Insight in to the Awareness of CBCT as an Imaging Modality in the Diagnosis and Management of ENT Disorders: A Cross Sectional Study (2024)

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  • Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg
  • v.74(Suppl 3); 2022 Dec
  • PMC9895214

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Insight in to the Awareness of CBCT as an Imaging Modality in the Diagnosis and Management of ENT Disorders: A Cross Sectional Study (1)

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Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2022 Dec; 74(Suppl 3): 5283–5293.

Published online 2020 Oct 14. doi:10.1007/s12070-020-02209-w

PMCID: PMC9895214

PMID: 36742614

Deepa Jatti Patil,Insight in to the Awareness of CBCT as an Imaging Modality in the Diagnosis and Management of ENT Disorders: A Cross Sectional Study (2) Chandramani B. More, Rashmi Venkatesh, and Palak Shah

Author information Article notes Copyright and License information PMC Disclaimer


The advent of Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT), has revolutionized 3D imaging in dentistry. CBCT has enormous potential to be used as an alternative imaging modality by Otolaryngologists. But their knowledge regarding CBCT is limited. The study aims to evaluate the awareness of CBCT as an imaging modality among Ear, nose and Throat (ENT) practitioners. The validated questionnaire was sent by email and the participants were asked to fill the google form through the link provided to record the responses. The participants were asked to answer 25 multiple choice questions regarding the general information and practice related to CBCT imaging. Data was evaluated according to the descriptive statistics and the Chi-square test was used to determine the test of significance. The response rate for this study was 84.4%. The mean age of the participants was 44.9 ± 11.3. 69% of the respondents were academicians,14.2% had exclusive clinical practice, and 16.8% had both clinical and academic exposure. Among the study population, 76.8% had never advised CBCT in their practice. Only 10.3% of the study participants were aware of the potential of CBCT in ENT disorders. The mean knowledge, attitude and practice scores were very low regarding the applications of CBCT. Most of the study participants advised CBCT for maxillofacial fractures (78.1%) and was statistically significant p < 0.05. The knowledge about various advantages and clinical applications of CBCT among Otolaryngologists is limited. However, continuing medical education and inclusion in the medical curriculum will increase the scope and awareness about CBCT among ENT fraternity.

Keywords: Cone beam computed tomography, Computed tomography, ENT diseases, Otolaryngologist, Oral and maxillofacial radiologist


The foundation of Oral and maxillofacial radiology was based on two-dimensional (2D) imaging, such as intraoral and panoramic radiographs. Owing to the complex anatomy in the Oral and Maxillofacial region, a shift from 2D to three-dimensional (3D) imaging has evolved. Traditionally multislice Computed Tomography, (MSCT) is a work house, and has provided much useful information in the investigation of Oral and Maxillofacial disorders, but with the drawback of higher radiation dose. Additionally, the footprint for MSCT requires considerable space and is expensive, and is therefore used quite infrequently for Oral and Maxillofacial disorders compared with conventional radiographs [1].

The shortcomings of MSCT are overcome by the latest technology of Cone beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) for three-dimensional imaging of the Maxillofacial region which has grown considerably over the last decade [2, 3]. The International commission of radiation protection advocates the use of “As Low as Reasonably Achievable” (ALARA) principle, which implies decreased radiation dose for patient safety. CBCT justifies this principle of ALARA [4]. CBCT devices perform not as a substitute for MSCT, but, rather, as a complement to MSCT in the Oral and Maxillofacial region. CBCT technology provides excellent imaging, at reduced radiation doses, and at a lower cost than MSCT [2, 3]. The technique used in CBCT has been applied in medical imaging since 1982. In the dental field, CBCT applications range from implant planning, pain diagnosis and periodontitis as well as ectopic and impacted teeth, facial fractures, temporomandibular joint disorders and orthodontics to oral and maxillofacial surgery, including image-guided surgery [59].

