Online Radio Store - RadioClean (2024)

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What qualifies as explicit lyrics? ›

An explicit track is one that has curse words or language or art that is generally deemed sexual, violent, or offensive in nature. If you mark one track as explicit on your album, the entire album will also be marked as explicit. If your release is not marked correctly, it may be denied by our Content Review team.

What question of the day those over 40 will discard 50% or more of these this month compared to those under 40? ›

Question: Those over 40 will discard 50% or more of these they receive this month, compared to those under 40. What are they? Answer: Emails!

What words are considered explicit on Spotify? ›

If your track contains curse words, language, sounds or imagery that is sexual, violent or offensive in nature, it is considered explicit.

Why do clean versions of albums exist? ›

Decency. Songs are often edited for broadcast on radio and television to remove content that may be considered objectionable to an outlet's target audience—such as profanity, or references to subjects such as sex and drug usage.

Is it OK for a 13 year old to listen to explicit music? ›

As long as he knows to not repeat the lyrics around others, or play it aloud around others, there's really no problem with it. The thing about swearing is, eventually everyone does it. Kids will do it as well. As long as they don't do it around others or direct it at those who don't deserve it, it'll be fine.

What is an example of explicit content? ›

For example, a song about heartbreak could be considered explicit if it features profanity or sexual content. On the other hand, a track with no profanity or references to drugs and alcohol could still be considered explicit if its lyrics are particularly violent.

What does f mean on Spotify? ›

The first letter is either an “F” for “familiarity,” meaning that you enjoy listening to the same artists or songs, or an “E” for “exploration,” meaning you enjoy hearing new tracks.

Why is Spotify muting cuss words? ›

Spotify introduced a system designed to deal with explicit content in 2018 after parents put pressure on the company, and explicit songs are marked with an 'E'. Anyone who wants to avoid hearing swearing can choose to block explicit content in their settings, and clean versions will often be offered instead.

What is the most deleted album in history? ›

U2's Songs of Innocence: The most deleted album in history.

What's the difference between clean version and radio edit? ›

A clean version (also called "radio edit") is a song that has its profanity taken away so it can be played on radio stations. Some songs that do not have profanity but are called "radio edit" can mean that their length have been shorten or have some of its lyrical content removed for legal purposes.

How do I remove swearing from a song? ›

Step 2: Edit the Acapella
  1. Select the acapella track.
  2. Use the shortcut Cmd-E (Mac) or Ctrl-E (Windows) to cut the acapella at the points where the swear words occur.
  3. Replace or silence the sections with the bad words.

What gives a song an explicit label? ›

Strong language (one word is already enough); References to violence, physical, or mental abuse; References to sexual behaviour; Discriminatory language.

What is explicit text? ›

A text that is explicit states its meaning directly. Explicit means clearly stated or explained, so in this context, the reader can easily understand what the text is talking about.

Who decides if a song is explicit? ›

Record companies work directly with artists to decide which releases should receive a PAL Mark to indicate explicit content, or otherwise be identified as explicit. In some instances, the artist may re-record certain songs or to revise lyrics because a creative and responsible view of the music demands such a revision.

What songs are not explicit? ›

  • Flowers. Miley Cyrus. 03:20.
  • Beautiful Things. Benson Boone. 03:00.
  • greedy. Tate McRae. 02:11.
  • As It Was. Harry Styles. 02:47.
  • BIRDS OF A FEATHER. Billie Eilish. 03:30.
  • Seven (feat. Latto) Jung Kook, Latto. 03:04.
  • Fortnight (feat. Post Malone) Taylor Swift, Post Malone. 03:48.
  • Houdini. Dua Lipa. 03:05.


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Author: Arielle Torp

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Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.