IN COMMEMORATION OF THE PEACE, THESE WILL BK a ball, IN THE ASSEM BLY-ROOM, On 'Ihursdat evening, the 14th July instantj to commence at eight o'clock. Tickets for Ladies, at 5s. each and for (ientlemen, at 7s each; may be had at the shop of Mr. Clark. Lancaster, July 6, 1814.
On the 23d ulL a most daring robbery was com mitted at the sump-otlce in Louth, when stampck of vanous description, to tbe amount of tOOOl. and upwardt, were stplen theretrom. Tbe mosQ active exertions aie making to drscover the robbers, but, We are sony to say, tbey have hitberto beea w-ithout succe Lord HtU. This distinguished hero returned to his native county on Thursday se'nnight, amidsO ihe most hearty welcomes and congratulations of thousaods of his ebuntrymen Tbe procession and rejoicings on his entry into Sbrewsbury are rpre sented as infinitely surpassing any ihing of thekinj ever witnessed in that part of the country tbe No-bihty and Gentry for many miles round assembledl for the purpose of paying that tribute of respect which his transcendant abilities and heroic viitue so justly entitle him, and the reception he met witm was as worthy the great event, as it must have beern grateful to his and those of his rever4 falber, who appears to have been present and pax-ticipated in the honours bestowed upon bis son. SPORTING INTELL1GENCE.
PRESTON. On Tuesday, July 5th, a maider, plate of 70f. Mr. Riddell's b. Doctor Syntax, 3 yrs.
1 Mr. T. Peers's b. c. by Newcastle, 3 yrs.
2 2 Mr. Hulton br. f. Coquette, 4 yrs 3 3 Prodoce Stakes of 50g, each (5 subscribers.) Lord Derby's f. by Mik, Sir W.
Geiard's b. f. Sopby, by Chariot, Sweepstakes of 20gs. each, for three yr. olds (5 subscribers.) Lord Derby's b.
c. by Remembrancer, walktdover. Mr. White's ch. m.
by Griffin, beat Mr. Giant's br. b. Wellington, for loOgs 2 miles. Wednesday, 701 for 3 and 4 yr olds.
Duke of Hamilton's br. Molineux, 4 yr. 2 11 Mr. Brade's b. c.
Salamanca, by Sancho, 4 1 4 2 Mr Hodgson's f. Catherine, 4 yis. 3 3 4 Marquis of Queensberry's Robin Bums, 3 y. 4 2 3 The Gold Cup of lOOgs. value, added to a Sweepstakes of 10g each 19 subscribers.) Mr Rawstorne's bl Rmaldo, by Milo, 4 yrs.
1 Lord Grey's Stell, 6 yrs. Mr. Horrocks's cb. h. Slender Billy, 6 yrs.
3 Mr. Riddell's b. c. Don Carlos, by Sir Charles, 4 yrs. 5 In consequence of his Majesty's Proelamation foc a General Thanksgiving.
on Thursday, the tace, adveitiaed kor that day, would take place yesterday A Main of Cocks, between the Earl of Derby, (Potter, feeder) and Richard Legh, Esq. (Gil- liver, feeder. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, A the Kihg's-Arms, in Lancastet, on FhidaT the 22d day of July, 1814, at iix in the eveoing, IN THE t'OLLOWINO LOTS Lu: l. A LL tkst well-bailt, new-erected, and convenient FREEHOLD MES 5UAGE or DWELL1NG HOUSE, situate at gulion by-lhe-Sands, in ihe county of Lancaster, nh the Yard, and spacious Barn, Suble, and oilier outbuildings, belonging thereto Shrubbery hont; extensive Garden and Orchard behind and ijoininf and a Summer house, wbich commands ery extensive views of Morecambe Bay, and the Wesunorland and Mounusns And also, the aeveral Ctoses of G-ound, called The Two Cr.fU, The Boon Toten, The Thwaitt, and Tht Hole Tkwaite, containing altogether, nine acres, rustomary measure, mote or and also aMoss Uale on Highfield Moss, inCarnforth, by estimation, uns acre, of ihe I'ke measure, more or less; all wlucli have been lately much improved, and the dwelling-house, pul into complete order at a conideraule expence, and are fit for ihe immediie recept on of a genteel family, and no in pos-sion of Mr. Wilson, the owner.
