Haryana and the determination to make the adults deal with the adult problems - Chapter 1 - TheCuriousCat - Harry Potter (2024)

Chapter Text

Haryana is sitting on the floor next to the shrived baby Tom in the ghostly Kings Cross station long after Dumbledore left. Contrary to his urgency on her choice Haryana had the distinct feeling that she had all the time in the world.

“I didn’t want this, you know.” She murmurs as she rolls her head along the bench so she could look at the scarred little thing, it had stopped crying when she’d wrapped her jumper around it in an attempt at a little nest. Every slip of skin contact felt like liquid fire climbing up her arms, wrongness seeping into the affected areas like a virus but Haryana has spent her whole life ignoring the feeling to save herself pain so she powers through easily. “I just… I just wanted to be safe, to be a kid for once in my life. Why was that so much to ask for?” Baby Tom sniffles as curls a misshapen little fist in her jumper. “You too I suspect. Dumbledore showed me some memories about your past to better prepare me but all I saw was a boy who’d lived like I did before magic. Sorry about that, I know it was private but it’s not like I could say no.” The little hand lifts as she holds out her pinkie without thought, the scarred fingers curl around the digit and horrid pain shoots up her arm but she doesn’t pull away.

Just a kid…” A hollowed voice whispers through the smoky train station before a train slowly rolls up.

“Well… That’s not ominous at all.” She sighs as the doors creek open like they had never seen oil. The glass of the doors and windows of the open train cart dirty from disuse, one even has a spider-web crack slowly climbing across it.

Continue…” A ghostly hiss purrs as a newer train pulls up on the opposite side. The doors slide open without a noise and all of the glass is so clean that it sparkles.

The voices are different and it puts Haryana on edge. It feels like one of these is a trap, no, they both feel like traps but for different reasons. That endless feeling she had moments ago is gone, the sudden anxiety that is born from knowing you were going to be late for something important if you didn’t leave right now gripping her entire being.

“Forward or back?” She asks herself before blinking. Why did she know that? How did she know that? The hollowed voice laughs gently in her ear and she shivers against the cold climbing up her spine. The steam trains both blow their horns in tandem, the old one more raspy like it had a blockage or two from years of disuse. In the back of her head it made sense, everyone was always moving forward with each step they took through time but it was rare for someone to go back in time. “Forward or back…” She hums thoughtfully as she picks up the baby/jumper bundle, doing her best to do it in a way were Tom could keep clinging to her pinkie finger.

The newer train’s doors slam shut. She blinks then slowly moves to put Tom down, each inch he gets closer to the floor is an inch the doors open again. He can’t go forward, which makes sense when she thinks about it because he was dead. The hollowed voice laughs louder as she straightens up with Tom and completely ignores the newer train. The ghostly hiss sighs in resignation as she steps through the creaky doors. Haryana’s foot hits the rotting metal floor of the old train and her world spins sickenly.

Have… Fun… Prongslet…” The hollowed voice purrs before her vision fills with blackness.

A second later she’s shivering on a rotten wood floor with only a thin, holey blanket covering her. She blinks and looks around the shack her uncle had taken her to, to avoid her mail the night before she’d turned eleven. One of her hands is curled around her stomach for some reason while the other has just finished drawing a birthday cake on the floor.

She’s in the past. She’s in the past. It’s like she’s wading through dense fog as Hagrid bursts through the door, it takes everything in her to copy the narrative she’d written last time until she was laying under Hagrid’s coat. Have fun. It circles around her head like a prize as she tries to puzzle out what was happening. It was one thing getting on a train to the past, not really believing it would work, but it was a whole other thing to be eleven and alive when hours before she’d been seventeen and dead. She wonders where Tom was, since she’d pulled him back too. Was he an insane wrath? Or was he sane now since the piece of him she’d pulled onto the train had been the majority?

She’s interrupted by the tapping of an owl's beak on glass, she blinks up at the owl shrouded by sunlight and realises that she’d been up the whole night.

“Pay ‘im.” Hagrid mumbles sleepily and she absent mindedly pays the owl before taking the Daily Prophet. “Ey, good lass. You’ll fit in great.” Hagrid mumbles again as he pushes himself up and takes the paper and coat. “Ready ta go?”

“I… yes” She softly agrees as she gets up to follow him out, one hand curled tightly around her stomach in a protective manner as she scrambles into the dingy boat her uncle, aunt, and cousin had come in.

“Ya alright lass?” Hagrid asks as he eyes her hand. She tightens it in response.

“Fine. Tell me about my parents?” He beams and starts telling her stories about her parents time in school. It might have been to distract him but it’s genuinely nice to hear about them, the stories last until they make it to the alley way leading to Diagon Alley.

“Alright, lass. Before we go I’ve got ta warn ya that yer a tad famous in da wizardin’ world.” Hagrid warns as they stand in front of the wall separating the muggle and magical world.

“Oh.” She says, avoiding asking him why this time since she intimately knows. Instead she arranges her bangs so the scruffy short hair covers her scar completely. “Is that better Mr Hagrid?”

“Ey lass, good idea. Lets get yer school stuff.” He beams as he taps the code into the bricks. Her wonder is real as she looks at the completely full street. Shop fronts are all open and filled with happy people, no one is hiding, children laugh as they run around each other. The missing Weasley’s Wizard Wheeze’s shop feels like a stab to the gut but she steels herself with the promise that she’d see it again in a few years. “First stop is gonna be Gringotts, ta get yer money for yer school supplies.” Hagrid tells her with a great big smile as he puts a large hand on her back to lead her. She flinches at the sharp pain that radiates from a spot on her upper back and her mind scrambles to figure out how she’d hurt it. “Ya sure yer okay?” He asks as he yanks his hand away like he’d been burned.

“Yes. Yes, I promise.” She says quickly as she sifts through years of memories of beatings to try and pinpoint what had happened. “I’m okay.” He eyes her but walks on, gaining more confidence when she uses the hand not religiously protecting her stomach to grab his sleeve so she doesn't 'get lost'. They walk through the door together and Haryanathinks about letting this part of the past play out the same too so that she can keep to the time-line in her head buthave fun is still running ramped. She looks up at Griphook, the first and last Goblin she'd ever interacted with, and suddenly wants more than to know him as the bank teller orthe one I imperioed to get the cup. So when Hagrid looks like he's going to speak she opens her mouth first. "Excuse me, master Goblin, but I was wondering if you could help me?"

She swallows a little when he leans over his desk to stare her down. "Andwho are you?" He drawls boredly.

"Miss Haryana Potter, sir." She answers.

"Miss Potter 'ere needs ta make a withdrawal an' there’s somethin’ else here too. Professor Dumbledore gave me this, it’s about you-know-what in vault you-know-which." Hagrid adds, she narrows her eyes up at the half-giant... Was she being baited? Had the whole mess in her first-year been a bait?

"Is that so?" Griphook drawls again as he takes the letter making her look back up to him, she blushes a little when she realises that he'd seen her narrowed eyes.

"Well, yes. I do need some money to buy my school shopping." She admits as she grips the fabric of her oversized shirt over her stomach. "But... but Mr Hagrid said that my parents were magical too and I thought... I thought that if they banked here they might have left a will?"

Her genuine curiosity and pain seems to soften the harsh edges in Griphooks eyes. "They did bank here and they have left a will, sealed as it might be. To unseal it and request a viewing we'll need a blood test. Just to be sure you are who you say."

"Of course." She says brightly, she'd not gotten to hear her parents will last time. She was not letting go of the chance now.

"That might not be a good idea." Hagrid says at the same time. "Got lots ta do today an' all."

She lets go of his sleeve instantly. "I want to do it today."

Griphook looks up at Hagrid briefly before grinning at her. "We have an open slot now if you'd like to book it. The cost is Haryana and the determination to make the adults deal with the adult problems - Chapter 1 - TheCuriousCat - Harry Potter (1)1 that will be taken out of the account you choose when everything is confirmed."

"Now see 'ere! She'll be need'n her magical guardian ta do stuff like that." Hagrid protests making her blink up at him in confusion.

"Magical guardian?" She asks, Morgana! She'd been in the past for a dayand she was already learning things she should have known years ago.

"Miss Potter, have you met anyone claiming to be your magical guardian?" Griphook asks as he gets down from his desk, she waits for him to speak to some Goblins behind him in Gobbledegook before answering to be polite.

"No sir."

"Do you know what a magical guardian is?"

“Now see here!” Hagrid tries to protest again but she ignores him, feeling slightly bad because she does like the half giant. He’s just… in her way at the moment.

“No sir.”

Griphook nods and meets the eyes of another goblin who takes up his previous spot without a word. “Then the goblin nation refuses to accept their authority as a magical guardian, would you like to book your blood test appointment for the open slot now?”

“I would, sir.” She says quickly before Hagrid can interrupt again.

“Come along then, miss Potter.” Griphook turns and starts walking away making her almost have to run to catch up to him, Hagrid swears under his breath and follows. They walk down three hallways before he enters a room seemingly by random. There is a desk with a single sheet of parchment and a slim dagger on it surrounded by three chairs, it’s very clear that the massive chair is for Hagrid who goes a little pink and mumbles a thanks. “All we need is seven drops of blood on the parchment then your identity will be confirmed. Once that happens the appropriate account managers will replace me to go over everything. Are you ready?”

“I am.” She says as she sits, stabbing the tip of her finger without a second thought, she’s so busy counting out the blood drops that she misses how Griphook’s narrowed eyes shrink further. “Done.” She says as the seventh drop leaves her, she pops her finger into her mouth to get rid of the excess before putting her hand back on her stomach, she has no idea why she’s so obsessed with having it there but it feels safer.

Her blood sinks into the parchment before spiderwebbing outwards, it interweaves before linking up to form words. She gets as far as reading her name before Griphook snatches the parchment up furiously. He reads some then pushes away from the table so fast his chair topples causing two heavily armoured goblins to burst through the door. He shouts something to them in Gobbledegook that makes them scramble back out with furious expressions.

“Did I do something wrong?” She asks as panic starts clawing its way up her throat.

“No.” Griphook says quickly as he moves around the table, hiding the parchment from her at the same time she notes. “You’ve done nothing wrong.” The amount of compassion she’s getting from him is starting to scare her. What does that parchment say?! What does he know?!

The guards return with a team of goblins that clearly put Hagrid on edge. Griphook hands the parchment to the one in gold who snarls viciously and passes it around. Seriously, what the f*ck was on that?!

Finally, after it had been passed around and Griphook held it again, one of the smaller goblins in healer robes steps towards her with a gentle expression. “What titles would you prefer, young one?”

“Just… Just Haryana please.”

“Well then, just Haryana.” The goblin says playfully which makes her feel a lot better about the group of snarling goblins behind her. “My name is Healer Iefz, could I do a health check of you please?”

“I… uh…” Her eyes flicker to Hagrid uncertainly.

“He will wait outside.” She assures.

“Now I can’t just be leavin' the lass alone!” Hagrid protests a third time making the little goblin snap towards him with a snarl so vicious Hagrid stumbles back a step.

“Get. Out.” Hagrid shoots her a panicked look but at her shaky nod he relents and gingerly steps out of the room. “Better?” Healer Iefz asks sweetly, all anger gone in an instant.

“Better.” She whispers because this whole situation is scaring the sh*t out of her.

Healer Iefz waves a glowing crystal over her while mumbling ritualistic sounding words then she places the crystal on top of a new parchment. The glow moves from the crystal to the parchment making it grow in length. She catches the words shattered femur, set wrong before Healer Iefz snatches it up. Oh… Oh. So that’s why everyone was so upset. Healer Iefz reads through the long parchment before gesturing for three other goblins dressed like healers.

“Haryana, I’m sorry but I left a little out of my introduction when the older wizard was in the room. I would like to correct that now, if I can.” She nods slowly and Healer Iefz gives her a slight smile. “I am Healer Iefz, head of this branch’s maternity wing. These are Healer Sriots, head of our magical health wing.” She waves at the old goblin using a cane to stay standing. “Healer Reert, head of our mind healer wing.” The much younger male goblin nods at her. “And Healer Ifee, head of our general healing wing.”

Haryana nods politely at them before Healer Iefz’s proper introduction registers in her mind. “Maternity? Like… like babies?!”

“Yes.” Healer Iefz says gently as she takes the parchment that started this whole thing from Griphook and handing it to her.

Blood test results No. 372567825:

Name: Haryana Lilith Potter

Age : Eleven

Gender: Female

Parent (Father): James Charles Potter [Dead]

Parent (Mother): Lily Maryanne Potter (nee Evens) [Dead]

Parent (Godfather): Sirius Orin Black [Unlawfully detained]

Parent (Godmother): Alice Eva Longbottom (nee Prewett) [Prevented due to mind break]

Child(ren): Unnamed Unnamed Potter [unborn]

Family claims:

  1. Black family Heirship available as well as full access to vaults (with Lord’s permission) [by blood and claim]
  2. Bricks family Lordship available as well as full access to vaults [gift by last member]
  3. Cobweb family Lordship available as well as full access to vaults [gift by last member]
  4. Collar family Lordship available as well as full access to vaults [gift by last member]
  5. Cycad family Lordship available as well as full access to vaults [gift by last member]
  6. Draguar family Lordship available as well as full access to vaults [gift by last member]
  7. Feather family Lordship available as well as full access to vaults [gift by last member]
  8. Gerble family Lordship available as well as full access to vaults [gift by last member]
  9. Gooseberry family Lordship available as well as full access to vaults [gift by last member]
  10. Grouse family Lordship available as well as full access to vaults [gift by last member]
  11. Jackalope family Lordship available as well as full access to vaults [gift by last member]
  12. Locus family Lordship available as well as full access to vaults [gift by last member]
  13. Marble family Lordship available as well as full access to vaults [gift by last member]
  14. Pegas family Lordship available as well as full access to vaults [gift by last member]
  15. Peverell family Lordship available as well as full access to vaults [by blood]
  16. Polliwog family Lordship available as well as full access to vaults [gift by last member]
  17. Potter family Lordship available as well as full access to vaults [by blood]
  18. Quilt family Lordship available as well as full access to vaults [gift by last member]
  19. Raywood family Lordship available as well as full access to vaults [gift by last member]
  20. Slytherin family Lordship available as well as full access to vaults [by conquest]
  21. Snowbell family Lordship available as well as full access to vaults [gift by last member]
  22. Striker family Lordship available as well as full access to vaults [gift by last member]
  23. Tadpol family Lordship available as well as full access to vaults [gift by last member]

Holdings and accounts are to be handled by family account managers.

Thank you for banking at Gringotts.

”Oh.” She whispers as she looks over the family section again. She’s pregnant and she’s pretty sure it’s Tom Riddle sitting all snug in her belly. “I… what do I do?”

“You tell us your story and we figure out how we can help.” The goblin in gold tells her as he steps forward. “We are in a time chamber so you may take all the time you need."

There's not much she can do since they're blocking the door, so she tells them. She starts from her earliest memories after prompting from Healer Ifee because she wanted to match up her parchment. By the time she's done she's exhausted.

“Thank you for trusting us with this.” The one in gold says. “To ensure your safety while you figure out what direction you would like go in as Lady Potter the goblin nation will pretend to take guardianship of you, if you wish.”

“Okay.” She whispers.

“We’ll go over your healing first then, after some sleep, we will go over your holdings and the legal process to suing your wizard government for wrongfully convicting Lord Black.” He adds.

“You will see myself and one other mind healer twice a week.” Healer Reert says instantly. “My area of speciality is battle memories so I will be most helpful when talking about what you endured during the war-yet-to-come, the other mind healer will need to be one who specialises in childhood trauma.”

“… Your core has been bound…” Healer Sriots says wispily, his voice weakened by age. “… For over a decade… You will meet my team once a week… so we can undo the binds… safely…”

“All of your bones need to be vanished and re-grown.” Healer Ifee says as she glares at the parchment. “Several of your organs need to be replaced if you want to survive past your second decade. We can do a limb a week excluding the torso, that will need to be a third a week.”

She nods along with them because all of that sounds reasonable. She wishes Madam Pomfrey was this thorough.

“My advice depends on whether you want to carry your child to term or not.” Healer Iefz says gently.

“I’m not getting rid of him.” She hisses and Healer Iefz nods like she didn’t expect another answer.

“Do not get offended, Haryana. It is a question I must ask. What I think will be the best option for you at this moment is periodic stasis.” She blinks in confusion making Healer Iefz grin. “The baby will develop naturally until it is time for you to leave for your schooling, then we will place it in stasis until your next holiday. It is highly unhealthy for the mother and baby if the baby is kept in stasis without breaks.”

“Oh… So I’ll be a month pregnant when I start my first year and two months when I start my second year?”

“Well no, There’s the yule break and the easter break before your summer holidays. So you’ll be thirteen weeks and six days by the start of your second year, just beginning your third month. At this rate you’ll be giving birth just before your fifth year.” Healer Iefz says helpfully. “Alternatively you could refuse to go to Hogwarts this year and carry the baby to term but with how young your body is I would advise against it.”

“So my only option is to give birth before my fifth year?” Haryana sighs.

“No, your best option if you want to keep the baby is to wait until you’re fifteen, with periodic breaks. You never only have one choice Haryana.”

“Okay.” She says as she rubs her eyes tiredly. “Okay, I agree to everything.”

“We’ll present you with a schedule tomorrow.” Ifee says with a kind pat onto her head before the group of healers leaves, murmuring to themselves in Gobbledegook. The door is quickly shut in Hagrid’s shocked face before he can enter and the goblin in gold walks behind the desk to place a hand on the wall, opening up a long hallway.

“We have rooms attached to the time-chambers so that we can take breaks. Tomorrow for the healers will start on the first of August and that won’t start until the day after we leave the time-chamber, do you understand?” She nods and gets up to follow the remaining group of goblins. “Good, then I bid you a good rest.”

They walk for a little while before the goblins break off to claim rooms, Griphook gently grabs her elbow and leads her into a room with a simple bed (identical to the ones in the other rooms) before patting her head like Healer Ifee and leaving her.

Eleven and pregnant, or well Seventeen and pregnant in the body of an eleven-year-old. She’s not even had sex! “What the f*ck Tom.” She groans as she covers her eyes and flops onto the bed. “I bet you’re laughing yourself to death, bastard.”

Haryana wakes at the knock to her door and finds Griphook waiting on the other side. “Breakfast is being served in the main office. Come.” Instead of leading her back towards the room she took the blood test in she’s lead forward until she’s sitting in a massive golden office. The seat she sinks into is so plush she feels like it might eat her alive, its so blissful that she might let it. “Here.” Griphook hands her a plate with fluffy pancakes on it and she smiles appreciatively at him.

She almost inhales it in her hunger, she’d not eaten since the night before they’d gotten to the shack, before a grizzled goblin comes up to her. “I am Sral, Account manager for the Black accounts.”

“Well met, Account manager Sral.” She says as she places her plate on the ornate table next to her, Sral sits across from her.

