heart events - Ushi No Tane Forum (2024)

heart events muffy


This lovely lady spends a lot of her time working at the Blue Bar. She lives there with her boss, Griffin. Muffy tries to always have a smile on her face but she is secretly afraid of getting her heart broken. During the day she can be found near the Goddess Pond and at night she'll be mixing drinks at the Bar.


Summer 05

Likes and Dislikes

+800 LP
+9 FP Apple Pie

+500 LP
+9 FP Normal Items
Matsutake, Large Fish, Necklace, Bracelet, Broach, Earrings, Perfume, Diamond, Pink Diamond, Wine

Cooked Items
Stir Fry, Wild Grape Wine, Curry Rice, Rainboy Curry, Ultimate Curry, Finest Curry, Baked Yam, Pizza, Cake, Chocolate Cake, Butter, Pumpkin Pudding, Salad, Mushroom Rice, Ice Cream

+300 LP
+3 FP Normal Items
Pineapple, Banana, Orange, Moondrop Flower, Mayonnaise, Cheese, Yogurt, Wool, Dress, Sunblock, Facial Pack, Skin Lotion, Bread, Flour, Chocolate

Cooked Items
French Fries, Popcorn, Cornflakes, French Toast, Pancake, Pot Sticker, Risotto, Hot Chocolate, Dumplings, Marmalade, Cheese Fondue, Relaxtea, Baked Corn, Toast, Doria, Grautin, Sweet Potatoes, Chocolate Cookies, Cheesecake, Pineapple Juice, Banana Juice, Orange Juice, Ketchup, Green Dumpling, Steamed Dumpling, Pudding, Sandwitch, Chirashi Sushi, Relaxtea Leaves

-500 LP
-3 FP Normal Items
Blue Grass, Green Grass, Red Grass, Yellow Grass, Orange Grass, Purple Grass, Indigo Grass, Black Grass, White Grass, Wood Lumber, Stone Lumber

Cooked Items
Happy Eggplant, Fried Thick Noodles, Fried Noodles, Noodles, Curry Noodles, Tempura Noodles, Buckwheat Noodles, Tempura Buckwheat Noodles, Bodigizer, Turbojolt, Vegetable Juice, Vegetable Latte, Bodigizer XL, Turbojolt XL, Pickled Turnips

-800 LP
-9 FP Normal Items
Toadstool, Pirate Treasure, Fish Fossil, Copper, Silver, Gold, Mithril, Orihalcon, Adamantite, Moonstone, Sandrose, Alexandrite, Mythic Stone, Emerald, Ruby, Topaz, Peridot, Flourite, Agate, Amethyst, Lithograph, Fish Bones, Empty Can, Boot, Weed, Branch, Stone, Gold Lumber, Fodder, Bird Feed

Cooked Items
Fish Stew, Pickled Cucumber, Elli Leaves

-5000 LP
-20 FP Small Fish

Heart Events

Black Heart Event
» Blue Bar
» 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Visit the bar and Muffy will start to ask you questions about what kind of girls you like. If you tell her that you like "cheerfull and pretty" girls, then she will be happy and mix you up a drink. The drink itself doesn't taste very good, but it's the thought that counts.

Purple Heart Event
» Beach
» 9:00 am to 11:00 am, not Wednesday, rainy day

Walk to the beach area on a rainy day and you'll overhear Muffy yelling. She is angry and pacing back and forth when you meet up with her. Muffy wants your advice and asks if you would listen to her. Tell her that you will and she'll start explaining.

Muffy heard from her parents that they are planning on setting her up on a blind date. They sent her a photograph of the man and she is not interested in seeing him. She asks you what she should do. Suggest that she "meet him and turn him down". Muffy agrees that it would of been wrong of her to completely ignore him and it would be more polite to tell the guy herself.

(In the Japanese version Muffy's parents were trying to arrange her marriage with the help of a match maker, not set her up on a blind date. The photograph was for the match maker. This is a common thing for parents to do in Japanese conservative society.)

Blue Heart Event
» Blue Bar
» 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm, not Wednesday

Visit Muffy at the bar during the evening. Griffin makes all of the bar's drinks, and she would like to help out more. Griffin has made the drinks before, so Muffy thinks she can make her own new drink concoction! This should be interesting, especially after the drink she made you before. Muffy senses your reluctance and asks for your assistance.

Behind the counter she begins to mix things together. She asks you to pick the last ingredient to add to the drink. Suggest she adds milk and she'll finish the mixture. Muffy gives you a taste and this time it tastes pretty good! Muffy will see if Griffin will add it to the bar's menu.

After this event you'll find Moomoo Milk for sale at the bar.

Yellow Heart Event
» Exit your farmhouse
» 9:00 am to 12:00 pm, Summer season, sunny day

Muffy will greet you as you leave your house. Today's weather is good so she suggests the two of you go out somewhere, perhaps a d-a-t-e? Tell her you'll go out on a date and the two of you go out to the Goddess Pond.

At the pond Muffy lets you know that this pretty pond is said to be sacred. She's glad to know that you feel the same about this spot. Muffy decides it's time to go to a new spot on your date.

