Hank’s Embark Dog DNA Results (2024)

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Genetic Age

Please note that genetic age is different from calendar age. We can now estimate your dog's calendar age with the Embark Age Test.

The genetic age in this report is an estimation of where your dog is in his or her healthspan. Dogs age at very different rates due to a number of genetic and environmental factors. Body size is a strong genetic influence: for example, a seven year old Great Dane is at the start of his golden years, but a seven year old Pomeranian is just learning what "slow down" means. Just within this example, you can see that the old "one doggie year = seven human years" adage isn’t going to work. And yet, knowing your dog’s age is important: it informs what your dog needs as far as food, frequency of veterinary checkups, and exercise. So how do you best determine how old your dog is?

Embark's genetic age feature calculates how old your dog would be if he or she were aging at an average human rate (using humans in the USA as the baseline). So going back to our Dane/Pom example, we'd estimate a seven year old Great Dane at about 80 years old (senior citizen), but a seven year old Pom would be about 42 (adult). Makes way more sense, right?

Personalized genetic age table for Hank

Calendar age Genetic age
1 year 17 human years
2 years 25 human years
3 years 31 human years
4 years 38 human years
5 years 44 human years
6 years 51 human years
7 years 58 human years
8 years 65 human years
9 years 71 human years
10 years 78 human years

All we need from you is a calendar age. It's okay if this is an estimation: it is just a starting point. We then factor in your dog's breed composition, information at certain genes that affect size, and their inbreeding coefficient to calculate genetic age. Like in humans, in dogs females tend to live longer than males (so an “80 year old” female dog = 80 year old woman). Exercise and diet also play a role in how long your dog will live. Nevertheless, genetic age is the primary risk factor for numerous diseases in dogs, including cancer, kidney disease, osteoarthritis, cataracts, cardiac disease and cognitive decline. It can help you and your vet know what you should feed your dog, what screenings to get, and other aspects of your dog’s care.

Wolfiness score

How wolfy is my dog?

Most dogs have wolfiness scores of 1% or less. We find populations and breeds with higher scores of 2-4% occasionally, and unique dogs with scores of 5% or above more rarely.

What it means for my dog

Your dog’s Wolfiness Score is not a measure of recent dog-wolf hybridization and does not necessarily indicate that your dog has some recent wolf ancestors. (If your dog has recent wolf ancestors, you will see that in the breed mix report.) Instead, the Wolfiness Score is based on the number of ancient genetic variants your dog has in our unique Wolfiness marker panel. Wolfiness scores up to 10% are almost always due to ancient wolf genes that survived many generations, rather than any recent wolf ancestors. These ancient genes may be a few thousand years old, or may even date back to the original domestication event 15,000 years ago. They are bits of a wild past that survive in your dog!

The science

Your dog’s Wolfiness Score is based on hundreds of markers across the genome where dogs (or almost all of them) are the same, but wolves tend to be different. These markers are thought to be related to "domestication gene sweeps" where early dogs were selected for some trait. Scientists have known about “domestication gene sweeps” for years, but do not yet know why each sweep occurred. By finding rare dogs carrying an ancient variant at a certain marker, we can make associations with behavior, size, metabolism, and development that likely caused these unique signatures of “doggyness” in the genome.

Predicted Adult Weight

How does weight matter?

For people with puppies, you probably want to know how big of a crate to buy or just how big to expect your dog to become. But genetic weight is also useful for people with fully grown dogs. Just like with people, overweight and obese dogs suffer reduced length and quality of life. They can develop chronic health conditions and suffer from limited mobility and other issues. While over half of American dogs are overweight or obese, fewer than 15% of their owners realize it. By comparing your dog’s weight to their genetic predicted weight you have one more piece of information about their ideal weight. With this and other pieces of information like weight history and body condition, you and your veterinarian may want to discuss your dog’s diet, exercise, and weight control plan to give your pup the longest, healthiest life possible.

