The charismatic Charles Wade Ch. 1961-1980 - EthicLearner (2024)

Chapter 1961

Zhiyu knows that entry and exit records are confidential customs documents, but airport surveillance is not.

Therefore, she secretly thought in her heart: “If he has returned home from Japan by plane, then he will not be able to bypass the surveillance video at Japanese airports. As long as she read the video carefully, she will definitely be able to find his trace.”

“It’s just that the workload may be very huge…”

“Besides, brother and I are the only ones who have met benefactor, so at most I let brother come to help me. Others can’t help if they want to.”

Thinking of this, although Zhiyu felt that the opportunity was a little slim, she still didn’t want to give up. She immediately said, “Please help me get the copy as soon as possible, and then send it to me using the Su family’s exclusive network.”

Massive data is very troublesome to transmit. Ordinary networks want to transmit surveillance videos from several airports and a large number of cameras for several days, the optical transmission will take several months.

However, the top family like the Su family has its own dedicated network and large data server, and the transmission speed is extremely fast, and it can all be transmitted in a day or two.

The other party immediately agreed and said: “I’ll let someone sort it out, and I will start sending you the data tomorrow.”

With that, she couldn’t help reminding Zhiyu: “Zhiyu, there are so many surveillance videos, it may take a long time to watch them all, and if your savior does not return from Japan in the end, all your energy will be lost; if you make a little mistake or miss your lifesaver among the millions of passengers, then your energy will be wasted, so before you start, you must first think about it.”

Zhiyu smiled slightly: “These are not problems! Even if I have to watch a year’s surveillance video in front of the computer, I will definitely stick to it.”

The other party sighed helplessly, and said, “Oh, well, it’s the Zhiyu I know. You have this kind of unstoppable energy for reaching the goal, which I will never learn in my life… ….”

Zhiyu smiled and said: “That’s because you haven’t encountered anything that can make you fail to achieve your goal and swear not to give up. If you do, you will be like me.”

The other party laughed and joked: “What? You think you, a life-saver, as a prince charming?”

Zhiyu chuckled and said, “Prince Charming is nothing but a horseback rider. The lifesaver, can do much better than Prince Charming!”

“Tsk tsk tsk…” The other party kept smacking her lips, and said with emotion: “Then I congratulate you as soon as possible for finding your savior, and by the way, you will also solve the major marital affairs. If this is the case, take more time and energy to find him, and it is not a loss, after all, it is a great thing that kills two birds with one stone, perfect!”

Zhiyu actually blushed on the phone and blurted out: “What are you talking about! I just want to find the savior and thank him in person!”

“I don’t believe you!” The other party grinned and said, “If it’s just to thank him, didn’t you say thank you when he saved you?”

Zhiyu replied with some embarrassment: “What I said at the time…”

The other person said: “Since you said thank you at that time, why bother to find him out at this time? Is it really to say thank you in person again?”

Zhiyu said with a little shame: “In fact, it’s not just to thank him. The family is also looking for some top masters to cooperate with. I think this is a good opportunity to kill two birds with one stone. Not only can I thank him in person, but also help the family match up to see if the two parties have a chance to cooperate.”

The other party smiled and said: “If you want to do this, you will have three birds with one stone. Not only can you thank him in person, you can also ask him to cooperate with your family, and you can even get a good son-in-law for your family!”

Zhiyu felt her cheeks become a bit hot immediately, and couldn’t help but angrily said: “You really can’t vomit ivory from your dog’s mouth. I won’t talk nonsense with you, you quickly give me the information and prepare, and then I will start screening.”

Only then did the other party stop teasing, and said seriously: “I’ll make arrangements, but today it’s twenty-eighth Chinese New Year, and the next night is New Year’s Eve. Your family has so many rules during the Chinese New Year. Can you get over it?”

Zhiyu said: “If you are too busy, you have to be busy. You should prepare for me as soon as possible. Don’t delay.”

“Okay, I get it.”

Chapter 1962

Charlie didn’t know that Zhiyu was doing everything possible to find him at this time.

He focused his attention on the preparations for the new year’s goods.

This is the Spring Festival that Charlie has most anticipated since his parents passed away.

In the previous years, he had a hard time, and the Spring Festival was no different from usual. Not only did he not enjoy the warmth of family, but he felt sad because other people were reuniting with their families.

After marrying Claire, he has no interest in Chinese New Year, because, in the past, the whole family of Willson’s celebrated the New Year together, and Charlie was naturally the object of everyone’s sarcasm. He would be humiliated every time at the New Year’s Eve dinner.

In contrast, this year’s situation is much better, so this has become the Spring Festival that Charlie has most anticipated in his heart since his parents passed away.

Early the next morning, the new year was twenty-nine.

The family ate at the dining table together. Charlie listed all the items to be purchased to his wife and father-in-law, and made some adjustments based on everyone’s opinions, and got a finalized version.

Because Elaine’s leg broke again, and Claire still insisted on finishing the last day’s work, Charlie and Jacob became responsible buyers.

Jacob and his son-in-law prepared, and after breakfast, they went out to the supermarket to purchase together.

Claire finished her breakfast and stood up and said, “Husband, Dad, Mom, I have to go to the company. Today is the last working day before the holiday. I have to sort out the situation of some projects at hand, and then have a meeting with workers and give out a New Year red envelope.”

Elaine murmured from the side, “What red envelopes do the employees need? Haven’t they all been paid?”

Claire said earnestly: “Everyone has worked hard for the projects at hand for a long time. How can I not give a red envelope at the end of the year? Not only red envelopes, but also year-end awards.”

Elaine felt distressed and said, “This money can be saved obviously, and you have to give it to outsiders. I really don’t know how to say it!”

Charlie said at this time: “Mom, the company relies solely on the employees to work hard to get better and better. Seeing the New Year, if the boss did not express anything at first, the employees would lose hope. After the end of the year, when they come back and propose to resign, doesn’t this company fail to function?”

Jacob also agreed at this time: “My son-in-law is right. Your mother-in-law is going to die. If you really want her to be the boss, she must be more ruthless than that and the company won’t run a week!”

Elaine glared at him: “Jacob, did you just use your mouth? I can try one more thing, I can still scratch your old face with a lame leg!”

Jacob shrank his neck in fright, and said angrily: “I don’t bother to argue with you!”

Claire shook her head helplessly, and said, “Okay, dad, go shopping with Charlie. I have to go to work, too.”

“Okay.” Jacob nodded and said: “You go first, we will leave in a while.”

As he was talking, there was a doorbell outside, and Jacob opened the video intercom and saw a few middle-aged men in suits standing in front of the camera.

The leader said respectfully: “Excuse me, is Master at home?”

It was Orvel who spoke.

And beside him, there are Issac, Qin Gang, Solmon and Liang.

There seemed to be a few people behind them, but Jacob couldn’t see clearly, he could only see that there were men and women, old and young.

So, he hurriedly said to Charlie: “Son-in-law, a lot of people with good looks have come to you!”

Chapter 1963

Charlie had heard Orvel’s voice through the speakers of the intercom system.

He didn’t expect that Orvel would come to his home at this time, and listening to the meaning of the Old Master’s words, it seemed that he was not the only one.

So he got up and said: “Dad, I’ll go open the door.”

Claire asked in amazement, “Charlie, wouldn’t it be the big figures who came to you to see Feng Shui?”

Charlie smiled and said, “It must be them. Only they call me Master.”

Claire shook his head helplessly, and said jokingly, “Master, I think you are the boss, it’s almost the same!”

Charlie raised his eyebrows: “It’s also an ability to convince others who can fool you!”

After all, he stepped out and walked through the courtyard to the door.

The door opened, and Charlie was stunned by the sight in front of him.

It turned out that Orvel, Issac, Qin Gang, Solmon and Liang were not the only ones at the door.

Qin Gang also brought Aoxue and Steven;

Solmon also took Gerald and Fred;

The red-faced Old Master Song unexpectedly came with Warnia and Honor.

The radiant Old Master Tianqi also took his granddaughter Zhovia to stand beside him.

Even Tailai, the richest man in Haicheng, rushed over with Charlie’s good brother Zhao Hao at the orphanage, and Zhao Hao, now Tailai’s driver and assistant with an annual salary of several million, has become a favorite of Tailai’s side.

With so many people, they drove dozens of cars, large and small, to park up along the large road at the door of Tomson A.

Before Charlie came back to his senses, everyone at the same time clasped their fists to Charlie and shouted respectfully: “Hello Master!”

With so many people shouting together, everyone in the entire villa area was shocked. Many people have already walked out of the terrace to check what happened.