You'll visit Kai at his summer food booth and he notices you two appear to be on a date. Kai says it'll be his treat so you get some food. Once your meal is over you both return to your farm. It's the first time that Muffy's enjoyed a date with a boy.



A farmgirl who moved from the city, she lives with Vesta and Marlin at the farm to the east of your own land. Celia will tend the crops with her two companions during the day, and at night she stays home. She is polite and always tries to do her best.


Spring 06

Likes and Dislikes

+800 LP
+9 FP Cake

+500 LP
+9 FP Normal Items
Yarn, Perfume, Diamond, Pink Diamond, Curry Bread

Cooked Items
Risotto, Dry Curry, Curry Noodles, Curry Rice, Blue Curry, Green Curry, Red Curry, Yellow Curry, Orange Curry, Purple Curry, Indigo Curry, Black Curry, White Curry, Rainbow Curry, Ultimate Curry, Finest Curry, Doria, Grautin, Elli Leaves

+300 LP
+3 FP Normal Items
Wild Grape, Matsutake, Grape, Apple, Peach, Moondrop Flower, Toy Flower, Pinkcat Flower, Blue Magicgrass Flower, Red Magicgrass Flower, Milk, Yogurt, Necklace, Bracelet, Broach, Earrings, Dress, Sunblock, Facial Pack, Skin Lotion, Curry Powder

Cooked Items
Scrambled Eggs, Omelet Rice, Apple Souffle, French Toast, Fried Noodles, Tempura, Pancake, Hot Chocolate, Candied Potato, Buckwheat Noodles, Tempura Buckwheat Noodles, Mountain Stew, Relaxtea, Bodigizer, Turbojolt, Baked Yam, Sweet Potatoes, Cookies, Chocolate Cookies, Chocolate Cake, Cheesecake, Apple Pie, Grape Juice, Peach Juice, Apple Juice, Fruit Juice, Fruit Latte, Vegetable Juice, Vegetable Latte, Mixed Juice, Mixed Latte, Bodigizer XL, Turbojolt XL, Moon Dumpling, Green Dumpling, Chimaki, Steamed Bun, Cheese Steamed Bun, Shaomi, Curry Bun, Sponge Cake, Steamed Cake, Pudding, Pumpkin Pudding, Salad, Sandwitch, Fruit Sandwitch, Truffle Rice, Chirashi Sushi, Ice Cream, Relaxtea Leaves

-500 LP
-3 FP Normal Items
Eggplant, Wool, Blue Grass, Green Grass, Red Grass, Yellow Grass, Orange Grass, Purple Grass, Indigo Grass, Black Grass, White Grass, Peridot, Flourite, Agate, Amethyst, Rice Cake, Fodder, Bird Feed

Cooked Items
Savory Pancake, French Fries, Fried Thick Noodles, Pumpkin Stew, Fish Stew, Boiled Spinach, Noodles, Tempura Noodles, Baked Rice Cakes, Butter, Sushi, Sashimi

-800 LP
-9 FP Normal Items
Toadstool, Pirate Treasure, Fish Fossil, Copper, Silver, Gold, Mystrile, Orihalcon, Adamantite, Moonstone, Sandrose, Alexandrite, Mythic Stone, Emerald, Ruby, Topaz, Lithograph, Fish Bones, Empty Can, Boot, Weed, Branch, Stone, Wood Lumber, Stone Lumber, Gold Lumber

Cooked Items
Happy Eggplant, Pickled Turnips

-5000 LP
-20 FP Pickled Cucumber

Heart Events

Black Heart Event
» Vesta's farmhouse
» 10:00 am to 12:00 pm, not Monday, rainy day
» Not Tuesday if you connected to FoMT/MFoMT

As you walk in you'll find Celia happily cleaning the kitchen. She becomes startled when you sneak up behind her and accidentally breaks Vesta's favorite serving dish! Oops...

Vesta then comes into the house and welcomes you. She then notices that the two of you look sad. "Tell the truth" to Vesta about her broken plate. Vesta doesn't believe a broken plate should cause this much trouble for Celia, and she thanks you for telling her the honest story. Celia tries to apologize but Vesta is not too concerned about it so she should cheer up.

Purple Heart Event
» Walk from Main Path to Goddess Pond
» 3:40 pm to 6:00 pm, not Monday

While walking up the path Celia will catch up to you. She noticed that you were heading to the pond and she wants to go with you. Celia asks if you would join her so respond with "go with her".

At the pond Celia asks if you knew that a legendary Goddess lived in the pond. She thinks the story is strange but you disagree. She smiles because she's not the only one who believes the legend. When she was younger she was sickly, so she could never go out and play with the other kids. When she grew up she got better. Sometimes she begins to feel weak again and wonders if she's really getting better. Celia comes to the pond to wish for the Goddess to help her heal faster. You don't think her wish is childish at all, and Celia thanks you before going back home.