“Well met, Heir Black.” He intones back before snapping his fingers, a small black box appears in front of her. “Before we can proceed with matters surrounding house Black you will need to accept your place as heir, in this box is the Black heirship ring. Once you place it on magic will understand that you accept, and we can continue.” She quickly opens the box and slips the ring on, it’s a simple gold ring with a black gem in the middle, and a shiver runs up her arm. “Good, now as heir there is not a lot you can do without permission from your Lord.” Sral explains before grinning wickedly at her. “One thing you can do though is rain the power of the Black family down on the wizarding government for your godfather’s unlawful incarceration. For a small fee of Haryana and the determination to make the adults deal with the adult problems - Chapter 1 - TheCuriousCat - Harry Potter (2)2 I would be happy to arrange everything you will need for this, such as lawyers and publishers for the initial lawsuit as well as healers for when Lord Black is freed. Do not worry about the healer’s fee, your ministry will be paying for the best care available when we are done with them. For an additional fee of Haryana and the determination to make the adults deal with the adult problems - Chapter 1 - TheCuriousCat - Harry Potter (3)200, a one off payment, I can coordinate with the rest of this branch’s account managers to freeze the accounts of those involved in placing Lord Black in Azkaban until he is freed to hurry things along.”

Haryana blinks at Sral before grinning. “Done, all of it.”

“Good, I shall start the process as soon as we leave the time-chamber. Once your new means of getting mail is set up I shall be in contact so you can approve the lawyers and publishers, when they have been approved we shall start.”

“I’m looking forward to it.” She says brightly making Sral grin again before he’s replaced by a younger looking goblin.

“I am Wrions. Account manager for the Potter accounts.”

“Well met, Wrions.”

“Well met, Lady Potter.” Wrions snaps her fingers and the box in front of her snaps closed and shimmers, growing in size. She snaps her finger again and a white box appears, she opens it to show Haryana the many ring slots in it. “You will need to remove your heirship ring before placing on your lordship ring so not to mix up the magics. We’ll go alphabetically, excluding the Potter lordship ring which you will wear last. Shall we start?” She takes off the Black heirship ring and gently places it in the white box before opening the black box and putting the rings on, ignoring the golden band with the oval ruby until it was the last one. “Great, now would you like to go over finances or properties first?”

“Umm, Properties?” She says slowly making Wrions grin.

“Of course Lady Potter. Storefronts, rented properties, plots of land, or empty properties?”

“I…” Morgana!

“It’s okay to be overwhelmed, Lady Potter.” Wrions says kindly as she shuffles the parchments in front of her. “This shouldn’t have been new. You should have been introduced to this years ago, even in this time. Gringotts has been trying to get a hold of you to discuss this for three years.”

“Oh.” It doesn’t make her feel better at all, who was screwing with her mail? She bets it was Dumbledore, he always seemed the most against her knowing things other than how to die at the right time.

“Yes, oh. Shall I direct us?”


Wrions laughs as she lays out her parchments. “Empty properties first then. Biggest to smallest?”


“You own three castles. A quarter of a castle. Twenty-nine manor houses. Sixteen town houses. Two two-story homes. And eleven apartments. Would you like those inventoried? It will cost a minimum of Haryana and the determination to make the adults deal with the adult problems - Chapter 1 - TheCuriousCat - Harry Potter (4)2,000 per castle, Haryana and the determination to make the adults deal with the adult problems - Chapter 1 - TheCuriousCat - Harry Potter (5)1,000 per manor, Haryana and the determination to make the adults deal with the adult problems - Chapter 1 - TheCuriousCat - Harry Potter (6)500 town house, Haryana and the determination to make the adults deal with the adult problems - Chapter 1 - TheCuriousCat - Harry Potter (7)250 per two-story home, and Haryana and the determination to make the adults deal with the adult problems - Chapter 1 - TheCuriousCat - Harry Potter (8)125 per apartment. Costs vary due to size and if curses are found. Gringotts also has several curse-breaking teams that can remove curses found at a minimum of Haryana and the determination to make the adults deal with the adult problems - Chapter 1 - TheCuriousCat - Harry Potter (9)50.”

"Would I even have enough for that?!" What the hell!!!!

"This won't even make a dent. I promise, would you like them inventoried?"


“Very good,” Wrions says approvingly. “I’ll mail you to set up a meeting when that’s finished and block the minimum amounts for security, I am required to inform you that we will not be updating any wards but if you'd like us to after the inventory Gringotts will be happy to discuss warding costs. Now onto rented properties, you own six town houses and seventeen apartments. Would you like these inventoried as well?”

“Would that disrupt the people living there?”

“Not at all, we’ll send out letters so we can figure out a good time to visit.”

“Oh, okay. Then yes please. Can I also meet them?”

“You can, I’ll set up the meetings. Storefronts next. You own twelve five-star hotels [Illusion], seven jewellery stores [Sphere], five spa stores [Portable Potents], four potion stores [Genius in a Bottle], four pet stores [The Familiar], four clothing shores [The Little Cape], four second-hand book stores [The Dusty Tome], two stationary stores [Elder Scroll], one travel agency [Portal], one plant store [The Yawning Blossom], one furniture store [Faerie Fire], and one storage store [Spellunking]. Shall I have these inventoried? Our Store inventory rates are Haryana and the determination to make the adults deal with the adult problems - Chapter 1 - TheCuriousCat - Harry Potter (10)200 minimum per store, curses and warding are the same as with the properties as they are extra features.”

Haryana feels a little like she’s going to faint. “Yes.”

“Good. Would you like to have a meeting with the current store manager?”


“Say yes.” Wrions says helpfully.


“Perfect, I’ll get that set up for you. Onto land. You own seven poison plant nurseries, six nature reserves, one forest containing twelve moon pools, one town [Littlemoor], and one farm (40 acers). Would you like these inventoried too? We charge a minimum of Haryana and the determination to make the adults deal with the adult problems - Chapter 1 - TheCuriousCat - Harry Potter (11)100 per five acres.”

"... I own atown?" She splutters.

"Quite a sizable one though it is uninhabited currently."

"This is... this is too much."

"Lady Potter, we've not even gotten into finances yet." Wrions says makingHaryana sink a little more into her seat and eye the goblins milling around as well as Sral who had sectioned himself off and was quickly writing on parchment, a plie next to him already big enough for her to see across the room. She has a sinking feeling that this was going to be a very busy summer. "Would you like us to inventory your plots of land?"

“Okay.” She says meekly.

"Do you want to stop for the day?”

“No, the faster I get through this the faster we can all leave the time-chamber.”

"Very well. You currently have 51 vaults with Gringotts. Twenty-one main vaults, one heir vault, and thirty connected to businesses. It will cost a minimum of Haryana and the determination to make the adults deal with the adult problems - Chapter 1 - TheCuriousCat - Harry Potter (12)10 per vault to audit them, alternative it will cost a minimum of Haryana and the determination to make the adults deal with the adult problems - Chapter 1 - TheCuriousCat - Harry Potter (13)5 pre vault to merge them together then a minimum of Haryana and the determination to make the adults deal with the adult problems - Chapter 1 - TheCuriousCat - Harry Potter (14)10to audit the remaining vault. What would you like to do?"

"Can I merge the main vaults and the heir vault? Then normally audit the rest?"

"You can, I'll block the minimum of this amount as well. In total Gringotts has blocked Haryana and the determination to make the adults deal with the adult problems - Chapter 1 - TheCuriousCat - Harry Potter (15)77,020. Is there anything else I can help you with at this moment Lady Potter?”

“Umm, could I see my parents will?”

"I'll have it brought up when you come in for your healer's appointment tomorrow. Anything else?"

"No, no that's all."

“Then I’ll see you again when we can agree on a meeting date to go over the inventories and audits. Good day Lady Potter, enjoy your lunch. Oh, and here.” Wrions pulls out a sleek black card withPotter printed in gold cursive on one side. "This is attached to the main Potter account, using it won't affect the audit because it'll be the last account checked so you can use it to shop for your school things. Please do remember to have fun. I promise you can afford to and you do deserve it with everything those wizards put you through."

“Good day Wrions.” Haryana says as her head spins. "And thank you." Wrions had talked about taking Haryana and the determination to make the adults deal with the adult problems - Chapter 1 - TheCuriousCat - Harry Potter (16)77,020 from her without even batting an eye, more than that actually... That was way to much money for one person to have.

"Haryana! Are ya okay? Why were they so insistent?!" Hagrid asks after Griphook opens up the time-chamber doors, the healers just turning down the end of the hall.

"There was a... its nothing Mr Hagrid, everything's sorted." She assures him, she really does like him but he's terrible at keeping secrets.

"Yer sure?" He asks uncertainly.

"I'm sure." She lies.

"Well then, lets get yer Haryana and the determination to make the adults deal with the adult problems - Chapter 1 - TheCuriousCat - Harry Potter (17) for yer supplies."

"Actually we did that in the meeting so once we get your thing we can leave."

"Really?! Well then, lets be off."

The mining cart ride is still as fun as the first time as they descend into the lower parts of Gringotts, something different though was that she spotted a team of goblins carting glittering crates in the light of dragon fire. She doesn't remember that from last time.

“Vault seven-hundred and thirteen.” Griphook announces as the cart pulls to a stop before, once again, making Hagrid carry his stuff so he can unlock the door despite the fact that she saw him floating seven plates and such in the time-chamber.

She watches Hagrid walk into the vault, empty of everything but the stone that starts all her nightmares, then walk back out and hold it in front of her face for a full ten seconds. How the hell had she fallen for this nonsense? “Best not ta mention this to anyone, Haryana.”

She nods because what else is she supposed to do? Dumbledore could make things difficult for her if she doesn’t have a steady base to fall on after all and one meeting is not what she’d consider steady.

Griphook stops her as she and Hagrid are getting out of the cart at the top of the track. “Someone will come and collect you at eight tomorrow morning. Tonight will be the last night you stay with those muggles.” He whispers, leaning in close as he pretends to help her out. “Once you step back in Gringotts we’ll pretend that you’ve become a ward of the goblin nation. Sral assures me this will also aid in getting Lord Black back sooner.”

“Thank you.” She whispers back before stepping away. She’d be free tomorrow, at least for a little while.

“Come along Haryana, we’ve got a lot ta buy!” Hagrid says brightly before walking her out. “Now first I say we go ta Madam Malkin’s for yer uniform, she’ll need ta make it so best ta get it done first so we can pick it up at da end instead’a waiting for an hour with nothin’ ta do.” She means to follow his advice, she really does, but then she spots a beautifully crafted sign further down the road then she’s ever been before. The Little Cape. She can’t not go in there, not now that she has a connection to the store. They walk up to Madam Malkin’s then she just keeps going. “Haryana! It’s here lass! Oh bother.” Hagrid calls before jogging to keep up with her. “Where’re ya goin’ lass?”

This is clearly the higher end side of the street, the buildings are in better shape and the floors seem to repel dirt. I have money! Everyone walking snottily past seems to radiate, then there’s her in her dirty hand-me-downs and Hagrid who towers over everyone uncomfortably. There are other stores she owns here as well, and isn’t that something she’s still trying to get used to. She can see signs for all the stores she owns but The Dusty Tome, which she will be on the hunt for. Someone sniffs at her and she can’t help the feral grin she shoots them, she’s too old to deal with their petty sh*t. They scurry away with an offended look, like her not feeling worthless when they wanted her to was a grave offence.

“Hello, can I help you?” One of the witches in uniform says as they enter, Hagrid growing increasingly uncomfortable with her tone which clearly says that by help she means with finding the door they just walked through.

“Yes.” She says confidently because honestly, Hermione was scarier when exams were close. “This is my first time in the wizarding world and I need new clothes. A full wardrobe, including shoes, hats, scarves, and gloves. Three sets of plain work robes, black. One plain pointed hat, black. One pair of protective gloves, dragon hide or similar. And one winter cloak, black with silver fastenings.” The sales witch opens her mouth with what’s likely going to be a snidy remark so she gently places her sleek bank card on the counter, name up. The witch chokes as a look of panic crosses her face. “And someone else to serve us. Thank you for your help.”

“I… Gringotts card…” The witch says faintly and suddenly there’s a wizard at her shoulder shooing her away, his robes have manager sewn in in golden thread.

“I’m terribly sorry about that, Lady Potter. If you and your friend would come with me I’ll personally look after your needs. Would you like anything to drink while I measure you for the fitting? Perhaps a snack?” Well sh*t, hopefully Hagrid thinks he’s just being polite.

“Maybe a glass of water? Do you want anything Hagrid? It might be boring otherwise.” She asks as she looks up at the shocked half-giant.

“… Do ya have tea?” He says hesitantly as they’re led into a massive back room with a raised platform in the middle.

“For Lady Potter? We can have anything. Ardella Kettles!” The now shaky and sick-looking sales witch that met them at the counter runs in. “Lady Potter and her guest one a tall glass of water and a Yawning Blossom tea, be a dear.”

“Y-yes Mr Nightingale.” She stammers before bolting out of the room.

“Perfect, now lets get those rags off of you. Whoever dressed you need to take the killing curse to the face, honestly love.” Mr Nightingale tuts as he helps her onto the platform. She squeaks as she suddenly becomes naked. “Don’t worry, its covered in illusion runes so it looks like you’re still wearing the horrendous things. The measurements just need to be made then we’ll get you into a temporary outfit while your order is being made. Here.” Mr Nightingale pulls a mirror into view and there she is, still wearing Dudley’s hand-offs. “It’s connected to all of the ready-made outfits we have in stock. You can pick something while you wait.”

She’ll never admit it out loud but seeing all of these different styles on her was fun and she really liked a few of them. At one point Ardella came back and quietly handed her the glass of water before scurrying away.

“And done.” Mr Nightingale says with a clap of his hands. “We’ll have your order by the end of the day. They’ll all come with the standard charms, re-sizing, fire resistant, warming, cooling, anti-tearing, and water-resistant. But for an extra Haryana and the determination to make the adults deal with the adult problems - Chapter 1 - TheCuriousCat - Harry Potter (18)70 per item, we can add summoning and anti-theft charms to all of them so you’ll never lose them.”

“Yes please.” She says.

“Perfect love, I’ll at that to the bill. Have you chosen a temporary outfit?” She points to the soft-looking dark green dress currently on the mirror and the dark green sandals, it was still warm enough to be acceptable to wear them and, well, she’d never had a dress other than the formal robes from the yule ball.

“How cute! And it’ll make your striking eyes look even brighter! A perfect choice.” Mr Nightingale claps his hands again and they fly over to her. She quickly slips them and the matching underwear on then steps off of the platform. “Precious.” He purrs happily before leading them back to the main storefront. “So since you’ll be going to Hogwarts for the majority of the year I’d advise you get the full school wardrobe package. This will include your school uniforms as well as everyday outfits for weekends and holidays, the re-sizing charms last throughout the year so you won’t need to replace anything until the start of the summer holidays.”

“I’ll take that package.” She says with a nod.

“Perfect, so with the extras that’ll be Haryana and the determination to make the adults deal with the adult problems - Chapter 1 - TheCuriousCat - Harry Potter (19)11,865.”

Hagrid chokes. “Now just wait a second!” He cries in outrage before she hands over her bank card.

Mr. Nightingale places it on a circular pad which flashes green before handing the card back. “A pleasure doing business with you Lady Potter, your order will be ready at five pm. I look forward to seeing you again.”

“I’ll see you then Mr. Nightingale.” She says as she starts towing Hagrid from the shop.

“Oh please, it’s Salvatore for you dear.” He calls as she leaves.

“Ya, Haryana, ya can’t just go tossin’ yer money around like that.” Hagrid explains as he pulls her to a stop on the way to Spellunking, she has a feeling that she’s going to need a trunk if she keeps ‘going wild’ like Wrions wanted her to. It’s oddly fun just getting what she wanted, last time she’d let Hagrid convince her to get the bare minimum but there was so much more she wanted now that she’d grown. He’d said she would have regrated it but she regrated not doing it more.

“But It’s my money.” She protests. “My aunt and uncle spent my whole life telling me I didn’t have a penny to my name and that I was worth less than dirt, that I’d have to earn the right to do things like eat and bathe. I’ve never had things of my own, so why shouldn’t I get them now that I can? My own clothes, my own books, my own toys. Things they can’t take from me because they’re mine.”

He looks, well crushed would be a simple term for it. There is the devastation she recognises from when he’d seen her walking up to Voldemort in the forbidden forest, the heartbreak from when they’d taken Norbert, the pain from when Rita’s article about him being a half-giant came out, the fury from when Dumbledore was insulted. It all wars across his face as the snotty witches and wizards pretend to not listen-in.

He kneels in front of her in this war and gently takes her hands. “I… I saw more of yer blood test den I should have. Is it… are yer really… Haryana, please tell me it was a mistake.”

He’d seen the chid(ren) bit. He’d seen it. f*ck, well, not f*ck. Maybe not f*ck. If she can spin this right it could help whatever publicist Sral offered her. She spies one of Rita’s springy curls and decides to go for it. Everyone reads the Daily Prophet after all.

“It wasn’t a mistake.” She says softly. “The healers confirmed it.”

“Yer pregnant!” He almost wails and everyone stops pretending to listen to stare in slow growing horror, even Rita’s stupid quill pauses like the magic can’t comprehend such a thing. “Yer eleven! Yer not even in Hogwarts! Why would someone do that to anyone!? Why didn’t your uncle and aunt not do anything to stop this?!”

“Why would they when it paid so well?” She asks dully, remembering the terrifying night in her fifth year summer when her uncle had threatened her with it because Sirius was dead and if she wanted to keep her magic she couldn’t fight him on it. “Can we keep shopping now?” She asks because she’d clearly underestimated how affected she’d be at this conversation. “We should get a trunk next so we don’t have to carry all of the bags around. Then we could make it as light as a feather so it would be easy to carry… Can magic do that? Make things lighter?”

“Yeah.” Hagrid says weakly as he scrubs his face, seeming to realise that they were having this conversation in the middle of a busy street. “Yeah, magic can do that lass.”

“So cool!” She says with a childish grin as she tugs his coat towards Spellunking. He whines a little under his breath like a kicked dog for some reason but let her drag him off.

Spellunking is a magical place and in a magical street that’s saying something. The walls are lined with chests, trunks, book bags, satchels, and backpacks. All in varying colours and designs though one catches Haryana’s eye and she can’t help but drift towards it. It’s a black trunk covered in an intricate copper casing that’s twisting into various shapes, the only parts of the metal that stays the same are it’s claw feet that keep it an inch off the ground.

“That’s a good one.” A sales wizard says as he swans over. “The metal’s charmed to setting on designs that match your Hogwarts house, it also comes with the standard feather-light charm and the re-sizing charm for easy shopping. It has a matching bag range if you’d like to see it.”

“I would.” She says as she finally looks away from the trunk. The sales wizard grins at her and offers up his elbow so he can lead her through the suddenly busy shop… Which is how she leaves with the metal trunk as well as a rippling fur backpack, twisting leather satchel, colour-changing dragon scale potion case, and a warping fabric tool kit. All charmed with everything on their charms list. She places them all in her backpack so that she can separate her purchases when she gets them instead of tossing them all into her trunk to sort out later.

She falls a little in love with Elder Scroll. Handing her card to be scanned without a second thought when they promise magical refill of ink and parchment she can order by tapping on special ink pots or notebooks. She gets a notebook for every subject she can think of as well as two personal ones she has warded to hell and back, she’ll be prepared for meeting Voldemort this time she swears it(!) as well as every colour ink they have and a magical fountain pen that fills up and empties with a tap of a different part of the ink pots.

