hospice it is very impor-tant that you monitor the services provided by the agency to ensure that the patient continues to receive the highest level of respectful, com-passionate and quality care that he or she de-serves. Never hesitate to ask questions of any staff member or your contact at the hospice agency when something is not clear to you or you have concerns about patient care. At Day-Spring we encourage families to request con-ferences with our team of professionals. FAMILIES HAVE A CHOICE which Hospice they want to care for their loved one. At Day-Springourfirstprocedurewhenafamilymem-ber contacts us is to contact your physician and make sure that the physician agrees that hos-pice care is appropriate for the patient. Our RN will then visit the prospective patient and family to ask important questions about the illness and previous treatment, as well as questions about the home and family situation that would af-fect caregiving. The nurse will explain what the patient and family can expect from Dayspring, how hospice provides care, the services that are available and information on the illness or condition that will help prepare the family for the journey. Medicare and/or other available ben-efitsalsowillbediscussedatthattime. Referrals can come from the attending phy-sician, family member, and health care provider. Callourofficeat334-347-2999or1-888-615-6646todetermineifyourlovedonequalifiesforcare.

–Article submitted by Donna HendrixAdministrator DaySpring Hospice

Please see our ad on the inside back cover.

“The dayspring from on high hath visited us, to give light to them that sit in darkness… to guide our feet unto the way of peace.”

Luke 1:78-79

56 Healthy Horizons Magazine

emergency informatione


IMPORTANT NUMBERSAlabama Bureau of Investigations334-353-1100

Alabama Forestry Commission1-800-392-5697

Alabama One Call1-800-292-8525

Alabama Wildfireand Freshwater Fisheries334-358-0035

Game and Fish Enforcement334-222-5415334-347-9467

Bureau of Alcohol1-800-659-6242

Emergency Management334-241-2022

CSX Transportation Police Department1-800-232-0144

Drug Helpline1-800-662-4357

Poison Control1-800-222-12221-800-292-6678

Secret Service334-223-7601 (Montgomery)205-731-1144 (Birmingham)

Sheriffs Office585-2221 ( Abbeville)696-4444(Columbia)677-4807 or 677-4808 (Cowarts)615-3000 (Dothan)693-2222or693-3383(Headland)

Henry County Sheriff’s Department585-3131 (Non-emergency)585-5571

Houston County Sheriff677-4807(Emergency Service Only)677-4808(TTYCustomers)983-3591or983-1944(MidlandCity)299-3777(Newton)889-2222(Newville)334-983-3517(Pinckard)677-4807 (Rehobeth)585-3131 (Screamer)886-3333 (Slocomb)677-4807 (Wickburg)

Alabama State Troopers Emergency983-4587

Federal Bureau of Investigation334-792-7130(Dothan)251-438-3674 (Mobile)

Domestic Violence Shelter Programs334-793-2232or1-800-650-6522

National Center for Missing and Exploited Children1-800-843-5678

National Response Center1-800-424-8802

Severe Weather794-7184


Suicide Hot Line1-800-784-2433

U.S. Marshall1-334-223-7401

Emergency Management Agency794-9720

Prescription Drug Assistance1-800-762-4636

Elder Abuse1-800-458-7214

UTILITIESAlabama Power Company1-800-245-2244

Wiregrass Electric Cooperative1-800-239-4602

Southeast Alabama Gas334-794-0567


HOSPITALSDale Medical Center334-774-2601

Flowers Hospitals334-793-5000

Medical Center of Enterprise334-347-0584

Southeast Alabama Medical Center334-793-8111

Ambulance Services585-3338 (Abbeville)696-4444(Columbia)677-4807 (Cowarts)794-4444or334-671-2273 (Dothan)585-2222 (Haleburg)693-2222(Headland)983-1944(MidlandCity) 299-3777(Pickard)