Blue Heart Event
» Dr.Hardy's clinic
» 6:00 am to 12:00 pm, rainy day, not Winter

Celia is at the clinic getting a checkup. Hardy tells her that she's getting better because the environment in the valley is good for her health. He also mentions she's recently become quite pretty. Celia blushes and tells him he's just saying so but thanks him none the less. Hardy asks her if there are any boys that she likes, which causes her to blush again.

You will then walk into the Clinic. Hardy explains he was just doing an exam. Celia brushes it off and lets you know there's nothing to worry about. Hardy notices her face has turned red and asks if she's okey. He then realizes that she's blushing because you're there and asks if you have a girlfriend. Tell Hardy that you're single ("no"). Hardy for some reason thinks that's good, but Celia gets embarrased and tells him she's going home. As she leaves she blushes at you again.

Yellow Heart
» Blue Bar
» 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm, not Wednesday

Griffin welcomes you to his establishment and mixes you up a drink. Celia arrives to deliver some vegetables and hands them over to Griffin. He thanks her for the delivery and takes them out back.

Celia mentions that you two are the only ones there and asks if you have anything interesting to say. Tell her all about the farm life (not about the other girls!) and she will be impressed. Celia has to return to her own farm but she wants to hear more about your own farm again some day.


Lumina spends a lot of time playing the piano at her grandmother Romana's mansion in the northwest corner of the valley. Romana is fairly well-to-do and has been trying to raise Lumina to be a proper lady, but her granddaughter is looking for a different kind of life. In the mornings Lumina will be practicing the piano at the mansion and spend the afternoons looking at the Goddess Pond.


Spring 29

Likes and Dislikes

+800 LP
+9 FP Relaxtea

+500 LP
+9 FP Normal Items
Perfume, Diamond, Pink Diamond

Cooked Items
Omelet, Omelet Rice, Risotto, Dry Curry, Rainbow Curry, Ultimate Curry, Finest Curry, Baked Yam, Doria, Grautin, Sweet Potatoes, Cake, Chocolate Cake, Strawberry Milk, Relaxtea Leaves

+300 LP
+3 FP Normal Items
Moondrop Flower, Toy Flower, Pinkcat Flower, Sweet Potato, Blue Magicgrass Flower, Red Magicgrass Flower, Wool, Yarn, Necklace, Bracelet, Broach, Earrings, Dress, Sunblock, Facial Pack, Skin Lotion, Mystrile, Orihalcon, Adamantite, Moonstone, Sandrose, Alexandrite, Mythic Stone, Emerald, Ruby, Topaz, Peridot, Firefly Stone, Agate, Amethyst, Bread, Chocolate

Cooked Items
Fried Rice, Savory Pancake, Croquette, Scrambled Eggs, Curry Bread, French Toast, Doughnut, Grilled Fish, Pancake, Pot Sticker, Hot Chocolate, Candied Potato, Strawberry Jam, Stew, Curry Rice, Blue Curry, Green Curry, Red Curry, Yellow Curry, Orange Curry, Purple Curry, Indigo Curry, Black Curry, White Curry, Toast, Cookies, Chocolate Cookies, Cheesecake, Apple Pie, Fruit Juice, Fruit Latte, Mixed Juice, Mixed Latte, Ketchup, Chimaki, Steamed Bun, Shaomi, Chinese Dumpling, Curry Bun, Sponge Cake, Steamed Cake, Pudding, Salad, Sandwitch, Fruit Sandwitch, Chirashi Sushi, Ice Cream

-500 LP
-3 FP Normal Items
Blue Grass, Green Grass, Red Grass, Yellow Grass, Orange Grass, Purple Grass, Indigo Grass, Black Grass, White Grass, Rice Cake, Branch, Wood Lumber, Stone Lumber, Dog Ball

Cooked Items
French Fries, Fried Thick Noodles, Fried Noodles, Noodles, Curry Noodles, Tempura Noodles, Buckwheat Noodles, Tempura Buckwheat Noodles, Mountain Stew, Rice Soup, Porridge, Bodigizer, Turbojolt, Roasted Rice Cake, Vegetable Latte, Bodigizer XL, Turbojolt XL, Sushi, Sashimi

-800 LP
-9 FP Normal Items
Toadstool, Pirate Treasure, Fish Fossil, Lithograph, Fish Bones, Empty Can, Boot, Weed, Stone, Gold Lumber, Fodder, Bird Feed

Cooked Items
Stir Fry, Happy Eggplant, Pumpkin Stew, Boiled Spinach, Pizza, Vegetable Juice, Pickled Turnips, Pickled Cucumber

-5000 LP
-20 FP Elli Leaves

Heart Events

Black Heart Event
» Romana's mansion
» 7:30 pm to 8:00 pm

An argument erupts between Lumina and her grandmother. Sebastian is having a problem getting the two of them to compromise and asks for your assistance. Neither one of the girls wants your help at first, but Lumina suggests that you can settle their problem for them.

Lumina was worried about her Grandmother's health, so she made her a present. When she gave it to Romana everyone was happy until Romana opened the gift. Romana did not like what she was given, even if Lumina had spent the time to make her a "belly warmer" (haramaki). Romana says only old people use belly warmers and she is not old! They begin to argue again.