When they saw so many top luxury cars, so many Aurous Hill and Haicheng big figures gathered at the door of the a05 villa, they were all stunned!

At this time, Mrs. Willson, who had been hungry all night, heard the movement and hurried to the second-floor terrace.

The terrace on the second floor was in the room where Noah and Harold lived. Wendy and Horiyah were also here to take care of them at this time. Hearing the movement outside, Wendy and Horiyah had already taken a step ahead of the Old Lady to take a look on the terrace.

When they saw so many savvy people at the door of Charlie’s house, Wendy and Horiyah’s expressions were so ugly and dark.

At this time, the Old Lady also walked up and asked in surprise: “Why are there so many cars? What are you doing?”

Horiyah said sourly, “Don’t you see it? They all came to Charlie for New Year’s greetings. Many of them are big people. Just see the Song family’s father and Tailai, the richest man in Haicheng.”

Wendy said with red eyes, “I see Solmon! And Gerald…”

Gerald, in the earliest days, was Wendy’s fiance.

At that time, Charlie was still the smelly rug in everyone’s eyes, and Gerald was the future good son-in-law who was content with the entire Willson family.

Wendy watched that she was about to marry into that family, and she was also arrogant and above clouds.

At that time, Wendy was at the peak of her life.

However, not long after, Solmon, the head of the White family, directly annulled the marriage contract between her and Gerald.

Chapter 1964

Although Wendy had been with Gerald desperately for several years, and she was pregn@nt with his child, she was still left clean by him.

Later, Wendy became the c0ncubine and plaything of Fredmen and Barena. Following them, instead of getting much benefit, she suffered a lot of crimes and ruined her reputation.

The current Wendy was even more miserable. Although she was still living in this luxurious Tomson First-Class villa, she was hungry all night, but she didn’t even have the money to eat breakfast.

In this case, seeing Gerald again, all kinds of scenes from that year appeared before her eyes, which made her feel extremely sad.

In a short while, Wendy’s eyes were filled with tears, and then two lines of tears burst into her eyes.

She couldn’t help but choked softly: “Gerald…why did you not want me…Gerald…what did I do wrong to make you leave so desperately? I… Gerald…”

Speaking of this, Wendy was already crying!

Seeing her daughter cry like this, Horiyah was of course very distressed deep in her heart. She gently embraced her and comforted her: “Wendy, believe mom, you will definitely find a better man than Gerald in the future!”

Wendy cried and said, “How could it be possible…My reputation is completely bad now. When people talk about me, they are just jokes, mocking me for not loving enough, and being Fredmen’s plaything, a man older than my dad. He threw me to Barena after he was done…”

Having said that, Wendy turned around and glared at the complicated Old Lady, and said angrily: “It’s all because of you! It’s all due to the dead Old Lady! You forced me to s3duce Fredmen! If it wasn’t for you, My reputation cannot be broken! If it weren’t for you, Gerald and I might still have a chance! You ruined me!”

Mrs. Willson was taken aback by Wendy’s angry roar, she stepped back subconsciously, and said, “How can you blame me for this? Didn’t you agree with Fredmen?”

Wendy scolded: “You bullsh*t! If you didn’t force me, how could I agree?! You just wanted to let Fredmen use me in exchange for investment! You just wanted to sell my b0dy in exchange for prosperity and wealth!”

Mrs. Willson said angrily: “Wendy! You have to rely on your conscience! In this matter, could I benefit from it alone?”

After that, she pointed to Horiyah and said angrily: “Don’t forget, Fredmen gave you five million back at the beginning, but in the end, it was cheaper for your parents! If you really want to say who betrayed your body in exchange for that Wealth, you cannot only count one! Your parents must also be included! You must also be included!”

Horiyah’s expression suddenly became very ugly.

Although Mrs. Willson’s words were harsh, what she said was indeed the truth.

In the beginning, whether it was Mrs. Willson, Horiyah, and Noah, they all liked Fredmen’s ability and wealth.

Therefore, together they persuaded Wendy to enter Fredmen’s ro0m in the middle of the night.

And Wendy was not completely forced, to be more precise, it was half-push half self-motivation.

She broke up with Gerald at the time, and the family’s economic situation continued to deteriorate. She herself had long been dissatisfied with those poor days. Therefore, mixing with Fredmen was partly because of her own vanity.

Wendy was also blushing at this time.

she knows.

Everyone is responsible for this matter, including herself.

Just like a proverb, in an avalanche, no snowflake is innocent.

Thinking of this, she also lost the idea of ​​continuing to entangle with Mrs. Willson, squatting on the ground and crying.

Mrs. Willson ignored her, but looked at the big luxury car at the door of Charlie’s house and the large group of big people in the upper class, and her heart was so sad…

Horiyah also had a sour taste in her heart!

She thought that Charlie had sent her to the black coal kiln, and she was even more angry.

So he gritted her teeth and cursed: “Isn’t Charlie just a liar? What the h*ll! Master, master this b@stard! How come so many big people believe him? Really blind their dog eyes!”

Mrs. Willson sighed deeply, and said with extreme regret and despair: “Hey!!! I knew Charlie would have what he is today, and I wouldn’t have driven the family out of what I said back then! Blind me!”

Chapter 1965

At this moment, at the entrance of Villa A05.

Charlie looked at the crowd and asked with a bit of surprise: “Why are you all here?”

Orvel smiled and said at this time: “Master, the Chinese New Year will be coming soon. Everyone is thinking of coming to you in advance and giving you some new year goods by the way.”

Issac also nodded and said: “Master, everyone is afraid that taking turns will delay your time, so after negotiating in private, just came over together!”

Qin Gang echoed at this time: “Master, everyone has prepared some small gifts for you, and I hope you won’t dislike it!”

“Yes!” Solmon also said hurriedly: “Master, you are a person with great supernatural powers. They are ordinary people like us, if the gifts prepared can’t enter the eyes of your law, I hope you won’t mind!”

Charlie smiled slightly and said: “You still remember me, I am already very grateful, you don’t have to spend money on me.”

Old Mr. Song, stepped forward at this time and said seriously: “Master, you have the kindness to reinvent us. On the occasion of the Chinese New Year, we should be prepared to pay a visit. It is reasonable.”

Charlie arched his hands: “Mr. Song, That is so nice of you!”

Warnia, standing next to Old Song, wore a Chinese-style cheongsam jacket today, which vividly set off the hot figure and showed her feminine temperament impeccably.

Having not seen Charlie for many days, Warnia missed him very much in her heart. When she saw Charlie’s eyes look at her, her pretty face suddenly became red.

What she thought of in her mind was the scene where she was in the car and offered her first k!ss to Charlie.

When she thought of this, her face became even more red. In order to divert her attention, she hurriedly replied with shame: “Master, I wish you a happy new year in advance!

Aoxue said not to be outdone: “Master, Coach Wade, I also wish you a Happy New Year in advance, and I wish you all the best in the new year!”

Zhovia hurriedly said: “Master…I…I also wish you a Happy New Year…”

Warnia understood at this moment that the two little girls actually belonged to Charlie.

At this moment, she couldn’t help but sigh in her heart.

She knew very well that it was a very tormenting thing to like a married man like Charlie. It seemed that these two little girls, like herself, suffered from lovesickness to Charlie.

With a smile on his face, Charlie expressed gratitude to the three ladies one by one.

Later, Tailai brought Zhao Hao over. Tailai put his hands together and said respectfully: “Master, since the last time I took your Rejuvenation Pill, this body has become stronger and powerful. Thanks to you for everything! I am really grateful!”

Charlie smiled slightly: “President Tailai doesn’t have to be so polite, after all, the Rejuvenating Pill was taken by you yourself with your strength, so don’t thank me.

When Zhao Hao saw Charlie at this time, his heart had already been overwhelmed.

Ever since Charlie introduced him to Tailai as a driver and assistant, Zhao Hao has deeply realized that Charlie is extraordinary.

However, he really didn’t expect Charlie’s strength to be so strong.

His boss made a special trip to drive to Aurous Hill to give Charlie a New Year gift. This shocked him a bit, but after he came, he realized that the scene was even more shocking!

In Aurous Hill, there are almost all figures with the greatest of reputation!

Moreover, they all showed such humility in front of Charlie one by one, this scene is really staggering!

It was precisely because of the shock in his heart that Zhao Hao felt a little flustered when facing Charlie.

Charlie looked at Zhao Hao at this time and said with a smile, “Brother, how is everything going well recently?”