Next, she goes into Portable Potents to check it out and ends up being semi-kidnapped by the sales witch for three whole hours. But her skin looks softer than it’s ever been and for the first time she can remember her hair is both long and semi-tame. She barely recognises herself in the mirror.

Then she gets drawn in by a sweet sales witch manning the counter at Sphere, there is pity in her eyes as they flicker briefly to her stomach, where she ends up getting her ears pierced (she'd always wanted to get them done). The sales witch heals them for a small (compared to everything else she's spent today) fee so she can change her earrings as soon as she wanted. Her current earrings were little diamond studs that, like her shifting trunk and bags, would swap out for a gem matching her new school house.

Genius in a Bottle offers the same top-up service as Elder Scroll with the promise of getting her potion ingredients in the actual class so long as she mails them her potion class times so someone will be on standby for the order, fresh off the shelf. She makes sure to grab two Cauldrons in anticipation of Neville's one melting along with her two crystal veil sets, less likely to break than glass, and Brass scales.

She grabs a golden telescope with a crystal lens from Faerie Fire that had both a feather-light charm and a zooming charm then pops her head into Portal ("Look at how many magical holiday destinations there are!") and nabs a brochure for Illusion. After that, she goes to The Yawning Blossom for speciality herbology equipment.

Seeing as The Dusty Tome was a second-hand store she assumes it won't be in this section of the street so she doesn't even look for it, instead heading into The Familiar where she is immediately attacked with unconditional love by a Corgi puppy with two tails.

"Cruppy!" The sales wizard shouts as he runs up. "I'm sorry ma'am, he's failed all of his training courses. I promise he'll be punished for this. Down!"

The puppy ignores him in favour of pets. "I'll take him."

"I... what?"

"I'll take him. I want to buy him. You're never going to hurt him again!" She hisses furiously as she spots the scar along his back when his fur shiftsjust right. Who the f*ck hurts a cruppy?! "In fact where is your manager? Never mind I'll deal with you all later. Come along sweet thing, I'm going to name you Sir Floof's-a-lot. Floofy for short." Floofy barks happily and nuzzles into her, easily shifting so she can stand easier. She cuddles Floofy the whole way to Gringotts, she spots The Dusty Tome further along the road so this detour won't take up too much time. "Good evening Giphook, could I speak to Wrions? It's important."

Griphook narrows his eyes at Floof who barks happily up at him before he looks back to her. "She is currently very busy with the tasks you've given her, was this urgant or can I send her a message."

Thisfeels urgant to her but it's also quick so... "I'll send a message please."

"Very well, what is your message?"

"One of the workers of The Familiar here in Diagon Alley was hurting the animals, maybe they're all in on it. Could Wrions please shut the stores temporarily so they can be investigated?"

"And who will watch the animals while the stores are closed?" Griphook asks as he notes down her message.

"... Mr Hagrid could do it, right? He loves animals." Hagrid blushes and she hopes that will cover her slip up about knowing that about him.

Griphook nods and sends the note off like a paper plane, less than a minute later a new paper plane lands on his desk. "She'll see it done, she's also asked that you come back here after your shop instead of coming tomorrow morning, Sral wishes to speak to you."

"I've only got to get my books and pick up my robes so I'll be back soon."

"We'll see you then, Haryana."

"Are ya sure I'll be best to take care of those poor animals?" Hagrid asks as they leave Gringotts and head to The Dusty Tome. He's been really good about following her to random places today.

"Of course! Do you want to hold Floof to practice?" She says as she offers the happy cruppy up. Hagrid gingerly takes him and Floof wastes no time in getting settled for a nap. "See! You're great!"

"How'd ya even have say in that o' shop anyway?"

"Oh, because I own it apparently. All of the ones we've visited today actually." She says quickly. "Wrions is going to set up meetings with the managers so I can meet them officially but I wanted to see what they would be like before they knew so you can't say anything, otherwise I'll never know if they're being nice for real."

"Ya own it?! How?" He splutters.

"Wrions said that lots of people left me things when my parents were murdered, as a reward for murdering someone else in retaliation or something. But it's a super secret so don't tell anyone!"

"I... I won't." She can tell that he's still stuck on how she worded Voldemort's first death so she enters The Dusty Tome. Her first thought is that Hermione would love this as she looks at the rows and rows of dusty bookshelves the reach from floor to ceiling and stretch as far as the eye can see. Her second thought as the little old wizard looks up and positively beams is that she's going to protect this place with her life.

"Well hello there! What can I do for you? Oh, it's been so long since I've had a guest." With. Her. Life.

"I need to get some books for school but I wanted to get a few starter books in other subjects." She answers as she wonders further into the shop so he doesn't have to go so far.

"Oh how wonderful! What books do you need little one? What subjects do you want to expand to?"

She lists off the books that she needs for her first year before grinning up at him. "What subjects do you have?"

He grins back manically as he claps his hands. "You will be my favourite master yet, I can tell. And I've already lived through five of them."

"What?! How?!" She splutters, did he hear her telling Hagrid outside?! She was sure she wasn't close enough to be heard. AlsoMaster was a bit of an odd way to sayLandlordbut she supposes shedoeshold his financial future in the palm of her admittedly small palms.

His aged eyes sparkle golden as he grins wider and taps his nose. "We're all entitled to our secrets, little Lady. Now where to start? Where to... Aha! I know the perfect place! I hope you know a good feather light charm!" He cackles as he, faster than his aged body should be able to go, darts down a long row of bookshelves. She laughs a little and darts after him, he's got this playful aura about him that makes her want to act her body's age for once in her life.

By the time she and Mr Messor, please call me Torva little Lady, make it back to the front of the store with the mountain of books floating behind them Hagrid is napping in a large fluffy chair with Floof napping on his chest. For the best really since she's sure he'd cry at some of the books she's chosen, she's fairly sure some of them are illegal since Mr Messor gleefully taught her how to glamour them to look like Hogwarts a history. This also means she's actually going to have to read Hogwarts a history so Hermione doesn't get suspicious.

"That'll be Haryana and the determination to make the adults deal with the adult problems - Chapter 1 - TheCuriousCat - Harry Potter (20)2and Haryana and the determination to make the adults deal with the adult problems - Chapter 1 - TheCuriousCat - Harry Potter (21)4."

"What?! But I bought forty books!"

"Yes, and that's just the beginning, little Lady. I'm confident you'll be back for more." Mr Messor hums happily as he holds an aged hand out.

"I just boughtforty books from you, I can't just owe you Haryana and the determination to make the adults deal with the adult problems - Chapter 1 - TheCuriousCat - Harry Potter (22)2!"

"And Haryana and the determination to make the adults deal with the adult problems - Chapter 1 - TheCuriousCat - Harry Potter (23)4. Don't forget about those, trying to cheat me already. Oh how fast they grow." Her face must be a picture because he bursts into laughter. "Kidding little one, relax. These are all old books that have been used many times, I only sell them for Haryana and the determination to make the adults deal with the adult problems - Chapter 1 - TheCuriousCat - Harry Potter (24) each. Everyone should be able to afford to read after all."

"I can pay more." She says as she eyesFinancial warfare and its shiny new cover.

"But I will not take it. Now bring that trunk of yours out so I can take a nap. Some would say I'm older than dirt." He winks comically at her making her giggle. She kind of wishes she could stay but she has things she still needs to do and a path to figure out for herself and her baby tag along. So she pulls the tiny trunk out and presses the rune to re-size it, letting Mr Messor gently place the books. "There, all done. Have fun at school and I'll see you in the winter for our Gringotts official meeting." He winks again before hobbling behind one of the many bookcases.

She wakes Hagrid up gently and takes a turn holding Floof while they get her clothes before bidding him farewell in Gringotts main hall, he almost protests but then Wrions is burying him in cute little animals and making him sign contracts to promise to take care of them until they can be re-homed.

Then, well then she’s swarmed.

It starts simply enough. Sral has his candidates for lawyers and publishers to kick start the process of getting Sirius free, he even praises her for outing her pregnancy to the daily prophet because now they have a legitimate platform of rage to feed his unlawful incarceration to.

Then it’s meeting with the healers to set out schedules for the various aspects of healing she needs to go through. Floof is a great help when Healer Ifee starts vanishing bones and muscles so she can regrow instead of trying to fight scarring, or when she’s stuck crying for hours after an appointment with Healer Reert where she realises that her whole life had been orchestrated to make her suicidal enough to let herself be murdered instead of fighting. At least she gets to sleep during her appointments with Healer Sriots as he slowly unwinds the binds on her magic and read her more interesting books while Healer Iefz putters around taking scans of the baby and making the stasis potion.

Then Wrions finishes her audits and makes Haryana cry again. Haryana and the determination to make the adults deal with the adult problems - Chapter 1 - TheCuriousCat - Harry Potter (25)1,265,762,259,621. And that was just the coins. There was priceless artwork, towers of books worth a small fortune, weapons used both for war and looks, scrolls, clothes, jewels, one skeleton of some famous (for their time) adventure, and at least twenty-two different sets of armour.

Then she’s finally presented with her parents will. They leave everything to her and apologise for having to leave her like they were just going out to the shops. It’s… she thought she’d be sad or angry or happy to see these words but it’s just…

Dear Haryana,

If you’re reading this then we’ve left for the next great adventure.

It makes her feel hollow.

And we look forward to you joining us when you’re much older. Until then we’ll leave everything to you.

It’s like Healer Ifee vanished the bone and muscle in her chest then didn’t bother to regrow them.

Dumbledore says you’ll be the one to finally kill He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named and we’re so proud that you’ll be strong enough to do it.

Was her life always just meant to be a joke to them? Here Haryana, go fight this seventy-year-old wizard with decades worth of magical experience! I’m sure nothing could go wrong because our old headmaster said so.

With all our love,

Mom and Dad.

“That’s it?” She asks as she stares dully at the short note in her hand.

“That’s it.” Wrions confirms calmly.

“I see.” She places it on the desk slowly and when she lets it go there are little scorch marks where her fingers used to be. Ah, there’s her anger. It had been so slow she’d not noticed it until it was almost too late. “Can I book an emergency appointment with Healer Reert?”

“I’ll call him in, do you give me permission to show him the will?”


So, it’s understandable that Haryana is in no mood to talk to anyone when she eventually arrives at Kings Cross. And yet she must be the same as she was before until she decides what to do, she’s already changed so much. She’s here with just a backpack and Floof (with a collar to glamour his tails so only one appears) jumping about excitedly on his leash after all and last time she was drowning in bags and with an owl. Thinking about Hedwig stings but she can’t do that to her again, she deserves an owner who won’t get her killed.

“It’s the same every year. Packed with muggles, of course. Come on.” Molly shouts as she herds Percy, Fred, George, Ron, and Ginny down the platform. Haryana's breath catches as pain and panic claw at her throat, all she can see for a horrifying moment is Fred's crushed and lifeless body.

Breathe in for three, hold for three, breathe out for three. "You're not going to die, this will pass." She whispers before repeating the breathing, Like Healer Reert taught her. "You're not going to die, this will pass." This time her breathing is easier. She can do this, she cando this.

“Platform nine and three-quarters, this way.” Haryana slowly trails along after the gaggle of red-heads, far enough not to be associated but there for them to spot just in case.

She waits until Percy, Fred and George are gone before tentatively approaching Molly. “Excuse me, do you know how to get on the platform?”

Molly turns to her and her expression becomes filled with heart-breaking sadness before she forces an easy going smile… like she hadn’t expected her. Also like she’d read one of Rita’s emergency Prophet’s as the reporter tried to ‘valiantly’ get to the bottom of why Haryana was left to be abused. So far Rita had raided the ministry records and found out that Sirius was locked away without a trial as well as started a public campaign to hunt down any magical relitives she might have so she’ll never have to step foot in muggle London again. The publisher Sral heired was a little upset about how little work they had to do since Rita was doing all of it.

“It’s right through there darling.” Molly says as she points to the brickwork of the archway between platforms nine and ten. “Do you have all of your bags?”

“In my backpack ma’am.” She says dutifully as she eyes the archway wearily, she still stuttered a step every time after her second year.

“Walk straight at the wall, it’s best to do it at a bit of a run if you’re nervous.” Molly advises. “It’s Ron’s first time too.”

Ron smiles weakly at her. “Good luck.” Ginny tells her happily.

“Thank you.” She says to them all before scooping Floof up and running at the wall. She closes her eyes and flinches as she does every time but when she opens them she’s through. Merlin, she didn’t realise how much she missed this. She’d missed out on her seventh year and by the time she’d returned Hogwarts had been rubble.

Taking a deep breath she hurry’s up the platform and onto the train, she grabs the first compartment and shuts the door. Closing the curtains and warding it so no one can get in. Once again she’s had to give up her plans because she’s been overwhelmed. She was supposed to sit and chat with Ron and Hermione! And yet here she was, crying into Floof’s fur while he tried to comfort her by licking away her tears.

She can do this. She can do this. She just has to not have a panic attack when she gets off the train, and when she enters Hogwarts, and when she see’s Snape and Quirrell… She’s so f*cked. Floof paws at her face to distract her and she hugs him again.

“Sorry Sir Floof’s-A-Lot. You’re right, just focus on the moment. No one’s getting in here so I can read that beginners guide to necromancy, no matter what Mr Messor says I don’t trust that I can take it out in the common room.” Floof barks happily and flops from her lap so he can run around the compartment that will be their home for the next eight hours. Haryana grins at him as she opens her backpack so she can get her trunk out.

So… Voldemort is dumb, so very dumb. A magical genius with decades of experience with magics beyond what was taught to Hogwarts, yes, but so very…

Whoever gave him that resurrection ritual must have laughed themselves stupid when he was out of earshot, not that she’s ever telling him that but she’s already found ten easier ways to get a better result and this is the introductory book to necromancy. I mean, come on! He was a Dark Lord! Why did he never decide to read a simple book on necromancy?!

This was the guy who killed her! She’s insulted for even letting it happen.

She sighs as stows her book before switching everything around so that her backpack was in her trunk then she scoops up Floof and places him in the section cleared out for him so if he woke up without her there he’d still have access to food and water, she’d even stuck little balls of Lumos around so he wouldn’t wake in the dark. No one should be left alone in the dark. Then, as the train pulls up to the station, she takes down the wards around her compartment and joins the other students.

"First years! First years to me!" Hagrid calls as he beckons them over with a massive lamp, the kitten using his head like a bed meows loudly at being jostled before curling a paw through his hair and seeming to go back to sleep. "Haryana! Hope ya don't mind but da little ones didn't want ta be cooped up without me." He grins and gestures to where the surprised shouts of joy have started up. The upper years smiling brightly as they open up their carnages and find groups of baby animals waiting for them. "Now ya be nice ta 'em! They've had a rough go of it so far an' I'll not be havin' them upset again!" He calls to the upper years. Several shout affirmatives and climb up to cuddle them.

"See Hagrid, I told you that you'd be good for them." She says making him blush.

"They're gentle souls, da lot of 'em. Just need a little love an' care." He says to her happily before turning back to the rest of her year mates. Her eleven year old year mates that she has to convince of that fact that she's also eleven even though she's not. "All here? Alright, let's get ya to Hogwarts. Follow me!" The kitten meows again as he turns but it seems to be resigned to being jostled if it wanted to keep it's bed.

She lags behind so she can get into one of the last boats and still ends up in a full one, She swears that there were a few spare spaces last time.

"Good evening, I'm Blaise Zabini and yes, I do know that my mother's rumoured to be a black widow." Blaise says as he holds his hand out to her.

"Good evening, I'm Haryana Potter and yes, I am pregnant." She answers as she takes his hand.

Hermione, who has taken up the third spot on their boat, looks confused for a fraction of a second before gasping and covering her mouth in horror. "Speaking my mother and your soon-to-be motherhood. Mother has asked that I relay her offer to help you take care of your problem, she so hates when children are forced to bare the mantle of adult." Blaise continues as if he didn't hear Hermione.

"A kind offer but I've got it handled." She promises as their handshake ends.

"I think you misunderstand where she offers her help." He says conversationally making her laugh.

"I thinkyou misunderstand what I deem aproblem." He blinks once before chuckling lightly and inclining his head... Did she just make a friend?

“Your… it’s true?!” Hermione gasps as she finally finds her voice. “Oh I hadn’t wanted to believe it. I’ll… do you want help with your studies? It’s going to be hard studying towards the end of the year.”

That’s… Oh Morgana that’s so f*cking sweet! This is basically Hermione offering gold in Hermione terms. Maybe she can do it, be friends in a new enough way to not get drowned in feelings.

“You mean the entire fourth year? I promise not to take that much of your time, but I wouldn’t mind a study buddy.” She says with a smile.

“Oh! You’re using stasis!” Hannah Abbott cries in recognition as Hermione looks on confused. The fourth student in their little boat. “Mom will be so pleased; she was worried you’d try and tough it out. She’s a healer… Oh! And I’m Hannah Abbott, I was going to introduce myself earlier, but it seemed rude to interrupt.”

“Hermione Granger.” Hermione adds before turning back to Hannah. “Stasis?”

“Haryana is magically pausing her pregnancy.” Blaise says calmly before Hannah can rush out an explanation. “It is dangerous to do this for long periods of time without breaks, so I assume she’ll be spending her breaks with healers without the stasis.”

“Correct, which timeline wise means I’ll be giving birth sometime before fifth year. It also means that I’m going to spend the whole of fourth year heavily pregnant and cranky.” She adds as their little boats bump into the docks.

Several emotions flash across Hermione’s face before she settles on determination. “It won’t be a bother to help for that long.” She swears as Blaise climbs out of the boat. “I… oh! Thank you.” She says, getting cut off as Blaise offers her a hand to help her out of the boat.

He offers one to Hannah next who turns a little pink but grins and lets him help her up, then he offers one to her. She grins up at him playfully as she takes it. “I thought you were Italian, not Australian.” He bursts into delighted laughter making several not-yet-Slytherins turn in shock, she grins wider. She’s definitely made a friend, and all she had to do was joke about murder.

"Alright, alright, everyone out? Good, lets get ya inside then. Come on!" Hagrid calls before herding them into Hogwarts. Don't think about it, keep your breathing even, you're not going to die,you're not going to die.

Why was it so hard to breathe?

"...ana! Haryana!" She blinks up at Hermione who's crouched in front of her. Hannah is looking a little sick but she keeps standing protectively in front of her while Blaise glares at everyone who tries to get close. "Here." Hermione gingerly takes her hand and presses it to her own chest before taking a big breath. "Can you match me? Lets try, okay. In and out. In and out."

"Thank you." She rasps after her hands stop shaking.

"What was that? Some kind of attention grab?" One of the other first-years asks though she can't tell who with her protective wall. She does see the look of pure fury making its home on Hannah's face though.

"That was apanic attack you absolute ghoul!" She shouts. "Howdareyou think eventhink you can comment on it!"

"Miss Abbott!" Professor McGonagall reprimands as she hurries after Hagrid, he must have run to get her when the panic attack started.

"No! You don't get to be mad at me because he was trying make my friend look like an attention seeker for being in pain!" Hannah shouts, clearly angry beyond reason since she was yelling at a teacher. "She has been hurt in ways she never should have been and he's not allowed to make her feel bad about still being affected by it!He's NOT!"