Pilchers Ambulance Service334-794-4444


Community Wellness Guide 57

SENIOR CENTERSClayton Senior Centers(334)-775-3494

Clio Senior Center(334)397-2586

Eufaula Senior Center(334)-687-8367

Daleville Senior Center(334)598-9197

Midland City Senior Center(334)983-4121

w wellness resource guide

Newton Senior Center(334)229-3861

Ozark Senior Center(334)445-6900

Abbeville Senior Center(334)585-5900

Haleburg Senior Center(334)696-2248

Headland Senior Center(334)334-693-5070

Newville Senior Center(334)889-2250

Damascus Senior Center(334)894-5211

Elba Senior Center(334)897-3019

Enterprise Senior Center(334)347-3513

Ino Senior Center(334)565-9196

Kinstin Senior Center(334)565-3349

Mt.Pleasent Senior Center(334)393-7874

w w

New Brockton Senior Center(334)894-2028

New Hope Senior Center(334)735-5433

Pine Level Senior Center(334)897-2621

Zion Chapel Senior Center(334)897-1500

Anbalusia Senior Center(334)222-4608

Florala Senior Center(334)858-3310

Opp Senior Center(334)493-7121

Coffee Spring Senior Center(334)684-9876

Geneva Senior Center(334)684-3626

Hartford Senior Center(334)588-3115

Samson Senior Center(334)898-2163

Slocomb Senior Center(334)886-3115

Ashford Senior Center(334)899-5716

Baptist Village Senior Center(334)793-3930

Ceceila Senior Center(334)696-4529

Cottonwood Senior Center(334)691-3491

Dorothy Quick Senior Center(334)793-3090

Madrid Senior Center(334)677-3435

Rose Hill Senior Center(334)615-3740

Taylor Senior Center(334)677-5536

Webb Senior Center(334)702-8449

WOMEN’S HEALTH Women’s Medical Center (334)793-3900

Enterprise Women’s Center (334)393-0737

Dothan OB/GYN Inc(334) 673-3633

EYE CARE Eye Center South (334)793-2211

Dothan Ophthalmology(334)793-1070

Medical and Surgical Eye Care of Enterprise(334) 347-4018

Southeast Eye Clinic(334)794-1968

Wiregrass Total Eye Care (334) 347-7822

ONCOLOGY Dothan Hematology and Oncology (334)793-4804

Southeast Cancer Center (800) 268-1253

21st Century Oncology (334)793-2312

Dr. John R. Dunn MD(334)792-9500

SURGICAL CENTER American Surgery Center (334)793-3411

Eye Center South (334)793-3411

PODIATRISTSAlabama South Family Podiatry (334)678-7036

Foot Care Center (334)393-5135

Foot Clinic of Dothan (334)793-6803

Lisenby Podiatry(334) 671-1441

AMBULANCE SERVICE Pilcher’s Ambulance Service (334)794-4444

Ashford Ambulance and Rescue Squad(334)899-5115

Coffee County EMS (334)897-8009

Emergystat Ambulance Service (334) 445-1306

ORTHOPEDIC DOCTORSSouthern Bone and Joint Specialist(334) 445-2663


Southern ENT Allergy and Sinus Center (334)393-6837

PEDIATRICSDothan Pediatric Clinic (334)793-1881

Enterprise Children’s Center (334)393-5437

Southeastern Pediatric Associates(334)794-8656

REHABILITATION SERVICESAlabama Head Injury Foundation (334)983-9774

Children’s Rehab and Therapy (334) 677-6360

Children’s Rehabilitation Service (334)794-0022

Dept of Rehabilitation Services (334)793-5740

Extendicare Health and Rehab Center(334)793-1177

Physical Therapy Specialists of Dothan (334) 673-2422

HOME HEALTH AGENCIESAmedysis Home Health of Ozark (334) 774-0370

Center Home Health Care (334) 308-2813

Extra Hands Sitter Services(334)796-7998

Home Instead Senior Care (334)699-6815

Mid South Home Health Dothan (334)793-6854

Mid South Home Health Enterprise(334) 347-0234

Nursetemps Inc(334) 671-8086

HOSPICE Day Spring Hospice (334)347-2999

Compassionate Hands Hospice (334) 384-8828

Covenant Hospice (334)794-7847

Wiregrass Hospice (334) 347-3353

FUNERAL HOMES Southern Heritage Funeral Home and Crematory(334) 702-1712

Allen’s Funeral Home (334)794-6759

Byrd Funeral Home (334)793-3003

58 Healthy Horizons Magazine

wellness resource guide

Hammond and Son Funeral Home (334)792-7913

Holman Funeral Home (334) 774-5348

Scott’s Chapel Hill Mortuary (334) 677-7200

Ward- Wilson Funeral Home (334)899-4194

PRESCRIPTION ASSISTANCESeniorRx1691RossClarkCircleDothan, Alabama 36301(334) 678-0440

