The Times from Shreveport, Louisiana (2024)

2C MONDAY. FEBRUARY 22. 1999 THE TIMES Scoreboard (292) $5 JOt Vegas Line Boxing Trinidad breaks Whilaker's jaw, wins welterweight title NEW YORK Sometimes when the end comes for a great athlete it's very gen- Rich Beam 70-70-75-77 GTE Seniors ttSm" SCHEDULE Home games Away games Jackson 14. A Sparks 12. A Johnson it Sibly79.leatantHtl7-S Brown 23 Wakace 17.

Wasmig-W114 PH Suns Arnold 20 Maunce kKtnwi 19 Terence Price 16 HornbeciTS. Ctv70-H Banoon Hoooe 27 Jared D-jrr 24 Larry Carpenter 24. Cwncy Aiexarvjer 1 1. Montgomery 65. Pelican 80 Jonnson 25.

Sivato-a 17 Johnson 12. Davis 10 Derek Brown 18. Jason Jones 14. Swung Simms 13. Rafeyon Calhoun It.

MmlaldetCniihanatS-M A Howard 31. Jones 21. DeW 12, Neal 10 McDonak) 27, Draper Housiey24. Newton tt. i Sun.

21 Mon.22 Tue.23 Wed. 24 Ttiu. 25 Fri. 26 Sat 27 i 1 1 1 Wkt Wt Uk kit, Alexandria Alexandria Lake Charles 705 7 p.m. Charles 7.0S Sun.

28 Mon. 1 Tue. 2 Wed. 3 Thu. 4 Fri.

5 Sat, 6 I I I 1 I Idle Idle Central Idle Sen Antonio Ft Worth Corpus Texas 7 05 Cnnti i (HOME TEAM CAPS) N6 FAVORITE LINE UNDERDOG ATLANTA 11 Cneago CLEVELAM3 PtmswpM 0OLAN0O it Sacramento MINNESOTA San Anon LaUters 10 DENVER UIAH 16 LaCkpoerj PHOENIX Dallas COLLEGE BASKETBALL INDIANA ST. 4 mros St. ConwcMil 9 PROVIDENCE CREIGHION 13 WchlaSI BRADLEY 4 Soutnemi. NORTHERN IOWA 9 i Drake EVANS VILLE Missouri St KANSAS 7 OuananiSt UNLV mini Ten NHL WASHINGTON Twwno NwiJi-sey 1 -1 TAMPA BAY PITTSBURGH VI Phoenix ST LOUIS V1 Los Angeles CALGARY VI Ny Rangers Transactions Ticket Information lDovvns (31 8) 742-5555 Shreveport Mudbugs (31 8) 636-BUGS (2847) Northwestern St. (318) 357-4268 Grambling St.

(318) 274-2118 Ncirtheasl Louisiana (318)342-NLU1 Texas Rangers (817) 273-5100 Shreveport Captains (3 1 8) 636-5555 Lousiana Tech (31 8) 257-3633 Centenary (318) 869-5275 LSU tickets can be purchased in person at the ticket office on the firsf floor of the LSU Athletic Administration Building or by phone by calling the ticket office at (504) 388-2 1 84 Today's Events painful. Pernell "Sweet Pea" Whitaker. 35, went out the hard way Saturday night at I Madison Square Garden, where he began "his remarkable six-world-championship career almost 15 years ago. Before 13,822 fans and an HBO audience of millions, he lost a unanimous decision to young, undefeated Felix Tito" Trinidad (34-0) of I'uerto Rico in the welterweight championship fight It was only Whitaker's third defeat in 44 professional bouts and the only one-sided one. Sadly, the once-great warrior, the dipsy doodle man from Virginia who once toyed acrobatically with opponents great and small, will be the last to acknowledge it was in denial early yesterday morning a he was whisked away to St.

Vincent's Hospital where doctors worked on his bro-ken jaw until 5 a.m. Report: Tyson in isolation after throwing TV in jail ROCKV1LLE. Md Former heavyweight champion Mike Tyson was put in an isolation cell after a disturbance Saturday night at the Montgomery County Detention Center. Several TV stations in Washington reported that Tyson became upset, either in his cell or a break room, and threw a tele- vision set The set narrowly missed jail guards, and there were no injuries. Toronto wins sloppy game vs.

Montreal in new arena i TORONTO The ice was choppy, the Men's College Basketball Grambling at Miss. Valley St. i-won legular-season title Sun Belt Tournament SATURDAY'S GAMES No eSoumAiaMma 111-15 6 Sun Belli vt No 3 Fioma memirionaL noon No 7 New Oceans '14-15 Mtvs No. 2 Arkansas Staie(15-11. 9-5) 2X pm No 5 Wesiem Kentucky (11-15 7-7) vs No 4 USL (12-15.

7-7) 6 pm. No tArkansas4iWeRocki2-14 59) vs No Louisiana Tech (16-8. 104). 830pm SUNDAY'S GAMES Semifinals, 4.30 7 pm. March 2 Championshf) 830pm.

Saturday's Scores EAST Buffalo 57 lnc4S47 Cent Connecticut St 68. Oumsac 60 Column 71. Brown 69 Cornell 77, Vale 65 Duouesne 86. La Salle 71 Fairfiekl94.Manst78 Harvard 87. Princeton 79 OT Holy Cross 66 Lehigh 62 Long island U.

70. Mount St. Marys, Md 66 Maine 70. Towson 68 Massachusetts 78. Xavier 77, 20T Md -Baltimore County 81 St.

Francis, NY.66 Miarm 73. Connecticut 71 Navy 64. Colgate 58 Niagara 103. Loyola. Md.

86 Penn 62. Dartmouth 49 Pittsburgh 68. Boston Coflege 66 Providence 90. VHIanova 64, OT Rider 66. Census 76 St St.

Johns 74. Georgetown 66 Temple 72. George Washington 56 Wagner 78. Faxtegh Dickinson 56 SOUTH Ala -Bimtingham 70, Southern Mss 61 Alabama 79. Texas Southern 68 Alabama St 88, Praine View 75 Appalachian St 71.

Davidson 64 Austin Peey 60. Murray St. 72 I3ettiune-Cookman 70. Hampton 61 Cent. Florida 64, Florida Atlantic 57 Coastal Carolina 89.

Charleston Southern 62 Co, ol Charleston 85. Furman 63 Coppm St 74. Delaware St. 63 Duke92.demson65 George Mason 81 American U. 69 Georgia 59.

LSU 57 Georgia Southern 78, E. Tennessee St. 67 Georgia St 74. Mercer Jackson St. 71, Mrss.

Valley St 63 Jacksonville 62. Stetson 61 OT Middle Tennessee 72, E. Keniucky 65 Mississippi St. 72. Mississippi 69 Morebead St.

78. Tennessee Tech 74 Morgan St 61. Md -Eastern Shore 68 Carolina MT 73. Howard 65 Charlotte 79. South Ftonda 74 NE Louisiana 67, Teias-Artmglon 66 New Orleans 63.

SW Louisiana 62 Mictions St 91. SE Louisiana 55 Norfolk St 84, Florida AiM 73 North Carolina 67, Virginia 66 Northwestern St. 97, Stephen F. Austin 70 Radford 97, liberty 68 Richmond 82, William I Maty 65 Samford69, Centenary 61 SouthemU 66 Tennessee 65. South Carolina 50 Tennessee St 66, Tenn -Martin 57, OT Troy St UNC-Greensboro 68.