Over the last several years, CBCT has diverse applications in majority of the medical imaging specialities, particularly in Otolaryngology, musculoskeletal, breast, respiratory, cardiac imaging and spinal surgery [1014]

Conventionally, 2D X-ray, MSCT or Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are the imaging modalities of choice for ENT diseases. MSCT is considered as a gold standard in the diagnosis of ENT pathologies. The evolution of CBCT, has resulted in generation of radiographic images with good resolution and quality, at a low radiation dose. CBCT imaging is emerging as a substitute for traditional imaging modalities in ENT diseases. Because of these benefits, CBCT is gaining widespread popularity and the technique is gradually replacing the traditional imaging modalities in the field of Otolaryngology [2, 9].

CBCT has diverse applications in the field of Otolaryngology ranging from sinus imaging, airway analysis, imaging of temporal bone and osseous implants [15]. It is imperative that the Otolaryngologists identify and practice CBCT imaging in their field. Literature review among the various databases revealed scarcity of research in this arena [9]. Exploring the field of ENT diseases is a skilful technique honed by the Oral radiologists. A single study conducted by Lata et al. [16] showed decreased awareness of the advantages and clinical applications of CBCT. Therefore, this study was conducted to evaluate knowledge, attitude and practice of CBCT and its clinical applications, among ENT surgeons in the state of Gujarat. The paper will also review the various application of CBCT in ENT diseases.

Material and Methods

This cross-sectional study was conducted by the Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology of the Institute among the Otolaryngologists (ENT surgeons) in Gujarat state, India after obtaining Institutional ethical approval. (SVIEC/ON/DENT/HRRP/19,022) The study samples included Otolaryngologists involved in both academic and clinical practice. Faculties associated with different medical colleges, consultants in various corporate hospitals, district hospitals and private practitioners from various parts of Gujarat, India were included in the study. Participants who were undergoing postgraduation or diploma in the specialty of Otolaryngology and not willing to complete the questionnaire were excluded.

The sample size was derived according to the study conducted by Lata et al. [16] (sample size 150), with 99% CI and 90% power. The sample size was derived as n = 20*(4.426*SD/d) ^3.5 = 139.02 where, SD = 5.25 and d = 11.70. These calculations produced a Minimum sample size of 139 with 99% CI and 90% power. The sample size of the study was estimated as 200.The list of the ENT surgeons was obtained from Association of Otolaryngologists in Gujarat state.

Validation of Questionnaire

The questionnaire was developed based on the applications of CBCT in the field Otolaryngology and reference of previous research study.

Face and content validation: The researchers comprehensively reviewed the initial draft of questionnaire during several meetings to ensure face and content validity.

Subject Validation: was performed by sending the drafted questionnaire to two subject experts in the field of Oral Medicine and Radiology. They suggested a few modifications which were incorporated in the questionnaire.

Content Validation-The finalised questionnaire was distributed amongst 20 ENT Surgeons as a part of the pilot study to check the feasibility of the survey. The obtained data was entered in Microsoft excel and internal consistency of the questionnaire was checked using Cronbach’s alpha value. The value obtained was 0.84 suggesting that items had good internal consistency.

The final questionnaire comprised of four sections. The first section was about demographic data: nationality, Age, gender, years of clinical experience, place and type of clinical practice. The second and third sections included questions about knowledge and practice of CBCT. The questions related to attitude of ENT surgeons towards CBCT imaging, were covered in the fourth section. The questions on knowledge and attitude were based on LIKERT scale—Strongly disagree, Disagree, Neither agree nor disagree and Strongly agree.

Self-prepared validated questionnaire was sent via email through the google form link and the responses were recorded. Information about the study was provided to each participant in English through Information Sheet explaining the aims, objectives and benefits of the study.

They were ensured about the confidentiality and privacy of their responses during the conduct of the study by administering anonymous questionnaire. Those willing to participate in the study provided their consent. The ethical standards were maintained during the conduct of the study following the guidelines of Helsinki Declaration by World Medical Association. The participation in this study was voluntary.

Statistical Analysis

The data of each participant was entered in Master chart prepared in Microsoft Excel sheet 2007. The collected data was then subjected to statistical analysis by using IBM SPSS Version 20.0 software. Descriptive statistical analysis was performed to calculate means, standard deviations and frequency distributions. The Chi square test was applied to know the difference in responses. Statistical significance was determined at p value less than 0.05.