N. The barn being uffkienuy laigc, a coach-hro-e and siable niay be uiide from the West end of it Lot 2. A FREEHOLD CLOSE of in tioltun aiotesaid, called Mitt Meadou-, coutaining, eAimatioft, no acres, rusiomary measuie, aljv ihe possession of the said Mr. Wilson. IM 3.
THREE FREEHOLD CLOSES of ND, in Bul'on aloiesaid, called tiamshaw Fietds, containing. by admeaurement, 12a. Oi. SJOp Statute measure, also in the possession of the said Mr. The land lax of ihe wholc is redeerned The puichaser of Ist or.e is to take the fixture in ihe bouce and buildings, at a fair valuation, and ay be aecommodated wnh an early possession if Mr John Wilsow, of Bolton, mattster, wol hew ibe preimses of and at the office of VKCrf-Baldw it and Thompson, soheitors, in Ltncaster, olher particulars may be bad.
HEYSHAM. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, At the Kikg's-Arms, in Lancaster, on Monday ihe 25th of Juli, 1814, at foui oVIock in the alternoon, in VAiuous LOTS ANeat and convenient MESSUAGE or DWELLING-HOUSE, uh Barn and suit-able Uuibnildme, and good Garden, called THE FUL'R- A KE- DU and also the HOiLL PCUUC-BOUSK, Barn, Stahle. Shippon, out Puddings, and to Garden and several Closes, in rlvnure, aud PaiceU of rieh Arabie, Madow.and Pature Giound, all situate within Heysham, in the county of Lancaster, containing upwards of 88a. Statute measure, late the estate and inheriiance of tbe Rev Thomas Clarkson, decea-ed. Hetstiam i situated upou the bauks of the Sea, thin five miles of the town of Lancaster, and is much 'so to in the baihing season.
Many of said closes of ind cooamand extensive views of Morecambe Bay, an the country adjceui, and ae sui'He buijding upon Miss HERBERTS RETURN thanks for the liberal cn-couragement they bavt experienced, and hope, byattention, to merti the continued of their friends. The duties of the SCHOOL will be resumed on Mond as tbe 20tb of July. King Street, July 2, 1814. ON SALE. BY PRIVATE CONTRACT.
AGOOD DWELLING-HOUSE and SHOP, eligibly situated for trade, on the East side of New street, now in the occupation of Henry Walmsiey, the owner, who will treat for the same. New-Street, Lancasteb, July 6, 1814 TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, On Friday the inst, at the house lately oc-cupied by Mr. Noble, at Caton, the sale to begin at one o'clock HOUSHOLD 5URNITURE; consist-ing of feather-beds, bedsteads, and hangings window-curtains mahogany dining-table, card-table, and snap-table mahogany chairs, desk, and book-case chests of drawers, sofa, pier glasses, glass and china kitchen Utensils, mangle, and other anicles. Books. B.
The HOUSE to be LET, and enteied upon immediately. Jult 8, 1814. TO ATTORNIES, SOLICITORS, 7 iis day is puhltshed, THE REPORT OF AN INTERESTING TRIAL, Which has lately been had before Chief Justice Gib ss, To ascertain if an Atiomey can be made a Bankrupt as a Money.scrivener Price 6s. hoards, By PHILIP HVRD. Attorney at Law.
Sold by R.Pheney, Inner Temple lane, London. JUST PUBLISHED, PBICE FIVE SHILLINGS, AN ESSAY THE $1GNS0F UR IN NEW-BORN CHILDREN. Translated from the French of Dr P. A O. Mahon, Professor of Forensic Medicine, in the Medical School, at Paris, See.
By CHRISTOPHER JOHNSON, SURGPON, LANCASTER) iefc Prefact and Notes, by the Translator. Child-murder is one of the most frequent Subjects of trial, and it is particularly interesting, on aecount of the great difficulties in which it is in-volved, and on aecount of the erroneons opinions in regard to it, propagated by )t. William Hunter, which are now first contioverted in the English language, by Mr Johnson, in preface Ediw btugh Medical and SurgicalJournat, July, 1814. The reputation of M. Mahon is, we believe, too well established to requne our faither eulogium and we may venture to declare, that be loses nolhing of Ins character in the hands of his translator who has executed his task in a manner that manifesis a perfect arquaintance with the Subject and the mean-ing of his HuMior, and a crediuble to bis capacity for the wo'k which he has nnderiaken, as the se ieciioti of it is to bis taste arid judgment as a man of science.