W. Carolina 50 VMI 73. Chattanooga 57 Virginia Tech 58. Dayton 55 W. Kentucky 50.

South Alabama 48 Wake Forest 67, Florida St. 65 Winthrop 82. N.C.-Asheville 46 MIDWEST Akron 74, Ball St. 68 Bowling Green 69. Miami.

Ohio 58 Butler 50. Bay 37 At LUTZ Ft. Final scores and earntigs Sunoay of me S1 2 miHtcfl GTE Ciasse on He 6 638-yard par-71 TPC of Tampa Bay (205) $180,000 LarryNeisCfl 70-68-67 (207) $105,600 Bruce Flersner 70-70-67 (208) $86,400 Graham Marsh 73-69-66 (209) $64,800 Jm Dent 72-67-70 Halelrwn 7049-70 (210) $45,600 JCSnead 73-71-66 John Bland 71-69-70 (211) $36,000 LeeTrevmo 71-70-70 David Graham 79o8 (212) $30,000 HughBaoccH 71-72-69 Bob Murphy 72-69-71 (213) $26,400 Allen Doyle 73-72-68 (214) $22,800 Hubert Green 73-71-70 Leonard Thompson 70-73-71 GiDOy Gilbert 69-71-74 (215) $17,023 Jose Maria Canaares 77-72-66 Bob Dickson 76-71-68 Teny Did 73-739 Mine Hill 70-74-71 Walt Morgan 70-73-72 George Archer 69-74-72 Walter HaN 72-68-75 (216) $12,600 Dave Eichelbeiger 71-75-70 JimAlbus 71-75-70 Gary Player 71-73-72 (217) $10,200 Brian Barnes 76-72-69 Vicente Fernanda 73-74-70 Jim Thorpe 72-75-70 Dale Douglass 76-71-70 flay Floyd 74-72-71 Al Geiberger 70-74-73 (218) $8,100 On Moody 77-72-69 Larry Ziegler 73-74-71 John Mahalfey 75-71-72 Butch Baud 73-70-75 (219) $6,750 Jay Sigel 75-72-72 Simon Hobday 73-72-74 JimHoltgneve 74-71-74 KermrlZarley 75-69-75 (220) 55,280 Walter Zembnski 76-73-71 Barney Thompson 71-77-72 Joe Inman 72-75-73 TomWargo 77-71-72 Tom Weiskopf 74-72-74 Frank Conner 72-73-75 John Jacobs 71-73-76 Gil Morgan 72-72-76 (221) $3,600 Bob Duval 79-72-70 Bob Charles 79-69-73 Calvin Peete 74-73-74 Tom McGinnis 72-74-75 Miller Barber 74-72-75 Jerry McGee 73-73-75 (222) $2,520 Bruce Summemays 77-75-70 Buzz Thomas 77-75-70 Dana Quigley 78-72-72 Jimmy Powell 73-77-72 Tom Shaw 80-70-72 Howard Twrtly 74-72-76 Rocky Thompson 72-73-77 (224) $1,920 DeWrtt Weaver 78-72-74 Gene Littler 78-71-75 Larry Laoretti 67-73-84 (225) 51,620 Harold Henning 77-7672 Bobby Nichols 71-75-79 (226) $1,440 MikeMcCullough 71-78-77 (227) $1,320 Tommy Aaron 80-72-75 (228) $1,164 Bob Eastwood 81-76-71 Isao Aoki 75-75-78 (229) $1,056 Arnold Palmer 76-77-76 Sunday's Boxes Magic 109, Rockets 83 HOUSTON (83) Pwen 8-161-219, Hamngion 6-10 00 12. Oiawwon 9-13 34 21 rcerson21-25 Mrtiey5-72-213 BjUard 0-7 0 Mw 2-3 Drew 1-2 0-0 3. Jonnson 3-5 r0 6.

Maoney 0-0 0, Tolas 36-71 7-10 83. ORLANDO (109) -Outlaw 6-7 1-313. Grant 2 0-0 4 Auslm 5-7 1-1 11, Anderson 6-17 1-3 19. Hardaway 7-132-3 16. Armstrong 613 6 19.

Doktac 3-7 0 6. Strong t-3 0-0 2. Hatxing 4 0-26 0 WkKins 4-5 1-1 1. Overton 0-1 2-22 Totals 465 14-21 109 Houston 17 2 30 Orlando 26 20 26 37-109 3-Pomt Goats-Houston 4-13. Orlando 3-10 Fouled out None Rebounas Houston 37 (Olaiuwon 10).

Ortando 47 (Grant 7) Asssts-Hcuston 17 (Pippen 5) Orlando 32 (Hardaway 1 1 Total fouis-Houslon 20, Ortando 13 Tedv meats Prppen 2 Elected Pippwi. A 17.248 (17,248) Spurs BS, Pistons 64 DETROIT (64) Hill 5-21 6 16. Rek) 1-3 34 5. Dele 3-10 0-3 6. Stackhouse 3-13 44 10.

Hunter 2-10 34 8. Vaugte JWiltoms3-739 Buechler 1-5 0 2. Beck 0-2 0, 0 Bannon 24 0-0 4. Totals 211 21-3' 64. SAN ANTONIO (85) Elliott 6-7 14.

Duncan 6-155 17. Robinson 3-7 4lO.Elie6-1044l6. Johnson 1 0-0 2. Kersey 3-7 6. Jackson 4-7 0 0 to.

Kerr 2 0-0 4. Rose 24 1-2 5. Darnels 1 -2 1 Gaze 0 0-0 0. King 0- 0 00. Totals 339 1 5-20 85.

Detroit 14 16 22 12 -64 San Antonio 27 19 24 15 -65 3-Point Goals-Oemx! 1 San Antonio 4-10 Fouled out None Re-bounds-Oelron 58 IJ Williams. Dele 9). San Antonio 53 iDuncan 14) As' sists Detroit 8 (Hill 4), San Antonio 18 (Johnson 5) Total fouls Detroit 18. San Antonio 23. Techmcals-Oetroit II-legal Defense.

A 19.495 (20.557). Timberwolvel 102, Kings 90 SACRAMENTO (90) Williamson 3-10 24 8, Webber 9-21 2-8 20. Drvec 1-5022. Abdul-Wahad 5-10 3-3 14. Williams 4-9 04 10.

Funderburke 3-12 4 10. Barry 24 7-9 11. Maxwell 4-12 24 11. Srorakovic 1-50-02. Dehere 1-3 0 2.

James 0 0 0. Totals 33-91 20- 36 90 MINNESOTA (102) -Gamer) 10-18 2-3 22. Smith 10-16 10-13 30. Garrett 2 04. Peeler 4-14 3-5 12.

Marbury9-21 5-7 23. Curloy 1-1 1-1 3Sealy1-10 0 2. Mitchell 2-7 0-0 4, Hammonds 0-30-00, Jackson 10-02, Patterson 0 0-0 0, Can 0 0 0. Totals 40-102 21- 29 102. Sacramento 25 21 It 25 -90 Minnesota 29 28 25 20-102 3- Pomt Goas Sacramento 4-22, Minnesota 1-10 Fouled out None Rebounds-Sacramento 70 (Fundeiburke 12).

