Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Cast on Making an MCU Movie With a lot of Goo (2024)

The Guardians of the Galaxy are back but things will truly never be the same.

James Gunn returns as writer and director for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, the third and final film in Gunn’s trilogy. Yes, it’s certainly possible another movie with Guardians branding will eventually arrive from Marvel Studios, but even before Gunn took his massive new job co-running DC Studios, he’d made it clear he was giving his specific incarnation of the Guardians team a proper conclusion of some sort. Not to mention, some of the original cast – including Dave Bautista (“Drax”) and Zoe Saldana (“Gamora”) – have also indicated they’ve decided this will be their final film in their respective roles.

Fandom spoke to Vol. 3cast members Karen Gillan (“Nebula”), Pom Klementieff (“Mantis”), Chukwudi Iwuji (“High Evolutionary”) and Will Poulter (“Adam Warlock”) about delivering a satisfying conclusion, the possibility of working with Gunn again on one of his DC projects, and more – including just how notably goopy the visuals in Guardians 3 get.

The Slither-y Side of the Galaxy

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Cast on Making an MCU Movie With a lot of Goo (1)

In Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, the story involves Rocket’s origins and his ties to the cruel geneticist known as the High Evolutionary, including the Evolutionary’s often messy and graphic experiments, in a movie that definitely has some dark elements to it. Then there’s a sequence set on an organically created complex, the Orgoscope, where everything the Guardians encounter, from the walls to the equipment, has a surface that is notably fleshy or covered in liquid or goo.

When I mentioned this to Karen Gillan and Pom Klementieff, asking if it felt like Gunn was particularly intrigued by making his sets and props notably tactile, Gillan replied, “It’s actually so funny you say that,” with Klementieff explaining, “Yeah, because he [recently] told us he likes certain textures and other textures he doesn’t like. He’s very specific with that!”

Added Gillan, of Gunn’s description, “He’s like, ’I hate that sort of texture. And I love that texture.’ He’s very opinionated on exactly all of this stuff. So it makes perfect sense that the movie is filled with [that] stuff.”

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Cast on Making an MCU Movie With a lot of Goo (2)

Iwuji meanwhile noted this isn’t unusual in Gunn’s work overall, pointing out, “Well, here’s the guy who did Slither, right? He loves that stuff. And it was great. It was actually really interesting.”

There are some pretty visceral and graphic moments in Guardians 3, and Iwuji remarked, “Some days you had to remind yourself ‘Okay, we’re still in a Marvel movie, right?’ Because we went to places that we have never gone before in this world. But yeah, he liked the goo and it was just part of the world he created.”

Poulter, who plays the newly born but notably powerful Adam Warlock, had high praise for Gunn’s skill at combining the offbeat and unusual with funny and heartfelt material, saying, “It’s amazing as well, no matter how gooey or gory or crazy things get, there’s always a point of entry for the audience. One of my favorite scenes of the movie, avoiding spoiler territory, but there’s almost like a kind of water cooler office chat scenario that takes place between a bunch of alien gods in a kind of like space lair. And to be able to recognize that as something so kind of mundane and every day in that context is amazing. And it’s the reason it’s so hilarious. And it’s just typically James Gunn.”

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Cast on Making an MCU Movie With a lot of Goo (3)

When I asked Gillan, who’s been with the Guardians films since the 2014 original, if the cast got used to coming to set and finding something bizarre that the set or prop department had built they’d be interacting with, she replied, “Basically, yeah. ‘What squishy thing can I find and touch?’” She then caught the potential awkwardness of what she’d just said, cracking up as she exclaimed, “That sounded wrong! Oh no!”

On that set for the Orgoscope, an unusual, membrane-type entrance was incorporated at a door, requiring someone to place their hand inside, and Klementieff amusingly remarked, “It felt so nice to do it. I kept just putting my finger in it!” She also laughed at herself, as she elaborated, “Putting my finger in it, and my hand, and I loved it! It was such a nice texture…”


Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Cast on Making an MCU Movie With a lot of Goo (4)

Part 3s are notoriously tough for trilogies when it comes to delivering for the audience but Klementieff said while everyone involved wanted this Guardians to satisfy, they felt confident from the get go, because, “James wrote such an incredible script.”

Gillan agreed, saying she felt the consensus for the cast was, “I think we just need to honor the script that he’s written because he knows how he wants to end this and this is his story. So it was about delivering the best version of what [James] wanted.”

