The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California (2024)

3W 50 HELP WANTED MALE 48 HELP WANTED MALE .50 HELP WANTED MALE 50 HELP WANTED MALE 50 HELP WANTED MALS 50 HELP WANTED MALE 50 HELP WANTED MALE S. F. EXAMINER Sunday, 'or. 6, 1027 50 HELP WANTED MALE Salesmen, Agents Salesmen, Agents Salesmen, Agents Salesmen, Agents Salesmen, Agents Salesmen, Agents Salesmen, Agents UPHOLSTERERS: must be good at ctllom wk. Al.

Railncr, ZOVI J'olk. SECl'ltlTY salesmen wanted to sell ENGINEERS. TEACHERS, CLERKS, 51 HELP WANTED MALE With Investment MEN WAlTlUt Doorkeeper wanted for so- clal ciuli, 84-ard st. t'unces. free.

burn claea local real estate and finance laaue in quarterly dividend paying offer: every assisiance Klven. Room HT. Hunter-Pulin Klrfg. WANEHOliiSEJIAN: state aBe. wheie BOOK wi legmen, high cIhsb, over SO; HUcccHHes who are In the 10.000 year class; no others need reply; free to travel; Koycraft card teada that co*kt tt each to taleHmeu who know how to treat them right.

Heferencew required, W. Har ney, Market st. Want Young Man About 25 A NATIONAL CHAIN S1XJHE organization opening up branc.i previously einrioyed. pnone cumber Box Ksa miner. DISTRIPFTOR waited for States of Nev.

and Ariz. -Automatic 2 SOLICITORS to aell Christmas cards: store In San Franctpcu and Hie Pnlni4ula require a limited number and 4 whed brake tester for auto lea.liptf Coast invest- A REAL FL'TL'RE. A la i ge mariufauuriiig concern, na' ion a My kn vn, established So e.irs a rated AAA1, with branch ot iL-e in San Fra ncico. is longing for a man to represent them in San Francisco and Northei tNIi fuinia. To save our hue a nd yours please anui.ze yourself and if juu fi-el nu can measure up to our tiualjiieations, we want to talk to you.

You must be betwwn and 5 years ot ae and now ready to make one MOKK change and then STICK. You ir.ct have pleas A mert STOCK SALESMAN attractive line: commission. LEVINSON PRINTING "640 California st. uu se r. a cv: uitf fur of men between J1 and fa It ducation.

Rood appearance and ref WINDOW TRIMMER, must be thor-ouclily capable of setting results In women's upeclulty shop work. Apply by letter, mating experience. iVllIard's. J3 Gearv st. mobile with an investment of four thousand dollars can mh twentv-five thuand first year; set erences essential: exptneitie un- SOLICITORS and Acenta We have a nceMaarT aa you will receive train- ins: advancement la rarid; tht'ee pure i tv seller: a real mt r.eymaKer, Call Rm.

314. luttS Mn ket ft. BOOK SALESMAN hipiwln-n. tree to travel: new oropiuitfon from th Boycroft Khope; card leads. W.

D. HARNEY, UV'Q Market Bt. CANVASSERS (). 0 hra. a day; no house-to-house; we train you: aalar and commission when you qualify, JIB.

BEES, 142 Sanst-mest. who aualify must be satisfied with mor.stra tipnM Market st. exclusive rtehts to market product tn retailer; returnable profit fac. tory man here. Ad.

b-'X Lx. WINDOW trimmer, experienced, with knowledge of card writing, fur ladies' anpatel exclusively. Apply erie.vetlo young man about 25 nil previous selling experience. Excellent opportunity tu learn the business with a strong houe handling only bish-fcrade in vest men is. Will ti a in into security calesmun.

Answer tulb'. Box Examiner. SOLICITOUS" crew ele. $30 to $40 a week to start. Apply vice: sal.

and cum. Box LAWYERS. ETC. Do ou realize that those that are successful in a arso way arc usually men who haw mastered oi'iia ion and finance. Would it bo worth env thiiti? to ou to be alile to learn the dilb-renco between the man who earns and tiie man who e.irns SJO.tHH.

antl imn per year? Perhaps you have been trying to pull yourself cut of that old tut. By this time you know it an't be ('one by hipping at yui boot st raps. Wo can put tools in your hands that not only will mak (t possible, but probable for you to earn large Minis of money. Now you are not going to ish yourstlf into this knowledge it takes action. If you are willing to spend two hours per day of your time for ten days we will giv ou thi.s knowledge free, and if you ha ambition wt will then make room in our organisation for vnu.

If you art-employed It will not Interfere with you ve i occ 1 1 a i a b-lished firm. Ex.iminer. iiul.h3ia.-n is3 market Bt. room 41iT, Market m- and 2 p. tn.

sharp. NO OTHER TIME. NEED licensed chemist: rf "rentes anc ing personality and DO WHAT you are TOLD i nd DO il consistent v. Our national advertising brines in Store WANT A STOCK SALESMAN WHO IS NOW KMI'LOVLH A WHO HAS MADK A StCCESS IN THK STOCK SKLL1NU GAME. FOK THK K1GHT MAN I HA A IHOri'SITION OtT OF THE ORDINAHY.


numerous leads vOuch you will le Operating Execiatilvs invpstment reonireti unusual onnor tunity with t'omg concern. Bn 7r.QQ. Examiner. PARTNER wanted In hardware busi-ress. on a re.

nMnnied to bookkeeping. 1 lr 1 1 Ex (iminer. expected to cioae. Call Kearny 3 1 for appo'ntment. MEN, 2 hours' work In the evening ONE WHO UNDERSTANDS THE DEPARTMENT STORE LAYOUT FIXTURES.

PHYSICAL HANI. will positively show you a week no bunkeru about this; your timt will not be wasted; in order to talk to you I will atay open the next few eveninas from to 8:30: no so Specialty Salesmen We need two men. The salesman we want Is an experienced special saleNtnin having a selling record nt is proud of. He is between the apes of 8 and 4n. He is not looking for a temporary cleanup proposition, but for a real opportunity make the permanent connection with a strons million dollar oraaniiatio that he can very proud to clain CLOTHING-TAILORING, thirt.

rain at Balesmen. K. FRED I 1L-OKIM. Calif, ngr. for MARTIN GORDON CLOTHES and supple-mentaiy lines.

announceH to 10tH CLAY OAKLAND. Live palesmen that wsnt co-operation and lines that rpat instead of "full" and promises are wel-c me Our men are successful. (XLLECTlO.N aKenry wants Kaieaman auditor: ravel Western States: solicit contracts, appoint no collertlon; 100 weekly. INTEH-NATIONAL. 23ii Bide.


Rnx Examiner MAN t-i run planer p.rd saw In in S. F. ft 1v vork 1 -j '1 1 rpj i i D'r 1 -'3 7' 7 1 i SALEi-MKN. Washing Machine Men to hancle the new Easy Washer liciting or canvassinp. Come up to suite MMi.

9U.1 Market or phone "WILL CONSIDER ONLY EXPERIENCED DEPARTMENT NTORtS Expense ProvEsicn The Realty ndicate Company lias just put into effect for the salesmen on Us Smith Reserve property the best schedule for expense provision and the highest omniis-fcion rate in the bay district. For a limited time we will consider applications for positions on our salts toree. You must have a good 4 or car. For interview up-ply at 341 12th Oakland, 9 a. m.

to p. in. Ask lor AIR. HOWKRS. Kearny i'uti for appointment.

MEN BOX 1 1 71 0. FN A MI I -S3' mi i v. P-t a ssot i a ion with. To such a mar washes anil tit the same time a T'lonfv-riak'-4 iiak'ii M1EHLE VERTICAL PRESS- and handles every drop of water MEN, the fast st selling machin-in California; have a real op we offer an opportunity which seldom apnea rs in these columns ami which assure an earning capacity far abov the averaif We are a nationally known or- ACT' car, cchng, 1 r--ri 2 av. SINOLE workingman.

wk. $PH req 'lenjn, 11 rt m. Flva neat apoearina men 'J to 8 boura evenings: eurn SoO tu $lou iveuklv. no eellinkc: thle it aenuine. portunity for nun who want to 8 ahead ca furn shed.