Minnesota 74 (Gamett 19). Assets Sacramento 24 tWilliams 8), Mnnesota 30 IMarbury 15). Total fouls Sacramento 21 Minnesota 26. Technicals-Oivac. Minnesota Illegal Defense.

A 16.848 Raptors 102, Grizzlies 87 VANCOUVER (87) Abdur-flahim 9-17 5-523. Parks 1-1 34 5. Massen-burg 4-7 0 8. Mack 3 5 13. Bibby 4- 10 24 1 1.

Reeves 4-105-813, Smith 1- 31-2 3. West 24 04. Wheat 1-32-2 4. Lopez 0 0 0. Chilcutt 1-2 0 3.

Totals 306 23-30 87. TORONTO (102) Carter 11-16 2-2 27. Oakley 5-10 24 12. Willis 7-17 34 17, Chnstie 5-17 44 16. A Williams 14 3-4 5, McGrady 1-5 5-7 7.

Stewart 1-1 02. Slater 1-2 4 6. Knight 1-1 0-0 2. Jo Thomas 1-21-2 3. Biown 1-9 2-2 5 Totals 35-84 26-35 102.

Vancouver 20 23 20 24 -87 Toronto 25 28 16 33-102 3-Pomt Goals Vancouver 4-11, Toronto 6-14. Fouled out None ReboundsVancouver 39 (Abdur-Rahim 6) Toronto 62 (Willis 15). Assists Vancouver 1 7 (Reeves 5). Toronto 29 (Oakley 6). Total fouls Vancouver 26, Toronto 23.

A 19.800 Wizards 86, Celtics 75 BOSTON (75) Walker 2-12 3 Boys' High School Basketball Byrd vs. Woodlawn, at Huntington, 6 p.m.; Minden at Evangel Girls' High School Basketball Class 5A: LaGrange at Southwood, Airline at Istrouma; Class 4A: Bishop Sullivan at BTW; Class 3A: Abbeville at Evangel, 7 p.m.; Class 2A: Loyola at McCall; Jonesboro-Hodge at St. Frederick; Class St. Mary's at Arcadia, Ringgold at Newellton, 7 p.m.; Class Epps vs. Martin, at Sabine, Gibsland-Coleman at Doyline, 7 p.m.'j Class Bienville vs.

Summerfield, at Homer, 7 p.m.; Ebarb vs. Reeves, at Kinder, 7 p.m.; Athens vs. Chataignier, at Pineview, 6 p.m,; Pelican vs. Singer, at Mansfield, 7 p.m. Prep Baseball Northwood vs.

Loyola, Centenary Park, 5 p.m.; Arkansas High at Southwood; Alexandria Sr. at Natchitoches Central -t Horse Racing Today's simulcast lineup at LaDowns Philadelphia, 1 1 :30 a.m; Suffolk Downs, Beulah Park, Gulfstream Park, Noon; Fair Grounds, Sportsman Park, 1 p.m.; Turf Paradise, 2:30. Today's Television fails Subdued. Even with an overtime victory to inaugurate their new arena, the Maple Leafs had a tough time adjusting to the departure from Maple Leaf Gardens. "It's that way for the fans, too," Leafs president Ken Dryden said.

"There is so much new to see, that you find yourself looking at other things, not just the game." win oaiuraay over inrougnouunekeais Montreal to open the i College Basketball 6:30 Connecticut at Providence (ESPN) 8:30 Oklahoma St. at Kansas (ESPN) 1 1 p.m. Texas Christian at UNLV (ESPN) Pro Basketball 7 p.m. L.A. Lakers at Denver (TBS) Hockey 6:30 Phoenix at Pittsburgh (ESPN2) Today's Radio Tennis Kafelnikov hssts Henman jinn nmsrf ior huh Miiinu Air Canada Centre.

uua his first serve and lost ROTTERDAM, Netherlands Yevgeny Kafelnikov closed in on the world's No. 1 ranking Sunday, beating Tim Henman 6-2, 7-6 (7-3) to win the ABN AMRO tournament 1 Kafelnikov, ranked No. 2, received 260 ATP points for the victory, moving him within 85 of No. 1 Pete Sampras. -The first point of the game set the tone for the match: the spvpnth-rankerl Hen- Tim Fletcher (SCORE 1 340 AM) Tim Brando (SCORE 1340 AM) Sports Day wDarrell Rebouche (KWKH 1 130 One-On-One Sports (SCORE 1 340 AM) man tay ed back on a 14-stroke rally.

mtm The Fabulous Sports Babe (KWKH 1 130 AM) One-on-One Sports (SCORE 1 340 AM) Sports Talk wJ.J. Marshall and Ben Marshall SEC Conference Call (KWKH 1 1 30 AM) ESPN Game Night (KWKH 1 1 30 AM) iop-seeoeo novoina lops ir hi-m; a. Sports Fan Radio, The Brick House (KWKH 4 Jeremy Mayfield, Ford. 393. $451610.

6. (7) Mike Skinner, Chevrolet, 393, $53.000. 7. (13) Teny Labonte, Chevrolet, 393, $46,535 Geoffrey Bodme. Chevrolet, 393,.

1 $30 710.9 (16) Bobby Chevrolet 393.S47.4t0 10. 16) Rusty Wallace. Ford 393 $45,910. 11. (12) Ken Schrader.

Chevrolet, 392. $46,325 12 (20) Tony Stewart. Pontiac. 392. $36,785 13 114) Kenny Wallace.

Chevrolet, 392, $28 585 14. (40) Robert Pressley, Ford, 392, $33 785, 15. (30) Bill Elliott. Ford 392,, $39 625 16. (37) Johnny Benson Ford.

392. $38.585. 17 (32) Welly Dallenbach. Chevrolet 392. $36,585.

16 (31) David Green. Chevrolet, 392, $29,185.19 (lO)JohnAndrelt! Pontiac 392. $35,635 20 (28) Michael' Waltrtp. Chevrolet. 392, $38,225.

21. (36) Chad Little. Ford. 391, $35,160.22 (351 Ricky Craven, Ford, 391, $24,135 23 (22) Kenny Inm, Ford, 390, $34,785 24 (17) Joe, Nemechek, Chevrolet, 390, $34,085. 25 (23) Jimmy Spencer.

Ford, 390; 1 $34 085.26 (38) Sieve Park, Chevrolet. 390 $33 475 27 Danell Waltnp. Ford. 390. $23 075.

28. (21) Waid Burton. Pontiac 390. S33.025 29 (34) Ernie Irvan, Pontiac. 389 $32,675.30 (l)RickyRudd'Ford 369 $38 325.

31 (24) Jerry Nadeau Ford 389, $25,575 32 (39) Morgan Shepheid, Ford. 388. $29,400 33 (8) Brett' Bodine, Ford. 38S. 529 525.

34. (33) Dave Marcis. Chevrolet 388, 522 150, 35 (42) Rick Mast, Ford, 387, $22 025, 36 (41) Steve Gnssom Chevrolet. 386, $21 ,975 37 127) Sterling Madn. Chevrolet, 376 $28,925 38 (28) Elliott Sadler Ford.

361. ctash. $29 375 39 (3) Jeff Gordon. Chevrolet 310. engine failure, $44,125 40 (25) Ted Musgrave.