How do we predict weight?

Our test is the only dog DNA test that provides true genetic size not based just on breed ancestry but based on over a dozen genes known to influence a dog’s weight. It uses the most advanced science to determine your dog’s expected weight based on their sex, the combination of these genes, and breed-specific modifiers.

How accurate is the predicted weight?

Unlike in people, healthy weight in dogs is controlled largely by only a few genes. Our algorithm explains over 85% of the variance in healthy adult weight. However, due to a few as-yet-undiscovered genes and genetic interactions that affect size, this algorithm sometimes misses. Occasionally it misses by a fairly large amount especially when a dog has a breed with an unknown size-influencing gene. If we have missed your dog’s weight, your dog may be a scientific discovery waiting to happen! Please be sure to go to the Research tab and complete the Getting to know your dog survey, where you can answer questions about your dog’s current weight and body shape. This information will inform our ongoing research into the genetics of size and weight in dogs.


Revealing your dog’s ancient heritage

Haplotypes are particular DNA sequences that are inherited entirely from a dog’s mom (maternal) or dad (paternal).

Because they are inherited whole, your dog and his or her mom share the exact same maternal haplotype. If you have a male dog, your dog and his dad share the exact same paternal haplotype (female dogs don’t inherit paternal haplotypes).

Because most breeds were started with only a few individual dogs, many breeds are dominated by only one or a few haplotypes.


Revealing your dog’s ancient heritage

Haplogroups are groups of similar DNA sequences (called haplotypes) that are inherited entirely from the mother (maternal) or father (paternal) and don’t get shuffled up like other parts of your dog’s genome.

These groups all originally descend from one male or female wolf, usually one that lived tens of thousands of years ago. Because they are inherited whole and not shuffled like other DNA, they can be used to trace the ancestral routes that dogs took around the globe en route to your home.

Only male dogs have paternal haplogroups because they are determined by the Y chromosome, which only male dogs have. Both males and females have maternal haplogroups, which come from a part of DNA called the mitochondrial DNA.

Breed analysis

Breed analysis is based on comparing your dog’s DNA with the DNA of dogs from over 350 breeds, types and varieties.

How are Hank's ancestors represented in his DNA?

All dogs are related and share some DNA. Siblings share lots of their DNA (half of it in fact), cousins share a bit less (an eighth), and so on. Because dog breeds are made up of a closed group of dogs, all dogs in that breed share a lot of their DNA, typically about as much as second cousins, though it varies by breed. Different breeds that are closely related share somewhat less DNA, and dogs from very different breeds share even less DNA (but still much more DNA than either dog shares with a cat).

DNA is inherited in pieces, called chromosomes, that are passed along from parent to offspring. Each generation, these chromosomes are broken up and shuffled a bit in a process known as recombination. So, the length of the segments your dog shares with his ancestors decreases with each generation above him: he shares longer segments with his mom than his grandma, longer segments with his grandma than his great-grandma, and so on.

How does Embark know which breeds are in Hank?

We can use the length of segments Hank shares with our reference dogs to see how many generations it has been since they last shared an ancestor. Long segments of DNA that are identical to known purebred dogs tell Embark's scientists that Hank has, without a doubt, a relative from that breed. By testing over 200,000 genetic markers, we build up his genes one DNA segment at a time, to learn the ancestry with great certainty. Other dog DNA tests look at many fewer genetic markers and have to take a guess at breed ancestry based on that.

What does this mean for Hank's looks and behavior?

Look closely and you'll probably find Hank has some physical and/or behavioral resemblance with his ancestor's breeds. The exact similarity depends on which parts of DNA Hank shares with each breed. Some traits associated with each breed are listed in the Breed & Ancestry section of our website. Embark will tell you even more about Hank's traits soon!