Lumina asks you who is in the wrong. Tell them that Sebastian is wrong, and he'll chuckle and admit that it's all his fault. The two girls realize they're being silly and Romana thanks her granddaughter for the gift.

Purple Heart Event
» Wake up in the morning
» Own the DVD Player, sunny day

When you awake in the morning, Lumina will come by for a visit. She apologizes for coming so early but she had heard from someone that you have purchased a DVD Player. She is really interested in checking it out. Go ahead and "show her" the DVD Player.

Blue Heart Event
» Exit the Sprite Company Tree
» 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm, sunny day

When you leave the tree you spot Lumina looking around the ground. She is glad to see you and explains she has dropped something important. Lumina asks if you will look for it with her.

Agree to search with her and Lumina explains she had dropped a heirloom necklace. The two of you take a look around the Goddess Pond. Eventually you find the necklace and return it to Lumina. She is glad that her grandmother won't be mad at her now. She thanks you, blushes, and then heads back to the mansion.

Yellow Heart Event
» Romana's mansion, Lumina's bedroom
» 9:00 pm to 11:00 pm, sunny day

Upstairs in her room Lumina is looking out her window for Van. She thought you were the jolly peddler when you entered her room, but she's not disappointed to see you. Lumina tells you that after she saw your dvd player she had Sebastian call up Van for a visit.

Van finally arrives and asks Lumina if she wanted to order something. Lumina begins to explain about how she wanted a dvd player like your's, but Van suddenly looks distressed. He explains that you had bought the last one! It's up to you now, so Van takes his leave.

Lumina is sad that she can't have her own dvd player, so tell her that it's okey for her to go to your house to watch your player. That makes her very happy.


Always the quiet one, Nami likes to keep to herself. She doesn't have a job in the valley so she spends her days wandering the beach and by the Turtle Pond. She is very close to Ruby, the woman who runs the Inn she rents a room from.


Fall 24

Likes and Dislikes

+800 LP
+9 FP Gratin

+500 LP
+9 FP Normal Items
Wild Grape, Grape, Red Magicgrass Flower, Spring Sun, Summer Sun, Fall Sun, Winter Sun, Lithograph

Cooked Items
Curry Bread, Tempura, Hot Chocolate, Stew, Curry Rice, Apple Pie, Grape Juice

+300 LP
+3 FP Normal Items
Fish, Alexandrite, Mythic Stone, Emerald, Ruby, Topaz, Peridot, Flourite, Agate, Wine, Dog Ball

Cooked Items
Omelet, Omelet Rice, Doughnut, Risotto, Wild Grape Wine, Marmalade, Relaxtea, Baked Corn, Baked Yam, Doria, Sweet Potatoes, Cookies, Chocolate Cookies, Fruit Juice, Fruit Latte, Mixed Juice, Mixed Latte, Ketchup, Green Dumpling, Chimaki, Pickled Turnips, Pickled Cucumber

-500 LP
-3 FP Normal Items
Toy Flower, Pinkcat Flower, Yarn, Blue Grass, Green Grass, Red Grass, Yellow Grass, Orange Grass, Purple Grass, Indigo Grass, White Grass, Black Grass, Necklace, Bracelet, Broach, Earrings, Dress, Sunblock, Facial Pack, Skin Lotion, Copper, Silver, Gold, Mystrile, Orihalcon, Adamantite, Moonstone, Sandrose, Diamond, Pink Diamond, Weed, Stick, Stone, Wood Lumber, Stone Lumber

Cooked Items
French Fries, Pumpkin Stew, Bodigizer, Turbojolt, Bodigizer XL, Turbojolt XL, Pudding, Pumpkin Pudding, Ice Cream, Elli Leaves

-800 LP
-9 FP Normal Items
Toadstool, Wool, Pirate Treasure, Fish Fossil, Fish Bones, Empty Can, Boot, Golden Lumber, Fodder, Bird Feed

Cooked Items
Strawberry Jam, Apple Jam, Jambun, Vegetable Juice, Vegetable Latte

-5000 LP
-20 FP Grape Jam

Heart Events

Black Heart Event
» Inner Inn, lobby
» 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm, Tuesday, rainy day

No one seems to be around when you enter the Inn, so you ring the counter's bell enough times to annoy Nami from inside the Kitchen. She was busy cooking in the back. Ruby has left to run errands so Nami is looking after the Inn. Tell her that you've come to stay for the night.

Nami chuckles at your request since you're already living in the valley. She's not even angry at your little joke. Nami says she doesn't mind watching over the Inn because she is indebted to Ruby, even though guests don't appear very often.

Purple Heart Event
» Inner Inn, lobby
» 6:00 am to 12:00 pm

Meet up with Ruby at the Inn. She says Nami wanted to know when you showed up, so Ruby calls for Nami from the bottom of the staircase. Ruby suddenly has some work to do in the kitchen and she takes her leave.

Nami come down from the 2nd floor and mentioned she did have something she wanted to ask you. She doesn't know how to run a farm but it seems to be interesting, so she would like to learn various things about farming. Tell her "Sure" and you'll show her how to brush and milk. When you're finished, Ruby will come out from the kitchen and Nami tells her she learned a lot.