Iwuji said if Gunn was ever nervous, he hid it well, describing him as “a guy that leads with confidence. He knew the film he wanted to make, in all fairness to Marvel, and from what I got, they knew the film was in great hands with him and he rolled with it and his entire team believed in the vision. Every head of department believed in the vision.”

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Cast on Making an MCU Movie With a lot of Goo (5)

He elaborated that he saw a keen interest in the storytelling from all involved in the production while Guardians 3 was being made, in a way he rarely does on sets, remarking, “Crew often get on with what they have to, do you know what I mean? They have jobs to do, whether keeping things in check and working, but the crew seemed very, very engaged with it. So there was a real commitment across the board for this project. All I was thinking is ‘Please let me not be the one to screw it up,’ because everyone else is right on key!”

Said Poulter, “The care factor was as high as it could possibly be and that started with James. And I totally agree with Chuk that the confidence and the boldness with which he went forward and led… it imbued all of us with a sense of confidence in what we were doing.”

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Cast on Making an MCU Movie With a lot of Goo (6)

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 had some extremely notable delays from what was originally intended, thanks to James Gunn being temporarily fired by Disney – and Gunn taking another job to direct The Suicide Squad before he was rehired – leading to it opening quite a long time after Vol. 2’s 2017 release.

Said Klementieff, of finally getting back on set with Gunn to begin production, “We had been waiting to do that movie for years. So we were so happy to be back on set together.”

Gunn’s cast had all signed a letter of support for him after he was fired, and Gillan remarked, “We had quite the journey to get James back with us. And so it felt pretty momentous that he was back and everyone was reunited and we were going to finish this thing out together.”


Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Cast on Making an MCU Movie With a lot of Goo (7)

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 opens as Gunn is saying goodbye in a much bigger way than anyone could have imagined when the film was in production, given his new role as co-CEO, alongside Peter Safran, of DC Studios, which will obviously keep him from doing any more Marvel projects for the foreseeable future. However, Gunn is notably close and loyal to those he works with, frequently reusing actors, and has already said he’d be happy to include Guardians cast members in DC projects as well.

In one case, with Iwuji, he’s already participated in both worlds, given he and Gunn first worked together on Peacemaker, where he played Clemson Murn. But that doesn’t mean he couldn’t play another role for DC, given Gunn has Linda Cardellini – who already is in the MCU as Laura Barton – playing an otter in Guardians 3. So do the Guardians cast have roles they’d love to tackle at DC with Gunn moving forward?

Said Iwuji, “You know, I would never, ever suggest [anything] to James ultimately, because it just would be weird. He has a world in his head. I mean, look, I can’t be too greedy!” He added, “I just can’t imagine asking for more than seeing what comes next, does that make sense? I’m pretty happy!”

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Cast on Making an MCU Movie With a lot of Goo (8)

Unlike most of the cast, Guardians 3 was Poulter’s first project with Gunn, and he remarked, “I feel very, very grateful. I’m lucky with the one role that I’ve been given. And yeah, like [Iwuji], I do not want to get ahead of myself. But I do wish James, certainly, the best of luck. Not that he needs it! But just because I think he’s so incredible and he’s got so much ahead of him. “

Added Iwuji, “He’s probably one of the only directors that if he said ‘Come do this’ I’d probably see yes before I’ve read it. I trust his instincts. Whether it was Murn or the High Evolutionary, he has this ability of surprise. That’s the best roles for me, as an actor, is when someone offers you something that you didn’t in a million years think you were right for and they say ‘No, you’re the one for that.’ Those are the roles you want to attempt.”

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Klementieff, who had a quick, background cameo as a dancer in The Suicide Squad, said that when it came to possibilities with Gunn in DC, “We’ve been talking, so we’re trying to make plans and we’ll see what happens. But I want to keep working with him, I want to keep hanging out with him, being friends with him and everything. So yeah, any movie he wants me to do, I would be down, basically!”

Replied Gillan, “Same. If he wanted to play like a weird two-headed alien in the background I would do it because it’s James! I love working with him. I mean, honestly, any role that he wanted me to play I would feel completely honored to take on.”

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Cast on Making an MCU Movie With a lot of Goo (2024)


Why was Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 so bad? ›

Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 also seemed to want to cram in way too much into one movie. We could have just had the Rocket origin story and the film would have been just fine. Trying to cram in so many story elements ultimately hurt the exposition of those elements.