Ford, 302, $21,775 41 18) Dale Earnhardt. Chevrolet. 275, (rash $36,725 Kevm Lepage. 194. engine failure.

$28 875. 43. (19) Kyle Petty, Pontiac. 120. engine failure' $21,619 Time of Race: 3 hours 18 minutes.

36 seconds Lap Leaders: Ricky Ruod 1-3. Jeff Burton 4-42, uefl Gordon 43-69 Bulon 70-80. Bobby Lanor.le 81, Mark Martin 82 Terry LaboniwB Gordon 84-91 Bunon 92-101 Labonte 102-109 Goioon 110-120 Burton Labonte t4tiS1 Goidon 152-159 labonte 160-161 -Gordon 162-177. Martin 178-182 Burton 183-191 Martin 1 Burton 198-254 Gordon 255-270 Burton 271-1 79 Gordon 280-283 1 Martin 284-285, Burton 358-393 HANOVER, Germany Top-seeded Jana Novotna spoiled Venus Williams' fifth try at winning her first title Sunday, beat- ing her 6-4, 6-4 in the final of the Hanover WTA tournament. Soccer Playoff Results Clan SA Boys Quarterfinals Acadina 6.

Cemral-BR Hahnvrlle 5, SWeii 0: Byrd 3 Catnohc-BR 2. Jesu-NO 5, Lafayette 0 Semtltnsts Hahnville at Acadiana Byrd at Jesuit Clara 4A Boys Ssirtititvits Woodlawn-BR 6. lee-BR 0. St. Pauls 1, Baton Rouge 0 Final Woodlawn-BR at St Paul Classes 3A-2A-A-6-C Boys Quarterfinals Loyola 2.

Untveisity 0. Newman 4. Country Day-Metane 0: Ouachrta Christian 2. St. Lous 0: Parkview Baptist d.

St. Thomas Aguinas Semifinals Newman at Loyola, OuachitaChr. at Parkview Baptist Classes 5A4A Gins Quarterfinals Byrd 3. Carencro 2: Mandevile 1. Ben Frankfcn St Thomas More 2, Caddo Magnet 0, Mt.

Carmel 3. Nortnshore 0 Semifinals Byrd at MandeviKe, St. Thomas More at Mt. Carmel Ctnes3A-2A-A-84 Girts Semifinals Acadiana Sacred Heart 1 Country Oay-Metarie 0, Newman 2, University 0 Final Newman at Academy Sacred Heart College PagebaJI Sunday's Scores SOUTH Auburn 7. Middle Tenn.

St. 3 Florida ASM 7, Mercer 6 Louisiana Tech 6, ISU-Shrevepotl 7 Georgia St. 7, Beknont 3 Loyola 10. Spring Hill 3-3 McNeeseSt 3. Ark -Little Rock 0 Millsapse, Emory 7 Minnesota 15.

Jacksonville 9 New Orleans 10, Southern Ms. 6 SE Louisiana 9. Southern U. 7 Illinois 14. Stetson 6 Troy State 12, Western Illinois 4 W.Kentucky 9.

Illinois St 4 SOUTHWEST Cent. Missouri 1 1 Arkansas Tech 9 New Mexico 13. New Mexico 6 Oral Roberts 9. Indiana St 2 FAR WEST CS Norlhridge 12. Washington 9 Hawaii 9.

Wichita St 1 Loyola Marymount 1 3. Oregon St 4 Long Beach St 9, SCHjthem California 8 TOURNAMENT Florida Southern Invitations! Delta St 7, West Florida 1 Florida Southern 13. Tampa 3 USA Coca Cola Classic Championship Game South Alabama 10. Ala -Birmingham 5 Sunday's Llnescores Garnet OLHi 1000001-270 BPCC 0000000-031 WP Bi DeHart.LP Ere SoJeau 0-1. Highlights Bob Oumn 2-3, Charlie Dunn 2-3.

Game 2 Cc-Un 100 1201-5 122 BPCC 0000020-243 WP Jay Paul, LP Derek Mayo 1-2. Highlights Jay McNolte 24, Nick Logan 24. B. Nick Darborme 2-3. Basketball Men Sunday's Scores SOUTH Centre 67, Rhodes 57 Maryland 91 Georgia Tech 60 N.

Carolina St. 74. Tulare 60 Va Commonwealth 69, James Madison 65 Vanderbilt 81, Alabama 75. OT MIDWEST Cincinnati 91. Louisville 78 Indiana 73.

Mehigan 71 Iowa 78. Illinois 72 Michigan St 56. Wisconsin 51 Notre Dame 71 West Virginia 69 EAST Alfred 67, Pitt -Bradford 58 Chicago 66. Brandeis 62 Hartford 86. Boston U.

78 Hotstra 79. Drexel 59 tona 97, Siena 80 Lafayette 93 Bucknell84 Rhode Island 73, St. Joseph's 67 Rochester 85. Carnegie-Mellon 76 Seton Mall 57. Rutgeis55 St.

Peters 68. Manhattan 66 Vermont 78. Northeastern 69 Washington, Mo 84, NYU 61, OT YeshNa 68, Emerson 66 FAR WEST UCLA 93, Syracuse 69 Conference Standings SEC East Conf. All Games Pet. Pet, Keniucky 10 4 .714 21 7 .750 Tennessee 10 4 .714 18 7 .720 Florida 9 5 .643 18 .750 Georgia 6 .429 15 11 .577 VsnnerMt 4 10 .286 13 13 503 South Carolina 212 .143 7 tt .269 West x-Aubuffl 13 1 ,929 25 1 962 Arkansas 8 8 .571 19 I .704 M'ssimwiSL 8 .571 18 9 667 Misassxipi 7 7 500 17 10 630 Alabama 4 10 286 14 13 519 LSU 3 It 214 11 13 .468 x-won regular-season Mle Southland Coil.

AH Games I Pet. Pet. Tex-S Antonio 12 4 750 18 I .667 SW Texas 12 5 .706 17 I .660 NichollsSt. 12 5 .706 14 13 .519 Lamar 10 .625 18 9 .625 NE Louisiana 10 .625 11 13 .458 McNeeseSt. 7 .563 to 14 .417 NontiweslemSl.7 .438 10 14 ,417 SamHouSt.

810 375 9 15 .375 Tei-Arkngion 610 375 1 16 333 SE Louisiana 3 13 .168 18 .250 Stephen Ausm 214 .125 4 20 .167 Souttiweetifn Athletic Cent. AH Games Pet Pet. Alcorn St. 12 2 .857 16 8 750 Southern U. 11 3 .786 17 .739 Jackson 51.

9 5 643 12 11 .522 Miss Valley St. I 571 11 12 ,476 Alabama SI 7 462 9 14 .391 Tei Southern 6 7 .462 16 344) GrwnrmnoSt. 9 357 6 18 .217 PratneVm 410 288 5 18 .217 Ark-PineBi'Jlf 1 13 071 2 21 .087 I'AlatmmaAlMO 0 000 10 14 .417 nnekgtie tor automatic tut Suites Cent. All Gams I Pet I Pet. 10 4 .714 18 8 .612 Arkansas SI.