EASY WASHER SHOP. Apply a. m. to 'J m. and MAN.

We have a position for an A-l pressman. 7f you have not had plenty of class A color experience ave Mainnc This is a perma- Tlce good conditions and pays Kood money to a competent, dependable producer, Ad-Jitph box l2S0.i4. iranizat ion with A A A ratinp. The man who is fortunate enotitrh to see STU Mission st. 0-11 a.

nt. Sec tn HARHb.1T Taylor rocm joa TRADE SCHOOLS this advertisem*nt and rnt thei-e Six Biuinidred AND KIOHTY 1KILLARS! On. of our salesmen received a ctmmislon check for that amount for laat week's work on Smith Reaerve. Vou COLD Tt'ltlvEY SAI.KSMEN who ace tired of wailinK for two or three proB-uec a week, vou men who want to work hut don't ret the chance, can dc as well. too.

Come In an.l sea how easily vou can make a month an.l uu by selling the lots of prospects we have. It vou are Interested In relti'iK ahead com. In and have a tnm. vou eert car of course. Apply 341 Uth Oakland.

n-H Bnd Ask for Mr. Bowers or Mi. Ch-rry. MR. MEN Opportunity for three men In We want at once four men who can sell and can handle men and omen.

If yi.u are a ao-uetter and knov sellinu. come In and us about yourself; vou'U att ahewd with this outfit and make plenty of money You'll tteed utHxJ car. Apply at on-e. TODAV. at HA 1 1 th Ft.

Oakland. Atk for MR. BOWERS. requirements has a real opportune awaitine him. For appointment phone MR.

KS-QF1N. SITTER between It and 1. a. iu. Monday, MAKE MONEY in Bt'lLDf N'l OPENING ih paper and receive sules department, experience unnec-esisary.

steady work with good pay chances for advancement- bee MR. LK)l I 05T Market st-jrooin 'J 1 J. MEN (31 with cars with real estate oi stock experience, capable of clostmr I liable tvn! on building a HERE are two more openings for young married men who want permanent positions, good earnings and a chance to rise qui. -My to c.ecutit? positions in a nation. il company; the work is in our highly stn essi ul branch (n your cii: present men averag? over weekl; ro trav iniist h.ive car; only those who sate use.

present work an 1 earnings ill receive consid-rai ion. H. S'. SCLL-1NU. 12oS Fullerton row 1 i read b'pie fiinfs.

No '-harge for thAse. I.e.irn how- pay jobs. Shurt cut method. Wme NOTICE Salesmen and Beginners OCR rLAN OK I'AVMKNT MEANS No SeJSing Exipense to You We train vou. and If vnu have car yuu can have a permanent job with big pay.

We have S. people waiting daily lor your attention, more now than we can handle. Advancement for hose who a re willing oi'kers nd can train ot btrs. Applv now, Room 04. 7lh loor.

Orant Blda. lOii. S. BUI CHRISTMAS MONEV QCICK S11 Cunstnia Kiectinw cardt. in Hssortmcnt.

tur wond. box f--ort-ment is tho finest published, F'-! tn per hour easily eurncU, We hr magnificent bov cont. I'l hiRh grade Christmas greeting cards and folders, each with envelop, steel enpra ved. colored, panelled antl bordered, St Us for SI costs Nothing ever sold begins to enmnare with the of rhnsi-ms I ox at not t. ipiick tor part.

and samples. WAI.THAM ART PUBLISHERS. 7 Water Dept. Q't. A.

Boston. "Mass, SPECIALTY Salesman to represent nrospet-ta furnished; salary and commission. 0. V. BUD EN CO, 3d Real Money Here tne of our lesmen made in two weeks.

Bv following our el-ling pIhii one citn make $2. out) ard more easily bv Nmas. We have ah-olutely one of the best snd easient propositions to tfll on tile coast. Thote selected to join our organization will make urprifeinly big tnonp only high-clas salesmen need applv. ttffhe hou'-s.

0 to 12 a. Including Sundav. Ldvide Ridge il Lejising 1024 Broadwus young married man under must have excellent reference; also car; to represent growing national manufacturer: position pays well and of era perma nent connection sa Ips made by appointment only; inquire at my hom*o Sunday only, a. in. to 4 p.

m. MR. 3201 GouKh apt. .05. manutacturers or autographic rts today.

A-birc. El ILP1C DEPT 20tii 111. floor Syndicate rung, 'a la no. isters, fan fold stationery umnieri MEN neat aptearintE work 2 hours tape, and shippinc taus. Applicant ees.

eai weekly: no sell- rout he able to Kive bond and first LEARN Hoffman preening, hat Pluck letier must state all details of for nier employment. No investment Must be thoroughly experienced In i-raaniztnK crew gas appliance: household necesnily; no competition Stock and eaiermmi In San Fran Cisco. Box DIM 77. Examiner. D1STR.

wanted who ha nalaemer. callinff on dept. stores, drujr store, elect, shops, etc. prot. terr.

very attrac. prop. Write ADBKO MFG. PL7 French st. Pittsburgh, Pp ing, spotting and bush ling In the inn.

Apply 0-11' a. and 2-4 i in. MR. COHAN. 25 Taylor et.

Rooms I'ftj-gou. BUSINESS men types to pose in pho only AUTHORIZED HOFFMAN pressing school Sa protected territory, commisinr ha si s. pa id week ly. Add resa Box MEN We are cleaning up this town with the KLEAU-BiTK 1 li704J Examiner. tographic illustrations; ditinitiea part-time work which will not interfere with present occupation; Kood pay.

Apply Lothers Vaunt; BfidioH. 41t Sutter st. The neatest selllna- clan yet devisei $4 to 20 a Day Be (tip made by our representatives selllnp the exclusive French line of Pat rlcian Christmas Cards an ten me copperplate etchings, including many Sun Francisco scenes. A distinctive line cf cards antl the furnishing uf lends, lifts this proposition out of the class of ordinary Christmas card selling. Call mor.i-tncs.

to 11. Ask for MR. RYERS KNIOHT-COI'NIHAN street. itt men earnlns; $45 tn i'JO weekly HUr FMAN presses; diplomas eiven. tHen ever Intra.

Take car No. 30 st sells to men and women, ome it's a cinch. 300 Ph elan 'Mdg. Mh and Market sis. School at 1310 YOUNG man about 22 as assistant Frreet.

Selling Xinmas Cards KKST VAI.CKS fiBTAIXAIII.K our line EASV TO put tli NAMK ON' 1'UKK. W'e phuw y.tu hi.w and assist yuu. 1'Kui'KSS l.N.i t'O Markpt opp. HntPl. DISTRIBCTORS for l'0 store roula this county.

Exp. unnec. No scli. ilistributH collect. Should nt 70 wk.

PE HIS MFG. Florin. Pii. MEN to sell Cosmopolitan snd Good STOCK salesmen; southern California Housckeepint; and 1.1 other populwi bookkeeiier. exterleneed small salary to start excellent opportunity, permanent position state ape and experience.

Box 127R1N. Examiner. men now earning up to pmmi weekly tnt onenina noi ihern terntory a r.uti 1 Kic Ab ard suto trade school reliable and indorsed by the industries. Employment magazines; opening for field mn i-Ker. Call OMl Pacific Bldg.

want experienced sto salesmen IF vou i an sell common stock at tai without kins, in a lompanv thHt has liOfi stores selling products and has a 12 months tain In sales of that has $2 in assets for everv dol-br of lia Ifli in i-hich everv officer and Uirfctor paid par for holdings: whom first man on iob made $37." first week after Kettirt permit; sales force limited to in producers ho will tell our future fdixkholdeis the truth: if above interest inu at 1 commission, call, otherw ise don't See MR. PRICE, at Phelan. 0-1 tomorrow. with tradimr ubilitv- new uiu MALE Elllntt-rich-r bookkeeper: must 1 'err. write tur catalogue.