"I understand miss Abbott." Professor McGonagall says calmingly. "And he will be reprimanded for it but that is no reason to start fights."

And Hannah, beautiful, protective, Hufflepuff loyalty down to the bone, Hannah. Well, she clearly takes that statement real personal.Haryana watches in mild horror and great awe as Hannah squares off against Professor McGonagall like she was going to demand a duel. "What other reasonis there to start fights then protecting people you care about? Did our parents not fight You-Know-Who to protect us?!"

"Miss Abbott! Mr Finnigan is not You-Know-who." Professor McGonagall says exasperatedly.

"Not yet. But I bet he was a snotty little pile of dung once too." Hannah snaps.

"That's it miss Abbott! Five points to whichever house you end up in."

"House points?" Blaise asks charmingly and Haryana is reminded that she didn't even last until the opening speech before she broke down.

"Thank you Hannah." She says as she gently locks a hand around Hannah's wrist. "Is this what having friends is like? It's nice." Hagrid makes a little pained noise as Hannah tears up and crushes her (and Hermione by extension) into a hug.

"Yes, yes it is and we're going to be the best of friends! All four of us! Right Blaise?"

"Correct." He says with a charming smile to them before turning back to Professor McGonagall who had started her house points speech at the reminder that she'd not done it yet.

"I... me too?" Hermione asks hopefully and Haryana's reminded that she and Ron had been Hermione's first friends too.

"Yes you too. We're going have so much fun." Hannah promises before helping Hermione help her up. Hermione is beaming as they huddle close to Blaise for the trek to the main hall.

Haryana only pays enough attention during the first part of the sorting to cheer for Hannah and Hermione (Hufflepuff and Gryffindor again) before she has to go up. Her feet feel like led but Blaise gives her a little shove so she manages to get them going. There are still whispers like there were last time but now most are accompanied by pity or people craning to get a look at her stomach.

It's just as nauseating as the last time.

"Ah, Lady Slytherin. Back again are we? And with Heir Slytherin along for the ride, how delightful. Where would you like to go?" She hears the hat whisper in her mind.

"Aren't you supposed to sort me where you think I'll be best?"

"Well usually yes, but you've already denied my opinion once and I can see that my first second choice will be shot down as well. Not that I'd suggest the house of lions again, you had a terrible go of it last time."

"It's just... I don't know if I want to speed run being the light side's golden girl or being the dark side's political hammer." She sighs in her head. "And I can't be in Slytherin because I might want to be light later, nor can I be in Gryffindor if I change to dark."

"So you're looking for a middle ground? Someplace grey where no one will know which way you lean unless you spell it out for them?"

"Yes! That would be perfect!"

"Well then, better beRAVENCLAW!" The blue and bronze table explodes into cheers (with Hannah and Hermione joining in enthusiastically) and she stumbles down to a free spot on the end. Okay Haryana, new house, new friends (and an old one), new you. No more running to the beat of someone else's drum. This isyour life and you're going to live it for you.

There is a flash of green and silver in front of her face and it startles her out of her pep talk, she follows it and finds Blaise in his Slytherin uniform.

“Oh! Congratulations!” She says happily.

“Thank you.” He says calmly, completely ignoring the fact that no one’s going to be able to eat until he sits down. “Are you sure you don’t have a name for me to pass on?”

She snorts and shoves him a little towards his table, he goes easily and she goes back to ignoring everything until food appears in front of her. Unlike last time she paces herself on the selection, also unlike last time she ends the meal with a nutrient potion. It’s as she’s capping the empty potion and slipping it back into her pocket that Hermione bounds up.

“Ravenclaw! I’m so happy for you.” She pauses for brief unsure moment before pulling her into a hug. “Come on, Prefect Weasley said our common room was near yours so we’ll be going the same way.”

“I’m happy for you too. House of the brave.” Hermione grins and crushes her into another hug. They wave at Hannah and Blaise who have also doubled up for the trek to their common rooms before tackling the stairs. Haryana smiles as Hermione starts telling her random Hogwarts facts, smiling brighter as Hermione beams when she adds a few of her own (learnt from an older Hermione). Then it’s time for them to split up. “We’ll have breakfast together.” She promises. “We’ll drag Blaise and Hannah in to.”

“We’ll need to eat at your table then.” Hermione says as the prefects start splitting off. “Gryffindor and Slytherin have a rivalry and they might get mad if we eat at one of their tables.”

“Ravenclaw table first then.” She agrees before hugging Hermione a final time for the night. “You were a big help earlier and I’m so lucky to be your friend.” Both now and in the past.

“Stop dilly-dallying! Come on now!” Percy calls making Hermione pull back.

“I’m lucky to be your friend too.” She says quickly before darting after her housemates, leaving Haryana to look at the remaining steps with dread. This is going to suck when her pregnancy has developed more, maybe she could ride her broom through the gaps in the staircases? Would she even be allowed to ride her broom while that pregnant?

“Welcome to the Ravenclaw common room.” The female prefect calls as they all pile into the room. “Boys’ dormitories, to the left of the bookcase and down the hall, girls’ dormitories the same to the bookcase’s right. You’ll find all of your belongings have already been brought up. Now, on each of your pillows will be your class schedule and pinned to the backs of each of your doors will be a timetable for the moving staircases, there is also a multi-level map pinned to the board there.” Are you kidding me?! Where in Merlin’s name was this when she’d needed it her first year?! Her first, first year… this was going to get confusing. “If you need help with anything then you can always ask a prefect, it would be best if you asked a Ravenclaw prefect but we can’t be everywhere. Hufflepuff prefects are always good to go to and nine times out of ten a Slytherin prefect will help you out. I would avoid Gryffindor prefects generally but if you need to then try and find the one who was helping the Gryffindor first years to their dorm. Percy is one of the good ones. Have a good night!”

And then she’s gone. Well then. Haryana ignores the whole room and beelines to her dorm, quickly unlocking the trunk that now had a raven twisted into her outer metal casing and pulling the still sleeping cruppy into her chest. Floof makes a happy noise before snuggling into her chest.

Everything will be okay. Everything’s going to be okay.

Haryana rises with the sun, years of getting up to cook for the Dursley’s and needing to quickly pack with Ron and Hermione nipping at her heels. Floof is happy at least for the morning jog. She makes it half way around before lagging, she remembers all the times she had to run for her life and building stamina seems like a good idea.

“Haryana! We saw you out the window, here!” Hermione calls from the doorway, she’s waving a goblet around. Behind her is Blaise sipping casually on a hot drink and Hannah looking like she was still asleep.

“I’m surrounded by morning people.” Hannah mumbles like it was the greatest sin while she stumbles over and takes the goblet, its filled with water so she drinks half then crouches so Floof can drink the rest.

“You’re up early.” Blaise comments as he takes another sip of what she can now tell is coffee.

“I used to cook for my relatives so I needed to be up early, I got to sleep in a little when I could finally reach the stove but I guess its not been long enough to really get rid of the habit.” She muses as she pets Floof.

“That’s so sad !” Hannah whines before falling into her for a hug. “Every time you speak I get more sad, you need new memories. We’re going to make new memories.”

“Ah, and you run in the mornings because?” Blaise continues, letting Hannah be the comforter.

“Well, to build up stamina. Dulling needs lots of moving out of the way of spells and so I thought I’d be able to last longer if I could keep moving more than my opponent.”

Hermione gasps and claps her hands. “Why didn’t I think about that? Can I join you tomorrow?”

“Can we join you.” Blaise corrects.

“Yes, yes. We.” Hermione huffs.

“Speak for yourselves, I’ll be the one waiting with the water if I have to hang around you morning people, ugh.” Hannah mumbles into her hair.

“Yes, you can join us.” She pets Floof again who barks happily. “I’ll meet you guys at the main doors?”

“We’ll be there!” Hermione agrees. “Now for the fun stuff! What classes do you guys have?”

“Fun she says.” Blaise says with a roll of his eyes, grinning a little when Hermione puffs up.

Monday morning:

  1. Potions (double) = Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff
  2. Potions (double) = Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff
  3. Transfiguration = Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff
  4. Charms = Ravenclaw and Gryffindor

Monday evening:

  1. Defence against the Dark Arts = Ravenclaw and Slytherin
  2. Herbology = Ravenclaw and Gryffindor

Tuesday morning:

  1. History of Magic = Ravenclaw and Slytherin
  2. Herbology = Ravenclaw and Gryffindor
  3. Charms (double) = Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff
  4. Charms (double) = Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff

Tuesday evening:

  1. Transfiguration (double) = Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff
  2. Transfiguration (double) = Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff

Wednesday morning:

  1. Charms (double) = Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff
  2. Charms (double) = Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff
  3. Defence against the Dark Arts = Ravenclaw and Slytherin
  4. History of magic = Ravenclaw and Slytherin

Wednesday evening:

  1. Herbology (double) = Ravenclaw and Gryffindor
  2. Herbology (double) = Ravenclaw and Gryffindor

Wednesday night:

  1. Astronomy = All first years

Thursday morning:

  1. Transfiguration = Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff
  2. Defence against the Dark Arts (double) = Ravenclaw and Slytherin
  3. Defence against the Dark Arts (double) = Ravenclaw and Slytherin

Thursday evening:

  1. Charms = Ravenclaw and Gryffindor
  2. Herbology = Ravenclaw and Gryffindor

Friday morning:

  1. Potions (double) = Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff
  2. Potions (double) = Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff
  3. Defence against the Dark Arts (double) = Ravenclaw and Slytherin
  4. Defence against the Dark Arts (double) = Ravenclaw and Slytherin

Friday evening:

  1. Flying (double) = All first years
  2. Flying (double) = All first years

“We’re together first.” Hannah says, more awake after Blaise relented and gave her the rest of his coffee. “I’ve heard all sorts of warnings about Professor Snape, lets eat quickly so we’re not late.”

“Good idea. It would be bad to be late to our first class. We’re eating at the Ravenclaw table this morning.” Hermione agrees as they head back in.

“We are, are we?” Blaise asks making Hermione puff up again.

“You know I’ll not be allowed to sit at the Slytherin table and you’ll be mauled if you sit at the Gryffindor table.”

“I think some Hufflepuffs might cry if you sat at our table.” Hannah adds with a frown. “Which is stupid, green isn’t even a scary colour.”

“So what you’re saying is that we should wait a week or two for the school to see us interact without murdering each other before branching out? I suppose it’s a good idea.” Blaise says.

“It is a good idea, I came up with it.” Hermione adds hotly. Haryana watches them start sniping playfully at each other fondly as they enter the great hall, Hannah leaning on her as the coffee seems to leave her.

“Haryana!” Professor Flitwick calls as he hurries up to them, damn it they were just about to sit down. “I was worried when no one could find you but I’m glad you’re okay.”

“I… who are you?” She asks to cover her stuttered step.

“Ah! Sorry, I’m Filius Flitwick, your head of house. You had already gone to bed when I came by to introduce myself and I didn’t want to wake you with how tiring your evening went. Which I actually wanted to talk about.” He says with a kind smile. “Myself, the headmaster, and the other teachers teaching you this year wanted to meet with you during dinner in the headmaster’s office. About your… condition and your options.”

“Oh… okay.” She says as she pulls up as many memories of Snape’s sh*tty ocumancy lessons as she can. “I’ll, umm, see you then.”

"I promise that everything’s going to be okay miss Potter. All we want is to make sure that you have the best options available." Professor Flitwick promises.

"I know.” She says dully but he must clearly see how much she doesn’t believe that on her face because he squeaks out a goodbye before rushing off to the head table, waving his hands frantically in front of Dumbledore.

"Let’s eat. You’re much too thin." Hannah says happily as she pulls her down into an open spot on the bench. The whole table pauses as the three non-Ravenclaws make themselves at home.

Haryana sits back and lets them chat, nibbling on the food they keep putting on her plate when they thought she was distracted. It’s… nice, she can only remember talking about Voldemort with Hermione and Ron or whatever hell was going on in the school.

Just a kid.

There it is again, that whispered thought born from a distant promise. Maybe that’s what she should be striving for, not figuring out which political side she’d be in on a war that hadn’t even happened yet. Maybe she should just be a kid, let the adults do the adulting?

She was curious about if Voldemort would have been able to get the stone without her help or if he’d get stuck on Dumbledore’s mirror until the man came by to dispatch him.

“Hey, Haryana.” Hannah says as she tugs on her sleeve. “Time for potions.”

“Oh, thank you.” She says and lets Hannah pull her away. “Bye guys, see you at break.”

“Bye!” Hermione calls while Blaise waves a single hand.

“Hmm, okay, so we take a turn here… go down this hall… take this turn and… Made it!” Hannah cheers as they make it to the potions room. At least three of those turns were unnecessary but she’s not supposed to know that.

“Great job Hannah!” She says brightly making Hannah grin. When everyone is milling around the classroom door it creeks open. It's almost fond how her mind says 'drama queen' when she pulls Hannah over, apparently, she seems to be the only one brave enough to enter.

"Can I share books with you?" Hannah asks as they sit. "Hermione woke me upway to early to remember things like packing my school books. Also can you come with me to get them before we meet up with the others? Also, also, please say you're one of those super Ravenclaw students and bought two sets of viles because I don't have those either... or a cauldron. Can I ban mornings? I reallywant to ban mornings."

"Yes, Hannah." She laughs softly as she brings her stuff out. "We can share."

"Oooo! Crystal viles.Fancy." Hannah coos as she gingerly picks one up. Then she looks at the book and pauses. Her eyes dart between Haryana and the book a few times before she sets the vile down. "Can you read it to me? I'm more tired than I thought."

Haryana snorts. "Oh, of course my queen. Anything else you might need this lesson?"

"I mean, a foot rub would be nice."


Haryana has her want out and pointed at the doorway in seconds making Snape pause in the doorway. "There will be no foolish wand-waving or silly incantations in this class so you can put that away, Potter." He drawls before storming to the front of the class. "As such, I don't expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and exact art that is potion making. However, for those select few... who possess the predisposition... I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses. I can tell you how to bottle fame, brew glory, and even put a stopper in death. Then again, maybe some of you in possession of abilities so formidable that you feel confident enough to not pay attention. Miss Potter, since you've yet to put your wand away you must want to go first, hmm? Tell me, what would I get if added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?"

It's weirdly comforting that he's the same asshole she knew him as, it's almost enough to get her to stop seeing his throat being torn out in the back of her mind.

"Drought of the living dead, sir."

"Correct, Potter. Let's try again. Where would you look if I asked you to find me a bezoar?" He sounds so put out at her correct answer that she almost grins. Almost because she's not suicidal.

"In the stomach of a goat, sir."

"Correct again, shall we try for three? What is the difference between monkshood and wolfbane?"

"They're the same plant, sir."

He glares and she sits as passively as she can through it. "A point from Ravenclaw for being a know-it-all." He snaps finally before waving his wand at the blackboard behind him. “Today you’ll be brewing a cure to boils. Begin.”

She ignores the rushing students who head into the store room to get the best ingredients and Hannah who is seething next to her and pulls out her potion ingredients box. She opens it up and grins a little at the message already sitting on the bottom of the box.

Good morning Lady Potter,

Gringotts has informed us of your status and we are delighted to help you during your schooling, we here at Genius in a Bottle (Diagon Alley) know how far the standards of potion teaching has fallen in the last one-hundred years so we’ll try to make it as easy as possible.

We look forward to meeting you in a more professional capacity this winter but for now:

What potion ingredients do you require?

She flicks to the page in Magical drafts and Potions for the cure to boils then writes down what she needs under the message.

Six snake fangs

Dried nettles

Horned slugs


Two porcupine quills

I look forward to meeting you again in the winter as well.

Once she places her fountain pen down she closes the box, waiting for the clear gem on the top to get cloudy before opening it again.

“Whoa.” Hannah says in wonder and delight as her requested ingredients are sat neatly in the much larger space.

Ah, a cure for boils. Enjoy.

“Are you ready?” She asks Hannah who nods determinedly. “And you’re sure you’re too tired to ready the book?”

Yes Haryana.”

“Okay, so first step is to crush the snake fangs into a fine powder…”

“I cannot believe him!” Hannah rants as she plops onto the stone bench next to Hermione who was reading Magical drafts and Potions.

“It’s fine Hannah.” She sighs as she sits next to Blaise.

“It’s not fine! He asked you questions than took points away for answering them! Then he took points away because our potion was too perfect !”

“How can a potion be too perfect?” Hermione asks as she’s finally pulled away from the potion book.

Hannah’s anger gives way to smugness as she nudges Haryana’s knee with her foot. “Well, Lady Potter has a magical box.”

“You can’t tell anyone about that.” She says quickly as she looks around.

“What? Your magic box? But you used it in front of everyone.” Hannah says in confusion while Blaise’s eyes sharpen.

Lady Potter?”

“That.” She points at Blaise. “You can’t tell anyone about that.”

“Why?” Hermione asks with such genuine curiosity that Haryana crumbles, if this bites her in the back she might break.

“It’s… I’m keeping the baby.”

“Yes.” Hannah says slowly. “We know.”

“And because I’m keeping the baby magic decided I was an adult, also because my magical guardian placed me in the place where all the bad stuff happened without checking on me once and my godfather was unlawfully incarcerated.” She continues… that was a good excuse, right?

“… But your whole campaign to get Lord Black a fair trial is that you’re a magical minor who needs a competent guardian.” Blaise continues with eyes lit up in realisation. “If they find out you don’t really need Lord Black to look after you then they might decide to not bother.”

She nods making Hermione gasp. “But that’s illegal! And the Black family is supper important, would other lords not be worried that they could just end up in jail because the Ministry wanted their gallons? My mama was reading up on the Prophet around the time he was arrested and the ministry tried to lay claim to the Black family vaults seven times.”

Blaise opens his mouth then clicks it shut with narrowed eyes. “Aren’t you a muggleborn? How did your mother get a hold of a Prophet from ten years ago.”

It’s Hermione’s turn to narrow her eyes. “From the Prophet archives, all news publishing agencies must keep one of each issue printed on file for a minimum of fifteen years. Not doing so could lead to lots of legal trouble if someone wanted to sue for libel.”

Blaise’s eyes narrow further. “… Mother will like you.” Hermione beams in pride.

“Or.” Hannah says slowly as her eyes light up. “It could help if someone wanted to sue. Didn’t those Haryana Potter Adventure books make get a feature in the Prophet a few years ago?”

Haryana feels her eyes narrow as she looks at her friends.

“They did.” Blaise hums casually as he starts pulling parchment, quills and ink pots out of his bag. “They had a little note in the back claiming them to be true stories. Mother knows several good lawyers that could help, Hermione do you think your mother could get a hold of a paper from about five years ago?”

“Of course.” Hermione says as she quickly snags a parchment and starts scribbling down a note. “Is it okay if I just have her send it to your mother?”

“Guys, this isn’t necessary.” She starts.

“I think mother would enjoy that, she has very few female friends.” He hums as he pens his own letter.

“Guys!” She says a little louder making them pause. “It’s fine. They’re just books.”

“Books that lied.” Hermione countered slowly as she sets her letter aside. “Books that made it seem like you were safe and happy which stopped people questioning if you actually were.”

