i i I Wednesday, April IS, 1970 Hattiesburg AMERICAN Paga 17 EML0YMENT EMPLOYMENT READ THE CLASSIFIED ADS REAL ESTATE Want Al Information rmis qua mi "w- i i i I ir if. v. i I INFORMATION 313-0603 7 BIG SHOWS! AH Seats Risei-vee1 Toe Ilde4 SAVE $1.00 Swf, THURS. EVI. or 8:1 SPM FRI.
CIRCUS P.O. lex 142 JomIum, Mill. 3720S Seats 0 Child SMtl $. unoer i Total Amount ChackMoaty Order $-Address city Stat ,21.. Phen i.
finis r.rforw( Quins' tH TIMI Taws, air. till Ml M. Mar 1 hi. May 1 lilS iat. May ltiM let.
May 2iM PM Sat. May! 1,15 rM iaa. May lilt PM Alldraa It, II. lea Hie adult trim Mot CiMcJra BoyoU It RINSLINA BROS. CIRCUS.
teae tetf ddrnd, stsetd eiivelepe. (Mm a 2 nd hoar. 15 Male Help Wanted PERMANENT and perltlma help for day work, also night work. Apply In parson Beverly Drive-in Theatre, We Are EXPANDING Our SERVICE DEPARTMENT HELP WANTED Applications now baine, taken fori TV REPAIR MAN APPLIANCE SERVICEMAN POWERMOWER REPAIR. MAN TIRE AND BATTERY INSTALLATION MAN Consider the follewintj advantages working with a growing company: Profit sharing plan (Ne cost ta you) Retirement plan (Ne cost to you) 0 Paid vacations 9 Group hospitalization and group life insurance Discounts en all purchases Excellent working hours 4) I day week GREAT OPPORTUNITY APPLY PETAL WESTERN AUTO 107 Central Avenue Petal 16 Male Female Wanted WANTED: Students 14 years or older for work in Ice Cream store.
583-1924. WANTED experienced shoe salesman or saleswoman for one of Mississippi's finest shoe stores. Excellent opportunity for person seeking permanent position. Write Box 983, co Hatliesburg A-merlcan, Hatliesburg. Job Opportunities In following departmanlsi Appliances if Furniture jV Hardware Cameras ir Auto Center Men's Clothing General Office Apply in person only 9:00 4:30 Monday Friday GRANT'S 1000 Broadway Drive DOBB's HOUSE RESTAURANT GRILL COUNTER Help needed.
New fast food restaurant opening on Hardy Street about April 25. We are a national company with excellent benefits, which includes free hospitalization. Insurance, paid vacations, 5 paid holidays and double pay If you work on your birthday. And a credit union. Apply to Box 997, co Hatliesburg American.
We will contact you for a personal interview. WANTED MEN AND WOMEN WHO WANT TO BE TRAINED FOR COMPUTER PROGRAMMERS AND DATA PROCESSORS Married or single, high school equivalent necessary. Jobs ar-ranqed while in training, earn-inqt bated on education, experience and ability. If approved, you must move to Atlanta. Wife or husband must be present at interview.
You will work 40 hours per week and take special training for I year at Fall's Collage. FOR INTERVIEW CALL Mr. Al Aldridqa, 428-8421, Laurel, Monday Friday. 4-11-70 throuqh 4-17-70, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.
32 Auction Sales JOIN US 18 Employment Agencies FEMALE xeeutlve Secretary 409 month Medlcel Secretary 300 month General Office la weak Typist and Credit Reporter 164 weak Cashiers t4 week ieeretery-Racaptionlet 127 month Olflce Manager S300 month Legal Secretary Open Medical Assistant 1321 month MALE District Sales Representative paid Sales engineer fee paid Systems Analyst tea pale) Sales Rep Banking Manager Trainee Radio News Director Manaiar Trainee Feed Management Insurance Rep Retail Management Instrucment (Survey)) Man Route Sales 111,000 $12,000 Open $9,400 $8,500 $7,100 $7,200 $7,200 $7,700 $4,000 14,000 $4,000 Furniture Sales Salary commission Photo Supply sales Salary commission World's Largest Frefesslonol Employment Agency 583-9671 BEE BEI ADAMS Receptionist sharp cookie will take this one. Glamour spot with opportunity to meet interesting people. $290. Cashier Fast pace company wants an attractive lady to greet the public and be responsible for receipts. Cashier no sales Involved, excellent company, excellent hours, start $280.