We foel, indeed, that we per form a part of our duty in recommending the Knowledge con-tained in this pamphlet, and comprised in the short compass of li tle more than a hundred psges, as esseniuiily tiecessaiy both to may be called by their profession tu conu'uct inquiries connected with its discussion, and to those who may be no-minated to assist those inquiries by their opinions and Information." Mmitkly Rtwu', March, 1814, Lancaster Printed by C. Clark, for Longrnan and Co London Gutbiie and Tait, Edinburgh; Clark, and Batty, Lancaster Wilcockso, Preston. Lancaster Illumination Notice is hereby given, THAT, with a view to preserve good order, and pr event accideutc, du ing the ILLUMINATION, Lancaster will cornrneure on the evening of TUESDAY ihe 12h inst, at nine o'clock, and dose at twelve) a nurn At fentith, Mr. Wm. Winskell, to Miss Elix.
Longclay. DIF.D. Oh Monday last, suddenly, aged 15, Miss Margaret Jackson, nie to Mr. Jas. Ritchen, of Kirkby-Lonsdale.
On Thursday last, the Rev. James Barton, rector of Aldingham, near Ulverston, lecture of Rod-borough, in Gloucestershire, and one of hts Majes-ty's Justices of thePeace for this county. A few days ago, George Braithwaite, Esq. of Stott Park, near Hawkshead, one of bis Majesty's Justices of the Peace for this county. On the 25tb ult.
suddenly, at Ski, 'ton, in Craven, Mrs. Kirkpatrick, teilet of Mr. Kirkpatrick, of Clithero. On Sunday last, aged 47, Mi P. Bellis, North Shore; and Mrs.
Payne, relictof Mr. Thos. Payne, brewei, Liverpool. On Monday last, aged 13, Mary Anne, tbe daughter of Willis Earle, Esq. of Liverpool.
Same day, Mr. Beatson, Proprietor of the Isle of Man Garette. On Wednesday se'nnight, Mr. Morgan, at-torney at law, Manchester. On Thursday se'nnight, suddenly, Mr.
William Wade, of Manchester, some time ago a respectable commercial traveller. Sunday week, aged 56, Lady Cooke, wife of Sir Geo. Cooke, Bart, ok Wheatley, near Doncaster. At Pnritb, on Suoday se'nnight, Mrs. Margaret Stainton, aged 69.
Thursday last, being the day appointed for a General Thanksgiving on the restoration of Peace, the same was observed in this town with due solemnity. It was also duly observed in most of the neigbbour ing towns Our festlvities in commemoiation of the Peace commence on Monday evening, with a grand dis-play of Fi'eworks on Tuesday, a General Illumination is toNake place on Wednesday, another display of Fireworks and on Thursday, a Ball at the Assembly-Room. See the adtertisements. As we intend to give a and coriect aecount in out next, of the exhibited on this happy occasion, we shall feel obliged to those gentlemen who will send the particular description of their designs, to our office on or Wednesday next. Wednesday, the Common Council of Liverpool were pleased to appoint William Statham, Eq.
Town-clerk of that the room of Richard Statham, Fsq. resigned- Major General Mahon arrived at Liverpool from Manchester, on Tuesday last, to take the command of this district. It is with pleasure we siate, that on Thursday last, Petitions to the two Houses of Parliament, respect-ing the Abolition of the Slave Trade, were sent lo Thos. Claikson, Esq. Chairman to the Committee, signed by 1541 persons in this town and neign bourhood.
J. B. S. Morritt, Esq. of Rokeby Park, is re-turned M.
P. for Northallerton, vice the late Lord Lascelies. The Aichbishdp of Canterbury has given np to the See of Bristol, a living of 8001. a year. A Bill is now in progress ihrough Parliament to legaliae the measure The Bishoprick before was only worth 8001 per ann.