P.S. In a small proportion of cases, we find dogs that don’t share segments with other dogs we have tested, indicating the presence of a rare breed that is not part of our reference panel or possibly a true "village dog" without any purebred relatives at all. In these rare cases we contact the owner to find out more and let them know about their unique dog before they get their results. With this in-depth detective work, we are pushing science forward by identifying genetically unique groups of dogs.

Still have questions?

Let us know with our contact form.

What are “Dogs Like Hank?”

“Dogs Like Hank” are based on the percentage of breeds the two dogs have in common. For example, two dogs that are both 27% Golden Retriever and 73% Poodle will have a score of 100%. Sometimes dogs with high scores look alike, and sometimes they don’t — either way the comparison is based on each dog’s unique DNA.

Mixed Ancestry



  • Summary
  • Family Tree
  • Traits
  • Maternal Haplotype
  • Paternal Haplotype

No bio has been provided yet

Place of Birth

Kennewick, Washington, USA

Current Location

Richland, Washington, USA


Kennewick, Washington, USA

This dog has been viewed and been given 0 wags

Genetic Breed Result


Australian Cattle Dog A classic cattle dog, Australian Cattle Dogs were developed from a mixture of breeds in Australia in the 19th century, and still maintain their energetic herding instincts today. Learn More German Shepherd Dog German Shepherds are confident, courageous dogs with a keen sense of smell and notable intelligence. These are active working dogs who excel at many canine sports and tasks -- they are true utility dogs! Their versatility combined with their loyal companionship has them consistently listed as one of the most popular breeds in the United States. Learn More


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Dogs Like Hank

Hank’s Embark Dog DNA Results (14)

Discover dogs who share a similar breed mix to Hank. A higher score means the two dogs have more of their breed mix in common. A score of 100% means they share the exact same breed mix!

  • Marshall 100% alike Sirius Black 100% alike Nova 100% alike Aiko 100% alike
  • Archie 100% alike Jack Daniels 100% alike Ziva 100% alike Elsa 100% alike
  • Granger 100% alike Raine 100% alike Banx 100% alike Ruby 100% alike
  • Bandit 100% alike Ruger 100% alike Millie 100% alike Ron 100% alike
  • Mando 100% alike Dante 100% alike Ruger 100% alike Lucy 100% alike
  • Marshall 100% alike Sirius Black 100% alike
  • Nova 100% alike Aiko 100% alike
  • Archie 100% alike Jack Daniels 100% alike
  • Ziva 100% alike Elsa 100% alike

Click or tap on a pic to learn more about each dog and see an in-depth comparison of their DNA, breeds, and more.

Building blocks of life

See which breed every part of Hank’s DNA comes from!

Genes from your dog’s breeds serve as the building blocks to creating your unique pooch

Dogs have 39 pairs of chromosomes, almost double humans who have 23. 38 of those pairs are the same for all dogs while the 39th is the sex chromosomes - two X’s for females and one X and one Y for males. One copy of each chromosome came from your dog’s mother and one from your dog’s father. Each copy contains between 24 million and 123 million bases, or letters of DNA code, for 2.5 billion total letters inherited from each parent. This chromosome illustration shows a representation of each of your dog’s 38 pairs of chromosomes (excluding the X and Y sex chromosomes).

Because the members of a breed have similar stretches of DNA, we can use our 200,000+ genetic markers to determine what part of each chromosome in your dog came from what breed. For each pair of chromosomes, your dog’s mom and dad each gave your dog one copy of that chromosome, for a grand total of 78 chromosomes. So if your dog’s mom was a poodle and dad was a schnauzer then the painting would show one complete poodle and one complete schnauzer chromosome for each pair. The more complex your dog’s ancestry, the more complex the painting, as in each generation recombination (the splitting apart and "shuffling around" of genes between paired chromosomes) mixes up bits of chromosome from grandparents, great-grandparents, and beyond.