Blue Heart Event
» Wake up in the morning

As soon as you get out of bed you will hear a knock on your door. There's someone at the door asking if she can come in to make a request. If you allow the person to "come in" it turns out to be Nami. She explains that she is indebted to Ruby for her kindness and she wants to give her a little present. She had 3 things picked out but she's limited to one of them. Nami asks if love should influence her decision. Tell her "leave it to me" and she'll thank you.

Nami tells you she wants to cook her a meal, give her an unusual ore, or a unique ring. Which ever one you choose will be fine with her at this point. After you pick your choice for Ruby's gift, Nami will thank you and leave.

Yellow Heart Event
» Exit your farm house
» 6:00 am to 12:00 pm, sunny day

At your door Nami says she just happened to be passing by and wants to know if it would be too much trouble if the two of you could hang out for a bit. Tell her it's no problem (#2) and she suggests you go to the beach.

As you watch the waves, Nami mentions how the wind in the valley is special. She's traveled around a lot and each place has a different atmosphere. The wind in Forget-Me-Not is kind and warm, just like the people who live there. You will naturally agree with her.

Afterwards Nami will take you back to your house and thank you for your company.

speical girls


Leia was found by Daryll, washed ashore down on the beach. He took her back to his lab and now she lives in a tub down in the basem*nt. The door to the basem*nt will be locked until you raise Daryll's Friendship Points to 100 or higher. You can then go down into the basem*nt and talk to the cute fishy lady.


Summer 30

Likes and Dislikes

+800 LP
+9 FP Large Fish

+500 LP
+9 FP Normal Items
Red Magicgrass Flower, Medium Fish, Necklace, Bracelet, Broach, Earrings, Perfume, Diamond, Pink Diamond

Cooked Items
Grilled Fish, Sashimi

+300 LP
+3 FP Normal Items
Toy Flower, Blue Magicgrass Flower, Yarn, Small Fish, Dress, Sunblock, Facial Pack, Skin Lotion, Fish Bones

Cooked Items
Fish Stew, Sushi

-500 LP
-3 FP Normal Items
Wild Grape, Bamboo Shoots, Mushroom, Truffle, Banana, Grape, Orange, Peach, Apple, Turnip, Cabbage, Potato, Cucumber, Strawberry, Tomato, Corn, Onion, Pineapple Pumpkin, Pinkcat Flower, Sweet Potato, Pepper, Eggplant, Spinach, Carrot, Eggs, Milk, Cheese, Yogurt, Wine, Riceballs, Bread, Oil, Flour, Curry Powder, Dumpling Powder, Buckwheat Flour, Chocolate, Rice Cake, Wood Lumber, Stone Lumber

Cooked Items
All recipes with the exception of Grilled Fish, Fish Stew, Sashimi, and Sushi.

-800 LP
-9 FP Normal Items
Poisonous Mushroom, Blue Grass, Green Grass, Red Grass, Yellow Grass, Orange Grass, Purple Grass, Indigo Grass, Black Grass, White Grass, Pirate Treasure, Fish Fossil, Copper, Silver, Gold, Mystrile, Orihalcon, Adamantite, Moonstone, Sandrose, Alexandrite, Mythic Stone, Emerald, Ruby, Topaz, Peridot, Firefly Stone, Agate, Amethyst, Lithograph, Empty Can, Boot, Weed, Stick, Stone, Golden Lumber, Bird Feed

Cooked Items

-5000 LP
-20 FP Fodder

Heart Events

Black Heart Event
» Daryll's house, basem*nt
» Daryll 100+ FP

Once you gain access to the basem*nt, Leia will introduce herself. She explains that before she was in this big bathtub in the basem*nt, she had been washed up injured on the beach. Daryll has been taking care of her ever since. If you ask if he is a gentle person (and not if she's a science experiment), Leia tells you he is and she's staying there to repay his kindness by cooking for him. If you're a friend of Daryll then you are also her friend.

Purple Heart Event
» Daryll's house
» Have nothing equipped in your Held items (green slot)

Walk into Daryll's laboratory and you won't find the scientist around anywhere. You can then hear him shouting from the basem*nt about finding the secrets to the mysteries of nature! What is he doing to the mermaid?! Charge into the basem*nt to see what the crazy guy is up to.

Downstairs you'll startle Daryll, and he yells at you for thinking that he's using her as a science experiment. He tells Leia that he must immediately get back to his research and he leave the two of you alone. Once he's left, Leia laughs at your presumptions. She had been telling Daryll about her home town. She does thank you for worrying about her.

Blue Heart
» Daryll's house, basem*nt

Visit Leia in the basem*nt. She wants to repay Daryll's kindness by doing some housework, so she wants to try and cook meals. Leia doesn't know very many recipes, but she has tried to make Grilled Fish even though she doesn't cook it very often. Leia wants to try something at this moment, and asks if you would taste test it for her.

Tell her it would be your pleasure (option #2), Leia will tell you to wait a moment while she hurries to make the dish. She returns with Boiled Fish made with Wine and gives it to you to try out. You tell her it is delicious and she is glad that she was able to cook something so tasty.