Waitress Tips not topless I Ideal location, highly rated. High class average, $100 weakly. BONNI PARKER Stene Senior Mature, this firm needs youl Top position for top gal. Keen boss, $400. Medical assistant It's here! Job of the yearl Sharp gal who can give busy boss a helping hand.
$300. General Office strictly for the all round gal who likes a busy day. As? lor the great chance. $290. Cashier Sales challenging opportunity for unusual woman.
Need "take charge" persen for fast growing company. Start $280. NICKIE NEU Secretary career minded lady for work with a high class company. Money is no object. Receptionist light typing plus a pleasant personality.
This opportunity awaits you today. Call quickly. $275 to start. Ready to work blue chip company has an opening for you now. Shorthand preferred.
$300 to start KRISTY KYLE Assistant Eager to learn Skill. Polished ladv this is the one for you. to start. SAM BURK Large Local firm needs expert-ienced fork lift operator. $64.00 weekly plus l'j for overtime.
Possible earnings, SI 00 weekly. Call Sam. Local Department store needs manager for clothing and shoes, Prefers mature male with experience. Salary per month $500. Call Sam.
National Firm now hiring sales representatives. Must have high school education, prefer college however. Salry based on uaiifications. Start S540 and up per month, plus commission. Call Sam.
Route Salesman needed. Prefer aqe 24-30 years. Married, no military obligations. $125 per week plus commission. Call Sam.
20 -Schools, Instruction PROGRAMMER TRAINERS IBM EXCETIONAL WAGE POTENTIAL Male and female applicants, age 18-4? with at least High School education. We will train personnel from this Immediate area for lobs now available es IBM System 360 programmers. You will work and train under the supervision of some of the nation's leading computer scientists. The training can be arranged so as not to Interfere with your present employment. No previous experience required.
For personal Interview to determine your qualifications, till In the coupon and mall to INSTITUTE FOR COMPUTING SCIENCES Bex 0 Haftleskurg American Name Address Telephone Working Hours FARM GARDEN 22 Pet Market TOY poodle, AKC Registered. White. Call 584-S AKC Registered white poodle puppies. 583-4887. PUREBRED Toy Spitz puppies.
Male, S2J. Female, S20. Call 383-2000. 32 Auction Sates FOR OUR CPU aUiiig DISCONTINUED DESIGNS FACTORY BLEMS llsir.o.dsa't cbs cut! Ltaited qusntfttes scsns sizes types! i 1 1 1 ifiMStOtlC Deluxe Champ.on 7.75-1 4 or 7.75-1 5 4 FOR WhitewalU 4 for 4102 DISCOUNTS Whan paid in advance or on tin lest day tha ad rum a 10'. discount Mill be allowed whan paid In advance 3D Cay art are allowed a Mi it I score I mg la aublecr uie approval ol the alicr first insertion.
The Hatliesburg American reserves ririhl to edit, ri'iecl, properly classify nr position, any advertisem*nt. All adverlls. publisher. RATES (Minimum IS Words 11.10) l-Contecutlve daya 44C word 6Consecullve dayt 40c word S-Consacutlve daya 36e a word a-Consecullve days 3Ve word J-Consecullve day! 2e a word 1-Day lie word 50r. extra tor Blind Box Numbers (Plus charges for Five Extra Words) BOLD PACK type 10c a word.
DEADLINES ads 3.30 p.m. Hit day before publication. Clarified Display I p.m. two dayi belora publication. Classified display for Monday Is p.m.
Friday tor Tuesday's paper 10 a.m. Saturday. GENERAL ERRORS OMISSIONS In tha event of an error or omission tha Hattiesburg Amerioan shall not be liable beyond the actual cost of the advertisem*nt and In the case of a typographical error, only for that por. tlon of the entire cost of the ad as the space occupied by tha error bears to ti space as a whole. Tha Hatliesburg American will only be responsible for ONI Incorrect Insertion of any ad.
Dial 2-4321 ANNOUNCEMENTS 4 Monuments, Markers MAUSOLEUM crypts for isle. Write P. O. Box 1704, Hatliesburg, Mississippi. 6 Lost Found LOST: Female grey cat, vicinity 2nd and Corlnne.