“I’m fine.” She lies and Hermione, good old Hermione who could always tell when she was bullsh*tting, crouches in front of her and takes her hands.

“Haryana, you’re pregnant and terrified of adults.” She says softly.

“It’s not…” How is she supposed to say that this wasn’t the monstress act they thought it was? How was she meant to say that her fear was born from seeing those adults hurt and dead not because they had hurt her.

“You looked like you were going to puke every time Professor Snape passed our table.” Hannah adds as she leans into her side.

“At the very least you shouldn’t let people get away with lying about you. If you let one person do it then you loose the right to complain when others do it too.” Blaise adds as he signs his letter with a flourish.


And this person has made so much money from those books. Think of all the money people lost buying these books.” Hannah adds again. “I know my mom paid around Haryana and the determination to make the adults deal with the adult problems - Chapter 1 - TheCuriousCat - Harry Potter (26)20 for the whole set and those were second hand.”

“Alright! Fine!” She huffs as she sinks into Hannah. It’s not even been a day since Hannah had claimed best friend rights for their little group and they were already setting their parents up to sue on her behalf. Merlin!

“Great! Because it’s almost time for Transfiguration and I didn’t want to keep trying to convince you with Professor McGonagall there. I think she’s still mad at me for yelling at her.” Hannah beams, completely unrepentant about yelling at the deputy headmistress. “Oh! Speaking of class, show Blaise and Hermione your potion book!”

“Really?” She sighs. “Just because you secretly don’t know how to read…” Hannah makes a scandalized noise and shoves her making her laugh but she does take her book out, curious as to why Hannah thought it was important.

Hermione looks at it, blinks, then scrambles to grab her book over Blaise before putting them together. Blaise takes one look and freezes. “You can read this?” He asks slowly.

“It’s English… right?” She can’t help but ask back because the two books looked the exact same to her.

“That’s Parseltongue, the language of snakes that can only be read and spoken by those born with Slytherin blood.” He corrects and she feels the dizzying feeling of blood rushing away from her face.

“Haryana, can you read this?” Hermione asks as she shoves a parchment into her face making her blink. There are several squiggles and a word.

“Drafts?” She says slowly making Hermione explode with excitement.

“We can learn it! She can teach us, see? The books are the exact same and I was able to write one of the words on the title well enough that she could read it!”

“Didn’t He-Who-Should-Not-Be-Named speak Parseltongue?” Hannah asks with an excited gleam of her own in her eyes. “He must have all sorts of secret places that you can only get to with it, thinking that he was the only one to understand!”

“Do you have ‘A Beginner’s Guide to Transfiguration’ with you?” Blaise asks prompting Hermione to climb over him again to get her book bag so she could get out her copy.

She slowly digs out the book and hands it over to an excited Hermione who shoves their books together again. “Another perfect copy! Here, read this!” She says before carefully writing on the parchment she’d taken back off of her.

More squiggles but this time more than one word too. “Advanced Guide… Transfusion?” The miss-written words don’t seem to bother Hermione, in fact she becomes more excited at the fact that some words can vary with slight alteration.

They spend the last fifteen minuets of their break trying to copy a page of one of the books she has on her. Hermione keeps A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration and passes Magical Drafts and Potions to Blaise. She hands Hannah The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 1 and sits back to wait while thinking over the possibilities. She had managed to teach Ron how to say open… maybe… so it wasn’t too far of a stretch to think that she couldn’t do it again.

She dutifully reads the words she can see, underlining them and re-writing the words in English for them when they hand the parchments and her books over.


When Transfiguring, - to make - wand movements. - twirl - wand - will -

Form a clear - object - to - before - a Transfiguring -


Antidote to - Poisons

Add - Bezoar to -

- a -

Add - measures - Bezoar to - cauldron

Add - measures - Standard Ingredient to - cauldron


- differ - Transfiguring - a - adds - to - object - whereas a transfiguring - will - different.

"These are really good guys." She promises as she writes out the words she can see.

"You'll have to teach us how to say them next." Hermione says as she studies the parchment.

"No one is going to understand us!" Hannah gushes as the bell signalling that it was time to start heading to class.

"It would make it easier to discuss our families legal progress without people getting forewarning." Blaise agrees making Haryana sigh as she gets up and hooks an arm around Hannah.

"We'reeleven. We should be worried about classes and exams. Not legal battles." She protests.

"Areyou worried about classes and exams?" Hermione argues as she and Blaise follow after them. "Because you got in trouble for having a potion that wastoo perfect."

"Well no. But that doesn't mean I want to branch into law." She grumbles before stopping at the fork where they would have to split. "Actually, do you want to use my potion ingredient box? Let me check to see if they can still do it."

"Do we want to have ingredients so fresh it makes Professor Snape glare in envy?" Blaise asks sarcastically. "Where did you even get that anyway?"

Do you mind if I lend this to my friends for their potion class as well? I'll pay of course. Just until I get them one of their own. Everyone in my potions class already saw how much better my and my partners potion was with the fresh ingredients.

She writes before shutting the box. "Genius in a Bottle." Blaise’s eyes widen before narrowing to points as the gem sitting on the top clouds. She pops it open and finds a secondary box with a note on top.

Good morning again Lady Potter,

It would be our pleasure to expand past our shop’s walls and into Britain’s school of magics. Most children do not venture far enough down Diagon Alley to encounter us and so do not know of us when they age.

It speaks well of you as our CEO that you would use your youth to expand into markets we as adults could not reach and any reservations we may have had about you business mind are cast aside.

Because of this unique opportunity we have decided to offer your friends this box free of charge, the ingrediance will still be charged to your account until they can set up one of their own. Please have them send us their potion timetable so that we may have someone on standby to diliver the ingredients they need.

Faithfully written,

Milton Barracus, Manager of Genius in a Bottle (Diagon Alley)

“You own this shop?!” Hermione gasps making her look up. Hermione, Hannah, and Blaise are all reading over her shoulder.

“I, umm, People left me things after I accidentally killed Voldermort when I was one.” She mumbles.

“You do realise that Genius in a Bottle is the most prestigious potion shop in the world?” Blaise hums lightly as he takes the second box from her, there one was a simple black wooden box with a much smaller clear gem in the middle while hers was a soft grey leather. “Only the best of the best work there and usually people without Gringotts cards can’t even find the door.”

“How much does this box cost?” Hannah whispers as she stares at the boxes in horrified wonder.

“Well this one was free with the subscription and I was promised a lifetime guarantee as well as discounted upgrades when they were discovered so I think it was worth the price.” She answers as she puts her box back away, sidestepping the question about the price.

The second warning bell goes off and she tugs Hannah towards transfiguration. “We’re going to talk about this!” Hermione promises as Blaise puts their potion schedule in the box. “I can’t believe she tried to have a go at us about our interest in law when she’s running businesses.” She hears Hermione huff as she and Hannah turn the corner. The last thing she hears from them is Blaise chuckling.

They are late and it almost sends Haryana spiralling into a panic attack because what if everything’s fixed? What if she’s just been born to be murdered and there’s nothing she can do about it?

“Hey, Haryana. Breathe with me.” Hannah urges as she cuts her face. “Sure, we’re a little late but so is Professor McGonagall so everything’s fine. What’s she going to do anyway? Take more points away from us? They’re just stupid rocks in a glass container anyway, who cares.” Hannah continues as she pets Haryana’s hair soothingly. She’s doing a good job of helping Haryana’s hands stop shaking until McGonagall explodes into being behind her. She’d been expecting it but it still makes her flinch back.

“If that’s how you feel about our point system here then I’m sure you won’t mind it if I take twenty points from you each for being late and for your lack of respect.”

Hannah spins furiously and she’s brought to the startling realisation that the only time she’d ever seen this Hufflepuff mad was at the battle of Hogwarts six years in the future and she’d collapsed three sturdy hallways, ripped five large chunks of earth from the main lawn and used them like flying projectiles, and killed twenty-seven deatheaters in response. She may be only eleven but Haryana feels the sparks of magical energy making Hannah’s hair float a little and sees the startled and almost apprehensive look in McGonagall’s eye.

“What’s wrong with you!” Hannah yells furiously. “Is mental health some kind of joke to you?! Do you think causing panic attacks is funny?!”

“Do you really think I’ll return the points because you yelled at me?” McGonagall asks, clearly trying to gain the upper hand.

“House points!” Hannah yells and the desks around them slowly start scraping against stone as some sort of unseen force starts pushing them back. “I couldn’t give to craps about house points! I’m talking about you just… just poofing up! Did you never think that might be startling?! You could have just walked through the door! How is she supposed to feel safe if people can just appear wherever the hell they want! You should feel ashamed and…”

“Hannah.” She says as she grips the back of Hannah’s jumper. “I’m okay.”

“It’s not okay!” Hannah protests angrily but she clearly tries very hard too keep it out of her face and voice, Haryana adores her a little more.

“It’s not.” She agrees softly as she tugs again. “But I’m okay. So lets just sit so we can start the lesson.”

There is a beat of silence before Hannah’s hair falls back down. “Fine but we’re using your book.”

“We can use my book.” She agrees as she tugs again, this time Hannah unroots herself and follows her to the two empty seats.

McGonagall shakes herself from the encounter and gives Hannah detention for Tuesday, Hannah has the nerve to just her chin out in challenge, before starting the lesson. Only glaring a little when she starts whisper reading to Hannah. The class passes quickly since all it was, was theory work until after Halloween and soon they are meeting with Hermione and Blaise to trade for their next class.

“Professor Snape was furious with our potion.” Blaise says with a slightly vicious grin, pointedly ignoring the gaggle of Slytherins pretending not to listen in.

“He tried to confiscate our ingredient box.” Hermione added with a bright grin as she hooked their arms together. “But it just popped back on our table. The potion in the book wasn’t even as good as ours!”

“Genius in a Bottle really is the best money can buy.” Blaise adds casually, grinning as Draco blanches behind him. “We really can’t thank you enough for hooking us up.”

“Mr Barracus is so helpful as well! He didn’t even mind when we asked for a second set of ingreidients for Neville when his potion melted through his couldren and he answered all of my questions!” Draco blanches again making Pansy poke him in the side.

“Who is that?” Pansy asks him quietly.

“He’s the manager. No one talks to him, not even mother gets a word from him and she’s shopped at Genius in a Bottle for years !” He whisper yells back.

“Oh, is he alright?!” Hannah asks in worry.

“I-I’m fine.” Neville stutters. Hannah decends on him like a worried mother. “Really.” He promises as Hannah turns his hands over and pulls up the sleeves to check his wrists.

Hannah looks towards Blaise and Hermione for conformation making Neville look just a tad offended. “I pulled him back in time.” Hermione promises.

“S-See?” Hannah huffs then lets his hands go to hug him making him freeze with his hands in the air.

“Potion accidence are no joke, please be more careful next time.” She says as she lets him go, patting his head like she did to Haryana in the transfiguration class before skipping off and hooking her arm through Blaise’s “Come on, let’s get to Herbology. I’ll tell you about my fight with Professor McGonagall on the way.”

“Again?” Blaise sighs as he starts walking along with her, he sounds bored but she can see the gleam of interest in his eye.

“It’s not my fault!”


“It’s not !”

She starts walking with Hermione to Charms but realises that Neville is still frozen so she doubles back and hooks her fingers through his jumper sleeve to tug him along. “She’s a lot when her full focus is on you, isn’t she.” She says in sympathy as he blinks back to the world.


“It’s okay, she’s really nice.” Hermione promises, Neville still looks confused but it’s starting to change to sickness so she changes topics. She really did want to get to know him this time, especially since she’d seen that his mom was her godmother.

“Do you need a cauldron? I have a spare.”

“What?” He chokes as he blinks at her.

“Well, it’s just… apparently your mom was my godmother and I… we could have grown up together if things had been different. I know it’s a little late but maybe we could be now?”

“You want to be siblings?” Neville whispers as they come to a stop in front of the Charms classroom.

“I… don’t you?”

“I DO!” He says quickly. “It’s just… yes, I’d like to borrow your spare cauldron.” She can’t help but beam as she lets go of Hermione to hug him. He hugs her tightly and shudders like he was about to cry. “Merlin, I’ve missed you.” He murmurs into her hair… she thinks. It could also be I’ve wished this which doesn’t sound to coherent but he was muffled by her hair.

“Come on.” Hermione says as the door swings open. Neville lets her go and smiles wetly before following her in.

Neville joins them for lunch. This time they eat at the Hufflepuff table. “Haryana! Hermione! Come meet Susan! She’s great!” Hannah introduces as she waves them over. “Neville! Are you eating with us too?”

“I… yes.” He says as he tugs on his sleeve making her grin.

“Great! Come meet Susan too!”

“Susan Bones.” Susan says with a polite smile to them before turning to her. “My aunt is Amelia Bones, head of the department of magical law enforcement. She wanted to assure you that she was doing everything in her power to see your godfather out of Azkaban.”

“Thank you.” She says genuinely.

“She also wanted to talk to you at some point during winter brake about your pregnancy…” Whatever Susan’s aunt has to say about it is cut off by Neville tripping on the bench and crashing to the floor with a sickning crunch.

“Neville!” Hannah shouts in worry as she jumps over the table to check on him, his wrist is clearly broken but he doesn’t even seem to notice. Poor Neville, what was it with him breaking his wrists? “Come on, lets go to the healer’s wing.”


“Now.” Hannah’s sharp tone makes him click his mouth shut, he nods weakly and shoots her a teary look before following the Hufflepuff out.

“We’ll save you lunch.” Blaise promises casually as Hannah passes making her grin at him.

“You’d better, I’m not planning lawsuits on an empty stomach.”

“Morgana, why are we still talking about this?” She sighs before smiling up at Neville. “I’m missing dinner tonight but do you want to have breakfast with us tomorrow? With two Gryffindors we might be able to wing eating at your table, if we hide Blaise between you.”

“Just what I wanted in life. To be the filling in a lion sandwich.” Blaise says in a dry voice as he causally reads from The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection with one hand while expertly drinking a steaming cup of coffee with the other.

“I-I’ll be there.” He promises before Hannah tugs him from the room.

“Please thank your aunt for everything she’s doing for Sirius.” She says as she turns back to Susan. “But I’m fine on the pregnancy front. The goblins of Gringotts are taking care of it.”

“For a fee.” Susan counters and she grins bitterly.

“Do you want to know the first lesson I learnt with my relatives? It’s that the one with the most money wins.” Hermione makes a soft whining noise as the table around them, then the whole hall, plunges into silence. “My uncle broke my leg in three places once, dragged me to the doctors by my hair three weeks later when it had swelled so much the skin split and puss came out. It was so very clear what had happened but he handed the doctor a wad of cash and said I fell off the roof trying to steal from him. Can you guess what every record said? I told a teacher that my name was freak on my first day and after my aunt swung by with a cash donation to the school I was quietly told to stop playing around and left alone.” Susan looks sick. “The fact that the goblins charge a fee isn’t news to me because everyone does, everyone has a price. The way to win the game is to make sure that no one can match your bid.

“If you try and pay me to be your friend I’ll hit you.” Hermione says hotly. “We made a deal, best friends forever. We made that deal without any monetary gain and if you try and insult me by adding it I’m going to be very mad at you.”

“We are in agreement.” Blaise says as he puts his book and cup down, the clink of the cup hitting the saucer sounded oddly threatening. “You can do nice things for us, like getting us that box, but you’d better expect that we’ll return the favour in kind. I detest being in anyone’s debit.”

“You’re not in my debit.” She argues, the growling menace her voice had been dipping into evening out in indignation.

“I am.” He says simply.

“You are not!”

He eyes her coolly. “Are you telling me that my feelings don’t matter?”

“What?! Of course they do!” She protests.

“Good, so you can’t say anything about the fact that I feel like I’m in your debit. We’ll settle up during the yule break.” He says as he picks up the book and cup again.

“Same.” Hermione says with a decisive nod before the hall is swarmed by owls. Four crash in front of them.

Susan takes her letter politely before petting her owl and shooing it off. Blaise takes his letter with a nod. Hermione pets her own for a minute before taking her letter. The owl in front of her holds out a leg with a box attached. It’s a deceptively light, white marble box. There is a rounded button with Gringotts’ coat of arms on it that is glowing slightly.

“Thank you.” She tells the owl before taking the box. She feeds the owl a strip of bacon before sending it back off, then she opens the box… it’s empty. She narrows her eyes before shutting it again. The button still flashes.

“Press the button.” Blaise says without looking away from his letter. “Mother has one of those.” He adds when she doesn’t move, eyeing her over the top of the parchment.

She presses the button and the glowing stops, after a moment she opens the box again and finds two letters there. One from Sral and one from Wrions.

Dear heir Black,

It brings me great pleasure to inform you that Lord Black has been removed from Azkaban and delivered to the care of Gringotts while preparations for his long-overdue trial to take place. As he is still considered a criminal in the eyes of wizards you are not yet allowed to contact him, neither is he allowed to contact you but we at Gringotts are more than confident that you will be able to see him during your two-week yule break with us.

It is our hope at Gringotts that your schooling finds you well but if it does not all that would be needed was a letter to your account manager, Wrions, and a new placement will be arranged.

Well met Heir Black, may your gold ever flow.

Sral, manager of the Black family accounts.

At the bottom is a tiny little arrow so she turns the letter over and feels the strong need to cry.


Sral told me everything and I just…

I’m so sorry! I should have been there for you. I should have raised you and protected you but I let my grief and pain decide my actions.

I’ve failed you and I’ve failed James and Lily. But I promise, I promise that this will change.

I’m going to use this chance you’ve given me and I’m going to win this trial then I’m going to take care of you. We’ll get a little house on a hill somewhere, with three bedrooms for me, you and…

And the kid, f*ck. f*ck, Haryana, I’m so sorry. I’m so, so, sorry. I should have been there. I should have…

I love you pup, so much and I’m never going to let anything hurt you again, never ever. We’re going to win this f*cking trial I should have gotten years ago then no one is ever going to f*ck with us again.

I’m going to make this right pup, we’re going to have the life we should of. Starting at Christmas. Sral says that with all the healing I need they won’t let me leave until just before your first year ends but that doesn’t mean that we can’t have a good Christmas. Remus has come by and promised to get me presents for you, he’s your other uncle and I promise you’ll love him. He was always the best of us.

But enough about me! Tell me about you, what house are you in? How was your first day? Have you made any friends? Who are they?

We have a lot to catch up on but I promise that once we’ve caught up we’ll never need to again.

Lots of love,

Sirius Black, Lord Black, Head of the ancient and noble house of Black (Sral made me add that bit, he’s so pushy), and your Dogfather.

She quickly folds it and picks up the letter from Wrions to stop from bawling all over her lunch.

Dear Lady Potter,

It pleases me greatly to inform you that all of your store managers have agreed to meeting you in your yule break, we shall hold a meeting per day, excluding the day you arrive and the day you leave. These will be introductory meeting with each branch you own though if you’d like to host more in-depth meetings at Gringotts we would be more than willing to do so at a discount.

I would also like to pass on a message from Sral, Black account manager:

Do not worry, Gringotts holds your secrets close to it’s heart. We have only informed Lord Black about conditions you have seen fit to share.