Out of 200 ENT surgeons 155 filled the complete questionnaire. Therefore, the response rate of the study was 77.5%. The mean age of the study participants was 44.9 ± 11.3. Among the study participants 128(82.6%) were males and 27 (17.4%) were females. 147 (94.8%) were post graduates and 8 (5.2%) were super specialists in the field of Otolaryngology (Table ​(Table11).

Table 1

Descriptive statistics regarding demographic data

General informationValues
Age distribution (in years)Mean ± SD44.9 ± 11.3
Gender distributionMale128 (82.6%)
Female27 (17.4%)
QualificationPostgraduate147 (94.8%)
Super speciality8 (5.2%)
Clinical22 (14.2%)
Both26 (16.8%)

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Table ​Table22 describes the type of practice and number of years in to speciality practice.107 (69%) were involved in academics, 22 (14.2%) in clinical practice and 26 (16.8%) were both academicians and clinicians. 38.1% of the practitioners were involved in the field for nearly 10–15years.Table 3 depicts the assessment of questions related to practice. The most common advised preliminary image as a diagnostic modality for ENT disorders was CT (76.1%) followed by Plain film x-ray (23.9%). CBCT was not used by majority of the ENT practioners for preliminary diagnosis. Only 15 (9.6%) were aware of the CBCT centres in their vicinity. Only 13 (8.4%) advised and 119 (76.8%) never advised CBCT during their practice.

Table 2

Description of type of practice and number of years into speciality practice

Type of practiceAcademic107 (69%)
Clinical22 (14.2%)
Both26 (16.8%)
Number of years in to speciality practice< 5years13 (8.4%)
5–10years33 (21.3%)
10–15years59 (38.1%)
> 15years50 (32.3%)

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Table 3

Assessment of practice

QuestionsResponsesMean scoreChi square test valuep value
Which radiograph do you advice as a preliminary image for diagnosis of ENT disorders?Plain x ray film (%)37 (23.9%)2.5242.3290.000*
Panoramic radiograph (%)0 (0%)
Computed Tomography (%)118 (76.1%)
CBCT (%)0 (0%)
Are you aware about the CBCT centres near you?Yes (%)15 (9.6%)1.90100.8060.000*
No (%)140 (90.4%)
How regularly do you advice CBCT?Not often23 (14.8%)2.61132.5490.000*
Very often13 (8.4%)
Never advise119 (76.8%)

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Table ​Table44 discusses the questions related to attitude of the ENT practitioners towards CBCT. 139 (89.7%) were not aware of the of the potential of CBCT in diagnosis of ENT disorders. 123 (79.4%) were willing to participate in scientific programmes to increase their awareness about CBCT as an imaging modality in the field of otolaryngology. Table ​Table55 describes the responses of the participants related to Knowledge of the ENT practitioners about the various clinical applications of CBCT imaging and advantage of CBCT as compared to other imaging modalities like CT and MRI. The participants were unaware of the advantages and specific applications of CBCT in ENT disorders. ( p < 0.05).

Table 4

Assessment of attitude

QuestionsResponsesMean ScoreChi Square Test Value p Value
Are you aware of the potential of CBCT in diagnosis of ENT disorders?Yes (%)16 (10.3%)1.8997.6060.000*
No (%)139 (89.7%)
Will you encourage the implementation of scientific programmes for increasing the awareness of CBCT amongst your fraternity?Strongly disagree (%)7 (4.5%)3.89245.0770.000*
Disagree (%)0 (0%)
Neither agree nor disagree (%)10 (6.4%)
Agree (%)123 (79.4%)
Strongly agree (%)15 (9.6%)

