Wings of Power - Mcvluffcins - Wings of Fire (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Prologue Chapter Text Chapter 2: Birth of Heroes Chapter Text Chapter 3: Born to Kill Chapter Text Chapter 4 Chapter Text Chapter 5: Heroes are coming Chapter Text Chapter 6: my Apocalypse Chapter Text Chapter 7: Resist and Bite Chapter Text Chapter 8: Glowing Chapter Text Chapter 9: Wasting my Hate Chapter Text Chapter 10: Peace Sells Chapter Text Chapter 11: But who's Buying Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 12: not a rock Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 13: Bring it on! Chapter Text Chapter 14: Overprepared Chapter Text Chapter 15: Just turn it off Chapter Text Chapter 16: She Lives! Chapter Text Chapter 17: Power to the Bigwings Chapter Text Chapter 18: Sunset Chapter Text Chapter 19: I like Turltes Chapter Text Chapter 20: For the Sibs Chapter Text Chapter 21: Celebration Chapter Text Chapter 22: Misery loves company Chapter Text Chapter 23: Civil War part one Chapter Text Chapter 24: Civil war part two Chapter Text Chapter 25: Civil war part three Chapter Text Chapter 26: Twigs Chapter Text Chapter 27: Dull... Chapter Text Chapter 28: News Chapter Text Chapter 29: Mistakes Were Made Chapter Text Chapter 30: LORE! Chapter Text Chapter 31: Bushes Chapter Text Chapter 32: Antiques Chapter Text Chapter 33: Dinner Party Chapter Text Chapter 34: Annoyed Chapter Text Chapter 35: Mother Chapter Text Chapter 36: It's Tourist time Chapter Text Chapter 37: Preview Chapter Text Chapter 38: Lizards Chapter Text Chapter 39: Burning rooms Chapter Text Chapter 40: Subscription end Chapter Text Chapter 41: Redstone Chapter Text Chapter 42: the Wind Chapter Text Chapter 43: Short... Chapter Text Chapter 44: clouds Chapter Text Chapter 45: Glass Chapter Text Chapter 46: Sleep Chapter Text Chapter 47: Generals Gather Chapter Text Chapter 48: That Was Just Your Life Chapter Text FAQs References

Chapter 1: Prologue

Chapter Text

Yep, I'm back, college has got me more free time so I will have time to write once again, I deleted the old version of this that I never even got to complete. Which sucks, but hey I'm back and I am going to write and not just throw words down and hope for the best. The first chapter is going to definitely be the shortest by a lot so don't worry this is just to get you in the mindset of "HOW".


Darkness, nothing but chaos, death, and tragedy. Nothing but anger, hatred, sadness, and unending war. Even after the problem was solved that started the war that the three sisters greedily dragged every other tribe into there was still more, more, and more war. It was true darkness.

But in the midst of the upcoming war that he was going to reawaken in, there was a solution to the problem that Darkstalker saw he was about to have that was unavoidable. "I got about half an hour before I deal with my father, I have enough time to write one more spell that will make sure of my revival in the distant future and guarantee my position of power without having to enchant everybody."

He looked into the future to once again plan his reawakening, and look at his options. He saw how far his tribe fell and the plan they would have at trying to take the rainwing's land. He saw the complete disappearance of all powers the nightwings held because they went into hiding. "The fact that my tribe would fall so low is just proof that they are in desperate need of a change in leadership," he told himself.

"How foolish, to think that I wouldn't just enchant myself to be able to see however far that I want to," he tells himself.

He took a look at different wars and looked for opportunities in them to make an excellent appearance. It did not take long to see what he should do, however. "They are so starved for a hero in the midst of the crisis, it would be easy to have a hero planted in the middle of the war and have them easily capture the hearts of all sides of the war that would be dragged into the conflict." He thought out loud. He looked at all the prospects who he could make a hero and grimaced. "No wonder they are so desperate for a hero. Nobody has the heart or head to be a hero then."

A thought came to him while he was looking for a dragon that he would choose to be the hero. "Why don't I just make my own heroes?" he asked himself. a thought came to him "It will more than likely take more than one hero to stop the war and free me, won't it?"

He kept on planning with a wicked grin on his face. "This... is going to be fun!". He started writing in his scroll, accepting the fact that he will be in eternal sleep soon. it mattered not to the immortal dragon though.

He wrote before the bad news would be brought to him. He wrote to avoid destiny and regain the freedom that he would have taken away from him.

I decided to go back over every chapter and give them a tiny little upgrade. Who knows... I might make a major re-haul on this story in general. Same story, but better written.

Chapter 2: Birth of Heroes

Chapter Text

Yep, just a new chapter. Bye and enjoy.

Absolute fury is all she felt as she stared at the sandwing in front of her. "WHAT do you mean she wasn't able to get the egg!" screamed Kestrel. "What I am saying is, that Hvitur was caught by the skywings trying to get the egg while she was on the way out." Said the sandwing named Dune.

The egg they were trying to get was one of the five eggs of prophecy. "Don't worry we already had Webs go out and get us the replacement egg." Said Dune.

"WHAT do you mean, replacement, that is my egg that was left behind!" screamed Kestrel in Anger.

"We were able to get a hold of a rain wing egg that is supposed to hatch about the same time as all the other eggs," Answered Dunes, worrying for his life.

"What about my egg, that was MY egg that was left behind?" said Kestrel in anger.

"Me and you both know exactly what that entails!" Dune said frowning, "If Hvitur was caught by the skywings on this exact night, they will obviously know what that egg was for," Dune said pausing, thinking his next words carefully. "I am sad to say but more than likely your egg is dead along with Hvitur, I am sorry for your loss." He grimly said.

She was even more furious. First, she loses her own egg. Then, she finds out that the new egg they got was a filthy, lazy, rainwing. She stormed off into the back of the cave to go blow off some steam while muttering about how the dragonets better be able to make up for the skywing they lost.

There was a sudden knocking near the front of the cave. Dune calmly walked up to the front of the cave. "Let me in Dunes, there are skywing patrols everywhere right now!" the other side of the bolder quietly exclaimed.

"I'm getting it, I'm getting it," Dune muttered.

He pulled on the switch next to the bolder and the boulder moved over to the side with a grating sound. "Quickly, Quickly, I don't think I was followed but I want to make sure." Muttered the blue and green seawing said as he hurried inside the cave.

The moment that the seawing cleared the makeshift boulder door, Webs closed it. The boulder closed with a grating snap as it went back into place.

The seawing quickly looked around the cave while putting his egg next to the other 4 eggs. "Where is Asha and Hvitur?" Webs asked looking around for them.

"Both dead by now." Answered Dune grimly, thinking of the friends they have lost. The Talons of peace wasn't very big. Almost everybody knew each other.

"Dead? But I passed by Asha on the way here and the information Hvitur had to get into the sky palace was almost flawless, it was from one of our best spies." Asked Webs in bewilderment. "Well let's just say we were unlucky with the mudwing and skywing egg, Hvitur was caught on the way out and Asha died from injuries she got from a crossfire from a sneak attack from an Icewing attack on the mudwings, luckily she made it back with the egg intact," Dune answered.

"Unlucky indeed, I'm just happy my hunch was right and I got that rainwing egg, it might save our heads from Morrowseer, once he catches word that our wings of sky has been killed." Said webs.

"You might be right, but there will be backlash from everybody once they hear that the replacement was a rainwing." answered Dune.

"Where is Kestrel?" asked Webs, knowing she was still alive.

"In the back of the cave grieving." Answered Dunes, motioning his head towards the back.

Webs looked down sadly "I forgot the skywing egg was supposed to be hers, we lost a lot today, didn't we?" asked Webs.

Dunes just nodded. "The full moons are almost upon us, the eggs should hatch almost any minute." Said Webs.

"I hope that the prophecy was true, and these dragons do stop this war, I want to see my mate again." Said Webs sadly.

"I'm going to doubt that, now that you are a traitor to the seawings, considering that you stole the queens egg." Said Dunes with a confused look.

"I am hoping that if I return her child as a hero, they might let me rejoin." Webs said hopefully. Dunes just gave him a look that said I doubt it.

Suddenly the earth started rumbling. The ground started to shake and crack violently. A giant crack formed on the mudwing egg. After getting over their shock at the sudden earthquake Dunes, Webs, and Kestrel coming in to see what all the commotion was, gathered around the egg to watch the egg hatch. Suddenly the earthquake began anew shaking the entire world.

The mudwing egg began to crack again as the earthquake was going on. The earthquake was so violent that the guardians fell over. And as fast as the earthquake started, it ended.

The guardians quickly got up to look at the states of the eggs and to their shock the mudwing was out of the egg shaking the egg slime of himself.

Shooken, all that Webs could say," The mudwing hatched." He said bewildered at the events that just happened. All the other guardians could do was just nod their heads. The mudwing slowly got up and took in his surroundings completely ignoring the guardians. He quickly found his target, The eggs.

Kestrel quickly took note of this as the mudwing got a glint in his eyes as he posed to pounce on the eggs. "Holy sh*t, Webs get him he's about to get the eggs!" she screamed right as the mudwing pounced. The moment Webs went to jump for him, hundreds of spikes formed around the mudwing and the eggs and a small part of the ceiling opened up to let moon light into the area where the eggs were at. All the spikes formed a protective area around the eggs where the guardians couldn't see or get to the eggs.

"Were f*cked, aren't we?" muttered Webs, giving up hope that he was ever going to live through this war.

The moment that Morrowseer found out they let the mudwing eat the egg with the absurd powers it had, they would be screwed. As soon as he said that the spikes around the eggs quickly crumbled to dust to reveal five newborn hatchlings with the mudwing buried underneath them all sleeping happily in a pile.

The seawing could only stare and jokingly say "Never mind crisis everted" he said in shock. Everybody else just nodded in relief. But they all knew now, that the death of their friends might not be in vain at the sights they just saw.

Over at the skywing palace

Almost everybody was in a panic a good size chunk of the palace was melting away in a pool of lava around a certain area. A skywing guard frantically came up to the queen trying to explain the situation.

"My queen, we put the egg where you told us and we watched over it after we caught the Icewing, but the moment the egg started to hatch the whole area of the palace caught fire, what are we going to do about it?" asked the guard. "Don't worry about it too much, it's just my new toy... put out the fires and secure the dragonet that was born from the egg." Answered the queen.

"But my queen, surely the dragonet must be dead by now from all the fire." Said the guard confused.

"Don't worry about if the dragonet is alive, I know it will live through it. Just do as I asked." Answered the queen.

The guard just nodded and bowed. He left to go do as he was told and as he was leaving, he heard the queen mutter to herself about the new toy she would soon have. The guard shudder and feared for whatever got Queen Scarlet's attention like this.

Chapter 3: Born to Kill

Chapter Text

Not going to lie this was the first chapter that was hard to write because this chapter is going to choose how a lot of the other chapters are going to be written. I was debating writing about how the book goes about the timeline, but I decided, if I'm going to write a fanfic about how I think the book could be perfected, then I am going to write it how I want it. Also, I came here to tell you I posted the music list I listened to while writing this book, I will put the URL in my bio if you want to listen to it and see what I was inspired by, just going to say now, it's a whole lot of rock and metal. But back to the story, this takes place about a year and a half since the last chapter. And now, onto the chapter.

Terrified is the only thing he could feel right now as he stared down the most violent beast in his lifetime, even after facing thousands of dragons. The champion looked frantically back up to his queen. "Please your majesty, don't make me have to fight that monster. Me and you both know that if I fight that thing then I will be killed!" he pleaded to his queen.

Scarlet just smirked. "Too bad, this is my new champion, you have been loyal to me but you have started to bore me, so I will just have to make things even more thrilling. And as tradition states for there to be a new champion the current champion must be killed by the challenger."

"Bullsh*t, you just want to watch me get incinerated by your new toy, you sick f*ck!" he argued back accepting his fate, might as well get his worth out of the situation.

Scarlet just laughed at him "Oh enough of this, Peril if you would please get rid of him?"

The monster now shown to be a little one year old dragonet started to walk towards the champion skywing. The champion immediately tried to get out of the palace room he was in to escape his fate. The moment he turned around a huge wall of fire erupted right Infront of the exit blocking his path out. He turned back around to look at the dragonet to see it had one of its paws lifted up Infront of it. The champion immediately knew what had happened. The little dragonet had summoned it from thin air.

"You are no dragon, not even a monster, you are nothing but a demon, you're just a baby dragonet and you have already killed countless amount of good dragons. You are no champion because you don't even fight. You just have to touch them then they die!" he screamed while scrambling back as far as he could from the dragonet.

"You hear me devil! You are nothing but an executioner for the queen for her to get her sick kicks!" he yelled at the dragonet frantically.

The dragonet was now right up upon him now. She was hesitating right Infront of him.

Scarlet immediately started to get ticked off. "Peril kill him now or you don't get your black rocks tonight.

Peril flinched and quickly laid her paw down on the stomach of the skywing champion. Immediately the room started to smell like burning flesh. The only thing that could be heard was the screams from the skywing as he was being engulfed by the super-heated flames from Peril's flame scales.

It didn't even take two minutes for the skywing to be nothing else but ash and dust.

Scarlet just sat there laughing at the sight. "Can I get somebody to open up a window to blow out all the dust?"

The guards surrounding the queen sat there absolutely terrified of the dragonet Infront of them that just caused one of the most brutal deaths they had ever seen.

After Scarlet stopped laughing, she immediately focused on the dragonet in front of her. "Peril if I ever see you hesitate on killing somebody, I told you to kill, I will take away your black rocks."

Peril frantically nodded as her response. "Yes, my queen, is there anything else I need to do." Scarlet shook her head no "just go back to your sleeping quarters.

Peril started to become sad "When am I going to get to do anything fun?" she asked.

"OHH, Peril this is fun. You didn't know it till now but you were born for one thing and one thing only, you were born to kill those who I desire to be killed." she answered back.

"But it's not fun, I can't seem to find anything fun about it. All it seems to do is terrify people of me and scare them all away." Peril said sadly.

"Don't that just suck, the only friend you need is me peril." Scarlet just answered back. "Now go to your room.

Peril just nodded sadly and left the throne room heading back for her room that had nothing inside of it for fear of it being burned out of existence from her destructive flame scales.

Miles away from the skywing palace in an unnamed mountain range in the skywing region

"All righty dragonets, today is the day we start training you to your destiny to end the war." said Dunes to the group of dragonets. The group consisted of a mudwing, seawing, nightwing, sandwing, and a rainwing. "Now, who can remind me of what you are supposed to do?" asked dunes.

"We are supposed to choose who we think is fit to be the sandwing queen and kill the other two." answered the nightwing.

"Correct Starflight, you are supposed to choose between the three dragons Burn, Blaze, and Blister." confirmed Dunes. "You will have to kill two of them and I can guarantee you if you have to fight Burn or Blister you would die if you just had a mediocre training regimen like a normal soldier would be trained with, so today we start you training at becoming a warrior, any questions?" he asked.

The mudwing quietly raised his paw up. "Who is going to be training us to fight?" the mudwing asked.

"To answer your question Clay, the answer is all of us, as the war is going on right now almost at any time you could become under attack by almost any tribe if they were orderd to attack you on sight. So, me, Webs, and Kestrell are all going to help you practice fighting so you can get a feel for how almost every tribe fight, but the dragon that is more than likely going to train you to fight the most is probably going to be Kestrell because she is the best out of all of us, she used to be one of queen Scarlets royal guards before she ran away from Scarlets tyrany and wicked ways." answered dunes.

Clay gulped in fear quickly glancing at the huge skywing standing in the corner. She scared him with how strong and big she was.

"Now, I am going to split all of you us so we can all get a feel on how well you fight." said Dunes.

"Please don't be Kestrel, please don't be Kestrel, please don't be Kestrel." quietly muttered Clay to himself.

"Clay you are getting Kestrell, Tsunami you are getting me, and Sunny you are getting Webs." said Dunes looking at each one as he called their names. "Glory, and Starflight go wait in the corner of the Caves and await your turns." Both of them nodded and headed for the corner, the rest headed for the adult dragons waiting for them.

Clay walked up in front of Kestrell and awaited instructions, Kestrell stood up and looked down on the mudwing " mudwing, I want you to remember one thing when I train you and one thing only when you attack, you were born for two main reasons, you were born to bring peace to this world and you were born to kill, remember that when you fight your enemies"

Little did she know those words would stick to his mind for almost his whole life.

Chapter 4

Chapter Text

I recommend going to my music list I have posted for this link to get the right feeling I was going for while writing this story. Right at this moment I am listening to whiplash, I posted the URL on my profile bio. I am now starting to regret now making the last chapter bigger. Right after I posted it, I looked at the clock and I realized that I still had plenty of time left in my day to write and I had already come up with ideas to add on to the last chapter so I am going to try to make this chapter longer to make up for the last chapter. Now, onto the story. Don't be afraid to comment and review the story, criticism helps.

On the other side of the cave with Tsunami and Dunes. "Alright, Tsunami it's time to see if you have any natural talent at fighting at all. For our first time fighting I will go easy on you, you are too young for me to go hard on you yet."

Tsunami nodded and got ready in her best fighting stance at the edge of the underground river that runs through the cave. "Now, I want you to go all out on me, don't worry about hurting me I will be fine." said Dunes confidently.

With that, Tsunami immediately pounced at Dunes and went for his neck. She was slapped midair and flew straight into the river.

"sh*t... I hope I didn't hit her too hard, I told her I would go easy on her." muttered Dunes. After a few moments he got worried and walked over to the edge of the river where Tsunami went flying into to try and fish her out.

The moment he made it to the edge of water a huge blast of water shot out and hit him dead on, it hit so hard it felt like getting punched by a Full grown adult mudwing. He went flying back a few feet and was out could the moment he hit the ground.

Tsunami crawled out of the water smiling to herself looking at the scene she had made. "Did I do good you dusty sandwing" she said laughing. Dunes moaned in pain "training is done for today you may go rest now." he said moaning. Tsunami happily trotted off to go have some fun in her room.

Over in the training room with Clay and Kestrel

"Mudwing, go over to that side of the room to start our training." said Kestrel pointing to the other side of the room.

Clay quickly walked over to the other side of room and faced Kestrel "How do we start this?" he asked. "Like this!" she yelled and started charging at clay

Clay flinched back and lifted up one of his arms closing his eyes trying to defend himself from the sudden charge Kestrell made at him and heard a grating sound that sounded like stone rubbing against stone.

The moment the sound stopped he heard scales slapping against stone and heard Kestrel moan in pain. Clay looked up from closing his eyes his sight was blocked by a small wall stone blocking his view of what happened to Kestrel. He looked around the small wall that had formed Infront of him and found Kestel on the ground cringing in pain and clutching at her shoulder like she had just got hurt there.

"Kestrell, what happened, why is there a rock Infront of where I was standing at?" Clay worried about her health.

Kestrell slowly got up and looked at the mudwing "I don't know why I never told you this, but the moment you were born and you came out of your egg it seemed like you were able to control the earth around you, I think that is what happened here" she said still clutching her shoulder.

"What do you mean?" Clay asked. "I have never been able to do anything like that so far."

"I think it has to do with the fact that you had never really had to defend yourself until now." She said back. "Did you feel anything when you summoned that rock wall?"

"All I did was lift up my arm to try and block you and then the next thing I know that rock wall was Infront of me and you had slammed into it." He shook his head no.

"We will test this out more later for now im gonna try and walk this off, training is done for today, go find something interesting to do for the rest of today." She said limping away.

Clay was by himself wondering what had happened and what these powers were that he was born with.

Over in a different room with Sunny and Webs

"Ok Sunny, I am going to let you start out this training session." Webs said getting into a fighting stance. Sunny just nervously nodded and prepared herself.

She started to charge at webs at first going for his neck right of the back, webs went to block her with the hard edge of his wing and swat her with his wing. The moment the she was about to hit his wing she dove under it and then dove again at his neck.

Webs quickly lifted his front part of his body up by jumping up to his hind legs and swatted Sunny straight into the ground. Sunny hit the ground and slowly got up dizzied by hitting the ground so hard. Slowly shaking her head trying to get rid of the dizziness. "How did I do?"

"Not bad at all for your first try at combat, that would not have worked if you were just a bit bigger with you being able to dive under my wing like that, but it was really smart and that is what matters." he said considerately.

"Thank you, what do we do now?" she said thanking him. "I think we are done for today, I hit you pretty hard and I think it would be good for you to take a break after that, you are still just too young to take hits like that frequently." he answered back.

Back with the rest of the dragonets

"How did you guys do?" asked Starflight as Clay, Tsunami, and Sunny walked in. Tsunami had an evil grin, Sunny looked pretty positive, and Clay just looked confused.

"Man, I absolutely clocked Dunes, he threw me into the water and I was originally going to wait in the water for him to come and find me at the edge, the moment he made it to the edge I decided I would rather punch him for making fun of glory earlier this week. The moment I thought that it was like the water agreed with me and hit him for me, it hit him so hard he was out cold." Tsunami said all while still grinning.

Clay was even more confused now. "I had something happen a lot like that during my fight, Kestrel started charging at me and I had no time to dodge so all I could do was lift up my paw and try and block her, a giant Rock wall came up out of the ground and blocked her for me. She hit it so hard she had to stop too."

Glory burst out laughing "MAN, I would have loved to see kestrel do that, that would make my day!"

"Apparently when we I was born, I was able to control the rocks around me, at least that's what kestrel said." said Clay still confused. "Apparently, I'm not the only one of us who can control stuff too."

"Sunny did you do anything like that during your fight?" asked Tsunami.

"No, but I do think my fight went pretty good, I almost got Webs by the neck." she then spotted a cut that Tsunami got on her back. "Oh my gosh Tsunami, are you ok?"

Tsunami quickly looked around her and looked at her back. "It's not that bad, it only hurts a hair bit." Sunny still wasn't satisfied. "Is there anything I can do to make it better?"

The moment she said that the gash on Tsunami's back started to glow. Tsunami immediately was alarmed at the new glowing spot on her back "What on earth." she said alarmed.

A few seconds after Tsunami asked that the glowing was gone, so wasn't the cut... "Not that I am complaining but what in the three moons was that?" she asked.

"Clay, you said that both you and Tsunami all were able to control stuff around you right?" Asked Starflight. At the question both Clay and Tsunami just nodded still bewildered at the now healed injury. "I think that might have been Sunny that healed you, Tsunami." Starflight said perplexed at this.

"Me... I did that, but how?" Sunny asked. Clay immediately thought he knew the answer to the question.

"Right before Tsunamis spot became healed what did you say again?" Clay asked to Sunny.

"All I did was ask her if I could help her with hert injury." She said confused at the situation.

"Right before the rock wall was summoned all I could think about was how I wanted to stop Kestrell from hitting me, I think our powers have to do something with us willing for something." Answered Clay.

"That ask a question though... if I have control over water, Clay has control over the earth, Sunny can heal people... what powers do You two have?" Tsunami asked excitedly.

Starflight and Glory looked at each other in excitement. "Oh man, I can't wait to see what we can do." said Starflight in excitement.

The sound of pawsteps walking there way made them all stop their conversations and made them all look over to the entrance of the cave to see Webs walking in. Webs looked over at Starflight and Glory. "Ok, who wants to go next?" Webs asked them both.

Shocking him they both said ME! At the same time. "Really? Starflight you seem like the kind of dragon that wouldn't want to do this kind of stuff at all, all righty, I will just let one of you choose who want to go first."

Starflight nodded to Glory. "Ladies first." he said sincerely. "Thank you, Starflight." she answered back gladly.

Webs looked at Glory "Ok Glory fallow me to the training room." He said leaving the room with Glory following along.

The moment they made it into the middle of the room Webs looked down at her. "All right go over there to the other side of the room so we can start this session."

She walked over to the other side of the room and turned around to look at Webs again and await instructions from him. "Ok, I let sunny start last time, so I am going to let you start this time too.

She nodded and leapt off to charge at him going straight for the kill just like sunny did by going for the neck first, and just like last time he brought up his wing to block Glory. Right before she hit his wings, two vine like plants shot up out of the ground and wound against his wing and dragged it down to the ground out of Glory's way. The fight didn't even last 4 seconds and she had him beat with her jaw around the small part of Web's neck effectively killing him in a real-life battle situation.

Webs was just frozen in shock with Glory's jaws still around him. "Goo...good job Glory, you beat me." he stuttered out in shock. "You may go now please send Starflight this way when you get there."

She let go of his neck and nodded and left to get Starflight with a satisfied smile on her face glad to know that she had powers like all her other friends had.

She made it to the room all her friends lived in and gave them all that look. She looked over at Starflight "Starflight, Webs told me to get you and tell you to go to the training room, I got control over plant life, not goanna lie, I'm also excited to see what you get from your powers." she said while looking at him happily. Starflight happily nodded and quickly jogged to the training room in excitement.

He walked into the training room just as Webs was getting out of the vines that tangled up his wing. Starflight was already putting together in his mind on how Glory had beaten Webs by tangling up his wing.

"Hello Starflight are you ready for your training session?" Webs asked to Starflight, still a little bit stunned at what Glory had done to him.

"Yep, how are we gonna start this off?" Starflight asked excitedly.

"We are going to start like how everybody else has started to make it fair, go to the other side of the room and get ready." Explained Webs.

Starflight walked over to the other side and prepared himself. "Ok I will let you have the first move." Webs told Starflight.

Instead of like the others, Starlight didn't immediately charge at him instead he started to walk around Webs trying to find an opening to attack. Webs was turning in his spot so he could follow Starflight with his eyes.

"If only I could get an opening on him, I need him to stop moving"he thought to himself. Starflight kept on studying Webs posture and body trying to find an opening. The moment he had the thought he looked down at Webs shadow, and instantly a shadow shot from his own and hooked up to Webs shadow shocking Starflight and making him stop.

He noticed that Webs was frozen to and he realized his opening instantly, he immediately charges at Webs but stopped when Webs charged too wondering why Webs broke his promise that Starflight would get the first move. The moment he stopped Webs stopped too. "Webs, I thought you were going to let me go on the offensive first." Said Starflight confused and a little annoyed at him.

"Starflight... I … I'm not doing this, I can't control myself." Said Webs sounding like he was struggling against himself but not moving.

"Wait, what!?" said Starflight confused, a thought came to him. "Wait a minute... I need to try this out."

Starflight slowly raised his front right paw up into the air. Webs followed suit.

Starflight got an evil grin and put his paw down. He started to slowly walk towards Webs who knew what was going on now.

Starflight was able to control Webs through his shadow by hooking his shadow up Webs shadow. He walked right up to about six feet Infront of Webs and just sat down knowing he now had all day.

Webs grumbled to himself knowing this. "You going to do anything or not?" Starflight just smiled and shook his head no. "Just going to wait till you surrender"

"Fine! Ok, I surrender, you happy now?" Said Webs angrily. Starflight just kept smiling. "Yup" and he broke his connection to Webs and walked out of the room with Webs following him out.

In the room where the adults sleep at

"Can't believe I got beat by a freaking one year old!" Said Dunes angrily. "At least Tsunami had to try to beat you, Clay beat me by complete accident. He didn't even know he had powers over the earth." Said Kestrel back at him still favoring the shoulder she had smashed into the wall earlier.

With that Webs walked into the room looking worn out, beaten, and confused at what had just happened.

"So how did it go with you Webs?" Asked Dunes. Webs shook his head at this.

"Never in my life have I ever been so humiliated before. All of them beat me except for Sunny, and it's just because she didn't have some weird magic power or something weird."

Both Kestrel and Dunes looked at each other and nodded to each other like they were confirming something. Kestrel looked back at Webs. "They all have powers like that apparently." Dunes just nodded along with what Kestrel said.

"When I was walking back here after getting knocked out, I heard their conversation about how Sunny has the power to heal injuries." Said Dunes.

"I don't know where these powers came from but I do know one thing..." said Webs jokingly.

"And what would that be Webs?" Asked Dunes.

"Whoever faces them when they are released out into the world is absolutely screwed." Answered Webs.

Chapter 5: Heroes are coming

Chapter Text

Back at ya with a new chapter. I hope as I continue to write I can get better so you guys can enjoy it better. Im going to start trying to target around five thousand words for chapter now. I was either going to write a httyd fic or this but I decided this, because there is a lot of httyd fics. There are not very many WoF fics and that upsets me a little bit with how good WoF is as a book series. Either way, onto the story, I recommend listening to spit out the bone "Ben Zimmerman" version.

5 years later...

"I wonder what she wants with me now"Thought peril on her way to the throne room a little bit annoyed at the queen. "I was having a really good nap."

"If she wants to have somebody killed, I don't know why she doesn't do it herself... she would more than likely enjoy it more than watching it."peril made it up to door to the throne room.

The guards opened the door and walked off to the sides to get away from her, in fear of her lethal scorching touch. "The queen awaits your arrival champion Peril." said the guard more confidently than he felt.

Peril just ignored them and walked right up to queen Scarlet "What do you want queen Scarlet?"

"I have a different thing for you to do today, I am about to break over a thousand years of tradition by doing this but it is too big of an opportunity to hit a major blow to Blister and her seawing allies." Scarlet started to explain.

"We have gotten word from spies that a certain King of the seawings is going on a peace trip to try and make a deal with the rainwings and gain their resources in food and herbs that can only grow in the jungle, you are the only one that I can trust will be able to take down all the Royall guards he has guarding him." Said Skarlet.

"Your task, is to take a group of around eight of my Guards and intercept the royal task group and take out all the royal guards that Gill has guarding him, Make Shure you capture Gill alive and bring him back to me, he will make a fine bargaining chip I can use against the seawings and have my way with them." Tasked Skarlet. "Let's try to keep this quiet, like I said this is breaking a lot of tradition, and it will upset a lot of the council and I don't have time to deal with those idiots, any questions?"

"When will I be leaving, and where will I be intercepting them at?" Asked Peril.

"This is going to be the tricky part, they are going to take the diamond spray delta all the way to the entrance of the jungle and fly into the jungle, we will be unable to attack that whole time till they get out of the water and try and fly into the jungle, you have about a two-hundred-yard stretch of open ground to try and intercept them, if they make it into that jungle it is pretty much already game over because it is too easy to escape in there." explained Scarlet.

"You are going to head over to the barracks right now, your task force is waiting for you right now, this mission is too important to fail, if you have any trouble with them, you have my permission to incinerate them the moment they start to disobey you. You may leave now." Scarlet said.

Peril just nodded and started to walk out of the throne room, the moment that she thought that nobody could see hear she had a grin plastered to her face "Finally, something interesting to do."she thought to herself.

She walked to the exit of the castle and launched off through the air and started flying to the barracks not too far away from the castle.

She landed Infront of the barracks and all the skywings were already waiting outside ready to go and all suited up in armor with their weapons of choice if they had a weapon.

Peril just nodded at them and she flew up into the direction of the mudwing kingdom towards the diamond spray. With the squad right behind her. "We should be there in about three days, we will fly non-stop and we should have about a day to rest up once we get there before the target makes it." Peril said behind her to the squad.

It was going to be a long, long trip.

Three days later

They landed at the edge of the jungle and made their way into it about a hundred yards to rest and plan their attack.

After everybody landed and ate some rations, Peril had them all come over to her so they could plan out the attack. "Ok, so I want four of you on one side of the river and I need four others on the other, the plan is I am going to go in and start by getting the guards. The spy said there should be around ten guards. The moment I start the attack I want four of you to cut off the escape route to the diamond spray river, the other four of you I want cover the edge of the rainforest and make shore Gill doesn't make it in there, am I clear." All the guards nodded.

"Good, I want you to spend the night in your spots for the night and wake up early, they are supposed to be through here around eight in the morning, be ready even before then, we can't mess this up." Peril said.

Four of the skywings immediately up and left the area heading for the other side of the river to await Gill and his guards.

Early next morning at 7:40 AM

Peril is waiting behind some underbrush just far enough from it so that she doesn't catch it on fire. "Those seawings should be here any moment." she told herself.

The moment she said that, five big seawing guards burst out of the water and looked around looking for any enemies in the area. Once the area was cleared one of the guards went back to the water.

It wasn't even a moment later and the guard plus six other dragons came out of the water with him.

Gill was very easy to spot in-between all the guards with how big he was with his green scales.

Gill looked over at the guard that had brought him out of the water "You are absolutely shore that this area is clear. This is the only area that we could be intercepted in?"

The guard quickly answered "Yes king Gill, there are no dragons in the area we could see, even if there were the scouts said that there were no mudwings in the area that would intercept us."

"Let's hurry up then and get in that jungle so we can get this over with, Pearl needs help watching Anemone and the Egg." Said Gill launching off towards the jungle.

"This will be easier than I thought." Mumbled Peril to herself, waiting for the seawings to make it to about the half way point between the jungle and diamond spray.

The moment they made it to the half way point, Peril jumped up and ran straight up into the middle guard while clipping two more in-between the middle guard with her wings effectively killing the three dragons before they even knew what had happened.

All three of the dragons fell out of the sky screaming in pain while they were being engulfed in fire. All the seawings stopped and hovered in the air shocked at what happened.

There shock was broken when Peril flipped back around and rammed into another one of the guards in the front formation leaving only six guards left to defend Gill.

"Retreat! Retreat! head back for the water its Scarlet's flame scale!" said one of the guards in the back turning around to retreat.

Peril quickly got the last guard that was Infront of gill and started to chase after the group as they flew quickly to make it back to the river.

They were quickly cut off by four skywing guards and stopped midair looking around trying to find a way to escape. Them stopping was their doom.