Reward. 584-5629. LOST: Female blond shepherd. 1 mile West of town on 91. Reward.
Retta Jacobson. 587-8428. itrireston1 Safety flit iV'-T nylon iL 7.75-1 4 or 7.75-1 5 4 FOR Whitewalls 4 for $84 Sfea Haekwals Whftewfth 4 For 4 For 6.50-13 $66 $76 7.00-13 $68 $78 7.35-1 4 or 15 $72 $82 8.25-1 4. 8.15-15 s86 sqr 8.55-14, 8.45-15 $94 $104 8.85-15 iiR All prices plus $1 .78 to $2.87 per tire Fed. Ex.
tax and 4 tires off your car. Any size) in stock. Plua S2 24 to 2 86 per tire Fed. Ex. tax end 4 tires off your cer.
FIRESTONE DELUXE CHAMPION SUP-R-BELT FACTORY BLEMS Slight nppoaranre blpmishra in nn way affect wear or performance. Firestone Transport Heavy-duty B-Ply, nylon cord tiresi Dirinno I FARM GARDEN 22 Ptt Market AKC Roxar Puppy, 10 months. Exrellent pet for children. Very Intelligent, Hat been spayed, 1150, 983-1924. 23 Poultry.
Eggs, Supplies PAIR of India Blue Paa Fowls. Call 582 840. 24 Horses, Cattle Stock SEVERAL young Pol I'd Hereford Bulls. Production tested with heavy weaning weights. Jack Robinson.
Isabella Ranch, Phone 384-6044. HORSES MULES FOR SALE T. SMITH LIVESTOCK Just aff I 89 en latenyllle Road 26 Farm, Garden Equip. IH 130 Tractor cultivators, planter, fertilizer, disc, and disc plow. Excellent condition, $1,000.
MAULDIN COMPANY "Your Ford Tractor Dealer" Hiway 11 N. 3S4 933I ATTENTION MR. FARMER One used 2010 John Deere Diesel tractor. One used David Brown 990. Diesel tractor.
We have used two row cultivators, mole-bored plows, bushogt. Also new rotary cullers, heavy duty for 1275.00. DAVIS EQUIPMENT COMPANY Sumrali, Mississippi Rf. I Phena 738-4964 28 Seeds, Plants, Trees See our complete lln of Garden Seed Plants Tools 0 Fertilizers Insecticides 0 Feed HUB CITY FEED 2 Locations to serve you 2ND ST. 301 Mobile St.
31 Wanted to Buy WANTED IKed cultipacker in good condition. 584-6044 after 7 p.m. PINE FENCE POST I Inches to inches in diameter 6's feet long. 4' i inches to 7 inches In diameter ft long delivered to our plant. Smith Wood Preserving, Palmers Crossing Road Hattiesburg, Miss.
PHONE 583-4414 REAL ESTATE 42 Farms, Acreage Sales BLUE RIBBON FARM i 150 Acres all view property, Vi mile from i imDenexes auoaiv sion, mi es from Hattiesburg on blacktop road, 3 miles from Airport, feasibility for one acre lots or five acre tracts, from existing and new county road, beautiful executive view building sites, Ideal for cattla or horse farm, 135 acres In Bahia pasture, fenced and erossfenced, two houses and barn, excellent polential at an unbslie-veable low of S38.500. See and you will buy. Why wait. Call. THOMAS P.
RAMSEY, JR. BROKER 583-2021 or 583-0753 46 Wanted Real Estate WANTED TO PURCHASE 300 to 5000 acres of timber, pasture, or cultivated land-partlcularly Interested In cattle operation in South Mississippi area. Call J. Ed Turner, Realtor, 584-6491 or write P. O.
Box 1707, Hattiesburg, Mississippi WILL PAY CASH Willing to pay cash for your equity In 2 and 3 bedroom homes in Hattiesburg or Petal areas. Call DAVID COX. REALTOR $82.5581 48 Houses for Sale CEORGE M. JONES REALTOR 131 HARDY ST. COLUMBIA AREA A luxurious 3 bedroom, bath home In a developed rural area.
Carpeting and built-lns. Central heat and air. 502-B Lake-view Drive. WEST OF TOWN Nearly 2,100 square feet of living area in this almost new brick home. Separate den and separate utility rooms.