Yellow Heart Event
» Daryll's house
» Have a Bottled Message in your hands

Walk into the laboratory while holding the bottle. Daryll notices that they can't open the bottle to retrieve it's content, and the seal on the bottle broke his "Super Ultra Great Delicious Wonderful Corkscrew", his "Hyper Miracle Sweet Gorgeous Beautiful Corkscrew", and his "Angel Eternal Pure Fresh Elegant Corkscrew". The normal, ordinary corkscrew that he had bought from Van was the only one that worked! Daryll read the message and realized it is for Leia.

Daryll takes the note to Leia. She explains it is from her mother. Mom is worried about her living in a bathtub and wants her to come home. Daryll tells her she is all better anyway so she should go back.

At the Beach Leia asks if it would be all right for her to return. Tell her it's always good to come back and she'll smile before she swims away.

You can catch a Bottled Message in the Ocean during the Spring season if you use a Mystrile or higher level Fishing Pole. The message will only appear after Leia's heart color turns Yellow (40,000 LP or higher).

The SUDGW, HMSGB, and AEPFE corkscrews Daryll refers to are a take on Won's special apples from past Harvest Moon games.

Additional Info

You will need to have the Duck Pond built before she will accept your marriage proposal.

Once Leia swims away the only time you can see her at the Beach is on Tuesday night at midnight after the time turns into Wednesday. You will need to walk into the beach area to have her appear.

If you don't feel like waiting a week to give her your daily Love Point gift, wait until she is at a high-orange heart color (57,000+ LP) and Monday before activating her yellow heart event. Once Tuesday night comes around she should be ready to marry if you have completed all other requirements.

Harvest Goddess

After the Witch Princess' misguided spell, the Goddess disappears until you can find 60 Harvest Sprites. Once you do that then you can begin to court the Goddess. She will live inside the pond and will appear when you toss an item into the water. This powerfull woman will continue to live in her pond even after you marry her.

The Harvest Goddess does not appear to be marriageable in the English version of HMDS due to bugs introduced in the localization coding. In order to marry you need to ship items made of Buckwheat Flour, which can not be acquired by most people. There are a handful of very lucky players that have received it from the New Years Eve festival but 90% polled have indicated they never have received it from Thomas.

If you are one of the lucky few who's game does produce Buckwheat Flour, and you marry the Goddess, the lady returns to her pond. You may be married but she doesn't live with you.


Spring 08

Likes and Dislikes

+800 LP
+9 FP Strawberry

+500 LP
+9 FP Normal Items

Cooked Items

+300 LP
+3 FP Normal Items
Orange, Turnip, Cabbage, Potato, Cucumber, Moondrop Flower, Toy Flower, Tomato, Corn, Onion, Pumpkin, Pinkcat Flower, Sweet Potato, Pepper, Eggplant, Spinach, Carrot, Blue Magicgrass Flower, Red Magicgrass Flower, Eggs, Milk

Cooked Items
Relaxtea Leaves

-500 LP
-3 FP Normal Items
Toadstool, Necklace, Bracelet, Broach, Earrings, Dress, Sunblock, Facial Pack, Skin Lotion, Perfume, all Ores, all Jewels, Lithograph, Wine, Riceballs, Bread, Oil Flour, Curry Powder, Buckwheat Flour, Chocolate, Rice Cake, Weed, Branch, Stone, Wood Lumber, Stone Lumber, Dog Ball, Fodder, Bird Feed

Cooked Items
All cooked recipes (excluding Steamed Egg)

-800 LP
-9 FP Normal Items
Pirate Treasure, Fish Fossil, Fish Bones, Empty Can, Gold Lumber

-5000 LP
-20 FP Boot

Heart Events

Black Heart Event
» Find 60 Harvest Sprites

Right after you find your 60th Sprite the Harvest Goddess will return from the other world. She will thank you and invite you to visit her pond. That's about all that happens. Now you can toss an item into her pond to summon her for a little bit.

Don't forget to check the pots inside of the Sprite Company Tree once you've rescued the Goddess. If you press A while standing in front of the pots on the left-hand side you'll discover the Baby Sprite.

Purple Heart Event
» 10,000 steps on your Pedometer
» Ship at least 10,000 of 1 type of item
» Catch at least 10,000 of 1 type of fish
» Reach the bottom of the 1st Mine
» After requirements met, throw a gift into her pond

The Goddess will welcome you like always, but she seems a little down. She explains that her boss is angry at her for not keeping the pond clean. There's not much she can do because it's from all of the offerings, and they sink to the bottom of the spring. She cleans everything else herself though. Doesn't her boss see that? The Goddess feels better now, since she was able to rant to you for a bit about her boss.

Blue Heart Event
» Unlock all 9 channels of the Sprite Station

After you toss in an offering into her spring, she will seem sad again. Goddess is worried about her rival, the Witch Princess. The Witch always gets in her way, but Goddess will not lose! Tell her that you'll "support the Harvest Goddess" and she'll thank you. Now she's going to work hard.