Peril immediately jumped three more of the guards and killed them instantly. Webs and the other two guards dived below Peril and land, trying to avoid her and run to the jungle, unaware of the guards that were awaiting there anyway... not that they made it that far.

The moment they started to run, a huge spurt of fire came out of the ground and formed a big ring of fire all the way around the three seawings capturing them.

"Surrender now in the name of queen Scarlet and your guards' lives will be spared for now!" commanded Peril hovering over the ring of fire.

"Like hell I will, I know what will happen if we become prisoners under Scarlet. We will be-AAACK!" A guard was silenced by a tendril of fire came out of the ring and killed him instantly from the hellish heat.

"Does anybody have anything else to say what you will be doing." Said peril annoyed at how stupid the guard was.

Gill and the other guard just sat there silently in shock at how quickly their numbers were decimated by the royal champion.

"Good, saves me a lot of trouble, Guard get em... we got a long journey here, we got to get out of here before the muddwings catch word of this." Commanded Peril to the skywings guards.

They quickly searched the seawings for any secret weapons and got them up in the air and started on their way towards the skywing kingdom.

Four days later

Peril leads the seawings into the throne room with two guards behind them. "queen Scarlet I have the prisoners with me right now, mission success." Peril said to Scarlet who was sitting on her throne.

"Good, good, guards take them to the throne room I will deal with them later.

The guards just nodded and took the seawings to the prison chambers below the castle.

Peril was still standing there waiting for the guards to leave, Scarlet took notice of this. "Do you need something Peril?"

Peril nodded. "Do you need me to do anything else?" she asked hoping for some type of praise, anything really to show that she did good.

Scarlet just shook her head no. "Nope! Get out of here until I need you again."

To say the least Peril was upset as she left the throne room. "Really, no thank you Peril, thank you for capturing the king of Seawings and having no injuries on your squad." she went on not knowing that a dragon heard all this that probably shouldn't have heard that "The talons will have to hear about this." the Spy muttered to himself immediately heading out to go tell the news of what has happened.

Three days later with the dragonets.

SLAM! We see a Clay getting thrown to the ground HARD. There was something wrapped around his leg that was green.

Clay turned around and did a punching motion with his arm. Suddenly a guge spike came out of the ground that was blunted at the end so he didn't hurt Glory to bad when it hit her.

She went flying all the way across the cave and hit the wall and was out for the count for today's spar.

"Thats it for today, Dragonets Clay is the winner for today." Said Webs leaving for the living chambers.

Clay got up off the ground and walked over to Glory and picked her up "You ok Glory?"

"Ya I'm ok, you didn't hit me too hard, just enough to knock me silly." she said to him groaning in pain.

"Good" Clay said as he started to walk back into their room where all of his friends slept in.

"So, who won this time?" Tsunami asked as Clay walked into the room.

"I won this time, unlike last time." said Clay as he walked into the room to Tsunami. In the room all the other dragonets were in there with Glory walking in right behind him.

Last time Clay and Glory fought, she was able to tie him up by having vines burst right out from underneath him and tying his legs up so he couldn't move at all.

Kestrell, Dunes, and Webs don't really spar against them anymore because the dragonets were pretty much on a level of their own. The only one who does any real combat training with them was Sunny and that was because she doesn't have any real offensive combat element, all she could do was heal dragons.

She was appreciated non the less because with how hard the dragonets train, they had their own number of injuries they got almost every week from how hard they trained against each other.

But considering Kestrel, Dunes, And Webs could specifically work on her training, she was pretty adept on being able to defend herself even being able to beat some of them a good amount of the time.

The dragonets were all so strong in their respective element fighting style that Kestrel said confidently they could probably be able to wage a war just by themselves with how potentially destructive and dangerous they were. To say that boosted their confidence would be an understatement. Not that they were co*cky and had a huge ego.

They had each other to make Shure that never happened with each other.

Their relationship with each other was great to, with them being raised with each other they all had brother and sister relationships. Clay especially had that feeling with all of them.

They were all talking with each other about how they sparred today against each other when they heard Kestrel yell for all of them in the main room of the cave.

All the dragonets walked out of the cave and filled in right Infront of Kestrel. When they looked at Kestrell she looked really excited for what she was about to say.

"Dragonets, I have great news to tell you... ITS TIME!" Kestrel said to them all.

"What do you mean its time?" asked Starflight confused at what she meant.

"It's time to go kick Scarlet's ass is what I am saying!" Said Kestrell with a big grin on her face.

The one thing that made Kestrel happy was getting to kill her dragonets murderer.

Chapter 6: my Apocalypse

Chapter Text

Helo once again and welcome back to Wings of Power, today is the day folks. We get to watch the dragonets of destiny wipe the floor with scarlet. If you came here to watch a hard Battle between the dragonets and Scarlets forces then you are in for a big disappointment. Again, I recommend to listening to literally any of Metallica's songs for this story except for the slower parts, I will recommend songs for those if I can. I'm going to take inspiration for this chapter with the song My apocalypse running on repeat. Also, if you are wondering what happened to Sky, don't worry that will be answered way way way on in the feature. (Warning there will be gore in this chapter)

The dragonets wasted no time in preparing themselves for their welcoming mission. They were ready in just five minutes. They were all awaiting at the cave entrance waiting for Kestrel to get ready.

"What is taking Kestrel so long? She isn't even going to be fighting in this mission." Asked Tsunami impatiently to everybody else.

"I am willing to bet you Kestrel will do everything in her power to get in on the action, this mission is personal if you don't remember, Scarlet murdered her dragonet and she was supposed to be one of us." answered Starflight "She is more than likely just getting some equipment for the mission."

True to what he was guessing, Kestrel walked into the room wearing older looking armor that had a lot of dust and scratch marks on it. "All righty I'm ready."

"I didn't even know that you had armor Kestrel where did you get it?" Asked Sunny.

"I got it way back when I was still a royal guard to Scarlet. I brought it with me when I defected from the skywings." Answered Kester.

"So, I take it you are going to fight with us?" Asked Tsunami with a knowing grin on her face.

"Oh, Ya I am! I wouldn't miss this for the world, don't worry I will be able to take care of myself, I was one of the greatest warriors of my time under Scarlet." Kestrel said co*ckily.

Tsunami nodded. "Ok so what is the plan for right now?"

"We don't know yet. I haven't been out of this cave in forever, its usually Webs and Dunes who is getting resources for us. I have no idea what to expect when we get there." Answered Kestrel. "The Spy will be waiting right outside the kingdom for us, when we get there, we are to meet him and he will tell us what to expect and what to look out for."

"Ok, let's get going then." Said Clay

Kestrel nodded and pulled on the lever to the door and the bolder rolled out of the way, as the boulder rolled away the morning light was lighting up the dragonet's scales with natural light for the first time in their life.

They all had huge grins on their face as the outside world was shown to them for the first time. They all ran outside and jumped into the air waiting for Kestrel to join them so she could show them the way. The moment she made it up to them they all turned for the Sky kingdom.

5 hours later

"There it is!" shouted Tsunami to the others with the sky kingdom in sight. The sky kingdom, while not very big, was very extravagant. All the homes and castle were built into the mountains and stood on top of the peaks.

While it was known that the skywings were formidable warriors' race, it shown that they were quite adept at being very great architects being able to build such a huge castle on top of a mountain. No other kingdom compared in placement in their castle in such a place.

They heard a roar right below the area they were flying in. "That's the spy, let's go." Said Kestrel.

They all dove down and landed around a lone skywing, the skywing started to look around at the dragonets and then looked at Kestrel. "This is it? they don't look special at all." said the spy disappointed.

"Trust me, they could kill us so quickly we wouldn't even know it till it happened." Said Kestrel. "They could more than likely be able to wage a war all by themselves and be able to come out on top against any tribe."

The skywing spy looked shocked. "Ok... then, king Gill is locked up in the bottom of Scarlets castle there are guards everywhere in there. There will be no escaping quietly or getting in there quietly."

The more that the spy went on the bigger the grin formed on all the dragonets faces. They have been wanting to truly test themselves out on somebody else forever now.

The spy suddenly started to look worried. "You should know about … her."

"What do you mean her?" asked Kestrel frowning. "If you're talking about Scarlet, I promise you she won't be a challenge for even the raingwing."

"NO! It's not the queen. It's... it's her champion, her demon." said the Spy afraid that she would appear out of thin air.

"Ohh please, so what a Skywing warrior that only appears every so often is her champion. I promise you that they will be no issue." Said kestrel.

"I wish it was that simple, it's what she can do is what is truly terrifying." said the spy "she was the one Scarlet sent to capture Gill and she did it without even getting a scratch on her, she is just a dragonet."

"She has firescales, if that wasn't bad enough, she can make fire appear at will, it's like she can control them with just a wave of her hand and then you are surrounded by fire and trapped."

All the Dragonets were shocked because that sounded really familiar to something like what they have. Kestrell on the other hand was so shocked because of something else she was realizing.

"How old is she and how is she alive, Skywings have been killing off any skywing born with strange powers?" Asked Kestrel worrying.

"She is six years old. I was there when she was born. Her egg was being stolen by an ice wing on the brightest night we caught the ice wing and had her killed. When the skywing egg hatched that night almost an eighth of the palace was destroyed by the fire that spewed out of her egg." said the spy.

Kestrel stopped listening to him after she heard the part about the Icewing. "She is alive, she is alive and I didn't know it."Kestrel thought to herself.

"Dragonets! We have added on to the target list by one." Kestrel said cutting of the spy.

All the dragonets just nodded understanding at what she was meaning. So didn't the spy.

"You got to be kidding me, you are going to try and kill that thing." she was cut off when Kestrel spun around and slapped him in the face with her tail.

"That thing... is my daughter." Kestrel said whispering to the spy with a dangerous tone.

"Fine then, go get yourselves killed, im out of here." The spy said dismissing what she said as craziness.

Kestrel turned back to the dragonets "So I am thinking that me, Clay, and Tsunami goes after my daughter, and that Sunny, Starflight, and Glory goes after the King."

All the dragonets nodded to each other. "Sounds good to me," said Clay.

"Good let's go kick some ass!" Said Kestrel excitedly launching up first. All the dragonets launched up into the air heading for the kingdom.

It didn't even take 5 minutes for guards to come to try and meat them. Everybody already agreed that that weren't going in with a stealth approach... the guards had no idea what happened to them.

Two vines shot straight up into the air bursting out of the ground under the two skywing guards. The vines wrapped around the guards back feet and dragged them down to the earth and their heads hit the ground knocking them out cold.

The dragonets and Kestrel kept on flying like nothing ever happened, and kept on their way to the castle.

They only had one more incident with guards on their way to the castle and it was handled in the same way as last time. When they made it to the entrance of the palace Clay quickly landed on the balcony that you were supposed to land on and quickly knocked out the two guards by having two big blunt pillars of rock burst out of the ground and hit both of the guards in the head.

The other dragonets and Kestrel landed right behind him. "Ok, this is where we split for a little bit, we are going to meat back at the cave ok." Ordered Kestrel. All the dragonets just nodded again.

With Clays group

They immediately started charging down the castle hallway not stopping for anything. Two guards crossed their path and immediately regretted that decision.

Clay had a piece of the floor come up and trap the guard on the left by slamming him up into the wall and trapping him there. Tsunami got the other one by doing something very similar with her just knocking the other guy out by blasting the side of the guard's head with a jet of water knocking him out cold.

They went unbothered all the way up until they made it to the throne room door. The two guards there met the same fate as the others.

"Allright, be prepared for anything there could be who knows how many guards in there." Kestrel warned. "Also remember that my daughter could be in there and she is just as dangerous as you guys are, Lest Go!"

They burst down the door and they saw something that they were not prepared for.

Scarlet was terrified with a strange dragon backing her into a corner where she couldn't get away, with fire all around them.

Half an hour ago

Peril was pissed, she had a revelation just a few minutes ago that made her realize that her whole life up until this moment was a lie. Scarlet was going to pay.

"i didn't need to eat those black rocks at all, Scarlet had and still has no power over me. She probably only poisoned the food I was eating that wasn't the black rocks and had the antidote placed on the black rocks to make it seem like I needed them."she thought to herself.

Peril realized just moments ago that she didn't eat a single black rock on her mission to catch the king of the seawings.

"What should I do now... all the dragons I killed just because I was falsely threatened by Scarlet, what am I going to do to her?"Peril thought to herself. "i know exactly what I will do, she will tell me everything that was a lie to me and I will make her suffer the fate I have made others suffer because of her."

The moment she was done with those thoughts, Peril started her way up the stairs to go to the throne room where Scarlet was almost always at.

The guards guarding the throne room let her right in none the wiser on what was going on and not wanting to ask about why Peril was there.

They let Peril right in and Scarlet looked at her confused. "I didn't summon you here, why are you here?" Scarlet asked her confused.

"Nobody did summon me here, I came here on my own free will... and that is how it is going to be for now on." Peril answered in a dangerous tone.

Scarlet did not like the tone of voice she was talking to her with. "Peril watch what you say or I will make shore you don't get any black rocks for the rest of the WEEK!" Scarlet said angrily.

Peril shut her up by jumping right Infront of her and stood dangerously close to Scarlet. "And that is where you are wrong Scarlet, you see... I will admit you are pretty smart... but you made one poor, poor decision when you had me go after Gill." Peril said to Scarlet who was starting to realize her poorly made mistake.

"You let me out without having me bring any black rocks with me and I was gone for almost a whole week and I never got sick once, not even a little bit." Peril said angrily. "And now, for once in my life I am going to get something I have always wanted."

Scarlet was slowly inching backwards as far as she could in her throne, fearing for her life she asked "And what would that be?"

Peril got an evil grin on her face "You are going to tell me the one thing that I have always wanted to know, if you answerer everything I have a question for I might just spare your life."

"Now first question, why did you keep me alive, I know very well that skywings kill any dragonet born with any strange powers or deformities, and don't bullsh*t me with like, because I care?" Asked Peril.

"This is a question with a long answer... Have you ever heard of the dragonets of destiny?" Asked Scarlet.

"I have heard of them before, but I don't know much about them, all I know is that they are supposed to be a group of five that is supposed to stop the war." Perils said confused on what that has to do with her.

"Well to simply put it... You are a dragonet of destiny." Said Scarlet

"What... do you mean I am a dragonet of destiny?" said Peril with even more confusion.

"On the night you were born, we caught a intruder trying to steal your egg, we all new that the brightest night the dragonets of destiny were supposed to hatch and we knew that they needed a skywing egg so we were guarding the hatchery extra tightly that night, we also knew that your egg was supposed to hatch that night." Said Scarlet.

"Ok so, I was hatched on the brightest night and my egg was almost stolen, that doesn't mean I am a dragonet of destiny." said Peril in denial.

"Trust me... when you hatched it was one of the craziest days in history of this palace." Scarlet said confidently. "The moment your egg started to hatch fire was spewing all around your egg, and the floor was superheated till it was lava all around your egg, also there was reported earthquakes, floods, and other strange things going on all around the place."

To say Peril was shocked would be an understatement. "So, what you are saying is... I was supposed to be born to end the war and make peace with all the tribes... but you kept me from that just so you could have a freaking death machine that you could flaunt me around knowing who and what I was." Peril was now even more angry than when she got here.

"I'm not going to kill you bet you are still definitely going to suffer to what you done to me and what you had me do to others." Peril said pissed off.

"What do you mea-" Scarlet was cut off when Peril suddenly shot her hand forward and barely poked Scarlets tong

Right before Peril had done this the door was flung open with three dragons looking at what was happening with confusion at what Peril had just done.

But what was done was done. Scarlet started to scream bloody murder with her mouth pouring out fire like she was trying to shoot fire but none was coming out. She suddenly passed out from the pain of her tong being burnt off.

Peril pleased at what the outcome was turned around to look at who the intruders were. "And who might you be?".

The mudwing looked at her in shock at what she had done. "We... we are the dragonets of destiny.

Peril was once again shocked this day. She was now staring at the group she was supposed to be with but was denied. "My name... is Peril."

Sorry, this took so long to upload, I have been trying to upload about on a weekly schedule, I wanted to upload this two days ago but I went and stayed the night at a friend's house to hang out with him then it was my little sister's birthday party. I hope you like the chapter.

Chapter 7: Resist and Bite

Chapter Text

As of 9/13/2022, wings of power is now over the one thousand view mark, I am a little proud of myself for making it to that mark, thank you for reading my story. Please comment and tell me what you think of this story. I am listening to Sabaton's Resist and Bite for this chapter.

Kestrel has done a lot in her life. Betray Scarlet, birth a dragonet of destiny, join the Talons of Peace, help raise the dragonets, and those are just a few examples. To say she has been around the block is an understatement. None of those prepared her for what she had just seen her thought-to-be dead daughter did to Scarlet.

Peril had just done something that she dreamed of doing almost on a weekly basis, she just watched Peril straight up remove Scarlet's ability to speak with her annoying voice for the rest of Scarlet's life... Heck ya.

Kestrel had wondered what her daughter would be like when she got to meet them for the first time, talk about one heck of a first impression.

"Umm, not that I am complaining or anything but, why did you do that to Scarlet?" Asked Clay confused on the sight that laid before him.

"I just now found out that she had been lying to me to my whole life." Explained Peril "let me properly introduce myself, my name is Peril, ex-champion of Scarlet, now traitor, and supposedly Dragonet of Destiny, trust me... it was a shock when I learned all this just a little bit ago and I can understand why you wouldn't believe me." Peril finished frowning.

"Trust us, it was a big shock to learn you were still alive, we were told that you were dead because the dragon that tried to take you to us got captured." Tsunami said.

"Scarlet just said that to me a little bit ago actually, she said some ice wing tried to kidnap me." Peril explained. "In my opinion, Scarlet war stupid for keeping me, a dragonet of destiny alive just so she could have her fun."

"In the end, it didn't turn out for her did it." Kestrel said looking down at Scarlet's downed body.

"No, I guess it didn't did it." Peril said jokingly, she was suddenly confused. "Wait a minute... how did you get in here the guards would never even let you into the city let alone into the throne room."

Tsunami got a grin on her face "We fought are way into here."

Peril started to laugh in disbelief "You, there are only three of you there is no way you could have ever beaten all the guards." Peril stopped laughing and suddenly looked serious. "No seriously... how did you get in here, there would have been like... I don't know about twenty guards guarding the palace."

"As I said, we fought our way into here... it was actually quite easy." Tsunami answered back.

Kestrel snorted at that "enough of this, let's introduce ourselves then we can get out of here."

Clay started with a smile looking at Peril with a smile realizing that she might be a good friend like all his other friends that he grew up with. "Hello my name is Clay it is nice to meet you" he said still smiling.

"And my name is Tsunami." She raised her hand to greet the skywing but Peril quickly backed up. Tsunami frowned at this wondering if she did something wrong.

"Sorry, I don't want to hurt you, don't forget that I have fire scales." Peril explained. "If I just barely graze you, I could possibly kill you by accident."

Tsunamis eyes doubled in size realizing what had almost happened. Sunny wasn't here right now to heal any wounds she might get. She almost lost her hand right there with that little mistake. "Thanks" Tsunami muttered thankful for the warning.

"And that leaves me, my name is Kestrel" she said while smiling, excited for this moment.

"What are you smiling for?" Peril asked confused why Kestrel was smiling.

"Do you... do you know who I am Peril?" Kestrel said with her smile fading.

"No, I do not, am I supposed to?" Peril answered confused at what Kestrel meant.

"Well, no, but yes you were supposed to." Kestrel said a little sadly. "You may not believe me Peril... but you are my daughter."

To say that Peril was shocked would be an understatement. In her whole life, the thought of a family was almost unthinkable to her with how she lived. And now here was her mother that came to her. She was suddenly angry.

"What do you mean... you're my mother." Peril said angrily. "If you were why would you leave me to scarlet."

Kestrel was hurt at this. "I didn't want to leave you, Scarlet had found out I was about ready to leave the Skywings and she kicked me out before I could get you."

They were cut off from their conversation by people yelling down the hallway angrily.

"I don't want to cut off you heart-felt reunion but we got company!" Tsunami said annoyed at the incoming guards.

The guards were almost to the throne room doors but then Clay jumped up and slammed into the ground right Infront of the guards. Him slamming the ground and using his powers at the same exact time caused a shockwave of rock that flew the guards back almost 40 feet.

"Let's go we got to get out of here!" Clay yelled. They all quickly ran out of the throne room.

"So that is how you fought your way in here, you can control an element like I can!" Peril said surprised.

They were running by the guards when one of the guards caught a glimpse at who was running past him. "YOU! traitor I always knew you were going to be a traitor DEAMON!"

Peril stopped and was angry. "I was never loyal in the first place, the only reason I did what I did to dragons was because I was forced to then, now... I am free to do what I want." Peril kept on running after that.

They all made it to the entrance and launched off towards home. Clay looked back. "I hope that Glory, Starflight, and Sunny are doing good."

"I'm sure they are fine, if one of them gets hurt it's not like Sunny couldn't just heal them anyway." Tsunami said confidently.

"Ya, I guess you are right..." Clay answered back.

With Glory's group

Starflight was standing Infront of about twenty Skywing guards who were all frozen and tied up with vines wrapped around them. Starflight was waiting patiently for Glory, and Sunny to get the king of the Seawings out of the dungeons.

Starflight looked at all the skywings who were frozen by his shadow powers. "You guys are all stupid, the moment we start making a racket all of you guys come running out of the prisons to see what was going on and you all get captured... you guards suck." Starflight said bored at the fact that this mission was stupidly easy.

All the guards gave him a death glare but remained silent at the fact that he was right. Their pride was shattered.

Starflight thoughts were cut off when he saw Glory and Sunny come up out of the ground with two seawings who looked a little beaten up but not too bad.

"May I ask which one of you is king Gill?" Starflight asked politely.

"That would be me." answered the Light green Seawing.

Starflight immediately bowed to him. "It is an honor to meet you, your majesty." Starflight said respecting the King.

"You don't see that every day, a nightwing that knows how to be respectful. You have my greatest thanks, your friends already introduced themselves." Gill said respectfully. "I know you are the dragonets of destiny, what is your name?"

"My name is Starflight." Starflight answered getting back up from his bow and smiling at how polite the King was being.

"It's nice to meet you Starflight of the Dragonets of Destiny." Gill said smiling back.

"All right enough with this, the mission is not done yet let's get out of here and head home." Glory said while running for the exit.

They all quickly made their way out of the palace and launched for home.

Back with Clay group.

It took them about five hours to make it back to the cave and they all went inside.

"Looks like we made it back before them." said Tsunami snorting in amusem*nt.

Peril and Kestrel went to a different room more than likely so they can catch up with each other on what has been going on with their life's.

Clay just looked at them leaving with a smile feeling good at what their mission accomplished, they brought Kestrel some happiness in her life and brought her daughter back.

Webs came bursting into the room in a panic to see who had opened the door. The moment he saw it was just them he was relived. "Oh, it's just you guys, where have you been?"

"We were just saving the king of the Seawings was all" Tsunami said casually with a grin on her face.

"What do you mean you were saving the king of the-" Gill was cut off when the Boulder was starting to open again at the entrance of the cave.

The moment the king laid eyes on Webs he was pissed. "You!" Gill yelled as he spotted Webs.

Webs eyes widened in fear when he saw the pissed of Gill running at him at full speed.

"Oh shi-" Webs was cut off again when Gill tackled him into the ground.

Gill didn't get too far with mauling Webs because he was thrown off of him by Clay.

Gill was about to pounce on the one who threw him but froze in his tracks once he saw the mudwing. Clay wasn't fully an adult yet but mudwings are naturally a large species, especially the bigwings of a group. Clay was easily a few feet taller than Gill. Especially stronger.

Gill was cut off on his intimidated thoughts when he spotted Tsunami, He was less focused on the fact that there was another seawing here, he was more focused on the pattern that was on her wings.

Gills gaze quickly returned back to Webs remembering what he had done. "He kept her alive... my daughter is still alive."

He started to shuffle his way over to Tsunami and grabbed her in a hug shocking her. She was even more shocked when she started to hear him sob and start muttering "Your alive" over and over again. She was starting to become uncomfortable but tried to remain respectful for the king.

Everybody else in the cave was looking at her and Gill confused, except for Webs who just looked guilty.

Gill quickly pulled himself together and backed up to get another look at Tsunami. "You look just like her, don't you?" Gill said with a smile.

"Look like who exactly?" Tsunami said even more confused now at the king's words.

"You should know but sadly that traitor over there didn't even bother to tell you who your parents were." Gill said in fury at Webs who was still looking down guilty.

"Who are my parents?" Tsunami asked worried to know at what might have happened to them.

Gill looked her right in the face with a sad smile. "You... are the daughter of my wife queen Coral."

Tsunami just got a shock of her life, not to say that she wasn't happy. She quickly hugged Gill and let go and looked at him in wonder. "How... how can you be shore that I am your daughter, not that I don't believe you but... how can you be shore?"

Gill gave her an honest answer that proved everything. "I know you are because we let Webs guard the royal hatchery and he was reported missing that same day with a missing egg, your egg to be exact, also you have the royal markings on your wing, only a prince, princess, or queen can have the markings that you have."

Tsunami gave Gill an even longer hug with a big smile on her face so happy that she got to find out who her parents were.

Gills eyes met Peril and he was suddenly terrified. He backed up to the opposite side of the room while letting go of Tsunami. "YOU LET THAT THING IN HERE!" he yelled.

Peril looked down in guilt and muttered she was sorry. Clay suddenly got defensive in Peril's defense. "Don't you call her a thing, she has done nothing wrong to you."

Gill was pissed at what Clay had said. "She killed all my guards, they didn't even stand a chance she killed almost all of them in just a few minutes before they even got to fight back." Gill said while still staring terrified at Peril. "She is the reason I was caught in the first place, the only one of my royal guards who made it out alive is poor Snail over there.

Snail was still standing near the entrance trying to not look shocked, wonder, and in fear all at the exact time at all the revelations happening around Her.

Clay looked at Peril in shock at first but seeing her guilty expression, his resolve hardened and he looked back at Gill. "Peril has been nothing but kind and trustworthy since I met her, it is not her fault that she was controlled by Scarlet to do terrible things." Clay said finishing his defense.

Peril gave him a look of wonder. Nobody has ever truly shown kindness and went to her defense, till now.

"You can trust her all you want but I will not." Gill said firmly.

"Whatever you say king Gill but I will let you know now, she is a dragonet of destiny and she will be guarding you till we get you home." Clay said.

Gill looked back at Peril, who was still looking at Clay with a blush on her face. Gill knew that look "jeez that was quick, she is already smitten with him."Gill quickly shook his head to regain his focus. He wasn't stupid, he was starting to realize why Scarlet had such a dragon under control at one point.

He saw how powerful the Dragonets of Destiny were when they were escaping the Skywing capital. He also saw how powerful Peril was. He was starting to feel bad about how bad he was treating Peril.

Gill looked at Peril and sighed. "Look... I am not forgiving you, but I am giving you a second chance to gain my trust."

Peril gave him a look of thanks while slightly smiling. "Thank you, your majesty."

Gill suddenly got a focused look on his face. "Speaking of returning home... when are we leaving. My wife has more than likely by now, got word of my capture."

Kestrel suddenly coughed to gain everybody's attention. "And this is where I come in and congratulate you but have to inform you all dragonets of something."

"Your mission in not over yet and I think this is going to be a goodbye." Kestrel said waiting for a response she knew was coming from her daughter.

"What do you mean goodbye? I just got to meet you for the first time." Peril said upset.

"Don't worry Peril, I want to get to know my daughter... but after you end the war so we can get to know another without interruption." Kestrel said with a small smile.

Peril got a determined look on her face. "Then I will end the war as fast as I can."

"Now that is more like it!" Kestrel said "Dragonets... I think you already know the mission."

Everybody nodded their heads knowing what she was going to say. They were ready.

"Go and bring the king home... AND END THIS WAR ONCE AND FOR ALL!" Kestrell yelled her final order to the dragonets.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I would like it if you comment on my fix.

Chapter 8: Glowing

Chapter Text

Welcome to the new chapter, this is probably going to be a simpler character-building chapter, the last chapter was more or less "Getting the crew together arc" I'm thinking there are going to be around eight different arcs to this story, each about 5 to 10 chapters long. I'm not going to get into what each arc is, that would be spoiling. If you are looking for OC character I am sorry but I will try to avoid those at all cost, I looked everywhere in the books for a royal Seawing guard and Snail is one of the few I could put into this story without it being too weird, she is a royal guard and I don't know why I even put her in there to be honest, at the very beginning of planning, Peril was just going to kill all the guards that were guarding Webs but I was like, You know what... you get to live because I need filler material. Get ready for a little surprise in this chapter. Anyways like always, I recommend listening to the YouTube playlist I have the url in my profile bio, I am listening to Wherever I May Roam by Metallica. If you haven't figured out yet... I like Metallica, enjoy the chapter.

They have been flying for a few hours know, they were on the way to the diamond spray Delta where they would camp out then fly to the nearest island and island hop their way to the Sea kingdom from there.

The dragonets have studied the map of Pyrrhia before but they still weren't very familiar with the area so they were having Snail lead them to the delta. Said dragon took a little pride in knowing that she was leading six of the most powerful dragons of all time.

The dragonets were in the back of the group discussing something very important while they were flying.

"Don't you think it is a little weird that there are six of us and not five, the prophecy said there would only be five." Argued Glory to the group. "Don't get me wrong I am happy that Peril is alive but the prophecy stated that one of us should not be here... I think there is something going on."

"The nightwing who had the prophecy probably just made a mistake is all, I am sure that it happens every now and then." Starflight tried to defend his species.

Tsunami just frowned at this. "I am not saying it wasn't, all I am saying is that we should at least have it on the back of our minds till it is resolved."

"We need to get on a more important topic." Clay said trying to change the subject not wanting an argument between his friends. "We need to discuss how we end the war."

Sunny nodded in agreement. She didn't care to much for how the prophecy said on how they were going to end the war. She didn't want to have to be forced to kill two of the sandwing queens if they didn't have to. "Ya if the prophecy has already been wrong once, why don't we just scrap the part where it said on how we end the war."

All the dragonets all agreed at this. Now it was just on the how. Starflight got an idea.

"We may be already starting a pretty good plan. It won't matter on who we choose to be queen if we don't have any support from the tribes." Starflight started. "We are already helping the Seawings buy getting their king back, that will definitely get us in their good graces, don't even get me started since apparently the queen is Tsunami's mother, we are sure to get their support after that. Starflight finished his long plan.

All the dragonets thought it sounded like a pretty good idea. "We will eventually have to meet the three sandwing princesses." Glory said.

"From what I heard, it doesn't sound like any of them would be very good queens, they all have their terrible flaws that I could see backlashing and just hurting the kingdom even more." Tsunami said grimmly.

Clay sighed "We will find out that part eventually, let's just get king Gill home for right now."

It was about to get dark, with the sun just on the horizon. They could just see the delta off in the distance, they were still about a day and a half until they got to the edge of the ocean. The diamond spray delta was huge, it had the biggest river system in all of Pyrrhia that stretched almost all the way across Pyrrhia going through three of the tribes.

They all landed in a big opening in the trees to set a camp for the night.

Clay just simply uprooted a dead tree by picking up the earth from underneath it and brought over to them and they broke it into a few pieces, peril poked the middle of it and it was almost instantly a raging inferno.

Gill and Snail just watched shocked because they never got to see Clay or Tsunami use their powers. Gill looked over at his daughter "Tsunami if Clay can control the earth, what can you control?"

Right after Gill said that it started to rain, the fire was about to go out but Tsunami got a grin on her face and turned to her father. "Why don't I show you"

Tsunami whipped one of her claws into the air and the rain around them froze and stopped falling.

The light from the fire that was regaining its size again was glistening off the rain drops that were frozen all around them. It was absolutely stunning because it looked like thousands of tiny little glowing diamonds were floating all around them.

Gill and Snail could only look around in absolute stunned silence at probably one of the most beautiful sights they had ever seen.

Once Gill got over his shock, he quickly turned back around to look at Tsunami "You can control water?"

Tsunamis grin grew even bigger "Yep, I have control of the water." Her smile faded just a hair bit. "Clay, can you please make us some shelter. I can do this all day but I would rather not."

Clay just nodded his head and slammed his back foot into the ground. Four pillars burst out of the ground around them startling Snail into surprise phocos.

Clay started to look like he was phocosing himself when he started to slowly lift up his paw. At first Gill didn't think Clay was doing anything until he started to feel the earth shake just a hair bit. Gill forgot to look up, when he looked up he was shocked to see a huge slab of rock floating above him and slowly lowering onto the four pillars. When the slab made contact there was a quiet boom.

Clay loosened up a little bit after being done and smiled "Done!".

Tsunami flicked her paw and all the raindrops in the makeshift pavilion went flying away like pesky nats. After that Tsunami loosened up too. Controlling a thousand tiny little pieces of water was almost ten times as straining to control as a huge wave.

The group all surrounded the fire, quietly enjoying the warmth the fire produced.

The silence was cut off when Glory asked "Who is going to take first watch tonight?"

Starflight just raised his paw and nominated himself for first watch. The rain was starting to slow down and the clouds moving out showing how bright the moons were out tonight by lighting up the woods around them.

Starflight got an idea, right before everybody goes to sleep, he was going to see if he could find something to eat.

He told the group what he was planning and started to walk out of the pavilion into the brightly lit night. He was only a few dragon lengths out of the pavilion when he started to stumble a little bit like he was suddenly tired.