Long Term Care Ombudsman:

Local Ombudsman: (334)793-6843or(800)239-3507Serving Barbour, Coffee, Covington , Dale, Geneva , Henry, and Houston counties

MEALSSenior Center that provide hot meals:

Clayton Senior Centers(334)-775-3494

Clio Senior Center(334)397-2586

Eufaula Senior Center(334)-687-8367

Daleville Senior Center(334)598-9197

Midland City Senior Center(334)983-4121

Newton Senior Center(334)229-3861

Ozark Senior Center(334)445-6900

Abbeville Senior Center(334)585-5900

Haleburg Senior Center(334)696-2248

Headland Senior Center(334)334-693-5070

Newville Senior Center(334)889-2250

Damascus Senior Center(334)894-5211

Elba Senior Center(334)897-3019

Enterprise Senior Center(334)347-3513

Ino Senior Center(334)565-9196

Kinstin Senior Center(334)565-3349

Mt.Pleasent Senior Center(334)393-7874

New Brockton Senior Center(334)894-2028

Community Wellness Guide 59

New Hope Senior Center(334)735-5433

Pine Level Senior Center(334)897-2621

Zion Chapel Senior Center(334)897-1500

Anbalusia Senior Center(334)222-4608

Florala Senior Center(334)858-3310

Opp Senior Center(334)493-7121

Coffee Spring Senior Center(334)684-9876

Geneva Senior Center(334)684-3626

Hartford Senior Center(334)588-3115

Samson Senior Center(334)898-2163

Slocomb Senior Center(334)886-3115

Ashford Senior Center(334)899-5716

Baptist Village Senior Center(334)793-3930

Ceceila Senior Center(334)696-4529

Cottonwood Senior Center(334)691-3491

Dorothy Quick Senior Center(334)793-3090

Madrid Senior Center(334)677-3435

Rose Hill Senior Center(334)615-3740

Taylor Senior Center(334)677-5536

Webb Senior Center(334)702-8449

Homebound Meal Delivery and Hungry to Help Program(334)793-6843or(800)239-3507

TRANSPORTATIONCare-A-Van 1-800-351-6477

ALZHEIMER UNITSWesley Manor Retirement Home for aging(334)792-0921

Oakview Manor(334)774-2631

Ozark Health & Rehabilitation(334)774-2561

Henry County Nursing Home(334)585-2241

Enterprise Nursing Home(334)347-9541

Crowne Health Care of Eufaula(334)687-6627

Opp Health & Rehabilitation(334)493-4558

Florala Health & Rehabilitation(334)858-8585

NURSING HOMESCrowne Health Care of Eufaula(334) 687-6627

Enterprise Nursing Home(334)-347-9541

Elba General Hospital &Nursing Home(334)897-2257

Andalusia Manor(334)222-4544

Opp Health Rehabilitation(334)493-4558

Florala Health & Rehabilitation(334)858-8585

Oakview Manor Health Care Center(334)774-2631

Ozark Health & Rehabilitation(334)774-2561

Wiregrass Medical Center NH(334)684-3655

Hartford Health Care Inc(334)588-3842

Henry County Nursing Home(334)585-2241

Extendicare Health Care(334)793-1177

Wesley Manor(334)792-0921

Westside Terrace(334)794-1000

DAY SPAWestwood Day Spa (334) 678-8772

Alchemy of Touch (334)790-5229

Bella Vita Medical Spa(334)393-8482

Renew Med Spa(334)794-1968

Southern Reflections Day Spa(334)774-1819

ASSISTED LIVING FACILITIESRiver Oaks West(334)687-6089

The Gardens of Eufaula(334)687-0430

60 Healthy Horizons Magazine

national helpful numbersh AGINGAmerican Health Assistance Foundation(800) 437-2423

Eldercare Locator(800) 677-1116

National Institute on Aging Information Center(800) 222-2225(800) 222-4225

ALLERGY/ASTHMAFood Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network(800)929-4040