Each trait your dog exhibits, such as fur shedding, is based on the letter at one or more locations in your dog’s genome. For example the location determining if your dog sheds their fur is located on chromosome 1. Some other traits, like size, are complexly inherited from many locations, including ones on chromosomes 1, 3, 4, 7, 10, 15, and more. Your dog looks the way it does not because of averaging or blending the breeds that form it, but because specific traits were inherited from specific breeds. That’s one reason your mix may look, act, and have certain health issues much more like one breed than another!

DNA Breed Origins

Breed colors:

Australian Cattle Dog

German Shepherd Dog


Hank’s Embark Dog DNA Results (43)


Hank’s Embark Dog DNA Results (44)


Hank’s Embark Dog DNA Results (46)


Hank’s Embark Dog DNA Results (47)


Hank’s Embark Dog DNA Results (48)


Hank’s Embark Dog DNA Results (49)


Hank’s Embark Dog DNA Results (50)


Hank’s Embark Dog DNA Results (51)


Hank’s Embark Dog DNA Results (52)


Hank’s Embark Dog DNA Results (53)


Hank’s Embark Dog DNA Results (54)


Hank’s Embark Dog DNA Results (55)


Hank’s Embark Dog DNA Results (56)


Hank’s Embark Dog DNA Results (57)


Hank’s Embark Dog DNA Results (58)


Hank’s Embark Dog DNA Results (59)


Hank’s Embark Dog DNA Results (60)


Hank’s Embark Dog DNA Results (61)


Hank’s Embark Dog DNA Results (62)


Hank’s Embark Dog DNA Results (63)


Hank’s Embark Dog DNA Results (64)


Hank’s Embark Dog DNA Results (65)


Hank’s Embark Dog DNA Results (66)


Hank’s Embark Dog DNA Results (67)


Hank’s Embark Dog DNA Results (68)


Hank’s Embark Dog DNA Results (69)


Hank’s Embark Dog DNA Results (70)


Hank’s Embark Dog DNA Results (71)


Hank’s Embark Dog DNA Results (72)


Hank’s Embark Dog DNA Results (73)


Hank’s Embark Dog DNA Results (74)


Hank’s Embark Dog DNA Results (75)


Hank’s Embark Dog DNA Results (76)


Hank’s Embark Dog DNA Results (77)


Hank’s Embark Dog DNA Results (78)


Hank’s Embark Dog DNA Results (79)


Hank’s Embark Dog DNA Results (80)


Here’s what Hank’s family tree may have looked like.

While there may be other possible configurations of his family’s relationships, this is the most likely family tree to explain Hank’s breed mix.




What is a linkage test?

DNA sequences that are close together on a chromosome tend to be inherited together. Because of this, we can use genetic variation surrounding a specific variant (i.e. "linked" to it) to infer the presence or absence of a variant that is associated with a health condition or trait.

Linkage tests are not as predictive of your dog’s true genotype as direct assays, which we use on most other genetic conditions we test for.


Explore the genetics behind your dog’s appearance and size.

No Result

For every test, we run multiple assays to ensure the accuracy of the results we deliver. For your dog, one or more of these produced inconclusive or low confident results. Therefore, we are not able to provide you with a result at this time.

Hank’s Embark Dog DNA Results (119)

Base Coat Color

No Result

For every test, we run multiple assays to ensure the accuracy of the results we deliver. For your dog, one or more of these produced inconclusive or low confident results. Therefore, we are not able to provide you with a result at this time.

Hank’s Embark Dog DNA Results (120)

Coat Color Modifiers

No Result

For every test, we run multiple assays to ensure the accuracy of the results we deliver. For your dog, one or more of these produced inconclusive or low confident results. Therefore, we are not able to provide you with a result at this time.

Hank’s Embark Dog DNA Results (121)

Other Coat Traits

No Result

For every test, we run multiple assays to ensure the accuracy of the results we deliver. For your dog, one or more of these produced inconclusive or low confident results. Therefore, we are not able to provide you with a result at this time.