9 5 843 15 11 .577 Fla Intemaml 7 7 .500 12 15 .444 SW Louisiana 7 7 500 12 15 .444 Kentucky 7 7 503 11 15 .423 South Alabama I I .429 ft 15 .423 NewOrkans 5 9 357 14 15 .483 UAIR 9 357 12 14 .402 x-won reguiar-aeascn title Trans America AIMetJc Coal. Altaemee I Pet Pet Sem) 15 1 908 21 5 80S Cent Fla 13 3 813 17 9 664 Georgia St. 11 5 688 1612 .571 Stetson 10 6 625 14 12 518 Centenary 9 7 563 13 13 .500 Jacksonville 7 9 .438 12 14 462 Campoet 1 10 375 9 17 .346 Troy SI. 610 .375 9 17 346 Mnw 5H 313 1 18 308 Jrw.Sl 313 .168 6 18 308 Florida Allanee 3 13 188 6 20 .231 rifled a backhand passing shot on her third match point to win her 26th career title. Haas beats ailing Courier BASEBALL American Leaoue CLEVELAND INDIANS-Agieed to terms wrtti RHP Orel Hershiset on a mnor-leaoue contract.

National League PITTSBURGH PIRATES Agreed to terms with INF Pat Meates on a one-year contract. FOOTBALL National Football League NFL COACHES ASSOCIATION-AppoWed Larry Kerman executive director tor a live-year term. HOCKEY National Hockey League CAROLINA HURRICANES Recalled Craig MacDonald Irom New Haven ol the AHL. East Coast Hockey League CHARLOTTE CHECKERS Waived Gerry Daley. HUNTINGTON BUZZARD Traded Kevin Paden to Peona for FJoeCraigen.

PEORIA RIVERMEN Waived LW Marc Terns. United Hockey League MOHAWK VALLEY PROWLERS-Traded Mark Buttje and Mike Hiebert to Saginaw lor LW Domenic Chiasson and Eric Kelly. Western Professional Hockey League WPHL-Suspended Fort Worth RW Martin Lamarctie and RW Richie Walcott ALEXANDRIA WARTH0GS Claimed LW Chris Johnston off waivers. AMARILL0 RATTLERS Warved Roland Monilaws. ARKANSAS GLACIERCATS Warved Ron Liszewski.

MONROE MOCCASINS Placed Ken Blum on the suspended list TUPELO T-REX Waived Craig Hayden. Signed Jayme Adduono. COLLEGE DICKINSON-Announcedthe resignation ol Matt Howell, sports information director. NORTHWESTERN STATE Named Kevin Coriess and Jack Curtis co-defensive coordinators, Scott Long defensive line coach, and Darrell Toussamt assistant football RUTGERS Named Darren Wilson running backs coach. Golf Local Results Broadmoor Goll Club Tournament Reeults front Saturday: t.

Bill Finklea. Don Loflinger, 2, Don Farrar. Bob Schulman; 3. Bruce Neurofh, George Smith; Closest to the pin: 6. Ralph Johnson; 9.

Frenchy Sconeaux, 12. Chris Frongillo; 13. Buster Posey; 117, Chuck Bryant. Accurate Drive; Kurt Rensink; long Drive; Steve Belk. Nissan Open At PACIFIC PALISADES, Calif.

-Final scores and money winnings Sunday of the $2 8 million Nissan Open on the 6.950-yard, pai-71 Riviera Country Club course (270) 504,000 Ernie Els 68-66-68-68 (272) 5209,067 TedTryba 70-69-61-72 Tiger Woods 69-68-65-70 Davis Love III 69-65-68-70 (273) $106,400 Nick Price 67-71-67-68 David Duval 66-71-67-69 (274) $90,300 Scolf Hod! 71-69-68-66 BoOEsles 66-67-72-69 (275) $72,800 Mark Brooks 68-71-70-66 Robert Kartsson 71-66-7IM8 Frank Lckliter 71-68-66-70 Jerry Kelly 68-69-67-71 (276) $56,800 Brent Geiberger 68-70-69-69 (277) $53,200 Brad Fabet 7364-71-69 (278) $40,670 Justin Leonard 70-70-70-66 AlanBratton 67-67-74-70 PnilMickelson 88-72-68-70 Carlos Franco 71-67-69-71 Bradlev Hughes 7f68-69-7t BranoelChamblee 74-68-69-67 TimHerron 72-68-67-71 Rocco Mediate 69-70-66-73 (279) $23,600 ScottWcCarron 72-67-69-71 flick Fehr 6866-73-72 Billy Andrade 68-69-70-72 Jeff Sluman 70-70-67-72 PhilBiackmar 7067-69-73 Billy Mayfair 69-67-69-74 Sieve Flesch 72-70-71-66 (280) $17,388 C'aig Stadler 73-69-68-70 Greg Chalmers 69-67-71-73 Kirk Triplet! 6769-71-73 Grant Waite 71-70-70-69 Kevin Sutherland 67-70-68-75 (281) 512,647 Hayes 70 70-69-72 BobTway 68-71-71-71 Fred Couples 68-71-72-70 SteveJones 66-71-72-70 Jose Mara Olazabal 70-70-68-73 Andrew Magee 72-66-71-70 Bob Bums 70-69-69-73 Chris Perry 70-72-69-70 Kenny Perry 72-66-68-75 (282) $8,465 Corey Pavin 72-69-69-72 Loren Roberts 67-70-71-74 Mike Rex) 70-67-71-74 Larry Mu 75-66-70-71 Peter Jacobsen 69-73-70-70 Ben Bales 70-69-67-76 (263)56701 Duffy WaHJOfl 70-71 68-74 LenMattwa 7168-71-73 JonnCook 72-66-71-72 Geoffrey Ssk 69-69-73-72 VwS9h 72 68-67-76 David Frost 7169-72-71 I2J4) $6,244 Rot Freeman 74-66-71-73 Sieve Lowery 71-69-71-73 ScotfGump 70-71-70-73 RobeflDamrori 69-68-74-73 Tommy Armour III 70-72-71-71 Neal Lancaster 68-70-76-70 (285) $5,180 Bill Glasson 70-68-73-74 Clark Dwwij 68-72-72-73 Bob FnenO 73-68-72-72 TomPemiceJr. 69-72-72 72 JmFuryk 71-71-71-72 Sieve Pate 72-70-72-71 Stewart Cmk 71-71-73-70 (286) $6,656 Skj Kendall 72-69-70-75 (287) $5,518 Woody Austin 69-72-71-75 Larry Rmker 72-70-70-75 Brett Qo'gley 68-71-74-74 Enc Booker 739-72-73 (288) $5,341 Trevor Oodds 70-71-70-77 Scott Simpson 71-71-72-74 (290) $5,264 MarkCalcavecclna 68-74-74-74 iwi jiioi vaicvi line MEMPHIS, Tenn. Tommy Haas pleasure in winning his first title wasn't di-' minished in the least by the fact that it came against an injured Jim Courier. Haas ended his winless streak in finals Sunday, beating Courier, hobbled with a sprained left foot 6-4, 6-1 in the St. Jude In door tournament championship.

s. ft i i Patriots to get $750,000 to move to Hartford HAKl IUKD, Conn. The deal to bring the New England Patriots to Hartford in- Toronto al Washington, 6 p.m. New Jersey at Tampa Bay. 6 05 p.m.

Phoenix at Pittsburgh. 6 30 p.m. Los Angeles at SI Louis. 7 pm. N.Y.