All the dragonets watched him in confusion at this because they knew he wasn't that tired, he just nominated himself to look out for the night. They were suddenly shocked when Starflight just collapsed right where he was standing. "STARFLIGHT!" they all yelled at the same time scared for him. Dragons especially ones as strong as the dragonets of destiny.

All the dragonets besides Peril who didn't want to catch the woods on fire, ran over to Starflight trying to find out what was wrong with him. They looked all around him finding nothing broken or bleeding. The only thing that was different about Starflight was... his light gray teardrop scale next to his eye was glowing white now.

They tried to wake him us but he wouldn't move a muscle. They picked him up and brought him under the pavilion, and set him not to far away from the fire.

"This... is not good, we are still in hostile territory and Starflight is conked out" Clay echoed out what everybody else was thinking.

"What are we going to do?" Sunny asked worrying for Starflight's wellbeing.

"The only thing we can do is wait until he wakes up, the moment that happens and we make sure he is fine we get to the seakingdom," Tsunami said.

Gill was not pleased. "WHAT! We need to get there as soon as we can, Coral is waiting for me."

Clay didn't like that. "Quiet, the only reason you are even here is because of us, unless you want to go by yourself and get captured again, you are going to wait with us."

Gill was upset and walked over to the far end of the pavilion. Clay was still lightly growling and turned to his friends. "Everybody get some sleep, I will watch first then Tsunami will get next watch." Clay said with his bigwings tone.

Everybody just nodded and went to their own area to sleep for the night. Clay walked over close to Starflight's prone form and guarded over him in case he woke up and needed help while looking out for threats.

When it came time Clay woke Tsunami up and went to sleep for the rest of the night.

Tomorrow morning

Clay woke up with a big yawn and stretched himself out. He looked over to Starflight and saw he was still asleep. Clay just frowned at this. He looked over to Tsunami and saw she was starting to doze off.

He smirked at Tsunami "lazy claws,"he thought to himself. He was just joking to himself, he knew she had to be drop dead tired from coming all the way here and not getting much sleep. He was going to let her sleep all she could for now.

His eyes quickly flipped over to Starflight when he saw him flinch in his sleep. Clay walked over to Starflight and he quietly pocked Starflight trying to wake him up. Clay was shocked when Starflight's eyes shot open.

Starflight shot up clenching his head. There were pictures flying through his head.

A giant dragon standing Infront of him and all his friends. A huge explosion and a flash of light. A group of dragons consisting of an Ice wing, nightwing, sandwing, seawing, and rainwing. The earth was rumbling and a huge dragon bursting out of the ground. And darkness. A lot of darkness.

The pictures were quickly gone and he was still having a killer headache. "What was that!"He thought to himself. He started to hear a voice "Are you ok Starflight?"

Starflight opened his eyes and Clay was standing Infront of him. "Ya Clay, I am fine." Starflight nodded "I just got a killer headache.

Clay sagged in relief "great, that's good" Clay said calmly "You collapsed last night when you started to walk out of the pavilion."

Starflight nodded, he could still remember that. He had just stepped out and his head started to feel like it was splitting open.

All the dragonets started to wake up and his headache suddenly got worse when he all heard them yell "STARFLIGHT IS AWAKE!"

Starflight's paws flew to his head again in pain. "Please don't yell!"

All the dragonets just looked at him in confusion. "We... we didn't say anything." Sunny whispered.

Starflight's eyes shot open bloodshot as he was realizing what was happening. He could hear their thoughts. Should he say something.

He was already feeling guilty already right after that thought. They were all practically brothers and sisters from where they grew up together, they would always worry about him.

Starflight was still hearing their thoughts and it was loud. Gill and Snail had already woken up and their thoughts didn't help either. Starflight slowly stood up and looked at the dragonets "I... I can hear your guy's thoughts."

Clay stumbled back in shock. "Wha... what, I thought you couldn't" he stuttered out in shock.

"I never have been able to... till now anyway." Starflight muttered out to the group.

Sunny smiled at him. "That is great Starflight. I know you have always wanted to be able."

Starflight was shocked that they weren't upset. "You guys are not upset, with me being able to read your thoughts there will practically be no privacy."

Glory just scoffed at that. "Ohh please, like we have any secrets between each other" She smiled faintly remembering some of the embarrassing things that they did as dragonets. "Even if you did here a thought that you shouldn't have heard, we trust you not to tell anybody you shouldn't."

Starflight gave her a slight smile thanking her for her kindness.

"Glory is right, don't worry Starflight, you know I trust you." Clay said.

"And me too." Sunny and Tsunami said at the same time.

"I am not going to lie to you, I don't know you all that well." Peril said. "But I guarantee you that I will learn to trust you too."

Starflight gave her a nod and a slight smile, appreciating her honesty. "Thank you, you guys... this means a lot to me." Starflight said.

Starflight's smile faded when he remembered another thing. "Guys one more thing."

Clay just looked at him and asked him "Ya bud, what is it?"

"I think I can see the future to... I think I can anyway, it was weird." Starflight said confused at his own weird dream he had.

"You can, that's awesome." Clay said quietly but exited, remembering about Starflight's headache. "What did you see?"

"I am not going to lie to you." Starflight said still confused. "I have no idea. First there was this big dragon, then a big explosion, a weird group of dragons who looked angry at us, and another huge dragon bursting out of the ground."

Clay and the rest of the dragonets looked just as confused as Starflight was. "You don't even have a clue what all that could mean, you are the smartest one out of the group."

Starflight shook his head. "Not a clue, I didn't recognize a single one of the dragons in that and I did not recognize where that explosion was at, all I know about the explosion was that it was big enough to blow up a whole mountain and that's fore sure."

Clay was suddenly worried "You said you didn't recognize the area, right?"

"It was definitely nowhere near here, I do know that." Starflight said reassuringly. "It was somewhere really dark."

Clay became relaxed at that. "Good, I can fight against a lot but I have no way to defend against that."

Gill suddenly interrupted them. "As interesting as all this is, can we please get on our way, my wife is waiting for my return home."

Clay sighed "Starflight, are you good enough to fly?"

"Ya my headache is starting to get better now, I think I am starting to get used to this mind reading thing." Starflight answered truthfully.

"Ok then, everybody pack up and let's get on our way." Clay said.

All the dragonets just nodded and packed up the small amount of stuff they had on them like scrolls. They were on their way again in just about five minutes leaving the pavilion behind.

It took them about three hours to get to the edge of the delta and they took a quick rest before they were going to start their way to the first island.

While they were resting Tsunami was standing in the surf enjoying the feeling of the ocean for the first time in her life with a huge smile enjoying the beauty the sea has to offer.

"So how long should it take for us to make it to the Sea kingdom?" Starflight asked the King.

If it was just me and my seawing guards we could be there by the end of tomorrow, but with you having to stop at an island every now and then it will probably take us a little while longer... probably the day after tomorrow.

Starflight just nodded to this and went to spread the news between the dragonets.

They all launched off four the first island that they could see way off in the distance.

Thank you for reading this chapter. I know allot of you are surprised that I gave Starflight mindreading and forseight. But if you go back to chapter to at when the dragonets were born, remember that clay had busted a hole into the roof of the cave where the moonlight shined down on the eggs so Starflight was born under the THREE moons, but I will tell you know, it isnt like darkstalker's powers that he got from the three moons where it made all of his nightwing powers strong. Most of the three moons powers went to mindreading to Starflight making him stupidly strong in that regard, his foresight powers are about average. Starflight's extra strong mindreading powers will come in hand in later chapters, it already showed a little bit by him allready being able to get over the headaches most nightwings get.

Chapter 9: Wasting my Hate

Chapter Text

Welcome to the new chapter. Same stuff as always please review and listen to your favorite rock or metal. Today I am listening to "halo on fire".

Question and answers:

Q: from guest C.O.B:It seems like Sunny's a little underwhelming compared to the rest my question is are you going to try and make it to where she's somewhat like Gaara that she can control sand, but just doesn't know it yet because she's been living under the mountain this whole time surrounded by just Stone?

A: no, the powers that Sunny has now is what she will always be her powers, the only thing that will change is she will get way stronger with it.

Now on to the chapter

It was a pretty nice trip to the sea kingdom. Since they were deep into sea territory, they had absolutely no interference on their trip. They made frequent stops at islands to eat and rest but besides that it was uneventful.

The only thing that was interesting that had happened was a crab pinched Clay's tong when he tried to eat it.

All the dragons teased him about it almost all the way there with him pouting at their constant teasing.

"Clay, I don't even know why you tried to eat that thing, you had just eaten at the last island." Peril said smiling at him.

"It was something different, and king Gill had literally just talked about how nice crab tastes." Clay said still trying to nurse his swollen tongue.

Peril just giggled at him and stared ahead at the island they were flying to. Gill had said that is where the Summer Palace was at along with making sure they would swear under oath that they would never give away its secret location. The location of the summer palace has been kept a secret for over two thousand years.

They were now flying right towards the island that had huge rock walls all around the island with a thick canopy of trees on top of it.

A group of about five seawings was starting to fly towards them, more likely to intercept them and make sure they were not invaders.

Gill dove down to go meet the group of guards. The guards froze in shock when they saw who was coming down to meet them. "King Gill! Hurry one of you go and get the queen." the leader of the guards said. One of the guards dove into the water and left.

Gill smiled at who the lead guard was. "Shark, it's good to see you," Gill said with a smile.

Shark gave him a smile too. "It's good to see you also Gill" Shark then frowned. "Where is the rest of the guards at? You left with a whole Battalion with you."

Gill looked down sadly, a few of those royal guards were his friends that he trusted quite well. "Dead almost all of them, the Skywings had gotten word of our plans and ambushed us at the edge of the rainforest, the only one who made it was Snail."

Gill looked up at the dragonets "Also Shark, make sure you treat those Dragonets with the utmost respect," Gill said while looking back at shark. "They are the reason I am still alive and here."

Shark was about to ask a question but was cut off when Gill started again. "I will give you a story here in a little bit first I am sure they would like to get something to eat and rest." Gill said. "I will tell you the story when my wife gets here."

Shark just nodded to him in respect and waved the dragonets over to him. "Follow me, I will show you where you are staying for your stay."

The dragonets followed him down to the base of the island and hesitated when Shark dove under the water.

"Let's go, I don't want to be left behind." Tsunami said excited and slightly annoyed at everybody's hesitation. She dove into the water.

Starflight shrugged his shoulders "I didn't sense any malice from commander Shark."

They all dove in after that and quickly saw a big opening right under the water line that Tsunami and Shark were swimming into.

There were multiple spots going through the cave where a dragon could swim up and get a breath of air on the way to the main cave. Clay didn't have to stop at any of them with him being a mudwing and being able to hold his breath for a long time, but Glory, Starflight, and especially Sunny had to stop at a few of them.

When the dragonets burst through the other side behind Shark, they were shocked at the sight of the Summer Palace in all of its glory. The summer palace was absolutely stunning with its impossible architecture. It was a big tower that was suspended in the air by four spiraling pillars that went all the way to the top with multiple levels that was being suspended by them.

The summer palace was easily just as big as the Skywing Palace if not even larger. There were seawings and even a few sandwings flying around the palace, leaving and landing on some of the levels of the palace.

"Wow!" was all the dragonets could say as they took in the sight in awe. Shark turned back to them and gave them a proud smile. "You are all making history. Most of you are the first of your dragon's species that have laid eyes on this place," Shark said proud of his tribe.

They all quickly flew to the top level of the pavilion. Shark stood Infront of them "This is where you shall wait for the queen, she should be here in a few minutes." Shark finished and dove down the pavilion, more than likely going to go do other duties.

Clay turned to Tsunami "Are you excited," Tsunami gave him a partially worried look "Yes, but what if she doesn't like me." Clay gave a confident smile.

"I am sure she will love you, she is your mother." Clay's smile grew even farther "And, you also saved your dad." Tsunami turned away to look at Gill.

"Trust me, when your egg went missing, she raised hell all over the seakingdom to look for you." Gill said giving her a small smile.

Tsunami was still worried partially, she was worried that she would not meet her mother's expectations and would be disappointed in her.

Her thoughts were cut off when the water exploded and a dark blue dragon shot out of the water and went straight up to the visitor level where they were at.

"This is it, I finally get to meet my mother."Tsunami thought to herself. The blue dragon landed on the pad and she was noticeably quite a bit bigger than her.

She ran straight at Gill and tackled him. "GILL, you're ok!" the queen said happily hugging him. She let go of him "How did you escape from Scarlet's arena, nobody ever escapes from that arena.

Gill gave her a smile and wrapped his tail around Coral's lovingly. "Why don't you ask your daughter and her friends."

Coral turned around to look at the new dragons in the room and her eyes landed on the seawing who looked strikingly a lot like a younger version of herself. It actually shocked her a little bit because all of her children looked either like her husband or a mix of her and Gill. "Are you sure" Coral whispered.

"Yes, she was the egg that was stolen from us by Webs." Gill said frowning remembering that his Webs life was spared. "She has the royal markings on her and everything."

Tsunami herd what Gill was talking about and lit her wings up so Coral could see the proof. Coral was shocked when she saw the royal markings.

Coral didn't miss a beat when she realized who Tsunami was and dashed at Tsunami, when she reached her, she wrapped her in a hug.

Tsunami swore that the wetness she felt on her face was not her crying.

"I have been looking for you for years now." Coral said raising her head from her hug looking down at Tsunami.

"Where have you been, after that traitor stole your egg we searched everywhere for you?"

Tsunami gave her mother a sad look. "You might not believe this but Webs never meant any harm to anybody."

Coral hissed at his name being mentioned in anything but hate. "I don't care, he is a traitor to his tribe and he stole my egg."

"He meant well mother bye stealing my egg." Tsunami continued "If it wasn't for him the-"

Tsunami was cut off when Coral saw the other dragonets in the room. "What are they doing in my palace, guards execute them at once."

Gill stood Infront of the dragonets who were standing there unimpressed at the threat in Infront of them. They could kill everybody in ten seconds and nobody but them would know what had happened. "Now Coral, I would rather you not do that to these dragons." Gill said giving her a stern stare.

"And why would I care what happens to them?" Coral said glaring at Gill.

"Because they saved me from Scarlet and they have gained my trust." Gill said glaring back at her "If they wanted to kill me or get the secret location to this place, then they could have done that hours ago."

Coral's glare never went away "So what, they could just be spies trying to get into your good graces."

Gill got a big grin on his face. "I know for sure they are not spies, do you happen to know who this group of dragons are?"

Coral gave him a confused look then looked over at the group of dragonets, Tsunami walked over and sat next to them still smiling. "No... should I?"

"You don't happen to recall a certain... Prophecy, would you?" Gill said, still grinning.

Coral's eyes grew in size at what she heard "Wait, you are saying they are the dragonets of destiny." then she was confused "Wait a minute, there are supposed to be five dragonets not six, who is the rainwing?"

Clay spoke up "Trust me, we are confused to... it's a long story, but we know for sure she is one of us too."

Coral got a doubtful look on her face and just shrugged her shoulders "Whatever, but I want to hear your story, as an author I love hearing good stories, especially one that gets my husband back to me."

A voice muttered back behind Coral, "Mom, when are we going to go back."

Coral got a surprised look on her face and looked back to Tsunami "Tsunami I forgot something." turning around and moved over a little bit. "I would like you to meet your younger sister, Anemone"

When Coral moved over there was a dragonet around two years old that pale blue scales and white-pink scales.

Tsunami walked over to Anemone and Coral left them so Tsunami could get to know her without her interference or presence. Coral walked Infront of the remaining dragonets and gave them a firm look. "Look, I am grateful on what you have done, but remember this... while you are here you will obey my rules... do you got that."

All of them nodded their heads yes "Yes queen Coral." Starflight said with all the others still nodding.

Coral then smiled at them "Good, I know that we may have got off on the wrong claw, but I would like to invite you all as honored guests for your time here."

"Thank you that would be nice," Starflight answered back.

"Good, I will have somebody take you to your guest rooms and get you something to eat." Coral said walking back to her daughters with Gill walking next to her.

"So, what do you think Starflight?" Clay asked turning to Starflight who was standing next to him.

Starflight gave him a slight nod, "She was being genuine with wanting to invite us as honored guests, but she was a little annoyed because of you being a mudwing and all that."

"Understandable with them being at war against them." Clay said then smiling "I tell you what I am looking forward to is the food."

Starflight looked at him with a slight smile "Clay, is all you think of food."

Clay nodded and said "That and you guys." Starflight gave him a kind smile in thanks.

A servant came up to take them to their room. Tsunami started to follow them looking down a little sadly, leaving her parents. Clay gave her a slight wave with his paw "Go and get to know them." Tsunami gave him a grateful smile and dove into the water with her parents.

The servant continued and took them to their room. Their room was around the middle of the palace, it was placed in the wall of the island palace. Their room was pretty big, easily able to fit all of them. The room also had a few shelves and even a table inside of it.

"Thank you," Sunny said to the seawing. The seawing nodded "Your food will be here shortly after it is finished." right after the seawing said that he left.

Allright that will be a wrap for this chapter for now. I know it is short but I have it short for a reason. This part is probably going to be hard to write because I never had a plan for it in the first place which was stupid for me. I always had a plan for the beginning and the end, never the middle part. Not that we are in the middle if I think about it. This is going to be a long series. This is going to be difficult because it was one of my least popular books, so I am going to try to rush through it. It will feel like that until we get to the fourth book, that is when it gets real. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the chapter, comment please, it helps.

Chapter 10: Peace Sells

Chapter Text

Welcome back to the new chapter. Do you guys like my new Cover photo, I hope you do. As always, sit back and listen to your favorite hard rock song or metal. Today I am listening to "Unforgiven two" by Metallica. I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Clay was eating some type of fish while Starflight was reading one of the scrolls he took with him. Glory and Sunny were talking with Peril trying to get to know her a little bit better.

It did not take them too long for them to learn that besides Peril's life as Scarlet's champion, she lived a very boring life. Since Peril had fire scales, she didn't really get too much. And with her being an executioner and all... well let's just say that didn't make her very popular in getting friends. The only thing she could talk about was all the stupid stuff she caught Scarlet doing because Peril was around her so much.

"I am not joking, if you were actually around Scarlet that much you would realize that she is actually not that smart. I mean just look at me, she kept me alive even though she knew who and what I was thinking she would be able to get away with controlling me with tricks." Peril said while shaking her head.

Peril then got a grin on her face "And let's not even talk about her obsession with weird pets, Scarlet once personally went to a scavenger den and caught a few of scavengers." Peril continued slightly chuckling at the memory. "She was so proud of herself that she even built them a little pin and everything. She let them out and without a second to spare, one of the scavengers stabbed her tail and they all ran away," Peril then started to laugh out loud with all the other dragonets giggling at the image. "If I remember correctly, all the scavengers escaped too. Scarlet was pissed, where the scavenger stabbed her, it made it to where she couldn't fly for almost two weeks."

All the dragonets were laughing out loud at this point, even Starflight stopped reading his scroll and was laughing at what Peril was saying. "Oh, three moons, I would have loved to see that," Glory wheezed out.

"Yea, it was probably one of the greatest days of my life, right up until I got to meet you guys obviously."

Once everybody calmed down Clay asked the big question "Do any of you guys know what we are going to do when Tsunami gets back?"

Everybody just looked at each other and just shrugged their shoulders. "Not a clue." Peril said.

"I guess we just wait and see how everything here plays out then we go from there." Sunny continued on.

"Is there anything we can do while we wait?" Glory said impatiently.

"Not really," Starflight sighed "I hope Tsunami is having a good time."


"I don't care if you think he is handsome or not, he has pedo written all over his face and he is creepy!" Tsunami yelled at her mother with Whirlpool standing behind her

"That's not true, it's not true is it Gill?" Coral asked Gill who was standing there bored out of his mind.

"He looks like he stalks little girls," Gill said flatly with Whirlpool giving him his are you freaking kidding me, look.

Coral looked over at Anemone "Is that true?" Anemone gave her an annoyed glare. "I have literally caught him stalking us before."

Back with the Dragonets

"Ya, I am sure that she is having a good time," Starflight said while nodding at the thought of Tsunami with her family.

"What are we going to do if Blister shows up while we are here?" Sunny asked everybody.

"Even know that we know for sure we could kill her easily, we probably shouldn't until we get a good judge of her and the other two." Glory said with Starflight nodding in agreement.

"I truly don't think killing them is the answer to the prophecy, even know it said it is," Sunny said frowning at the thought.

"We more than likely won't kill them unless they attack us first, at that point it would be just self-defense." Starflight said "But if what we heard about all of them "Burn will definitely strike at us first, Blaze probably won't, and Blister is a wild card."

Everybody was quiet after that thinking about the situation until Sunny brightened up a little bit.

"I think that we should try to get them all together and let the Sandwings do a vote," Sunny said brightly.

Starflight just shook his head "That would be perfect and would more than likely work if we got past the issue of getting them together." Starflight sighed then continued "They don't need to do that because they have all the tribes fighting for them, they don't have to do hardly anything besides sit back and watch the war."

Starflight then shook his head again "I am willing to bet, that even if we do let the sandwings vote it won't go that great. They will all get tied in votes, then there will still be war between the sandwings."

Glory's eyes grew in size when a thought came to her. "If it was just the sandwings fighting... they would be the only casualties, they could face a species-wide extinction if they don't have others help them in their fight.

Starflight just gave her a confirming nod. "And I am starting to see an issue with us just going around to get to see how the three princesses are, we would have them do a fake it till you make it."

Clay gave him a confused look. "When we would be watching them to judge them if they knew they would either fake it to make it look like they would be a pretty good queen or just straight up try to kill us," Starflight answered his look.

Clay then understood what he meant "So how do we get around that issue?"

"Simple, we will watch and listen," Starflight then smiled at him "We will go around and see what people think about them, we will watch and see if they do some obvious red flags, like war crimes or something like that."

Everybody nodded at Starflight thinking his idea was pretty good, "sounds good to me".

Peril then asked the next question "Ok, I love that idea it sounds simple and easy... but, what are we going to do about all the tribes fighting and killing each other, we can't just let that keep happening," Peril asked frowning.

Starflight still smiling gave her an answer. "That's the thing, we are already starting step one in that part, I have another idea... We convince all the tribes to stop fighting for the three sandwings"

Sunny jumped at starflight and wrapped him up in a hug "Starflight that would be perfect" Starflight blushed when Sunny hugged him and gave him the compliment.

Sunny let go of him and gave him a confused look. "But how would we convince them to stop fighting, heck... most of the offerings that the sanding's gave was straight up land."

"Any way we can, bribery, blackmail, or just straight up convincing them if we have to," Starflight said grimly.

Glory shrugged her shoulders "Seems like a good idea to me." everybody just nodded and agreed with Starflight's plan.

Everybody was quiet after that, pondering random thoughts. "I guess now we just wait for Tsunami" Starflight finished.

With Tsunami

Tsunami was glad that she found her mother, she really was... but this, this was hellishly boring. She was bored out of her mind as her mother was bragging about her books to Tsunami. She was not alone on this, Gill was standing there looking like he was about to fall asleep standing up. He more than likely had practice with this. Anemone was sleeping behind her mother, still with that tether attached to her "I wonder what that is for"

Whirlpool on the other hand was being a suck-up and positively commenting at everything Coral said.

"Three moons please release me from this boredom with the sweet relief of anything else," Tsunami thought drooping and zoning out of what Coral was saying.

A seawing guard burst through the doors Waking up Anemone, who shot to her feet startled. Webs and Tsunami straitening up a little bit.

"Queen Coral, we have an issue," The guard said to the queen.

"Yawn... what is it," Coral answered, not bothered at all by how distressed the guard was making Tsunami frown.

"We found a dead dragon on the island closest to this one," The guard said grimly.

Coral still looking through her scrolls "That's sad, send the dragon's family my condolences," she said dismissively.

"My queen... it was a Skywing," with that Coral stood up straight and focused. "This close to here, how?"

"We do not know my queen, we just found the body and she looks like she has been dead for days." the guard said.

"Take me there," The queen said getting up and following the guard out of the palace with Tsunami, Gill, and Anemone following.

They all dove into the water, heading to the Summer palace exit. This was the first time Tsunami took a trip under the water. She only had enough time to take a few dips in the ocean on the way here. She was nowhere near as fast as everybody else, slowly falling behind them.

She was getting slowly annoyed, at the thought that her little sister was even going faster than her. "Wait a minute" Tsunami had a grin come to her face at the idea. She started to pay attention to the water around her focusing on how it was flowing in random ways. "All I need it to do is just push me a certain way and-"she was cut off at an audible swoosh as she shot forward without even having to move her tail, already almost to her mother.

She made the water slow down a little bit and stopped speeding up right next to her mother.

The rest of the trip was pretty uneventful with it only being a straight shot to the island.

They made it to the island, it had noticeably huge rock cliffs all around it, tall but nowhere near as tall as the island the Summer palace was on.

The guard flapped up to the flat above the beach, Coral, Anemone, and Gill flapped up to him where the body was. Tsunami stayed on the beach, knowing that whatever was going on was none of her business. She just watched from a distance. Coral looked at the body in disgust, Gill on the other hand stumbled back in shock with his eyes growing wide.

"Tsunami, you might want to see this!" Gill yelled down to her. Tsunami frowned in thought before flying up there. "What does this have to do with me"

She knew immediately what Gill was talking about when she saw the body. It was Kestrel. Like Gill, she stumbled back in pure shock. Kestrel had died what appeared a very gruesome death, with her throat being slashed open, and a huge gaping hole through her chest.

"Tsunami... isn't that Peril's mother?" Gill asked sadly. "Yes, yes it is." Tsunami answered with her head down in respect. Kestrel may not have been the nicest dragon ever, but she did raise them and teach them how to fight. Tsunami then lifted her head "Father, pin respect. Kestrel may not have been the nicest dragon ever, but she did raise them and teach them how to fight. Tsunami then lifted her head "Father, please tell mother who this is, I must go inform my friends at once," she finished and quickly launched into the air and dove back down into the water.

Tsunami did not waste any time and formed the water around her. This time she didn't hold back on how fast she went. If you were to catch a glimpse of her as she was going, you would have had no idea what it was. Tsunami was back to the palace in just around three minutes.

She quickly shot through the entrance of the island and went straight to where her friends were staying.

She landed on the floor of the cave her friends were staying in. Clay shot up from where he was sitting, he ran over to her giving her a questioning look. "Tsunami, I didn't think you would be back so soon"

Tsunami looked down trying to think of a way to bring Kestrel's death up. "Tsunami... is everything ok?" Clay said concerned "You're not hurt are you?"

"Clay I am fine, it's just...Peril, Kestrel is dead." Tsunami said with everybody gasping in shock.

"What do you mean Kestrel is dead, how would you know?" Clay asked.

"I was with my mother listening to her rant about her stories, a guard came in and said they found a dead Skywing, we went to the body and it was Kestrel." Tsunami finished.

Peril sucked in a deep breath and muttered "Can you please take me to her?"

Tsunami just quietly nodded and turned to the exit with the other dragonets following.

It was probably the most depressing flight she has experienced yet with nobody saying a single word.

When they made it to the island, Coral, Gill, and Anemone had allready left. Peril sat down right next to the body with the dragonets sitting behind her. "What do we do?" Sunny asked starting to tear up.

"It's Skywing tradition to say a few words and then burn the body, something about releasing the dragon's spirit and letting them fly freely." Peril muttered out sadly still looking down at her dead mother.

Everybody was quiet at first trying to think on what to say. "I guess I will start." Glory muttered.

"Kestrel... Kestrel was not always the nicest dragon in the mountain, when I was younger, she would bully me first for being a Rainwing, and she would go extra hard on me in training," Glory frowned at the various memories "But, then came the day I beat her training for the first time, after that she started to insult me less and actually started to respect me, after that... she slowly actually started showing kindness in her own way, by either giving me advice or making small conversations," Glory finished awkwardly.

Clay started next "I know I am speaking for almost everybody here, she was not always the nicest dragon, but she was the closest thing to a mother that I had, she would teach us how to do basic things, she trained us in how to defend ourselves."

Tsunami, Sunny, and Starflight just nodded at this agreeing with what Clay said.

It was then Peril's turn, she took in a deep breath before starting, "I... I didn't get to know much about her," Peril paused before continuing. "The short amount of time I got to talk to her was some of the favorite times of my life up until now, all I ever known before I met her was Scarlet," There was a slight sizzling noise she could hear now, she was crying. "When I first met my mother, it showed me I had a choice to be who I wanted to be." Perils breath rattled after that. "I promised that I would get to know you after the war, I won't get to do that now."

Peril bent down to her mother's body. "I will miss you," Peril bent down and hugged her mother's corpse. It wasn't even ten seconds and her mother was nothing besides a pile of ash being blown into the wind.

Peril dint say anything, just looked down at the ground thinking. Clay came up beside her. "Peril do you need anything?"

Peril lifted her head, Clay saw something that he had never seen from her yet. Pure, unadaulterd, rage.

"Tsunami, do you know who did this?" Peril asked turning to look at her.

"No, I am sorry Peril, when I got here, she had been dead for days and I went straight to you leaving my mother here."

Peril then remembered something "She had a hole in her chest, a sandwing killed her" Peril was even angrier now, she didn't know anybody who was a sandwing besides Sunny, and she wouldn't kill Kestrel.

"I don't know who killed mom... but whoever did it is going to die a very, very painful death."

Chapter 11: But who's Buying


lol coral need money

Chapter Text

I am starting to realize something... I really need to get a beta or go back over everything every now and then. My spelling and punctuation is terrible. If you would like to beta for me, pm me. I am sorry I am updating so slowly, college is not easy. As always, listen to some heavy rock and metal. I am listening to "wasting my hate” by Metallica. Welcome back and enjoy.

The flight back to the palace was depressing. They had never had to deal with anything like this before. They had never lost anybody close to them before.

Peril was silently crying to herself while raging inside. She just lost her mother to a murderer and she had no idea on who to take her anger out on. Nobody even had the slightest clue on who the murderer was. They only knew two sandwings and that was Dune, and Sunny, and they definitely never would kill Kestrel.

Peril’s thoughts were broken when she heard Starflight speak “Tsunami, I know right now probably isn’t the best time to talk about this but, we think we came up with a plan to end the war.”

“What is your idea?” Tsunami asked genuinely curious at what they came up with.

“We were thinking, we were going to try to scout out all the queens to try to get a judge of who would be best queen.” Tsunami frowned and was about to say something but was cut off when Starflight continued, “Yes I know that won't solve the bloodshed in the fights going on, but we have a plan to fix that and it partially involves you for the first step.” Starflight finished, waiting for a response from Tsunami.

“Let me hear it” Tsunami said shortly, Starflight just nodded, “We were trying to come up with an idea to stop the killing between the tribes, and what better way than to convince them to stop fighting.” Starflight paused slightly smiling at the confused look on Tsunami’s face, “We were going to ask you to try and talk your mother out of the war.”

Tsunami was shocked at what he said, “WHAT, what do you mean try and talk mom out of the war!” Tsunami said very loudly, “How in the three moons would I do that?”

Starflight shrugged his shoulders, “Any way you can, preferably just try to talk her out of it, from what I know the seawings are hardly getting anything out of this war.” Starflight paused for a quick second thinking of something, “Actually, I have no idea on why the seawings are even fighting.”

Tsunami got a confused look, “Really... I thought I just missed a history lesson from Webs and didn’t listen when he was going over about the seawings side in the war.”

Starflight shook his head “Nope, I never heard why the seawings fight.”

Everybody else shook their heads too when Tsunami looked to them. They had no idea why the seawings fought either.

Tsunami sighed in annoyance, “I guess I will have to ask her.”

“Please do that, if you find out why the seawings are even in the war to begin with, you might be able to talk them out of it.” Starflight said confidently.

Tsunami nodded agreeing with what Starflight said “What are you guys going to do while I am gone?” She asked while getting up getting ready to leave.

“Going to try to find out who killed Kestrel.” Starflight answered sadly.

Tsunami was at the front of the cave now getting ready to launch off, “If you guys find out who the killer is before I get back, please wait before you do anything.”

“No promises,” Peril said dangerously. Tsunami just nodded once again and dove into the water.

Tsunami was in the water thinking to herself “What in the three moons could have happened to have Mom join the war, besides a straight-out attack on the sea kingdom, there should be no reason to join.”

Her thoughts were cut off when she saw the deep palace not too far away. There were two guards at the entrance to the palace, “Who goes there?” one of the guards flashed.

Thank goodness that Webs taught me how to speak aquatic, I wouldn’t have a clue what they were saying if he didn’t.” Tsunami thought. She looked to the guard that asked her the question “I am princess Tsunami, I am here to talk to my mother.”

The guard smiled at her “Ahh, you are the missing princess I have been hearing about.” the guard nodded, “I just need you to do one thing, I need you to give me proof of who you are.”

“Ehhh... how do I do that?” Tsunami asked sheepishly. The guard gave her a kind smile “Just show us the royal pattern on your wings.”

“Ooohhh, ok” Tsunami flared her wings open and lit them up, showing the royal pattern.

The guard nodded in confirmation “Right on in, I hope you enjoy your stay here princess Tsunami.”

“Thank you” Tsunami flashed as she swam into the palace. She suddenly became flustered, “I don’t know anything about the palace and where mom is”.

She quickly spotted a guard that was about to leave the palace. She quickly swam over to the guard, “May I ask you a question?”