ALZHEIMER’SAlzheimer’s Association(800)272-3900

Alzheimer ’s Disease Education and Referral Center(800) 438-4380

ARTHRITISAmerican Juvenile Arthritis Organization(800) 283-7800

Arthritis Foundation(800) 283-7800

Lyme Disease Foundation, Inc.(800)886-5963

National Institute of Arthritis(877) 226-4267

BRAIN TUMORSAmerican Brain Tumor Association(800) 886-2282

Brain Tumor Society(800) 770-8287

Children’s Brain Tumor Foundation(800) 228-4673

National Brain Tumor Foundation(800)934-2873

CANCERAmerican Cancer Society, National Cancer Information Center(800) 227-2345

American Institute for Cancer Research(800) 843-8114

Cancer Hope Network(877) 467-3638

Candlelighters Childhood Cancer Foundation(800) 366-2223

Kidney Cancer Association(800)850-9132

National Bone Marrow Transplant Link(800) 546-5268

National Cancer Information Center(800) 422-6237

National Marrow Donor Program(800)627-7692

Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation(800)462-9273

Us Too! International (800) 808-7866

Y-ME National Breast Cancer Organization(800) 221-2141 English(800)986-9505Spanish

Diabetes/Digestive Disorders American Association of Diabetes Educators(800) 338-3633

American Diabetes Association(800) 342-2383

Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America, Inc.(800)932-2423

Division of Diabetes Translation(877) 232-3422

Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International Hotline(800) 223-1138

DRUG ABUSEDrug Free Workplace Helpline(800)967-5752

Drug Help(800) 488-3784

Drug Policy Information Clearinghouse(800) 666-3332

Housing and Urban Development Drug Clearinghouse(800)955-2232

Parents Resource Institute for Drug Education (PRIDE)(800)279-6361

FIRE PREVENTIONNational Fire Protection Association(800) 344-3555

FITNESSAerobics and Fitness Foundation of America(800) 446-2322 For Professionals(800)968-7263ConsumerHotline

American Council on Exercise(800) 825-3636

American Running Association(800) 776-2732

Kelly Place(334)347-9541

Taylor Mills (334)897-2820

Wynwood Assisted Living Inc 1(334)347-1555

Wynwood Assisted Living Inc 11(334)347-1555

Savannah Terrace#1 & #2(334)427-3013

Mason’s Serenity House Inc(334)222-8745

The Woodmoore(334)493-2821

Providence Home(334)774-0364

Westbrook Assisted Living, LLC(334) 684-1072

Greenwood Place ALF, LLC(334)684-0549

Hartford Retirement Village, Inc.334) 588-2306

Dogwood Manor(334) 585-1114

Twin Magnolia(334) 585-1072

Azalea Court(334)693-0358

Gran’s Home(334)671-9486

Somerset – East(334) 671-1176

Somerset – West(334) 671-1176

Wesley Manor(334)792-0921

The Terrace at Grove Park(334)792-7349

Reference: Retrieved January 30,2008 from:

w wellness resource guide

Community Wellness Guide 61

h national helpful numbers

TOPS (Taking Off Pounds Sensibly) Club(800)932-8677

Weight Control Information Network(877)946-4627

YMCA of the USA(800)872-9622

HEADACHE/HEAD INJURYAmerican Council for Headache Education(800) 255-2243

Brain Injury Association, Inc.(800) 444-6443

National Headache Foundation(888) 643-5552

HEARING/SPEECHAmerican Society for Deaf Children(800)942-2732 American Speech-Language- Hearing Association(800) 638-8255


Dial A Hearing Screening Test(800) 222-3277

The Ear Foundation at Baptist Hospital(800) 545-4327

Hear Now(800) 648-4327

John Tracy Clinic(800) 522-4582

International Hearing Society(800) 521-5247

National Family Association for Deaf-Blind(800) 255-0411 x 275

National Institute on Deafness and Other Disorders(800) 241-1044

Vestibular Disordered Association(800) 837-8428

HEART DISEASEAmerican Heart Association(800) 242-8721

Heart Information Service(800)292-2221

National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Health Center(800)575-9355

HOMELESSNESSNational Resource Center on Homelessness and Mental Illness(800) 444-7415

Hospital/Hospice Care Children’s Hospice International(800) 242-4453

Hill-Burton Free Medical Care Program(800) 638-0742

National Association of Hospital Hospitality Houses, Inc.(800)542-9730

National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization(800)658-8898

Shriners Hospital for Children Referral Line(800) 237-5055

IMMUNIZATIONSNational Immunization Information Hotline(800) 232-2522

IMPOTENCEImpotence Information Center(800) 328-3881

LIVER DISEASEAmerican Liver Foundation(800)223-0179

Hepatitis Foundation International(800)891-0707

Lung Disease/Asthma/Allergy American Lung Association(800) 586-4872

Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America(800) 727-8462

Asthma Information Line(800) 822-2762

National Jewish Medical and Research Center(800) 222-5864 (Lung Line)(800) 552-5864 (Lung Facts)