Chapter 1966

Zhao Hao hurriedly said, “Master, everything is fine with me lately! Thanks to you and President Tailai for taking care of me!”

When Charlie heard this, he couldn’t help getting serious, and said seriously: “Brother, everyone present can call me Master, but you can’t!”

Zhao Hao said awkwardly, “Master…I…hey…including Mr. Taili, so many people respect you so much, how can I make an exception… ….”

Charlie walked up to him, patted him on the shoulder, and said very solemnly: “Brother, they call me Master because I have helped them more or less, but you are different!”

Zhao Hao hurriedly said: “I… I am also today thanks to your help… The help you brought to me is earth-shaking, and I have to respect you more than others. ……”

Charlie said with a somewhat displeased expression: “Don’t be fooling around with me! The two of us grew up in the orphanage together. Although we were not born by the same mother, in those years in the orphanage, between the two of us there was no difference between us!”

“After so many years, you and I supported each other, depended on each other, and shared weal and woe. I helped you. It is the brothers who pulled each other out. Why are you polite with me?”

When Zhao Hao heard these words, he felt ashamed in his heart as he was grateful.

He thought to himself: “I was always afraid that I would not be able to climb Charlie, so I became more and more sincere and frightened in front of him, but the more so, the more alienated I and him, but Charlie has always regarded me as a brother. , If I treat him with respect as a servant, he must be very uncomfortable…”

Thinking of this, Zhao Hao observed at it and said, “Charlie, brother got it, brother, thank you!”

Charlie smiled slightly and nodded: “This is the f*cking brother of Charlie. If you call me Master next time, I will break the friendship directly!”

Zhao Hao hurriedly said, “Charlie, don’t worry, I will never call you Master again. Charlie is not a Master in front of me, you are Zhao Hao’s brother, brother for life!”

Charlie nodded lightly, and said with satisfaction: “I am so happy to have you!”

At this time, Jacob and Claire also walked out.

The two felt that if Charlie’s customers came to visit at home, of course they had to do a good job of hospitality, so they quickly cleaned up the living room at home and came out to invite the guests in to sit for a while.

But after they came out, the two people discovered that there were obviously more people outside than they expected!

What is even more frightening is that these people are almost all of Aurous Hill’s most prestigious group!

Especially when she saw Warnia, Claire suddenly felt a little inferior. She knew Warnia was also outside, so she had to put on makeup before coming out.

Usually, Claire goes out without makeup, seldom puts on makeup, and is not so elegant in dress, and today is no exception.

So, in front of Warnia who was dressed up, she suddenly seemed a little bleak.

Jacob knew that his son-in-law was very capable now, and that his clients were all big shots, so seeing so many big shots made him feel nothing.

However, when he saw Tianqi, Jacob hurriedly greeted him and said respectfully: “Oh, genius doctor Tianqi, you are here too! You are a life-saver, I should go down to pay you a New Year greeting…”

Tianqi couldn’t help feeling a little embarrassed, because he knew very well that the high paraplegia caused by car accident was cured by Charlie with magical medicine, and he had nothing to do with him.

Therefore, Jacob respected him so much that he couldn’t help being embarrassed, and hurriedly said: “Mr. Willson, you are too polite. Master has the kindness of remaking me Shi, so I came to visit him this time!”

At this time, Orvel stepped up and hugged Jacob. He bowed slightly and said respectfully: “Hello, Mr. Willson! Orvel is here. I wish you a happy New Year in advance!”

Jacob had several contacts with Orvel in Classic Mansion, and he had already been very familiar with him, so he smiled and said, “You are too polite, Mr. Orvel, and I wish you a happy new year!”

Orvel was very flattered and said: “If you can’t do it, you can call me Orvel, Mr. Willson!”

Jacob was very proud of his heart, and secretly said: “Oh, I Old Willson has such a great face now?! Even the underground emperor of Aurous Hill, Mr. Orvel, is respectful in front of me, is it worth it?! Moreover, if so many big people come to pay New Year’s greetings today, if it spreads out, don’t know how many people will have their jaw dropped!”

Chapter 1967

In order not to neglect the guests, Charlie invited everyone into the villa.

Everyone also hurriedly asked the accompanying people to take out the prepared gifts from the car, and then saw at least twenty or thirty people, holding various high-end gift boxes, lined up into the villa.

Not far away, Mrs. Willson from Villa A04, her eyes straightened, and her mouth muttered: “This battle, which is an ordinary gift? This is simply the posture of officials from all over the ancient times lining up to pay tribute to the emperor!”

Horiyah felt so uncomfortable, she said: “This group of people are both rich and powerful. The gifts they give can not add up to less than 100 million?”

Wendy muttered with red eyes, “I’m afraid I can’t stop at one hundred million. Solmon just gave away a villa and it cost more than one billion…”

“Hey…” Mrs. Willson said with an extremely painful expression: “I can’t do it anymore, I can’t see it anymore, and I’ll have a heart attack if I look at it…”

After speaking, she turned and entered the room.

Horiyah said angrily: “I look at it, hey.”

Wendy didn’t say a word, seeing Gerald following Solmon into Charlie’s villa, she felt even more uncomfortable.

Harold was lying on the bed and wailing: “Mom…grandma…if you don’t get something to eat, I will starve to death…you can’t look at me. The wounded are lying in bed hungry. Regnar’s men beat me and Dad to death. It seems that we are going to starve to death at home!”

Mrs. Willson hurriedly said: “Wendy, didn’t you say that you are going out to find a job today? Go out and have a look!”

After finishing speaking, she looked at Horiyah again, blurted out: “Horiyah! You have to find a job to support your family!”

Horiyah nodded, and said with a bit of anger: “I can go, but this house can’t support idlers, you have to go if I go!”

“Me?!” Mrs. Willson’s speech was not smooth anymore, and she said angrily, “I…I’m so old…you let me go out to find a job?!”

Horiyah asked her back: “Why? What’s so great about being older? You don’t need to eat when you are older? If you make it clear that you don’t need to eat, then you don’t need to go out to work. Go to the north bedroom to open the window and open your mouth. Wait to drink Northwest Wind!.”

“You…you bullsh*t!” Mrs. Willson was furious: “I’m so old and don’t let me eat. You are trying to force me to death!”

Horiyah said with a cold face: “The situation at home is so miserable now, anyone must find a way to make money to support the family. Noah and Harold are now injured. They can be temporarily exempted, but you can’t!”

Mrs. Willson angrily said, “It turned you back! It turned you back! I am so old, and you have to force me to work! You are killing me! Why did our Willson family make you daughter-in-law? A wolf-hearted daughter-in-law! If God has eyes, and a sky thunder should drop you to death!”

Horiyah sneered and said, “Don’t be haggling with me. I won’t force you if you don’t go out to work, but I won’t be able to support you if I make money. You can do it yourself!”

Mrs. Willson didn’t dare to pretend to be forced at this time, and said embarrassedly: “We can’t all go to work for the three of us, we have to leave one person to take care of Noah and Harold.”

Horiyah said: “It’s even more inappropriate for you to take care of them. They are now paralyzed in bed. You don’t even have the strength to turn them over. What’s the use of staying?”

With that said, Horiyah looked at Wendy and said, “Wendy, you stay and take care of your dad and your brother, and I will go out with your grandmother to find a job.”

Wendy nodded gently: “Okay…”


At this time, Charlie was at home.

Elaine, with her right leg in a cast, was stunned by the sight in front of her.

Chapter 1968

The big men came to the house and didn’t say anything, but all kinds of gifts just piled up as a hill in the living room.

Her excited mouth was almost grinning behind her ears, and she couldn’t wait to rush to take apart these gifts one by one, but with so many big people here, she was really embarrassed.

As Charlie’s most heartfelt subordinate and the initiator of this collective visit, Orvel took out a piece of paper from his pocket and said loudly, “Master, I have a gift list here. It’s over here, let me read it to you.”

Before Charlie spoke, Elaine over there hurriedly said excitedly: “Oh, read it! Read it loudly!”

Orvel said hurriedly, “Ms. Elaine, don’t worry, I must say it louder!”

With that said, he cleared his throat and said loudly:

“Shangri-La’s Issac Craven, giving Master a set of Banshan Hot Spring Resort Villa, located in the Champs Elysées Hot Spring Hotel, worth 80 million!”

This sentence made Elaine stunned!

Elaine couldn’t help but exclaimed with excitement in the depths of her heart: “Mom! One-shot is a set of 80 million hot spring villa, this…this is too bright! I really want to go to the Champs tonight. Experience the beautiful hot spring villa!”