Rangers at Calgary 8 pm. TUESDAY'S GAMES Ottawa at Boston. 6 pm. Dallas at Nashville. 7pm Vancouver al Colorado, 8 p.m.

WPHLSandings Eastern Division LSOL Pts GF GA Shreveport 34 17 4 72 244 193 Lake Cnarles32 18 4 66 218 182 Arkansas 31 20 5 67 225 202 Monroe 30 22 5 65 208 208 Alexandria 21 25 10 52 216 253 Tupelo 17 36 3 37 160 260 Central Division LSOL Pts GF GA Waco 32 17 5 69 207 171 Corpus Chretai 21 5 67 211 185 Central Texas 26 18 10 62 222 204 FortWorth 25 20 8 56 161 182 Austin 22 24 9 53 171 214 Western Division LSOL Pts GF GA Abilene 38 17 2 78 224 184 SanAngelo 31 19 4 66 219 196 El Paso 30 23 3 63 202 179 Amanita 26 23 6 58 204 212 Odessa 26 26 3 55 175 177 New Mexico 22 28 7 51 196 237 NOTE: Two points are awarded for a veioiy. one for a shootout loss. Shootout losses are separate from losses. SATURDAY'S GAMES El Paso 4. Abilene 0 Lake Charles 2, Monroe 1 Waco 4.

Amanllo 2 Corpus Chnsli 8. Tupelo 3 Austin 6. Alexandria 2 Central Texas 5 Arkansas 2 SUNDAY'S GAMES Amarillo4.FonWortti2 Waco 6. Austin 1 MONDAY'S GAMES No games scheduled TUESDAYS GAMES lake Charles at Shreveport Tupelo al Alexandria Auto Racing Dura-LubeBig Kmart 400 At ROCKINGHAM, NC-Results Sunday ot the Dura-Lube'Big Kmart 400 NASCAR Winston Cup race at the North Carolina Speedway with starting position in parenthesees. driver, type of car.

taps completed, reason out. if any, and money won: 1 (5) Mark Martin. Ford 393. $104,635 2 (11) Dale Jarred 393. $83 675 3.

(9) Bobby Labonte, Pontine. 393. $71,335 4 (2) Jet) Burton, Foid, 393. $65.195. 5 (4) Talk Shows 7 a.m.

-8 a.m. 8 a.m. 9 a.m. 8 a.m. -9 a.m.

AM) 10 a.m. -Noon 9 a.m. 1 p.m. 1 p.m. 5 p.m.

5 p.m. 7 p.m. (SCORE 1340 AM) 5:35 p.m. 8 p.m. 8 p.m.

Midnight Midnight 4 a.m, 1130 AM) Women 1. -Louisiana State, 1 14 points. 2. Flonda. 1 06' 3.

South Carolina, 76 4. Arkansas, 73 5, Tennessee. 72' i. 6. Georgia.

44. 7. Alabama 35 8. Mississippi 30 9. Auburn, 27 10.

Kentucky. 26. 11. Vanderbilt, IS. 12, Mississippi State, 2.

Football Knights training camp roster The 21 players invited to (tie Stiraveport-Bossier City Southern Knights training camp following two player combines. Players listed with position, age and alma mater. DT. Gaylon Hyder (261. TCU; DE.

Eder-k Coleman (22). NSU: LB LaWarren Brown (291. GramMng. DE. Dervin Allen (28).

Grambhng. Arkansas. OG Anok) Vartai 127). UTEP; OL Ross Setters (27), LSU; DC Byron Lyons 131 Teias Southern; OT, Clay Hopkins (24). La.

Tech. OL. Preston Taylor (26). Cameron; LB. Pat Rogers (251, LSU.

LB David Fra-zter (24). Greenville; OL, Brett Bertrand (23), Teias ASM Commerce; Wfl. Val Moms (26). SE Arkansas. OB.

Jason Martin (26). La. Tech; WR. Terry Savannah 131). USL.

CB. Marcus Leblanc (251, McNeese State: CB Michael Ailord (22). Arkansas Tech: WR. Ooyle Bums (25). SFA.

WR. Lamar Lowe (251 SE Oklahoma. 08, Raymond Philyaw (24), NLU. Hockey NHL Standings EASTERN CONFERENCE Atlantic Division I Pis GF OA Philadelphia 30 14 13 73 178 122 NewJersey 31 20 7 69 171 147 Pittsburgh 30 18 7 67 173 150 NY.Rangers23 27 7 53 158 159 N.Y. Islanders 1 8 34 7 43 139 178 Northeast Division I Pts GF GA Ottawa 32 16 8 72 164 118 Toronto 32 20 4 68 181 168 Buffalo 27 19 11 65 156 124 Boston 23 24 9 55 142 132 Montreal 23 28 8 54 139 154 Southeast Dfvtslon Pts GF GA Carolina 27 22 10 84 156 t49 Flonda 21 21 15 57 142 147 Washington 23 28 5 51 141 147 Tampa Bay 12 40 5 29 117 210 WESTERN CONFERENCE Central Division Pts GF GA Detroit 31 23 5 67 175 147 SI Louis 22 23 10 54 152 144 Nashville 20 31 6 46 135 185 Chicago 16 36 8 40 131 190 Norttiweet Division I Pts GF GA Colorado 29 21 7 65 1 54 139 Edmonton 22 27 52 155 149 Caioaiy 20 28 9 49 145 166 Vancouver 18 32 7 43 142 162 her Division I Pts GF GA Dallas 35 10 9 79 159 107 Phoeni 29 17 10 68 145 124 Anaheim 24 25 9 57 155 147 San Jose 20 25 13 53 132 136 Los Angeles 21 31 5 47 1 34 153 SATURDAY'S GAMES Carolina 3.

Tampa Bay 2 Washington 3 San Jose 1 Ottawa 4. PhikrMiphia Toronto 3, Montreal 2. OT NY Isianders3 New jersey 2 Flonda 7, Phoemi 1 Nashville 4, St Louts 3 Los Angeles 2, Cakjary 2, lie Anaheim 5, Vancouver 1 SUNDAY'S GAMES Detroit 4. Biitfalo 4. lie Boston 6.

Chicago 3 Colorado 1. Dallas 1. fie Carokna 4 NY Islanders 1 PMarjsWiia 2 Pmsbu'gh I N.Y. fianows 2 Edmonton OT MONDAY GAMES Crgmon 73. Drake DePaul 64.

Saint Lours 55 Detroit 78. Cleveland St 66 Illinois St. 79. Evansville 68 Kansas St 64. Iowa St.

53, OT Kent 86. Ohio U. 77 64, Ill-Chicago 57 Ohio St 59. Northwestern 49 Penn St. 78.

Purdue 70 S. Illinois 66. Iowa 61 SEMissoun92. E. Illinois 70 SW Missouri St 80.

Indiana St. 67 Toledo 88. Cent Michigan 74 Valparaiso 75, Ind -Pur-rndpts. 58 WehrtaSt 79, Bradley 65 Wnght St. 71.

Wis -Milwaukee 69 Youngstowo St. 85, Missouri-Kansas City 62 SOUTHWEST Arkansas 74. Kentucky 70 Colorado 73. Baylor 56 Grambling St 87, Ark -Pine Bluff 69 Kansas 60, Oklahoma 50 Louisiana Tech 85. Arkansas St.