Dr. Lort Mansel, Rector of Bar-wick in-Elmei, near Lecds, is the present Bishop A correpoodent has favoured us with tbe follow-ing pleaing aneedote of the Prince Regent; The ditferent aecount of the splendid reception of the Allied Potentates at Oxfoid have omitted to notice a circumstance which 1 do not hesitate to say affected the minds and hearts of all who were present at the Tbeatre, in a degree much exceeding the result of the Combination of scarlet and gnld even of royally and heroism, sanctity, and learning During the recitation of the energetic and impasiioned lim composed by Mr. Hughes, of Oriel College (see our last page) a paihetic al-lusion to the aAicting absence of our be-loved and revered Sovereign from the scene of ge-neral exultation was follow ed by a momentary pause, the effect of the speaker's strong agitation. Tbe Prince Regent rose from his throne, bowed to tbe reciter, and burst into a flood of tears The effect was electric there was not a cheek at that mo-ment unmoistened with the stream of sympathy In an instant the tbunder of universal applause shook the walls of Sheldon tbe huzza was caught by the multitude without, and Oxford rang with exulting cheers, produced by so nobls a tribute to a Father's virtues a tribute how enobling to the son each drop more precious and more glonous than all the jewels of his tariern." On Sunday last, a man of the name of Rawlinson was unfottunately drowned, whilst bathing, near Lytham. The following prisoners have been commit'ed to our Castle, since our last, William Johnson, charged with having fraudulently embezzl I diver, so ins of money, the property of the Company of Propnecors of the Liverpool Docks John Slough alias Brown, removed bv habeas from the gaol of Dolgeliey, charged wit having two wives Henry Cornish, charged with having burglanously broken and entered ihe dwelling hou of John Wilson, at Liverpool, aud with having stolen therein divers articles of wearing apparel.
Allen Robinson, charged with having assaulted and robbed John Dennell, on the ghway, in Manchester, and with having stolen from peison a hat, a cotton band-kerchief, and sixpence in silver. A great Banking-houe in Dublin has stopped, to has a great American house in that citv. In Lin colnshiie, the failure of the Roston Bank has occa sioned general apprehension Sun. OnSaturday, in the Court of King' Bench, an action was tried, brought by Sir Gregorv Page Turner against Mr. Stioehling.
The plaintiff h-d bought of the defendant, for 1500 guineas, his painting of Daniel in ths Lion's Den," which, at tbe time of the purchase, was in a rieh gilt frame, valued at 60 guineas, but was afterwards sent home on rollers. Tbe plaintiff applied for tbe frame, bnt was told by the defendant that it was not the practice to part with the frames in which pictures were usually exhibited and sold. Verdict for plaintiff damages 631. and 40s toste. SUMMER NORTHERN Before Mr.
Baron Wood and Mr. Justice Bailey. York Saturday the 23d of July. Durham Saturday the of August ew castle anj Noithumberland Thursday the llth. Cumberlan1 At Carlisle, Saturday the 20tb.
Westmorland Appleby, Saturday the 27th. Lancaster Wednesday the 3 Ist, at Lancaster. OXFOKD. Justice Dallas and Baron Richards. Abingdon, July 16 Shrewsbuiv, Aug 3 Oxford, 22 Hereford, 8 Worcester, 26 Monmouth, 13 Sufford, 30 Gloucester, 17 MIDLAND.
NATIONAL SOCIETY. Shorrlv will ho mihMth rpi HE THIRD ANNUAL REPORT of the NATIONAL SOCIETY for the EDU-CATlONof thePOOR in the PRINCIPLES of the ESTABLISHED CHURCH, for 1814. The rules of the Society, and the terrns of Union, ate before the public in ihe papers now published, as examplesof the mode in which they wish the plan to be canied into effect They seek for no controul over the schools established in the several districts, nor any ihing more than an assurance that they arefounded on the samegeneral principles, on which sole condition they are willing to reeeive them into union, and to give them such advice and assistance as may occasionally be required. if the plan, of which they hive now detailed the progress for a few months, be cordially supported and en rouraged by those who arr friends to the Communion of the Church, they have good reason to hone that it will aecomplish aconsiderable improvement in the eondition, and in the mora! and religious habit, of the poorer branches of the Community, and give a new character to society at large Extiactlroni the First Report of June, 1812. N.
B. The First and Second Reports are to be had at Messrs. Rivington's, St. Paul's Church yard by subscribers, gratis price to non-subscribers, 2s. each.
T. WALMSLEY, Secretary. NOTICE IS HEREBY G1VEN, THAT ihe HOUSE, in Saist Nicholas Street, in Lancaster, known by the sign of THE CAXAl. PACKET, with the premises theteunto belonging, advenised to oe SOLD BY AUCTION, on the premises, on the I6th instant, are DISPOSED OF BY PRIVATE CONTRACT. CLARK, Solicitor.
TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION On Tu esd a ihe I2th Julv, 1814, at twelve o'clock, at the of Burrows and Nottage About 200 Casks and 100 Bsrre's SUGAR JUST LANDED. For particulars applv to BURRUWS and NOTTAGE. Lancaster, July 4, 1814. FREEHOLD ESTATE, AT CAloN, NEAR LANCASTER. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, At the house of Mr.
ChEW, the sign of the Nag's- Head, in Lancaster, on IlMtSDAY the lbih day of August, 1B14, at sijj o'clock in the evening, TOGETHER OR IN ALL ibal compact and verv valuable FREEHOLD ESTATE, called TUE F.LLF.RS, situate in Caton. about four miles from Lancaster, late belonging to Mr. Richard Gibson, deceased, and now in the possession of Mr. Rinhard Dobson, as tenant consisiing of a good two Barns, Stahle, and oihei convenient outbuildings, in excellent repair and several Closes of rieh Arabie, Meadow, and Grazing Land, well seuced and watered. and in the hlghest state of cultivauon, containing in the hole, by estimation, thirtv acies, customary measure, or thereabouts, be the sarhe more or less together with a valuable COMMON RICHT oh Caton Moor.
The tenant will shaw the premises and further particulars may be had by applving lo Mr. James of Borwick, and Mr. RicbaRD Tat lob, of Tunstal (ihe trustces appoinied by the will of the said Richard Gibson, deceased, for the sale of the said premises) or to Mr. Bkaoley, solicitor, in Kirkby Lonsdale. Lancaster races, AGOLD CUP.
to be addrd lo a Sweep-siakes of i en Guineas each, p. p. three-year-ohts to carry 6st. 61b. four vear old 8st.
five-year olds fest 81b. and six-year-old and aged hoiees 8st 12lo Klares and geldiiiRs allowed 31b. One four-mile heat. Ten subscnbfrs or no race. To be named on or before the firsi of January, 1815.
I'iesent Subscribers. W. Maxwell. Thomas Sca risbrick. Richard Aikinson, jun.
Robert Michaelson. If jrniltun and amlon. Hainilton and Brandon. N. B.
Hodgson. A Two-yeais-old Stak es of Fisty Guineas, half forfeit. Colts 8st. nllies 7st 11 Ib. Five subscribers or no race Unce round the Course.
To dose and name. on or before ihe first of January, 1815. Presnit Thomas Scansbrick. Maxwell. Hamilton and Brandon.
A Sweepstakes of Thirty Guineas each, twenty guineas forfeit, for three year olds colt rarrying 8st. 41b. fillies 8st. Two miles. Four subscribers or no race.
To dose on the first of March, 1315; and to be named on or before that day. J'rejfMt Subsrriber. Hamilton and Biandon. A Sweepstakes of Teil Guineas each, p. p.
with Twenty Guineas adJed, for all ages. Three-year-olds to carry 6st- 101b. four year olds 3st. five yearolds 8st. 101b.
and six-year-olds and aged horses 8 121b. Mares and geldings allowed 31b. Five subscribers or no race. Une three-mile heat. To be named on or befuie tbe first day of January, 1815.
Present Subscribert. Hamilton and Brandon. B. Hodgson. A Sweepstakes of Ten Guineas each, p.
p. for Hunters, not thorough-bred, that have never started for plate, match, or sweepstakes, before the day of naming. A certificate to be produced, before tarl-ig. if required, of each horse been re-gularly hunted the preceding season. Two miles.
Five subscribers or no race. To be rode by Gentlemen, 12st. each. To be named on or before the nist day of March. 181.5.
PrMeiit Subsciibas. Thomas Sca risbrick. Robert Michaelson. John White. Rawlins Satterthwai.e.
STAKES. Nominalions for the Silkes, for the Produce of Mares not thorough bred, covered In 1810. Mr. Dalton's b. Badajos, by Governor, dam by Walnut.
Mr. Dalton, jun. 's b. f. by Governor, dam by Diamond.
Mr. Woiswick'ic. Skylight, by Governor, out of Window Peeper, Mr. Towers's b. c.
by Jailor. Mr Parker's b. f. by Governor. ROBERT MICHAELSON, Esqt AND f- Stewards.