A wealth of nice features. LIST WITH US Our sales have been good and we would like to help you In the sales of your real estate. NIGHT Jack D. Craft George M. Jones 582-3474 584-7743 FHA $450 DOWN On this 3 bedroom home located on two nice lots on a coiner In Petal.
Has a chain link fence, 12 ft 14 ft. concrete block building for sloraqe. The bath Is ceramic tile. Paneled family and dining room. Central heat and a large air conditioner.
Has an FHA appraisal and would be llnnced for J450 00 down and J60 payments of $117.93 per month plus taxes and fire Insurance. GLENDALE Two bedroom home reconditioned. Both bedrooms pnnelrd. Paneled kitchen with new cabinets, new plumbing, new floor covering, Water and sewer. Priced below today's market.
Small lot but what do you expect tor W800 00? SNOW WHITE BRICK Three bedroom, Jhalh, home In Beverly Hills Estate, central heat and air, carprt, and Inlaid linoleum floors, both twins ceramic. Birch paneling In kitchen, den and hallway, blrrh tahlnets, oven, co*cktop and dishwasher. Located on 2 lot), All for $18,500. jEBffE FOR SAlf DAVID COX REALTOR sFT3rt 4. T.
Orimstey Chants Wade Charles Lyles list i 14 'til 837) 48 Housos for Sale 207 HIGWOOD DRIVH, PETA'. large 4 twjronm home which foatuiet 2 full balhi, built-in kllchen, extra larga dan, 2 wlnduw air conditioners and mu more. This home can be purchased VA, or FHA, NEAR PETAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Owner will pay closing cct on this 3 bedroom all brick home which has central heat and sir, built in kitchen, I1, ceramic baths and located on large corner lot. ILL McSWAIN, Realtor 1002 Hardy Office 162-1114 Jamas Ball II2-92U BUI MeSwain 182-1394 SOLD.SOLOSOLD All our Inventory Is sold except: University Place al $34,000. 21 Westover at $10,000, $04 Orave, FHA et $19,750.
And they are rearing completion, NEW STARTS In aur area are beginning I week. Come out to WEirovEH end look them ever loon. BUILDING WEATHER IS HERE We're building that are sold. Wa have to build, but we have 3 line crews to do It. Wl COULD START YOURS IOON.
Hi 182-2337 Marshall Ray bum SS4 7344 O. H. Rhodes, Jr. $83-1973 IBM IVA STREET Good neighborhood. Living room, dining room, 3 bedrooms, and 1 bath.
VA and FHA financing available. 231 ARCADIA STREET Large, 3 bedroom, brick home on corner lot with plenty of pine trees Entrance foyer, living room, dlnlnj room, kitchen with breakfast area, large den with fireplace, and baths. Entire house except kitchen and It carpeted. Central heat end air conditioning. FOUR BEDROOM, BRICK HOME Living room-dlnlng room combine tion, baths, kitchen with breakfast area, and den with fireplace.
All and air conditioning; and carpel built-lns In central heat in living room-dining room combination, hall, and all bedrooms. Two car garage. 110 SOUTHAMPTON ROAD. AMPLE FHA VA AND CONVENTIONAL LOAN FUNDS AVAILABLE Nights and Sunday Call L. A.
Rogers 183-9995 A. C. Glass S84-7301 Jim Turner $84-4491 Richard T. Carlisle $82-1491 Sidney Barron $83-4030 221 Wast Pina St. 584-6491 Finding a new home and selling an old one keeps a transferred amployee'a mind oft his Job for weeks (sometimes months).
That's cottly. Through our membership In ICRS, the first complete, national real state service, we now help local firms solve this problem with a plus the best price for the old house; a happy employee In a new one. And there's no cost for this service to you or your em ployeel Wa offer a guaranteed sales plan, too, through our affiliation with POTERE, the pioneer corporate home purchase program. An ether reason to writs or call us today. Phone 532-191 1 Member of INTER-CITY RELOCATION SERVICE I tirvici organization ol Realtors in 4000 communitiot TTsjWswSSjTl aaasjMsa HrTSjaaat atMfsja Ml ITrtB 4-i OUR 37 YEARS EXPERIENCE I CAN SOLVE YOUR HOME NEEDS! FOUR BEDROOMS ON A BUDGFTI FHA or VA terms are available tor this clean home wi, i ri'n and attached carpirl al 410 S.