Woi Sutter SAN FRA NO CA MF. DRAPERY salesman and anaistant to buyer, retail 0-40, Kood salaiy-and advancement assured. COM-M IAL PLACEMENT Market st. wonderful tradinu marntn. Call to 4:30 P.

ni. only, )XK MEN of ability for country and city sell contracts guaranteeing mer Piant accounts. Gill ette Bids MEN steady; neat appearance have tun knowledge or rtonkeenim; and capable of takinfc charge of office. ive references; state ape and oxiwrietice. Box 12132- Market, room 800.

(rood proprsilion. JOJIi L'niveraitj Three Salesmen A wv York publish in company ban opening in Li An. lcs tor neat appearing men, li to 21 e.irs cf aue; those desirous ot enCMinc sales field will be mveM rvei oppor I nil (special (raining and chance to travel; erntinr at ion excel lent See F. C. SHERIDAN, 310 Hearst 0-11 RELIABLE mm with wnchine for Frpert insrructors.

MODERN BAR-PER OPU.EO.ES 24 i rr. Berkeley. service eter.dy; (straight sal LDVE LEADS WE NEED TWO LIVE WIRES to work with nianaKr; we furnish live leads. This is a NEW ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN liai is Koinff over hip. Only men of ability need apply.

Call M30 to 10:30 a. ni. Ask for L'OliS Bratlway. Oakland. California.

DRIVER, experienced, for cleaning, dveinj: works, for retail and wholesale: make calls and del Wei ies. also take charae of store; state fully Past experience, where last employed; position steady to ridht man. Box Exnmtner. STOCK Kalesman or womnn to sell ary. Call HO a CO( WELD1NO ENKULL NOW Lay ard i aecuritiea for well est a hi 'shed SI RING FILTER 140 fitli st.

METAL SIGN SALESMEN Wanted NO ALIBIS If you are tired or drifting from one sales deal to another, tired of selling bubbles, tired of reading tht'i column every ti.iy. tired of bringing home ALIBIS INSTEAD OF RAY CHECKS, and if you have a good it-passengcr car. Apply room 404. Market st. LIBERAL FX TENSE PROVISION.

nance company that is now pavins night Rect eu.uipr.ed xl in West. CALIFORNIA SCHOOL OF WF.LDINO. lort Fell. Pu'r 4V4. 3-RM.

apt. for part-time janitor a man of experience in this or allied work. 20M Scott at. Walnut 4T01. lines, who can originate ideas for larce dividends.

hxcelh nt oppor-tuniy for right man. 10J4 Broad way, office 1. I'Mkland. uw of and sell metal signs and LEAIiN moving pi ture Mental to Park our organization and sell th most beautiful subdivision on the pen in sail a nd joining PA LO ALT' Wo pay i-oniiii'ssions, money, etc. CASH DAILY.

Call and get acquainted. We have a HEAL proposition. Sec Mr. Fisher. INVESTMENT REALTY CORP.

1170 Mnrket st. plays to manufacturers and riiFtrib- UHIVEU and solicitor, about 30 for cleaning and d.veinr od chao'-e lor advancement to ambitious man, Ttvx 14S1H0, Examiner. or evp'-ine, Uooni 49 Employment Agencies utors of staple merchandise: old es I NIYERSAL ENTERPRISE tablished company manufacturmK i duality line; will pive sales assist SaEesmen, Agents have 'h money to tive you Subdivision Salesmen REALTY SYNDICATE SALESMEN Inexperienced in Real Estate Must have good car; will train you to malie bit money. Cm II room 7i4 Grant loiCi Market S. 0 a.

m. to 4 p. m. ance. liberal commissions and pro BUTLER BUREAU (10.

Agency) ELECTRIC ACETYLENE WELi'IN-taught good p-v ing trade, i.istruction. 147 El-vc-ntii s' St! Kranojsco. Pheno ls11. tected territory to the rmht man in CO. KEEN! AM 7.INO NEW FOR this city.

Write us todav stating PATENTED MAONHT1U BLADE Come and Ket it. Every day is pay diy. If you can't act money with me you would starve to dtath in a baker shop. Apply Oolden West Park 1J08 Market el. Ask for FiraStere ml Mf SALESMEN HIGH CLASS Ihxpeimses ae and experience and full particulars will be forwarded.

THE NOV ELTY ADVERTISING Cos Under Mr Tobin. hocton. Ohio. SHARPENER! Sharpens all ruxr blatlea instantly. nine icalty, by P)werful force! New! At-solutt different Sensational demons! ration Whirlwind Seller' rite pne sample.

Sl'I'KH-KEEN. Salisbury. N. c. I'RESSl N( J.

bat rcnova ne t.iu.a ir 3 weeks: modern method, exp inct. earn as yi b' trr. 7j MOLER HARI-Eit COLLEOE. Learn latest method ot and ni-ht 4-h ct See MR. BENSON at room 704 Market S.

F- Baywood Park hns oppnlnff for fiv palrsmen with lostnl autos. If you nip uwrd lo tulkhie to the l.elter rlacs of peonlp her' la Hn opporlun'ty to Join the fastpst BplliiiK eubdivislon ou the Demni-iila. BKK MH. PKN'NISS. iSKPtlNn KMIOH.

ST. PHOTO order salesmen very attrac tive Xmas offer. Liberal compen AOENTS WANTED For Pacific Coast territory to distribute an article used by every household, laundries, hospitals, doc SubdivisJoo Man LEARN MECiiANR'AL DENTI "WE PESIRK TO SECURE THE. SERVICES OF SEVERAL YOt'NG SALESMEN WITH PROVEN Attent'n, Young Men Three i eat appearing young men under 22 years of to tr.iv. 1 for larce eastern publishing company under direct ion of supervisor; an opportunit to make permanent connection: numeration excellent.

See F. C. SHERIDAN, rm. 010. Hearst 0-11 a.

m. sat ion. Apply Sales 114 Coaching School Compl. stenographic course. 1wks.

4H 8A.NSO.Mli H1 KEARNY "tiU. ALMA liUTLER WAl'UH. director. vubliu utility out of town Open Salesman, insurance Open Burroughs bank Upen Boys to mark board, stock and bond house Open Etrand boys, several Open Jr. Clerk Open GILT EDO OPPORTUNITY FOR Farrell st.

tor, restaurants, hotels, barber ABILITY WHO WANT TO GET DAi AND EYENINO. U'IFIC "HOOl 1 1 A ET EARN big money making cird -n- S. F. Show Card Srhl LarK and nenuty shops. onderful HIGHER SALARIES AND QUICK BIO PAY STEADY WtUtK where you are our own bss and an opportunity to build up a business in hoiim-Hold products fhat will pay you a handsome income for life.

Experience not necessary. We give ymi credit and show you how. Write for new p'an. McNESS Day-jigh Erie torv. FrecjMtrt.

111. Portrait Agents We want 4 men with exre rtence in selling ENLARGED lOR- portuiuty to pet on the prouno floor. No com pet it Ion. Apply Hearst Pldsr. between 0 and 10 or A FIRST-t'LASa Closer IF YOIT ARE NtT THE MAN FORGET IT.


FREE tools cheapest fnstruc. Rather On)ftr 4' st a rt now 4:30 to MR. ATRINEl.T,. TRAITS; investigate; absolutely the best oroDosilinn on the West coat COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT iAI.KfMK.N Washing Maclhiime on Vacuum Cleaner To handle ensv washer, automatic wa sher and Ohio vacuum cleaner, highest commission paid weekly. Ap ly 27 -l 0 Miss ion.

0 to 11. srnsCRlPTION solicitors; we have 54 FOR SALE Miscellaneous to house canvafsers. fat sell inc line, bin commission: special hoi NO fU'LL TIMES SELLING F(Hi.) People must rat. Federal distributors niak1 bip money; ytarly and up. No capital or experience needed; SALESMAN ca pa tile of interviewing libera) commission with bonus for producers; make $15 to $-'1 day.

Western Art Tt.lfiW Kearnv openings for producers: Aery hi-tractive proposition. See MR. Fl'R- idav bonua. 7 63 Mission. SAK.KT For 3 men with sales ahility to represent dignified proposition in connection with local bank; only competent, intelligent men under age 40 need apply.