However, immediately afterwards, she looked at her right leg, and muttered in her heart: “I still have a cast on my leg, so I’m afraid I won’t be able to soak in the hot spring for a while? But it doesn’t matter, anyway, Champs Elysees Hot Springs. I won’t run, and it’s never too late to go when my legs are better!”

Champs Elysées Hotel is an industry owned by Shangri-La.

Elsa also specially invited Charlie and Claire to go there.

It is the best hot spring hotel in Aurous Hill and even the province.

The Champs Elysées covers a large area. The entire foot of the mountain up to the mountainside in their industry. In addition to the hot spring hotel, there are several hot spring villas that are not for sale.

These hot spring villas are all built in the middle of the mountain. The villas have excellent scenery, exquisite architecture, and luxurious decoration. More importantly, these villas have natural hot spring springs, and there are hot springs throughout the year.

The only fly in the ointment is the remote location. After all, the natural hot springs are closely related to the geography and topography. The entire Champs Elysées hot spring hotel is built in the mountains, too far from the city and the commuting time is too long, so it is suitable for vacations, but not for long-term living.

Claire and Jacob were also frightened by such a valuable gift, and they were all startled and speechless.

Issac said at this time: “Master, the hot spring villa sent to you has always been a non-sale item of the Champs Elysées Hot Spring Hotel, and never entertains guests. The hot springs there are rich in minerals and are good for people. It has a health care function. In the future, you can often go on vacation with your wife, uncle, and aunt to relax. If you don’t usually go, our professional housekeeper will take care of the villa and daily cleaning and maintenance. It is absolutely spotless!”

After all, Issac said again: “The keys to the villa, the real estate certificate, and other related documents are all in the gift box. Please I ask Master to accept it!”

Charlie nodded and smiled slightly: “Mr. Issac always has a heart!”

Charlie really didn’t think the tens of millions of hot spring villas were too valuable, especially Issac’s own assets, which was nothing to him.

Claire was a little nervous and said in Charlie’s ear: “Husband, how can we accept such an expensive gift…”

Charlie waved his hand and faintly said: “My wife, don’t worry about this. I accept their gift, and naturally I will repay them in other ways.”

Orvel looked at Charlie at this time and asked respectfully: “Master, then I continue to read?”

Charlie nodded: “Go on.”

Chapter 1969

With Charlie’s approval, Orvel continued to speak loudly: “Mr. Song, gives Master a luxury yacht made in Italy and Sanlorenzo!”

“Yacht?!” Elaine was the first to blurt out: “What kind of yacht? What kind of ship?”

Mr. Song said with a smile: “Ms. Elaine has misunderstood. Sanlorenzo is a veteran European luxury yacht manufacturer. This yacht is more than 20 meters long and has three decks. It is very suitable for a family trip.”

Elaine was stunned and said, “You can get a lot of money for such a yacht, right?”

Honor on the side said: “Taking taxes into account, it’s about 70 million.”

“How much more?!”

Elaine was stunned: “A ship is 70 million?! This is too scary?!”

Claire couldn’t help saying, “Mr. Song, your gift is too expensive, we really can’t…!”

Charlie smiled slightly at this moment, made a gesture, interrupted Claire’s words, and smiled slightly: “My wife, this is the heart of Mr. Song, so don’t shirk it.”

After that, he looked at Old Song and slightly arched his hands and said, “Mr. Song, I thank you!”

Mr. Song hurriedly said: “Oh, Master, I dare not be it! I worry if you like it or not!”

Afterwards, he said to Charlie: “The keys to the yacht and related documents are in the gift box, but the yacht is now parked at the pier of the Aurous Hill Yacht Association. I have bought an exclusive berth for you. If you want to sail the yacht in the future, If you travel, or even go to sea along the Yangtze River, you can directly contact the staff of the Yacht Association.”

Charlie nodded lightly and smiled: “I guess it won’t be used for a while. I don’t have a yacht driver’s license, so let’s talk about it when I have time to take the test.”

Mr. Song hurriedly said, “Master, if you need to use a yacht, you can let Warnia or Honor help you sail. Both of them have a yacht driver’s license.”

Warnia said shyly: “Yeah, Master, if you have a need for a yacht, just tell me directly.”

After that, she remembered something, and then said: “Oh, right, after the Chinese New Year, if you want to use a yacht, you can contact brother. I will go to Japan after the Chinese New Year. It may take a while for me to come back.”

“Oh?” Charlie asked curiously: “Ms. Song is going to Japan for a trip or?”

Warnia said hurriedly: “I’m going to talk about business. The Song family is now preparing to get involved in the steel manufacturing industry and want to discuss some cooperation with Japan’s Nippon Steel.”

“Nippon Steel?” Charlie frowned and asked her: “Is this company strong?”

Warnia nodded and said, “Nippon Steel is one of the world’s top steel companies and one of the world’s largest steel companies.”

Charlie asked curiously: “Who is the boss behind this steel company?”

Warnia said: “The big boss behind Nippon Steel is Sumitomo Group.”

“Sumitomo Group?” Charlie smiled slightly: “I haven’t heard of it.”

Warnia laughed and said: “Sumitomo Group has a wide range of business, but most of them are in the industrial field, especially the heavy industry, which is really not closely related to daily life.”

Charlie nodded lightly and said, “If you need help in Japan, you can contact me. I have a few acquaintances there.”

Charlie did not say directly that he knew Takehiko and Nanako of the Ito family.

He doesn’t want to let people know what he did in Japan some time ago, so he still tries to keep a low profile.

Warnia didn’t think much, and said with a smile: “OK, Master, if you need it, I will contact you!”

At this time, Orvel continued to read the gift list.

“Mr. Tianqi will give Master a pair of blue and white dragon-shaped elephant ear bottles!”

Chapter 1970

Hearing this, Jacob stood up suddenly and tremblingly asked: “What? Dragon-like elephant ear bottle?!”

Orvel nodded: “Yes, Mr. Willson, it is indeed a pair of blue and white dragon-shaped elephant ear bottles!”

“Oh my God!”

Jacob has always been fond of antique writing and playing. Although he is always fooled when buying things, he still knows the antique industry very well.

Dollar blue and white porcelain can be said to be one of the most expensive porcelain.

Any blue and white plate in the Dynasty can sell for millions.

If it is a large piece of blue and white, such as the well-known Guiguzi Xiashan blue and white can, the auction price more than ten years ago had exceeded 100 million, and now if it is brought out again, it will be at least 500 million.

Jacob once heard of a blue and white dragon-shaped elephant ear bottle in Dynasty.

Many appreciation manuals published by Christie’s and Sotheby’s record similar blue and white porcelain.

It is conservatively estimated that it must be at a price of 30-50 million!

At this time, Zhovia took the initiative to open an exquisite mahogany gift box. The inner lining of the box was made of golden silk and satin.

And two beautiful blue and white porcelain vases are lying in the lining made of silk and satin.

Jacob’s eyes are almost gone!

This is an antique unmatched!

The ultimate collection for antique lovers!

There is an antique priceless!

At this time, Jacob couldn’t wait to step forward to pick up one of the bottles and play with it carefully.

However, he felt a little hairy when he thought of throwing a Wang Dynasty jade pot spring bottle.

You know, the price of this antique bottle is several times that of the Yuhuchun bottle!

Charlie saw that the Old Master liked the bottle very much, so he smiled and said to Tianqi: “Mr. Shi, thank you for your gift. My father-in-law loves antiques the most in his life. I let him appreciate it up close.”

Tianqi hurriedly said, “Master, please!”

Charlie walked up to Zhovia, took out one of the elephant ear bottles, and then handed it to Jacob. He smiled and said, “Dad, don’t you like antiques? I will borrow flowers to present these bottles to you and give them to you.”

When Jacob heard this, his whole body trembled with excitement, and his heart had already reached the utmost excitement, but he was flattered on the face and said, “How can I accept it, this is too expensive?”

Elaine was also a little jealous.

Although she doesn’t know how much the blue and white elephant ear bottles are worth, she knows that the blue and white elephant ear bottles are not cheap, and it is estimated that this pair of bottles is worth tens of millions.

So, she thought sourly in her heart: “Charlie gave me hundreds of thousands of cosmetics and hundreds of thousands of bags, and Jacob, an old thing, turned out to be worth tens of millions of blue and white. Why is this old thing so privileged?”

When she was jealous, Charlie smiled at Jacob and said, “This is the intention of the genius doctor. As long as you keep it well and treat it as a collection in your home, don’t sell it!”

Jacob immediately patted his chest and said, “Good son-in-law, don’t worry, even if I sell myself, I will never sell this pair of bottles!”