RICHARD ATKINSON. Jun. Esq.) J. M'Minn ies, Clerkof the Course. Subsciiptions for any of the above will be by Messrs.
Weatherbts, London; Mr. Rhodes, York; otby tbe Clerkof the Course, Lancaster, tOS OERBT. LEGH, ESQ. M. 6 1 5 Monday Tuesday Wednesday B.
Monday Wednesday 1 1 6 3 1 MARKETS. LANCASTER, on Sa turda last. Average price of Wheat, by the loa.f. 4j Winckcs. ter bushels to tbe inad, 44 lld.
78s. 2d. per quarter, 8s 1 ld. per bushel (571b.) Oatmeai, 34s. Ojd.
erloalof 2401b. KENDAL. Wheat, (4J Winch. bushels) 39,. to 48s.
Oats, per load (7g Winch. bushels from 20s. to 28f kiest Flour, 3s 8d. Secouds, 3s. 6d.
Oatmeai, 2s. 4J. per st Potatoes, per st 4d. New Potatoes, 2d. per Ib.
Butter, 12jd to 13jd per Ib. iutter, per firki, 50s. to 52s. Od. Veal, fron, 4d to 7d.
Egg, per dozen, 8d. Beef, from 5d to 9d Mution, from 7d. to 9jd Salmon Fish. per Ib. lOd.
Goose, 6d. per Ib. (ARSTANG, on Thursdat. Wheat, 34s 8d. per windle of 11 score.
Meal, 35s. Od. per load of 12 score. Beans, 21s. 0d per windle of 3 bushels.
New Potatoes, ld. per pound Butter, per Ib 14ld. Eggs, 8 for 6d. PRICESof CORN and FLOUR at LIVERPOOL. Com Ezrhange, Tuesday, July 5.
Our supplies are again scanty. Tbe market was brisk for both wheat and oats, at 3d per bushel ad-vance. Flour is also 2s. per pack dearer. No al-teration in barley, malt, or beans.
Import of Grain into Liverpool, for the week end ing July 4 20950 Bush Wheat 701bs. 840 Bush Barley, 60lbs. 17750 Buih. Oats 45' bs. Corn Exchange, London, July 6.
We had no fresh a rivals of any grain this morn ing, and but little business doing. Our prices coa linue the same as Monday. The average price of Sogar, for the week en lin on Wednesday se'nnight, was 5d.percwt, exclusive of duty SHIP NEWS. LANCASTER, July 9. 5JN TERED.
James, Abe ystwith. Pusey Cater, from Jamaica, with 170 hhds snizzr, 46 rm Heir, of James Har greaves, 83 hhds 6 tees I brl sugar 1 pip Jg unchs 80 hhds rum 67 ics 13 bis cnffee 1 hhd Madeira wine 3 kegs tamarinds 2 xes pickles 60 tons logwood James Moore 3c eo. 12 brl sugar 12 tons fus'i- 14 log nahogany 40 spar, laneewood Car-ter, 5 bn ugar 10 bags cott. Gilbanks, 3 bris sugar I keg tamarinds A Wilkinson, 1 brl sugar 1 bil coffee 1 keg tamarinds James Noble, 4 keg, ta-narinds Thomas Giles, 1 brl sugar Stephen Moore 1 keg tamarinds Hargreaves, I keg tamarinds j' T. Wikon, 1 keg tamarinds Browr.
CtEAREO Lark, Cleminson, Liverpool. LIVERPOOL, July 7. The Amigo Protecto (Cartel) from New York arrived here yesterday, sailed 22d May, was detained by the blockading squadron 11 das, off New London, and sailed from thence 3-1 June. The Hussar American pnvateer, out 8 days fiom New York, iscaptured by a British sloop of war-the pnvateer had not made any captures. The Jamaica fleet, 200 sail, cleared the Gul the 20th May.
ARRIVED. BRAZILS. Phnix. Lastaleta, from Rio de Janeiro, Ua coffee, cotton, See. IWIOIN.
Magdalen, Cronland, from Calmar, with tar, iron. St c. 6ERMANT. Esther, Jones, with beans and clap boards. HOLLAND.
Hope, Reynolds, from Rotterdam Margaret, Baker, fiom Amsterdam Cather ne, Howes, from Dordt, with butter, baik, Stc. SPAlN. Barton, Biown, froo Cadiz, with raisins and wool. A TIDE TABLE. High-water Begin to cross.
morn. even. Height. norm, even ra t. in h.