“Yes mam!” the guard with sky blue scales flashed quickly. “Do you happen to know where my mother, Queen Coral is at?”

“Yes, your majesty, please follow me.” the guard said before starting to deeper into the palace. Tsunami followed him into the palace it didn’t take them too long to make it to where the queen was.

The queen was sitting behind a table, writing something with a small smile on her face. Gill was sitting behind her looking bored out of his mind.

Coral lifted her head to see who was there, her smile on her face became even bigger “Tsunami!” she brightly flashed and immediately started quickly swimming over to her. She dove into Tsunami and wrapped her in a tight hug.

“Oh, my little Princess is finally home where she belongs.” Coral flashed happily.

Coral let go of Tsunami, “So, what do you think of it?”

“Think of what?” Tsunami flashed confused what her mother was talking about.

“The palace of course, what do you think of it?” Coral asked with the smile never leaving her face.

“Ohh” Tsunami started with a blush to her face, “Its very beautiful... and big”

Coral giggled a little bit “That it is, when I was first able to wander around on my own when I was little, I would get lost every now and then.” her gaze then landed on the guard and her smile disappeared.

“What is he doing here” Coral flashed with her teeth gnashed together.

“The guard?” Tsunami started, “I didn’t know where you were so I asked him and he led me to you.”

“Well, he can leave now!” Coral brightly flashed. The guard just nodded his head and turned around and left.

To say Tsunami was a little bothered by that would be an understatement, “Mom, why did you do that, he seemed pretty kind to me?”

“Because he deserves the hate he gets, Tsunami, I don’t want to see you around him, ok” Coral flashed to her.

“Sure” was what came out of her mouth, but she was actually thinking “Not unless you give me a reason.”

Corla nodded her head happy at Tsunami’s response “Good”, the smile on Coral’s face came back in earnest. “Come over here, I have something to show you.”

Tsunami walked over to where her mother was leading her and looked down at the table they stopped at. There was a bunch of scrolls with writing on them. “What are they?”

“They are my stories.” Coral said giddy, hoping that at least one of her children would take a liking to her stories.

“Ohh cool, I didn’t know you were an author” Tsunami said honestly surprised at this. “Once Starflight learns about this, he won't ever shut up till I ask mom some questions on the stories she writes.”

What are you writing right now?” Tsunami flashed.

“I am writing a story on how me and your father meant.” Coral answered reminiscing over the time she got to meet Gill.

“Cool” Was all that Tsunami flashed to the answer that she was given.

Tsunami then remembered what she came there for. “Mom, as much as I would love to talk about the stories that you have written, I have a few things that we have to talk about.”

Corals giddy smile faltered a little bit at this, “Ohh... ok.”

Tsunami sighed at the conversation she was about to have “Ok... do you have any idea on who killed that skywing that was killed on that island close to here, this is quite important, she was a pretty good friend to me and my friends, she was also Peril’s mother, and she is pissed.” Tsunami frowned again remembering something, “We do know that it was a sandwing that killed her.”

Coral then frowned after Tsunami finished talking, “I am sorry Tsunami, but we have not spotted any sandwings in the area, the only sandwing that I even know that is even remotely close to here is Blister, and she isn't due her next visit till a couple more days.”

Tsunami sighed not very happy at the answer she was given, “Ok, that’s fine, but Peril would like an answer on who murdered her mother pretty soon.”

“Sorry I cant give an answer.” Coral said a little sadly, understanding how Peril feels. That is how she came into power, somebody murdered her mother after all.

“It's fine, it's not your fault that we don’t know who the killer is.” Tsunami flashed. “I have one last question.”

Coral just nodded her head waiting for the question.

“Why did you join the war?” Tsunami asked carefully, knowing this could a rude question.

Coral sighed, “That is a question with a long answer.”

“This is a very important one, this is going to have a big deal on how we deal with the war.” Tsunami flashed. “Also, none of my friends even have an idea why you are in the war.”

“Of course, only the people on the high council even have a clue why we are fighting.” Coral said grimly.

“Not many people outside of the sea kingdom know this besides Blister, but the Sea kingom is in a hard spot right now.”

“Why is that?” Tsunami asked now genuinely curios.

“Do you know what the sea kingdom's main exports are in trade?’

Tsunami scrunched up her face trying to remember “If I remember right, its palm wood, perils, fish, tropical fruit, and ink.”

“You are correct, what most people don’t know, is it is actually illegal to even try and export metal out of here.” Coral flashed to Tsunami.

“Wait, really?” Tsunami asked surprised.

“Yep, that has actually been a law before even my mother was alive” Coral said remembering the important law. “the thing that Seawings have always struggled the most in is obtaining metal materials, it doesn’t help that if certain metals are not painted right, they will just rust away.” Coral paused before she continued.

“But the worst part of it is we have no good way to even get any mines” almost all the islands we have here in the sea kingdom are either to tiny to mine or are always under attack by other tribes.” Coral finally stoped waiting to see what Tsunami’s reaction would be.

“So I am going to guess Blister offered you some land if you helped her in the war?” Tsunami guessed.

Coral nodded “Precisely, we were offered, if we win we would get some of the Sky kingdoms land, thus ending an issue that the Sea Kingdom has been suffering for hundreds of years.”

“Now that you say it, I just now noticed almost every guard has some type of natural weapon on them, like narwhal spears, and weapons made out of shark teeth.” Tsunami flashed.

“Yep, only the higher ups even get armor or metal weapons.” Coral flashed while nodding.

“Hmm, I see... so if me and my friends were able to solve this issue, would you quit the war and stop fighting?”

Coral started to laugh, not that you could tell unless you seen her with the water muting her laugh, “Would I quit the war, my gosh if you could find out how to fix that issue, I would kick Blister to the curb while laughing the whole time, we have been losing more in this war so far than gaining.”

Tsunami sighed in relief “Ohh thank the moons, that helps out a whole lot with our plans to end the war”

“You still have to solve the issue first.” Coral said sternly.

“Me and my friends will work on it, and I am sure we will find a way to fix your problem.” Tsunami said confidently.

“I hope you do.” Coral said, “Of course it won't matter pretty soon, Anemone is working on a sure-fire way to fix the same problem.” Coral flashed with a confident look on her face.

“Really... how?” Tsunami asked shocked that her little sister would be able to fix the complicated problem.

“Go ask her yourself, tell her that I gave her permission to tell you her secret, she will know what I am talking about.” Coral finished while turning back to her work. “She is in her room, which is down the hall second room on the right.”

Tsunami nodded while turning to leave “Thanks mom, you have no idea how much this helps.”

Tsunami quickly swam over to her sister's room and knocked on the door. It wasn’t even a moment when she heard Anemone say “Come in”.

She opened up the door and Anemone was laying down in her bead. Anemones room wasn’t the cleanest but not the most dirty room either, there were a few scrolls scattered on the desk. “Hey Anemone, how you doing?”

“Ohh, pretty good, its still nice to know that I have a living sister.”

“Yeah, same, ohh hey I was asking mom on why she joined the war, so I asked her If we solved that issue if she would quit the war which she agreed, but she said that you were already working on it.” Tsunami paused before she remembered what to tell Anemone, “She told me that you could tell me her secret.”

Anemone just nodded, “Ok, do you want me to be blunt or try to explain it to you?”

Tsunami got a smile on her face liking her options “Blunt please”

“Ok... I'm an animus.” Anemone flashed.

“You're a what?” Tsunami said confused

Anemone started to giggle “I knew I was going to have to explain it to you”

Tsunami just started to grumble “Fine, explain it to me”

(Look, I am way to lazy to write downt all the specifics of how animus magic works, and you allready know, so we are going to skip this part) thank you.

Wow...” Was all that Tsunami could flash.

“Ya, wow.” Anemone said back.

“If you didn’t have that one drawback on your soul, you would be invincible.” Tsunami flashed lightly.

“Yep.” is all that Anemone flashed.

“Its crazy to think that the one person in this world that is more powerful than me and my friends would be you, my little sister” Tsunami flashed amazed at her little sister.

“What do you mean?” Anemone flashed with curios look on her face.

“Ohh yeah, I never showed you did I” Tsunami flashed with a slight grin on her face. Tsunami slightly flared her wings abit and all the water in Anemone’s room started to leave via the door. “This is what I can do.” Tsunami said while slightly focusing on keeping the sea water out of her room.

“Holy-” Anemone was cut off when Tsunami let all the water rush back into her room.

“Cool right?” Tsunami flashed with a co*cky grin on her face.

“Yes, that’s cool” Then Anemone got a look on her face “And there is no draw backs?”

“None, that I am aware.” Tsunami said while still grinning “Just makes me a little bit tired if I do it all day with large amounts of water.”

“Freaking awesome” Anemone said awed at her sister's power. “Are you the only one that can do that?”

“Too my knowledge yes” Tsunami said. “My friends also have control over some type of power, I'll have to show you some time.”

“Why not know?” Anemone said while getting up.

“Really? Mom is just going to let you leave like that?” Tsunami said surprised.

“Ohhh, trust me, she used to not even let me leave her sight.” Anemone said while frowning. “I gained some independence when I solved a mystery in the palace.”

“What was that?” Tsunami asked curios.

“A long time ago, we had an older sister who was also a animus, she enchanted a statue in the hatchery that would kill all of our sisters right before they hatched.”

Tsunami paled realizing that if she wasn’t kidnaped, she would be dead. “Holy crap, I need to thank Webs when I see him again”

Tsunami then regained her composer “Do you know why she did that?”

“Not a clue, probably to get rid of any successors” Anemone paused remembering the grim story her mom told her “All I know is that Orca challenged mom and was killed during the challenge.”

“Jeez” Was all that Tsunami said before shaking her head remembering what they were about to do. “Let's go, I want to introduce you to all my friends.” Tsunami said while dashing out the bedroom door with Anemone behind her.

Guys I am so sorry that this took this much time to update, college has been rough on me with a really tough class, also its fall now and I am always busiest during the fall with how much stuff I do as an outdoorsman. I hope you liked my reasoning why Anemone had a bit more freedom. Also, if you are wondering why Coral isn't as umm crazy, it's because I would think with her husband around, it would keep her kind of grounded.

Chapter 12: not a rock


birth of an island

Chapter Text

Wow, over three thousand views already. As of November 27th2022, my fanfic is over three thousand views, as I am writing this fic, we are at three thousand three hundred twenty-seven views. Thanks guys.


SnowFlakeGuest: just writing this because i found out you can't know i'm reading this unless i post a review

Mc: Thanks, I wish you had an actual profile so I could thank you proper.

You guys see the new Metallica song drop just a couple of days ago, it's called "Lux Æterna". It's an absolute banger of a song, but it's not the song for today. Not going to lie, right after the song was released, I picked up my guitar and started to try and learn how to play it. I already have what chapter that song will be taking. The song for today was going to be "Leper Messiah", but I realized that song could be used in a way better way for a way later chapter. I couldn't really find a song for this chapter that fit, so I guess go listen to whatever you want to (you more than likely have anyway.)

The trip back up to the summer palace was pretty short now that Tsunami knew which way to go. She was slightly bigger than Anemone, thus being a little bit faster, so she burst through the water first, heading straight to where her friends were.

She quickly flapped just right above the landing spot to the cave where her friends were staying, and dropped down landing on it. Her sister was right behind her.

"Tsunami your back, that didn't take you as long as I thought it would." Starflight said looking up from the scroll he was reading before she left.

"Trust me, I got some good news" Tsunami said while moving over so Anemone could sit next to her. "Guys, I would like to introduce you to my sister Anemone."

Her introduction got a response of everybody saying "hi, yo, hello" from everybody. "Anemone, the mudwing's name is Clay, he is the oldest of the group while being the most physically strong out of the group" Tsunami said while Clay waved hi while waving.

"The skywing over there, her name is Peril, she is the newest one of the group, we met up with her while rescuing our dad from the sky kingdom, we do know for a certain that she is a dragonet of destiny though, also don't touch her, she is nice but she has firescales." Peril just gave Anemone a slight nod with a smile on her face, still being a little bit uncomfortable with not being hated by just about everybody around her.

"The rainwing is Glory, she is full of personality" Tsunami said cracking a grin.

"Say's you, your personality is if I hit it hard enough, it will work." Glory said amused.

"And the ball of sunshine over there is Sunny, don't let her kind nature fool you though, she is probably the best claw to claw combatant out of all of us with her speed her tiny frame gives her." Tsunami said while Sunny also waved to Anemone.

"And that leaves us with our little groups nightwing Starflight, if you have any questions just about anything, ask Starflight, he will more than likely have a answer to your problem." Tsunami finished her introduction.

"nice to meet you all" Anemone said with a smile on her face.

"Tsunami, not that it isn't cool to get to meet your sister or anything, but what is the good news?" Starflight asked.

"The good news is that we have a way to get the seawings out of the war!" Tsunami said excitedly.

Everybody stood up in excitement, knowing the fact that their plan was already working. "Really" Just about everybody said at the same time.

"Yep, mom told me the reason she joined the war and what we need to do to get her out of it, she said that she would gladly quit the war... as long as we fix what got her into the war into the first place."

Now everybody was a little bit worried, they didn't want to have to kill anybody if they didn't have to. "Well... what do we have to do?" Sunny asked what everybody was thinking.

"It has to do with why they joined the war, metal" Tsunami said.

"What do you mean, metal?" Starflight asked confused what Tsunami said.

"Believe it or not, but apparently for hundreds of years, the seawing have had a hard time keeping metal materials" Tsunami said.

Starflight eyes grew in realization "That makes so much sense, I even remember reading a few stories from seawings writing down how it was such a treat to get anything made out of metal" Starflight said remembering a few of the scrolls he read when he was younger. "I am going to guess that the Seawings were promised something to do with metal if they helped Blister win the war."

Tsunami nodded her head, "Yep, mom told me that Blister promised her a small chunk of the skywing's territory if they won."

"So if we get them a decent way to get metal, the seawing would leave the war" Sunny said happy that the reason the seawings were in the war wasn't personal.

"Yep, mom said that if we could do that then I quote 'Kick Blister to the curb"" Tsunami said with a grin. Everybody was laughing at the mental picture and even Glory was giggling.

"Allright... so how we going to do it?" Clay asked after he was done laughing.

"I think I already got an idea" Starflight said while looking to Clay with an amused look, "Clay, we never really got to test out how truly powerful you were with your powers did we?"

Clay realized what Starflight wanted him to do. "Not really, been too busy to see what I could really do at my max".

"I think you guys already got an idea for what my plan is..." Starflight said with a grin never leaving his face.

A little while later

"So... how do you think our daughter is going to solve the problem?" Gill asked his wife.

"I don't even have an idea, she didn't seem like it would be too big of an issue on what I gave her." Coral said confused.

"I am confident oh her and her friends, you didn't get to see what they could do." Gill said smiling remembering when they showed of their powers.

"You never told me what they could do?" Coral said curios.

"Well, your daughter coul-" Gill was cut of when the ground started to rumble a little bit.

"What going on?" Coral mumbled to herself.

Then, the ground started to shake as if a huge earthquake was hitting the kingdom. Coral and Gill were already almost to the Summer Palace, they did a detour and decided to go straight out of the water to see what was going on, they were not prepared for what they were seeing.

It was as if watching a plant grow in a time lapse. Except instead of it being a beautiful flower, it was the birth of a whole entire new island. The earth was still shaking violently. From where the island was coming up so quickly, the water was being displaced, making hundreds of small tsunamis everywhere.

Coral was panicking, not knowing why this was happening, and Gill had paled a couple of shades knowing who was doing this. "Three moons... I had no idea on how truly powerful they were."

Coral heard what Gill said and paled too, "You mean to tell me that, that's our daughter and her friends doing that?"

Gill nodded, "Yes, and that looks like it's just the mudwing who is doing that." Gill paled even more. "They didn't even show a fraction of their power when they rescued me, if they did... the Sky Kingdom wouldn't even be on the map anymore."

The island kept on growing in size till it was even bigger that the summer palace island. The island was just a little bit wider than the island the summer palace was on, but it was nowhere near as tall.

The earth finally stopped shaking. Coral and Gill flew towards the island. The island looked almost perfect to make mines in it. The island had bunches of rocky cliffs for making tunnels. It was only around a thirty-minute flight away from both the deep palace, and the summer palace. Making it not easy to track the locations of the palaces.

It didn't take too long to find the group of dragonets. All of them were surrounded by the mudwing. Gill and Coral flew down to them and landed next to them.

Clay was panting hard like he had just ran a marathon full sprint all the way. "Geeze... I wish I would have known it was going to make me this tired or I would have taken it a bit slower."

"Not that I am not grateful for what you did, but a little warning would have been nice." Coral said frowning, "I am sure, that almost my whole kingdom is panicking right now, wondering what just happened."

Coral did a quick look around of where they were standing. "Ok... so we have an island now that will be good for mining, but is there any ores here?"

"Don't worry, I got that covered." Anemone said stepping forward. "I enchant this entire island to be rich with these ores, gold, iron, and silver." Anemone then shivered just a little bit "it is done."

Coral got a big grin in her face "Great!" Coral looked to Tsunami, "As I promised, I will start recalling all of my troops, and the next time I see Blister, I'm going to give her the boot."

Sunny jumped at Starflight, "Your plan worked Starflight!" everybody else was all smiling happy to know there plans to end the war was already working.

"Blister should be here in about three days, when she gets here... what are you going to do?" Coral asked the group.

"I think we are just going to observe for a little bit, since you are out of the war now, I guess we can tell you our plan to end it." Starflight said before taking a breath to continue, "Our plan was to take all the tribes out of the war besides the sandwings, and while we do that, we were going to judge the sandwing princesses to see who we picked."

"I like that plan, get everybody out of the way so you can get the main job done, nice" Coral said approvingly. Coral then frowned "It sounds like it could take a while..."

Starflight sighed, "Yes, but it was best and most peaceful way we could do this, we won't attack anybody unless they give us a reason, even when we raided the skywing palace, we didn't kill anybody"

"We are here to stop the war, not make it worse." Clay said firmly. Everybody else nodded at this.

"I find it nice that you guys want to end this war peacefully, but I doubt that it will be as easy to make all the other tribes quit the war as it was us." Coral paused before continuing. "Especially the Icewings and the Skywings, their tribes are very militaristic and don't like losing or giving up."

"I guess we just have to give it our best shot, if it doesn't work, we can always just bust some heads and do it the less nice way." Glory said while shrugging her shoulders.

"So, what tribe you going after next?" Coral asked curiously.

"Not sure yet, but I think we are going to leave the Skywings last, we didn't exactly leave with the best impression, did we?" Starflight said smirking at everybody.

"Nooooo, surely they love us." Glory said sarcastically. "I'm sure they all want our autographs."

"We are probably going to go to the mudwings first, I got a feeling that they will be the best to go after first," Starflight said. Clay perked up, hearing that his tribe was next.

Coral nodded "Thanks again for this, it solved an issue that we have had since the time of Darkstalker, also I am sure that the underwater miners will be glad to know that they won't have to mine in such dangerous conditions anymore."

"Sooo... what do we do now?" Clay asked everybody. "Now... now we wait for Blister to arrive."

Merry Christmas, this chapter is not as long as I would like it, but it's still up in time for Christmas. I don't know why but I almost found this chapter impossible to make it as long as I planned, I planned for a lot more to happen in this chapter than what I did (Blister WAS going to show up here) but I decided otherwise, it just didn't fit right with me. Next chapter Blister will show up. So there is that I guess.

Chapter 13: Bring it on!

Chapter Text

Just read the new graphic novel, pretty good to finally see what Winter and Turtle looks like. The art also looks great.

Questions and answerers.

Guest Qm: I can’t wait to watch Starflight on the night wing island!

A: Trust me, I am excited to write about it. It is one of my key chapters, and I have a lot planned for that arc.

Bigboi2069: cool another Metallica fan :) And don't worry your story is doing great at least I read it when a new chapter comes out.

A: thanks, it makes me happy to see other Metallica fans reading my story.

As of now, I will be bundling up all reviews from all three websites I have this fic posted on. (Fanfic, Wattpad, and AO3)

Boy ohh Boy, have I been busy not writing this. The mix of my life is crazy, and I don’t even have a job yet. Either way, I don’t really have a song for this chapter, so just listen to what you want to.

The wait for Blister to arrive was pretty boring if you asked the dragonets. All they did was sit down all day and just socialize all day. When you usually train and mess around all the time, it's going to be quite boring to do just nothing. The only person there that was used to doing nothing all the time was Peril, but even she was started to become annoyed with how boring it was.

“Allright, I'm bored!” Sunny started out loudly. “What are we going to do when Blister gets here...” Sunny asked everybody.

“Probably just going to watch her for a little bit to get a feel for her, then probably ask her some questions.” Starflight answered bored.

They have already gone over this a number of times. “Well, what are we going to ask her about?” Sunny started “I mean... we already know why she joined the war.”

Starflight and everybody else raised their head realizing that they really never thought of that. Yay new stuff to talk about.

“Hmmm, never thought about that...” Starflight answered thinking on it.

“I guess we could ask her why she asked the Seawings to join into the war?” Clay asked the group.

“Good idea!” Starflight said, “we could also ask her why she thinks it would be a better idea for her to be queen.”

“Do you think we should add in anymore questions we should ask her?” Peril asked.

“I think we should be able to get the main points from those questions and build up from there when we get our answers.” Starflight answered back.

Everybody else nodded agreeing with him. “Seems like a pretty solid idea.” Tsunami agreed shaking her head.

“Well.... now we wait” Glory answered already bored again at just thinking about it.

As soon as she said that a guard came into the cave room. “The queen has requested all of you to the top of the pavilion as soon as you can.” he left right after that.

“Well... bye then?” Glory said confused with how quick the guard showed up and then left.

“Let's go then” Tsunami said while getting up and heading to the entrance to the cave.

Everybody else got up and started to follow her, “Anything is more interesting than this!” Sunny said.

It only took them a minute to all make it up to the top of the pavilion, where Coral and Gill were waiting there for them.

“Hey mom, what did you need us for?” Tsunami asked. Coral gave her a smile, “I just wanted you all here for when I tell Blister I am leaving the war, I mean... you are the reason why we are leaving”

“Makes sense...” Peril muttered what everybody was thinking.

A guard came rushing up to them, “My queen, she is here.”

“Good, it's time to end this.” Coral said focusing on the potentially violent conversation that was about to happen.

It didn’t take long, a sandwing with white and sand yellow scales started to fly up to the top of the pavilion, if you looked close enough on her scales you could see a black diamond pattern on them. She was flanked by two other big guards.

She landed right Infront of Coral, not even batting an eye at the dragonets. “Hello Coral”

“You mean, QUEEN Coral, watch your place.” Gill cut her off.

“Yes, yes... whatever” Blister muttered, “Anyway Coral, you called for me?”

“Blister, I have something very important to inform you about.” Coral said preparing herself.

“That you are going to leave the war” Blister said cutting Coral off. To say Coral was shocked would be shocked would be an understatement.

“How did you know about this!” Coral yelled, already suspecting a spy in her midst.

“Let's just say, I have a friend who is very informative” Blister smirked.

Starflights ears perked up a little hearing who Blister was thinking about. “You mean Whirlpool?”

Blisters head jerked over at Starflight, confirming what he heard her thinking about. “And who... are you?” She asked alarmed at what he asked her. “Morrowseer said that the nightwings lost all of their mind reading powers hundreds of years ago.”

“Well... that’s alarming” Starflight thought to himself thinking of all of the possibilities that lied within that thought. “My name is Starflight, I am the nightwing to the dragonets of destiny”

Dragonet of destiny, Morrowseer also said that they would be allied to only me, wait a minute he can hear my thoughts there, his eyes just grew big at what I was thinking about Morrowseer” Blister suddenly was like listening to static, she must have practiced blocking out her thoughts. It was like trying to listen to a conversation through a thick wall, very muffled. “Either way, Coral I am sorry to say, I deny your request to leave the war.” Blister said grinning giving everybody in the room chills.

Coral just started to laugh, “I don’t think you know how this works Blister, I am leaving if you like it or not!”

Blisters grin grew even bigger “No... you don’t know how this works, you didn’t know this... but your surrounded and you will either stay in the war or I will burn down your palace and slaughter everybody hear.”

Coral just started to laugh even more and when she stopped, she pointed to the dragonets “Believe it or not, I am not even remotely worried about it with them around.”

Blister took another look at the dragonets, the only alarming thing about them was the skywing in the group, she knew who Scarlet's champion was and what she could do. “So what, besides the skywing, I could personally take them by myself.”

“Man, Whirpool didn’t hardly tell you jack sh*t did he?” Coral said still grinning, loving where this was going.

“Come again?” Blister said wondering what she meant.

“You obviously remember why I joined the war, well let's just say... they completely solved my problem in less than a day.” Coral said mysteriously.

“Wait how would they do that?” Blister asked not understanding.

“Ohh you know, I needed some land, and well... they MADE me some land” Coral finished.

“But, but that’s impossible, you can't just make a whole entire new island out of thin air!” Blister yelled backing up from the group of dragonets.

“didn't stop them any” Coral said thinking about how screwed Blister was.

Blister finally re-gained her resolve “Either way, like I said, stay in the war or die!” Blister said turning around getting ready to leave. “But before I leave, I think I should leave with a parting GIFT!” Blister yelled before she turned around trying to stab Coral with her tail.


At first, the pain didn’t register to her, but then it did. “Ahh! Three moons my tail!” Blister screamed “My f*cking tail!”. Her tail was blocked off by a small stone wall that blocked her from stabbing Coral.

“sh*t, let's get out of here!” Blister said taking off trying to go through the canopy.

“Ohh no you don’t!” Clay said flying after the injured sandwing princess.

Blister looked down and saw Clay who was catching up to her, she grappled her guard and through him at Clay who wasn’t expecting somebody her size to have enough strength to throw somebody that was almost twice as big as herself, thus the guard plowed into him throwing Clay right back to earth... right into Peril who was behind him catching up.


And... that’s it for today. But don’t worry, next chapter its finally happening. One of my Key chapters that made this story into what it is. I have been planning the next chapter for the last two months now, I am so excited for it.

Chapter 14: Overprepared

Chapter Text

ITS HERE! It's finally happening. A key chapter. If you did not read my author notes chapter then this is what a key chapter is. A key chapter is the sole reason this fic even happens. There were only 5 key points in this whole fic and I am so excited to finally be here.

Either way song for today is a very, very specific song from a certain time and place, it's a live song. (1993 Mexico City, The Ecstasy of Gold / Enter Sandman) Metallica.

"CLAY!" Everybody yelled seeing Clay thrown into Peril thinking he was going to be fried to a crisp.

That was not the case though. When Clay hit the ground everybody was expecting him to at least be covered in burns all over his body, and at the worst... what they were not expecting was for him to get up like nothing even remotely warm ran into him.

Clay got up and shook his head to get rid of the dizziness, "Crap, who did I flatten?" Clay said knowing he ran into somebody on the way down.

Peril jumped up knowing that Clay was going to be badly burned, "CLAY I'm so sorry, you just... you're alright?" Peril was baffled at the fact Clay wasn't screaming in agony with burns all over his body.

"Yea, why wouldn't I be?" Clay asked confused with how frantic Peril was, he only fell a few dragon length's down. He has been through way worse than that when he was training with everybody.

"Clay... you ran straight into Peril, how are you not burned?" Starflight asked confused and also happy that Clay wasn't hurt.

"Wait, your prophecy said that you were born from a blood-red egg, right?" Coral asked Clay.

"Yea, what does that have to do with anything?" Clay asked still confused.

"How do you not know this? Almost everybody knows Mudwings born from blood-red eggs are almost completely fireproof" Coral said.

"Nobody ever told me or my friends," Clay said frowning, already thinking about how that would have been helpful in so many situations he has been in.

Everybody was thinking about the same thing Clay was thinking but Peril on the other hand... "Holly sh*t... he is fireproof... That means I have a chance with him!"nobody saw it, but Peril got a huge grin on her face with that thought.

"Look, I don't mean to seem greedy and ask you guys for more help but... considering Blister literally has us surrounded..." Coral asked them hoping that they would say yes.

"Ohh don't worry, this definitely goes on one of our red flags," Sunny said remembering the list they made a little while back.

"...What?" Coral asked confused at what Sunny said.

"Don't worry about what she said, yes we will help you," Tsunami said.

Coral sighed "thank you, you go on ahead, I am going to try and rally the troops to make a counter-offensive" Coral dived off the platform, heading to the barracks with Gill and the guard following behind her.

"So... shall we try this again?" Clay asked with a smile on his face. Everybody got a smile on their face in excitement.

"Remember try not to kill anybody if we don't have to, we are trying to keep the peace, not slaughter them all, but if you have..." Starflight said

Everybody jumped up into the air when they started hearing wingbeats above them, knowing the invasion was here.

The dragonets busted through the canopy to see hundreds of sand wings flying overhead.

Undeterred, the dragonets kept on charging ahead heading straight up into the middle of the army.

four of the Sandwings in the army laughed at the dragonets and started charging at them... less to say it was a poor decision.

Glory, with a few strong wing beats, charged ahead just a little bit, she made four vines burst out of the canopy to the palace and wrap around the Sandwing's tails, and threw them away.

This shocked almost the whole army, who just saw what happened to their comrades. Their shock was broken when 6 huge jets of fire came out of the Skywing and broke their army into 6 groups.

The dragonets split into a group, each one heading for a group of the army that Peril just split apart.

Sunny went for the smallest group first. The Sandwings knew better now than to underestimate her so they surrounded her as quickly as they could.

Sunny remained calm, knowing she was fine. "I am sure you guys wouldn't be kind enough to give up, would you?" She asked politely.

"You are surrounded... you do know that don't you?" The biggest Sandwing asked confused.

"So?" Sunny said smirking. As soon as she said that, two of the Sandwings started to charge at her, they were shocked when she just took their claw slashes and she didn't even flinch. Sunny didn't say anything and just started trying to claw at them wherever she could causing hundreds of small injuries, ignoring the injuries she was taking.

The two Sandwings backed off of Suny panting hard and bleeding everywhere with all the cuts they had. "you're not even defending yourself hardly? You are almost dead, do you surrender?"

Suny just giggled a little bit "Nope!" And just like that all of the injuries Suny got while fighting started to disappear. "It's going to take more than a few scratches to get rid of me!"

With Glory and Tsunami

Glory and Tsunami were having no issues at all at the moment, they were hovering in the air side by side, slapping anybody down who got close to them.

"You know, I feel like we overtrained for this." Glory said sarcastically while swiping away another soldier who was stupidly charging at the two. She was still using the vines from the canopy from the palace.

"You're telling me! this is supposed to be around three-quarters of Blister's army, we are straight up at this point not even using any effort" Tsunami said while smacking a way another dragon with a huge tendril of water. "I mean... come on is this all they got?!"

With the boys

Clay and Starflight on the other hand were having some fun with everything going on.

Clay and Starflight were flying together as fast as they could, making a huge Sandwing train behind them, they had around 30 dragons behind them. "Alright, are you ready Clay!" Starflight asked him.

"Whenever you are!" Clay yelled back with a smile on his face thinking of the plan they had.

"Alright, hold... hold... NOW!" Starflight ordered. The moment he said that, around 50 stone pillars came up in Infront of them in a way that Starflight and Clay could fly through them. They flew in between the pillars about halfway and stopped.

The Sandwings finally caught up to them. "Surrender now, you are greatly outnumbered.

"Nah," Starflight said plainly like nothing was going to happen.

"Capture them!" the lead Sandwing said angrily. Nobody moved to do anything.

"Why can't I move, I am stuck!" one of the Sandwings said shaking his head trying to move. "I can't either!" all the Sandwings were trying to move now, but they couldn't.

"Sorry, don't think you will be going anywhere for the time being," Starflight said like he was scolding a child.

"What do you mean Nightwing? Tell me!" the lead Sandwing commanded him getting angrier and angrier by the second.

"Simple, your shadows know who is in charge here," Starflight said while turning to his friend. "You know what to do Clay."

Clay shook his head, suddenly the pillars started to bend like they were not made out of rock and started to wrap around all the Sandwings, trapping them.

Clay looked to Starflight, "That was fun!"

With Peril

Peril was... surprisingly bored. There wasn't even anybody around her, they all knew who she was and they wanted nothing to do with her.

"Ohh come on, won't anybody fight me?" Peril asked to herself trying to fly at a group of Sandwings that were trying to stay away from her.

She heard one of them say "AWW Hell no!" Peril just giggled to herself with how afraid they were.

"Come on guys, Im not going to kill you!" Peril said still trying to catch the group of soldiers. It didn't help anything.

Back with Sunny

"COME ON! I'm not even tired yet and you guys are already giving up." Sunny said while still being surrounded.

"WHY won't YOU JUST DIE ALREADY!" one of the soldiers yelled "You're not even fighting back anymore!"

"Not my fault you guys suck," Sunny said smiling at them.

"Screw this! I'm leaving." The guard said, leaving with some others following knowing nothing was going to work. "Would rather deal with Queen Blister than this sh*t!"

"Well, that's just boring," Sunny said disappointed at the guards leaving. "Ohh well... Hey look, Clay and Starflight are done" Starflight and Clay flew over to her.

"Sunny, what happened, all of them just left?" Clay asked her, looking to see if she was ok.

"They couldn't handle the fact that they couldn't kill me," Sunny said simply.

"Sunny, what did we say about just letting people hit you?" Clay said sternly, "Even know they can't really harm you, it doesn't mean you should let them, what would happen if they actually could kill you?"

