Foods To Combat Fatigue - The Mummy Toolbox (2024)

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Foods To Combat Fatigue - The Mummy Toolbox (1)

We have hit the ground running, with a 5-year-old, going on holiday, recovering from a C-section, breastfeeding and a newborn, it’s all action stations. This means, quite honestly, we are knackered constantly and are looking for naps wherever we can get them! I don’t like to give on anything which means that I am still trying to manage a workload, my exercise regime to get back in shape, the house, parenting and shortly I will be volunteering again.

This means naps are like gold dust, few and far between and so we have been looking to our diet as a way to stay healthy as a family. We are also trying to have healthier snacks in the house because the time for cooking is basically non-existent so snacks and basic meal prep are the way forward. I have been looking for natural ways to combat tiredness so that we can function on the minimal sleep without my body feeling like it wants to shut down!!

I find that when I am tired, aside from the grumpy attitude I also eat poorly, have skin breakouts, get unwell easily, have zero energy and if you ask my husband, more argumentative! (he’s probably right.)We have found quite a few options that work for us and can double up as great “grab and go” snacks as well as energyboosters to help with the tiredness and fatigue.

The Best Foods To Fight Fatigue

  • Bananas – In the lunchbox or bag and easy to eat! The favourites of the boys but I’m not keen.
  • Eggs – My favourite!
  • Oats – Check out my recipe for , they are a great option to cook for meal prep day and perfect for slow release energy for the whole family.
  • Dark Chocolate – A naughty treat and little energy boost which tastes delicious with yoghurt.
  • Raspberries/Strawberries – All berries, in general, are great for boosting health, have a range of benefits and energy is one of them.
  • Spinach – I love using this to bulk out meals and it is delicious to add for breakfast, lunch or dinner.
  • Water – Although there are no calories in water, it facilitates body function and helps to aid detoxification in the body so always makes me feel better when I am properly hydrated.
  • Quinoa – One of my new favourite grains! (I’m working on some recipes to share soon)

Basically, what I have found is that fresh fruit and vegetables along with food that is more nutrient dense is the best option because they improve body function making it more efficient and stopping you from expending unnecessary energy while giving you a boost. Especially if you are having to maintain a busy lifestyle on minimal sleep (which tends to be the norm with newborns!)

Foods To Combat Fatigue - The Mummy Toolbox (2)

Food That Can Make You Tired

It’s pretty easy to guess the foods that can make you tired because it is generally those with a low nutritional value, some of these include:

  • Caffeine – Tea, Coffee, Fizzy Drinks (although it gives you a short-term boost, the comedown is worse and doesn’t work in the long run!)
  • Highly Processed Food – Including white bread and cereal, *sniffs* Bye bye Coco Pops
  • Alcohol – If you are on your last legs with tiredness, alcohol is the worst because it dehydrates you, puts your body out of wack and if you drink too much you’ll pass out from tiredness anyway!
  • Red Meat – I tend to avoid red meat day-to-day because it is higher in saturated fat which is not useful when trying to combat fatigue.

Foods To Combat Fatigue - The Mummy Toolbox (3)

Other Ways New Parents Can Combat Fatigue Without Sleeping

  • Naps – A short 5-10 minute power nap can work wonders and although it is technically not a full sleep, it’s better than nothing. If you can fit one in that is!
  • Vitamins – You can’t always get all the nutrients you need from food, particularly if you aren’t taking the time to cook and are going down the snack road. Even if they are the healthiest in the world you are still going to be lacking so you can opt to take supplements or vitamins to help.
  • Exercise – It might seem contradictory to expend energy and feel less tired but for me, it actually works! I always feel revitalized after going for a run.
  • Going Outside – As silly as it sounds but fresh air and the sunshine can work wonders when it comes to perking yourself up and giving yourself an energy boost. Plus getting out of the house is good for a newborn as well as your mental health.
  • Meditation – Your mental health can be part of the problem of fatigue as well as tiredness so meditation helps you to take time for yourself, give yourself a break and come back rejuvenated.

How do you combat fatigue without extra sleep? Which foods or snacks are your favorites? Let me know in the comments.

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by Charlotte | 52 Comments

52 comments on “Foods To Combat Fatigue”

  1. Great tips but I also think so many other factors are important too such as fitness, health, sleep…

  2. A great list in your pros. I do love my coffee, I don’t find it lets me down 🙂

  3. I was happy to see that I am already eating most of the food on the energy list, and not eating most of the bad foods. I do love my coffee though!

  4. The good news is that I like all the things on your good list! The bad news, I like all the things on the bad list. I agree that berries are a big help, as well as just a few minutes outside. My favorite, though, is the 10 minute power nap!