1.UH AVENUE. Tha total price Is 114,5.0. glad to show at your convenience. DOWNTOWN OFFICI 383-3613 Homer D. Strange Rtt.
313-414 WESTERN OFFICE $82-3202 Ray Davis Sumrali 7SM7I4 John K. Oray Rtt. 383-064 Jim Bush, Sr. Rtt. 584-669 C.
L. Klrkwood Rtt. 584-8J07 COMMERCIAL LEASES Downtown-Neighborhood Cltice-Retoll lor wb'II build It) CALL. 082-3202 RENT For furnished and unfurnlsrtH'l I HOMfcS end APARTMENTS $50 to $175 monthly Olenn Hinton Niqht Ph 8M 8 Professional Services KYLE THftl SKHVICG Licensed and bonded. Free Phuna 5H2 JjH.
SlIMNASTILS Itudio. txerclie, lose weight, Inches, I hour dally, tlO monthly, lit ailment FRfcB Fealurlng "Inch 48 4914, 9 Beauty ParlorsBarbers F.AUTY equipment for tele, Phone iaz-jaiO. 10 Special Notices REDUCE excess body fluids with FLUID. EX diuretic tablets, only tl 69 at Owl Drug and Petal Drug. 12 Services Offered MAI ONE Washer Service, 2000 North Main, 584-601.
Repair service on all makes ol washers and dryers. TOP soil and clay gravel, Landscaping. Call J8213I4. I WILL mow lawm. Call 513-5217.
PLUMBING repairs, pew construction. Free estimates. Dick Graham, JI1-4W4. PARKING lof striping prompt servM. Free estimates.
O. Maddox, 583-7384. SEPTIC tanks Installed, backhoe and dozler work. Waetherrnasler. 584 8892.
MR. REALTOR Mr. Homeowner, Yard need cutting? I need to work. Plsastl Call Lonnle, Jr. 483-4025.
ELECTRICIAN, Reesonable minimum charge on small obs. 584-7292. Petal Electric. CARPENTER, cabinets, cabinet topping, carports, patios, paneling, foundations, general repairs, and roofing. 583-9208.
ROOFING, painting, and carpenter work. E. W. Morris, Call 583-1519. PLUMBING repairs, new construction.
Free estimates. Dick Graham, 583-6594. "City Plumbing at Country Prices." HALLS Plumbing and Heating. For Rich-ton, Beaumont, and Overt areas. 788-3121 YOUNG, energetic, seasoned, experienced, 35-year-old lawyer with A.
and I B. Degrees seeks to serve fair, impartial, attentive, Circuit Judge for 12th Judicial District, to render dignified, tempered luslice for all vote JACK BURKCTT WELDY, Circuit Judge on June 2. LANDSCAPING, service. Planting, fertilizing, trimming, spraying grading, counseling, Licensed and Bonded. 582-5455.
Carpentry, remodeling, and additions. Call P1TTMAN BUILDERS. S83-3470. ELECTRICIAN. Reasonable minimum charge on small obs.
584-7292. Petal Electric. CARPENTRY. Dry wall construction. Hanging and finishing.
Painting, Inter lor and exterior. Mr Hal, en. 2-5061. EXCELLENT custom drapery and carpet Free estimate in your home. Sackler Furniture Company.
582-2414. CARPENTRY, roofing, leveling up houses, New sills. 4-7695. Remodeling-Building? IMPROVE REPAINT, REPAIR FREE ESTIMATES Nothing Down Up to 60 Months For All Your Building Needs JONES SUPPLY CO. 0t Souinern Ave.
JU 1-1727 ELECTRIC MOTORS Fast service on repairs and rewinding, wide selection of new and rebuilt motors, ball and sleeve bearings, switches. V-oelts, pulleys, tan blades, starting and running capacitors. CAMERON ELECTRIC MOTOR COMPANY west Red St. Phone 582-0042 Night 584-5701 CUSTOM MADE DRAPERIES Let Sears Decorator Consultant visit your home with samples. Free expert advice and free estimates, with no obligation.