"I highly doubt that would ever happen." Sunny said, "I see that you guys actually decided to trap the guards?" Sunny said looking over to the guards that Clay and Starflight caught with the pillars.

"Ya, me and Clay decided to make a game out of it," Starflight answered smiling.

Peril came flying into the group, hovering next to them. "At least you guys got to do something, everybody I was going after just kept on running away." She said while jokingly pouting.

"Hey, here comes Glory, and Tsunami!" Sunny said while pointing at them.

Glory and Tsunami started flying next to the group. "That was way too easy, did any of you see Blister?" Tsunami asked the group.

"Nope, not a clue, I was chasing down a group, but I didn't see any in it." Peril answered.

"Me neither," Sunny answered plainly. "Too, busy fighting."

"Same," Both Clay and Starflight said at the same time.

"sh*t, was hoping to catch Blister, would make our job a lot easier," Tsunami said angrily. She brightened up a little bit with the next thought, "But hey, we managed to capture easily around a quarter of her forces!"

They looked back to the summer palace when they started to hear wings flapping. There were hundreds of Seawings following behind Coral, Gill, and Shark, all of them were wearing battle armor and they looked ready for a fight. When they made it up to the dragonets they looked around.

"Where are they?" Shark asked the dragonets, looking around for a fight.

"Over there," Starflight answered pointing at all the Sandwings they caught.

"Where is the rest?" Shark asked again, dumbfounded by all the captured Sandwing soldiers.

"They all ran away, we ran them off" Glory answered him.

"HOW? It wasn't even twenty minutes?" Shark yelled flabbergasted at what the dragonets did.

Gill started to laugh, "What did I tell you Shark, I told you these dragonets were special."

"Apparently" Shark muttered, agreeing with Gill.

"And once again... I am in your debt, thank you." Coral said. "Let's go back down to the palace, we need to celebrate!" some of the dragons behind her roared in excitement and started to head back down to the palace. After all the soldiers left, only the dragonets, Coral, Gill, and shark were left.

"Since I don't see her, I'm going to doubt that you caught Blister?" Coral asked them.

"Sorry, we have no idea on how she got away, but we didn't even see her one time, once we got into the battle," Tsunami said for the group.

Coral sighed at this, "It's fine, I am sure that she won't attack us, again after taking such heavy losses."

"This battle should have truthfully, almost crippled her, she won't be able to do any major battles anytime soon." Shark cut in.

"Let's go, I want you Dragonets next to me on the table," Coral said, starting to head back down to the palace. The dragonets followed her down right behind her and Gill.

"Hey Starflight, do you think there will be food?"Clay thought to Starflight.

Starflight chuckled a little bit, "Yes Clay, I'm sure there will be food."

"Heck ya"Clay thought enthusiastically in his mind.

After the party

It was late now, the only dragons flying around now, were the dragons who were cleaning up after the celebration. Coral and Gill were sitting with the dragonets talking.

"So, what are you going to do now?" Coral asked the group, worried for them.

"We have been talking and we think we are going to head towards the Mud Kingdom next, if we can take out the Mudwing forces in Burn's army, it would even out the war a lot, right now Burn has three different forces in her army," Starflight said.

"Ahh yes, the Mudwings and Skywings." Coral said thinking about the tribes, "What is your plans for them?"

"We are not sure yet about the Mudwings." Starflight paused thinking, "But we are definitely leaving the Skywings for last, didn't leave on the best terms, did we?"

Gill chuckled a little bit, "No, I don't think you guys did, did you,"

"Anyways, we were going to find out what we were going to do with the Mudwings when we get there," Tsunami said.

"Simple, when will you be leaving?" Coral asked them.

Tsunami frowned at this, "Tomorrow morning, we need to even out Burns's army as quickly as possible before she learns that she now has the strongest army."

"I figured as much." Coral sighed. "Just don't leave tomorrow without telling me, Gill, and Anemone goodbye."

Tsunami smiled at her "Wouldn't think of it"

And that's the end of part two for this fic. I know you guys are probably wondering why everybody is so OC, remember, they grew up almost completely differently. They grew up with confidence, power, and strength, and that will change anybody. They are also partially co*cky, besides losing to each other, they have never lost a fight to anybody.

Chapter 15: Just turn it off

Chapter Text

Just hit over seven thousand views on the time I am writing this! And we are off to the Mud kingdom now, so excited. I am going to have to write this from scratch with no information at all! Also, I wrote a fanfiction that goes with the timeline from this fic, its going to be on the scorching. There isn't a song for this chapter.

"Goodbye! Come back soon!" Coral yelled at us as we flew away. Gill, and Anemone were also saying their goodbyes as they left. Tsunami sheading a few tears, "Don't worry, we will end the war, and I will visit as soon as I can." Tsunami said turning around and lifting off. Everybody else, following her.

Not even five minutes into their trip and everybody was already starting to get bored. "Hey Clay, you excited about getting to visit the Mud Kingdom?" Sunny asked him.

"I would be lying if I said I wasn't, it's not the fact that I get to see what it looks like. I am more excited to see if I could find my family." Clay said with a smile on his face, thinking about his parents and potential siblings.

After that everybody else was quiet, thinking about their own parents. Peril, depressed that she barely ever got to even know Kestrel, and Tsunami was happy that her parents loved and respected her. And everybody else was wondering how their parents would turn out.

"Does anybody know why the Mudwings joined the war?" Glory cut the silence with the question. Clay shook his head no, "No... but it's probably going to be more difficult, I heard that the queen lost one of her brothers in the war..."

Everybody cringed at that, thinking of losing one of each other.

"So, how long is it going to take us to get to the mud kingdom?" Sunny asked the group.

"Hmm... about a day and a half." Starflight answered, "We are heading for the Delta, spend the night there, then we are heading for the Mud Kingdom."

The trip to the Delta was quiet, nobody had anything to talk about and it was a boring flight there. It was almost dark when they got there.

Clay looked to the group, "You guys go look for a place to spend the night, I am going to go look for something for us to eat tonight!"

"I'll go with you!" Peril said enthusiastically. Everybody just shook their head yes starting to look for somewhere secluded that nobody was going to be able to find them easily.

Clay and Peril broke off from the group heading to the ground to look for something to hunt.

"Do you know anything to hunt around here?" Peril asked Clay, who was looking around.

"Not a hundred percent sure... I remember Webs saying something about alligators living in the delta, but I am not sure?" Clay answered still looking around, starting to walk deeper into the swamps. Peril followed right behind him watching where she stepped, so she didn't start a fire.

Peril started remembering about what happened back at the Sea Kingdom, "Hey... sorry about back at the Summer Palace."

Clay stopped and looked at her confused, "What do you mean, you didn't do anything?"

Peril was confused now, "I almost got you killed, you ran straight into me, it was complete luck that you had fireproof scales."

Clay smiled at her after that, "Is that what this is about?" Clay asked completely turning towards her, "Peril, that wasn't your fault, it was Blisters fault that I ran into you."

Peril looked down after that concerned at herself, "It doesn't matter, I still should have been more careful and stayed back farther."

"Peril, you're fine it was an accident." Clay said starting to get concerned at how she was acting, "You were just trying to catch Blister, truthfully it's my fault that I ran into you, you should have been the first one to go after her since you are the fastest out of all of us."

"How can you not be upset at all, you almost died!" Peril said looking back up at Clay.

Clay walked up to her standing next to her, putting his wing over her partially, not caring at the partially uncomfortable heat that she produced, "Like I said Peril, it's not like it matters, it was an accident."

Peril relished that Clay truly didn't care at all about the accident that they had, "Thank you, I have been worried about that since it happened." Peril said rubbing her head against Clay's neck.

Clay lifted his wing off her after that, blushing slightly at the contact "Now let's go! It's getting dark and we still need to find something for everybody to eat tonight."

Peril jumped up at that, "Hey, I remember when I was here not too long ago, that there is a pond not too far away from us" Peril said remembering when she was here.

"Lead the way then." Clay smiled happy that Peril was acting a little bit happier now.

They both jumped in the air, heading towards a pond.

With the rest of the group

Everybody was already laying down under a canopy of branches and vines, Via Glory. Already done setting up the camp for the night.

"So... I have been thinking..." Sunny said to the group, laying down on her back, looking at the group upside down.

"Ya..." Starflight said, asking her to continue.

"Peril has firescales and everything, and she can control fire..." Sunny continued.

"What about it?" Glory asked, wondering where this was going.

"Sooo... couldn't she just, turn off her or... I don't know like, turn her firescales down or something?" Sunny asked, shocking the group with that thought.

"Never even thought of that." Starflight muttered.

"Going to have to ask her when she gets back." Glory said thinking about it.

Tsunami lifted her head up from thinking about Clay and Peril, smiling, "Speaking about Peril... 10 gold coins, that Peril and Clay become a couple before we are done with the prophecy."

"I'll take some of that action, you're on!" Glory said back, smiling "I say they will be a couple after we are done with the Ice kingdom"

"You see and now you are both wrong" Starflight said smiling at the bets being placed, "I'm betting that it will be after we are done with the Sky Kingdom."

Sunny was just confused, "What are you guys talking about?"

Glory scoffed, "You would almost have to be blind to not see the looks Peril gives Clay, and I mean look at them, they are almost a perfect match, I mean, Clay even has fireproof scales and everything, it's like they were made for each other."

Sunny smiled after that, "Well in that case... I'm saying after the Mud Kingdom!"

"Jeez, pretty quick, don't you think Sunny?" Tsunami asked confused at how early Sunny said.

"Hey, I like to play it dangerous when it comes to betting!" Sunny said like she was scolding the group.

Everybody gulped at that, even though Sunny was the nicest in the group, she has legendary luck when it comes to betting, so much so that even Kestrell or Webs wouldn't even play with her when it came to games like poker, and things like what they were betting on now.

"Speaking of, here they are now!" Starflight said, sensing Clay and Perils mind.

"Hey guys, have you ever had alligator before?" Clay asked the group, dropping two alligators right before he landed in the middle of the group with Peril also landing, avoiding the canopy that Glory made.

"No, but I am sure that it tastes good, oh hey Peril, Sunny had something she wanted to ask you." Starflight said, heading over to the alligator.

Peril looked at Sunny wondering what she had to say.

"So, we were talking... you can control fire, and you have fire scales, right?" Sunny asked her, "Soo... shouldn't you be able to turn off or... turn down your fire scales."

Peril's eyes grew wide in shock, "Wait a second..." Peril closed her eyes, trying to get a hold of the flames she always felt inside of her scales.

If you were looking at Peril right now, the glow that was constantly around her scales was starting to dim slowly but surely. Peril opened her eyes, "How do I test this?"

"Think Fast!" Tsunami shouted, throwing a stick at Peril. Peril quickly threw out one of her arms and grabbed it before it hit her... it didn't burst into flames.

Peril started tearing up, looking at the stick she was holding, "Its... it's not burning." a smile was instantly put on her face. She threw the stick away and jumped at Clay, "ITS NOT BURNING!" she yelled hugging Clay.

Everybody who made the bet was worried now, well... all except Sunny. Who was grinning evilly, knowing she was going to win.

Peril let go of Clay and looked over to Starflight, who was cutting pieces of alligator off the corpses. "Starflight, throw me a piece, I want to try something that isn't burnt for once!"

Short one for today, but the next one will be a lot longer. So, Peril can turn off her scales now. A little bit of fluff. And Sunny is apparently really good at gambling. Also, another thing, has anybody here tasted alligator before, I have, and I loved it.

Chapter 16: She Lives!

Chapter Text

Warning, blood and gore in this chapter. Song for this chapter is "Disposable heroes" be Metallica. Nothing new, just new chapter.

The group woke up next morning and immediately started working on their way to leave the delta. It wasn't a very long trip with the delta just being a kingdom sized mix of small swamps and rivers, with lots of cat-tails, and other plant life. The delta feeds both the water to the Mud Kingdom, but it also gives water to the Rain Kingdom, thus the reason why both kingdoms have such wet and humid climates.

With the dragonets still unused to how everything looks, they were all quite enthralled with how beautiful everything looks. The vast marshes, and not very wide, but never-ending streams that went every way you would look. It was quite a sight. It was even more enjoyable with all the wildlife they saw on the way. All the wading birds and birds that were feeding on the mudflats.

Either way though, it didn't take them more than an hour to cross the delta. It didn't take long to see signs of the Mud Kingdom, with them coming across more and more swamp type environments.

"I think we just crossed the Mud Kingdom border." Starflight yelled out to the group.

"Anybody know the exact location of the kingdom?" Sunny asked, looking every way she could.

"Not sure, look for any movement you see, we can ask somebody where it is." Clay said.

"Hey guys, I see smoke up ahead!" Peril said, pointing to the horizon.

"Let's go, might be the kingdom!" Clay said, starting to go a little faster.

It was not the kingdom... it was a full-on scale battle. Icewings and Mudwings were ramming into each other, trying to rip each other's throats out. Fire and ice breath was everywhere, but there were no casualties... yet.

"Peril! Get in there and stop the Icewings from killing anybody!" Clay ordered her, "I'll stop the Mudwings!"

Clay and Peril dove right down, headfirst into a group of dragons. Clay covered one of his claws in rocks and hit both a Icewing and a Mudwing in the head, knocking them silly. "Stop this fight now, its OVER!"

"And who are you to order us around?" a big female Icewing said, coming forwards in front of the group of Icewings.

"Look...what is this fight even going to get you, hell… how did you even get here, the Ice kingdom is on the complete opposite side of the kingdom, there is no way this battle here is even remotely helpful to you!" Clay started yelling. "The only reason you are even here is to kill!"

The female Icewing looked at him not impressed, "And I ask you again, who are you to order me, Princess Icicle… what to do?"

Clay just snorted in amusem*nt, "My name is Clay! Dragonet of destiny, and I don't care if you were the queen herself!"

This made Icicle snarl, "How DARE you! I will kill you myself!". She was about to jump at Clay, but a Mudwing jumped at her. Icicle grabbed the Mudwing by the throat and slammed the Mudwing into the ground. Icicle raised her claws getting ready to slash the throat out of the female Mudwing.

"No!" Clay and another Mudwing yelled, trying to get to Icicle before she could kill the Mudwing on the ground. It was to late, the Mudwing's throat had been slashed and she was starting to choke on her own blood.

Clay slammed a claw into the ground, a pillar shot out of the ground and slammed right into Icicles head, knocking her out cold.

Clay looked at the rest of the Icewings, "Leave now, and I just might spare your princess!"

"Retreat, the princess is down!" one of the Icewings yelled turning around and fleeing.

"Uggg…" Clay turned around and looked sadly at a group of Mudwings all surrounding the Dragon that got her throat clawed out, they were all weeping.

Clay had an idea, "Sunny, get over here QUICKLY!"

Sunny sprinted over to him, saw what he was looking at and ran straight for the Mudwing that had her life seeping through her throat.

"Move, she needs medical attention right NOW!" Sunny yelled, butting her way into the group.

"leave, cant you see she is dying!" the biggest of the group of Mudwing said, trying to push Sunny away.

Sunny just punched the Mudwing, dazing and surprising him with her strange strength for such a small dragon.

Sunny put her claws on the choking dragon, and the scales on her claws started to glow, stunning the rest of the Mudwings. The veins in the neck started stitching back together in her neck, then the scales, eventually there was no blood seeping through the wound… then there was no wound, just lighter collared scales in place of the lethal wound.

Sunny sighed,"She is fine now, she is still in shock from the pain that was caused, but she will live… should wake up in just a couple minutes."

"Wha-what do you mean she will live, she just had her throat slashed, nobody lives from that, not even the best doctors in the world could do such a thing!?" a dark collared Mudwing said.

"Well congratulations, she is the first." Sunny said, slumping just a little bit. It was more taxing to use her powers when the person she heals is pretty much on the brink of death. But, it was worth it.

The Mudwings tackled her into a hug. "Thank you, Who are you, How did you do that, Why did you do that, we don't even know you"

Sunny couldn't here everything they were saying in the flurry of voices. The Mudwings eventually got of her. "But no seriously, who are you?" the biggest Mudwing asked her.

"My name is Sunny!" Sunny said with a smile on her face, "Dragonet of Destiny"

Clay walked up to the group, "I have a few questions, why were they attacking you, like I said earlier, they have no reason to attack so far out from the Icekindom!

The biggest Mudwing walked up to the front of the group and sighed, "We have no idea, we were just doing are daily patrol around the border, and they just came out of nowhere."

Clay nodded, "Last question, me and my friends are trying to get into the Mud kingdom, need to see Queen Moorhen, can you lead me there?"

the Mudwing nodded, "Yea, its the least I could do for you guys saving us, just please wait a minute for my sister to wake up."

"Sure!" Clay said nodding.

Clay walked over to his group, "Any of you have a clue to why the Icewings attacked the Mud kingdom?"

"I mean... they are enemies, but an attack that surely took them almost a month to get here seems like a pretty... stupid plan" Starflight muttered that last part.

"Ya, isn't there front at the Sand Kingdom!" Tsunami quipped.

"It doesn't make any sense." Peril said thinking, "I mean, I can understand attacking like, an important encampment deep in, but this is the actual kingdom, that small of a force wouldn't stand a chance."

Everybody just looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders in bewilderment.

The Mudwing started to move a little bit, "gruhh, what the heck happened to me?"

The biggest Mudwing started to pick her up, "It's ok Crane, your fine now."

"Reed, what happened to me?" Crane asked, now standing up, but weakly.

"We will talk about it later…" Reed said, still trying to hold her up, "Do you think you can make it home."

"Maybe…" She said, stretching her wings. "We will stop as many times as you need, Ok?" Reed said caring.

Crane just nodded at that. Reed looked to Clay and the group, we are leaving now, I also need to go see the queen and report this" Reed looked at the rest of the Dragonets, "You guys might want to stay here, until we tell the queen about you, you know… dragons that we are currently at war, walking right into the middle of a Kingdom and all…"

Everybody just smiled at him and just nodded.

"Lets go!" Reed said, starting into the air, "Everybody we are leaving, Crane your up front, tell us if you need to stop!"

Along the trip, Crane only had to stop once, Crane said she didn't know what was going on, but ever since she woke up, she was slowly starting to have more and more energy. Bye the time they left the group, she said that she felt like nothing ever happened.

You could tell that the Mudwings were definitely a more simple tribe bye looking at all of there homes, and bye looking at what there queen staid in. out of all three tribes, her palace was the smallest, and made only out of mud that had been hardened and painted.

"You know… I never got your name?" Reed asked Clay, the palace in sight. Even though it was a simple palace it was still beautiful, with where it was placed. It was placed in a wetland that had hundreds of wild flowers all around it.

Clay smiled at him, "My name is Clay, yours?". Reed smiled back, "Reed, that was Crane that you and your friend saved, she is my sister, actually all of them was my sibs."

Clay smiled at that, happy to save a family member. He would hate it if he lost any of his. He did know about Mudwing culture, and how they weren't raised by the parents, but by the oldest brother. The oldest was called the bigwings, he was actually the bigwings to his adopted brother and sisters. He was happy that Webs taught him that, I mean… could you imagine if he didn't, he would know practically none of his culture.

They made it to the front gate of the palace, and there was two guards in front of the palace door.

"Stop, what are you here fore?" one of the guards asked the group.

"We were attacked by Icewings at the border, and Clay here is a Dragonet of destiny, he is seeking an audience with her." Reed said very seriously.

The guard that asked, opened the door and let him in. The guard led them through the pace, pass a bunch of rooms and he opened the door to the throne room, the were three other dragons all surrounding Queen Moorhen. She was colored pretty similar to clay, with the same collar pallet as him, but there was one difference… She was HUGE! Moorhen was almost five times as big as Clay.

Clay wasn't worried though. From what he heard, she was the kindest and most caring queen in Pyrrhia in his opinion. The queen's brothers and sister were almost as big as she was, still easily towering over him.

Clay bowed to her, "Your majesty, it is an honor to finally meet you."

"You may rise, young Mudwing." The queen said in a voice that Clay wasn't prepared to hear how soft it was, Clay stood back up. "May I please have your name, I don't recognize you?"

"My name is Clay… I am a Dragonet of Destiny." Clay said proudly. This made the queen's eyes grow in surprise. Clay cut her off before she could say anything, "I feel like you should get Reed's report first, its pretty important."

The queen nodded and looked to Reed, "if I remember correctly, you and your squad was put on patrol duty, is there something wrong?"

"Yes your majesty, there was… But Clay here stopped anything from happening." Reed paused before continuing, "Me and my sibs were going by the crevice by the delta, and we were ambushed by a group of Icewings… If Clay hadn't shown up, my sister would be dead." Reed finished.

The queen thrashed her tail in anger, "I will up the patrols, you and your sibs can have the week off to recover, you are dismissed."

"Thank you my queen!" Reed said, before walking out the door to the throne room.

The queen looked down at Clay, "Now, I believe we have something to talk about?"

Clay nodded, "Yes your majesty, first I would like to ask you if me and my group of friends could stay in the kingdom for about a week… without telling Burn of corse?"

The queen nodded, "Sure, when you go to leave, come back with your friends and I will set you up somewhere."

Clay smiled at that, "Thank you, and what about Burn?"

The queen smiled back, "Trust me, me and Burn don't get along." The queen finished frowning.

"That has another thing I wanted to ask you about," Clay paused before continuing, "Why did you join the war?"

The queen and her sibling looked at each other thinking, they nodded to her. The queen looked back to Clay, "I haven't told anybody this yet, but we were forced to join."

"What do you mean, you were forced?" Clay asked bewildered by what she said.

The queen sighed, "Burn threatened us, that if we wouldn't join her… she would annihilate our tribe after she won the war."

Now Clay was upset, "And you believed her…" Clay whispered back.

"That is no way to talk to the Queen!" One of Moorhens sibling yelled at Clay, standing up from where he was sitting at.

"Its fine, he has a right, and it was my fault." Moorhen said, trying to calm her brother down. "It was my fault, I was young at the time, and our tribe wasn't doing good at the time, just got through a disease outbreak… Piratically killed off a third of our tribe."

Clay could understand that. That is the reason the Mudwing tribe was the smallest tribe out of all of them. It was a disease that had happened years ago, before he was even born. It was some new disease that swept through the Mudwing tribe like fire… there was no stopping it, it went through family's without mercy.

Clay snapped out of his thought, remembering his last question. "One last question, do you know who my sibs our?" Clay paused, remembering the name of his mother. "My mom, her name is Cattail?"

The queen hummed, thinking, "I do not know for sure who your sibs are, but I do know Cattail lives closer to the Delta, ask around there for her, and she should know where your siblings are."

Clay nodded, "Thank you, may I leave now?"

"You may." The queen nodded back.

And that's a wrap for this chapter. Crane lives, we get to meet Moorhen, and we get to watch Icecicle get thrashed, just now realized we left Icicle there didn't we now, ahh well... I will deal with her next chapter. Anyways, have a nice day!

Chapter 17: Power to the Bigwings

Chapter Text

As of right now, as I write this chapter, I am at 9,411 views. After I post this chapter, I should hit over 10,000 views. Thanks guys, it means a lot to me, if you would have told me a month before I started writing this fic, that I would have a wings of fire fanfiction that would have over ten thousand views, I would have called you crazy. And we are not stopping here, I plan to write this story till I easily have over one hundred thousand words. I also plan to have sequels. I already have a prequel to this story with Birth of Wings, that has my view on how dragons and much, much more became a thing in this world. I am still working on making my own music for this story, I have three different clean riffs, so now I am working on the rhythm parts, and then solos, looking forwards to that. Don't really have a song that fits to this chapter, because it's not really heart feeling, just storytelling. One finall thing before I start. Believe it or not, I have been doing a lot of planning. (How im going to bring in the jade winglet into this story, and how I am going to go about with the rain forest arc). Trust me... it was a pain, not knowing how to go about it and still getting content that I want to see. But, for all the major parts, my planning is done almost all the way up till the nightwing arc, the only part that is not planned at all is the ending arc, I got something HUGE for it, but I'm not sure how to go about it yet. That's all for the authors' notes, have fun, don't forget to tell me what you think about the story.

Clay and his friends were inside a fancy Guest house, one of the few in the Mud kingdom. Umber, and Crane talking to the group, talking about past experiences. "Ya, I still remember when Reed tried to capture an alligator for the first time, that's how he got those scratches on his tail!" Umber said laughing, everybody laughing with him. Clay smiled remembering how he got to know his blood sibling for the first time.

What! A flashback!

It didn't take long to find Cattail. The outer mudwing Kingdom wasn't very big, so just about everybody knew each other and where they lived at. Cattail was outside her hut, eating a small deer.

Cattail saw him and frowned, "If you want me to share this, then the answer is NO!"

"Loving personality,"Clay thought to himself. "I am not here for that, is your name Cattail?"

She nodded, "Yes I am Cattail, who's asking?"

"My name is Clay, your son that you sold to the talons for a couple of cows" Clay answered.

"If they want those cows back, then the answer is no" she cut him off before he could say anything.

"No, that's not what I am here for, I just want to know who my sibs are?" Clay asked, patience thinning.

Cattail snorts at that, "Why didn't you just start with that, they are down the road a little ways, go past the next four huts, and their hut will be the first one on the left." After she was done talking, she went back to eating, not caring about the conversation anymore.

"Thanks..." Clay muttered, not impressed with how Cattail just doesn't care at all.

It was a pretty short walk, it didn't take too long to find the hut, but he wasn't expecting certain dragons to be there.

"Reed, Crane! What are you doing here!?" Clay asked, shocked at who was there.

"uhm, we live here, what are you doing here?" Reed asked back.

"You're never going to believe this!" Clay said excitedly.

End flashback!

"I swear when I am free, I am killing all of you!" Icicle yelled at them, tied down to the floor with some vines coming from the ground. Everybody just ignored her, used to her yelling at them. It was truthfully starting to get entertaining. "Why is she here again Clay?" Starflight asked him.

Clay shrugged, "Sounded fun at the time, had it coming to her for acting like a prick, but now I am just doing it to mess with her."

"I can f*cking hear you!" Icicle yelled at them again.

"And I don't believe I asked, did I?" Clay yelled back.

Icicle just started screeching more profanities, hitting all spectrums from the profanities list.

"Shut up, we will let you leave when we leave!" Glory yelled at Icicle, trying to shut her up.

"Bull, you'll just sell me out to the highest bidder!" Icicle yelled again. She continued yelling till Starflight took ahold of her shadow and made her slam her head against the ground so hard she knocked herself out.

"Finally..." everybody muttered.

Clay stood up from where he was sitting, "I'm going to go talk to the queen now."

Everybody just nodded, but Peril stood up too, "I would like to go with you if that was fine."

Clay smiled and nodded, heading for the door. Opening it, he let Peril out first, then closed the door behind him.

"Why did you want to go for?" Clay asked curiously.

"Bored," Peril said bluntly. Truthfully, she just wanted to be with him where his tribe naturally lives, she wanted to see how he acts around here in his natural habitat.

It didn't take them to long to get to the palace, their guest house was situated close to it.

It took them about ten minutes of walking to make it to the gates, the guards letting them walk right in, knowing who they were.

Moorhen was still sitting in the same place, with her siblings still around her.

"Greetings Clay, is everything all right with your accommodations?" Moorhen asked with a smile on her face.

"They are very nice your majesty, thank you," Clay said bowing to her.

"You may rise, no need for that," Moorhen said smiling at him, turning her head to Peril, "And is this the skywing that is part of your prophecy?"

Peril nodded at this, "Yes, my name is Peril,"

Moorhen was shocked at that, "You wouldn't happen to be Scarlet's champion, wouldn't you?"

Peril was nervous now, "Yes... but I didn't want to be..."

Moorhen smiled again, "Don't worry young one, I understand how manipulative she can be, I do not blame you, you were simply just following orders."

Peril smiled at that, already liking the queen.

"But I have a question about that," Moorhen paused before continuing, "How did she get her claws on a dragonet of destiny?"

"Its a long story," Peril warned her, knowing if she explained one part, she would have to explain how she got here.

"I have time, I don't have a meeting till a while, and I have nothing else planned for the day," Moorhen said, getting comfortable in her chair.

Peril shrugged her shoulders at this, "All right then". She went on to pretty much tell her a summary of her whole life story. Going from her egg being captured, to her capturing Gill, to her helping him escape the sky kingdom, till now.

Moorhen was enjoying the story, commenting every now and then on certain parts. By the time Peril was finished, even Moorhen's siblings were starting to find it interesting. "Once you are done with this war, you need to write a book," Moorhen said smiling excitedly at them, "I find your story absolutely captivating!"

Peril nodded her head, thanking her, "I'll try and remember that."

Moorhen sat up a little bit after this, "I love the story, but I know you were here for more than to tell me stories."

Clay nodded at that, "Yes, I know you are a busy dragon so I am going to make it simple..." Clay paused before continuing, "Can you leave the war?"

Moorhen laughed hard at that, "Now that's what I like, short and simple" she kept on laughing for a bit, "I swear, people could learn a thing or two from you, always trying to beat around a bush" she finally stopped laughing and sighed.

"leave the war... hmm," Moorhen said thinking about it. I am not going to lie to you I want to leave the war, it hasn't helped us at all, and I am getting tired of having to help put unsib groups together.

"But, I won't choose what happens," Moorhen said looking out the gates at her kingdom.

Clay was confused at that, "May I please ask you to explain?"

Moorhen nodded, "Even though I have the final say in just about everything, I like to let the bigwings from every group get a vote in situations like this, where it will affect their families, and possibly get some of them killed... I know that some of them want to stop fighting... but I also know that some of them want revenge for their sibs being killed in this war."

Clay actually... loved that, letting everybody get to vote on what happens. That is the way it should be. Trusting everyone to make the right decision, and if they didn't... that was on the citizens themselves.

Clay nodded at what the queen said, "Ok, when should we expect a decision?"

"I am going to call all the troops back to the kingdom to vote, when there is a decision to be made like this, every bigwings gets to vote on this." Moorhen paused thinking, "I am going to say a week, that will give me enough time to plan everything and get the word out."

"Thank you, your majesty," Clay said bowing again, "Me and my friends are very grateful for this." Clay got up after that. "This is a lot simpler than what we had to do with the Seawings."

Moorhen was curious at that, "What did you have to do to get them to leave the war?"

"Make an island," Clay said bluntly. Moorhen laughed at that, "no, really... what did you have to do?"

Clay smiled at that, "I already told you... had to make an island for them."

Now Moorhen just thought he was being crazy, "Look, I know you are the dragonets of destiny and everything, and I enjoy your company... but you can't just make an island."

Clay slapped his head forgetting something, "I am sorry, I forgot to tell you something."

"What's that?" Moorhen asked him, wondering how it has anything to do with making a whole island.

"I have powers, I can control the earth around me" Clay smiled, looking forwards to shocking her with his powers. He loves getting a reaction out of dragons from his powers.

"What do you mean... you can control the earth around you." Moorhen asked, still confused with everything.

"Like this!" Clay said, stamping his foot into the ground, making a small pillar come up out of the ground.

"... What was that?" The queen asked, shocked at what she had just seen.

"Me!" Clay said, still smiling.

"I know that, but how?" The queen asked stumbling on herself, not knowing how it was even remotely possible, he wasn't an animus, he would have had to say what he was going to do.

"I don't know, but it's pretty cool... right?" Clay asked her.

"Yea..." A thought just came to her, can all of them do something like this?

"One last question Clay, before you leave," Moorhen asked him, still shaken. "Can all of the dragonets do something like this?"

Clay nodded again, chuckling a bit at her face.

"Three moons, you could rule the whole world with power like that, and yet you kindly ask me to leave the war, WHY?" Moorhen yelled that last part out in wonder.

"Well that would just be rude, everybody would be scared of us, and nobody would like us." Clay said simply.

"Oh" Was all that Moorhen could say.

Chapter 18: Sunset

Chapter Text

Sorry for the delay guys! We had terrible windstorms out here where I live. It tore the roof off my chicken shed, and I had to fix it, so I have been kind of busy with that. It doesn't help that I have been working on my brother's house, trying to get the upstairs of it finished. Anyways! For the next few chapters, I am going to be slowing it down. I am going to be focusing on Character development and letting them enjoy themselves for a bit. The first song I am writing for this fic is just over halfway done, it has a title now! I am calling it "Clock Strikes Midnight". I came up with the name when I was writing the entrance riff, right before I hit the main riff, it sounds like a grandfather clock striking the bell. Either way, onto the chapter, and there is no set song for this one.

Everyone was still there when Clay and Peril got back from the palace. "So... how did it go?" Starflight asked them.

"The queen agrees with us, the mudwings should leave the war," Clay paused before continuing.

"I am sure that there is a but in there, am I right?" Starflight said worried about what Clay would say.

Clay nodded his head, "Correct, but it's nothing bad," Clay smiled at what the queen decided, "She is going to leave it up to the tribe, she is going to have all the bigwings decide on a vote,".

"Wow... that's actually... fair" Starflight said, shocked that a queen would give that much control to the citizens.

Sunny jumped up, "Oh my gosh, that's how it should be everywhere!"

Clay nodded his head, "I agree, even if the queen wants to leave the war, it's still fair to let everybody decide,"

Glory frowned at what she was thinking, "What are we going to do if they decide to keep on fighting?"

"There is nothing we could do... you can tell somebody anything you want to, but it doesn't matter if everyone wants to keep fighting," Starflight answered.

"The queen said the vote will be in a week, she wants all mudwings to be present for this vote," Clay said.