Well met Lady Potter, may we keep each other prosperous in the years to come.

Wrions, manager of the Potter accounts.

Haryana pulls out two sheets of parchment and writes her responses.

Dear Sral,

It brings me great happiness to see our efforts baring fruit so fast. It speaks highly of Gringotts as a nation that action can be brought about so fast and I can promise that you have gained a loyal customer in me. May our partnership last for generations to come.

Well met Sral, may your enemies ever tremble at your wealth.

Haryana, heir Black.


Dear Sirius,

You don’t need to apologise for not being there, you were locked away without hope of defending yourself. We’re fixing that now and that’s all that matters.

I would love to move into a house on a hill with you, we could be the house that over decorates every holiday. The one all the kids marvel at as they go past! I’ve always wanted to decerate a Christmas tree or hang fake bats around. There must be lots of magic holidays too! We could decorate for them as well, hell if we time it right the house could never be un-decorated. That might be fun for the little one.

I’ve not decided on a name or anything but we have lots of time to think of one since I’m not giving birth until I’m fifteen. I bet we could come up with the best name in the world by then.

I’m in Ravenclaw!

I’ve made a few friends as well! There is Hermione, she’s in Gryffindor and she’s super smart and sweet, she’s also really good at helping me out of panic attacks. Blaise is in Slytherin and he’s super calm and collected but he’s also super funny. Hannah is in Hufflepuff and she’s super sweet, not like Hermione though. Hermione is like a big sister sweet and Hannah’s like a constantly sleep deprived mother sweet. She’s also super scary when she’s mad and she’s gotten in a fight with Professor McGonagall twice, the second time she got so mad that her hair started floating and the desks moved away from her! And now I’m friends with Neville too! He’s also in Gryffindor with Hermione and we’ve decided to be siblings because his mom was my godmother. Like you’re my godfather!

My first day hasn’t been too bad, because magic is super cool but all we’re doing right now is learning theory. Except in potions but I got a point taken away for my potion being too perfect, what does that even mean? Isn’t that a good thing?

What about you? What house were you in? What houses were my parents in? You mentioned a Remus, who is he?

Also I think you spelled godfather wrong but it’s kind of cute because I have a dog. I bet Sir Floof’s-a-Lot will love you just for that.

I look forward to meeting you during the yule break,

Haryana, your goddaughter.


Dear Wrions,

Thank you for setting up the meeting so fast, you are truly a delight to work with. I look forward to meeting them and discussing how to be a help to them and the business they have built. Could you also pass along my thanks to Sral for keeping my secrets. I would have done so myself, but Lord Black seems to be using his letters to write me and I didn’t want to give myself away.

Well met Wrions, may our gold bolster each other until we are unmatched.

Haryana, Lady Potter.

She folds both letters and puts them in the box. “Pressing the button again will send them back.” Blaise says as he folds his own letter. “It would seem that our mothers have made friends Hermione.”

She presses the button then opens the box again, it’s empty. Cool. She stuffs the letters and the box into her bag. “Mama’s really happy to have someone to research with.” Hermione agrees happily. “Papa’s more of a in-the-moment kind of person so mama has him working with the lawyers.”

“Really?” She sighs as a newspaper drops in front of her. She sees the title and scoffs before moving it away and reaching for a pumpkin juice.

“Someone’s broken into a Gringotts vault?” Susan says in interest as she pulls the paper towards her, several Hufflepuffs perk up and look over. And Hermione who looks like someone slapped her.

“So they say.” She hums as she sips her drink.

“Aren’t you curious?” Hermione asks.

“Why? It has nothing to do with me.” The bells goes off and she downs the rest of her drink. “Come on Blaise, if I’m late to anymore classes today I think I might cry.” She means it as a joke but he downs his coffee with a grimes before getting up.

“Can’t have that, I’ll see you for the trade off Hermione.” He says before passing a plate to Susan. “Make sure Hannah gets that.”

“Or what?” Susan says with fake bravado that crumbles when Blaise leans over her menacingly.

“Make. Sure. Hannah. Gets. That.” He says again, slower. “We wouldn’t want her to go hungry now, would we?”

“Why do you even care.” Susan bites but she takes the plate.

“Because Hannah is my friend and I protect my friends.” He says simply before holding his arm out to her. She takes it easily.

“I’ll see you both in an hour.” Hermione promises as she gets up as well, hugging them both before darting out of the hall.

They make it to Defence and Haryana steals herself to a class full of migraines but… but there’s nothing. Not even a slight sting. Huh.

She spends the whole class tense but Quirrell stutters the same lesson she remembers from the first time around, well no, she’s gaining more now that her head isn’t splitting in two but still. It’s almost surprising when Quirrell asks her to stay behind, Blaise stays too because he was stubborn like that and it makes her feel one hundred times better.

“Well, M-Miss Potter. I just w-wanted you to k-know that no m-matter what you’ll a-always be welcome here. T-To talk or just t-to hide. We are all s-scared of something and I h-have taken a lot of e-effort to make this p-place a repellent f-for most monsters.” He assures, there are little flakes of red in his eyes when she looks long enough telling her exactly who was extending the offer. Why? What did he gain by giving her a safe space?

“Thank you Professor.” She says softly before she lets Blaise tug her away, she doesn’t think that she’ll take him up on it mostly because she’s sure its some kind of trap but it was a nice thought. Someplace safe.

“You guys are late.” Hermione complains. “What happened?”

“Thanks for lunch, Blaise. Neville and I shared it.” Hannah says with a beaming smile as Neville shuffles awkwardly next to her.

“Professor Quirrell just wanted me to know that I could hide in his classroom if I it got to much.” She promises Hermione before turning to Neville and smiling. “How’s your wrist? All better?”

“I… yeah, yeah it’s all better.” He says after a pause, rolling it so she can see.

“That’s really great, maybe we can learn a spell that would make the floor softer. Bye Hannah! Bye Blaise!”

“Bye Haryana, have fun in Herbology.” Hannah says brightly before dragging Blaise to charms.

Neville is so much more confident in Herbology that Haryana feels really bad for not paying attention to him for her first few years.

“That is correct Mr Longbottom, take a point for Gryffindor.” Professor Sprout says happily as Neville correctly identifies the wiggentree.

“Well done brother.” She grins making him beam and hug her tightly. They stay in their little three person huddle for the rest of the class as Neville whispers little herbology secrets and tool handling tips, clearly emboldened by all of the praise. She underestimated how much she’d enjoy seeing him more confident, she so hopes it would be able to last through his next potion lesson… maybe she can get Hermione and Blaise to double order their ingredients? Or get him a box of his own?

“Miss Potter, dear? If you could stay back for a bit, I’ll walk you up to the headmasters office.” Professor Sprout says quickly making her shrink a little, right, that was a thing happening.

She packs a little slower and smiles reassuringly when Hermione and Neville send her looks.

“Are you ready?” Professor Sprout asks smiling when she nods. “Well come along dear, let’s get this over with so we can eat dinner faster.”

She follows Professor Sprout through the halls, students look at them questionly as they head away from the hall but all of them leave them alone. Soon they’re stepping through the headmasters office.

"Haryana, my girl. Please, have a seat." Dumbledore says with his normal grandfatherly kindness.

"I’m not your anything." She says stiffly as she continues to stand.

"I meant no harm." Dumbledore assures. She glares, she doesn’t want to be here. “Lemon drop?”


Dumbledore sighs and folds his hands into his lap. “We only want to help Haryana.”

“I got help, from the goblins.” She hisses. “Who are my guardians until my godfather is freed from his unlawful imprisonment. I don’t need you.”

“Be at peace miss Potter, all this was meant to be was a confirmation that you knew all of the options available to you.” Professor Flitwick promises. “You’ve gone over everything medically with the goblin healers, yes?”

“I have.”

“And what option are you going with?”

“Partial stasis.”

“Ah, a safe choice however that does complicate some of your classes. Potions is a big one, there are many potions that are dangerous to be made during a pregnancy. There may be times when you’re told to have a free period instead of entering the class. Is that okay?”

“I-I guess. I didn’t really think about that.”

“Of course, you didn’t.” Snape scoffs and it fuels a furious fire in her chest.

“I’m sorry that I didn’t think I was going to be pregnant at eleven. I’m so sorry my f*cked-up life has to affect you. Asshole.” They all seem to rear back at the paseltongue but she’s fast losing the ability to care. She was f*cking seventeen for Merlin’s sake. "Was there anything else I need to know?" She asks Professor Flitwick since he seemed to be the most reasonable.

"I'm afraid we'll have to postpone your flying lessons until the baby's born." He adds which... she's not going to lie, that was one of the things she was looking forward to, being a part of the Quidditch team again. "You'll also start needing food made separately for you so I'll charm you a private plate and goblet for that. And no caffeine."

“No need to make different food for me, I’ll hire a personal chief or something. Are we done? I’d like to be done now.”

“Now Haryana, I don’t think…” Dumbledore starts but Flitwick cuts him off.

“Yes, miss Potter, we’re done. Would you mind accompanying me on a quick trip to Gringotts? We really must get your food situation sorted as soon as possible.”

“Now Filius, I can’t possibly ask you to go on your own.” Dumbledore starts again.

“I-I’ll go t-too.” Quirrell stutters, shrinking as everyone looks at him. “I d-don’t like ho-ow full the g-g-great hall is a-at meals.”

“Okay.” She agrees because any reason to get the hell out of this office is a good one. She might also get to see Sirius so this was turning out to be a win-win.

And so, after Dumbledore tries several more times to deny them, the four of them set off towards Flitwick’s office. Four because Dumbledore makes them take McGonagall with them. Does she need three teachers stalking her through Gringotts? No. Is she going to accept it until she can give them the slip? Sure.

“Alright miss Potter, Professor McGonagall and I will go first to show you what to do then you can try. Okay?” Flitwick says as he takes a pinch of Floo powder.

“Okay.” She says as she runs through the possibilities of what she could do alone with Voldemort.

Gringotts.” And with a whoosh he’s gone.

Gringotts.” McGonagall echoes before she too is gone.

If you don’t f*ck with me I won’t f*ck with you.” She hisses as she pinches a little floo powder. Quirrell’s grip on the pot tightens as his eyes flare a bloody red.

How did you figure me out little one, not even Dumbledore suspects.” Voldemort hisses back.

I’m Lady Slytherin by conquest, so thank you for that, but did you really think I wouldn’t have my heir hunted down when I saw the heir ring missing? I may be new at all this.” She waves her hand, not holding the floo powder, at her surroundings. “But I’m not stupid.

No.” He muses as he watches her with an interested gleam in his eyes. “No, you’re not. You’re offering a truce?

I don’t know what I want to do yet. You murdered my parents but Dumbledore left me in hell for a decade. I think you’re both pompous assholes and frankly I’m too young to even comprehend your bullsh*t. So I’m just going to sit this sh*t show out until I’m old enough to make a proper decision.” Never mind that she actually was old enough to make a choice like that.

You swear a lot for one so young but I suppose you make a valid point. I accept your truce Lady Slytherin.” He hisses, clearly very pleased with how the conversation went.

I’ve had bad role models.” She snorts before grinning at him, also pleased that he wouldn’t be actively coming after her like he had before. Maybe she’d have a few normal years. “Well met Heir Slytherin. Gringotts!” She tosses the floo powder into the fireplace and steps through, bumping into Griphook who was walking passed. “I’m sorry Griphook, magical transport hates me.”

The snarl on his face shifts into a pleasantly surprised expression in seconds. “Haryana, welcome back. Have you decided to take Gringotts up on it’s offer to find you a decent wizarding school?” They had never talked about that but the sick look on McGonagall and Flitwick’s face was priceless so she grins at him.

“Not yet though I promise to look through all those pamphlets when I have the time. We’re here for a surprise visit to Wrions, do you think she’ll be mad?”

“With you? Only if you invested very poorly.” Griphook laughs as Quirrell stumbles through the floo. “This may be the perfect time for you to drop by actually, she’s currently arguing with a wizard and a dwarf.”

“Really?” She asks, completely forgetting about the trio of adults following behind her as she gets absorbed back into the energy Gringotts seems to bring out of her. “Why?”

“The construction company we usually use to assess structural integrity has decided to end it’s contract with Gringotts early because the new CEO doesn’t want to work with dirty goblins. Bank manager Eekz is furious and in the process of bankrupting them for the insult so, as the one needing assess structural integrity of multiple buildings at the moment the job of finding a new company to work with falls onto Wrions.”

“I’m sorry.” She says making Griphook laugh at her.

“Don’t be, she’ll complain but she’s having a lot of fun finally being able to do things. She wanted to be a guard originally but your old manager, her mother, died soon after your parents did. A good time I suppose as she was able to learn without dealing with wizards who wouldn’t care for morning times.”

“Ah.” She says before hearing an angry burst of Gobbledegook from the room they were heading towards. “Is there anything I should know before we enter? So I don’t look like an idiot.”

“If you want quality go for the dwarves.” Griphook tells her before opening the door. “You three can wait here.” Before the teachers can protest he ushers her into the room and shuts the door. “Wrions, you have a visitor.”

Wrions spins towards them with a snarl before spotting her. “Ah, Lady Potter, perfect. Please tell your account manager that we are the construction contractors you want.” A flashy wizard says as he completely brushes past Wrions and the pissed off looking dwarf at her side. “Why would an upstanding witch like yourself pick any other option.”

She blinks at him once, turning over the fact that he hadn’t even told her his name, before dismissing him in her mind and walking towards Wrions and her dwarven guest. “Well met Wrions, I’m sorry to interrupt your meeting. Well met master Dwarf, I’m Haryana.”

“No trouble Lady Potter, this is actually helpful since they will be checking you properties." Wrions promises with a truly terrifying grin. Which is how she meets Githol Stormfeet of Stormfeet construction and Chervil Goldhorn of Goldhorn inspections.

"It's nice to meet you both." One less so than the other. "But there is only one way to settle this in a timely manner, tell me your price ranges and what services you provide."

"Well it would be unfair to name a single price when we don't know what we're working with." Chervil says with the worst impression of a kind smile she's ever seen.

"Here is our price list for inspections as well as the safety deposit. You'll get it back if we experience no collapses, it is also subject to change if any of my teams are injured." Githol says gruffly as he ands over one of the three parchments in his hand. "This is our starting fees for repairs and this is our construction menu for if you want to make extensions. I can also promise that every one of my teams will be willing to work with any goblin teams you would set to work on wards." He hands over the other two parchments for her to pursue, clearly the more prepared one out of the two. And yet Chervil still looks like she'll hire him.

"I see." She muses as she reads through all of the pricing lists, Haryana and the determination to make the adults deal with the adult problems - Chapter 1 - TheCuriousCat - Harry Potter (27)3,000for the three castle inspections alone but apart from the Haryana and the determination to make the adults deal with the adult problems - Chapter 1 - TheCuriousCat - Harry Potter (28)500safety deposit per property (which she'd hopefully get back) there was no options for increasing prices. "I'm sorry Mr Goldhorn but Mr Stormfeet is the best option at this time. Wrions, could you have a contract drawn up for Mr Githol? I'd like him paid upfront and could you note down that I want to use Stormfeet construction exclusively for any building needs? We should have a retainers fee paid to them too, right? Say Haryana and the determination to make the adults deal with the adult problems - Chapter 1 - TheCuriousCat - Harry Potter (29)200per month they aren't working a job for us for priority? Does that sound fair, Mr Stormfeet?"

"It'sLord Goldhorn you snivelling little brat." Chervil snarls as he swings his hand to backhand her, his lordship ring glinting in the firelight and she knows from experience that it's going to hurt. Wrions is on her desk and ready to launch herself at the wizard, Githol has also shifted his weight for a tackle but neither of them will make it in time. There is a sudden swirl of furious dark magic coming from her stomach as Chervil's hand starts it's downward arch.


A furious swirl of magic comes fromTom. It builds and flows until it's all she can feel, her inherent light magic swarmed protectively by inky darkness. She can shape it if she wants, all Tom seems to be able to do is push the power up but he's still only as small as a poppy seed. Still frozen in stasis. All she'd need to do is give in a little and...


At the click of her fingers bones in Chervil's hand shatter, shredding the skin holding them in. There is a pregnant pause in the air as all that hits her is blood and little chunks of bone before another wet creaking sound fills the room before his wrist splinters. Chervil finally seems to register the pain, screaming and clutching his arm as it too starts making the wet creaking noise.

"I have decided that I'm done letting others strike me." She tells him tersely before waving her hand at him, covering him in a silencing charm. "Sorry about that, where were we?"

Githol doesn't even look at Chervil as he drops out of his fighting stance. "Stromfeet construction will work with you Lady Potter, send the contracts to our office."

"We will." Wrions promises with a sharp grin. Githol nods to both of them before walking through the floo attached to Wrions' office. "As much as the wizard annoyed me it would be ill advised to kill him, his company has a sizable vault here though nowhere near the size of yours."

"I wasn't going to kill him." She pouts before looking over and realising that he'd passed out from the pain, the shattering now taking hold of his shoulder. "f*ck." She quickly pulls her (Tom's) magic from the spell. "... How much is that going to cost me to fix?" She sighs.

"Barely anything at all." Wrions promises with a feral grin, there is five minuets of healers running around but when they wake Chervil up to kick him out there isn't a mark on him. "Now, what was your actual reason you are here? Don't tell me you've gotten bored with Hogwarts already, it's only been a day."

"... Oh! No, I'm in need of a private chief. Professor Flitwick brought up at most of the food at Hogwarts would be unsafe for me to eat."

The somewhat feral grin that has not completely left Wrions face grows again as she leans forward. "How do you feel about werewolves?"

Dena and Dewitt Hare, ironicly funny last name for werewolves, were a pair of somewhat elderly twins who used to own one of the most prestigious wizarding restaurants in New York. Before they came to Brittan for a long overdue holiday and got attacked by a werewolf that is. Suddenly due to both Brittan and American magical law they were not allowed to own a business nor have a Gringotts account. Their next in comand was more than happy to leave them stranded with no gold or any way home.

They are decidedlypissed when Wrions calls them into her office, funnily enough they had already been in the bank trying to sort something out, even more so with the reason.

"We thought they were lying." Dena snarls after a sniff of the room.

"Your paper is always filled with lies." Dewitt growls.

"But with enough truth for it to not be banned." She agrees before waving her hand at the seats in front of her. "You both look very tired so I'll cut to the chase. I need two personal chiefs becauseit has been brought to my attention that the house-elves at Hogwarts don’t know the dietary restrictions of a pregnant person. Though why would they since they feed children.” She tells them politely as they sit. “I, of course, understand that you will be quite busy with the firing and re-hiring of staff at your old restaurant but I was hoping we could charm some plates so you could whip me up meals. I completely understand if you can’t though. I was thinking fifty gallons per meal? Oh! What was the name of your restaurant by the way?”

Dena and Dewitt share a look before Dewitt inclines his head. “Solstice. We do not own it anymore through as laws do not permit werewolves to own anything.”

“Solstice, it sounds lovely.” She says with a gentle smile.

“It was.” Dena growls angrily. “We worked for decades to build up it’s name.”