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Table 5

Assessment of knowledge

QuestionsResponsesMean scoreChi Square Test Value p Value
When did you acquire the Knowledge of CBCT?Undergraduate (%)0 (0%)3.90100.8060.000*
Postgraduate (%)0 (0%)
Professional (%)15 (9.7%)
None of the above (%)140 (90.3%)
What is the accuracy of CBCT?Same as CT (%)4 (2.6%)1.97139.4130.000*
Less than CT (%)151(97.4%)
More than CT (%)0 (0%)
The radiation dose of CBCT machine is higher compared to CTStrongly disagree (%)0 (0%)4.03156.4770.000*
Disagree (%)0 (0%)
Neither agree nor disagree (%)12 (7.7%)
Agree (%)125 (80.6%)
Strongly agree (%)18.11.5 (%)
The CBCT machine footprint occupies more space compared to CT machineStrongly disagree (%)0 (0%)4.1374.5290.000*
Disagree (%)0 (0%)
Neither agree nor disagree (%)17 (11%)
Agree (%)101 (65.2%)
Strongly agree (%)37 (23.8%)
CBCT machine requires high maintenance than CT or MRI machineDisagree (%)0 (0%)4.04154.4450.000*
Neither agree nor disagree (%)11 (7.1%)
Agree (%)103 (66.5%)
Strongly agree (%)35 (22.5%)
The spatial resolution of CBCT image is much better than helical CT or MRIStrongly disagree (%)24 (15.5%)1.23159.2650.000*
Disagree (%)6 (3.9%)
Neither agree nor disagree (%)70 (80.6%)
Agree (%)0 (0%)
Strongly agree (%)
What do you think is the disadvantage of CBCT machine?Poor soft tissue contrast (%)15 (9.7%)2.92189.4840.000*
High radiation dose (%)12 (7.7%)
High cost (%)97 (62.6%)
All of the above (%)31 (20%)
CBCT images can be used before Functional endoscopic sinus surgery?Strongly disagree (%)22 (14.2%)1.91158.0260.000*
Disagree (%)125 (80.6%)
Neither agree nor disagree (%)0 (0%)
Agree (%)8 (5.2%)
Strongly agree (%)0 (0%)
CBCT images can be used in assessing pathologies of paranasal sinusesStrongly disagree (%)14 (9%)2.14216.5350.000*
Disagree (%)118 (76.2%)
Neither agree nor disagree (%)9 (5.8%)
Agree (%)14 (9%)
Strongly agree (%)0 (0%)
CBCT images can be used in the diagnosis of maxillofacial fracturesDisagree (%)14 (9%)3.03139.910.000*
Neither agree nor disagree (%)20 (12.9%)
Agree (%)121 (78.1%)
Strongly agree (%)0 (0%)
CBCT images can be used in the diagnosis of temporal bone disordersStrongly disagree (%)21 (13.5%)1.8682.3810.000*
Disagree (%)134 (86.5%)
Neither agree nor disagree (%)0 (0%)
Agree (%)0 (0%)
Strongly agree (%)0 (0%)
CBCT images can be used in the diagnosis of middle ear malformationsStrongly disagree (%)19 (12.3%)1.8788.3160.000*
Neither agree nor disagree (%)136 (87.7%)
Agree (%)0 (0%)
Strongly agree (%)0 (0%)
CBCT images can be used in obstructive sleep apnea and airway analysisStrongly disagree (%)19 (12.3%)1.8788.3160.000*
Disagree (%)136 (87.7%)
Neither agree nor disagree (%)0 (0%)
Agree (%)0 (0%)
Strongly agree (%)0 (0%)
CBCT images can be used in nasolacrimal duct blockadeStrongly disagree (%)16 (10.3%)1.92197.9740.000*
Disagree (%)134 (86.5%)
Neither agree nor disagree (%)5 (3.2%)
Agree (%)0 (0%)
Strongly agree (%)0 (0%)
CBCT images are helpful in assessing cochlear implantsStrongly disagree (%)31 (20%)1.8055.80.000*
Disagree (%)124 (80%)
Neither agree nor disagree (%)0 (0%)
Agree (%)0 (0%)
Strongly agree (%)0 (0%)
CBCT images are helpful in ocular malformationsStrongly disagree (%)27 (17.4%)1.8265.8130.000*
Disagree (%)128 (82.6%)
Neither agree nor disagree (%)(%)
Agree (%)(%)
Strongly agree (%)(%)
Do you advise CBCT in other conditions when patients are referred to you?Temporomandibular disorders (%)5 (3.2%)3.83221.7810.000*
Oral malignancy (%)0 (0%)
Maxillofacial trauma (%)11 (7.1%)
None of the above (%)139 (89.7%)