Tsunami deflated at that, "What are we going to do for a whole week, that sounds horribly boring,"

Clay smiled down at her, "Think of it as a small vacation, you can go and do whatever you want to,"

"Even though we are the smallest tribe, there are still some fun things to do around here," Umber said, giggling at Tsunami.

"Like what?" Tsunami said snarky, "Sleeping in the mud isn't exactly a seawing thing,"

"There are some shops, sightseeing, and there are different competitions all the time around here" Umber answered.

Peril smiled at Clay, "I would like to get to relax for a while and try out life without my firescalles for a bit.

"What do you want to do?" Clay asked her, curious at what she would pick first.

"I don't know, let's just walk around and find out?" Peril said excitedly, going out the door and taking Clay with her.

Most of the Mud Kingdom was just huts and little storage places. The middle of the kingdom was a totally different story. Almost all the houses were built out of a mixture of mud and stones, making some elaborate buildings. There were some stores, large houses, a large armory, a few libraries, and even an arena for shows, speeches, and competitions.

"I guess Umber was right, there are some things to do around here," Peril said, looking every which way. Taking in all the new sights that were around her.

Clay's stomach made a loud grumbling noise like it was angry. Clay was embarrassed, "Let's get something to eat"

Peril just giggled a bit, "Sure! if we wait any longer, your stomach is going to start digesting yourself"

It didn't take them too long to find somewhere to eat. "Fried alligator, sounds awesome!" Clay said in excitement.

The place was a small outdoor restaurant, there were four older mudwings that were working there. All of them were too old to be in the war.

Clay walked up to the counter, checking the price they had on a sign. "Hello there, can't remember the last time that we had a skywing here," The elderly mudwing said, giving Clay and Peril a smile.

"Ya, we are kind of hungry and we were looking for something to eat," Clay said, smiling back at the elder, "Saw that you were selling fried alligator and I thought that sounded pretty good!"

"It is indeed, my older sib came up with it when we were younger," The elder said.

"Good, I'll take two please," Clay said, forking over the coins.

"Thank you sir, I will have it to you in just a minute!" The elder said, telling his sibs to get ready for another order.

Peril gave Clay an excited look, "I am sooo looking forwards to this, I haven't eaten a single thing that wasn't burnt to an absolute crisp."

"Gosh dang, that sucks..." Clay said upset, "But, don't worry... starting now, you don't have to eat burnt food!"

The elderly Mudwing came back with their food, steaming hot and smelling great. (I have eaten alligator in real life, that stuff bussing fr).

Peril and Clay went outside to the area where you ate and sat down. Peril took a big chunk off the chunk of meat. "Oh my moons, this taste ten times better than those stupid rocks!"

Clay took a small bite, "this is great! I must say, for your first time eating something that wasn't burnt, this is a good choice."

Peril loved almost everything on the piece of meat, even chewing on the bone for a little bit. She was before Clay was.

"That's a first," Clay said chuckling a bit. Peril gave him a confused look.

"Nobody ever finishes eating before me, not that I can recall anyway," Clay said, just now finishing.

"What can I say, it tasted awesome," Peril said blushing just a hair bit.

They both got up, leaving a tip on the way out for the food they ate. "That was great, what do you want to go do now?" Peril asked excitedly.

"I think we should go and try one of those competitions that Umber was talking about?" Clay said.

Peril gave him a nod, "I don't really care if I do a competition, but I think it would be pretty fun to watch you do one."

They made their way to the gate of the arena, there was already a small crowd of mudwings waiting there. An older mudwing was announcing the competition. "Today's games will be about strength, please write your name on the paper to sign up and we will get started!"

A large chunk of the mudwings broke off from the group and surrounded a table with some papers on it. Peril motioned her head towards the table and Clay walked over. Wrote his name and followed the rest of the mudwings.

"Sooo, this is my first time doing one of these?" Clay asked one of the mudwings next to him.

"They are different every time, I have no idea what it will be and nobody else does either." The mudwing said giving him a look, "Just listen for what they tell you to do, all right."

Clay gave him a nod, he was surprised when he saw a blue dragon amongst the group. "Tsunami, what are you doing here?"

Tsunami turned around in shock, "Apparently the same as you," Tsunami said looking around, "Where is Peril at?"

"She told me that she didn't want to do the competition, she said that she would like to watch me instead," Clay answered truthfully.

"Ahh, so she wanted to watch her boyfriend?" Tsunami said jokingly, making Clay blush.

"She isn't my girlfriend!" Clay hissed at her, still blushing.

"No... but you wish she was!" Tsunami said laughing. Clay just walked away still blushing.

"Clay just remember that if we compete against each other, I don't want you holding back!" Tsunami yelled at him before he left. Clay just nodded, still blushing like mad.

There were four dragons called out before Clay ever was. Clay looked around at the competing dragons that were there. Some of them were easily twice his size. Clay knew that he still had a while before he grew to his full size. He was almost to the point where he should hit a growth spurt.

"Clay, to the field!" Somebody yelled, Calling Clay out.

Clay made his way outside into the middle of the arena. He was shocked by how many dragons were watching this. Almost the whole arena was filled up. The queen herself was even watching. Umber said this was a big deal in the mud kingdom, but he had no idea it was this BIG!

He looked over at the other wall and he saw a big bracket, looking for his name. He found Tsunamis first, it was in the middle of the right side of the bracket, he was on the left. He didn't recognize any other names on the bracket.

The dragon he was competing against came out of the other side of the arena. "And now, for your two-time champion, Cypress!".

Cypress was huge! Not as big as the queen. He wasn't that tall or anything, it's just that his muscles were gigantic, as about as big as trees were wide.

"Clay and Cypress of the mudwings, for the first part of the games we will be doing the atlas stone lift, we will not be basing this off of a time limit, you just keep on going till you can't anymore." The announcer ordered. Both Clay and Cypress nodded.

"We will start with Cypress first!" The announcer said dramatically.

Cypress did pretty well, being able to get almost over half of them getting up to the stone that lifted a good five tons. He made it to the six-ton ball, but dropped it halfway up.

"Alright, my turn" Clay muttered to himself, making it to the six-ton ball. What was shocking to everyone is that he hasn't even started to struggle yet, but unknown to them he was using his powers. Everyone went ballistic when he made it to the "Queen's Stone". It was called that because only the Queen was able to pick it up, and that's been years ago. Clay lifted it like it weighed about as much as a cup of tea, with one hand to be exact. Cypress left a while ago, not being able to handle the loss.

Clay also walked out after he was done. Everybody in the stadium was too shocked to say anything. But one sky wing was laughing at the sight.

Clay walked back in, the rest of the competing mudwings didn't see what he did. The rest of the competition went about the same way. The next one was a pillar push, Clay just punched the ground and made all of his pillars crumble, and the last one was to see how long you could lift up one of the eight ton atlas balls. Clay never even broke a sweat the whole competition.

It was finally the last competition, both Clay and Tsunami had made it with no issues. Hundreds of mudwings were depressed because they lost their bets in the first round to them.

"Alright, final challenge!" The announcer started, "Whoever wins this, gets the title of the strongest dragon, and fifty gold coins!". The announcer paused before continuing, "The last challenge is a good old fight, no fire, no mauling, permanent damage, or killing... Is that Clear!"

Both Clay and Tsunami nodded. "All right, you may start when you feel like it!" The announcer said, flying back to the box.

Smiling at each other. "Hey Clay, want to give them a show?" Tsunami asked giddy to show off a bit.

"Sure, but let's not destroy the place!" Clay said, just as excited.

After Clay said that, Tsunami shot one of her claws into the air, circling it around her head for a bit, clouds forming up, starting to make it rain.

It didn't bother anybody, they were used to it raining all the time here. It truthfully just made all the mudwing happier and more excited.

Clay crouched down, knowing that right now he was surrounded by Tsunamis element. He has trained with her enough times to know by now what she liked to do.

There it was! She flicked her tail and a large part of water formed and started speeding towards him. Clay shot to the right, dodging it. Stomping his back leg into the ground, making the rock below him fling himself at Tsunami. co*cking his front right leg back, getting ready to punch Tsunami.

Tsunami blocked him by forming a wall between each other. Clay's claws were stuck in the water wall. Clay waved his tail, and some small pillars shot into the wall, dispelling it. Both started charging at each other. Tsunami formed a water-type armor on herself, and Clay formed rocks onto his fist.

They both took a swing at each other... and knocked each other out at the same time, it was a draw.

Nobody in the crowd knew what to say or do. What are you supposed to do when two dragons start using strange powers and knock each other out. Peril was laughing at the dragons she just watched. She wanted Clay to win, but this was too funny.

Both of them started waking up, slowly standing up. "That's it for today folks, today's fight ends in a draw!" The announcer said after he got out of shock. "Next week's fight will also be the at the same time, please be there!"

"Clay and Tsunami, here is your winnings," The announcer said, handing each of them a bag of coins, "Since you both tied, you will split the winnings"

"Cool!" Tsunami said, jingling the coins in the bag, "Clay, I will win next time!"

Clay just gave her a look, "If my memory serves correctly, we are both tied in how many times we have won against each other"

Tsunami just shrugged her shoulders and left, flying back to the place they were staying.

Clay turned around, seeing that Peril was waiting for him, "What are you going to do with the coins?" Peril asked as Clay walked over to her.

"We are going to be here for at least a week, I am sure that I will find something to spend it on," Clay said, thinking of a few things.

It was late now, the sun starting to set. Remembering what Umber said, he took off into the air. Peril following him.

He kept on flying till he found a good place to watch the sunset. Finding a small hill, he landed there. Peril right next to him.

"Thanks Clay, for being with me today," Peril said, leaning on Clay's side.

"I had fun today, Peril, we will definitely have to do this again soon," Clay said looking off into the distance at the sunset. The colors reminded him of the dragon that was next to him.

"Yep," Was all that Peril said, as she laid down next to Clay.

Well, that's a wrap for today. I am sooo excited for the new Metallica album that's coming out tomorrow. I don't care for all the hate they are getting for their last few singles. I loved them. but enough of that. I have planned out when I am bringing in the Jade winglet, and its going to be completely different. The most shocking thing I am going to be doing is definitely the Rain Wing arc. It was causing me a huge dilemma and I needed it solved. The way I solved it was simple, but different from any fic I have ever read. Last thing, get ready to meet some familiar faces in the next chapter. Bet you won't guess who it is.

Chapter 19: I like Turltes

Chapter Text

It's currently one o'clock in the morning right now, and I am in the mood to write some fics baby! No song, just read!

Sunny was enjoying the Mud Kingdom so far. The locals were all pretty nice to her. Sure, there were a few sticks in the mud, especially the ones that were trying to eat. It didn't take her long to learn to stay away from MudWings that were trying to eat. They hated being interrupted from eating apparently, hmm.

She has been going around to different areas in the kingdom, talking to whatever group of dragons would listen, and trying and talk to them about the vote and why they should vote to leave the war.

Not surprisingly to her, there had only been a handful that was for the war. It broke her heart every time, to hear the reason why they wanted to fight. Many of them were Mud wings that lost all their sibs in the war.

Sunny knew that if she lost her friends that were like brothers and sisters to her, it would absolutely crush her.

"Those filthy IceWings need to pay for what they did!" Sunny's head jerked in the direction that the shouting was coming from. Running to it, hoping to stop any violence.

Sunny made it to where all the shouting was at. There were two MudWings, in each other's faces arguing, "I am sorry about what happened to them, but I am not going to let it happen to my sibs!"

Sunny stopped to listen for just a hair bit. "I don't care about your sibs, I am going to kill my brother and sister's murders!" The other MudWings said, lifting his claws into the air, getting ready to take a swipe at the other arguing MudWing.

Sunny had seen enough, running at them and grabbing the attacking MudWings arm, stopping him, "I would rather, you not do that."

"Who are you?" The MudWing said, offended, "Let go of ME!" the MudWing said, ripping his arm away from Sunny.

"My name is Sunny, and I would like it if you didn't attack anybody just because they didn't want to fight anymore," Sunny said like she was scolding a child.

"I don't care what you say, those IceWings are going to pay!" the MudWing said, now getting in Sunny's face.

Now Sunny was upset, "You are upset at the wrong dragons!"

"Like hell I am, I was there when each of my sibs died!" the MudWing said, getting more upset, "I know what dragons to be angry at!"

"You obviously don't!" Sunny yelled back, "You didn't know about the fact that Queen Moorhen was forced into this war!"

Now the MudWing was confused, "I know about that, but it doesn't matter, the IceWings were the ones to kill them."

"WRONG!" Sunny shouted, "The SandWing princess Burn, was the one to get your dragonets killed."

"And how so, I watched as an IceWing claw ripped through their necks, and ice breath shredded them to bits?"

"Burn killed them by making you fight, they would have never died if you were not in this war," Sunny said sincerely.

Now the Mudwing was upset again, "It still doesn't matter, I want my revenge!"

Now Sunny was pissed, it was like listening to a broken record. She shot her claws at the dragon's head and brought him down to eye level. "Now you listen here, you want vengeance... RIGHT?"

The MudWing shook his head rapidly, fearing the tiny SandWing with unusual strength for her size.

"Then get vengeance on the dragon that did this to you!" Sunny paused before continuing, "You can do that by voting to leave the war,"

"And how would that get me vengeance?" the MudWing muttered.

"You would be helping to cut off an arm to Burns's army," Sunny said, motioning at her own arm, "With the SkyWings still in disarray, and the MudWings voting to leave the war, it would cripple Burn's army."

"And the IceWings?" the MudWing asked, getting a little upset.

Sunny sighed, thinking of her next words carefully, "I am sorry to say, but that's war for you, sadly... dragons die, and there is no bringing your sibs back, even if you did get to kill your sibs' killers,"

Now the MudWing was pissed again, "So, you are saying I should just forgive the IceWings for killing them!"

Sunny shook her head, "NO, I would never say that," Sunny paused before continuing, "But, would your sibs want you to continue fighting even after they have died?"

"I know if I died that they would avenge me!" The MudWing was slowly getting confused at his own thoughts.

"They died to end the war, are you telling me that you will make their deaths be in vain by continuing the war?" Sunny finished with a disappointed frown.

"I...I... ugh!" The MudWing turned around and stormed off, getting away from the group of dragons that had started forming around them.

The other MudWing that was arguing walked up to Sunny, "Thank you, may I ask why you helped me?"

Sunny gave the MudWing a smile, "Don't worry about it, I don't think there is any reason that should be needed to help a dragon that was about to be attacked."

Sunny went to walk away but the MudWing stopped her, "No really, is there anything I can do to help you?"

Sunny was happy the MudWing was so nice, "There is one thing you can do to help me and my friends,"

"What would that be?" The MudWing asked eagerly.

"Vote to leave the war," Sunny said, walking away.

"Yes mam!" the MudWing yelled back.

The MudKingdom isn't as boring as people thought. Yes, most MudWings weren't very sociable dragons, but they were not boring either. There were MudWings always coming in with ridiculous catches.

Like the one that's flying in front of her right now. He has an alligator strapped to his back that is almost as big as the dragon itself.

She could tell by watching the MudWings, that they usually only hung out with their families. She had already seen six or seven different groups of dragonets playing with each other, and it was easy to tell that they were all brothers and sisters with them resembling each other.

Kind of like how they grew up in the mountain. That put a smile on her face, thinking of all the times that they played together, practiced, or just hung out.

"Come here magical SeaWing!" A dragonet said running out in front of her, waving a rock in one of his claws.

Another dragonet came out and through water from a cup at the dragonet with the stone. "Never!"

That put an even bigger smile on her face, knowing that they were re-enacting the fight between Clay and Tsunami. Just about the whole village has heard about their competition fight now.

Sunny's thoughts were cut off when a shocking sight crossed her vision. Three dragons, surrounded by MudWing guards, making their way toward the palace.

She immediately started running to the place they were staying at. Knowing she had to get a certain dragon, RIGHT NOW! Tsunami would never believe who was here.

Sunny bolted into the door, making it slam open. "TsunamiTsunamiTsunamiyoulneverguesswhoIjustsaw!" Sunny yelled out so fast nobody could understand her.

A whip of water came from... somewhere and clasped around Sunny's face, "Calm down!" Tsunami said sternly.

Sunny just nodded her head, not being able to speak. Tsunami let go of her face and the grin came back to Sunny.

"You will never believe who I just saw!" Sunny said, knowing that Tsunami would be happy.

"And that would be …?" Tsunami paused, waiting for an answer.

"It's Anemone and two other SeaWing that I don't recognize!" Sunny said, trying to remember the other two.

"WHAT!" Tsunami shouted, shooting up from where she was sitting, "Where are they at?"

"They should be inside the palace now, there were some guards taking them there," Sunny said, pointing out the door.

Tsunami ran out the door, "Come on Sunny, let's go!" Tsunami stopped and stuck her head back into the door, "oh hey Starflight?"

Starflight with a mirthful smile on his face just waved them on. Tsunami gave him a smile and nodded. Somebody had to watch Icicle.

Tsunami and Sunny ran all the way over to the palace, only stopping at the gates to tell the guards why she wanted in.

"Sure, I know the Queen wanted to see you anyways, she wanted to get to meet all of you dragonets before you left," The guard said opening the door for them.

"Thank you," Sunny said as she walked in with Tsunami. Both Sunny and Tsunami slowed down in the palace, knowing it was proper. And, because they were looking at all the decorations around them. The inside of the palace was the most decorated place in the entire Mud Kingdom. There were tapestries of different sights in the Mud Kingdom, paintings of older queens, and other pictures.

Tsunami, when she made it to the throne room, sprinted and swept her sister in a surprise hug, "Anemone, it's so good to see you here!"

"Who, don't surprise me like that!" Anemone said laughing, still being picked up into the air.

Tsunami let go of her, "What are you doing here?" Tsunami asked with a smile on her face.

"Mom sent me here to tell the Queen of the MudWings," Anemone said, motioning with her head towards the Queen.

Tsunami remembered where she was at and ran over to her and bowed. "I am sorry your majesty, I was just happy to see my sister.

"Do not worry young one, I completely understand," Moorhen said with a kind smile on her face.

Tsunami smiled and sat back up, "Thank you,"

"I come to believe that you are Tsunami, yes?" Moorhen asked, already knowing the answer.

"Yes, your majesty and that is my friend Sunny," Tsunami said, waving over to Sunny.

Moorhen looked over to Sunny, "Sunny of the Dragonets of Destiny, may you please come over here?"

Sunny walked over nervously, having never been called on by a queen before, "Yes, your majesty?"

Moorhen walked off her throne, and stood in front of Sunny, "I am in your debt, thank you for saving some of my citizens."

Sunny sputtered for a second, having a queen be in your debt was something major, "Your majesty, I am not in your debt!" Sunny yelled out, "I didn't save you!"

"Yes you did, you saved me from heartbreak," Moorhen said seriously, "I am not like other rulers, I view my citizens like I view my own sibs," Moorhen took a deep breath, "It would have been heartbreaking to have one of my own subjects killed in my own kingdom,"

Sunny put her head down, "Thank you, your majesty,". Being in a queen's debt was something major. You were considered practically royal at that point. If you even remotely try and hurt somebody that was in a queen's debt, they executed right there on the spot, via the queen herself.

"Back to business, thank you Princess Anemone, but the Dragonets of Destiny already informed me of your Kingdome leaving the war.

"Am I excused then, your majesty?" Anemone asked bowing down.

"You are, go have a good time with your sister," Moorhen said with a smile on her face.

Everyone took that as their cue to leave, heading back to the place they were staying.

"I already know who you are Riptide, but I don't know who you are?" Tsunami asked the other SeaWing in the group, who was a Jewl collard SeaWing.

"My name is Turtle, I am one of your thirty brothers," Turtle said, introducing himself.

"Thirty..." Tsunami muttered, "I have THIRTY brothers!" Tsunami just let it go, "How does one dragon have thirty kids!" Tsunami said, understanding what that meant.

"When you keep on having heirs get murdered, and you don't stop having boys, that's what happens," Anemone said simply.

"Yea, but why didn't Mom tell me about you guys?" Tsunami asked, a little upset.

"Mom doesn't do it out of hate, buuuuut she kind of doesn't really care about the males," Turtle said, already used to the ignorance he and his brothers get.

"But that's so unfair, it should matter if you are male or not, you should still get some love from Mom!" Tsunami shouted.

"There is no changing what mom feels, she is so busy that she hardly has enough time with her own husband, let alone all thirty sons she had," Turtle answered, knowing he would love to get more attention from her, but knowing it was nigh impossible.

Tsunami turned her head towards Riptide, "Riptide, I am happy to see you again, but what are you doing here?"

"Queen Coral told me to watch Anemone while she is with you," Riptide said simply.

"Cool, and how about you Turtle?" Tsunami asked him.

"Same as Riptide, but I came along the way because I always wanted to explore a little bit out of the Sea Kingdom," Turle said with a smile.

"Understandable, I was so excited when I got to leave the cave," Tsunami said nodding.

"Anemone, no offense to both Riptide and Turtle, but I don't even think you need guards," Tsunami said.

"Both of them already know of my powers, yeah that's what I told Mom, but she didn't care," Anemone said, remembering what she was going to ask next. "Speaking of which, Tsunami... may I please go with you and your friends on your journey?"

That shocked both Sunny and Tsunami, "I would love for you too but that's not up to me," Tsunami said motioning over to Sunny, "That's up to everyone in the group, and does mom know about this?"

"Believe it or not, but she actually recommended me to ask you," Anemone said with a smile on her face, "She said it would look good for the future queen to either be a dragonet of destiny or help them out on their journey,"

Tsunami nodded again, starting to walk again toward the place they were staying, "That would indeed look good on the future princess, I know I want you to join, we just got to ask everyone else,"

They finally made it home and walked into the door. Clay and Peril just made it back from their most recent outing, and Starflight and Glory were already there, knowing who Tsunami was coming back with. Clay and Peril didn't though.

"Anemone!" they both said in surprise, as she walked into the place. "What are you doing here?"

"Mom sent me here to tell the MudWing queen about us leaving the war, also I have one other question I would like to ask everyone here,"

Starflight already knew what she was going to ask, "Yes Anemone, you can go with us,"

Clay and Peril both caught on quickly, "In my opinion, the more the merroir, would your friends be going with us?" Clay asked.

Turtle and Riptide both nodded, "If you would let us, that would be cool?"

"I think it would be pretty cool to have you with us!" Clay answered happily

"I say you should go screw off!" Icicle yelled, annoyed at all the talking.

"Who is the shiny one?" Anemone asked, not caring about what Icicle said.

"It's just Princess Icicle, nobody important," Tsunami said, laughing at the screeching Icicle made at that comment.

"Wow, there is a lot of royalty in this one room, isn't there?" Anemone said.

"f*ck you!" Icicle yelled.

Bullying Icicle is hilarious in my opinion. She will become relevant soon enough. Anemone is with us now, so that's cool. You might be able to guess how a chunk of the story is going to go now I guess. I know what a lot of you are thinking, why is Riptide here, Coral would rather skin him alive than let him go off on his own with Anemone. I will explain that later. The next chapter is going to be a mystery to me, I have a lot planned besides the next chapter lol.

Chapter 20: For the Sibs

Chapter Text

Welcome to the twentieth chapter of this series, I am now done writing this story in its rough draft. Everything from here on out in this fiction is written in stone, no going back! I am almost done writing my other fic Birth of Wings. And the song I am making for this fiction is almost done, I hit a breakthrough for my main riff, and now I am working on the in-between riffs and the solo. No song for this yet, I have been jamming to Metalica's new album. Pls review this fic, it makes it feel like what I am doing is worth it.

Starflight was shocked at the sight that was before him, it was a wave of MudWings making their way into the arena.

The vote was happening today, and everyone was expected to be here for it. Mudwings in all colors of the earth were here.

Starflight was having a hard time with the headache he was getting right now, with all the minds around him, it sounded like a swarm of bees in his head.

Ever since he made it to the Mud Kingdom, he has been working on it by going to big public areas and trying to get used to all the minds.

Starflight learned that if he focused on one mind, it helped with blocking all the others out for just a bit. He has been doing that bye jumping dragon to dragon. Helping with his headache and trying to get a feel for how the vote was going to go.

What he saw in the dragon's minds was assuring. Almost everybody he looked at wanted the war to end.

Starflight knew that they were in pretty good shape and they shouldn't have to do anything too rash. They did have a plan for if somehow, the vote went sideways.


Starflight was sitting at a table, with all the other dragonets there. They were planning what they were going to do after this vote.

"So, we are all in agreement that the Sky Kingdom is next, as long as the vote goes well?" Tsunami asked the group.

Everyone shook their heads, agreeing with her. "That is a pretty easy choice to make in my opinion," Glory answered.

"I agree," Starflight said before continuing, "I was talking with Moorhen, she said that the SkyWings were in the middle of a civil war, but Burn was still getting her troops from them."

Clay sighed, "You would think with Scarlet crippled and on the brink of being de-throned, that the SkyWings would focus on their own kingdom than a war."

"I know Scarlet pretty well, she loves violence more than she loves her own kingdom and it shows!" Peril said angrily.

Sunny thought of something, "So, we know we are going to the Sky Kingdom next as long as the vote goes well, but what is the plan if the vote doesn't work out."

Starflight already had a plan for this, but it would go against their more peaceful approach, "I was thinking of... capturing all the queens and doing a deep dive into their minds to see which one would be the best queen."

Clay shook his head, "It does sound like a good backup plan, but it's going to piss off a lot of dragons if we do that."

Starflight sighed, "I know you are right, but it's the only thing I could think of."

"For right now, we are going to place a lot of hope into this vote," Clay said.

End of Flashback

Starflight looked over at Clay, who was happily talking with his blood sibs, remembering the talk they had right before they made their way to the arena.

What, another Flashback!

Clay was getting ready to leave when his sibs stopped him to talk to him.

"Clay, we have something we would like to ask you?" Reed asked him.

Clay gave him a smile, "You just did, but go ahead," Clay said, waving his claws at him to continue.

Reed looked over to his sibs, "We were hoping to join you on your journey after the vote was over?"

"I would love that! "Clay said looking over to Starflight, "What do you think?"

Starflight shrugged his shoulders, "The more the merrier."

End Flashback

Starflight and the group walk through the doors to the arena. Gawking at the sight before them. All around, there were MudWings of all the colors of the earth. Dragons walking and flying in. The stadium was almost filled up. Young dragonets that were just old enough to hunt for themselves, to elderly dragons that could just barely walk. Everyone was here for this moment, it would be witnessing history.

Starflight walks by a large box drawn into the ground. It made up a big section of the ground in the arena, and the box was split in two, one side said for, and the other said against.

The group sits down in the area that was specifically reserved for them. There were guards on both sides of that section. Not that they needed them.

Just after a few minutes of the group sitting down, Queen Moorhen flies in and lands in the middle of the field. Gathering everybody's attention and silenced the crowd with her presence. Everybody lowered their heads in respect to her.

"Rise, dragons of my tribe, for we are here today for something very important!" Moorhen yelled to the tribe. Everybody raised their head to listen to Moorhen, "Today, we are here to vote for the war,"

Everybody in the crowd already knew this, the news has been spreading for a week now, what she just said confirmed what they already knew.

"Before we start this voting process, I have a few important things I would like to say," Moorhen said, taking a deep breath before continuing, "We have all been touched by this war that we are in," Moorhen said waving one of her wings, pointing out in the general area towards the Sand Kingdom.

"Me and my sibs have lost one sib to this war already, and I know that many of you have lost all of yours, it breaks my heart just thinking about it," Moorhen said, lowering her head in respect for the dead.

Moorhen shot her head back up in anger, "BUT NO MORE, I as a fellow bigwings myself ask you this!" Moorhen yells out to the crowd, "As your queen, I wanted to give you, other bigwings to decide the fate of the tribe and I ask you this, end this madness so no more of our sibs will die!"

A voice broke out from the crowd, shocking Moorhen, "I wouldn't do that if I were you," a SandWing said, flying down from the top of the arena walls, Landing in front of Moorhen.

"Burn..." Moorhen muttered.

"That is Queen Burn to you!" Burn said, blatantly insulting her by turning around and ignoring her.

"Imagine my surprise, when the MudWings disregarded my orders and headed home for some stupid vote!" Burn said yelling at the crowd.

Burn turned back around to face Moorhen, "I'll make this simple," Burn said, putting her face right into Moorhen's, "End this vote now and I will spare you and your tribe!"

As soon as Burn said that, SandWings covered in armor flew above the skies of the MudWings, having the advantage.

Moorhen's eyes shot over to the group of dragonets that were walking over to her.

Moorhen gave a smirk at Burn, confusing her. "End this vote now, or I kill you here where you stand!"

"Go ahead, try it little SandWing BITCH!" Moorhen yelled, knowing she was fine.

Burn roared in anger, lifting one of her arms into the air, getting ready to slash at Moorhen. Her arm was grabbed out of the air by a vine bursting through the ground. "WHaa-," Burn was silenced as more vines burst out of the ground and tied her down to the ground to where she couldn't move.

A wall of fire was summoned all around her to where she couldn't move, and spikes of earth shot up and surrounded her neck, to where if she would try and move it, it would go through her neck and kill her instantly.

Burn didn't move a muscle, a frown on her face. Inside, she was seething with anger.

"Of course, you whelps had to be here!" Burn yelled, hearing about the dragonets with strange power. At first, she liked the dragonets, for getting rid of her stupid sister's SeaWing army. She wanted to thank them at first. But then she heard about a vote that was going on in the MudKingdom. And now... this.

"You stupid dragonets were obviously the ones to cause all of this stupidity!" Burn yelled, still not being able to move.

Moorhen, still with a smirk on her face, "So Burn, you want to repeat what you told me a little bit ago?"

Burn has had enough, "You f*ckING KNOW WHAT, YA I DO!" Burn yelled, punching the spikes that were surrounding her neck, crumbling them to dust.

Peril made the flames close in on Burn. To her shock, burn ignored the flames like she was just getting a hot bath.

Burn flew out of the flames, now looking at the dragonets, "Is this all you have to offer Moorhen, just a bunch of dragonets?" Burn turned to look back at Moorhen, but took a fist to the face instead.

"Nope," Moorhen said, simply. "Peril, if you may?" Moorhen asked her kindly.

A grin formed on Peril's face, "With pleasure!"

Burn stumbled up but started freaking out when she saw the dragon that was running at her. She watched enough of Scarlets arena battles to know who this dragon was, and she knew not to screw around with Peril. She was not informed that she was the SkyWing dragonet in the group. If she would have known that, she would have never shown up.

"Retreat, Peril the SkyWing is here, this battle is lost!" Burn said, flying into the air, flying out of the arena.

Peril was laughing at the dragons that were fleeing in terror.

"Thank you Peril, it is graciously appreciated," Moorhen thanked her.

"No problem your majesty, it was hilarious," Peril said, still laughing.

"Indeed, it was, what I would give to have a painting of her face when she saw you," Moorhen said, also laughing now.

Moorhen cleared her throat before continuing, "Dragons, have your BigWings come down here and place your vote, enough with the distractions!"

All the MudWings cheered, "For the Sibs!" before the biggest dragon in each group flew down to the box, many of them in the "against section". Confirming what Starflight heard in the people's thoughts.

All the dragonets gave a sigh of relief, at the sight of all the dragons in the box for the dragons that were against the war.

"Then that's that!" Moorhen yelled with a smile on her face, "Dragons, go out and celebrate!" Moorhen extended her wings to the sky, "We are no LONGER AT WAR!"

Chapter 21: Celebration

Chapter Text

There are 11,916 views as I am currently writing this chapter, thank guys. It means a lot that my fic is working its way up in the charts in the wings of fire fandom in popularity. This is a call out to all fandom members, I want to challenge you to write your own Wings of Fire fanfiction. I would love to see my viewer's ideas. Sadly for everybody who reads Wings of Fire fanfiction, there is a pitifully small amount of them compared to some other fandoms, come on guys, I know you can do it!

Clay was happy, the MudWings left the war, his family was safe, and now he was hunting with his brother Reed. Life was great. They were hunting for food for the celebration he and his friends were having, for successfully getting the MudWings out of the war.

They were going through one of the many swamps out in the Mud Kingdom. The cypress trees were huge, and the wildlife was plentiful. Clay had already visited one of the cypress swamps with Peril, so he knew what there was to see in these swamps, but he still liked to look at all the plants and wildflowers everywhere. The birds looked strange and there were fish everywhere in the swamps.

Reed was leading the way, having a bit more experience hunting alligators. It was nice, finally getting to spend some alone time with one of his brothers by himself. They whispered while they were hunting not wanting to scare anything away. They talked about various things, not really staying on a specific topic.

Reed and Clay were able to eventually catch two alligators, hauling them out on their backs, back to the place Clay and the dragonets were staying at.

Everybody was excited, especially the dragonets, they had never been to or thrown a party. Even Icicle was out, she was busy talking to the dragonets. She wasn't even being rude.

Clay walked into the kitchen to the house and put one of the alligators over a fire, letting it roast.

Reed put the other alligator on the table, starting to carve it up for consumption.

Icicle was busy talking with Crane. "No really, I don't know how you caught me that quickly!" Crane said, wondering back to how Icicle was able to catch her in such a short reaction time, and kill her.

To say Icicle was uncomfortable would be an understatement. "You are really calm about the whole, getting your throat ripped out?" Icicle said, grimacing, "Who just casually walks up to somebody who ripped their throat out and talks to them?"

Crane smiled at her, "It's war, ya, you may have almost killed me, but that was what you were supposed to do!"