  5. I remember the newborn tiredness well, so much worse when you already have children compared to first time around. x

  6. What a really great post & I never knew that about dark chocolate!
    When my children were smaller I would have great problems napping throughout the day. Even now, I find it very difficult to nap during the day, let alone have a 10min power nap!

  7. My mummy is knackered all the time and ironically finds that doing exercise gives her more energy, she just needs to motivate herself. Great tips x

  8. Fab tips here. I remember when my twins were newborn. It was a very tiring but sweet experience.

  9. I’m definitely saving this, I’ve not got use to early starts now the girls are back at school. Been feeling really tired so will be trying some of these

  10. This is most welcomed at the moment, I’m so tired. Running on empty after the summer holidays.

  11. This is exactly why I love green smoothies. You can put just about all of these into a blender and enjoy. I need to start my day with one of these.

  12. I need to cut Down on caffeine. I’m terrible but then hit that slump not long after

  13. Oh gosh I remember those newborn days of fatigue. I used to reach for quick fix foods as I was often on my own while my husband was away. Naps became the best way for me to overcome tiredness and I would happily nap for 2 hours in the afternoon with my son while on maternity leave. I miss those naps.

  14. I’m not surprised you are shattered! I fine pasta and carbs make me tired these days. I love berries so that is good!

  15. I do always find that after I’ve done exercise I feel so much more awake. I try not to have too much processed food which works well for me x

  16. Fab selection. I do snack on bananas and I love eggs! I really like the sound of your banana and honey flapjacks. Will have to give them a whirl 🙂 x

  17. Great tips as I’m sitting here exhausted trying to get some work done! I really do need to drink less coffee and more water.

  18. Oh wow, I never knew that red meat could constitute you being tired. I was low on iron when my little one was born and they told me to continue to eat red meat, so I did that for months!

  19. I found the idea of getting outside really helped me, like the idea of dark chocolate

  20. This was exactly the kind of post that I needed to read. I have constant fatigue and I know that my diet is in need of an overhaul. I like the sound of eggs and bananas which I brought today luckily! x

  21. Diet is the key to a lot of things. Not only health but mental well being. And porridge, eggs or grape nuts for brekkie stop you reaching for that processed mid morning snack.

  22. I find proper hydration helps too! Drinking my 80 oz a day really keeps me energized and more focused. Power naps are amazing for recharging for the last half of my day!

  23. great list cause these are all foods I love!! Now to just implement them in my diet daily. Thanks for the tips

  24. Dark chocolates are my favorite snacks to eat. Great tips, especially for moms who have little love has, is like a little ball of energy.

  25. Some great tips here. I always have eggs for breakfast and I do snack on banana’s and blueberries

  26. Thank you for this list! I am constantly tired so now I know what to keep handy for snacks!

  27. No kids here but suffering with Jet Lag and all these definitely help with releiving jet lag. I’ve increased my water and ensuring that I get sleep and nutrition but cafienne is kicking my butt. Trying to nix that today!

  28. These are definitely some great foods and ways to combat fatigue! I love to eat some of these foods and naps sometimes during the day are nice.

  29. I honestly cannot tell you the last time I was able to take a nap. If only work can stop for 2 hours in the middle of the day, I can surely be a more effective Great tips here.

    Thrifting diva

  30. That was a great list of foods to fight fatigue. My daughter loves bananas.

  31. This is a fab post – the other thing I would add is to make sure we are getting enough protein to feed our bodies…most of us don’t as we can tend to be very carb centric but proteins are so important to feed our bodies!

  32. Oh it is crazy how tired processed foods make me!!! Here I am 9 years after having my kids and i am still so very tired LOL!

  33. Great tips here. I’ve been discussing this with my doctor recently as I suffer badly with insomnia and tend to spend half my life as an exhausted zombie!

  34. Totally agree on getting outside. It can be a struggle to make yourself get out when you’re busy, but it really helps. I’m afraid I’m a coffee fan, but drinking more water and herbal teas helps me too.

  35. It amazes me how the foods we eat can have such an impact over how we feel. This is a great list of healthy, nourishing foods that helps knock out fatigue!

    I’ve found that if I’ve been working at my computer for a long time and I’m getting sleepy it helps to get up and take a short brisk walk (even if it’s just around the house). And drinking a big glass of ice water helps revive me too.

  36. I’ve been feeling too tired lately and I should definitely try to combat it by adding more of these into my diet. Just goes to show how much food affects our health. I really appreciate this list.