83 New Mexico St 64. North Texas 82 Oklahoma St 84. Missouri 68 Oral Roberts 80. Oakland. Mich 68 SW Texas 73.

Sam Houston St. 65 Texas 63. Texas ASM 54 Texas Tech 73. Nebraska 68 Texas-San Amono 75. Lamar 65 FAR WEST Air Force 81 Texas Christian 78 Anzona 92, Oregon 86 Arizona St.

87, Oregon St 66 CS Morthndge 88, Portland 79 Cal 74. Long Beach St. 65 Colorado St 80. Wyoming 75 Denver 68. Rock 64 Goraaga 85.

Loyola Marymount 72 Idaho 91, Nevada 80 Idaho St. 71, Sacramento St 66 New Mexico 61 Texas-El Paso 65 Pacific 61, UC Irvine 51 Poniand 59. Pepperdine 53 Utah 78. Chicago St. 55 San Diego 52.

San Francisco 51 San Diego St. 78, Hawaii 72 San Jose St. 76, Brigham Young 74 Southern Meth 80, UNLV 78 Si Mary's. Cal 69. Santa Clara 65 Stanford 64, Washington St 58 IX Santa Barbara 82.

Cal Poly-SLO 74 Utah 86. Fresno St. 82 Utah St 63 Boise St 62 Washington 86 California 61 Weber St. 79. Montana St.

68 Women Sunday's Scores SOUTH Alabama 102. Vandertxlt 59 Brescia 49. Pikeville46 Centre 59. Rhodes 50 Duke 88. North Carolina 78 Emory 82.

Savannah Art 74 George Mason 78. American U. 73 Georgia 98. Arkansas 82 Kentucky 93. South Carolina 65 LSU 72, Tennessee 69 Louisville 72 Charlotte 65 Maryland 02, Georgia Tech 79 Missssupt 86.

Auburn 77 Mississippi St. 68. Florida 56 NC -Wilmington 52, James Madison 51 Old Dominion 100. Richmond 64 Sewanee 73. Hendnx 67 Thomas More 66.

Hanover 64 Virgrma 73. Flonda St 55 Virginia Tech 66, George Washington 64 SOUTHWEST Rice 74, Tulsa 57 MIDWEST Drake 81, Iowa 69 Marguette 95, DePaul 69 Michigan 94. Indiana 85 Penn Si 77, Ono St Purdue 71. Northwestern 62 Saint Louis 77. Cincinnati 74 Texas Tech 75.

Nebraska 62 Wisconsn 69. Minnesota 56 EAST Boston 78 Hartford 71 Dayton 68. Temple 54 Duouesne 68. La Sails 58 Massachusetts 76, Fordham 51 Northeastern 72, Vermont 59 Rhode Island 88. St Bonaventure 64 FAR WEST Arizona St 77, Oregon St 65 California 58 Washington 56 Long Beach Si 76 Cal St -Fullerton 48 New Mexico St 70.

Nevada 57 Oregon 82, Anzona 76 Pacific 66 UCIrvxie 60 UC Santa Barbara 84. Cal Poh SLO 60 Track and Field SEC Indoor Championships At Gainesville. Fit. Teem Standings Men-f Arkansas. 152 points 2.

South Carolina. 81 3. flonda 74 4, Tennessee. 63 5 Alabama 60 6. Louisiana State.

57 7 Miei Auburn and Georgia 35 9 Mitsissw 33 10. Kentucky. 27 1 1 Mississippi Slate, 7. Miss. Gulf Coast Niks At PASS CHRISTIAN, Mia.

Final scores and earnings Sunday of the $250,000 Nike Mississippi GuH Coast Open, played on the 6.885-vard. par-72 I Oaks Golf Club course; (280) $45,000 Joel Edwards 68-70-73-69 (281) $28,375 -John Riegger 69-759-68 (283) $20,625 Kevin Johnson 709-70-74 Shane Supple 750 70-72-749 Mike Hemen 70-73-72-70 Joe Daley 70-73-71-71 Kelly Gibson 72-71-70-72 Brad Elder 72-70-58-75 (266) $6,250 GlenHnatiuk 73-73-72-68 Mike Grab 70-75-70-71 RyanHowison 70-71-71-74 (267) 54,125 Matt Peterson 72-71-74-70 David Edwards 758-72-72 Craig Bowden 69-73-72-73 (288) $3,091 Jim McGovem 73-70-74-71 Jeff Gove 71-74-71-72 Steve Haskins 72-74-71-71 DavJ Kirkpatiick 71-70-74-73 Tnpp Isenhour 69-70-76-73 Eric Johnson 73-70-71-74 Keith Nolan 67-7671-74 KnsCox 67-779-75 (289) $2,375 B'ian Tennyson 72-72-72-73 GregLesher 71-70-74-74 Steve Ford 68-70-75-76 NBA NBA Standings EASTERN CONFERENCE Atlantic Division I I 01, Orlando 6 2 .800 Miam ,6 3 667 1'i New York 6 3 .667 1' i Washinqton 4 4 .500 3 Philadelphia 4 5 444 3 i Boston 3 5 375 4 New Jersey 2 7 .222 5' i Central DMion Indiana 7 3 .700 Atlanta 6 3 .667 "i Cleveland 5 3 625 1 Milwaukee 5 3 .625 1 Detroit 4 400 3 Toronto 3 5 .375 3 CharMe 1 7 .125 5 Chicago 1 8 111 5'i WESTERN CONFERENCE Midwett Division I Pet GB Utah 8 1 689 Minnesota 7 2 .778 1 Houston 4 .600 2'i San Antonio 5 5 .500 3 i Vancouver 3 6 .333 5 Dallas 2 8 .200 Denver 1 8 111 7 Pacific Orvition Seattle 7 2 .778 -Portland 8 2 .750 I A lakers 6 4 600 Vi Phoenix 5 4 .556 2 Sacramento i 4 .556 2 Golden Stale 4 6 .400 3'i A Clippers 0 7 000 6 SATURDAY'S GAMES Miami 81. Houston 71 Utah 110. Seattle 80 Atlanta 76 Philadelphia 69 Cleveland 89 New Jersey 84 Indiana 82 Milwaukee 80 Poniand 90 Golden Stale 84 Dallas 105 A Ciders 90 SUNDAY GAMES Washington 86 Boston 75 New York 79. Chicago 63 San Antonio 85 Detron 64 Toronto 102 Vancouver 87 Orlando 109.

Houston 83 Minnesota 102. Sacramento 90 Indiana 80, New Jersey 79 Seattle 92 A lakers 89 MONDAY'S GAMES Philadelphia at Cleveland. 6 30 Chicago al Atlanta 6 30 Sacramento at Orlando 630pm. San ArUono at Minnesota. 7 m.

LA lakers at Denver. 7 pm. LA Ckpoers at Utah 8pm. Dallas at Phoenri 6pm TUESDAY'S GAMES Miam at Washington 6 pm. Toronto at Detroit 630pm New Jersey al New York.

6.30 p.m. Seafitaal Houston. 7 pm Atlanta at Dallas 730pm Milwaukee al Chicago 7 30 m. LA Lakers at Vancouver 930pm GokKnSlatettLA pm eludes expenses that were not part of the Legislative spending bill, including up to $750,000 the state must pay to physically relocate the team. 1ieagreement took three months for more than a dozen lawyers to negotiate.