Icicle just shrugged her shoulders, "Fair enough," Icicle remembered her original question, "When a princess is born, from a very young age, they are taught how to react quickly in case of an assassination attempt," Icicle answered, remembering her training, "Actually, my trainers put me through the same situation you gave me about a hundred times, its actually a mandatory thing that even the queen has to go through."

"Ohhh, I didn't even think about that, no wonder you crushed me instantly," Crane said impressed.

Icicle gave her a nod, "Thank you, it is reassuring that my annoying training is useful."

Starflight was busy talking with Turtle, and Umber was listening. Starflight and Turtle were happy talking with each other, both with a love of reading scrolls, and wanting to one day be Authors themselves. Umber was listening attentively, wanting to one day have an education, a thing that very few MudWings have.

Sora was talking with Glory, asking her various question about the plants she can grow with her powers, and which ones were her favorite.

Marsh and Pheasant were playing Scroll Tower with Sunny, whose tower was almost chest high now. Marsh was busy trying to match her in height, while Pheasant gave up a while ago, not being able to get her tower even a quarter of Sunny's height.

Tsunami was hanging out with Anemone and Riptide, talking about various topics about the Sea Kingdom. "Yea, don't really care if I become the queen or not," Tsunami told Anemone.

"Me neither, I would much rather go and explore the world!" Anemone said smiling.

Tsunami frowned at that, "Yea, that would be cool, but who would rule the kingdom after mom dies?"

"I know that mom and dad were supposed to be trying for at least one more princess, so who knows?" Anemone said, shrugging her shoulders.

"I did not need to know that!" Tsunami said, slapping her face.

Clay just laughed, listening to the conversation Tsunami was having. Peril was sitting next to him, leaning against him.

Peril looked over at Clay, "Thank Clay!"

Clay was confused at what she was talking about, "What do you mean?" he said, not knowing what he did.

"For everything, ever since you got me away from Scarlet, and took me on your adventure my life has been so much better," Peril said, snuggling up next to him.

Clay just blushed and looked away, not knowing what to say or do, remembering what Tsunami said in the arena before the competition, "You wish she was your girlfriend!".Clay blushed even more thinking about what Tsunami said. Was she right, Is that what he wanted?

He looked back at Peril, who was still snuggled up next to him. Looking away, remembering all the times that he has hung out with her since he met her, it was just so easy to talk to her. She wasn't one of his adopted siblings and she understood everything he talked about. They both loved to hang out together.

Clay made up his mind but did Peril like him back? Clay looked back to Peril... Clay knew he wasn't the smartest in the group, he could miss some of the simple things he was told, but even he could see the signs that Peril was sending, with how much she instigated being with Clay whenever she could.

Tsunami sees Clay looking at Peril, blushing while looking at her. Clay's gaze turns to Tsunami, realizing that she saw him. Tsunami gave him a smile and motioned with her paw to go.

Clay nodded to her, smiling. Leaning down and whispered something into Peril's ear. She gave him a confused look but nodded and stood up, both of them leaving the house, flying off.

Tsunami sighed, knowing what was about to happen. She walked over to the table Sunny was at, her tower now almost head level. Sunny saw Tsunami walking over, "What do you need Tsunami?"

Tsunami took out a small bag of gold and put it into Sunny's talons. "What's this for?" Sunny asked for, apparently not remembering the dare they all made.

"You'll find out later," Tsunami said, now a little grumpy at losing her dare.

Back with Clay and Peril

Clay was leading the way, with Peril right behind him and still confused about why he wanted to leave.

The sky was turning golden, with the sky turning a beautiful copper color, getting ready to turn into night.

Clay saw what he was looking for, an open dry area in the middle of a field of wildflowers.

Clay turned back around so he could land on the dry area and Peril landed right behind him.

"Clay, not that I don't like to go out flying with you," Peril said walking up to him, "But I am sure that you had a reason for this?"

Clay was freaking out, not having a clue how to do this.Three moons, what do I say, what if I mess this up!

Clay took a big gulp, "Peril I-" Clay froze, not knowing how to go about this.

"Clay what's wrong, you can tell me if-" Peril was cut off as Clay's mouth met hers. Making her freeze instantly in shock, but then melting into the kiss, happily squealing internally at what was happening.

Clay let go of the kiss, "Peril, will you be my girlfrie-" Clay was shut up again, Peril answering his question by kissing him again.

Peril let go this time, "Of course you bozo!" Peril said happily. "When did you decide you wanted to be my boyfriend?"

Clay blushed thinking about it. For a little while I guess, I am going to have to say a hair bit after the sea kingdom, a little bit after we started to hang out, but Tsunami said something to make me realize it."

"Well remind me to thank her when we get back," Peril said, kissing him again.

Back with the rest of the group.

Starflight was talking with Icicle, "I am being serious, it would look great for both the dragonets and you if you helped us out with this."

"I know that you are probably right, but I am going to have to think about it first," Answered Icicle, "I know that if I help you with the war, I would look like a hero, and you would look like you're not for a certain side, with all kinds of dragons being with you."

Starflight nodded, "Especially with you being a princess, that would mean we would have a lot more sway in whatever we do."

Clay and Peril walked back in right after Starflight said this. Tsunami saw them walk in and she knew she had one mission right now, embarrass them horribly. With a big smile on her face, "Hey Clay, Peril, do you have something to tell everybody?"

Clay blushed but nodded, "Yes, yes I do," Clay paused before continuing, "Me and Peril are courting,"

Everybody was quiet for a bit, it was cut off by Sunny, "Pay up, weep to your mistress!"

Everybody groaned and started to hand her bags of coins. Even Icicle was in on the bet.

"Did you... were you betting on us dating?" Clay asked, shocked that everybody was in on this.

Sunny laughed, "Yep, we all knew that you were going to get together, we were just betting on WHEN!"

Now Clay was smiling, knowing how Sunny was with her betting, "So what did you guys bet against her?" Everyone just groaned again, giving their various answers.

"I would have thought by now that you guys would know better than to bet against Sunny," Clay said like he was scolding a child.

"You would have thought by now, that we would have!" Glory said upset with her now, a lighter bag of coins.

"I don't care, I am happy Sunny was right," Peril said, rubbing her head against Clay's.

And that's a wrap for today! Clay and Peril are together, Whiteout's genes are showing in Sunny, and everybody is crying that they are broke now. A couple of new characters are showing themselves in the next chapter, I bet you won't guess who is showing up in the next chapter. To finish this off, I am about to start live streaming on Twitch, I will tell you my profile when it's up, Warning, I have no filter on what I say. You have been warned.

Chapter 22: Misery loves company

Chapter Text

New chapter let's go! The song for today is Metallica's "My Friend of Misery". I am saying it now, this song goes perfectly for the character that's being introduced in this chapter, I recommend a live variant of this song. Hope you enjoy the chapter, and I hope you review it.

The group was winging their way toward the Sky Kingdom, with their newest member in tow.

Icicle agreed after thinking about it after the party. Sunny joking that they "Caught em all!". Icicle agreed, knowing it wouldn't look good on her if she came back from being captured, empty-clawed. She decided it would look better on her if she decided to actually help them win the war. Glacier would be pissed, but it would look better on her for everybody that wasn't for the war. Icicle was already sure that her placement on the board was rock bottom, until she made it back anyways.

The dragonets were all talking sociably, the tips of Jade Mountain in sight. They all agreed that they would stop there for the night to rest before they made their way into the Sky Kingdom.

It was starting to get dark so they landed about halfway up the mountain, landing on a flat. All of them spreading out, setting up for the night.

Clay made a bunch of small huts, making stones sprout of the ground and forming small rock tents for everybody to sleep in for the night, it wasn't dark yet so everyone was exploring the mountain, looking at all the sights around them.

And that is what we see Starflight doing now, a scroll in tallon, while walking around, jotting down all the interesting things around him.

Starflight was currently writing about how the most common tree that grows in these mountains were the Pine trees.

Starflight was smiling, happy with what he was doing right now, admiring the sight around him and doing what he loves the most, learning.

Imagine his shock when he heard somebody in his mind that wasn't supposed to be there. It wasn't loud, so it wasn't close. But he did hear the single word in his mind "Dinner".

He didn't recognize who the mind belonged to, but he was cautious and started heading toward the way the mind was coming from. It was faint, almost on the other side of the ridge that he was on, closer to the main body of the mountain.

Starflight kept a lookout, wondering if he would see the dragon flying, figuring that it was just a SkyWing out hunting for some food. He couldn't tell what the dragon was thinking anymore, but he could still sense it.

It started to get stronger when he was almost to the main body of the mountain, a cave in sight. the thoughts from the dragon were a lot stronger.

"That was a good squirrel, I hope that Dinner got himself something to eat,"The Dragon's mind said.

Starflight was confused, at the thoughts and where the dragon was at. Why would a dragon be way out here, waiting for another dragon called Dinner to give him a squirrel?

Starflight started walking into the cave, walking around all the stalagmites. The thoughts were getting clearer and clearer until it was like he could hear everything the dragon could think.

"The water dripping today sounds more lovely than usual,"the dragon thought, confusing Starflight even more. Who has thoughts like this?

Starflight eventually made it so far down that there was no sunlight lighting the cave, having to let out spurts of fire to see where he was going.

Starflight walked farther and farther down, till he came to a dead end. "I wonder who this strange dragon is?"Starflight heard the dragon think, confirming that the dragon had saw Starflight.

"Hello, I know that you are there, my name is Starflight!" Starflight said into the cave, not knowing how he had missed a whole dragon down there.

"You are stepping on my wing?" the dragon said, close to Starflight.

Starflight jumped into the air scared, busting his head off the ceiling of the cave.

"Wha- where are you at?" Starflight said, rubbing his head, trying to get rid of the headache he has now.

"look down, young dragon," the dragon said.

Starflight looked down, and was shocked to see a NightWing on the ground, or what was left of one anyways. The dragon was covered from head to claws in stones that seemed to cling to his scales.

Starflight had no idea what he was looking at besides that it was like talking to a living statue, "Who are you?"

"I am surprised that you do not know me, I figured you were with Morrowseer, trying to find me," the stone dragon muttered, "My name is Stonemover"

"Morrowseer and I, don't exactly see eye to eye if you catch my drift," Starflight said to the stone dragon.

"I see..." the stone dragon muttered out, "then are you with the talons?" the dragon asked.

"No, but I got some friends who are," Starflight answered truthfully.

The stone dragon lowered his head in disinterest, "Then who are you, young dragon and why are you here?"

"My name is Starflight, I am with my friends, the dragonets of destiny," Starflight answered truthfully once again, censing no hostility from this dragon, if anything he seemed... almost nonexistent.

His mind was quiet, hardly producing little to no thoughts. It's a wonder how he even heard this dragon.

The stone dragon lifted his head in interest once again, "The Dragonets... but... it's a fake prophecy?"

Now Starflight was interested in what the dragon had to say, "What do you mean it's fake?"

"I was there... when the prophecy was planned out," the dragon muttered.


A young Stonemover was jogging his way into the Council chamber, a major meeting was announced to all important dragons to attend as soon as possible.

Stonemover ran and sat in his chair that was specially reserved for him. Being the only animus dragon in the NightKingdom made him quite important.

Everybody else in the council quieted down when they saw Morrowseer walk in.

Even at a younger age, Morrowseer was a giant. He was destined to be important to the Queen with his size, strength, and mind. He was a gifted Dragonet. Everybody knew that his word was law and he held the will of the queen.

"NightWings, I am here today with something very important..." Morrowseer paused before continuing. "I had a... dream last night, that will lead us to a new glorious kingdom!"

End Flashback

Stonemover finished the story, telling him how Morrowseer said that it came to him in a dream, an image of dragonets leading them to a glorious new kingdom and that the dragonets would do it by killing off all the sandwings princesses. They planned for the dragonets to kill all the queens but Blister. And the NightWings would join Blister in an alliance and get rid of her after they have their new kingdom

Starflight scoffed, "Trust me, we have met both Blister and Burn, and neither of them will become queens if we have a say in it!"

Stonemover nodded his head, "Blister isn't the most... hospitable dragon, is she?"

"You can say that again!" Starflight exclaimed, "The first thing she does when she sees her, tries to take the Sea Kingdom by force,"

Stonemover furrowed his brow, "I thought they were in an alliance?"

"you're out of the loop?" Starflight asked him, Stonemover was literally living under a rock.

Stonemover shook his head, and laid it back down tiredly, "It's actually not that bad here, the talons of peace use my cave as a rest spot, I get the news of the war every other week or so,"

"Ohh, well I am surprised you haven't heard about the Sea Kingdom yet," Starflight said a little surprised.

"Me and my friends were recently a part of helping the SeaKingdom leave the war," Starflight explained.

"But you're not actually a part of a prophecy, it's all fake?" Stonemover asked.

"Look, I don't doubt that your right about Morrowseer making something up, but um... me and my friends, all of us have powers never seen before," Starflight said, trying to explain the situation.

"Animus..." Stonemover said, a little shaken.

Starflight shook his head, "Not animus, we have already seen what that's like, it's something completely different?"

"I feel sorry for you," Stonemover muttered.

"What for?" Starflight asked, wondering what he could be talking about.

"Having to see the curse of animus magic and its work," Stonemover said, sorrowfully.

"what's wrong with it, it was used to help a tribe in a major issue?" Starflight asked him.

Stonemover shook his head, "the issue is with what it does to your soul,"

Starflight shook his head, "Nope,"

"What do you mean no?" Stonemover asked him, "I am an animus, I should know," Stonemover said a little heatedly.

"Wrong, Anemone, the animus in our group found out it almost does nothing to your soul," Starflight said matter factly.

"What..." Stonemover said, wondering what he was talking about.

Starflight rubbed his still aching head, "Here ill just tell you the story,"

Flashback, back to the celebration in the MudKingdom

Starflight was talking to Anemone, remembering one of the scrolls he read on animus magic. "So, Anemone, may I ask you a question?"

Anemone gave him a smile, "You just did, but go ahead and ask another,"

Starflight rolled his eyes, "I was reading a scroll a little while ago, it was about animus magic,"

"What about it?" Anemone asked.

"Well, you have animus magic and all so... how is your soul?" Starflight asked her.

"Ahh yes that," Anemone nodded her head, "It's complete bullsh*t," Anemone said casually.

"What?" Starflight said, shocked at what she said.

"I read in a scroll that it might affect your soul too, reading about what happened with Albatross and Darkstalker and all that stuff," Anemone said, remembering what she read.

Starflight nodded, remembering the stuff of nightmares about the stuff nightmares that Darkstalker and Albatross did.

"So I decided to finally answer the lifelong question, does animus magic affect the soul!" Anemone said, smiling at how simple it was to find out.

"How did you do that?" Starflight said curious.

"It's so simple, I mean, I don't know how all the other animus dragons were so stupid!" Anemone ranted.

"Can you just tell me already, please!" Starflight asked desperately for the answer, it was such an interesting topic.

Anemone nodded her head, "I enchanted a scroll to tell me the information on how animus worked with the soul,"

Wow, that is simple, Starflight thought to himself.

"Imagine my surprise that the scroll said that animus has almost no effect on your soul," Anemone said, rolling her eyes at all the drama on animus magic.

"You put an "almost" in there?" Starflight asked her.

Anemone nodded, "Yep, it said that you would have to do a ridiculous number of spells in a really short time to really do anything," Anemone answered, "It says that your soul "refills" too quickly to do any harm to the user"

"What happens if you do too many?" Starflight asked.

"It said that you would be like an empty husk of a dragon, no emotions, no soul, and no going to the afterlife," Anemone said casually.

Shocked at that last part, "You want to run that last one by me again?" Starflight asked, his eyes the size of dinner plates.

"No going to the afterlife?" Anemone asked curious.

"Is that what the scroll said?" Starflight asked, reaching for something to grab onto.

"Ya?" Anemone asked, not knowing where he was going with this.

"Anemone, your scroll just confirmed the longest question in dragons' existence!" Starflight started to yell.

"So?" Anemone said, not really caring.

Starflight just let it all go.

Flashback end

Stonemover was quiet the whole time, listening attentively.

Starflight was finally done telling the story, "Yea, it was crazy learning all that stuff!"

Stonemover took a deep breath, "So, what your trying to tell me is that, for the last twenty years of my life, ignore the love of my life, never get to meet my unborn dragonet, I have forced myself to stay here, turn all of my scales into stone to "Stop" my soul from corrupting me, and it was all just a joke,"

Starflight was quiet after that, but finally nodded his head, "Dude... that's rough,"

"You don't say," Stonemover said, starting to cry. "Thorn... I am sorry,"

Starflight was quiet, waiting for Stonemover to calm down.

Stonemover started to talk again after a few minutes, "Starflight, do you trust this "Anemone" and what she said?"

Starflight nodded, "I do, she is one of my best friends, and a sister to somebody that is pretty much family,"

Stonemover nodded, "Very well," Stonemover started to take a deep intake of air, "Scales, I ENCHANT YOU TO TURN BACK THE WAY YOU ONCE WERE, AND BE RID OF THESE STONES THAT CLING TO YOU!"

It was like watching a rock to start crumbling to dust, all the stones that were stuck on Stonemover started crumbling to dust, showing his now graying scales, and his feeble frame.

Stonemover tried to stand up but couldn't hardly move, "NO, no more, I will not be trapped in this CAVE!" Stonemover took another breath of air, "I enchant my body to return to the shape it was in twenty years ago"

Now this was strange to watch, apparently watching muscles grow at a rapid rate was something else. It was like watching a balloon inflate, all the muscles in Stonemover's body grew at a rapid rate.

Stonemover tried to stand up again, this time doing it without any effort.

"May I ask you, what do you plan to do now?" Starflight asked him.

Stonemover gave him a confident look, "I am done sitting around and doing nothing, thank you for giving me this information!" Stonemover ran out of the cave, Starflight running after him.

Stonemover made it out of the cave first and launched into the air. Starflight knew it wasn't his business at what Stonemover did, so he just watched him leave, noticing that he was making his way toward the desert.

"Hu, bye I guess?"

On an island north of the mainland "Pyrrhia"

Morrowseer was not happy. His plans were not going the way he wanted them to, he didn't know where the dragonets were at, and now the MudWings weren't even in the war. He knew when to fold before things got ugly.

He looked to the advisor in his part of the palace, "Get me Deathbringer, there are some dragons that need to die..."

Such a shame too, it was a long con plan and now it had to be canceled.

Yoooo, can I just say, there was a little bit of spite from me in this chapter, it always rubbed me the wrong way that the animus dragons never did a "confirmation that it affected your soul". Bunch of idiots. I am sure that we all know where Stonemover is off two, I had a different plan for him, but I decided not to go with that plan.

Chapter 23: Civil War part one

Chapter Text

Lol, nothing to see here, now go READ!

The group of dragonets was winging their way toward the Sky Kingdom, leaving jade mountain far behind them.

"So what do you guys think of the rumors?" Starflight asked the group.

Sunny looked at him from where she was flying, "What rumors?"

"Apparently there is a civil war going on right now in the Sky Kingdom over the throne," Starflight answered her.

"What! Why?" Sunny asked, shocked at what he said.

"Our fiery friend over here apparently hurt Scarlet so bad that everyone was sure Scarlet was dead, so Princess Ruby took up the mantle as queen but the now living Scarlet didn't like that very much," Starflight explained.

"I'll f*cking do it again," Peril said with a smile on her face, remembering Scarlet's screams.

"Either way, so apparently there was a split in the SkyWings between who is the true queen and it's causing a civil war," Starflight finished.

"Why don't Ruby and Scarlet duke it out like queens always do?" Sunny asked him.

Starflight shrugged his shoulders, "Not sure, seems pretty dumb to me,"

"Hey guys what's that up ahead?" Reed asked everyone.

There was a smoke cloud up ahead, just past the next ridge.

"Let's go, everyone!" Tsunami yelled, starting to flap her wings faster to gain speed.

They made it over the hill and saw a small-scale battle. There were around twenty Sky-Wings of various colors all slashing and maiming each other, blood pooling on the ground around them, and already a few dead dragons.

Clay dove out of the sky and landed in the middle of the battle and causing a small earthquake, making all the SkyWings stumble and fall over.

"This fight stops NOW!" Clay yells at the group of SkyWings.

"I am feeling a major sense of Déjà vu right now..." Icicle muttered.

A SkyWing soldier walked up to Clay, "You matter not to us MudWing, move out of the way or die!"

Peril touched down on the ground next to him, "Want to rephrase that?"

The SkyWings quickly backed up in fear, "Champion Peril!" one of the SkyWings shouted, "We thought you defected from the SkyKingdom?"

"I did, found something better to do," Peril said excitedly.

"And what would that be, devil? Killing more insistent dragons?" One of the SkyWings said furiously, "You already crippled Queen Scarlet, why can't you just go fall off a cliff and die!"

Clay's head shot to the dragon that said that, "Watch your mouth!"

"Or what MudWing, what are you going to do?" the SkyWing said, getting up in Clay's face.

"Im going to beat you half-" Clay was cut off when Anemone landed in between them.

"Now now Clay, this poor SkyWing doesn't need to be beaten within an inch of his life just because he doesn't know any better," Anemone said like she was scolding a child.

"Move," was all that Clay said.

"Who is this SeaWing filth?" the SkyWing poorly asked.

Anemone's smile was now gone, replaced by an angry look.

"You know what Anemone, have FUN!" Clay said, stepping back.

Anemone turned to the SkyWing, "You want to repeat that?"

"Who are you, you piece of SeaWing fil-" the SkyWing was cut off by Anemone.

"Silence" Anemone muttered.

The SkyWing shut up, not being able to speak, a scared look on his face.

"My name is Anemone... Princess Anemone," Aneone said walking up to the scared SkyWing, "Princess Anemone the ANIMUS!"

All of Queen Scarlets SkyWings started to slowly shuffle backward, they were now dealing with a flamescale and an animus. Probably the worst combination in dragon kind to fight against.

Anemone grabbed the scared SkyWing's snout and dragged him down to her level, "Here is what you are going to do, I enchant this dragon and his friends here to leave," Anemone paused before continuing, "He and his friends will never fight for Scarlet again."

All the SkyWings froze up, turned around, and flew away, not being able to say a word.

Ruby's dragons sat there shocked and worried for their safety. Were all these new dragons on their side? Who were they?

Starflight was now on the ground and as if he was reading their minds, he answered their questions, "Hello, we would like an audience with Queen Ruby?"

The SkyWing stepped back in fear for his queen, "What for?"

Starflight put on a kind face, "We are the dragonets of destiny, and we just want to talk to her about the sandwing war," Starflight explained as nice as he could. This dragon was scared, don't need to worry him even more.

The dragon nodded and re-gained his composure, "Sure, but don't think just because you have Peril and that animus on your side, that we won't try to defend our queen."

Starflight nodded to him, "Thank you, this is very kind of you."

The SkyWing just nodded and looked to the rest of the troops, "Get ready to leave, pick up those who are dead and injured.

Clay was talking to Peril in a hushed voice, "I am sorry that he said that to you,"

Peril gave him a smile, "There is nothing you can do about it, I have come to accept that Scarlet has forever painted a bad image on me,"

Clay shook his head, "It doesn't matter, they shouldn't be saying rude things like that!"

Peril just shrugged her shoulders, "All I can do now is roll with the punches and keep on trying to do better,"

Clay gave her a smile, "Let's go, the Sky Kingdom awaits... I guess"

They took off along with the SkyWings that had picked up their dead, carrying the dead's bodies back to the Kingdom.

They were already on the border of the kingdom so it was just a short flight into the kingdom.

flying over the kingdom, signs of battle all throughout the kingdom with building smoldering and smoking. The dragons flew onto the Palace courtyard. There were hundreds of SkyWings patrolling around it all the time.

The dead were laid down in the courtyard, and the dragon that lead the dragonets stopped them at the gate of the palace.

"Look, I don't care who you are, there is no way I am going to allow this many dragons in all at once, only two may enter to see Queen Ruby," The SkyWing ordered the group.

Glory looks over to Sunny, "I guess it's our turn to meet a queen first, right Sunny?" Glory said sarcastically.

Sunny gave her a smile and walked on in with her, walking behind the guard through the palace gate.

They walked through the palace, they were looking around at the sights before them, they hadn't been here yet when they were raiding the Sky Kingdom, they were too busy in the arena.

There were decorations everywhere, lining the walls and even on the ceiling. There were paintings of past queens, dating all the way back from the beginning of the kingdom. There were different objects that were made and lined with gold. It was obvious that the SkyWings was a very rich tribe with all the treasure just on the walls.

They made it to the door of the throne room. The guard letting them through the other guards that were guarding the door.

The guard walked ahead of the dragonets into the throne room, bowing before the red SkyWing.

Glory and Sunny also bowed before the SkyWing, taking in her appearance.

The red SkyWing was surprisingly... small. She wasn't much bigger than Glory and she didn't appear to hardly have any muscles. But that didn't stop her from looking royal. Just by the way she was standing made her look royal. Her posture practically radiated confidence in what she was doing.

Ruby looked over all the dragons in the room, "You may all rise," Her vision then turned over to the Guard that guided the dragonets into the room, "Harrier, what are you doing with these dragonets?"

Harrier stood up along with the dragonets, "My Queen, these dragonets claim to be the Dragonets of Destiny,"

Ruby frowned "there is a few issues with this," Ruby said rolling her eyes, "First off, that's a RainWing,"

Glory frowned at the way she said RainWing.

"And second off, where is the rest of the group?" Ruby asked Harrier.

"I left them outside, I felt like their group was too large so I only let two of them inside" Harrier answered.

Ruby scoffed, "At least you had enough confidence to do that," Ruby looked down to the dragonets, "Allright, so... you claim to be the Dragonets of Destiny?"

Sunny nodded, "Yes, that would be correct," Sunny cut off Glory from saying anything, knowing that Glory was still insulted from the "RainWing" quote from earlier.

Ruby sighed, "I'll have you know that we know for a fact what kind of dragonets are in the Dragonets of Destiny," Ruby paused before continuing, "And there were no RainWings in the group that raided us,"

Glory started to laugh, "That's funny, I remember tying up about twenty or so SkyWings after I beat them to a pulp!"

Ruby was confused and looked over to one of the guards on the right side of her throne room, who was now sweating bullets.

Ruby had a sneaking suspicion and looked back to the guard in Infront of her, "Is there something you want to say to me, Harrier?"

Harrier gulped in worry, "No your majesty!"

Glory hissed, "Seriously, you lied to your own queen so you didn't have to admit that you were beaten by a RainWing!"

"No such thing happened!" Harrier roared.

"SILENCE!" Ruby roared in a voice that was way louder than a dragon her size should be able to produce.

"RainWing, may I please have your name?" Ruby asked her kindly this time.

"Glory, my name is Glory," Glory answered truthfully.

Ruby nodded, "I know for a fact that every Dragon in your group is supposed to have a "Power" of some sorts, If you are truly a Dragonet of Destiny, you should have some type of power,"

Glory gave her a nod and waved one of her hands into the air, a small vine growing out of her satchel and started to wrap around her body.

Ruby looked at the sight in shock but then her vision hardened. All the guards were now quietly panicking.

"All the guards in this room, leave so I can start to think of a punishment for all of you," Ruby ordered.

All the guards deflated in defeat. "Your majesty before I leave, I wanted to say that they had Scarlets old champion in their group," Harrier said before leaving.

Ruby's vision shot back to the dragonets, "WHAT?"

Sunnie's vision hardened, "She will not be an issue,"

Ruby scoffed, "The hundreds of dead dragons that she killed say otherwise,"

"She was forced to do it by Scarlet," Sunny said, trying to defend her friend.

Ruby glared at the little SandWing, "Please then, tell me how one of the most powerful dragons in this world was forced to do anything?"

"Blackmail," Glory said simply.

Ruby gave her a confused look.

"As you probably know, Scarlet got ahold of Peril right from the egg, practically raising her." Glory explained.

Ruby gave her a nod, knowing this part of the Champions story.

"Well, from the moment that Peril was born, Scarlet made her eat a "black rock" that Peril had to have to survive," Sunny explained.

"I heard about this from listening to my mother's conversations, what does this have to do with anything?" Ruby asked.

"We are getting there," Glory said, before continuing, "What nobody else knew besides Scarlet, Peril didn't really have to have the black rocks, Scarlet was just using them to control Peril"

"This is... interesting," Ruby said shocked at the revelation.

Sunny shot up from where she was sitting, "That's not all, Peril is also a Dragonet of Destiny!"

Ruby shook her head, "That actually doesn't surprise me at all, it makes sense that Mother would want to have a Dragonet of Destiny as a toy,"

Ruby pinched the bridge of her snout, "Look, it's cool and all to meet the dragons that practically handed me the throne, but I am sure that you're not here to be sociable?"

Glory nodded her head, "Correct, we are here because we were wanting the SkyWings to stay out of the SandWing war?"

"Good thing for you I don't really want to be in the war either, too busy with this whole business with Scarlet still being alive"

Glory looked over to Sunny before continuing, "I have a plan, Well help you as long as you stay out of the SandWing war,"

Ruby leaned forwards, "I'm listening"

I am going to cut this off here, I was originally planning this chapter to be about three times as long. But I am only getting little bits of time to write on this fanfic with irl issues. Sorry, it took so long to publish this chapter. And big things are happening next chapter...

Chapter 24: Civil war part two

Chapter Text

Hello everyone once again! Happy dino month! So... just going to warn you now... there is a lot in this chapter. It was originally going to be bundled up with the last chapter, but that was agonizing to put it all together. I was wanting to write my first chapter that was over five thousand words, but I noped out of that one. I am going to be doing a q and A from all places that I put this. And just saying before I post this part... get a fanfiction account so I can actually answer you via message.


C.O.B: I am still fresh overall, trying to match their character. I do it purposefully with the dod, but that's because they grew up with confidence from their powers. I plan to completely re-vamp this whole entire fanfic once I am done with the series. After I get more confident at writing.

ClearsightReader: I am actually going to cover that once we see Darkstalker, which won't be for a Long! Time! I am just going to say it now, he will be 10x more powerful than he was in canon. There will be no bars held back when he is in the fic. When we have a character that can read minds, future sight, and is an animus. I want a character that can shatter worlds. Not some puss* that gets beaten from a f*cking strawberry. That's just lazy writing. I already have the "fight" planned out. And I know nobody could ever guess how anything is going to go out.

And that it for Q&A, the song for today is an absolute banger. I recommend listening to "72 Seasons"

Starflight walks up to a map that Queen Ruby provided the dragonets. "Allright everyone, gather around," Starflight said, getting everyone's attention. Everyone gathered around the table.

"We have decided to agree to help Ruby take out Scarlet, she gave us the locations where Scarlet's rebellion was placed, and there were three different locations" Starflight started explaining to the group.

Starflight looked over the map, "Scarlet seems to be spread out in three different areas, there is a camp filled with them east of the town, in a clearing in the woods below the town," Starflight said pointing to the map of the Sky Kingdom.

"Tsunami, Riptide, Reed, Anemone, Pheasant, Sora, Marsh, Crane, and Umber are going to raid the encampment, capture as many as you can,"

"Erm, not that I'm not flattered that you think me and the MudWing sibs think that we can take on a whole camp... but we don't have any special powers like you guys do," Riptide said nervously.

Icicle sitting in the corner cleared her through, "I don't like to admit this, but royal training only goes so far when you are fighting ten to one," Icicle said, brooding in the corner.

Anemone flashed him a grin, "I got that covered,"

Riptide and the sibs were now concerned, "What do you mean, you got that covered?"

"I was thinking last night, almost all of us except for you, Icicle and the sibs all have powers... so why not all of us have powers!" Anemone said excitedly.

"What?" Crane said, confused.

"That's right, we could be one big group that all have powers, all I would have to do would be enchant you guys," Anemone said.

"Waitwaitwait, you mean you're just going to give us powers, just like that!" Reed yelled out in shock.

"Yea, why not?" Anemone asked him.

"It's not that I don't want you to, I know that you're an animus" Reed tried to word his next words carefully, "If you have all this power... why don't you just bring Scarlet to us?" Reed thought of something else, "At that, why don't you just use your powers to end the war?"

Anemone sighed, "It's not that simple, to summon Scarlet to me, I would have had to meet her at one point in time, if I just say teleport Scarlet of the SkyWings Infront of me, I could open up a whole new can of worms," Anemone tried to think of a way to word this, "I could somehow summon Scarlet from a different time or a whole different Scarlet all together, to make sure that I would do everything right, I would have had to meet Scarlet so I would know who I was summoning" Anemone explained. "And for ending the war, it doesn't matter how I would be doing it, I would be forcing dragons against their will... that messed up"

Reed shook his head to show that he understood, "Sounds reasonable"

"So... how are we going to do this?" Umber asked Anemone.

Anemone gave him a smile, "What do you want?" Anemone asked him, putting him off.

"Erm... I don't know, this is kind of out of the blue?" Umber said nervously.

"You don't have to worry about it, it's not like I can't just change it later," Anemone said simply.

Clay walked up to him, "How about you give him a copy of my powers for right now?"

Umber looked up at him, his eyes brightening up, and looked over at Anemone, "That would work for me!"

Anemone gave him a nod, "I enchant Umber the MudWing to have the same powers as Clay of the MuwWings!"

Umber looked at Clay, "I don't feel any different"

"You don't feel anything till you actually use your powers, at least that's how it works for me," Clay explained.

"Ok... so how do I do that?" Umber asked him, starting to move one of his arms like he saw Clay do once.

Clay got a frightened look, "NOT IN HERE!"