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*Statistically significant ( p ≤ 0.05)


CBCT is an established imaging modality with a wide range of applications in Maxillofacial as well as ENT disorders. But the practice of advising CBCT in various ENT disorders is infrequent, as they depend on CT and MRI for diagnosis of ENT pathologies. The Oral and Maxillofacial radiologists are trained to interpret the ENT diseases. However, the referral for diagnosis of ENT diseases is limited. This study was conducted to identify the Knowledge, attitude and practice of CBCT among ENT practitioners in Gujarat, India. On Literature search of the various databases no analogous study has been performed previously, other than a single similar study among the ENT practitioners in Orissa (India) [16].

The results of the present study depicted decreased awareness of CBCT as a diagnostic imaging modality among the ENT practitioners in various parts of Gujarat. The results of our study are in agreement with the study conducted by Latha et al. [16]. Majority of the participants were males and academicians. CT (76.1%) followed by 2D X-ray imaging (29.3%) was the imaging modality of choice. Only (9.6%) of the practitioners were aware about the CBCT centres in their vicinity and (14.8%) advised CBCT imaging in their routine practice. (10.3%) of the participants were aware of the potential of CBCT in diagnosis of ENT disorders.

The mean knowledge, attitude and Practice scores were 2.60, 2.01 and 2.89 respectively. These scores are quite deficient and thereby there is an urgent need to update the knowledge regarding the implications of CBCT imaging in the field of Otolaryngology. The participants were also in agreement to this statement and 79.4% of them, supported the need of scientific programmes for increasing the awareness of CBCT amongst their fraternity.

The American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (AAOO-HNS) is a founding member of the Intersocietal Accreditation Commission (IAC)-CT Division, and supports accreditation involved in point-of-care imaging.CBCT is an FDA approved CT Imaging modality that meets the standards required for CT accreditation by the IAC-CT Division. AAOO-HNS advocates that both CT & CBCT are suitable for imaging of the paranasal sinuses, skull base and temporal bones. It’s the discretion of Physicians to determine the most appropriate imaging modality for the care of the patient [17].

CBCT provides faster three-dimensional(3D) acquisition, greater spatial resolution due to isotropic voxels at a significantly lower level of radiation, and decreased footprint than a conventional CT scanner [18]. In the present study the participants had decreased knowledge about the advantages of CBCT. 97.4% believed the accuracy of CT was superior to CBCT. 65.2% agreed that CBCT requires large footprint. None of the participants agreed that CBCT had a superior resolution than CT. 80.6% had the wrong notion that the radiation dose of CBT was higher than CT.

The Lewin Group in their study reported the increased use of office-based imaging (CBCT) as a major influence in the reduction of the number of more expensive and hazardous diagnostic procedures [19]. CBCT generates precise three-dimensional (3D) visualization of dental and maxillofacial structures at a lower radiation dose than multislice computed tomography (CT) [2]. Effective dose for various CBCT device ranges from 50–120 µSv depending on the field of view for craniofacial imaging, type and model of CBCT equipment and imaging protocol used and is much lower compared to CT imaging of maxillofacial region (650 µSv) [4]. Cone-beam imaging generates lesser artifacts around dense metallic structures than does CT. This advantage is particularly perceptible around surgical and prosthetic material, dental crowns, intra-sinus metallic foreign bodies and cochlear implants [10].

CBCT technology has certain disadvantages relating to the cone-beam projection geometry, detector sensitivity, and contrast resolution that produces images which are deficient in clarity and usefulness of conventional CT images. The precision of CBCT images is affected by image noise and poor soft tissue contrast [20]. In the present study 62.6% agreed that CBCT is expensive, and only 9.7% believed it has poor soft tissue contrast.

Indications of CBCT in ENT

Hodeza et al. [21] in their comprehensive review on applications of CBCT in ENT disorders proposed the use of CBCT in assessing inflammatory and infectious sinus pathology. Effusion, mucosal thickening, ostial obstruction and tooth sinus relation were clearly depictable, with precision similar or better than CT. Evaluation of maxillofacial trauma without associated neurologic or cranial extension can be performed with ease and rapidity. CBCT is an incomparable substitute for Ear imaging, with a lower radiation level and ideal for iterative examination, postoperative follow-up and paediatric examination [21].