Hank’s Embark Dog DNA Results (122)

Other Body Features

No Result

For every test, we run multiple assays to ensure the accuracy of the results we deliver. For your dog, one or more of these produced inconclusive or low confident results. Therefore, we are not able to provide you with a result at this time.

Hank’s Embark Dog DNA Results (123)

Body Size

No Result

For every test, we run multiple assays to ensure the accuracy of the results we deliver. For your dog, one or more of these produced inconclusive or low confident results. Therefore, we are not able to provide you with a result at this time.

Hank’s Embark Dog DNA Results (124)




Through Hank’s mitochondrial DNA we can trace his mother’s ancestry back to where dogs and people first became friends. This map helps you visualize the routes that his ancestors took to your home. Their story is described below the map.





Hank’s Embark Dog DNA Results (129)


Hank’s Haplogroup

B1 is the second most common maternal lineage in breeds of European or American origin. It is the female line of the majority of Golden Retrievers, Basset Hounds, and Shih Tzus, and about half of Beagles, Pekingese and Toy Poodles. This lineage is also somewhat common among village dogs that carry distinct ancestry from these breeds. We know this is a result of B1 dogs being common amongst the European dogs that their conquering owners brought around the world, because nowhere on earth is it a very common lineage in village dogs. It even enables us to trace the path of (human) colonization: Because most Bichons are B1 and Bichons are popular in Spanish culture, B1 is now fairly common among village dogs in Latin America.


Hank’s Haplotype

Part of the large B1 haplogroup, this haplotype occurs most commonly in Australian Cattle Dogs. It’s a rare find!

Hank’s Embark Dog DNA Results (130)

The B1 haplogroup can be found in village dogs like the Peruvian Village Dog, pictured above.



Through Hank’s Y-chromosome we can trace his father’s ancestry back to where dogs and people first became friends. This map helps you visualize the routes that his ancestors took to your home. Their story is described below the map.





Hank’s Embark Dog DNA Results (135)


Hank’s Haplogroup

Some of the wolves that became the original dogs in Central Asia around 15,000 years ago came from this long and distinguished line of male dogs. After domestication, they followed their humans from Asia to Europe and then didn't stop there. They took root in Europe, eventually becoming the dogs that founded the Vizsla breed 1,000 years ago. The Vizsla is a Central European hunting dog, and all male Vizslas descend from this line. During the Age of Exploration, like their owners, these pooches went by the philosophy, "Have sail, will travel!" From the windy plains of Patagonia to the snug and homey towns of the American Midwest, the beaches of a Pacific paradise, and the broad expanse of the Australian outback, these dogs followed their masters to the outposts of empires. Whether through good fortune or superior genetics, dogs from the A1a lineage traveled the globe and took root across the world. Now you find village dogs from this line frolicking on Polynesian beaches, hanging out in villages across the Americas, and scavenging throughout Old World settlements. You can also find this "prince of patrilineages" in breeds as different as German Shepherds, Golden Retrievers, Pugs, Border Collies, Scottish Terriers, and Irish Wolfhounds. No male wolf line has been as successful as the A1a line!


Hank’s Haplotype

Part of the large A1a haplogroup, this haplotype is found in village dogs from across the globe (outside of Asia). As for breeds, it is primarily seen in German Shepherds, Labrador Retrievers, Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever. It is by far the most common haplotype in German Shepherds.

Hank’s Embark Dog DNA Results (136)

Dogs with A1a lineage travelled during European Colonial times.



Hank’s Embark Dog DNA Results (2024)


How accurate is the embark dog DNA test? ›

Embark offers the most accurate dog DNA test on the market, with 99% breed ancestry accuracy.

How long does it take to get results from embark dog DNA test? ›

Most genotyping results will be completed in 2-4 weeks from the time we scan your swab at our lab. Completion times may vary for other Embark products. Check the status of your test here! You can find swab tracking and status updates on your Embark account at any time!