PARKINSON’S DISEASEAmerican Parkinson’s Disease Association(800) 223-2732

National Parkinson Foundation, Inc.(800) 327-4545

Parkinson’s Disease Foundation(800) 457-6676

PROFESSIONALSAmericans with Disabilities Act Information Center(800)949-4232

Alliance for Aging Research(800)639-2421

American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology(800) 822-2762

American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation & Dance(800)213-7193

American Association of Critical Care Nurses(800)899-2226

American Council for the Blind(800) 424-8666

American Counseling Association(800) 347-6647

American Nurses Association(800) 274-4262

American Occupational Therapy Association(800)729-2682

Arthritis National Research Foundation(800) 588-2873

Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback(800)477-8892

Association of American Physicians and Surgeons(800)635-1196

Association of Operating Room Nurses(800) 755-2676

CDC National Prevention Information Network(800) 458-5231

College of American Pathologists(800) 323-4040

Dystonia Medical Research Foundation(800)377-3978

Federal Emergency Management Agency(800)879-6076

Federal Information Center, GSA(800)688-9889

Glaucoma Research Foundation(800)826-6693

Immune Deficiency Foundation(800)296-4433

International Childbirth Education Association(800)624-4934

International Chiropractors Association(800)423-4690

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society(800)955-4572

Lighthouse International(800)829-0500

Medical Institute for Sexual Health(800)892-9484

National Center for HIV, STD, and TB Prevention(888) 232-3228

National Child Care Information Center, ACF(800) 616-2242

National Clearinghouse of Rehabilitation Training Materials(800)223-5219

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Service(800) 356-4674

National Jewish Medical and Research Center(800) 222-5864

National Pediculosis Association(800) 446-4672

National Resource Center on Domestic Violence(800) 537-2238

National Technical Information Service(800) 553-6847

Prevent Child Abuse America(800) 556-2722

Research to Prevent Blindness(800) 621-0026

RADIATIONNational Association of Radiation Survivors(800)798-5102

REHABILITATIONAbledata(800) 227-0216

National Institutefor Rehabilitation Engineering(800) 736-2216

Phoenix Society for Burn Survivors(800) 888-2876

United Ostomy Association(800) 826-0826

SAFETYDanny Foundation(800)833-2669

National Highway Traffic Safety Hotline(800)424-9393

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Service(800) 356-4674

National Program for Playground Safety(800)554-7529

National Safety Council(800) 621-7615

Office of Boating Safety, U.S. Coast Guard InfoLine(800) 368-5647

Safe Sitter(800)255-4089

U.S. Consumer Products Safety Commission Hotline(800) 638-2772

SMOKINGSmoking Quit Line ofthe National Cancer Institute(877) 448-7848

national helpful numbersh Smoking, Tobacco and Health Information Line(800) 232-1311

STROKEAmerican Heart Association Stroke Connection(800) 478-7653

National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke(800)352-9424

National Stroke Association(800) 787-6537

SUBSTANCE ABUSENational Inhalant Prevention Coalition(800)269-4237

SAMHSA’s National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information(800)729-6686

SURGERY/PLASTIC SURGERYAmerican Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery(800) 332-3223

American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, Inc.(800) 441-2737

American Society of Plastic Surgeons, inc.(800) 475-2784

SUICIDE PREVENTIONNational Hopeline Network(800) 784-2433

The Trevor Helpline(800) 850-8078

TRAUMAAmerican Trauma Society (800)556-7890

VISIONAmerican Council of the Blind(800) 424-8666

Better Vision Institute/Vision Council of America(800) 424-8422

Blind Children’s Center(800) 222-3566

Braille Institute(800) 272-4553

Foundation Fighting Blindness(800) 683-5555

Glaucoma Research Foundation(800)826-6693 Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind, Inc.(800) 548-4337

Guide Dogs for the Blind(800)295-4050

Lighthouse International(800)829-0500

Louisiana Center for the Blind(800) 234-4166

National Alliance of the Blind Students(800) 424-8666

National Family Association for Deaf-Blind(800) 255-0411 x275

Prevent Blindness Center for Sight(800) 331-2020

Seniors Eye Care Program(800)222-3937

VIOLENCENational Domestic Violence Hotline(800)799-7233

WOMENEndometriosis Association(800)992-3636

National Osteoporosis Foundation(800)223-9994

National Women’s Health Information Center(800)994-9662

PMS Access(800) 222-4767

Women’s Health America Group(800) 558-7046

Women’s Sports Foundation(800)227-3988

62 Healthy Horizons Magazine

Kidney Education and YouKidney Education and You® classes are designed to provide information on chronic kidney disease (CKD). The classes provide an opportunity to ask questions and to be empowered with the knowledge needed to make better decisions about your health.