Must furnish satisfactory references. MR. WALSH, suite 717. 04S Market. Apply 11 a.

m. and 2 p. nt. No other time. A 7.

Sto Pth Jt at. open Sunday puar. sales; unsold poods may be returned. We furnish yo'i with licence, sample case, and FREE SAMPLES experience! PRINTING HalesmaJi. business ami pnucsslona 1 men.

insurance or book selling extvrtence wrould lie to advantape. Must convincing' talker of athlctv appearance. Excellent remuneration tn two lice men. Apply 4-5 Rush Mh floor. A DP I NO MACHINES stan-la-makes, sold or rented.

Prices low. easy terms. Fully gurn'. Also bookkeeping and cii i. ui machines.

General Adding Kvhantfc, S.U Mark- Car ITUB8. 7ii for customers. Repeat orders sure. only. Apply Colortype Gourh wt.

Mr. Bcrta. exciustve territory. Ask now SUIT AND 0 EKCOAT, 2.M. Two suits or any two tiarments want live wires to sell: exp.

unnecessary: our salesmen making bid monev; extra larne sellimr samples. Write or wire for territon. National Hroadway Clothe. Rroad-wav at Spring New York City. 1'RIXTIXO KRleKman.

with followinu FEDERAL PCRE FOOD CO. 2303 830 Market st. Uiiieue i)Mg. Irapery talesman and asst. buyer, retail exp.

gd. future. $150-200 Salesman, recent Stun find or Calif. advancement. Retouch and print man, know operating, good experience.

Salesman, some exp. In engineering supplied start $1X0-1. 12? Credit clerk, retail Trot Bank clerk, Italian descent, live N. sieak Italian, Pucker. stationery txp 1 10 Office boys, m.iny Accts, pav.

tynifit. Frot 10 MFQ. CO. I F. INSURANCE SAL MEN It will pay vou to call and investigate our new BIG DOLLAR POLICY.

It nets the business and uets it easily. Also our Savinps Policy, and other forms, contninini? outstanding features which brinir ready sales to th4 consistent worker. ILLINOIS BANKERS LIFE. 301-301! Great Western Power build-1rr. Oakland.

CiMfomia. to handle office supplies as suie Archer. t. hfcnuo. AEROPLANES for sab- 3 and.

line. Boom 4'nl. 40 Kenrny st. NEED MONEY? Salesmen If vou need ready money there is one line that sells from now to Christmas: our beautiful line of Christmas greeting cards for personal a nd ou si ness use. Sa mples free.

Tear out this ad and call rm. 303, at arket gt, planes. See SAM nl Flying Field, or call Grayst. Exper. Subdivision Salesmen Ten years work ahead.

RMtable firm; sound policies: no floaters need apply. See MR. BENSON, room 704. Crant 1015 Mar-ket S. 1) a.

m. tT 4 n. in. SALESMEN Neat appearance an.l ability for direct celling. We LU and highosi established Individual territory; loo produt ts.

Bus. estnh. 1 "t7. Call Monoav. ft to 4.

and talk it over. W. ft if. WALKER. 530 pa SALESMEN.

A bouse nf an established rPUta APPAREL. MARY li. TOWLE. Slightly used, high class garmeni-for all occasions. lOtio Buh tt ant, 2731: onn ev -s tion, making and $13 SALESMEN Are you capable of takinp the reins of a prosperous home building business? If you have a deire to do so, we will help and finance you.

The Builders, Inc. 0W Market st. 7:15 n. in. Fharp.

MAN PAST 40 -who will work with dresses, who has one of the best cific BMg. PACIPIO AUDIT SYSTEM Inc. valued lines in New York, has open Ina for man in Slate of California and help ether salesmen. Possiniv experienced school teacher or minister. Posit on with real futur an.l permanent.

State PHst experience. Box Examiner. who has traveled through this State SALESMAN APPARRL New shghtly u-, garments; old stock reduced, MARIE MARTINEZ. st at't- l- -n eve? In-: ur.til o'clock. Phone Prrsnect 014, Sunday Salesman? To have chnrpe of tract office selling small homes.

Prospects furnished through newspaper adds. Reliable company. Good pay. Call at 405S Piedmont Oakland, between Pi and 12 a. in.

with a diews he by automomie ATTENTION Here's a tailoring lin that guarantees fit and satisfaction: -dav delivery Suits-overcoats, tor 'JW 5u. 0 for vou. Trousers, $1 for miu. Selling outfit FREE Write TODAY. Tru-Fit Tailoring.

SOS Broadway. N. Y. RIO MONEY OPPORTFN1TY. Reprcsentaties and disnbutors tn handle new automotive special badly needed by all motorists; car.

be sold on sight and wfi a money-back guarantee; car essential can be handled as a side line. See or write It. MURRAY, room 401. 1170 Market st. We have a position open for the Commission basis only commission paid monthly; a reply should cover all details, references and past MAN an ed with car: Kood re $35 Per Week Dra winp account for alert younp man under fur sales division of corporation mnn with vacuum cleaner, brush or washinsr machine clean cut, high grade aaleeman: position offeis an onnortuntty to lie 57 Post st.

(Agency), titn uonr. STOCK CLERK. i M2r, SALESMAN, epi-oa. OKPU'B TIOV. 1S-2K Open BOOKKEEPER, b.lw.

exp 1'J' KRRAND BOY. bicycles So." BILLING. Ions hand, whlse. I'onint slito BOOKKKErER. full charge 'J0 GENERAL OFFICE brick exp Or.n GROCERY CLERK Open oxtmrtence.

nut rvelous importunity 11 A C.AUDNE,; Slightly used: hith class, mod. i-i prices: rarmeuta solicited 101 iMish not. 'J ph 7 for th'' man who can quMlfv: must be iMe to meet the public. AnW 422 MacDonf Id Richmond, between 3 and 5. for right party.

URl'IUN-LICHT- velop to junior branch manager: ttni-position ahould particularly interest WON DERFl sideline. 05 wkly. easv com. in ad van show hih-prmla roveralls and shop coals SALESMEN Specially men magazine, hosiery AN. INC.

401 7th N. NOW Is the lime for BH experience preferred. Apply a. ni. only to saleamanager.

11 oil MAN or woman to travel and appoint A first class closer with a car to APPAREIi STUDIO. Attractive garments, best quality MONEY in the photograph business Name or advertising embroidered on l.u.-L-. nvniv wOTknuin. busine.n:. an atrKresKlve youn? mnn experienced in phonograph and radio husinesa who wisnea to make a permunent connection: applicant muwt.

htand handle nales of MM). 000 worth Market st new Christmas offer; draw, account Young man. 21 to 25. for introduc boulevard business property to be nierchnnt nron. outfit free.

MIX prices, very si.p Uy'd. 1 Sutter, apt. 3. Fkl. f- local representatives.

Permanent. Liberal usr. Exoenses paid. oppo--tunitv tn eHrn $.10 or more week. I'NfVERSAL HOUSE.

VhilarlelPhia. and commission for good men. See tory advertising offer, rpening S3n FIVE II 1 SOLICITORS wold at once at prices below present ra nclsco oti e. lif-tnct ma nag LE DING 72 a t1Sih. 'hu s7LER cards are winted bv almott STCNO BY THE "WORK BCC.

MR. THOMAS. Packard studio. Market, 8:30 to sharp. 4 to strict investigation.1 fee MR.

CAM KltON, bet. 10 and 2 a. in. only WI RLITZRR, Stockton st. i rrtiiLu oinn'r.

atterniKin. even wanted; straiahr salary and bonus, KEMP AGENCY. 43 Mnnadnnrk KM Market st. SALES, candy SIW'. exp office 23-30 l'-'" Stt.KSMAN.

life ill" 1o. WITH OOOD KEFS. TWO FOR market prices; profit auarantced purchnsers. The man we hire for this position will earn in wear, coats slightly used. wond rfiil everv men bant new 'dea man 5 only.

MR. HANDLER. Golden State RAY TOW NS AND TH RE FO ''ary. apt. Prosrct.