Sund. 10; 3 55, Mond I I 4 53 4 2212 10, 8 4 9 10 ata, f. gRio ai 3 20 ijj Ami Tues. 12 5 59 6 3613 10 4s 7 4513 7 12 Wed. 13 12 Thur.
Fri. Sat. 14 IBl 8 50 14 8 15 9 20 9 4715 6 16 10 13 10 89 17 3 Mr. Chr istofher Harrison, of Heysham, will shevi the premises and other particulars may bad bv applying to Geo. Wrichi, Fsq.
of Hornby Ca.ile or at tlie office of Messrs. Bald-v. is and soheitors, in Lancaster, where laus and partulars the premises may be see. ESTATES, KEAR WINANDERMERE LAKE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, At the Cavendish Ahms Inn, in Cartmel, in ihe county of Lancaster, on Wednesdat the da of August, 1814, at four oVIock in ihe aftemoon, ItTHIt TOCBTUEE OR IN TUE FOLLOW-INC LOTSt Lot l.FWl.ER HALL.
ALL that valuable, compact FREEHOLD and TITHE FREE ESTATE, called FIDLSR HALL coosicting of a large and comtnodioos Dwelling-howce, with suitable and convenient outbuildings, in complete repair, situate in a genteel and fit for the tesidence a resnectable family together with 179a. lr. 8p. of Arabie, Meadow, and Wood Land Lot U. FAIRHIGG.
All that desirable, compact FREEHOLD and TITHE FREE ESTATE, called FAIRR1GG consisiing of a large Messuage or Dwellmg-house, Stahles, and other convenient outbuildings tugether with a good Lime kiln upon the premises, and excellent Rock adjoinin with 119a 2i. 4p. of Arabie, Meadow, and Wood Land. Lot III Also, 107 acres of new enclosed LAN capable of great addztional imp ovement, and adjoining lot 1 Lot IV. Two excellent PEWS in Staveley Chapel, and one in Carimel Church.
The above premises are situate in the parish of Cartmel, ihre miles and a half from the town, one niile from the foot of Wiuandermeie Lake, and commanding a beautiful view thereof eleven fmm i verston and twelve from Kendal The roads are excellent, has ihe advantage of a daily post, and tt.e country abounds with all sorts of game The estatet being well watered, and nearly within a ring fence. Mrs. Brocebank, of Fidler Hall, the ownet, or the tenani, at Fairrigg, will shew the premises of whom plans and other particulars may be had and of Mr Eskrigge or Mr Car-i-ijther, Lancaster; and Mr. Bhockbank, No. N--w Bond street, London.
N. The land tax is redeemed If agieeable, one-thiid or iiiore of the purchase-money may e. man, at iuterest. CORDIAL BALM OF GILEAD. nHErrai of melancholy disorders ivbicb affiu-t ikt human frame, ntiler the A'fTKU Drs- tiSeS, ore tht incipal sources of human tu ihe privat wn iJ htaith.
Iheefftcts are i knowu, and $eterely feit, amovgst a great 7 of manfctnti for the rcmvval of ichich no meit, more tuperior or mme celebruted for br. CORUlAL BALM of Gh.FAD hetm disemered In alt dttteate, weakly, and rttated constitutioiu, lowntnof ipiriti, hypochoudrm tttmbnugs, weaknesiof tight, memoru, vigour, dortmtli, nervous cuviumpliont, und tht uumbtrteu lymplomi of impairtd und tMleruig oi itutitws, vhether ensivg from liftof inat 9r vtatttntion tthealth, tts effieaeyhas tiathtd, tkreugkout the unUed kingdom, Americat tc. uniirrja and uvparaLeted ctlebritij. hi, W. Uhuhull.
Printer of this Papert I an-c-sut; Kndat; Additon, Preston Afrs. Lyon, Wigan. Frice 1 euch, or fovr in boltlefor 33. by tchich one I lt. bottle 'aied, vith tht wordt Samt, Liverpool, meravtdou thtitamp.