The CBCT machines require certain modifications for imaging the temporal bone, middle and inner ear with a large field of view. These machines utilise a 200 × 25mm flat-panel detector at 650mm from the radiation source,360◦ rotation of the X-ray tube for 18 secs. Tube voltage is set at 110kV, with 19mA charge at the terminals. The major modification is a large FOV corresponding to a 12X 7.5cm diameter cylinder.

Paranasal Sinus Imaging

The last decade has established the strength of CBCT in precise visualization of the bony structures of the nose and paranasal sinuses [22]. The relatively low radiation dose, high quality bone definition, and compact design of CBCT has made it attractive for scanning paranasal sinuses [23].

CBCT provides brilliant air-mucosa-bone contrast, permitting the visualisation of air cavity anatomy and ventilation. Effusion, mucosal thickening and ostial obstruction are perfectly visible, with precision equal to or greater than that of CT. Any inflammatory or infectious sinus pathology is accessible to cone-beam examination, with complete topographic exploration. However, as with CT without contrast injection, it is not possible to distinguish between simple mucosal thickening, mucosal cyst, polyp and retention [21]. The various indications include Chronic rhinosinusitis Aplasia, Hypoplasia Retention cyst, Polyp, Antroliths, Oroantral fistula and Benign cysts and Tumors [24]. Alspaugh et al. compared the spatial resolution obtained with CBCT scans of the paranasal sinuses with that of 16- and 64-section MDCT scanners. They concluded that 12line pairs per centimetre (lp/cm) isotropic spatial resolution could be obtained with an effective dose of 0.17mSv compared with a dose requirement of 0.87mSv for 11-lp/cm spatial resolution in a 64-section MSCT scanner [25].

Due to relative absence of metallic artifacts and good spatial resolution, CBCT enables detection of fine calcifications associated with fungal sinusitis like aspergillosis. Cone-beam imaging shows its advantages over CT in the study of tooth/sinus relations. High-resolution of (≤ 120 voxels) helps in visualising oral antral communications micro perforations of the sinus floor and Bucco sinus communications. This accuracy is lacking in conventional CT. The good spatial resolution helps us to assess fine bone remodelling, perforation of cortices, intraosseous fistula trajectories and thinning of walls. Mucosal calcification, along the wall by osseous metaplasia of Schneider’s membrane during subacute or chronic inflammatory processes, can also be detected Cone-beam imaging [23]. Due to low radiation intensity, CBCT can be used for postoperative follow-up of benign sinus lesion surgeries. In lesions extending to the cranium malignancies and deep fungal infections CT or MRI is preferred to CBCT [21].

In the present study 76.2% disagreed that CBCT images can be used in assessing pathologies of paranasal sinuses, which implies that the ENT surgeons are unaware of the usefulness of CBCT in sinus imaging.

Functional Endoscopic Surgery (FESS) and Sinus Endoscopy

FESS restores the mucociliary drainage pathways by resolution of infection from the Osteomeatal complex, secondary sites & sinuses. CBCT can be used as a preoperative assessment tool prior to FESS to analyse the anatomical variants and anomalous air cells, extent of disease in relation to the mucociliary pathways and identification of bony thickening suggesting chronicity or bony erosion/destruction. During intraoperative procedures CBCT provides high-quality definition of bony anatomy, augmenting the surgical strategy [26]. A cadaveric study conducted by Rafferty et al. [27] proposed the evidence of the application of C-arm CBCT imaging to FESS. They resolved that both spatial and soft-tissue contrast was appropriate to assist surgical navigation in the frontal recess. Batra et al. [28] performed a clinical study on 25 patients and discovered that residual bony partitions and stent locations could be envisaged with intraoperative CBCT scans, leading to surgical revision.

Of late CBCT has also been used to evaluate contrast delivery during sinus irrigation after FESS [29]. CBCT has been used in sinus endoscopy with same diagnostic accuracy. Due to the high accuracy of CBCT scanning, the CBCT findings are well correlated with sinus endoscopy findings. Considering its high accuracy and lower costs and radiation doses, CBCT may be a suitable alternative method for diagnostic sinus endoscopy in the assessment of Chronic rhinosinusitis in patients with a contraindication for sinus endoscopy [30]. Only 5.2% of the study participants agreed that CBCT can be used in FESS.