Yellow Heart Event
» Give her at least 500 gifts, 1 gift per day

After greeting you, the Goddess seems weary. She explains she has been tired lately. Goddess has to clean the area, hook up couples who like each other, and all the busywork has worn her out. Sometimes she wishes she could be a normal human. If she was a human she wouldn't have all these troubles.

Tell her "that's not true". The Goddess admits you're probably right and she shouldn't say such things.

Additional Info

Be on your 5th year or beyond, ship at least 1 of everything available, get the Legendary Sword and unlock the field behind the Waterfall, discover every type of item hidden in the 4 mines, and find all 101 Harvest Sprites.

When you complete tasks a certain amount of time you will be congratulated by the Goddess. Each time you see the scene you will increase her Love Points by +3000. In a sense the "good job" scenes are heart events with a hefty boost to her affection. You can get these scenes by...

» Pedometer steps at 1000, 10,000, 100,000, 1,000,000, 10 million, and 100 million
» Send items in 1000, 10,000, 100,000, 1,000,000, 10 million, and 100 million amounts to your shipping bin
» Catch 1000, 10,000, 100,000, 1,000,000, 10 million, and 100 million of 1 type of fish
» Ship at least 1 of everything available in the game
» Reach the bottom floor of all 4 mines
» Find all kinds of items hidden in the mines
» Reach floor 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 10,000, 20,000, 30,000, 40,000, 50,000, and 60,000 of the mines

« Index

Witch Princess

She is the Harvest Goddess' playful rival, but a spell miscalculation lead to the Goddess' disappearance. In an attempt to fix the problem Witch sent the Sprites off in a similar fashion. Now she spends her days inside of her hut next to Romana's mansion, brooding over her books and cauldron.

The Witch Princess does not appear to be marriageable in the English version of HMDS due to bugs introduced in the localization coding. Witch does not recognize the animals that you have killed off, so the requirement can not be met.


Winter 29

Likes and Dislikes

+800 LP
+9 FP Rainbow Curry

+500 LP
+9 FP Normal Items
Toadstool, Red Grass, Gold Lumber

Cooked Items
Ultimate Curry, Finest Curry

+300 LP
+3 FP Normal Items
Blue Grass, Green Grass, Yellow Grass, Orange Grass, Purple Grass, Indigo Grass, Black Grass, White Grass, Pirate Treasure, Fish Fossil, Copper, Silver, Gold, Mythril, Orihalcon, Adamantite, Moonstone, Sandrose, Alexandrite, Mythic Stone, Diamond, Emerald, Ruby, Topaz, Pink Diamond, Peridot, Flourite, Agate, Amethyst, Spring Sun, Summer Sun, Fall Sun, Winter Sun, Lithograph, Fish Bones, Empty Can

Cooked Items
Blue Curry, Green Curry, Red Curry, Yellow Curry, Orange Curry, Purple Curry, Indigo Curry, Black Curry, White Curry, Bodigizer, Turbojolt, Bodigizer XL, Turbojolt XL

-500 LP
-3 FP Normal Items
Necklace, Bracelet, Broach, Earrings, Dress, Sunblock, Facial Pack, Perfume, Skin Lotion, Dog Ball

Cooked Items

-800 LP
-9 FP Normal Items
Boot, Fodder, Bird Feed

Cooked Items
Peach Juice

-5000 LP
-20 FP Peach

Heart Events

These are translated from the Japanese version of HMDS. The English events may have different text.

Black Heart Event
» Exit Romana's mansion
» 6:00 am to 12:00 am

When leaving the house you'll hear a strange sound. The chanting is coming from the hut next door. Inside you'll find Witch regretting sending the Goddess off, but she was just trying to make michief! The Goddess is too sensitive. She then notices that you were standing there listening to her rant. Witch asks if you feel the same about the Goddess. Tell the Witch "I'm fed up" and the Witch will be happy.

Purple Heart Event
» Exit the Sprite Company Tree
» 10:00 am to 6:00 pm
» Litter at least 10 times
» Have killed 50 or more of your animals
» Donated a Toadstool to the Harvest Festival for 5 years
» Try to exit the valley at least 10 times
» Rescued the Harvest Goddess
» Pass out from exhaustion at least 10 times.
» Given 10 or more gifts to the Witch

Exit the Sprite Company Tree and you'll see the Witch by the Goddess Pond. She calls you over and explains that she's trying to talk to the Goddess. Witch is looking to burn some free time so she secretly made a laughing potion to pour into some tea, and then invited the Goddess to her tea party. The Goddess won't come to her party! Witch is pretty frustrated with the Goddess ruining her fun.

If you agree with the Witch (Sou Omou) you'll make her happy. Since the Goddess doesn't appear to want to leave the Pond, Witch decides to go home.

For this event to take place, you will need to do several not-so-nice things that will impact your relationships with the rest of the villagers. Every time you allow an animal to die, you litter, or donate a P.Mushroom, your friendship with the other people will drop significantly. On the other hand, the Witch is not affected by your naughtyness so there will be no negative impact on her Love and Friendship Points.

Blue Heart Event
» Witch's hut
» 6:00 am to 12:00 am
» Given at least 1000 gifts.