SEARS 199 Broadway 583-9681 BEST WATCH REPAIR TOWN BASS DISCOUNT CLEANERS Hardy Street 1 Suits $1.50 2 Dresses $1.60 2 Pants .85 2 Skirts .85 MODERN STORAGE FACILITIES Free Moth Proofing Low Insurance Rates. EMPLOYMENT 14 Female He Wanted SETTLED lady wanted to live-In home with elderly couple. Call after 5:00, Pascagoula. $01 762-8006. BAR maid, flight shift.
Apply The Light House. SETTLED white lady to baby sit In home full time. 2:30 11:00. Call 583-6767. ATTENTION young ladles over 18.
Large national concern nas openings tor 3 young ladies. Must be free to travel Florida, California, Hawaii, and return. No experience necessary, we train you. New car transportation furnished. Average earnings $105 weekly with 5400 monthly draw to start.
See our Per. sonnel Manaqer, Miss Heard, Holiday Inn North, Highway 49 10 am 2 pm, Wednesday only. Do not phone. Parents welcome at Interview. WANTED: Cashier and hosiery qirl for one of Hattiaiburq's finest stores.
Mutt be experienced in sell-inq and caihierinq. Startinq salary $75 par week. Write Box 983, eo Hattiasburg American, Hattiesburg. LADY with sales experience to train is proof consultant for local studio, 5 days a week, Good hours, good pay. Apply In person to Olan Mills Studio, 823 Hardy Street, Your AVON Representative is a membrr of the world's most successful and respected qroup of part-time independent business women.
To invastiqnte an opportunity to share in an out. standinq earnings opportunity, write 3004 Prince Georqe Road, Hattiesburq, Mississipi, 39401. 1J Kelp Wanted SCHOOL biy 16 years or older. 'Evenings and Saturdays. Light House.
ATTENTION young men over 18. targe national concrrn has openings for 3 young men. Mut be tree to travel Florida, California, Hawaii, and return. No experience necensaiy, we train you. ar li niv-pnilalliin furnished.
Averarje earnings SI0S weekly with SMiO mnnlhiy draw to start, Sne our Personnel Manager, Miss Reaid, Holiday Inn North, Hwy. 49 10 am 1 pm, Wednesday only. Do not phone. im tnnorit 7.75-1 4 or 7.75-1 4F0.7 Whitewalte. 4 for T16 Ha hiiraai WMtwaeali Sbl stodnmRt WMtfmaB 4F 4 For 4 Ft 4 For 6.50-13 88 4100 6.50-13 476 $88 7.35-14fx15 496 4110 6.95-14 478 490 8.25-1 4 of 15 4112 4128 7.35-14 or 15 484 096 8 55-14or15 4124 4140 8.25-1 4 or 15 $98 4112 8.85-14of15 4138 4156 8.55-14 4108 $124 9.00-15 $142 $162 8.85-Uor15 4126 $142 All prices plus $1.78 to 42.87 All prices plus S1.65 to $2.62 per tire Fed.
Ex. tax and 4 per tire Fed. Ex. tax and 4 tires oft your car. tires off your car.
Tir s'orts WIDE OVAL FOR )(W Discontinued design 2-ply, red or white stripe hurry for best selection. RETREADS GLASS-BELTS FIRESTONE Sump li i eh qiinlity SUl'-U-TUr" rul.ber as new Kircatmie tiroa. ilJf i I tut rioru( VANS MM rapM S.ALE Brake Front-End Car Service OFFER! We do all this: 1. Alien front end 2. Ilnlnni-e front wheels I 3.
Adjust lirnkm (clriimtypr) 4. Hrfini outer front whiH'l bonrinRS for only extra If naeded Extra chartre for cars with air mnriili'inine. or torsion hum. at I Lawn Plant Food 20-10-5 5,000 aqiiars fL ciivpraKe fmla crass for nmnllis. limit 2 bags par customer additional 7 bags S2.89 Per Dag ja.wwwu.ia CAMPERS low everyday prices SO 18 Blrkorgo tube type 3 00 15 tuha-iype AH once, n'us Fad.
evrlse tun ami tue ntl vnur v.hirle Sw-Wweuj 111 Black tube-type SffltMf' The Buyers are where the cattle are and we are one uf the Biggest in the South. 2 SALES WEEKLY MONDAY FRIDAY Owned operated by South Mist. Livestock Farmers SOUTHEAST MISSISSIPPI LIVESTOCK FARMERS ASSN. Highway 49 North it credit asCnblirhad promptly. FIRESTONE-205 HARDY 584-6281.