7 7 Mnn KADtO saleemen. two. Apply MAN with car to wurk as district representative for a concern. See KLEIN. 32.1S E.

14th between 3 and ft. ROAD WORK. WHO WILL A norlflv writing order) Kadi.) day mornlntr. Alcxandrm -vj 1 I'j'portun'ty snov Gar-i next OM da vs. Interviews confidential.

C. W. FK 'DEN. 3d floor Syndicate Oakland. TltECIATi; A JOB PAYING X1T.0 "with our new fall line of Americ i's JIOONB-HOFKINS BILLFR.

SHIPPING packer U7-30. Active SaHesmaui Uliop. urnry t. With car preferred: lotl'- worth $.0 extra k. fride line or fO.HiHl nnnunlly full lime; rxcl.

trr. wonh of samples for 1 deposit; act qnb k. IQ-l, Jnd. TO I'ER WEEK. NO SAM nierus sold, solicited.

734 Rush apL Phone Kearnv 1 1'. RAIIO alea and aervice man. PI.ES TO CARRY OH PELLIM mi.WSMKN TO TRAVEL. greatest tailored shirts; in? doum-1 1 samples sell on si iht tre-: outfit; nc experience necessary rite oiln v. 1 XL LA 1 SHI 'IT Don't answer this ad unless you can successful ly follow leads snd Market at.

Open evenincs. A. .1. MORtlAN. R.

fi08--r0l SAN iiMj Almost new. ingri MAN to organize a state, fast sell-inp plan: bfs money maker: everybody uses it. Give phone number. Box 10.1143. Examiner.

SI K. HKrUrlD HUto PIM. JR. CLERK, Rood penman $70 hank. IX-L'O 70 OFFICE BUY, live home Hiah pressunj closers oniy rem SENSATIONAL RAINCOAT EFKK ninoeratp priefs: parn'-ents solic tei SOME STREET.

salesman with local REAL ESTATE have uiiitie.MionabI references and veary. RPt. Frnnklin 1141 A FA CTC I CO. 73UN a car. BOAKDMAX ATTENTH sa lesmen-mf rs.

selling $10 value rnincoats $150 wk. New- 2-(nne aviator stv, experience and nuos. ft ftlMMl'XITT Kn gshm 'hicBgo. APPARATUS Montgomery pi HHles ability; salu ry a nd com. tt permanent mpn.

Apply 2421 Jiroad wa v. Oakland, direct. Suits, topcoats, o'coats, any Won. is ncoats and lumnerjacss. ii INC. bureau, night. '2 for XlM) r0: vour com. in adv 1 i c.xappner. MAX with car to work with mamiRr: must willing worker: snlendtd opportunity for the richt man. Au-Ply f3Q Hayward.

bet. 2-0. rtrnf 4 hr. free Mill emn tKAL estate aiile.nian with car. VK WOLF RKALTY 4IM8 (iearv money, permanent connection; exclusive State territory; spot canii commissions; no charge backs; indicated advertidng gervice to all merchants; soli J'J monthly tay-nients; no collection.

'hone V. F(thlig. 0 to 1J inorniiififl, l'al-ace Hotel. Beaut, colors, Mh a v. models, Fli AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY APPAREL Mar.lorie li ard.

I (1 i oe inuyo fi dnv del. I'nus. bonus pf'i EX-TNDt'SiTRIAL men and other agents wanted by low coM life com we del. and coll. Stnnlev-Ward 12o 'hicaen Is offered 1 0 high crsde men who gutter rm.

mi 2. Kearrv 1 i. REI. auto aeal cover mfr. make $ILT.

In nrnd. Hestr. ter. to real workern. advertising are ambitious to graduate from the A pany doing business In New i orii learn nth st.

APPAREL Rertmg Excnane, Large attr. eellmg nutfit with GET fhrlstmas order I AM radix Attr. snlicitinp. .112 wage-earning cIrsh. No experience W.k com paid low pr.

1111:11 onality: elatt. outfit free tj. Paulina. Chicago. Mrs.

HEVARD. 3474 Mis. Mi. 5 vl Ipiwnda I vd. swatches Fit.

Write today. Ma. Mary Rose IrpcKs an-i ren 1 red A 00 i en made at 1,7 Bi-r-i si, S.S. Co BOVtn MARKER, bonds, a. ni.

STOCK CLERK 'a TR TYPIST "'i-' fEFH'E BOYS SlItl-STll tremendous value tercraft Tailora. fi.tL N. Itoda shirte; 220 Flood between and tvi in iriinK, best make. 3-nr hsi I snd celling ordina ry only. We furnish you plenty of leads cont i mini sly and hae financial assist a net3 i woH in Rox 1 2.d3 Ex.

lit ILEA RS. DOLLARS. DOLLARS. LA1NCOAT.S. flicker, overooitla; oul- No experience necei success sure iii-ier.

r'. long. 1 rt. 3 xp, Pav dally to SI'. ROHAN 9 30 a.

or 1 to 2 n. m. OCCIDENTAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. "'Mi, naictit MEN Manufacturing D5t sary. CIV.

fil rftfiB. Snm. coat on trial. Cum. H.Ti.

HYDRO RAINCOAT 71S Independence Chicaan. 1 110:1 1 todasi bli Cincj nati. Al TO MKVS CLEAR NC. USE IPiniuhrey: iikel water reus. beater.

Hay vie That's what our men ro inakmr: mau-i. 1 TAIt.V giving FREE new ATTENTION Radio broadcasting salesman, 1 ppecialt salesman; must have csr; drawing account. Apply 8 a. MR. BIUDSHAW.

West (Vast E-bihit, 144S Webster Oakl-md. SAL1-SM KN. Prominent Cb lif. Corp. lia op-n-ing in San Frniicisco and Oakland 43 II.

Will interview mm St NPAY ONLY, not later. 2t Continental rl I', I r- irtv'r, sellinu an article worth HO for f2 ACCOUNTANT. ulilse ilrr-H unrt snron with S-' ie 01 .1 i- HA BUGGY. imported Kn vou onlle.t fl and keen tt, we do inn uirt Hrps: uinarl stvlns: stunnm nr Hoi el. Exclusive, patented non competitive article of great merit the rest.

Annlv C11RISTMA excellent cost for 3il. 7120 Geary nt. fnhricw: fast Hellers: FHEE nut fit SALESMAN Experienced setting grocery trp dc one with Oleoma rgarine exper. preferred. Phone MR.

MaePONALD at Hemlock 020. 021 Newbauer iV Schmale. 1001 Bryant JO. SALES. b22 Hearst 0 to 12 unl'mited demand.

VA SH ION FROCKS. Dept. SALES A A Mur. env eeal-l seals 3. "Oil ret.

only. Uvery office pus. 1 to 100. Wurk e.iuals exp. power mach.

tiuar. yrs. Cnrahle man opp. yearly up: aecure excel, fratlchiae. Write or wire quick fr.

trial offer. Rede 5 Whithrop Boston. otilv. liARy recers'ide. ch -ho.

MKl.l. THK WORLD'S OREATES 1 bugiv. reed. inerrer-t. 110, Cincinnati Oh jo.

Open TECHNICIAN: handle Burr BK PR. TYPIST: STENO. eoo1 at futures. CLERK. TYPIST: ins OFFICE ROYS, several 1404 POT I jai.vsmkv Piirskin card case fr lor clean-cut man over i previous exp.

nut ntjccsEH ry not rea 1 est att TREASl RE. Amazing Fensa. fvery home buys. Act as my purchnslnp al- 1ST OFT Now Patented Aprons. No strings or straps; $20 a dty everv da over 1 00' profit com om nmpm: me commissions nun HA Rl t'GY.

small wicker. fiO niost new. 231 Kearnv. SALESMEN and salesladies vante We are now selecting and train-Ins men to carry forward our ex-pansion program of dnvelopinff a nationwide basic industry. Positions now ooen for qualified salesmen.