After that, he carefully took the blue and white elephant ear bottle from Charlie’s hands with both hands, and looked at the perfect hair color and enamel on it, tears filled his eyes with excitement.

Elaine also breathed a sigh of relief at this time, thinking: “I’m an old thing like Jacob, he can really get such a pair of treasures from Charlie! It turns out that he can only store it but not sell it! That’s meaningless.”

Chapter 1971

Elaine has two sets of standards for measuring the value of items.

The first is how much money can be exchanged for this thing.

The second is how much face this thing can change.

In her eyes, everything in the world, all-encompassing, is ultimately money and face.

For example, Charlie gave her a set of top-notch caviar skincare products at a purchase price of nearly 400,000, and it can sell at least 300,000 for takeaway, so she can clearly feel the weight of the three hundred thousand.

This is in line with her first set of standards, and it is valuable!

For another example, Elaine can not only sell 100,000 for takeaways, but also enjoy the envy and hatred of others, and let her feel the weight of more than 100,000. , But also feel very special.

This is in line with her second set of standards, face.

At this time, she looked at the set of antiques and thought with a lack of interest: “If an item can’t be exchanged for money, and can’t be brought to the house to impress others, how valuable is it?”

“This blue and white elephant ear bottle do seem to be very valuable, but it can’t be sold out, and can’t be taken out to show off, so in the eyes of the Old Lady, it is a worthless waste.”

“Unless the Old Lady steals it and sells it another day, sell it for thousands”

However, Elaine changed her mind and thought again: “No! Charlie gave this thing to Jacob. If I sell it secretly, it doesn’t matter if Jacob is angry. If Charlie is angry, it will be difficult to handle.”

Thinking of this, Elaine could only give up the idea of ​​playing this pair of blue and white dragon-shaped elephant ear bottles.

At this time, Orvel continued to read the gift list.

Qin Gang gave an emerald worth 50 million, and Solmon gave a pink diamond of about the same value.

The two are relatively familiar and have a good relationship. At the last auto show, the two men gave Charlie a sports car each, so this time they discussed in advance and gave valuable jewelry together.

Although they are all jewels with similar value, they are of different varieties, so they are not afraid of crashing.

At this time, Aoxue and Fred each held a gift box and displayed the gems in it.

Two gems, one green, and one pink, reflect colorful colors under the light, and the appearance is really perfect.

Elaine was so interested in these two gems that even her eyes fell out.

She couldn’t help thinking of the jade bracelet that Qin Gang had given to Charlie before.

The bracelet was worth at least several million. Charlie gave it to Claire, and was later stolen by Elaine to wear it. When wearing it, she took it as her own, but it was set up by Horiyah. It was accidentally broken. This has always been a pain in Elaine’s heart that she does not want to recall.

Moreover, since then, Elaine hasn’t had much jewelry.

Now that she saw these two crystal and perfect gems, she suddenly moved her mind again, wishing that she could use both gems to make a necklace and put it on her neck and go out to impress people around in the market.

However, she dare not think about such a thing. If Charlie didn’t tell her, she would never dare to steal it.

After the gems were displayed, Orvel continued to read: “Mr. Tailai, presents Master a EC145 helicopter produced by Eurocopter!”

As soon as these words came out, the audience was deeply shocked!

Chapter 1972

Just now, Mr. Song had delivered the yacht, and Tailai gave a helicopter

Claire was also shocked to hear this. Now that he received the gift, she was already a little scared.

Fear, because these gifts are too expensive!

It is so precious that even those high-class people would never give such a precious gift.

So far, the prices of all the gifts mentioned are in the tens of millions, or even higher. Take anyone out, they are all valuable treasures. As a result, these people have all used them to give to Charlie. Claire felt very magical.

Tailai said at this time: “Master, I heard that you don’t often leave Aurous Hill. Haicheng is not too far away from Aurous Hill. It may take four or five hours to drive, but if you take a helicopter, you can visit in a short time, so I gave you a helicopter. If you have any short- and medium-distance commuting needs, you can take the helicopter directly, which is much faster than a car.”

Charlie nodded slightly: “Tailai always has a heart.”

In fact, for Charlie now, whether it is a hot spring villa, a private yacht, or a private helicopter, these are actually not attractive to him.

When he was very young, the Wade family owned almost all kinds of civilian transportation.

Millions and tens of millions of luxury cars are not worth mentioning. Wade family has several private jets worth hundreds of millions or even billions.

Villas and manors worth more than 100 million cannot be counted anywhere in the world.

Not to mention luxury yachts.

In fact, when Charlie’s father was young, he bought a luxury cruise ship. It was a luxury cruise ship that could carry hundreds of people and could carry helicopters to travel around the world.

Back then, Changying bought a luxury cruise ship entirely to make his wife happy.

Although Charlie’s mother is also a descendant of elite family, she is a foreign Chinese. The whole family is on the other side of the ocean. She grew up in the West and advocated outdoor travel.

In order to meet the needs of his wife to visit family and travel, Changying bought the luxury cruise ship with huge sums of money and promised that he would spend two months each year to accompany her on the cruise ship to visit relatives on the other side of the ocean and cross half of the earth along the way. They could also travel together.

From the age of three, Charlie followed his parents back to his grandmother’s house every year on a luxury cruise until his parents had an accident at the age of eight.

Others expect to be able to travel around the world before death, and Charlie has traveled around once a year since he was three years old.

In those few years, he lived a luxurious life that many people could not enjoy in his entire life, so that he personally had no pursuit of material things.

Everyone saw that so many gifts were given, Charlie’s expression was still very calm, and everyone couldn’t help feeling a little embarrassed. They knew that none of these gifts seemed to be given to Charlie’s heart.

Later, Liang gave Charlie a jade-carved Guan Yunchang. In his words, Guan Yunchang is the god of wealth, who can protect Charlie’s safety and wealth.

Charlie smiled and thanked him for it.

Finally from Orvel himself, he took out a beautifully packaged gift box, handed it to Charlie, and said seriously: “Master, there is a little effort here.”

Charlie said with a smile: “Mr. Orvel, you read so many gifts from so many people, why don’t you tell me what your own gift is?”

Orvel said embarrassingly: “This, I am afraid that Master will be dissatisfied with the things in here.”

Charlie shook his head: “No matter what you give, I am very grateful, how can I be dissatisfied.”

Orvel nodded and said earnestly: “Master, here is a villa near the imperial palace in Tokyo, Japan.”

Chapter 1973

When everyone heard that Orvel gave Charlie a villa in Tokyo, they were all surprised, and they didn’t understand why Orvel wanted to send Charlie to his villa in Japan.

But after a moment of surprise, Issac and Liang suddenly realized in their hearts!

At the same time, they all sighed in their hearts, why didn’t they think of this!

Back in Japan, they had been by Charlie’s side, busy assembling the production line of Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals. After everyone arrived in Osaka, Charlie suddenly wanted to go to Kyoto alone.

At that moment, Orvel guessed that Charlie must have been looking for Nanako.

Orvel is a very smart person, and he has served with Charlie for a long time, knowing more about some things about Charlie than others around him.

He had long seen that Charlie seemed to have some appreciation for the Japanese female fighter named Nanako, and then the female fighter returned to Japan for treatment because of an injury during the match.

Orvel paid attention to Nanako’s follow-up. She first received treatment in Tokyo, and then went to Kyoto to train, but Charlie suddenly went to Kyoto when he was in Osaka, he suddenly guessed the reason.

What is even more bizarre is that Charlie drove to Kyoto that same day, and then drove from Kyoto to Tokyo at night. Combined with the Japanese news reports on a series of times at that time, Orvel used these clues to structure the whole thing in his mind. And the guess is not bad.

He knew that Nanako inherited the Ito family and began to work hard to become the heir of the Ito family. He also knew that the Ito family had a luxurious mansion near the imperial residence in Tokyo, so he simply bought it next to the Ito family mansion. Now, this mansion is given to Charlie.

In his opinion, this should be what he liked, Charlie would definitely like it very much.

Issac and Liang also followed Charlie all the way to Japan, so they also knew the outline of the matter.

Suddenly, they found that Orvel had given Charlie a villa in Tokyo, and he immediately knew what Orvel was thinking.

While admiring him, the two were also annoyed that they did not expect this level.

Charlie heard that Orvel had given him a villa in Tokyo, his first thought was also surprised.

As soon as he came up, he didn’t want to understand why Orvel gave him a villa in Tokyo, and it seemed to be very close to the Ito family’s residence in Tokyo.