  37. I’m bookmarking this for when the next one arrives!! I relied on caffeine & it sounds like it probably made it worse lol x

  38. I absolutely love oats in the morning to get the day started!

  39. It has been shocking to realize how different foods can affect my energy levels. I have a hard time giving up caffeine though.

  40. I didn’t learn how to take a 10-minute power nap until my kids were almost grown. That would have been a neat trick back in the day. I take a B-complex vitamin every day now, and it makes a huge difference in my energy levels.

  41. I don’t know. 4 kids later, I still don’t get much sleep. Now that they are in high school, I might even get less than when they were little. I try to keep exercise in there. But, I am bad about water. But I know when I do drink it, I feel much better and energized. Great tips!

  42. Didn’t know these foods combat fatigue! That’s interesting to know! Not big on coffee because it just gives you a bad crash sometimes and people have to constantly drink it just to keep awake.

  43. You are so right about the foods that cause fatigue. Processed foods will just exhaust you. Good tip about meditation. I imagine it’s hard to find the time as a new mom. But even taking 5 to 10 minutes here and there should add up to some beneficial. For sure as a new mom, it is important to take care of you.

  44. I’ve found myself extremely tired lately and have increased my coffee intake only to continue to be tired and now it all makes sense. Thanks for sharing this! Going to be trying some of these!

  45. Thank you so much for this post! I’m the mom of 3 and one on the way and I feel exhausted ALL THE TIME! I will most def. get some of these to try.

  46. I needed this list right this very moment. I’ve only been up for a couple of hours. I actually slept in today, thanks to Hurricane Irma (we are in north Florida), but I am about to fall asleep sitting up! I have had three cups of coffee, and you know what it makes me sleepy! Crazy.

  47. Great post I will try to keep all those energy foods in mind to avoid fatigue. I drink coffee and did not realize it is counterproductive, maybe I will cut back.

  48. Ever since school started it has been crazy and I have been feeling quite tired too. It’s definitely important to include food that will provide your body with more energy in your diet! Love this guide!

  49. I have a 2 year old and a 2 month old, so you can bet I’m going to be out grocery shopping today and getting everything on this list!

  50. When you have little ones around, especially newborns, it’s particularly important to pay close attention to your diet so you don’t unnecessarily weigh your body down with fatigue. I’m pinning this for later. Great post.

  51. When my kids were little, I used to nap when the kids napped, but I have never been able to take a 10 minute power nap. I actually don’t think it’s ever taken me less than 30 mins to fall asleep.

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Foods To Combat Fatigue - The Mummy Toolbox (2024)


What foods help with extreme fatigue? ›

A diet with lots of leafy green vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and healthy fats such as fish, nuts, and seeds may help lessen the effects of feeling tired! This booklet and the study dietitian will help you learn how to make room in your diet for foods that can help fight fatigue.

What are the worst foods for fatigue? ›

Chowing down on processed white bread, pasta and rice will leave you feeling sluggish and tired. Why? High carbohydrate containing foods such as these boost the production of a neurotransmitter known as serotonin, which can make us feel content and sleepy.

What to drink to fight fatigue? ›

Dietary suggestions for fighting fatigue

Drink plenty of water – sometimes you feel tired simply because you're mildly dehydrated. A glass of water will help do the trick, especially after exercise. Be careful with caffeine – anyone feeling tired should cut out caffeine.

Are eggs good for fatigue? ›

Full of vitamins including B12, which can help support energy levels, eggs are an excellent choice among foods to eat for fatigue, as they not only support energy levels but also contribute to overall health.

What vitamins are best for fatigue? ›

In general, the best vitamins and minerals for energy are B vitamins, iron and magnesium. Always consult with your health care provider before adding a new supplement to your wellness routine.

How do I stop extreme fatigue? ›

Lifestyle suggestions for fighting fatigue

Increase physical activity – physical activity boosts energy levels, while a sedentary lifestyle is a known cause of fatigue. Physical activity has many good effects on the body and mind. A good bout of exercise also helps you sleep better at night.

What causes extreme fatigue? ›

Medical causes– unrelenting exhaustion may be a sign of an underlying illness or condition (such as flu, glandular fever, chronic fatigue syndrome, thyroid disorders, heart disease or diabetes). Lifestyle-related causes – alcohol or drugs or lack of regular exercise can lead to feelings of fatigue.

What vitamins are good for fatigue? ›

Vitamins B12 and folic acid both contribute to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue, as does the mineral iron. Vitamins that help to support energy release can also help with tiredness and fatigue, including a number of B vitamins: B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 (pyridoxine) and B12 (cobalamin).


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