A thorough sales training fur those who wish to prepare for woi In sales department. Apply in person to the Branch Wananer at 0'JU Monadnock San FranciNco: I'JIK Central Bank Oakland: VH Burrell Sun or attend get-acquainted niecflrtg at 7:30 r. m. Wednesday. November It, 11M8 Central Bank Oakland.

or stm-ks. Apply Broadw ay. agt. and do some sell, at Fame time selling qu-'lity business printed sta everywhere to visit at homes taking lakland. I'nus.

earn. guar. und. my wond EMPLOYERS PERSONNEL SERV ijvwh otiggy. crio.

sen at rait: new, orders for new line of proven merit Sales Manager for tifMierv. invest ptices. ree prvlm Salemnnn outfit fr p1I rdan. I fur. everyth'g for your missions da ilv.

Write ffir free of SALESMEN MAKE ft I on every urdei 1U1I time or part time workers inden. Wr. for gt. sur. Pres.

Lor. taking cont ractn for Pleioria I rsews ARROW PRESS. Mlnnea no I i Minn fer. KTA-PL'T Dept. Ft Louis.

Mo. woodward, tenilock 2210 HA PY crih and obap, 1 7. Mfg. V170 MbldlMioro. Mas ea rn better than gt.od wages.

'all or write MR. STUART. 14D Market Service. sales, permanent 4i I'neian nmi.i Spec hkL: fire. ces.

ins. open Cashier, N. V. Stk. Ex.

open agric. and slatis. Open jr clerlt. h. s.

live Bt home. .5.0 1 MEN. newest nroposit ion nut peat business. Every store a pros St reet SAI.ESM?;n Increase your inc. 2H If vnu can't sen tih riiy I'M.

to S4H week selling our spec. 1r IS.H bug-v wa rr Ti3i. pect. Free outfit. ELI.K'TI SEH 1CK U40 "Wewt New York and shovel.

Epcr. H. to H. men SALESMAN oiiH art-rt isincr nenrils: uuality ml Hiit to clean UP applv SYN PHOTO RETOUCHER and primer GUARANTEE with commission; cat furnished to live canvasser; live salesman to coach vnu: ijood position open. Sen manager Monday.

n-t a. m. SINV.ER SKWJNG Mission st. AOKNTS Hot Xmas seller: beau, col THESIS FO CO. 2 1 0 Len ven HA MY Sin.

l.lkcv. yt.o.l 1-, 1 "i line; liberal commissions p-iid nrnnitdl.v; Chrfstmss specials beinn With good car for snare or full wn-th. irCOMMlVcVAirPLACKMiNT BCRF.AI', 830 Market Agency ored luhheriseo aprons mat cmsp on instead of lie on; every womnn If you are not experienced and a Rood organizer, do not waste vour inTe. Box 11 0780. Examiner.

SALESMANAOER with experience and 3 or 4 live men to sell new subdivision of lOtt lots down the peninsula; aood property at low price; nothing free: no bunk. Address box 1 13300, Examiner. imi time. Call room 04 Grant bldg. iffprif1 Advrt islnir Pencils Print nt--A.

U.W I'M nriTii iov: I ion ol" 1 fst ClM ing 720 Delaware. Kansas Gillette BldK 10lr Market S. a. m. 7 v.

m. an-i l.KK'il. Hush men rn lesman having a r-onnectmn vour prospect no compel it ion lib. aam. offer.

CLASPON MIXJ. Dept. X. rm. E.

Ohio. Chi. (Aacy. City. Mo.

WESTKKN SERVICE RCR new. a bar- SELT beautiful 102D art. calendar a reinfect and huibtrs to represem one nf Ihe leading manufacturers I as Hi SI TWO lornier university students or high school KiaduateH who plan to a I tend ni vers it next year. Excellent salary. Apply 1r.

Purr, fold Mission Itnl flour, 10 to 12. Nlonday morning THE J. R. ATKINS CO. wants man to distribute their well known MA I.KKM AX WANTED We desire fans, blotters.

Liber. com. Sauipl nf steel medicine cabinet for hath MKV. yOCNC. A.MB1TIOCS.


I eceniber 13. Write now for terr. Pll-H. I country ojej Mail clerks, Offic1? hoys, lnirtl Frsd yM-S'-a salesman 10 represent us in teninB nr tfhirts. in this citv.

Territory well rooms, PnOaJOjjid 1020 for r. l.l'-VT'S. Ill McAIMFter iJi1 Me A HI Give exper. End ref. Producers PRtahlinhed and good for to f.MI SECURITY SALESMEN.

Salesmen can make hi money on a deal of unusual merit; top commissions: 8UPtort given. 90.1 Rubs bide. EARN $2:1 di'ily: sell colored j-li'- the New Internn tional Encyclopaedia to selected individuals; leads furnished. DODO. MEAD 731 BILLIAKD tTbie.

proinoled, Tha Novelty Adv. Co, Dept. C. Co.ho';o,-. tihlfx i' week ro the start.

Write Watkins. Dept. B-7, 4513 Hollis rainioMtS. 5U' nm ruciv. 4 i-aiu'h PnatK.

toncoa K-Mv Pacific San Francisco. 50 HELP ANTtu HIALt Oakland. Calif. overcoats. Outfit FREE.

CLRK TR! OK salesmen Two anled for Sacramento and Stockton territoi must Ikj hiRh class and bo able to furnish unquestionable Pacific Coast references. IRELAND MO'l OR TRUCK 3." Van Ness nv. bailsman wiih machine; direct Bin KS slinilnrd o- -r uiiolt. Tv-ii-T. K-i v.lnnps V4.i Van Huren.

Chicago. Ill Salesmen) Agents COLLECT AND KEEP COMM. ON selling; well tsianntwu pruumi. mil In national advertising enable: 1 1 i- v. 11 ii- inniipv inker.

uimrunipfl nrt crntnissions. a A SINGLE St IT SA LN Kriss-Cross salesmen to earn goo- t.I x.itiiiiiiu Sdinnp our enoiin- Remit, namn. 4 -yd. lns: up-to- BOliK.S. 111.1 Inrp frnni Tireadsv.

CouJi bPRLNO FILTER SHOW and sell nationally known pure APIilNG PENCIL Just out: adJs. profits; only 3 more wanted. Room 1 date color, and weaves: suits and and toaster combination to restau ranis, lunch stands, etc. CO. 1 40 Mh sL 0117.

Golden Gate Hblg. o'coats; wrstedi weaves, cassimeres ii kwivv hmiw to house: nouse tou'V ro Watertnwn. i-' TWO aggressive clean cut youne bei.ut.,' useful. fiiend; sells itself: LiB exp. untiec.

gel snmrle. parties. Imn Hmik A d- silk hosier and lingerie; amazing values; make $12 daily; cm. unnee free sample outfit. PURE SILK lb iSIER 305 Adams.

Dent. 110. ChlcHRn French hpirks, pin stri'es. etc. Reel Curtis Clothes.

Chi hold, barher snop, men good ha hit and the rn et er Ai'i'VTf; mdrii'-a' irreatest Hnsa cabl-rpf heautv show necessity; no competi perrrmmeiit posit ion car helpful tlifr.i Box to orit'r. inK Prncil fppi. but not essential. See MR tion: new, reeorn-nresKing hcik-ii-ennrmous demand; tremendous prof BIG Ohio corp. seeks man.

for unoccupied terr. $50 com. Earnings tion; Sti.R0 on IJ.uU sale. B. Examiner, ADV.

sulesman with experience. i wriiA noick for detail THOMPSON. 21. S2 hat luck ave. Herkeley.

between 3 a nd stsrt immed. Good for KPT'lON AL opening for sales I'n'itod Servi-e. 1Mb N. We furn. everything, del.

and col. suto ro. nt oricp clieap. Iti.iuiro IV'k men acoiiainted with grocery trade Mills nc reasi sa le: UTAH Woolen Lb I H'l'N I NO strange battery compound charges bat erics Instantly; eliini-nates old method; gal. free to agn.

hand soa and radiator lea nine compound free long profit spec. Lightning St. Paul, Minn. AMAZINti new metal office and sto: Cm. or enn-T.

unne Fyr-Fyter Co. 1027 Fyr-Fvter Dayton. BRAND NKW PROPOSITION. Pirst time in S. V.

can srl on first interview. Ask the, men should hae car, must be pro-riiirprs. Oualified men can earn Calif. Call Oakland force throughout write fl04 Stewart CANPY Have You Something You Want to Sell? nr- ilBl'v. Renl aensational filler lf-tl an-i 1 ptt.