Then, he immediately realized that Orvel should have seen some clues, so he came specifically to meet his needs.

At this moment, Charlie suddenly felt a little mixed.

He really admires Nanako and knows her feelings for him, but he is married after all, so he really shouldn’t get too close to her.

Before in Japan, the reason why he wanted to see her was mainly to heal her injuries, but he didn’t expect so many things to happen later.

After curing Nanako and sending her to Tokyo safely, Charlie had already let go of it.

But now Orvel suddenly gave away a villa in Tokyo, and immediately deepened the image of Nanako in Charlie’s mind.

At this time, Elaine clapped her hands happily: “Oh, I have long wanted to go to Japan to see cherry blossoms, do shopping, etc. If I have my own villa in Tokyo, wouldn’t I be able to go there often?”

Orvel said hurriedly: “Ms. Elaine, you can go there at any time. I also arranged for a few servants in Tokyo to be on standby around the clock to ensure that no matter what time you go there, it is in the best condition and there are people dedicated to you. Do their best to take care of you!”

“Oh, that’s really great!” Elaine said excitedly: “I, I wanted to travel abroad for a long time, but it’s a pity that I have been unhappy in the early years, and there is no chance. Now My son-in-law has a good life, and I will have to go out often in the future!”

With that, she asked Mr. Song: “Oh, Mr. Song, can the yacht you gave go all the way to Japan?”

Chapter 1974

Old Song hurriedly replied: “Ms. Elaine, that yacht has a maximum range of more than 2,000 nautical miles, which is nearly 4,000 kilometers, which is enough to travel all the way from Aurous Hill to the estuary, and then to Tokyo, but because this involves entry and exit. So you have to report to the customs in advance.”

Elaine immediately said to Charlie excitedly: “Good son-in-law, let’s take some time and sail the yacht to travel to Japan by ourselves. What do you think?”

Charlie said vaguely: “Let’s talk about this when I have time.”

Elaine hurriedly said: “Time is not easy to tell? Your dad and I don’t go to work, and you don’t go to work, she started running the company on her own. She is the boss herself. Wouldn’t it be a matter of a sentence when you want to take a holiday?”

Claire hurriedly said: “Mom, what are you talking about? Entrepreneurship requires focus to be effective. How can I leave the company and go traveling by myself”

Elaine said, “It doesn’t matter. You will stay and continue to work and let Charlie take us to Tokyo. It just so happens that we are not at home, so you can focus more on your company.”

Claire was speechless at once.

Although she didn’t want her family to go travel alone, but Elaine said this very skillfully.

She first asked Claire to go with them, but she refused on the grounds of working hard to run the business.

So she said let Claire stay and start his own business. Claire couldn’t refute it, otherwise she would just slap herself in the face.

So Claire had no choice but to say: “Hey, do whatever you like.”

Charlie smiled slightly, and said: “Don’t talk about it for now, the Chinese New Year will be coming soon. Naturally, I will spend the holidays at home during this time. As for whether to go out to travel, I will wait until the end of the New Year.”

Elaine nodded hurriedly, and said with a smile: “OK, son-in-law, mom listens to you!”

Charlie gave a hum, then looked at everyone, and said seriously: “I really thank you all for coming here today, and you gave me so many gifts, which cost everyone.”

Everyone hurriedly said: “Where and why, this is what we should do!”

Charlie looked at the people and smiled and said, “As the saying goes, courtesy is about to come and go, after the New Year, I will definitely prepare a gift in return for everyone. At that time, I will have to trouble Mr. Qin Gang to help me prepare some materials.”

As soon as these words came out, all those who came to pay the New Year’s greetings showed an unquenchable ecstasy.

They knew that Charlie wanted to give back some pills!

Otherwise, he would never say, let Qin Gang prepare the materials!

What does Qin Gang do?

He specializes in various Chinese herbal medicines!

Charlie’s first refining medicine was the material Qin Gang provided!

Charlie now asked him to prepare the materials, not to make a pill, what else could it be?

The reason why Charlie didn’t say it clearly was because he didn’t want to directly mention the medicine in front of his wife and father-in-law.

He did not let his family know whether it was the previous basic medicine or the later rejuvenating medicine.

However, these people present have all been blessed by him, and they will understand as long as the words are used.

Chapter 1975

Charlie’s rejuvenation pills are not much.

Moreover, as the saying goes, rare things are expensive. Tailai spent two billion on a rejuvenating pill, which proved that the rejuvenating pill is completely worth the price for the rich, so he did not intend to use the pill to return gifts to everyone.

If this kind of thing is really bad, it will naturally not appear so scarce, and its value will naturally fall.

Therefore, Charlie planned to ask Qin Gang to find some raw materials and refine a batch of the first pill that he had refined at the beginning, and then give one to each one who came to give gifts today.

Everyone just came to pay a New Year greeting to Charlie and give some gifts for the New Year, but they didn’t expect that Charlie would actually give them a pill in return, so everyone seemed very excited. Suddenly, no matter how much money was spent, it was 10,000. worth it.

Afterwards, everyone exchanged glances, and Orvel said, “Master, with so many of us here, it will definitely affect your family’s original plan. We will leave first!”

Charlie nodded and said, “After the New Year is over, I will choose a time to invite everyone to dinner, and I will take it with you in return.”

Everyone hurriedly clasped their fists and bowed, and said uniformly, “Master, thank you!”

The mighty convoy drove away. After Charlie’s family watched them leave at the door, Elaine was the first to break the restraint and blurted out: “My God, it’s really developed today! It’s a villa again. It’s a yacht and a helicopter again. It really sums up to a lot of money!”

Jacob was also excited, and muttered: “The pair of blue and white elephant ear bottles are really good treasures at the national treasure level! I have to go and see again!”

Elaine looked at Charlie at this time and said, “By the way, son-in-law! I think they still have a lot of gift boxes left. What are they, why didn’t they say?”

Charlie shook his head: “don’t know what’s in there. If you want to know, you might as well open it.”

Elaine said happily, “I just want to see what it is! Then I will go and open it one by one!”

Claire was a little nervous at this time, but also a little worried and said, “Charlie, why do they give you so many precious gifts? These things are worth hundreds of millions. Isn’t this too much? How can we? What about you?”

Charlie smiled and said, “I help them, and they give us gifts. It’s all things you love and I want. What’s wrong?”

Claire said: “This value is too high after all. Can you show them Feng Shui, can it be worth so much?”

Charlie nodded: “As long as you believe in this thing, you are willing to spend as much money. There used to be a great quack master, so many big stars and rich people regarded him as a guest, and they also spent a lot of money for him. Isn’t it because they believe that quack can change their destiny?”

Claire hurriedly said, “But wasn’t that quack master finally exposed? It was all a lie.”

Charlie smiled and said: “He was a liar, but I am not.”

As he said, he said again: “I show these people Feng Shui, these people have got great benefits without exception, otherwise, why do you think they have always believed in me? Of course they believe it only after seeing the effect.”

Claire asked again: “Then you said you want to return a gift to them, what are you going to return?”

Charlie said: “I will return to each of them a set of special Talisman.”

“Talisman?!” Claire asked in surprise: “Is it the kind of amulet that costs a few coins in the temple?”

Charlie nodded: “It’s almost the same, but the difference is that what the temple sells is consecrated by the monks, and what I do is consecrated by myself.”

Claire said with some worry: “Is it reliable for you to do all this? I always feel very worried, for fear that you will be taken away someday.”

Charlie comforted: “My wife, don’t worry, I’m a businessman, I always do business with integrity and fairness. I have been showing Feng Shui for a long time. Do you see anyone coming to trouble me?”

Claire was asked by Charlie at once.

Charlie was right.

For such a long time, he saw that Feng Shui had not made less money, and he also made a large villa of more than one billion, but none of those customers came to trouble him.

Especially Solmon.

The villa was given by Solmon, and Solmon just gave a priceless pink diamond, which proves that Charlie must have really helped him and he will be so loyal.

Chapter 1976

At this time, Elaine persuaded: “Oh, Claire, you don’t understand Feng Shui and other things, so don’t argue Charlie.”

After that, she started to face and said very seriously: “Mom doesn’t expect you to help Charlie in his career, but Mom will never allow you to hold back his legs! Our family’s future will be all dependent on Charlie!”

“Mom” Claire was choked by Elaine and was speechless.

She could see that her mother had completely fallen to Charlie, and nothing she says could be of any use.

So, she sighed helplessly: “Hey, I’m going to the company first”

Elaine hurriedly said: “Claire, why don’t you wait for Mom to finish the present before leaving?”