Maxillofacial and Nose Trauma

3D reconstruction, excellent spatial resolution, volume rendering and rapid protyping quality of CBCT aids in diagnosis of minute maxillo mandibular fractures involving the nasal bones, sinus or orbital walls or mandibular condyles. Zygomatico maxillary complex fractures at the level of cribriform plate are easily detected on coronal and sagittal CBCT [21, 31]. Kalaskar et al. reported the usefulness of CBCT in diagnosing four cases of tympanic bone fracture [32]. 78.1% of the respondents in the study agreed that CBCT is used in assessment of maxillofacial trauma.

Temporal Bone

Imaging of temporal on CBCT was of particular interest by various authors. Explicit applications have been discovered, including postprocedural cochlear, middle and inner ear implant evaluation, visualization of the reuniting duct in the inner ear, and intraoperative temporal bone surgical guidance [33]. Preliminary studies were performed on cadaveric and postsurgical specimens. Table ​Table66 depicts the analysis of temporal bone on cadaveric specimens on CBCT. According to Gupta et al. [34] the lack of soft-tissue contrast in their assessments did not hinder the diagnostic accuracy due to the abundance of high-contrast structures housed in the temporal bone and the positive effect of higher spatial resolution on resolving some low-contrast structures such as the facial nerve. Dalchow et al. [39] subjected 25 patients with audiometry- confirmed conductive hearing loss to preoperative CBCT and concluded that CBCT could be accurate both in predicting the continuity of the ossicular chain and in detecting ossicular erosions. 86.5% of the study participant s disagreed that CBCT was useful in temporal bone imaging depicting their decreased cognizance.

Table 6

Anatomic studies on cadaveric specimens

AuthorsSpecimenImaging modalityEvaluation of findings
Gupta et al. [34]Cadaveric specimensCBCTAnatomic structures visualised include ossicular chain, bony labyrinth of the inner ear, internal cochlear anatomy, and the facial nerve. Reduced metal artifacts with cochlear implant imaging as well as improved detection of small laser-induced lesions in the ossicular chain
Peltonen etal [35]Unoperated temporal bone specimensCBCT Vs MSCTSame accuracy as MDCT in defining surgically relevant middle ear structures.Incomplete visualization of inner ear
Offergeld etal [36]Postsurgical specimensCBCT Vs MSCTReduced metal artifacts and 60-fold effective dose reduction
Aschendorff etal [37]Cadaveric specimensCBCT Vs MSCTA reduction in metal artifacts was observed with CBCT, which allowed more precise determination of electrode-array positioning within the scala tympani or scala vestibuli
Dahmani-Causse [38]Cadaveric specimensCBCT Vs MSCTExploration of the stapes, incudostapedial joint, anterior stapediovestibular joint and footplate was qualitatively more precise on CBCT, and footplate thickness showed less overestimation than on MSCT. CBCT delivered 22 times less radiation than MSCT

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Cochlear Implants

CBCT is increasingly used to assess the detailed dimensions of the cochlea and the position of cochlear implant electrodes in the inner ear, which is extremely important for maintaining the so-called ‘residual hearing’ [40, 41]. CBCT plays a key role in cochlear implantation in both planning implantation before surgery and quality control during surgery. In theCBCTimages, the electrodes were located in the scala tympani and near the lateral wall in all temporal bones It noninvasively depicts the electrode-modiolus relationship post-implantation [42]. 80% of the respondents disagreed that CBCT is useful in evaluation of cochlear implants.