Walk into the Witch's hut and you'll find her talking to herself. She has some free time again and is trying to decide who to invite over. The Goddess has declined her invitation (of course) and Witch finds the Sprites too annoying with their "budum budum" phrase. The only one left is you, but she's too embarrassed to ask you.

Witch will turn around and notice that you've been listening to her the entire time. She will ask if you would like to hang out with her. Tell her that you would. Witch then realizes she doesn't have as much free time as she thought she had, but she thanks you for your time anyway.

Yellow Heart
» Witch's hut
» 6:00 am to 12:00 am
» Know the cooking recipe for Elli Leaves
» Pass out from exhaustion at least 100 times
» Have nothing in your Items (green) slot of your Rucksack

Visit the Witch's hut again and you'll find her standing over her brew pot. She is incredibly happy that after 200 years she's finally perfected her Dream Potion. Witch is really hyped to try it out!

Unfortunately she can't drink it herself so she needs to find a test subject. That's when she notices that you've come for a visit. The Witch asks if you would like something to drink, and offers up the potion. If you agree to drink it and Witch will intently watch you to check for a reaction. The potion is a success but Witch doesn't seem to appreciate the results! Luckily she remembers a spell to reverse the affects and quickly casts it on you. Once you've returned to your normal state of mind, Witch will thank you for helping her collect data on her potion.

Additional Info

You will need to have given her at least 10,000 presents before Witch will accept your feather. You can give multiple gifts in a day to reach this goal, but you can't hand her a stack of 99 items and expect the game to count all 99 at once. The gifts have to be given one at a time so this will take a while. The presents you give her to increase her heart color also count towards the 10,000 gift goal.

There isn't a lot of things that Witch doesn't like. You could give her flour (50 G each), fish (free), or even weeds! If you don't want to stand there and give her something one-at-a-time you can show her one of your pets instead.

« Index


This mysterious princess lives at the 255th floor of the 3rd Mine. You will need to unlock the earlier mines before you can even talk to her. She will quietly sleep in her bed and await the gifts you can give her. Next to her bed is a sign that will give you special instructions during her Heart Events.


Winter 26

Likes and Dislikes

+800 LP
+9 FP Golden Lumber

+500 LP
+9 FP Normal Items
Alexandrite, Mythic, Diamond, Pink Diamond, Spring Sun, Summer Sun, Fall Sun, Winter Sun

Cooked Items

+300 LP
+3 FP Normal Items
Mystrile, Orihalcon, Adamantite, Moonstone, Sandrose, Emerald, Ruby, Topaz, Peridot, Flourite, Agate, Amethyst

Cooked Items
Ultimate Curry, Finest Curry, Relaxtea, Relaxtea Leaves

-500 LP
-3 FP Normal Items
Moondrop Flower, Toy Flower, Pinkcat Flower, Red Magicgrass Flower, Blue Magicgrass Flower, Wool, Wood Lumber, Stone Lumber, Dogball

Cooked Items

-800 LP
-9 FP Normal Items
Wild Grape, Bamboo Shoots, Shiitake, Toadstool, Banana, Grape, Orange, Apple, Peach, Turnip, Cabbage, Potato, Cucumber, Strawberry, Tomato, Corn, Onion, Pineapple, Pumpkin, Sweet Potato, Pepper, Eggplant, Spinach, Carrot, Eggs, Mayonnaise, Milk, Cheese, Yogurt, Blue Grass, Green Grass, Red Grass, Yellow Grass, Orange Grass, Purple Grass, Indigo Grass, Black Grass, White Grass, Fish, Pirate Treasure, Fish Fossil, Coppper, Silver, Gold, Lithograph, Wine, Bread, Oil, Flour, Curry Powder, Dumpling Powder, Chocolate, Rice Cake, Fish Bones, Empty Can, Boot, Weed, Branch, Stone, Fodder, Bird Feed

Cooked Items
All Frying Pan recipes, all Pot recipes (excluding Ultimate Curry, Finest Curry, and Relaxtea), all Oven recipes, all Mixer recipes, all Steamer recipes, all No Utensil recipes (excluding Relaxtea Leaves)

-5000 LP
-20 FP Riceballs

Heart Events

Black Heart Event
» 255th floor of the 3rd Mine

Discover the princess sleeping on the 255th floor. The sign next to her bed is requesting you to bring her a curry dish. Leave and bring back the dish listed on her sign (Ultimate Curry or Finest Curry) and you will finish the event.

Since you can only give 1 gift a day that affects her Love Point value, you will have to take the time to drop down to floor 255 each time you give a present. Luckily you can pick up a seasonal sun on your way down, which is worth 500 LP when you give it to her.

Purple Heart Event
» 255th floor of the 3rd Mine

Bring her Relaxtea according to the sign next to her bed.

Blue Heart Event
» 255th floor of the 3rd Mine

The sign next to her bed will request a specific jewel. The jewel listed will be random and will change from game to game.

Yellow Heart Event
» 255th floor of the 3rd Mine

Bring her a piece of Golden Lumber.

« Index

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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