“And you’ll work there for many more.” She promises. “You won’t own it of course, laws don’t permit as you said, but I am primarily London based at the moment so you’ll be the managing body of it, as well as any other branches you wish to open. And, of course, I’ll need to be on the property for a small amount of time for it not to look suspect but inspections of staff working and having a nice meal with my family do look quite similar, no? You will also, as operational managers, have complete access to the vault I’ll be setting up for the restaurant as well. How is your housing situation?”

“They sold our houses.” Dewitt says breathlessly as realisation dawns on both of them.

“How rude. Wrions, I want those too. Have a team work with the Hare’s to get a complete inventory of their holding just in case things have been sold separately, I’ll pay top price for maximum viciousness. Also arrange for new housing for those who just bought the houses if they didn’t know about the previous owners. They can rot if they did.” She muses as she turns over the problem in her mind.

“Of course, Lady Potter. I’ll put in our beginning offers as soon as we’re done here.” Wrions promises. “The plates you talk about can be bought in Faerie Fire, if their preliminary inventory is correct, they are quoted as ‘stretching to far you could be on the other side of the world as still receive a hot meal’. You can purchase them while I go over the hiring paperwork with Miss and Mr Hare.”

“You.” Dena says as she rumbles happily, rubbing her wrists all over Haryana’s face and neck. “You have given us back our lives.” Dewitt follows Dena’s lead and it’s only the knowledge that this was a werewolf thing (Remus had done it a few times when he’d been drunk enough to let the wolf out a little) that keeps her still through it. “You eat for free.”

“I can’t eat for free. Solstice is a high-end restaurant! The food must be expensive!” She protests but Dewitt shh’s her by pinching her cheeks.

“You. Eat. For. Free pup.” Dewitt rumbles. “You and your pup, forever.”


“Hush, no arguing. Go and buy the plates.” Dena cuts off with a cheek pinch of her own.


“No. Arguing.” Dena growls making her throw her hands up.

“Fine! I’ll be back in an hour, at most.” She huffs making the twins rumble happily. “I’m sorry to dump more on your plate Wrions.”

“I haven’t had this much fun in years.” Wrions grins. “I’ll let Griphook know to send you straight back here when you return.”

She sighs fondly before leaving the room. “Well?” Flitwick asks as he looks her over. “You were in there a while.”

“Sorry.” She says softly. “Wrions helped me get two chiefs but while they’re sorting out payment and work hours she thought it would be best if I bought a charmed plate set so that they didn’t need to be at Hogwarts to feed me. I just need to pop in again when we get back to sign the finished paperwork then we can go back. Promise.”

“W-Well, lead t-t-the way.” Quirrell stutters, a slight red gleam to his eyes.

“Are you sure you shouldn’t be in there?” McGonagall asks as they leave, she makes sure to wave at Griphook as they go. He bows his head at her with a grin before turning back to… Lucious Malfoy, huh. “Goblins are known to be… tricky.” The unsaid greedy hangs in the air.

“To you maybe, but Wrions is my current guardian. The first one I’ve ever trusted because she tells me the fees for her services upfront instead of hiding it as a trap behind fake smiles and twinkling eyes.” She says with a bright smile and dead eyes making McGonagall stumble just a tad. “And all she wants is money. It’s the most harmless thing anyone has ever wanted from me. Why would I not jump at the idea?” McGonagall has nothing to say to that so she continues to Faerie Fire. Voldemort, clearly wearing Quirrell’s face full force now, looks so very interested when the manager is at their sides as soon as she opens the door.

“Haryana, how lovely to see you again.” Pearle Aves says with a professional air about her. “How is your telescope treating you?”

“I’ve not gotten the chance to use it I’m afraid.” She says just as politely, Pearle nods once in understanding.

“No, I don’t suppose you have. Was there a particular reason for your visit this evening or are you here to browse? We have just gotten in a lovely set of Yeti fur rugs this morning, very soft and the perfect start to a long school day.”

Haryana opens her mouth then closes it with narrowed eyes, Pearle’s eyes sparkle in victory. “It wasn’t hunted?”

“We here at Faerie Fire work with a number of nature reserves to make sure that all creatures are treated greatly in life, what makes items such as this so valued is that we wait until our creatures die of natural causes before we even consider if they can be used for such things.” She narrows her eyes further and Pearle’s lips twitch up just enough for Haryana to know that she was going to be walking out with these likely ridiculous rugs. “We haven’t started advertising yet so you’ll be the first to see them.”

“Oh for Morgana’s sake fine.” She huffs. “But I’ll have you know that I’m only here for a charmed plate set. We can talk actual furniture when Wrions finishes the inventory on my properties, some of them have been unused for far to long and I’m sure some pieces will need to be replaced.”

“We offer restioration survices.” Pearle says politely as she waves down a sales witch. “Please open a tab for Haryana and add the Yeti rugs to it.”

“I’m only buying a plate set.” She protests as Pearle starts walking towards the kitchen-wear section of the enlarged store.

“Of course, Haryana, though it would be remiss of me not to show you the matching tea set, nor the matching goblets.”

“… I’m only putting up with this because I’m getting some of this back.” She sighs as she lets herself be dragged around.

“Of course.” Pearle says with the same air of polite professionalism even though she clearly thinks her reasoning is bullsh*t.

So… Pearle was very good at her job and Haryana is convinced that the only reason she walked out with just the telescope last time was because the sales witch helping her out was new.

“I don’t even own a den, why do I now have plush den chairs.” McGonagall whispers to herself angrily, no one had been unscathed in Pearle’s whirlwind sales pitch.

In addition to her Yeti rugs, both massive so she’d be gifting on to Sirius so he’d have a nice place to nap as Padfoot, she’d gotten a crystal flower plate and bowl set, the matching goblet and pitcher, cutlery, and a tea set. Then in a move so very Slytherin Pearle’s eyes had moved past her and locked onto her teachers. It was only then, watching Pearle ruthlessly bleed the three of them dry, that she realised the stern woman had been quite kind to her. Voldemort had clearly been both pissed and impressed when she’d turned her eyes on him but he’d not been able to do anything.

“Wrions, I want to give Pearle Aves a raise.” She says as she sweeps back into Wrions meeting room, not even caring that the door hadn’t even shut yet meaning that the three teachers stuck waiting in the hall heard every word.

“Oh?” Wrions hums as the door clicks shut.

“She sold McGonagall three, Haryana and the determination to make the adults deal with the adult problems - Chapter 1 - TheCuriousCat - Harry Potter (30)2,000, chairs for a den she doesn’t even own.” She tells Wrions happily as she puts her purchases down.

“… Are those Yeti rugs?” Wrions asks after a moment.

“Less happy about that.” She huffs. “Can you send one to Sral for Sirius? Since I can’t get it to him directly.”

“I can, for…”

“A small fee?” She laughs as she sits, digging out her fountain pen and her black ink so she can sign the paperwork Wrions pushes towards her.

“Children, they grow up so fast.” Wrions grins before scrawling out a note to Sral, she snaps her fingers and both the note and one of the rugs disappear. “It may take a few weeks to completely acquire Solstice as well as the Hare’s old properties.”

She nods because that’s fair. “Book them a room each at Illusion, somewhere warm and werewolf friendly so they can have an actual holiday, baring meals.”

“Illusion?!” Dewitt asks in slight panic. “Pup, you don’t have to do that.”

“We’ve worked in Illusion, pup.” Dena adds as she fluffs Haryana’s hair. “We know how expensive it is.”

“… there are three who match your requirements. One, Tulum, Quintana Roo, Mexico. Two, Bavaro, Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. And three, Montego Bay, Jamaica.” Wrions says as she flips through some parchment on her desk.”

“It’s fine.” She says with a smile as she pets them both. “I own Illusion. Speaking of, is there one that has a Genius in a Bottle and The Little Cape stores nearby? Can we notify them that the Hare’s are my VIP guests too and to charge any purchases made to my vault?”

“Haryana.” Dena says in a slightly scolding tone.

“I want you both to be happy working for me.” She sighs. “And you’ve been through so much. I own those stores too if it helps. So really, I’m getting the money back. Plus, you need clothes and wolf’s bane potions.”

“… How much of the upper crust do you own?” Dewitt asks with a curious head tilt.

“A lot.” Wrions answers smugly before turning to her. “If you want both then Tulum, Quintana Roo, Mexico is the one to go for.”

“That’s great, and Mexico is next door to America so it won’t be too much travel to get back home once Wrions sorted it out.” She beams as she looks back to the two werewolves. They were old and proud, and clearly even the thought of accepting was hurting that pride. But, as nice as her offer was, it was the only option they had not to be homeless until things settled. She kind of understands because if anyone had offered her this she would have tried everything to find a way not to accept as well.

“You and your pup eat free.” Dena finally says with a distinctly threatening air.

“Forever.” Dewitt adds with a slight growl.

Haryana glares too because she hates compromise and she hates that they’ve got her number so well in the few minutes they’ve known her that they knew she’d find a way to pay them anyway. “Fine.”

They pinch her cheeks again on the way to the floo and grin when she swats at them. “So…” Wrions says when the floo dies down. “How much of magical Brittian should I prepare to purchase on behalf of the Potter family?” Wrions doesn’t look mad, in fact she looks down right delighted at the prospect of full on financial domination.

It makes Haryana pause because if Wrions is suggesting it then that means she could do it. “All of it, starting with Knockturn alley. After we’ve settled everything with what I currently own, best if we don’t spread ourselves too thin.”

“We should have everything in order by the start of your second year.” Wrions says gleefully.

“I’m looking forward to it.” She says with a yawn.

“As am I, Lady Potter. Now off to bed with you. I have work to do.”

“All sorted?” Flitwick asks as he floats their purchases down to the night bus stop since there was no way they’d be able to floo with it all.

“Yeah.” She answers sleepily. “The Hare twins are great.”

“… Dena and Dewitt Hare?” McGonagall asks slowly.

“Yeah.” She answers, spying Rita’s beetle form fluttering about.

“Miss Potter, they’re werewolves.” She says like it was some kind of scary deterrent.

“So?” She snaps, stopping so that they wouldn’t make it to the bus stop. She had a plan that hopefully Rita would be unknowingly on board with. “So just because someone attacked them on their first holiday in a decade I’m supposed to just let them starve in a country they don’t know? They’re American! And their own ministry took away the vault they spent decades slowly filling while they struggled to build Solstice from nothing then demanded they somehow pay to get back into the country!”

“Haryana…” McGonagall tries to start but she’s on a roll.

“Not that getting back would matter because they’ve sold their homes and handed away Solstice. Who do you think I am professor? I’ve been starved constantly by my muggle relatives, why did you ever think I’d let the government do it to someone else? In fact, as soon as I get back I’m writing my account manager to inform her that any werewolves, no, any creatures who get a hold of her and need help finding a place to live, or feeding their families, will get it. I apparently have more than enough! Honestly! The lot of you are turning out to be horrid people!” She yells before storming the rest of the way to the bus stop. “I want to go to bed now, please.”

Quirrell holds his hand out, wand pointed straight up, and the night bus crashes into life. “H-H-Hogwarts please.” He stutters as he helps her on, eyes alight with amused red.

It’s not until she’s sitting furiously in her bed, her Yeti rug placed under it and stretching just far enough to completely cover her area, that she realises that maybe she’d made a not-so-great choice. f*ck.

Dear Wrions,

I may have angrily offered my aid, through you, to a number of creatures the ministry has shunned for being themselves. And by a number I mean all… in front of a reporter for the Daily Prophet…

Please don’t kill me.

Haryana, head of the most noble house of Potter

She places the letter in her Gringotts mailbox and waits. It’s a little terrifying that she doesn’t even have to wait long.

Dear Lady Potter,

All businesses under you have heard of how quickly and brutality you dismantled The Familiar, I assure you they will be more than willing to curry favour with you. Being temporary housing while your properties are deemed safe and liveable or having reasons to hire competent staff instead of pureblood heirs.

I am not mad at you simply because I will be charging you a small fee for every head that interrupts my current tasks. As I’m sure you well know by now.

I also thought you’d like to know that Stormfeet construction has just sent back the signed business contracts, I’ll approve the total amount before I leave the office as promised so they can start in the morning. Your headmaster will be receiving a note informing him and his staff of the conditions in which they must vacate Hogwarts this summer in the morning, during breakfast. Signed by the Slytherin account manager of course.

A present for my most delightful client who pays me so much in transaction fees.

Wrions, account manager of the Potter family accounts.

Haryana sags and snuggles Floof, of course Wrions would roll with the punches. She falls asleep relieved.

Blaise, Hermione and Hannah are waiting for her at the front doors. But so are Neville, Susan, Draco and Daphne. “Well met.” She manages to get out before Hannah’s crushing her to her chest.

“Haryana! We were so worried when Professor Dumbledore came to dinner with most of the teachers and you didn’t come back too!”

“Are you okay?” Hermione asks worriedly.

“I’m fine, just needed to sort out a food option.” She gasps when Hannah lets her go.

“Food option?” Blaise asks as he sips his coffee.

“Well, professor Flitwick pointed out that it might be dangerous for me to eat certain foods and the elves only really know how to feed kids. So they took me out of Hogwarts for the night to get a personal chief. I’ve got charmed plates and everything.”

“Makes sense.” Blaise says before sweeping his unoccupied arm at Draco and Daphne. “These are Heir Malfoy and Heir Greengrass, they wanted to join us on our run this morning.”

She smiles and holds her hand out to them, Draco hadn’t been so bad in the end. Just a kid forced to do things he didn’t want to protect his family. “It’s nice to meet you both. Please, call me Haryana.”

“Call me Draco then.” Draco says a little oddly as he takes her hand.

“And call me Daphne.” Daphne adds as she too shakes her hand. “Shall we run?”

“Urg.” Hannah groans. “Running, I was so worried I forgot I wanted to be the one with the water at the end.”

“You could go get the water now.” Susan points out as she ties her hair up. “By the time you get to the end with them then we should be there too.”

“Oh! Good point!” Hannah says happily. “I’ll see you guys there!” And then she was gone.

“Ready Sir Floof’s-a-lot?” Floof barks up at her and wriggles his but in the air. “Let’s go then!”

Hannah is waiting for them at the end with professor Flitwick. A bunch of floating goblets and a water jug next to them.

“Water.” Neville gasps as he crashes to the ground, Draco is no less tired and supper prissy about it as he snatches his own goblet. Hermione and Daphne fair a little better, able to actually sit down in a dignified fashion before taking their goblets.

“My aunt is head of the DMLE.” Susan says with a shrug as she calmly takes her cup.

“Mother likes jogging.” Blaise adds simply as he starts drinking his coffee again, how he hadn’t spilt it is a mystery.

“My cousin and his friends used to like beating me up randomly so I got good at out running them.” She adds since this was apparently sharing time. Pulling out her own crystal flower goblet because it cost her lots of money so she was going to use it until she wore it down to nothing. Flitwick flinches a little when he sees it, likely thinking about the four crystal wizarding chess sets he now had sitting in his office. Each detailed to look like a duelling champion. She had one reserved for herself when Pearle had them remade because she thought it was cool having a tiny crystal Flitwick.

“See, does no one see this sh*t?!” Hannah cries as she waves her arms around. “You don’t just say things as casually as this unless it was an everyday occurrence!”

“I’ll add it to the list of things I’m sending Aunty in our weekly letters.” Susan promises.

“A point from Hufflepuff for language, miss Abbott.” Flitwick says making Hannah scowl at him. “And three points to Hufflepuff each for being good friends.”

“You could stay with us.” Draco offers as he pushes himself up. “Your grandmother was a Black, my mother’s great aunt. We are cousins, if a little distantly.”

That… it’s such a sweet offer that it shatters a lot of the image she had of Draco in her head. This Draco, eleven-years-old and untouched by war, was offering up his home simply because she’d admitted to being abused.

“I’m spending Christmas at Gringotts to go over some business, but we could try and meet up during the summer. I… I would like to know more family.”

“I don’t believe we’ll be leaving Brittan this year so it’s doable.” He says with a slight smile. “I’ll send a letter to mother and father about it.”

They all trudge their way to breakfast and Haryana happily sets out her new crystal dining set. She runs her finger along the furthest left petal and after a moment two slices of perfectly toasted bread appear, they have slices of avocado and boiled egg on top of them with a sprinkling of sesame seeds. The teapot lets out a little steam as to fills with green tea, from The Yawning Blossom if the little tag is to be believed. And the jug gains condensation as it fills with fresh strawberry juice.

To our little cub,

Welcome to your first taste of our Foods from around the world. Enjoy.

Dena and Dewitt Hare.

She grins happily at the note and carefully places it into her bag before digging in. It tastes really good. Better than anything she’d ever eaten. Made so much better when the mail comes.

Her food has been eaten, juice shared between her steadily growing friend group, and the now empty dishes cleaned and put back into her bag when the first owl screeches through the hall. She sips at her green tea as she watches a letter land artfully in front of Dumbledore, she only takes her eyes off of him for a second to read the title of the Daily Prophet that lands at her elbow before grinning and looking back to the head table.

Haryana Potter calls the wizarding world Horrid for its treatment of werewolves and swears to help everyone the Ministry of Magic has failed. Is she right about us?

Rita was delightful when not aimed at her.

Dumbledore starts off calmly reading the letter but then he starts paling, by the end he looks positively sick. What had Wrions said to him? He passes the letter to McGonagall who also looks panicked at the end, then they both get up and leave.

“What did you do?” Blaise asks calmly as Hannah, Daphne and Susan drag Hermione into makeup and fashion talks and both Neville and Draco discuss herbology.

“Me? Nothing.” She says with a grin before saluting him slightly with her cup.

“I like being your friend Haryana.” He muses after a second. “I can tell it’s not going to be boring.”

“No matter how hard I try it seems.” He snorts making Draco and Daphne pause to stare at him.

It becomes routine. Run in the mornings, have amazing food, read updates from Wrions, go to lessons, teach Parseltongue, go to bed. She makes it all the way up to Halloween without any bullsh*t.

Then Voldemort, the utter drama queen, runs into the great hall and starts yelling about a Troll again. Damn it, she’d forgotten about that.

It starts out as a pretty good day since everyone avoids her, even her friends who seemed to think she was mourning. She’s not but whatever. Dewitt, her chief for the day, makes her pancakes with bacon strips and two fried eggs for breakfast. And classes have actually started teaching magic. Like charms.

Ron making Hermione cry should have been a sign. “It’s Levi-osa, not Levio-sar. She’s a nightmare, honestly.” He huffs. Tears spring to Hermione’s eyes and before Ron can say another she turns around and decks him. “Oi!”

“You do not get to insult my friend for trying to help you!” She snarls and its only the bubbling of Tom’s magic that stops her from casting at all. He’ll eleven, she keeps repeating in her head, can’t curse an eleven-year-old.

“It’s fine.” Hermione whispers and she moves her glower from Ron.

“It’s not fine, you’re crying.”

“Really, I just want to be alone for a bit.” Hermione promises before running off.

“You had better apologise to her, right now Weasley or I’ll ruin you.” She hisses before darting off to the great hall. “Hannah! Some idiot made Hermione cry and she doesn’t want to talk to me. Can you pretend to need the toilet?”

“No need to pretend.” Hannah says with a quick hug. “Save me some juice!”

“Always.” She promises as Hannah darts out of the hall.