Is Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 the best MCU movie? ›

It clearly isn't the best since Avengers Endgame. It the the best MCU movie period. It beats out Endgame in terms of story, action, CGI, character relationships, has the right mix of comedy, action and seriousness, as well as much more. I bet if you showed a MCU-hater this movie they would change there mind.

Why is there so much yelling in Guardians of the Galaxy 3? ›

Many jokes try so hard to be edgier than most MCU films, but it sometimes gets overbearing and not funny. Here, Gunn relies on having the Guardians constantly yelling at each other in tense fights to make up his jokes.

Will there be a Guardians 4? ›

In plainer English, this means there will be no Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 4, or at least not one that will be anything like the first three. For further proof, when asked by fans if there were any plans for a Vol. 4, Gunn flat out stated that there were none.

Why is Gamora not in Guardians of the Galaxy 3? ›

That version of Gamora really did die when Thanos sacrificed her and the Gamora in Guardians 3 is the alternate-timeline Gamora. It's why she acts differently to the Gamora we knew, as she's had different life experiences.

Is GotG 3 the darkest MCU movie? ›

But you rarely question whether Gunn's heart is in it” and The Atlantic writing that “Guardians 3 is a cheerful goodbye to many of the studio's best heroes…” Some were put off by the film's premise—Slate called it the “darkest, goriest, and most disturbing Marvel movie, it's also a contender for the funniest.”

Why is GotG 3 so dark? ›

Guardian 3's more mature tone was a topic that Gunn had previously talked about in 2022, commenting at the time that the film's "so, so big and dark and different from what people might be expecting it to be." Gunn also delved into why GotG 3 is so long, remarking that it was "necessary to experience the full arc for ...

Did Guardians of the Galaxy 3 get good reviews? ›

Absolutely phenomenal in my opinion. Guardians of the Galaxy 3 was not only super emotional (after Endgame I'd say the most emotional Marvel movie), the CGI and the action scenes were incredibly good as well. In some scenes it was super messed up and weird, but exactly these scenes made the movie so good.

What is inappropriate in Guardians of the Galaxy? ›

Guardians of the Galaxy has some nudity and sexual activity. For example: Peter Quill tries to kiss Gamora, but she presses a knife to his throat. Female characters wear tight-fitting and brief clothing.

Why is Quill drunk? ›

Still mourning the loss of Gamora, Peter Quill fell into a drunken state, which had become normal in his grief.

What went wrong with Guardians of the Galaxy 3? ›

Review: 'Guardians of the Galaxy' Vol. 3 puts the audience through a bad breakup The third Guardians film assumes a strangely somber tone and a plot that features more cruelty to animals and children than audiences have any reason to expect from a wacky space yarn.

Will there be another movie after Guardians of the Galaxy 3? ›

November 10, 2023

The Marvels is the next Marvel movie after Guardians of the Galaxy 3. While Captain Marvel's origin movie divided audiences, its sequel film promises to live up to Captain Marvel's legacy.

Will Guardians of the Galaxy 3 be the last one? ›

James Gunn has announced Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, which premiered in theaters last weekend, will be the last installment in his space trilogy.

Why does Groot look so weird in Guardians of the Galaxy 3? ›

Either Groot decided this time around that he wanted to be more buff, or he was once buff in his previous incarnation, but felt he didn't need to be vain about his tree physique in his old age and decided to slim down and look more tree-like. An epilogue for "Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol.

Why is Guardians of the Galaxy 3 the last one? ›

A blockbuster franchise rarely wraps without a few significant casualties, each noble sacrifice underscoring the definitive end to come. But with “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3,” the writer-director James Gunn wanted to finish the trilogy on his own terms, even if that meant circumventing fan expectations.

Is Guardians 3 hard to watch? ›

3 Has Scenes Of Animal Torture & Emotional Trauma. Arguably the most difficult-to-watch element of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 for all ages is the story of Rocket Raccoon.

What did Guardians of the Galaxy get on Rotten Tomatoes? ›

Guardians of the Galaxy 3 Rotten Tomatoes score

3's critics score comes in at 80% with 261 reviews and is “certified fresh” according to the site's Tomatometer. That number represents the lowest of the trilogy, behind 2014's Guardians of the Galaxy (92%) and 2017's Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol. 2 (85%).


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