VV INVENTION 4 00 profit big money. p4S Market, room -41 Fr.l'TlONLUS' 11.S1 Mission Oimran'ecd. Write quick. A It NOLI salesmen now selling Xma EXPER. Sutter st.

Room STATE nun uyer wanted who can Liquid quick mend for fabrics and hnsierv. Stops runs. Every woman Call M0 Pacific bldg. ca rds. INC.

Fl i nt. Michigan. TWO young men to neJP me wurk my routes. Experience unnecessary, as i li-iii tfitch vou. Good nay and ADVERTISING MEN hnvs Hundred other fast sellers.

J. AGENTS We start you in bus. am handle men; premium plan for merchants: don't answer if satisfied with legs, thin 1 week. liox palm Reach, Fla. KK' ilSTKH.

k-t1 1 etc. 1 for ct-piv bus st i 1: E. JOHNSON Dept. 140. 0120 51 HELP WANTED MALE help you succeed.

r.n cannai or rA io. steady work. MR. TAYLOR, luuo Rtm-'P or full nie. you en Wentworth Chicago -host Urms.

Market room 212. ensliv earn Sr.O-MOO wk. Write Mad With Investment Mnik- OPENING FOR r-M J' EK I KN El I.V SA 'v OF THIS NATURE. INVSlAb POSSIBILITIES. PHONK LAKE.

tsv i so Fc s. ft 02 roadway. N. WANTED 4 live hustlers to sell Gen mi Motors orod. irev.

exp. un A WELL known corporation has opn Ir.trs for seven 1 salesmen r.ver vrsi nf nee. If vou CO fulfil mr MAKE $2o dully; most attractive Aspirin display cn the market; in daib 11 and in big niand. JtEAb CASH rtsisior. 1: MAKE f2Ti daily selling colored rain 1140.

OAKLAND. We train you. Draw, sects, to right 1 1 A SAL 1 A A ER etv bond renulrcmentu we can olfr ToItMo. 3l iiouri.ij cotrr-ut e'--llent condition. Sell J'RODI CTS, Dept.

00. Cleve men. Don't come if broke. Apply coats ani slickers: reo, tmup. Kirm Hut Free: cnnnnission Responsible iiihu can puike per Ad land, Ohio.

Old's. PiPP Van Ness. 0 to 10 a. attractive, permanent position, dress box H.512S Examiner. ma nen connection with progi essiv daily.

Outfit FREE. Elliott prad AGENTS WANTED by manufacturer ADVERTISING man of experience In sell outdoor diaiday new-patented, biit money malt 11 Ml euch cot. trait for you. Give address and phone niimhet tor inter CASH RKGISTKKS ADII.V MA concern; sales development to read COLLECTION agency wants salesman siAT.rsMEN CD. not over oTi yars of ley, 243 Van Huren.

Chicago. of silk knitted neckwear: over ri'INES nit tnaki: nv. into national scope; applicant inur- age. with auto un una nmo BUSINESS of your own making profit; holiday proposition. FISHER PA.iII TO have good slandins and invest 00 T.ticht com t.arltliti:' fin KR HI) nd lHim tiudltor.

tiavel "Western Slates, so-bcit contracts, appoint sub-agents no collection; weekly. INTER A TIONAL. 'SMi Mills Bldg. equtjuneni experienc" 411 m.itr.-; nh view Itox r.i.i.i' hieh ill be secured and ea rn 104a Jefferson uuftah N. Y.

SIcKenxie. 11 Te- mission. fee nlntep. checkrhonrd. stens: bin high rate of interest remunei atioi vlVvEHTTsINt: SALESMAN experl- "ASH Rbu aIJ.

etc between 9 and 10 Monday book and simple FREE. E. PAL- haina st, morning. EKTA HLISITKD importers, nianufac bmicht sol 1 exch i-entea on a salary and commission basis. ALSO ONE DISTRICT MANAGER P.

23 WnoMtnr. Ohio. FIV solicitors wanted! Those with some newspaper ftxper. itreferred; turers' jewelry novelties; hiir propo easv tms, harkM our ffiiar Dihl- nrsiNESS oult? We have new line SELL wonderful new kitchen vr- for Southern California must ha sition right man. Investment Sh.lTT Cash Hr-c To.

lilieral salary and comm. Apply rm. uu i red. Investigate. No agents.

Box own car and be aide to invest sub leather novelties most stores buy Vmati nr ntl-vear Items: full CASH ret-Nters 74 New Montgomery st. Hours: Fitv, re a iis jt nig commtssmn Xmas nrcspnt. Need s'v nil KV tu, young. with wholesale dry boo.Ii-trade; excellent for Si-ajlc miin. ApnlV B.i"er SI aTTVeHTK-ING salesmen.

Al. yuW and snal-py; must be a closer, om for Onkliind and one for money for the right man. Call And- Examiner. st htmI sirei tut. See Mp line.

Write terr. covered, line a. in. and 3-ri p. m.

stantial amount; state In confidence experience, address and telephone eral county distributors si so. MR. be'ore h.iylt,ir NVTIOVM. A i 1 1 SALESMEN wanted A good prop. rarried.

P. O. box T. Angeles WHOLESALE HOCSE wants experi- LEW. 217 a -i 1 a tion for the right man no i hit cu.

aiarkrt St. number. For appointment. Vox 10o 1 07. Examiner.

cat ivv Vnr rtrof it able sideline estate or stock can earn 1 0" a SA LES EN At rat deal In v. CASH register anj ses. jnced aalesman familiar win ladies apparel and furs; must hive Al ret-erences. Lux 105111, Examiner. prop.

Fell, act. new fr. ers and hamninir drug, general niprcnanoise. "iinun' aAu- rii-nwino- andunt riant over 4.iS nir"..""" TKRKfri.r a rn. week.

Call bet. tt arid 12:30. Rm 200 Mills F. ri'pv, auto mil or $20 snd my support will start you atve detailed experience. Box ADVERTISING solicitor Mo CASH St.

1 orns. cr.v, Kcry SLICKERS, plaid. $2.18. hat FREE; Vu 7o Drawing acct ATTENTION Sninlblng new and at 522 Iowa City. Iowa.

V. retail stores chairs. talT-es. McAllister. also new Aerotex and Hidelike NEWEST sensation.

I lined lacke' per cent nr t-pni d.i ir-i-i T.ARilRST C.CMMED TAPE organ. In coats; outfit free. AMERICAN tractive tor Ninas; qui-k mono pay in advance. Apply photo island. iSH Kearny for appointment WATERPRtOr.

7-'4 Roosevelt. hi the country Hirers yr. niumi st.5r. small. 47-14 reary kiin No.

3. only Jl" raincoats, 8mPl- on trial. HAMILTON 41HOH. tMadvs hv Chicago. Sunday.

a. ni. to p. oniy hip excl.

full or ADVERTISING salesmen, experienced rn. only the best business you ever neant or you should make a minimum of every week; our investnierr is se cured no raining or preparatlor necessary; come up to suite Market and be tickled death all the of your life: be twee 11 und 12:30 only; no othv; lime. SundayO a. m. to WIN A part time.

Saor Mfs. Dept. T-57. 811 Jackson Chicago. -l sh I 1 7s 1 nv.

cee ji i.rt urn 4.13 Masonic Ttemple. RIO money selling lumberjacks, mikk SALES i EN or saleswomen, a few by prominent local huse to call on business housea. M. STONE, Key stone Hotel. 54 4th st.

Ol'l'iiRTUNITV for live wires to con 'I WANTED Eisht men nn! four ladief HINKSK verv ers. overropts. raincoats. Fweaier-Pop. prices! Samp.