How accurate are dog DNA results? ›

Many dog DNA testing companies claim more than 90% accuracy; these types of tests are never 100% accurate, and there are lots of factors that can influence your pup's results, including: Quality of the DNA sample: Contaminated or improperly collected samples can lead to incorrect results.

How long does it take for dog DNA results to come back? ›

2 - 4 weeks

Does Embark tell you how big your dog will be? ›

In fact, Embark tests for five genes that together explain 85% of the variation in a dog's adult body size. DNA tests are not 100% predictive, but they are the most accurate way to estimate adult dog size when compared to external factors (parent's size, breed, gender, etc.).

What is the #1 dog DNA test? ›

Embark is the most accurate and comprehensive canine DNA test. Although the kit provides more data than even the most dedicated dog owners may want, its medical tests alone make it worthwhile.

What happens if an Embark test is inconclusive? ›

In the case that your pup's swab has failed at analysis due to an insufficient amount of DNA content, we will offer to send you a free replacement swab and run the second sample at no charge. Please see our Failed Sample Policy for more details.

Does Embark tell your dog's age? ›

Our Age Test model allows us to predict a dog's age based on that methylation profile. The Age Test estimates your dog's age within a range of time called a prediction interval. The estimated birthday in your dog's results is the midpoint of that age range.

Is wisdom or Embark more accurate? ›

However, Wisdom Panel analyzes fewer DNA markers in your pet's saliva than Embark, so we don't think the results are as accurate overall. (Over the years, Wisdom Panel has refined its accuracy claims—both as the science evolves and to attract customers.

What is the dog DNA scandal? ›

Reporter Christina Hager sent her DNA sample to various pet testing facilities, reported WBZ-TV News. Among them, a company called DNA My Dog identified Hager as a dog. She shared a swab sample from her cheek with three other companies based in Melbourne, Florida, and Washington.

Which DNA test is most accurate for dogs? ›

  • Best Overall: Embark Dog DNA Kit Breed & Genetic Health Test » ...
  • Best Budget: DNA My Dog Essential Breed ID Test » ...
  • Best for Breed Identification Accuracy: Wisdom Panel Breed Discovery Dog DNA Collection Kit » ...
  • Best for Health Risk Screening: Wisdom Panel Premium Dog DNA Collection Kit »

Will a DNA test tell me what breed my dog is? ›

For dogs that aren't purebred, DNA tests are available to reveal what breeds went into creating them. The AKC designates these mixed-breed dogs as Canine Partners. Know Your Pet DNA by Ancestry, covers all AKC registered breeds, as well as some of the rarer breeds in the Foundation Stock Service listing.

How long do Embark results take? ›

Most genotyping results will be completed in 2-4 weeks from the time we scan your swab at our lab. Completion times may vary for other Embark products.

How long after pet DNA is analyzed are results ready? ›

A saliva sample is all that is needed to test your dog. Detailed instructions on how to collect the sample are in the test kit. How long until I receive my results? Most DNA sample results are ready 2-4 weeks after processing begins.

Is it worth doing a dog DNA test? ›

Learning about your dog's genome can be fun and reveal valuable information about their health. It can feel trendy to send a swab of your dog's cheek cells to determine their background — the canine version of a genealogy test. But genetic testing can also give you vital information about your dog's health.

How accurate is Embark predicted weight? ›

About seventeen genetic variants explain over 85% of the variation in body size—and thus body weight—across dog breeds. Embark's proprietary genetic weight algorithm takes your dog's genotype at these variants to generate a predicted adult weight. About 80% of the time, we're right on the money with weight prediction.

How many generations does Embark go back? ›

This feature shows the most likely breakdown of ancestry going back at least 3 generations. If you're interested in specific dogs that may share ancestry with your dog, check out our Relative Finder!


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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Author information

Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

Phone: +5931039998219

Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.