63" Dr. Saiomon eipects, trhen consulttd by lelttr, the taual comptiment a ont pound nolt to 7e tw-chted, addreutd Money Letter. Dr. Solomon, l-Utad-Houie, near Liverpool. Paid double Pottae Also, Price three Shillings, That Scarce, Interefting, and UsefuI Famtlf Work fwith is.
o.vrn an elegant Portrait of the Author, and a View of Gilead-House) entitled A GUIDE TO HEALTH Ot, ADV1CE TO BOTH SEXES, in a Vartety of Complaints. ByS. M.D. Containing a Treatise on Female Diseafes, Ner-ous and Hypochondriac Complaints; also Genera, Resurks on those Diseafes with which the human body it tnoft frequently afBicted explain-nf! thcfymptoms, mode of treatment. and ru.
dies moft proper iy adapted for Sexual nehilitv. ber of SPECIAL CONSTABLES will be sworn in, and btrictly Charge 1 to patrole the streets, and assist tbe present PEACE OFFiCERS, in appre-heading peisons who may be found firmg any Pistols, Squibs or Crackers, in any of the streeis And, for the more effeetual prevention of such dangerous practices. a REWARD of TWENTY SHILLING is hereby uflered to any one giving Information of such offeoders, to be paid on his or their convietion And, that the peace of the town may not be interrupted, it is earnestlv entreated, that no injury or insult whatever be nffered to the houses or Windows of any persons, who, either from religious motives, Indisposition their family, absence from home, or other reasons, may not chuse to illumi-nate their houses on this oceasion, as the aggressors will answer at their peril. By order of the MAYOR and BAILIFFS of the Borough of Lancaster, JOHN LEWTHWA1TE, July 1, 1814. Town Clerk.
FIRE WORKS. THE ILLUMINATION being fixed sof the ISth linst, the public are informed, that the F1REWORKS will be let off, on the evenings of the llrh and 13th, near the NEW BRIDGE, on the Green Area, at half-past nine o'clock essesesssesssssssesseses LANCASTER, JULY 9, 1314. (tf" Erratum In the 3d lioe of the last stanza but one, of the Translation of the Gerruan Song (inserted in our last) for France," read Farne," B1RTHS. On the 2 Ist ult. at St.
Keverne, Ihe wife of Mr. William White, farmer, of three daughters, who were all baptised on the following Sunday, in the parish church, the mother attending the ceremony MARRIED. On Sunday laut, Mr. Richard Townson, solicitor, to Miss Alice Parkinson, both of Preston On Tuesday last, Mr. Wm.
Howatth, to Miss Elisabeth Hindman, both of Preston Last week, at Ul verston, Mr. Daniel cotton dealet, of Liverpool, to Miss Hannah Strickland, of Ulverston. On Tuesday se'nnight, Capt. Thomas Hammond, to Margaret, the youngest daughter of Mr. Barker, merchant; all of Whitehaven.
Latelv, at eswick, Mr. Joseph Thompson, sen. solicitor, Workington, to Miss Fisher, of Jenkin Hill On the 21st ult. at Betley, StaSordshire, Francis Twemlow, Eiq. of the Hill.
Cbeshine, to Miss Eliz. Fletcher, youngest daughter of the late Sir 1 homas Fletcher, Bart On Thursday se'nnight, Mr. Edward Jackson, to Miss Huxstable, both of Manchester On Wednesday se'nnight, at Wigan, the Rev. Samuel Hall, A. FeUow of St.
John's College, Cambridge, to Laura Matilda. youngest daughter of the late A. G. Kerr, of Highbury Grofe, Mid-dlesex, Esq. On the I6tb inst, in London, Mr.
Iredale, of Wentworth, to Miss Ann Frances Ibbetson, daugh-ter of tbe late Sir James lbbetson, Bart, of Denion Park. Justice Chambre and Baron Graham. Northampton, July 19 Oakham, 22 Lincoln, 23 Nottingham, 28 Derby, Leicester, Coventry, Warwick, July 30 Aug. 3 6 6 WESTERN. Lord Chief Justice Gibbs and Justice Dampier.
Winchester, July 19 I Exeter, July 30 New Sarum, 23. Bodmin, Dorchester, 27 Wells, Aug. 8 13 HOME. Justice Le Blanc and Justice Heath. Hertford, July 25 I Lewes, Aug.
6 Chelmsford, 27 Guildford, 11 Maidstone, Aug. 1 NORFOLK. Lord Chief Justice Ellenborough and Lord Chief Baron Thomson. Buckingham, July 25 I Cambridge, Aug. 1 Bedford, 28 I Bury St Edmund's, 4 Huniingdon, SO Norwich 9.