FREE! SHIRLEY f'OO Rliie Ts'rd. neet with estct'hshed manufacturer i lea her nd jewelry novelties. Com Iks inn basis. 7J'. FaeifV bldg.

fnr arrant nnn nnnnrtllll'Tv riCHlPr Automobils SalesmrngE work ST FRANCIS STUDIO 25fl I1UISTMAS car is I Whether you want to sell a cash register, a sewing machine, an automobile or a house- or perhaps wisla to buy furniture, a safe, a typewriter or a farm, there is someone who wants to buy the thing you wish to sell or wishes to dispose of the article you want to purchase and in all likelihood you will find the opportunity to fill your needs advertised today in Examiner Want Ads. If not, tell the people of the Bay Region of what you want. Phone Sutter 2424 Or in Oakland Call Lakeside 3800 Ask for an Ad Talker! AflRXTS. 001,1) SIGN LETTERS to-: SALESMEN, spec. men.

sell an adv SALESMEN Four eales to merchants net you 40.00 daily Savers System. 281 Sheffield. Chicago. III. Gearv st.

OPPORTUNITY for reliable person to DON'T read this unlens 300f pror. store winnows: niMi'? nmur 1 MKTAT.LIC LETTER CO. 431 N. Cnrk, Chicago, S'M-v, ex'-ent. opport, for men wit I selling ability: com.

pnid protuptlv TtspTCH. 207 2" th embossejl cart's Tith ertvel i'ts. lv Triailei. rcstpfli.i, St. H.

HKNSOV. uw SurlPS St. 1-hj a-'-l fhia. I. OTillNi; llieat Iwrcainii In trie I.tberly single STATE and county representatives for Ints.

vou, tvfiynouy duvs on sikiu. Fr. snip. Magic Products. Dept.

20 332 E. 31st. Kansas City. Mo. new electrical device just paiemeo A big money sdl.

mas gre-, JELL a'olut' necessities; cost 2c go business with small capital best loi-ation for a lunch counter, candy stoie, cigar store and delicatessen: no commissions: to manage, lease or buy; fully equipped. AnnP RICH MON It WHOLESALE CtN-FECTRIN ERY 1220 Macdon.ilu ve. Richmond. Call f. for home.

11.15 to pront. liox luMOH Examiner. ir.vvTS $1 an hr. sell Mend cards. order ceiling sa too bk.

fr. High, com. Fvbv. buys Wr Rochester Art Rochester. N.



a pat. patch. Instantly menns NEWEST creation Ieather-tex lined dotiN-T ntodeN. ron-lit oil atit--s: ojr nrit 1.H7 Howaid next to M. rh- h.

rninrt tacket: iu vaiue. leaks in nil utensils. Sample free. Collet te Amsterdam. N.

Y. EXPERIENCED wholesale dress an1 AMEIMOVS fastest bellers Shirts U'TO PAINTER WANTED colors; outfit free. ROSELILE. 52 go. Wells.

Chicago. SALESMEN Five to secure bad ac coat salesmen lor city nno rowo Sta'e full parMculrrs. A pnl'eat lon rofldenHl Rov 1 ''7H 4 Knm, mult rvt ear. sweaters, noys sun men's o'coats. dresses, hosiery, bed snreaiN.

MAY Pancw Chi We hae a gmHl opening tor a roo sir brush automobile painter, wh WcU-ou c. .1. perf. "7 V.iltn raise. Sl'l.

SlA- or. 14 SALESMEN for roofing business, excellent opportunity. 2GL1 BubU st. counts for collection; noinimr it sell, city and bay dirt, Mr. Tamuel Manx Hotel, nine 'till nine.

does not objei't to living in live Cali ADVERTISING solicitors; stieeial edi ro ATS I'lirssrs Ft-K? er Phone Walnut pMh ALESMEN (2 and 2 pnlei-irls for the a classy novltv toilet sonp Wondorful Xrnus article, cay seller. 133H ft. Sunset 32''3. AGENTS, salesmen, positively new and tion San Francisco livest puoiiea-tion. Apply Tilti Grant Monday morning.

fornia foothill city and wants wurk on profit-sharing basis. A ill ess GRASS VALLEY GAUAG' INC GRASS VALLEY. OA! IF. nosstbl Kin.l factorv samples 14 tn 4- tremen.Ton. fvll Wtlor.K? I.E M.ic 11't pr So'ter -i1! GENTS Sell 5c fast selling randy apec.

to stores: big profits. LORRAC PRODPCTS Albany. N. Y. best holidav numner out.

ioo- profit: no sales resistance. Rm. 415 P-4S Market st. SALESMAN for real stnek Is RANKRUPT and bargain sales. En r- AUTO SALESMEN A plugger: house to house selling: i 'OAT.

cc CO. sue; no adva nces boom commission Al denl Pox 70. Examiner. MAN with enr to work with manager. GENT wanted for city and country to handle cookies.

DE MARTINI COOKIE 1831 Powell st, i-nrpvo siie 3: worn jt.r'v 1 l.M Clay SALESMAN to call on retail trade fp-f on: soil 1 7 Art See Mr. Nelle or Mr. jvianory oe-twen 3 and at 330 KRh Oakland. elusive territory: namtie nest inane most economical heating euuiprnen' on market; everybody interes'ed need auto and fir eouin, AsK for Mr. Smout.

Progressive Distrit ntors. 141Q Midi--on tiood commission. Applv i'i Clair 10 California st. FIRST class tailoring salesman for country; salary and commission 1111 I i-l-nf rnrn SO' mi-us profits. We start you, turn everything.

WHOLESALERS Desk 333. 420 W. Superior, Chicago. LPS MEN wanted to sell on com. to hardware and rreu'ral stores poeclai labor-snvinT maic seeder hoc-.

Rr hnrd Mfg. Co. Bangor. Penn. men.


SETTLE. 1K3 VAN NESS AV SELL St'NCLOTH to hardware stors T. tMi'tltul: stilish re hke new: verv sc. ALESMEN, nst an on tlea' on. now rt-i 1EN office man.

ins. exp. tu he SALESMAN for real estate business bonus. Call 0110 Peary. lumber va rns ete.

Hirn commissions. Write Allen Bros. Inc. Omaha. Neb.

Film 1122 Howard st. I 'OAT. Htl.lso-,, to-. ALESMEN Advertising, for nionthU SALESPEOPLE wanted s. r.

411 fCatholic) 507 Mb COLLECTION agency representative. come see. -t reus. reas. s.u to start: inv.

2.e!Hi, secured real estate. White in confidence your exp. to box el at, set. iMe A nnlv to a. COATS trpde lournal: iiber-U rnmmi-ion.

S34 Pacific bldr. Iiotnrlns 070. AUTOMOBILE insurance salesmen hlahest commissions paid. Call be holiday money sell. iw.

A 1-; SALESMEN on auto club memtwrshtns; exn. preferred: should eern ev wk. excellent onnor. for persistent wn-k-r. Annlv It IS MkT.

r. 01 7. Su't ps n-tcklncps. No. rap.

rea. 1 ma MAN wanted, with family, past 4- tween 9 and Km. 2U Mills free tow, service, jjongiaw nut bv triat 4r OATS til. s.ll (Mr ristown Agents goods. Dili Cc.

CESS FIRE RURIES. Reno. Wv port" well reconi. take active mt S. K.

A A T5 V. au lornm tn Inltd rhflrire of reas. CHRISTMAS card sslsnien for re- cooperatively owned t'ruit ranch, iil- Hanle npuse. rox i rmm tjNK jenulrea an experienced ealea-man who can secure new bank ac 30 n. town, Sonoma co.


17x47: reas nn Sunday 11-15 Mon- clal Independ. to salesman anxious Heribx-k KU. EOY to work on phone in piano stote .000 inv. Box l-'-KWI. r.x.

1 or counts, rraio aye, pasc pnrrir-uiars -n3 Ivrc.

The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California (2024)


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Name: Carmelo Roob

Birthday: 1995-01-09

Address: Apt. 915 481 Sipes Cliff, New Gonzalobury, CO 80176

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Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Gaming, Jogging, Rugby, Video gaming, Handball, Ice skating, Web surfing

Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.