Taking Control of Kidney Disease — Living with Stage 3 and early Stage 4 kidney disease

Introduction -What kidneys do-What causes kidney disease

Practicing kidney-healthy behaviors

Controlling your health through diet

Common medicines for people with kidney disease

Questions to ask your doctors

Ways to help take control of kidney disease and other diseases that are related to kidney disease

What happens if your kidneys fail

How to stay active and continue working

Questions and answer opportunity

Making Healthy Choices — Preparing for dialysis in later Stage 4 and Stage 5 kidney disease

Introduction What kidneys do What causes kidney disease Preparing for dialysis Managing your health through

diet Common medicines for

people with kidney disease An in-depth look at all of your

treatment choices: Home therapies

-Peritoneal dialysis (PD) -Home Hemodialysis (HHD)

In-center therapies -Hemodialysis -Nocturnal hemodialysis -Self Care hemodialysis

Transplant Conservative treatment Choosing the right treatment

for your lifestyle, especially if you want to keep working

Understanding insurance Questions and answer


KIDNEY EDUCATION AND YOU® 1-888-MyKidney (695-4363) |

© 2008 DaVita Inc. All rights reserved.

Community Wellness Guide 63

• State of the art dialysis • High Quality Professional Teammates • Focus on superior patient care designed to meet the needs of the individual patient. • Several dialysis treatment options to meet the needs of our patients. • Traditional In-Center • Chronic Dialysis • Peritoneal Dialysis • In-Center Self-Care • Home Hemodialysis • Offering 6AM–6PM working professional shift

1-888-DaVita-8 | 334-685-3255 |

Wiregrass Kidney Center(Near SoutheastAlabama Medical Center)1450 Ross Clark CircleDothan, AL 36301

Dothan Dialysis(Across from Flowers)216 Graceland DrDothan, AL 36305

Ozark Dialysis214 Hospital DrOzark, AL 36360

Eufaula Dialysis220 South OrangeEufaula, AL 36027

Four Locationsto Serve You:

Our DialysisService Offerings:

Our Mission: To be the Provider, Partner, and Employer of Choice

We do more than provide dialysis, we give life.

What Makes Different?

Community: DaySpring Hospice has been a part of the Wiregrass since 2003.We are locally owned and managed.

Focused: We concentrate all of our efforts and expertise strictly on home and palliative care. We do not dilute the quality of our services by expanding into other endeavors.

Stability, Experience and Expertise:The caring, experienced professionals who join our team stay over the long term and add their experience to the rich pool of talent and skills we make available to our patients and their families.

Intimacy:Our patients become a part of our hospice family and you may find many of our hospice team almost becomes part of yours.

Flexibility:There aren’t multiple layers of bureaucracy standing between the patient, the family, the caregiver and our leadership team. That means we can be responsive, adaptive and creative in meeting the patient’s unique needs. It also means that you shouldn’t be surprised when our Administrator calls to see how things are going or she shows up on your admission or a visit.

The greatest STRENGTH of DAYSPRING lies in the fact that we have a passionate belief in the hospice concept and the benefits it provides our patients.

334 /347-29991-888-615-6646

“The dayspring from on high hath visited us, to give light to them that sit in darkness… to guide our feet unto the way of peace.”

Luke 1:78-79

The Center of YourHealth.Being the Center of Your Health means having an unwavering dedication to your quality of life. It also

means continual investments in the latest technology. Our skilled physicians, caring healthcare

professionals, nurses and support staff come together to offer you the best care available here at home.

Our mission “To provide quality healthcare and promote wellness to those we serve” is our focus. We are

committed to serving you and meeting your healthcare needs.

800-735-4998 Dothan, AL

Dothan Alabama - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

Phone: +5931039998219

Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.