Claire shook his head and said, “I’m already very late, everyone is still waiting for me to hold a summary meeting.”

Elaine said, “That’s OK, then you go first. If there is something good, Mom will take a picture and send it to you!”

Claire gave a hum, and said to Charlie and Jacob: “Husband, Dad, I’m leaving now.”

Charlie nodded: “Drive slowly on the road and pay attention to safety.”

Claire hurriedly said, “Don’t worry, I will pay attention.”

After Claire drove away, Charlie returned to the villa living room.

At this time, Jacob and Elaine had already taken apart a pile of gift boxes by herself.

Elaine opened a gift box and exclaimed in excitement: “d*mn! It turned out to be a limited edition Chanel bag!”

Jacob took out a bottle of Moutai. After reading it carefully, he was stunned and said: “My God, this is a five-star Moutai made in 58! There are very few in stock, and a bottle appeared at auctions a few years ago. It sold for 2.99 million!”

“What?!” Elaine asked in horror: “A bottle of Moutai, 2.99 million?! Are you crazy?!”

Jacob curled his lips: “Look at you who have never seen the world! The 2.99 million Maotai scared you like this? I tell you, there is also a kind of Maotai that only has ten bottles in the country, called Handi Maotai, which is worth thousands of Million each!”

“Handi Maotai?” Elaine frowned and asked, “What do you mean? Moutai dug out from the dry land?!”

Jacob said contemptuously: “You even went to college because you were Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, not a dry land of arid land!”

Elaine sipped: “Bah! Who do you look down on? It’s obvious that you haven’t said clearly, so do you know Emperor Wu of Han?”

Jacob immediately retorted: “You definitely don’t know who Emperor Wu of Han is. If you can tell the name of Emperor Wu of Han today, I will count you as a college student!”

Elaine was speechless immediately.

She really can’t remember who Emperor Wu of Han is

Seeing her anxious look, Jacob sneered: “What? Can’t remember? Was the university in vain?”

Elaine said angrily: “Why are you so sepaking much bull$hit? I tell you Jacob, the bottle of wine in your hand is worth three million, and you absolutely can’t drink it! Save it and wait for it to appreciate later before selling it!”

Jacob annoyed and said, “This is what someone gave to my son-in-law Charlie. It’s up to you to tell me? My son-in-law says drink and drink, my son-in-law says sell it, and my son-in-law says just smash it, and you can only watch it. Leave!”


Seeing the two arguing again, Charlie shook his head helplessly.

At this time, his mobile phone rang suddenly, and it was Sara who called. So he said to the couple, “Dad and Mom, I have something to do. I will go back to the room first.”

After finishing talking, he went straight into the elevator without waiting for their response.

Chapter 1977

Charlie returned to his room and then connected to Sara’s video call and asked her: “Hey, Sara.”

“Charlie!” In the video, Sara, wearing a nightgown at home, waved at him excitedly.

In the video, Sara has no makeup, and her long black hair is casually draped over her shoulders. Without the full aura of a top star, she is more like a beautiful girl next door.

At this time, she happily asked: “Charlie, what are you doing?”

Charlie smiled and said, “I’m not busy. Isn’t it the New Year right away? Just prepare some New Year’s goods at home.”

Sara smiled happily: “Hehe, me too! This year we will return to the old house in Hwai for the New Year!”

With that, she switched the cameras and took a picture of the surrounding environment. As expected, she was in the courtyard of the Gu family.

Charlie couldn’t help asking: “Sara, your courtyard is so big, does it seem a little deserted for a family of three to celebrate the New Year?”

“No!” Sara said with a smile: “This year I will spend the New Year with my second and third uncles. There are three big families in total, which is quite lively.”

Charlie nodded, thinking of her second and third uncles, and couldn’t help but ask: “Sara, your second and third uncles, how are you doing lately? Didn’t you make any trouble with your family?”

Sara hurriedly said, “No, no! My second uncle and third uncle have a good attitude these days. I ran home every three days, and every time I went, I brought big and small bags of various gifts!”

“Oh, by the way, this year I will go back to my old house for the New Year. The two of them proposed to my dad. They said that the family hadn’t been together for a long time for a lively New Year. So they wanted to get together for a while, dad agreed.”

Charlie knew that Sara’s second Uncle Yanzheng and third Uncle Yangang, as well as their sons, are still in a state of infertility. During this period of time, you can guess that they must be very honest.

After all, they still hope to please Philip’s family and get their forgiveness.

Before, they had signed an agreement with Philip, and everything in the future will only be in the hands of Philip, so now they can’t make any more storms.

So Charlie said with satisfaction: “That’s good, if your two uncles are still unruly, you must tell me the first time.”

Sara nodded quickly and said, “Charlie, wait a moment, I’ll go to my parents’ room, they have something to tell you too!”

Charlie hurriedly asked: “You wear more clothes, this dress looks like you wear it in summer, don’t freeze.”

Sara said with a sweet smile: “I won’t freeze, because the entire courtyard is covered with floor heating, and the heat is sufficient. The room has always been around 28 degrees.”

Charlie was relieved now.

In his mind, Sara is not so much a fiancee who has a marriage contract and a parental matchmaker’s agreement, but a little sister who has been by his side since childhood.

Therefore, Charlie also cared very much about her.

In the video, Sara trot all the way, through the huge hall, to the room of Philip and Lenan.

Philip was drinking tea and reading at his desk at this time. Lenan burned a small furnace of sandalwood and brought the incense burner to Philip’s desk. Seeing Sara rushing in at this time, he hurriedly said: “Sara, you be careful, don’t fall!”

Sara said excitedly: “Mom, I’m videoing with Charlie!”

When Philip heard the word Charlie, he immediately put down the book in his hand, and asked excitedly: “Are you videoing with Charlie? Hurry up, let me talk to him!”

Sara quickly placed the phone on the desk, with the camera and screen facing Philip.

Philip’s complexion was very good at this time, and his whole state was very young. Seeing Charlie in the video, he immediately smiled and said, “Charlie! How are you in Aurous Hill recently?”

Chapter 1978

Charlie smiled and said, “Looking back at Uncle, everything is fine, how are you and Aunt Lenan?”

“Okay! We are fine!” Philip nodded repeatedly. At this time, Lenan stood beside him, looked at Charlie on the screen, and said with a smile: “Charlie, when will you come to Eastcliff for a few days? Uncle has been thinking of you especially recently. Basically, I have to listen about you several times a day, and my ears are about to grow cocoons.”

Charlie smiled and said, “Uncle and Auntie, when I finish my work, I will make time to visit Eastcliff to see you two.”

Standing on the other side of Philip, Sara murmured dissatisfiedly: “What do you mean by seeing them, then what should I do? You don’t have to see me?”

Charlie hurriedly smiled and said, “Of course I have to meet you as well. I made a mistake. I have time to see you, Uncle and Auntie! Are you satisfied now?”

Sara hummed triumphantly: “This is pretty much better!”

At this time, Philip said: “By the way, Charlie, I heard that Cynthia came to Aurous Hill?”

“Yes.” Charlie smiled slightly: “Uncle, have you heard about it?”

Philip smiled and said, “Your grandpa called me this morning and told me about you and Cynthia.”

Charlie asked in surprise: “He knows that I have met you?”

Philip shook his head: “He didn’t know yet, so he thought I hadn’t received your message yet, so he told me about you.”

Charlie asked puzzledly: “Why does he want to tell you these things?”

Philip smiled and said, “I see what he meant, mainly because he wanted to tell me your news, and then asked me if I was still willing to fulfill the promise I made with your dad and let you get married with my daughter.”

Charlie couldn’t help but feel embarrassed.

It seemed that Grandpa meant that he still wanted to get himself back to the Wade family, and then let himself go to marry Sara.

At this time, Philip also saw Charlie’s embarrassment and hurriedly said: “Charlie, don’t put any pressure on this matter. I just told your grandfather that I am willing to fulfill my promise, but I also said that in this matter the opinion of children must be respected.”

After speaking, Philip said again: “Charlie, you still come at your own pace. Since I said, our family waited for you for many years and we must wait for you for more.”

Charlie nodded lightly and said: “Uncle, thank you for your understanding.”

Philip waved his hand and said, “Uncle’s life is yours. You don’t have to be so polite with me.”

Immediately, Philip said again: “Oh, yes, your grandfather asked me to persuade you, after all, you and Miss Cynthia are all in the same family. Don’t be so angry, let alone hurt your peace.”