It was signed Feb. 12 by Gov. John G. Row-; land and Patriots owner Robert Kraft Soccer Pierce 615 10-14 24. DeClercg 24 14 5.

Bowen 14 0 3. Barros 2-12 2-2 6, Bathe 1-50-22. Anderson 2-6 2-4 6, Mercer 8-16 1-1 17. Jones 0-2 2-22. Riley 1-1 02.

Totals 25-77 21-35 75. WASHINGTON (86) Howard 4-15 6-1016. Jackson 0-3 0 0. Davis 2-2 0 4, Richmond 10-17 5 25. Strickland 7-146 20.

Wallace 0-2 141, Whitney 1-3 0 2, Cheaney 3-11 3 9, Murray 0 0 0, Thorpe 3-5 1 -2 7, Mclnnis 1-10-02. White 0-0 0. Totals 31 -79 24-33 86. Boston 19 16 11 21 -75 Washington 17 28 23 18 -86 3-Pomt Goals-Soston 4-18. Washington 0-9 fooled oul-None.

Rebounds-Boston 62 (Pierce 12). Washington 61 (Strickland 9) Assets-Boston 13 (Anderson 3). Washington 16 (Strickland 9) Total fouls-Boston 25. Washington 28. Technicals-Boston Illegal Defense.

A 20,674 Knlcks 79, Bulls 63 CHICAGO (63) Bryant 1-21-2 3, Kukcc 619 44 16. Lang 2-3 04, Barry 7-14 0-0 19. Harper 3-9 2-2 9, Simpkms 2-10 1-2 5, Jones 0-1 0 0, Brown 0-3 00. David 2-5 1-1 5, Booth 0 0 0. LaRue 0-2 0 0, Can 1-202 Totals 24-70 9-11 63.

NEW YORK (79) Johnson 3-7 1-2 7, Thomas 7-103-3 17. Ewing 4-152-2 10, Houston 10-15 2-2 26, Ward 2-30-1 4. Dudley 0 0 0. Chikjs 3-6 1-2 7. Camby 14 0 2, Scott 14 1-2 4.

Brutv son 1-2 0 2. Wingate 0 0 0. Totals 32-66 10-14 79. Chicago It 19 17 11 -U New York 23 19 17 20 -79 3-Pomt Goals-Chicago 6-14. New York 5-10 Fouled out-None Re-bounds Chicago 46 (Simpkms 11), New York 40 lEwmg.

Camby 6) AssistsChicago 16 (Simpkms 4), New York 20 (Ward 6) Total fouls Chicago 19. New York 16 Techmcals-Kukoc. A 19.763 (19.763). SuperSonics (2, Lakers 89 L.A. LAKERS (89) -Bryant 8-20 6 23.

Knight 1-6 1-1 3. ONeal 11-24 5-9 27 Harper 3 0 7. Jones 6-14 4-5 17, Blount 0 0 0. Rooks 0 0 0. Fisher 0-1 2-22 Fon 3-70-1 6, Camp-Mi 2-3 0-2 4 Totals 343 18-26 89 SEATTLE (92) -Baket 9-18 1-3 19.

Schiempf 5-13 5-5 15. Potynice 69 3 15 lews 1-3 0 2. Payton 9-22 6-10 26 Hawkins 4 2-210. Ell 0-5 0 0. Noms 0 0 0.

Williams 2-3 1-2 5. Totals 362 18-28 92. LA Lakera 20 17 27 25 -89 Seattle 25 21 25 21 -92 3-Point Goals L.A Lakers 3-15, Seattle 2-17 Fouled oul-None Rebounds I A Lakers 58 (Bryant 13). Seattle 55 (Pofynice 17) Asssts-LA Lakers 19 (Harper 5) Seattle 20 (Sctirempt 8) Total tools I A Lakers 25. Seafle 22 Techmcals-Payton.

A 17.072 (17.072). Nets 80, Pacers 79 NEW JERSEY (79) Gill 2-10 44 8. Van Horn 6-16 12-17 25. Williams 6 5-6 17. Murdock 3-10 4-4 10 Kittles 1-5 2-2 4.

Burretl 1-40-03 SeikalyO-20-00. Garhng6-11 0 12. McllvameO-2 0 0. Jones 0-2 0 0. Cassell 0 0 0 Totals 25-70 27-33 79 INDIANA (W)-MuHin 8-13 2-2 21, 0 Dave 2-8 2-6 6.

Smrts 3-130-16. Miner 4-12 6-8 18 Jackson 1-3 0 2, A Daws 2-6 44 8 Perkins 3 08, Rose 1-902. Best 0-1 00. Croshere 4 0 9. Totals 28-77 16-21 80 NewJertey 21 11 20 -79 Indians It 22 23 11 SO 3-Pomt Goals-New Jersey 2-9, Indiana 8-16 Fouled out-None Re-bounds-flew Jersey 51 (Williams 13), Indiana 54 A Davis 11) Assist-New Jersey 10 (Murdock 5) Indiana 18 Uackson 9) Total loulsNew Jersey 22.

Indiana 25 Techmcale-Wurdock, Jackson A 16.531 (16.530). High School Basketball Late Saturday Results Boys Loulinne Sports Matt of Fame Clastic Homer 77, Florien 7J-H Gnnt 18 Gilbert It 0 Heard 15 WM 10 Horn 20. R. Payton 14. M.

u.s. Dears unae, stays unbeaten under new coach FORT LAUDERDALE, Ha Ben Olsen and Eddie Iwis scored second-half goals as the United States beat Chile 2-1 Sunday to re-' main unbeaten under coach Bruce Arena. Ijewis broke a 1-1 tie in the 6r)th minute with a shot that deflected off Chilean de- lenner rah nnrrf-rac Ih-ilmmomd ,1 Fishing times The schedule for solunar periods is taken from Mrs. Richard Knight's Solunar Tables. The major periods begin at the limes shown and last for 1 12-2 hrs.

Minor periods are shorter. 1 iiui vuiin. unt minute after Chile's Roberto Cartes had tied the game. Olsen, who played for Arena last season at D.C. United, scored the game's opening goal in the 58th minute.

Horse Racing LaDowns VValk-A-Thon for Tuesday Mutuels Department at Louisiana Downs will conduct a special Walk-A-Thon on Tuesday to raise money to aid flood tims located in Honduras. The will be held on the Clyde Fant Park-' way walking trail beginning at 10:00 a.m. Fans may pledge 1 which will purchase two gallons of dean drinking water for res- idents in Honduras and 100 of the dona-r tions will go to the actual purchase of the water. Fans may also make donations at Louisiana Downs, through March 7. From Staff and Wire Reports A.M.

P.M. Minor Major Minor Major Today 9.20 3-10 9 50 3 33 Tuesday 10:25 4:15 10:45 Wednesday 1120 10 11:45 30' Thursday 6:00 12:10 6 30 Friday 12:45 CS5 105 7.1D Saturday 1:25 745 1:55 8 05 Sunday 3:15 Sunset foday: Sunrise tomwrow 8:50 mi For area lake levels see Page 2A Tlie (iniea I.

The Times from Shreveport, Louisiana (2024)


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Name: Domingo Moore

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Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.