CBCT is a safe and time-efficient modality for assessing the nasolacrimal duct system in patients with epiphora. Detailed images of the nasolacrimal drainage system, surrounding soft tissue, and bony structures are obtained in one diagnostic tour. It allows clear measurement of the bony nasolacrimal duct and displays image drainage lumen, improving the planning of therapeutic, interventional and surgical procedures [43, 44]. The decreased radiation dose and excellent bony detail make CBCT an imaging modality of choice as compared to CT and MRI respectively. 86.5% of the study population disagreed that CBCT can be useful in assessing the nasolacrimal duct blockade.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)

CBCT is used in assessment of OSA to study anatomic abnormalities like micrognathia, Hypertrophic turbinate, and tonsils, elongated or posteriorly placed soft palate. Skeletal discrepancies are analyzed from a 3D aspect. CBCT generates 3D cephalometric images at low radiation dose to depict the maxillofacial anatomy [45,46].

Airway Analysis

CBCT is the choice of investigation in 3D analysis and visualization of upper airway. CBCT evaluates the airway volume, cross-section and width of the nasopharyngeal space and airway length with special sophisticated software. It is superior to 2D lateral cephalometry as it avoids anatomic superimposition and generates rapid 3D images at low radiation dose. In a study by Buchanan et al. [47] retrospective analysis utilizing existing CBCT scans were performed to evaluate the dimensions of the upper airway in OSA and control subjects. They concluded that OSA subjects have a smaller upper airway compared to controls.

87.7% disagreed that CBCT can be employed to detect OSA and for airway analysis. The reason regarding the decreased awareness could be due to the increased usage of polysomnography for diagnosing OSA by Otolaryngologists.

The most common indication for CBCT among the study participants was for maxillofacial trauma (7.1%) followed by TMJ disorders (3.2%). Therefore, this study demonstrated decreased knowledge, attitude and practice of CBCT imaging among the otolaryngologists of Gujarat region, India. The responses recorded highlighted the absence of complete and accurate information regarding CBCT. The reasons could be due to lack of standardised training programs and deficient teaching hours about CBCT imaging in the medical curriculum. The Oral and Maxillofacial Radiologists should initiate training programs regarding CBCT imaging and inculcate the habit of referral to Oral radiologists for ENT diseases.

CBCT images have certain limitations like poor soft tissue contrast precluding its use in lesions like glomus tympanicum, glomus jugulotympanic, vascular disease, diagnosis and staging of ENT tumors. CBCT is a valuable aid in maxillofacial trauma but there is a possibility of a missed soft tissue lesion including intra-cranial haemorrhage, Cerebrospinal fluid leakage, injury to the cranial nerves, septal hematoma, globe rupture, lens dislocation, muscle entrapment and vitreous haemorrhage [48]. Therefore CBCT.


CBCT is an upcoming imaging modality with enormous potential in the field of Otolaryngology. There is a lack of knowledge and expertise regarding CBCT and its applications in ENT disorders. We as Oral Radiologists can bridge this gap and impart knowledge regarding CBCT imaging. The participants agreed to attend scientific programs towards this concept. A structured, detailed and formal training should be advocated towards CBCT imaging in collaboration with Oral and Maxillofacial Radiologists. The Medical schools should incorporate the details of CBCT technology in their syllabus for better dissemination of knowledge. CBCT imaging is a budding field and unlocking its potential will result in increased usage in ENT disorders. CBCT has diverse application in otolaryngology except for certain indications where CT and MRI are preferred. CBCT provides point-of-care 3D imaging, which can be reviewed in concurrence with the patient during initial office visit, which improves patient education, reduces patient anxiety, and improves patient compliance with prescribed treatment in reduced cost.


The authors acknowledge Dr N, Rakesh, Associate Professor, Faculty of DentalSciences, Ramaiah Institute of Applied Sciences, Bangalore, Karnatakafor giving his valuable inputs in validating the questionnaire.The authors would like to thank and acknowledge the Association of Otolaryngologist of Gujarat state for their co-operation in completing the questionnaires.

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Conflict of interest

The authors have no conflict of interest.


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Deepa Jatti Patil, Email: moc.liamg@apeedfai.

Chandramani B. More, Email: moc.liamg@eromianmardnahcrd.

Rashmi Venkatesh, Email: moc.liamg@hsetaknevimhsarrd.

Palak Shah, Email: moc.liamg@89kalaphahs.


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Articles from Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery are provided here courtesy of Springer

Insight in to the Awareness of CBCT as an Imaging Modality in the Diagnosis and Management of ENT Disorders: A Cross Sectional Study (2024)


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