Charlie said: “Uncle, my aunt is too domineering, and my grandfather doesn’t give her the necessary restraint. When she arrived in Aurous Hill, she drank and arrogated me, and went to Mother-in-law to gossip. , She is really too arrogant.”

Philip nodded and said, “Miss Cynthia is in Eastcliff. That is notoriously difficult to deal with. I didn’t expect that going to Aurous Hill would let you get cured.”

Charlie said indifferently: “If she is not too much, I don’t want to be familiar with her.”

Philip smiled slightly and said, “Your grandfather still wants me to persuade you. If you have time, go back to Wade’s house. This year’s Spring Festival is over. After the Lantern Festival, it’s almost March. He hopes you will save energy. Come back, join him in the ancestor worship ceremony held by the Wade family in Waderest Mountain.”

Charlie asked in surprise, “Holding an ancestor worship ceremony?”

“Yes.” Philip said: “Your Wade family originally held an ancestor worship ceremony once in twelve years. It happened to be this year, and Waderest Mountain was developed for more than three years. The construction was just completed last spring. Wade family moved to the ancestral tomb in the fall. So this year’s Qingming Festival is also the first Qingming Festival when Waderest’s tomb was moved to Waderest Mountain.”

“So your grandfather wants to hold a grand ceremony for ancestor worship. At that time, not only your Wade, but also dozens of Wade branches across the country will also go to participate. You are the grandson of the Wade family, and he hopes you can be there, and formally pay homage to your parents by the way.”

Chapter 1979

The Wade Family’s ancestor worship is the most grand family ceremony in the entire Wade Family.

Large families value ancestor worship, especially large families with a long history like the Wade family, which have a profound history and many branches, and they attach great importance to ancestor worship ceremony.

In fact, many wealthy families really want to engage in special ancestor worship ceremonies, but the real ancestor worship ceremonies are definitely not something ordinary families can do.

Some nouveau riche families want to hold an ancestor worship ceremony but can’t hold up this stage.

Because these people’s ancestors may have buried the ancestors of the last three or four generations in total, and when it comes to their identities, they may all be farmers in the previous generations. There is no tall story to tell for future generations.

Although the peasant class is also very worthy of respect, but in these upper-class societies, the ancestors did not have a strong enough identity background, and it is indeed somewhat ineffective.

Especially in the upper class of Eastcliff.

In addition to comparing money and power, it is the family origin and heritage.

In Eastcliff, there were many elders and children who were in power during the Manchu and Qing dynasties. When the ancestors of these families were in the Qing dynasty, they were all nobles. It was not which elder brother, which Gege, and even the first-rate elders in the dynasty was a member.

Such a family has a strong foundation. When the ancestor worship ceremony, if you take out two or three ancestors’ deeds and read it out, you can immediately give people a feeling of bullying.

The ancestors of the Wade family were also imperial officials. The ordinary family and the ancestors of the ancestors could not wait to build an ancestral hall for this ancestor in his hometown. However, the Wade family, the ancestors of the ancestors were awarded hundreds of scholars and ten of the champions. The top three, including the champion, made a total of 31.

With a history of nearly 300 years in the Qing Dynasty, there were 112 examinations in the imperial ways.

In these nearly three hundred years, a total of more than 20,000 scholars and 114 champions were awarded.

The great Wade family accounted for nearly one-tenth, which was an extremely remarkable achievement.

It is precisely because of the talents of the ancestors that the Wade family can continue to exist for hundreds of years, and it has always been quite strong. Even in the era of war, it was at least a formidable one.

The Wade family has opened branches and leaves for so many years. There are at least tens of thousands of Wade family descendants all over the world, and a considerable number of them have gone overseas.

Their ancestors, going back hundreds of years, are the ancestors of the Wade family.

It’s just that in ancient times, the eldest son inherited the mantle, and the other sons and daughters had to separate their families. Therefore, more and more Wade family members were reduced to collateral families, leaving only the descendant line as the real suzerain family.

It’s like Charlie’s father has three brothers. According to the ancient rules, after Charlie’s father’s death, the three sons of the Wade family will be separated. By then, the eldest son, Andrew, will inherit most of the family business and residence.

The second and third sons should leave the original Wade family mansion with their family members after three years of filial piety for their father, and start another family by themselves.

In this way, the second son and third son’s two families became Wade family’s collateral family.

At this time, the two collateral families were still relatively close to the suzerain family. After all, the second, third, and eldest brothers were still the brothers of the main one.

But by the time of Charlie’s generation, it was Charlie’s cousin who inherited the mantle of the suzerain family, so the relationship between the two collateral families and the suzerain family is separated by another generation.

By the time of the third and fourth generations, these two collateral families have also derived several more detailed collateral families, so they are farther away from the suzerain family.

If it lasts for five or six generations, the span may have been more than 100 years.

At that time, they probably don’t know each other at all, and they could only find the names of descendants of other collateral families on the genealogy.

Chapter 1980

Therefore, as the suzerain family, it is necessary to use the ceremony of worshipping the ancestors to gather people from the collateral family at regular intervals.

After you get to know and get acquainted with each other, and after worshipping the common ancestor together, the connection between bloodlines will be strengthened.

This is also a necessary way for large families to maintain their strength.

Therefore, the Wade family not only holds an ancestor worship ceremony every twelve years, but also revises the entire Wade family’s genealogy at the ancestor worship ceremony.

Between these twelve year and the last twelve years, each family will have a new heir born, an older generation will die, and young adults will marry.

Therefore, every twelve years, countless branches of the Wade family report the population changes of their family over the past twelve years to the suzerain family.

At that time, the suzerain family will select a respected Old Master to personally renew the genealogy, and write down the names and deeds of these people one by one.

The existing Wade family tree records the names of millions of Wade family descendants, as well as the names of millions of their spouses, such as Wade family’s son XX, whose daughter XX was married, or the Wade family daughter married to whose son so so and so on.

Each revision of the genealogy is also very grand.

The female parent of the genealogy is stored in a safe with constant temperature and humidity, and is invited out by the descendants of the Wade family every time the ancestor worships.

They come out and after the worship, they must immediately and respectfully invite the mother back.

Later, renew the new genealogy.

After the renewal of the new genealogy is completed, grandly invite the new genealogy back, and keep it together with the countless parents.

All the Wade family members regard the genealogy as a family sacred object, sacred and inviolable.

The suzerain family is the only family that has the right to retain the genealogy. Therefore, every time a collateral family comes to worship the ancestors, in addition to three bows and nine worships to the genealogy, it will also have a natural sense of belonging to the suzerain family.

This is like the ancient emperor and ministers, through cumbersome etiquette, rituals, and strict rules and inheritance, to strengthen the Director’s mind, the idea of ​​loyalty to the emperor is essential.

This is also a great support for the suzerain family to let the collateral family bow their heads.

However, Charlie has no impression of Wade Family’s ancestor worship ceremony.

The last ancestor worship ceremony was twelve years ago, when he was still in Aurous Hill Welfare Institute;

The last ancestor worship ceremony was twenty-four years ago. At that time, he was too young, so young that he has no memory of this incident.

However, although he can no longer find the memory of the ancestor worship ceremony 24 years ago, he is still very clear about the Wade Family’s ancestor worship ceremony. The grandest worship ceremony for parents.

Therefore, he couldn’t help but look forward to it.

He wasn’t expecting to pay homage to the ancestors of the Wade family. He just expected to pay respect to his parents in a respectable, upright, grand, and pompous manner.

The last time he followed Philip to worship his parents, he had to pretend to be Philip’s driver, and he failed to walk to his parents’ grave with his true identity and kowtow. This has always been a regret in his mind.

So he said to Philip: “Uncle, please tell my grandfather that I will come to the ancestor worship ceremony at Qingming Festival!”

The charismatic Charles Wade Ch. 1961-1980 - EthicLearner (2024)


Who wrote the book Charlie Wade? ›

The Charismatic Charlie Wade by Lord Leaf | Goodreads.

What is the story of the charismatic Charlie Wade? ›

Charlie Wade was the live-in son-in-law that everyone despised, but his real identity as the heir of a prominent family remained a secret. He swore that one day, those who shunned him would kneel before him and beg for mercy, eventually! This is Book 1 of 【The Amazing Son-in-Law】The Charismatic Charlie Wade.

What is the summary of the book Charlie Wade? ›

The Plot Summary of The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Charlie, once perceived as a 'loser' and kept in the dark about his true identity as the CEO of the Emgrand Group, embarks on a transformative journey. As secrets unravel, Charlie discovers he's the heir to a prominent city family.


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Name: Domingo Moore

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Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.