Blaise raises an eyebrow at her as he sits, they had finally branched out to eating at the Slytherin and Gryffindor tables this meal was at the Slytherin table. She shrugs and gets her dinning set out, setting the first plate down as Quirrell bursts into the room.

“Troll! In the dungeon! Troll in the dungeon! Thought you ought to know.” Motherf*cker she thinks furiously as children around her start to scream. She shoves the plate back into her bag just in time for Blaise to hook his arm through hers to drag her with the rest of the crowd.

“SILENCE!” Dumbledore yells. “Everyone will please not panic. Now, prefects will lead their house back to their dormitories. Teachers will follow me to the dungeons.”

f*cking, f*ck! “Hermione Granger and Hannah Abbott are in the toilets!” She shouts making him turn to her, along with everyone else. “They don’t know about the troll, and it could have moved since professor Quirrell saw it last.”

“Thank you for informing us, is there anyone else not here?” No one answers. “Very well, Professor McGonagall, professor Sprout, could you search the bathrooms for miss Granger and miss Abbott? The rest of us will go to the dungeon.” Then the teachers rush out.

“Our common room is in the dungeons.” Pansy whispers in horror and she almost sighs.

“Prefect Percy! Can your common room fit the Hufflepuffs too? There common room is really close to the dungeons. Ravenclaw will take the Slytherins!” She calls as the prefects start ussuring students to the doors of the great hall.

“It can! That’s a really smart idea! Okay, Gryffindor! Hufflepuff! Follow me!”

“Ravenclaw! Slytherin! This way!” The Ravenclaw prefect calls before following.

On the way Percy taps on the sides of a few portraits. “Please inform the teachers that Hufflepuff students will be staying in Gryffindor tower until the troll is captured. The Slytherin students will be in Ravenclaw tower for the same reason.” The people in the portraits nod and rush off.

“Stay safe brother! Keep an eye out for Hannah and Hermione!” She calls as they start splitting off.

“You too sister!” Neville calls back.

“A troll, loose in the school. Father will be furious about this.” Draco growls. “Dumbledore will likely block owls so we can’t tell anyone, father insists that he’s the worst thing to happen to Hogwarts.”

“You could use my Gringotts mailbox.” She offers because honestly that troll could have easily killed Hermione last time, still can’t believe she forgot about this(!), and maybe getting in trouble would temper some of Dumbledore’s schemes. “I mean, I’d have to send it to my account manager but for a small fee I’m sure she’d be happy to send it on to your father.”

“You have a Gringotts mailbox?” Pansy asks in interest.

“Yes, someone bound an owl mail repulsion ward onto my magical core, along with some other stuff. Since it was the least detrimental the goblin healers are leaving it to last.”

“Your core is bound?” Daphne asks calmly.

“Less so than before I became a ward of the goblin nation. I should be completely unbound just after Christmas break next year. I’m really excited.”

“I see.” She hums, what’s with Slytherins and their need to be constantly emotionless? “Can I use your Gringotts mailbox too? I need to send a letter to my father.”

“Sure.” She says as they walk into the Ravenclaw common room She finds the biggest table and starts setting up her dinning set, penning out a quick note before sending it off.


There’s a troll running around our school so we’re all missing lunch, can I buy all of your spare food today? Would you have enough time to get more? It’s okay if not.


“What are you doing?” Blaise asks.

“Hopefully ordering food for us all.” She tells him as the right corner of her plate flashes. She pokes the left side and a reply appears.

Are you safe cub? Anyone hurt?

Of course you can order your schoolmates lunch. How many are we feeding?

And don’t you understate the amount to save us food, our suppliers are on standby and have more than enough to supply a big order.


“From Solstice? You’re ordering everyone here lunch from Solstice?” Draco says slowly. “The most prestigious restaurant in America? That Solstice.”

One-hundred and sixty-eight.

It’s really okay if you can’t.

“That is the one, yes. Though there are a lot of us so they might say no.”

Easy, we’ve catered to more with less time before. We’ll send over selections as they’re made. Have a good lunch Cub.

“Or they’ll say yes.” She says in shock. “Wow, okay.” She gently grabs the corners of her plate and pulls, stretching it out until it became a large platter, then she does the same to the bowl. “I’ve only got one of everything though.”

“Elf!” Flint shouts followed by a pop.

“How’s we be helping you Slytherin broom captain.” The elf squeaks.

“We need plates, bowls and goblets.” He growls.

“Tea cups too please.” Cho adds, much more polite, as her tea pot fills with her green tea.

“We’s be getting that for’s you right away!” It squeaked again before disappearing.

The food starts appearing as the plates do. Meats, fishes, cheeses, vegetables. All appearing on glistening diamond platters. The bowl fills again and again with different sauces and salads. And the juice in the jug is different ever time it refills. What makes her sigh fondly is the plate that was clearly meant just for her, it appears in the middle of the fish and cheese platters and she takes it with a grin.

She only hopes the Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs are getting to eat too.

A troll?” She hisses as she glares at Voldemort over her weather magic book.

Hogwarts: a history again? How dull.” He hisses back boredly, the little sh*t.

Maybe I want to know more about the building I’m in? Because it can’t be a school full of children. Not with f*cking trolls running around!

No children were hurt.

Two of my friends almost DIED!

But they didn’t.” She hisses at him again, to furious to even form words. “I thought you weren’t getting involved, Lady Slytherin.

I’m not… you can’t… I don’t care how old you are you little sh*t, you are my heir. What if Madam Pomfrey gave you a medical scan? What if Quriall fell the wrong way? You are going to f*ck this house’s reputation up again. I’m almost pissed I spent my one free-murder pass on you! You didn’t even stay dead! This is bullsh*t.

Are you done?” He asks making her hiss again. “I have no plans to besmirch the Slytherin name.


Ever.” He snaps back. “And once I have a body of my own again…

Is that what this is about?” She huffs. “Your soul is still here so it’s simple, just get someone to make you a bloody body. Honestly, you’re supposed to be a dark lord, are you allergic to necromancy or something?

I’m sorry?” He asks slowly.

Make a body. Some recently dead guy, bones from your parents for stability, like three common potion ingredients and blood from the dying. The blood can even come from the dead guy if you only want to kill one person. This is beginner necromancy. It’s on like, page five of the beginner’s guide.” She grumbles as she finally starts reading her book again. “I’d suggest claiming to be your son so Dumbledore has a little harder time trying to f*ck with you.

You know necromancy?” He says in a delighted tone of voice.

I know a lot of stuff I’m fairly sure I’m not supposed to know.” She adds before sighing and looking at him again. “I’ll lend you my beginner’s guide to necromancy if you promise not to let anymore trolls almost kill kids.

A fair trade since I wasn’t planning to do so anyway.

Fine, I’ll bring it to class tomorrow. It’ll look like Hogwarts: a history on the outside because my shop keeper thinks he’s funny.

Oh? And what are you reading now?

Weather magic’s and how to control them.” She says as she reads the title on the inside of the book. Voldemort bursts into laughter… it doesn’t endear her to him at all.

It doesn’t!

Time speeds forwards again until it’s time for her to leave for the Christmas holidays, Ron has joined her friend group after apologising to Hermione for almost getting her killed. The least he could do but still. And unlike last time is also meeting them at the main hall with his trunk.

“Are you sure you’ll be busy all yule holiday?” Pansy asks, another addition to her weird friend group.

“I have a lot of business I need to catch up on.” She says. “But I’ll be more free during the summer. Promise.”

“I’ll hold you to it.” She says with a snotty little sniff.

“We’re going to be late for the train.” Daphne says cooly.

They head out of Hogwarts then everyone but her are dragging their luggage to the chariots waiting to take them to the train.

“This is unfair! Where did you even get that?” Hannah whines as she waves at her backpack.

“Spellunking, they have a whole range of magical travel gear. I got these ones because they magickly changed colours depending on what house I was in but I’m sure that since you know there’ll be an even bigger range to look through.”

“You’re very rich, aren’t you.” Pansy says as she looks her over. “All of your earrings are from Sphere, all of your clothes are from The Little Cape, even your school robes. You use a subscription box from Genius in a Bottle, subscription notebooks, pens, and ink pots from Elder Scroll. All of the tea you drink is from The Yawning Blossom, which you get from your personal chiefs who happen to be the owners of Solstice. Not to mention all of your beauty products come from Portable Potents, I recognise the smell.”

She narrows her eyes slightly at Pansy’s smug expression.

“I don’t know why that’s significant.” Hermione whispers to Hannah and Susan.

“Just the subscription to Elder Scroll would cost Haryana Haryana and the determination to make the adults deal with the adult problems - Chapter 1 - TheCuriousCat - Harry Potter (31)500 a month. The Little Cape is the highest-class clothing shop chain in the world, and as I’m sure you remember Pansy saying when Blaise saw fit to brag about your little subscription box, only those with Gringotts cards are even allowed past the door in Genius in a Bottle.” Daphne answers cooly as they drag their trunks onto the train, artfully missing Floof and Trever who seem to be chasing each other.

“You need to have over Haryana and the determination to make the adults deal with the adult problems - Chapter 1 - TheCuriousCat - Harry Potter (32)1,000,000 in one vault for a Gringotts card.” Neville adds faintly. “As soon as you go under that the card becomes void, my uncle complained about the insult of it for years when his stopped working.”

“You know a lot about fashion, don’t you.” Haryana says finally making Pansy all the more smug. “A bunch of people decided to leave me their things when they died as a reward for being a murderer at age one, It’s part of all that business I have to take care of.”

“Haryana.” Hermione sighs.

“I mean, it’s true. He murdered my parents, I murdered him. Doesn’t really get more direct than that.”

“True.” Blaise says as he shuffles her to the window spot and sits next to her, she sends him a grateful smile for his anticipation of her anti-socialness.

“Blaise!” Hermione abolishes.

“Mother and Father are taking me to France during the Yule holidays.” Draco cuts in. “Where is everyone else going?”

Hermione huffs and crosses her arms making Blaise’s lips twitch. “Hermione and her parents will be joining mother and I in Italy so we can continue finding material for Haryana’s lawyers.”

“Really, guys?” She whines.

“Yes really!” Hermione huffs. “One of those books says you killed a hoard of hydra at age three! Do you know how dangerous that is for kids to think they could do?! It needs to be stopped.”

“Alright! Fine, I’ll talk to Wrions about hiring a lawyer.”

“That’s all we ask.” Hermione says with a winning smile.

“I’m going to Spain. I hate the cold.” Pansy says to go back to the conversation Draco started.

“I’ll be holidaying in Sweden. I adore the cold.” Daphne counters.

“I… Gran and I are staying here.” Neville adds tentivly.

“Me too! Maybe we could meet up for a day or too.” Hannah says happily.

“I’ll be staying as well.” Susan adds. “The DMLE is much too busy in preparation for Lord Black’s trial to give aunt Amelia time off.”

“We might head to Romaina for a little to visit my brother Charlie but we’ll be here for the most part.” Ron adds lightly.

“So, how has everyone liked their classes so far?” Hermione asks when the conversation lulls.

“Urg, I hate potions.” Pansy whines. “It always messes with my hair.”

“At least you have the option to go.” She laughs.

“Herbology is a bit boring.” Neville puts forward tentatively. “All of the plants in my greenhouse back home are a lot more fun.”

“Dangerous you mean.” Hannah sighs fondly.

“Isn’t that what I said?” Neville asks making Hannah sigh.

“Well I for one love potions.” Draco protests, thus starting the lesson debate.

“I still say Charms has the most potential.” Hermione argues as they’re dragging their trunks off of the train. “A quick tickling charm and your opponent will be too busy laughing to go after you.”

“Shove off Granger, potions don’t need words.” Draco argues back. “Just toss the bottle at their feet and leave while they deal with the affects.”

“And where would you have the time to brew these potions?!” Hermione asks mockingly.

“What if you don’t have time to speak?” Draco mocks back.

“You’re both wrong.” Daphne sighs. “Clearly becoming an anigmas is the best option, no one expects you to turn into an animal. Use the distraction to run.”

“They will if your registered.” Susan points out.

“So don’t register.” Daphne counters. Haryana can clearly see their families waiting off to the side but funnily enough they seem curious enough to let the conversation continue.

“What if your anigmas form is big? Like a horse?” Hannah asks. “You’d be an even bigger target.”

“Are all forgetting that Defence against the dark arts? Isn’t the whole point of the lesson to teach us about this?” Ron asks exasperatedly.

“Too predictable.” Draco argues. “Counters to those will be at the front of their mind.”

“There are several plants that grow rapidly when introduced to soil.” Neville says as he holds a squirming Trever to his chest. “Some trees too, a well aimed toss could even knock an opponent back.”

“Which brings us back to the potions issue.” Hermione argues. “It’s not like you just carry these clipping around all the time.”

“What about transfiguration?” Pansy snaps. “We just learnt how to turn matchsticks into needles. Just find a big stick and turn it into a big spear.”

“Wingardiom Leviosa could be useful for launching them.” Blaise adds with a dark gleam in his eye. “Both spells use very little magic.”

“Giving you time to do anything else you need.” She adds. “Like throwing potions or plant clippings or turning into an animal. Which is actually cool, we should look into that.”

“And spells to detect them.” Ron adds with a shiver. “Imagine having one as a pet.”

“Speaking of pets, have you found Scabbers yet?” Neville asks as Trever squirms harder.

“No, he must have just wanted all the Christmas cheese at Hogwarts. I’m sure I’ll find him bloated on my pillow when we go back.”

“It’ll be a fun summer project!” Hermione says with a grin, argument forgotten. “I wonder what animal we’d all be. Maybe I’d be a … MAMA! PAPA!” Hermione cuts herself off when she sees her parents, dropping her trunk and throwing herself at them with tears streaming down her face.

“Have a good winter Ron.” She says as she smiles at him, hitching her backpack up higher on her shoulder.

“You too Haryana, remember to have a little fun, yeah?” He says fondly.

“I’ll schedule it in.” She teases making him grin before heading off to his family as well. Bill is chatting with Molly and Arther but he’s also clearly apart from them as well in his Gringotts uniform.

Everyone disperses to move to their family after that, Draco dragging her past Bill who was clearly there to collect her for Gringotts and to his parents. “Mother, Father, this is Haryana Potter. Haryana, this is my mother and father.”

“Lord Malfoy, Lady Malfoy.” She says respectfully before kicking her shoe on the floor a little. “Umm, Draco says that my grandma was your great aunt, Lady Malfoy, is that true?”

“It is miss Potter.” Narcisa says gently.

“So… so I could have lived with you? Instead of my muggle relatives?”

Narcisa looks a little heartbroken at the question. “We asked.” Lucius says stiffly, eyeing Bill who was eyeing him back. “But we were declined and told you were quite happy with your placement. I… apologise for not pushing the issue. We should have.”

“It’s okay.” She says as her mind spins, if he was telling the truth then that was even more against Dumbledore.

“It’s not.” Narcisa insists. “But we have more than enough time to make up for that. Draco tells us you’d like to meet up during the summer.”

“I would. I want to… I want to know what having nice family is like.”

“Lord Black will likely be freed by then, he is not fond of us.” Lucius warns. “We however will not make the same mistake twice. We promise we will make sure you’re happy this summer, even if it’s only for a day.”

“Thank you.” She says and it’s a little shocking to realise that she means it.

“Thank you for giving us the chance to make up for past mistakes.” Narcisa says as she pets her hair. “Come along Draco, if we stay any longer we’ll miss our portakey.”

“Have fun in France… cousin.” She says as Draco darts in for a hug.

“As loth as I am to agree with Weasley, do try and have a little fun.” He huffs before grinning. “Cousin.”

She says goodbye to each of her friends and their guardians before turning to Bill. “Hi Haryana, I’m Bill Weasley. I’ll be taking you to see your guardian.”

“It’s nice to meet you Mr Weasley.” She says as she takes his hand, after a quick handshake he leads her to a floo attached to the side of the station.

“Do you want to go first or do you want me to?” He asks as he holds onto the pot.

“I’ll go first.” He nods and offers the pot to her. “Gringotts!

“Haryana, welcome back.” Griphook says with a grin as he holds a knarled hand out for Floof’s lead. Floof, excited to be back on solid ground, bounds up and licks his knee.

“It’s good to be back, Griphook. I’ve missed you guys, everyone back at Hogwarts gets weird and emotional whenever I talk about life back in Privet Drive.”

“Children do tend to be weirdly emotional, even children of my own race.” He muses as Bill walks through the Floo. “Ah, Heir Weasley. Gringotts thanks you for returning our ward to us. You may spend the rest of your Yule holiday. You will, after all, have a very busy year when the year turns.” Ah f*ck, that means a bunch of her new sh*t was cursed. That’s going to be so much money.

“I thank you for the holiday, master Griphook.” Bill says respectfully. “Have a good Christmas Haryana.”

“You too Bill.” She says with a smile before letting Griphook lead her off.

“Come, let us take the youngling out of stasis that you’ll be able to see Wrions and Sral, they have an early present for you.”

Little poppy seed Tom is fine, even after the extensive tests she has to undergo after she admits that the shattering of Chevil’s arm was his magic and not her’s. Healer Iefz had even given her a magical scan. He was a weird, misshapen bean and she loved him more than she’d loved anything else. It’s an earthshattering feeling. He needs to be safe, she needs to make this world safe for him.

“Haryana?” She looks up and Wrions is standing in the doorway. “Are you… alright?”

… Oh… she’s crying.

“I’m going to take over the world.” She tells Wrions as seriously as she’s ever meant anything. “I’m going to buy every inch of it and no one is going to be allowed to fight on it.”

“Of course you will.” Wrions says with a widening grin. “Now come on, Sral and I have a present for you. Before your meetings start tomorrow.”

She wipes her tears and hops off the table to follow Wrions, they walk through familiar tunnels until Wrions opens a new door. Sral is there, reading through a pile of parchment and it’s good to see the aged goblin. But there’s a man there too, in a nice outfit that he fills out perfectly and with healthy skin and hair. He turns and it’s like her world has been yanked from her. His face isn’t sunken and his eyes are so much less haunted than when she’d last seen him. There are so many memories she has from just a few years ago that she could call on, so many secret laughs they’d shared in the middle of the night. So many things she knows that she can’t explain.

But there is one, a memory she didn’t even know she had. One triggered by this new and healthy body in front of her.

“Unc Pafoo?” Any brave face Sirius had been holding crumbles in seconds. He rockets out of his chair and snatches her up, sobbing into her hair as he hugs her.

“Yes, yes that’s me pup. Oh Merlin! I missed you so much pup. I’m so sorry! Never again, pup, I’ll never leave you again. I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”

Her fingers twitch at the sudden hold but then she slowly reaches up and fists her hands into the back of his shirt. “It’s okay, I forgive you. You’re here now.” She sobs back as she buries her face in his neck.

“I love you, I love you. I’m so sorry. Never again!” He promises over and over again.

“Merry Christmas.” Wrions whispers as she brushes her hand across Haryana’s back before going over to her own desk.

Merry Christmas indeed.

Haryana and the determination to make the adults deal with the adult problems - Chapter 1 - TheCuriousCat - Harry Potter (2024)


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Author: Ms. Lucile Johns

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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

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Job: Education Supervisor

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Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.