Umber stopped what he was doing in fear.

"You don't want to practice in here, the powers can be quite... destructive," Clay muttered.

"You talking about that time you almost destroyed the-" Sunny was cut off when Clay shushed her.

Umber saw Starflight give Clay a dark look.

"-room where Starflight kept all his scrolls" Sunny finished, despite Clay trying to stop her.

"We agreed to never talk of this again!" Clay said embarrassed.

Umber and everyone besides Clay and Starflight giggled at Clay's misfortune.

Anemone cleared her throat, "All right, Reed, Pheasant, Sora, Marsh, and Crane, what powers do you want?"

"I'll take what Clay has as well" Reed started, all the sibs were agreeing with him, saying that they will all take the same. All except for Sora, that is.

Anemone looked to Sora, "Sora what do you want?"

"Umm... I would like to be able to control plants like Glory?" Sora said shily.

This shocked and flattered Glory, not expecting her to say she wanted the same powers she had.

Anemone nodded her head, "I enchant Reed, Pheasant, Marsh, and Crane of the MudWings to have control of the earth like Clay of the MudWings!" Anemone took another breath to finish the spell, "I also enchant Sora of the MudWings to have control over plants like Glory of the RainWings has!"

Reed and the rest of the sibs looked around, "Huh, your right... don't feel any different?"

Sora shook her head, agreeing with Reed.

Anemone turned to Riptide, "And what would you like?"

Riptide sighed before speaking, "I guess I can take controlling water like Tsunami?" Riptide paused before continuing, "I can see ways that I can use it with my training as a guard."

Anemone nodded and did the enchantment, "I enchant this dragon to be able to control water like Tsunami of the SeaWings!"

"Huh, your right... don't really feel any different?" Riptide agreed.

"Icicle, your next!" Anemone said, walking over to the brooding IceWing.

Icicle shot up in surprise, "You're giving me powers?" Icicle tried to say without sounding too interested, "You guy's hardly knows me,"

"All in good faith," Clay said, giving her a smile.

"So, what will it be Icicle, do you want to control water or something else?" Anemone asked her.

Icicle snorted, "An IceWing princess like myself wouldn't copy off someone else!" Icicle started to think for just a bit, she already had a pretty good idea on what she wanted.

"I would like to be able to use my ice breath to be able to create animals and other creatures that will do what I want them to, and be able to dispel when I want them too and also last as long as I want them" Icicle explained to Anemone.

"Fancy, alright then... got to word this correctly," Anemone said, thinking carefully.

"I enchant Icicle of the IceWings to be able to create animals and other small life with her ice breath, be able to control them and make them do what she wants, the life that Icicle makes with her breath should be able to also last as long as she wants," Anemone finished the spell and took a deep breath.

"Do you feel any different?" Riptide asked her in curiosity.

"No," Icicle said plainly.

Anemone walked up to Turtle, who looked like he was trying to not get noticed, "And what about you Turtle?"

Turtle looked up and saw that Starflight was giving him a look that showed that he knew. Turtle was grateful that he hasn't said anything yet.

Turtle took a deep breath before continuing, "I'm... an animus..." Turtle muttered.

Anemone's eyes grew in shock, not being able to believe what she just heard. She thought she was the only animus alive in the SeaWing tribe. She wasn't expecting what she just heard.

"What do you mean you're an animus, why didn't you tell anyone?" Anemone said angrily.

"Erm, I didn't want anybody to know," Turtle clenched his eyes shut before continuing, "I knew that if I told someone, they would be scared of me"

Anemone gave him a look that said, are you kidding me? "Your literally traveling in a group with arguably the most powerful dragons in the world, and you think that we would be scared?"

Anemone shook her head to get rid of the sarcastic thoughts coming to her, "Look, do you have any items that are enchanted that could help us?"

Turtle shook his head, "I got a few, I didn't use my powers very often," Turtle said sheepishly.

"Ok... so what do you got?" Anemone asked curiously.

"Ok, I got this rock that heals cuts, sores, and some cramps that I get," Turtle started.

"Sunny covers that," Anemone said bored.

"I got this piece of kelp that makes me go faster than Cerulean and Fin!" Turtle said, remembering the kelp.

"You enchanted a piece of grass?" Anemone said, now starting to see what kind of animus Turtle was.

Turtle ignored the rude remark, "I got a bowl that will copy anything that I put into it,"

Anemone raised one of her brows, "anything... what about dragons, this sounds like that could be a problem"

Turtle gave her a sorry look, "and you, I enchanted you,"

Now Anemone was confused, "What do you mean?"

Turtle sighed before continuing, "I am sure that you remember the animus test we all had as dragonets,"

Anemone shook her head in understanding but then got concerned, "WAIT A SECOND! You didn't use any powers when that happened!"

"Before I did the test, I already knew that I was an animus... but I didn't want the attention, so I kind of directed all the attention to... you," Turtle said, shooting his head down in guilt.

Anemone's face darkened, "What... do you mean?"

"I needed something to distract everyone so I could enchant the coconut to not work when I was going to be tested, so when the testers got to you, I enchanted you to be an animus to distract them," Turtle explained, fearing Anemone's reaction.

"You straight up gave me the power to do whatever I wanted, destroy the world for crying out loud... just so dragons wouldn't know that you were an animus?" Anemone said darkly.

Turtle took a deep gulp before continuing, choosing his words carefully, "Maybeeeee..."

Anemone snorted, "Dumbass"

Turtle was shocked, "That's it, I straight up gave you deadly powers and you just call me dumb?"

"What do you want me to do?" Anemone asked him, "Curse your name and hate you?"

"Well, I mean... Kinda ya?" Turtle said confused.

"I already called you a dumbass, you don't need to sell it to me," Anemone said smirking, "How am I supposed to be pissed when you literally gave me the power to literally do anything I want to?"

"But I didn't even ask, I just ripped out whatever future you had before you had powers and threw it away!" Turtle said guilty.

Anemone shook her head, "Well talk about this later, we got stuff to do,"

Starflight cleared his throat to get everyone's attention, "as interesting as all this is, we need to finish planning," Starflight paused before continuing, "Like I said before, Tsunami, Riptide, all the MudWing sibs, Riptide and Anemone, you are going after the camp that the rebels are staying in,"

"Me, Sunny, Turtle, and Icicle are going to go through the city to take out any hostile SkyWing in the area," Starflight said, pointing to the city on the map, "There are supposed to be a group of rebels that are held up in the northern part of the city, closer to where Scarlet is holding out,"

"Clay, Peril, and Glory are going after Scarlet herself," Starflight said looking to them, "She is held up in the old abandoned fort in the mountains north of the palace,"

Clay gave Peril a smile, "Ready to go make a friendly visit," Clay said sarcastically.

Peril rolled her eyes and gave him a smile, "Cant wait!"

"The raid on the camp is going to happen first, that way Tsunamin and the group can draw as many SkyWings away from the fort so Clay's group doesn't have a harder time," Starflight looked over the group to make sure everyone was getting this, "Any questions... no... ok then go out and start learning how to use your powers, we are leaving tomorrow morning!"

All the newly empowered dragonets walked outside and went into their respective groups with Clay and Tsunami leading them, Icicle wandering off just a little ways away.

The moment Clay's sibs get far enough from the house, Reed motions one of his arms like he saw Clay do once, with nothing happening.

"Why did nothing happen? I saw you lift up a bolder or a chunk of ground doing just that same motion?" Reed asked Clay.

Clay laughed, "It's more than just going through the motions, actually the motions matter the least," Clay explained.

"Well, how do you do it then?" Umber asked him.

Glory was getting along greatly with Sora. She already has a small vine coming out of the ground, slowly but surely.

"This isn't that hard," Sora told Glory with a look of wonder on her face.

Glory shook her head agreeing, "Ya, it only gets hard when you're trying to complex things with them, or wood... wood doesn't bend very well so it's like trying to move through water," Glory explained.

Sora nodded her head, noting what Glory was explaining.

Riptide and Tsunami were also getting along very nicely. Riptide was smiling while a coating of water was going over his claws like a glove.

"This is different," Riptide said in wonder. Tsunami just giggled at the sight.

Anemone was watching what was going on, sitting by with Sunny and Starflight.

"As fun as this is, watching them, I have a few items I want to enchant for the battle," Anemone said.

"What are you going to enchant?" Starflight asked her.

Anemone flashed him a crazy smile, "Something... shocking,"

Icicle was standing by herself, away from all the other groups, letting out a small blast of ice breath, trying to use her new powers. So far, she hasn't been able to make anything.

Icicle hissed in anger at the recent failed attempt, wondering what she was doing wrong.

Icicle heard somebody shout in happiness, looked over, and saw Umber cheering as he made a small rock pop up out of the ground.

Icicle was starting to get even angrier now. How could some peasant MudWing get it right before her, an IceWing princess?

She tried again, still nothing happening, "What am I doing wrong?" Icicle grumbled to herself.

"You're not thinking about what you want when you try to create something," Peril said behind her.

Icicle whirled to look at Peril, "I didn't ask for your help, leave!"

Peril scoffed, "Whatever"

Icicle turned back around, waiting for Peril to leave before she continued practicing.

This time when she let out a breath of frost, a small fox made from ice was sitting where she used her frost.

Icicle turned around and saw Peril giving her a smug smirk from where she was sitting.

Icicle gave her a dirty look and continued what she was doing.

"I don't need anybody's help, ever" Icicle muttered to herself.

And that will be a wrap for this chapter. Did you catch the fanfiction reference in this chapter? Icicle is pretty fun to write, being a snobby IceWing who thinks everyone else is filth beneath her feet. It's going to be really fun to get to write Winter, and I can see now why everyone enjoys writing fanfiction on him. The next chapter is going to be the battle, and boy oh boy... I don't think a single soul is going to be able to guess what happens in the end. I was going crazy when I was imagining the end when I was writing the rd for all these chapters. If someone could guess what's going to happen next chapter, they deserve a badge and a cookie all at the same time. Either way, it might be a hot minute until the next chapter comes up. Even though right now I don't have a job, I'm so busy with everything in my life. It might be sooner though, depends on how I feel. Adhd am I right?

Chapter 25: Civil war part three

Chapter Text

Welcome back everyone for the new chapter, the final chapter of the civil war ark. I recommend listening to Metallica and the San Fransisco orchestra's "Battery". It fits this perfectly.

And I am going to say this again, and probably another hundred times. Please make accounts so I can respond to you. I hate that I can't when you're just using a guest account.

The sun was rising over the mountains of the Sky Kingdom, illuminating Ruby's palace and waking the Kingdom below.

Scarlet's forces were already awake, they knew that Ruby should be pushing the stronghold any day now.

The soldiers were quietly guarding the stronghold walls, looking into the air around them, waiting for an army to appear.

What he was not expecting was for only three dragons to be flying toward them.

Surely this wasn't the invading force, only three dragons strong? They didn't even look like they were adults yet. And is that a RainWing? It was hard to tell, they were flying in the sight of the sun.

The guard looked to his commander on the wall with a questioning look. "Kill them, Scarlet told us to kill anybody that wasn't with us," The commander ordered.

The guard flew up to intercept the dragons, thinking this would be easy with them not even being adults yet.

Finally getting out of the sun's rays, he could see properly who the dragonets were. His eyes growing wide in fear, "I am going to need backup!"

With Tsunami's group

Tsunami was currently hovering over Scarlet's encampment in the woods. She was out of sight from them hovering in the clouds.

Tsunami looks over the group, "We are going to start out with a hit and run, I want all of us to hit them hard before they are ready!"

Tsunami makes the clouds form together tightly, making it start to slowly rain till it forms into a hard rain, eventually hearing thunder.

Smiling to herself, she looks back to the group and gives them a nod. Diving to the ground and bringing a pond size of water behind her. Smashing it right into the middle of the camp.

In the city

Starflight, Sunny, and Icicle were making their way through the houses and buildings in the city. Looking all around them for hostile looking SkyWings.

Starflight's head jerked to the east when he heard a small explosion.

"Looks like the raid started, that must have been Tsunami's group," Starflight said smiling.

Starflight looked at the three dragons that were following him, "We need to split up, me and Sunny will take the right side of the city, Icicle and Turtle will take the left," Starflight ordered.

Icicle immediately started to head left but was cut off by Starflight giving her a stern look.

"And Icicle... no killing anybody," Starflight said, deadly serious.

Icicle just scoffed at him and continued on her way, "Sure Nightwing, I won't harm anyone,"

Clay was currently fighting three different SkyWings, blocking two of them that were trying to claw him with an armored arm that he covered in rocks, and holding down a third SkyWing that he was currently trying to knock out.

Finally being able to throw the two Skywings that were on him, he swiftly knocked out the SkyWing below him and Peril blocked the SkyWings from charging again.

Glory was tying everyone up that were either knocked out or not paying enough attention.

Peril kept the rest of the SkyWings away from Clay, as he walked up to the gate on the stronghold.

Clay co*cked back his talons and punched the gate off its hinges.

Tsunami was doing a flyby of the camp, a tsunami of water behind her that was tearing the camp apart and knocking SkyWings to the ground that didn't have time to react.

Riptide and the MudWings right behind her, nocking any dragon that got to close to the ground.

And then there was Anemone... was literally throwing lighting with the gloves that she recently enchanted.

The SkyWings were in a panic from the first attack and were struggling to get ready. They were expecting a raid soon, but nothing like this!

Starflight was walking through the village alone, Sunny taking the street to the right of him. The streets were now muddy from the rain that was surely Tsunami's doing.

Listening to the minds around him, looking for anybody that sounds hostile. But all he was hearing were dragons that were enjoying their food and worrying about what was going on outside.

He could hear Sunny and Icicle's minds from the rest of everyone else's, hearing them ask families if they know anything about the rebels as they go from house to house.

"Where are all the rogue SkyWings at?" Starflight asked himself.

His head jerked to where Sunny was supposed to be at, hearing her mind go into distress.

Clay was walking through the halls of the stronghold, wondering where all the guards were at. There were relatively few guarding the outside, there should have been even more inside guarding Scarlet.

Peril and Glory were walking right behind him wondering the same thing. This place should be swarming with dragons, ready to defend who they believed was the true queen.

They finally made it to the last room at the end of the hall, surely where Scarlet was waiting.

Clay stopped Infront of the doors and looked to Peril, giving her a nod.

Peril immediately knew what to do, running at the door and ramming herself into it, disintegrating it immediately. Peril stopped herself from going any further in shock.

Clay and Glory followed her in ready for a fight but stopped dead at what was lying on the floor... Scarlet, laying in a pool of her own blood and guards dead all around her.

Starflight was running as fast as he could, hearing Sunny try to plead with someone.

"Don't do this, she is just a dragonet!"Sunny was yelling at the dragon.

"This kid and her mother are loyal to Ruby, anybody that thinks she should be queen is a traitorous scum and deserves to DIE!"the hostile dragon said to Sunny.

Starflight reached the house that Sunny was in. He rammed into the door and burst in, seeing a SkyWing holding a young dragonet by the throat and what was surely her mother out cold on the ground.

The SkyWing holding the dragonet saw him burst into the house and immediate started to go to slash the dragonets throat, not wasting his time.

Starflight saw what was about to happen and tried to stop him with his shadows... but he wasn't fast enough, the dragon's claws were allready going down... he wasn't fast enough.

A white blur shot out from behind the hostile SkyWing and wrapped around his claws, making it to where he couldn't slash anything with them.

It was a snake made out of ice that was now wrapping around the arm of the dragon and was constricting it to where he couldn't move it.

"WHAT IS THIS?" the dragon shouted, letting go of the dragonet and tried to rip the snake off of his arm.

Icicle burst into the house and tackled the dragon to the ground. She was about to slash his throat but frowned, remembering what she told Starflight what she wouldn't do. She grabbed the SkyWings horns and smashed his head violently into the ground.

Starflight calmed down and walked over to Icicle, "Thanks Icicle, I don't know what would have happened if you didn't get here on time," Starflight said sincerely.

Icicle snorted, "sure," she said before walking out of the house.

Clay, Peril, and Glory were baffled by Scarlet's dead body. Who got to her. It surely wasn't anybody in Ruby's army, and the guards! There were at least ten different bodies here, how did someone kill them all before we got here. The guards outside seemed pretty sure that they were guarding something that wasn't currently dead.

Clay looks around but doesn't see a sign that someone else was here, "We need to report this to Ruby, we don't need anyone to think we just massacred a bunch of dragons!"

There was a sudden sound that sounded like something cutting through the air. The few lanterns that were lighting the room suddenly shattered and cut out all of the light in the room.

Peril went to give a breath of flame but something smashed into the back of her head, knocking her out cold before she could activate her flamescalles.

"PERIL!" Clay shouted, going for his girlfriend but was cut off when something knocked him out.

Glory went to the door so she could get out in the light, but was cut off when something made the door collapse in on itself, trapping her.

Glory was having a full-blown panic attack but was trying to hold it in, backing up against the wall, not being able to see anything. "Who are you, what do you want?" she said into the darkness.

"Don't fret little RainWing, you'll know in due time" the darkness answered back to her.

"What do you mean-" Glory was cut off when something metallic hit her in the back of the head. Blacking out, the last thing she saw was Tsunami busting into the room through the door that had collapsed.

Short chapter, but a chapter non the less.

Chapter 26: Twigs

Chapter Text

I would just like to say thank you to everyone who has favorited this story or reviewed it. It makes it all worth making this. Sorry it took so long to write this chapter, bass tournaments, and friends and building my own pc gets in the way quite well. Can't think of a song for this chapter so you can jam out to something you like... you probably do anyways.

Tsunami and Glory were walking out of Ruby's palace, just getting done explaining what happened to Scarlet.

"So, you didn't see anything, not even being able to tell what tribe they were from?" Tsunami asked Glory.

Glory shook her head, getting tired of the questions, "I already said that I couldn't see anything in the darkness, but if I had to guess from the accent, I would say Nightwing,"

"I can't believe that he got Peril before it was too late," Tsunami said getting ready to fly, "I am just happy that you're all still alive and unharmed,"

Glory shivered, remembering how terrifying it was being cornered in the dark like that, not being able to do anything about it, "So am I,"

"Let's go, we got to find out what we are going to do next," Tsunami said, taking off into the sky.

Glory clenched her eyes remembering what happened yesterday. Remembering what the voice told her, "Don't fret little RainWing, you'll know in due time,". After she blacked out, Tsunami burst into the room seeing them on the ground knocked out, but the dragon that attacked them was nowhere to be seen. Tsunami had sent one of the MudWing sibs for Sunny, to make sure they were ok.

Glory, Peril, and Clay only had slight migraines when they woke up, but Sunny was able to heal them like nothing had happened at all. They were shaken up though, and Sunny wouldn't be able to heal that. The first thing that Clay did when they woke up and were healed was tell everyone that they were going to keep training, something like this would never happen again.

"Glory, are you coming?" Tsunami asked her, hovering in the air waiting for her.

Glory shook her head, snapping out of her daydreaming, "Yes Mom, I'm coming,"

Tsunami snorted at the sarcastic remark and started for the camp they were all staying in.

Tsunami and Glory were now flying side by side, heading back to the others. "Glory, you weren't the only ones that had to face something troubling..."

"I know, but they weren't almost killed!" Glory shouted, but immediately regretted it. "I am sorry, I'm just really shaken up."

"We all were, Clay hasn't left Peril's side since they both woke up, and Sunny has been with that family that was attacked to make sure that someone didn't try anything again for almost all day now," Tsunami said.

Glory knew she was right, but still... she knew she was lucky to be alive.

They landed in the camp, a bunch of small stone huts all around each other.

Tsunami went to go talk with her sister. Clay and Peril were resting together, leaning on each other in their sleep. The MudWing sibs were chatting with one another about the day's events. And Starflight was reading one of his many scrolls, his silver teardrop scales next to his eyes glowing with the dying sunlight.

Icicle was in the back of the camp. leaning against a tree and brooding, as she always does.

Riptide was dozing off next to the fire, snoring quietly.

Sunny was quietly eating a lizard, till she saw Glory and got up.

"Glory, are you ok, do you need me to check on you again?" Sunny asked concerned.

Glory gave her a smile, "I'm fine, you did a good job the first time, as always,"

Sunny gave her a nod and laid back down, going back to finish off her lizard.

Glory sat down next to the fire, remembering the words once more. "Don't fret little RainWing, you'll know in due time,"

Glory frowned at that. The dragon acted like they would see each other again. He didn't act like he really wanted to kill them, And if he did, why not then, why later?

Glory's thoughts started to end, as she started to doze off to sleep.

Her eyes shot open, hearing something in the night. The fire was out now, casting darkness all throughout the camp.

Glory quietly stood up, trying to not wake anybody up. She walked over to where the sound came from, nothing was there.

"Stupid deer" Glory muttered, turning around. Something hit her hard in the head, blacking out.

A bright light shone into her eyes, making it hard to see anything. Her vision started to clear up, finally being able to see a shadow not too far away from her.

"Ahh, your finally awake!" the shadow said, enthusiastically.

Glory shot off the ground, throwing one of her talons forwards, wrapping vines around the shadow.

"Well, that's not very nice," The shadow muttered.

Glory turns red with anger, "You're the idiot that knocked me and my friends out at the stronghold!"

"I'm also the idiot that didn't kill you," The voice pointed out, not seeming to be worried, which irked Glory.

Glory walked forwards, now being able to see it was a NightWing, "Why didn't you kill us, we know that by now, the NightWings want us dead?"

"Oh yea, they want you very dead," the NightWing said, nodding his head, "It's just that... I don't,"

Glory furrowed her brow, Stonemover was right.

"If you don't mind me asking, how did you know that the NightWing's wanted you dead?" the NightWing asked.

"None of your business!" Glory answered.

"But that's where you're wrong," the NightWing said, "My name is Deathbringer, royal NightWing assassin," the NightWing said bowing his head from his position he was tied up in.

"Why didn't you kill us?" Glory asked him. If she was worried, she never showed it.

"Because I learned long ago to not listen to everything you were told to do," Deathbringer started to explain.

"I was ordered just a few days ago to kill the famous "Dragonets of Destiny" because they had now gone rogue and were not listening to any of the plans the NightWings had set for them," Deathbringer frowned at the next memory, "But I didn't appreciate that very well, I had heard what you and your friends were doing, and I respected that, you were solving problems all around Pyrrhia and you weren't killing anybody." Deathbringer had a slight smile on his face, "I decided to not kill you and make sure that you succeed at what you're doing, I want to help you,"

"Oh yea, knocking us out is a great way of helping us!" Glory said, frustrated at the NightWing.

"I had to, I know for a fact that Morrowseer sent somebody to make sure I at least tried," Deathbringer explained.

"But you didn't kill us?" Glory asked confused.

"Do you not find it a coincidence that your SeaWing friend burst into the room right before I could kill you?" Deathbringer said co*ckily.

He is right, the last thing I remember before I went out is Tsunami bursting into the room. Glory thought to herself.

"As I said, I need your help, the NightWings have been orchestrating this war to keep it lasting, and I want to help you end that once and for all," Deathbringer said.

Glory let the vines loosen off Deathbringer, "Then come with me,"

Glory and Deathbringer's head snapped to the woods when they heard a twig snap, "I can't, I think I am still being followed, I'll meet up again with you again,"

"When will I see you again?" Glory asked him

Glory's head turned around when she heard another twig snap. She turned back around and Deathbringer was gone, "Soon" she heard the trees whisper to her.

I know, not a very big chapter. But, this chapter was wiping my arse. I don't know why, but I found it hard to make this chapter with all the irl things I was doing, with vacation, bass tournaments, college coming up, and church things. Now that college is coming in, I will have a lot more time to write.

Chapter 27: Dull...

Chapter Text

Welcome back, everybody! This is the start of the “Ice ark” of book one. Sorry it took me so long to update, I have been working on side projects and schoolwork for college. ALERT! This arc has spoilers for my unfished fanfic “Birth of Wings” and it shows how it ends. Also, there will be NO major Oc's from that fic. There will be no major OC’s in this fic. Maybe in book three but not the first two. I like to avoid OC’S at all costs if I can help it.

The group was flying through the cold wind of the north, fighting the wind with Icicle leading the way.

Peril was in the middle of the group, heating herself up to the max, so she could try to heat up the group. She was doing a good job keeping the cold away, but she could do nothing with the harsh winds.

“How much farther!” Tsunami said, yelling against the wind.

“It should be right past the next mountain!” Icicle yelled back.

“Tell me again, why couldn’t we just go straight to the Ice Kingdom!” Tsunami yelled impatiently.

“And like I said EARLYER! You would die the moment you went past the border!” Icicle yelled again, thinking of the Great Ice Cliff.

They saw the light of Blaze’s fortress in the distance, landing on a flat on the mountain next to it.

Anemone walking up to Icicle, “I have already said, I could just teleport all of us in the IceWing palace?”

Icicle lightly flinched just thinking about the punishment for letting that happen, “no”

Anemone grumbled and walked away.

Everybody turned to look at the fortress. Smoke pouring out of all the chimneys, and firewood stacked all along the walls. There were only a handful of dragons outside, all of them IceWings. There were no trees even near the base, more than likely all chopped down for firewood.

Icicle turned to the rest of the dragonets, “All right, I have listened to your every word up till now, but here, here I am going to lead us,”

Tsunami's brow furrowed, “and what makes you think that!” she asked angrily.

Icicle sighed, knowing this was coming, “IceWings are nothing like the other tribes, not even close,” thinking of her own parents.

“All the other tribes are way more free and emotional, with IceWings, If you don’t act the right way, they will take that as a direct insult on their honor.” Icicle finished explaining.

“Geeze, why do they act like this?” Sunny asked curiously.

“IceWings are a very proud and traditional species, we are the only tribe left that has their history still on record all the way back from the very dawn of our species.” Icicle answered.

Starflight ran up to her, “Really, how?” he said with twinkles in his eyes, “I thought that almost all history was lost after the scorching!”

“The north’s cold has a way with keeping the past preserved.” Icicle explained.

“Please, is there a way I can read or study this?” Starflight asked desperately.

Icicle shook her head, “No, only royalty is allowed to access the records now.”

Starflight deflated at those words, his hopes being crushed.

Icicle turned back towards the base, “Let's get this over with, the kingdom needs to know I'm still alive before I fall to the bottom of the ranks,” Icicle said.

“If im not already,” she thought to herself, walking forwards getting ready to take off.

Glory cut her off, “Now, I don’t know about you,” Glory started, “But, I don’t think it would be a good idea if we all went down there at one time.”

Icicle looked at the group, it was getting quite... big. It would almost look like a tiny raid if they all went down there. A strange race mixed raid, but it would still be better to take a few.

“All right, which one of you two is going to go with me?” she asked the dragonets.

Anemone walked forward, “I'll go!” she said excited for some action.

Icicle shook her head no, “It has to be the actual dragonets of destiny, it would look insulting if we didn’t bring the real dragonets.”

Anemone stomped off again, grumbling “What's this bs”

“I would go but, I think everyone else would rather me be here,” Peril said amused. The group of mudwings shaking their heads, standing near her.

“I guess I will go?” Sunny said, stepping forward.

Icicle nodded her head, “That's perfect, the SandWing of the group coming down would look good,”

Starflight walked forward next, but Icicle shook her head no, “It's not me, but IceWings don’t really like NightWings all too much.”

Starflight just nodded his head in understanding, knowing about that history.

“I guess that means me,” Tsunami said, walking forward.

Icicle nodded her head and continued forwards, taking off into the sky, with the others following her.

“So, Icicle... have you ever met Blaze?” Sunny asked her, flapping her wings hard to combat the winds ahead of her.

Icicle nodded her head, “Yes, but we never talked in those moments,”

Sunny flapped her wings hard again, “Why is the wind so bad, there isn't a storm?”

Icicle smirked at that, “There is more of a reason why the IceWings built their palace where they did besides there being the coldest temperatures in that location,”

Sunny gave her a confused look, “Why?”

“There is almost always wind blowing towards the south in this area, its blowing off the ocean,” Icicle started her explanation, “It helps us when we need to go somewhere, and it gives us a speed boost when we leave the peninsula.”

“ah,” Sunny said in understanding.

Icicle and the group were now out in the open, three IceWings that were guarding the fort making their way up to intercept.

The group started to hover, waiting for the guards.

Tsunami gave Icicle a look, “Icicle... you're not in trouble, are you?”

Icicle didn’t say anything, just glaring at the group of IceWings that were now almost up to them.

“Princess Icicle!” the frontward guard said in shock, bowing as good as he could while hovering in the air, “I thought that you were currently captured by the dragonets of destiny?”

The guard's vison turned to the dragonets next to her, “Are these the...?”

Icicle gave him a harsh glare, “They will not be harmed unless you want to face the wrath of my family!”

The guard gave her another bow, “I am sorry Princess Icicle, I was just making sure that you were safe,”

Icicle calmed down her glare, but still held it softly, “We need an audience with Blaze, now.”

“Yes, Princess Icicle, please follow me.” The guard said, making his way back down to the fortress with the dragonets following.

They made their way into the much warmer fortress, fireplaces burning all around them. Every fireplace was loaded to the brim with wood, trying to stave off the cold from the outside.

Sunny and Tsunami made light comments about the tapestries around them as they walked through the halls.

They made it to the door of Blaze’s room, the first guard looked to the other two IceWing guards, “Take her in, I must go and inform Queen Glacier of this news.” the other guards gave him a nod, understanding him.

Icicle was a hair nervous now, if she wasn’t in trouble before, she surely will be after Glacier heard about what’s going on. It would be difficult to talk her way out of the bottom of the wall, or even worse... being banished. What she did would almost count as her going off on her own.

She could lie and say she had been captured the whole time she was gone. But the IceWing way is to not lie. She wouldn’t throw away what she had going on right now.She is so close to having more power than Glacier could ever hope to have... all of Pyrrhia indebted to her, with magical powers to boot.

The guards opened the door to Blaze’s room, “Queen Blaze, you have an important guest.”

“Who could it be to interrupt my sleep?” Blaze said annoyed at the guards.

“It's the dragonets of destiny, your majesty,” The guard explained.

Blaze was silent for a moment, “The dragonets of destiny?”

“Yes,” the guard answered.

“We'll let them in, don’t worry I won't need you,” Blaze commanded the guard.

The guard opened the door wider and let the dragonets in and closed it behind them.

The dragonets were now in awe, looking at all the decorations around them. There were tapestries, fancy furniture, and gold objects all around them.

Their attention was cut from the decorations when the dragon in front of them gave a small cough.

They were in awe once again, the dragon in front of them was arguably one of the most beautiful dragons they have ever seen. Jewelry covered her and she was giving them curious look.

Icicle was waiting for a response, did Blaze not remember her?

“I wasn’t told an IceWing princess would be here?” Blaze started.

Blaze's eyes turned to look at Sunny, “You look weird,”

Then her gaze turned to Tsunami, “I like how your scales look on your wings, it's pretty!” she said while looking at her wings, wondering if they could copy that design on her wings.

Icicle shook her head, Yep she hadn’t changed a bit at all, her brain was still scattered.

Blaze shook her head, trying to get a hold of herself, “Where is the rest of you?” Blaze said looking for the others, “I thought there were supposed to be more of you?”

“That's actually what we were about to ask you, We wanted to know if the rest of our group could come inside,” Tsunami asked her.

“Sure, I don’t care at all!” Blaze said excitedly, “I don’t know why you didn’t bring them all down here anyway?”

“We just didn’t want to accidentally start a fight,” Sunny tried to explain.

“The IceWings wouldn’t attack anybody without my permission first” Blaze answered, “Me and Glacier are really good friends, she wouldn’t do anything without telling me first!” Blaze said happily.

Icicle thinks of the battles they had at the border without Blaze’s permission at all... ya right. How did Queen Oasis not produce a single proper heir to the throne?

Blaze was very kind, but not the sharpest tool in the shed. Burn wouldn’t be terrible if she wasn’t a crazy sad*st.And Blister is straight-up evil and would probably be the worst thing to happen to Pyrrhia in decades if she became queen.

Blace claps her talons twice, calling for a guard to come in.

The guard walked in looking annoyed, being called for so soon.

“Guard, please go fetch these dragonet's friends, I'm sure they would like a warm place to sleep tonight!” Blaze ordered.

The guard almost looked impressed, she must ask him a lot of stupid things quite often.

Icicle looked out of Blaze's bedroom door, remembering what the first guard said before he left... Mother knows where I am now.

Chapter 28: News

Chapter Text

Hello again, welcome back. I updated on time for once, I know right, a shocker.

Winter was... tired to say to lease. Ever since his brother was captured years ago, he would find himself exhausted every night. And now his sister was gone... all his parents' expectations had been placed on him... not good.

He knew for a fact that he wasn't his parent's favorite, so now that he was his parent's 100% still alive child, they were berating him any chance they could get to drill him into being "the best icewing" he could be. He didn't know how he could be better, he was already in the middle of the first circle, right behind the queen's own dragonets.

He no longer had any time for himself, all the hobbies he had went out the window. He understood why there had to be a way to tell who was more important, but the circle rankings seemed to make more issues than helping. You shouldn't have to work so hard every day to where you have no personal time just so you can have a better spot on the wall.

Throughout history, you would hear about how the IceWings would praise the wall for how much it has helped. But then you look just a little deeper, you see the problems it has caused.

Dragons becoming so obsessed with a spot on a wall that there have been multiple assassinations, murders, blackmail, anything just to look better. It seems like nobody talks about this, all for the sake of "order".

He was dead tired.

He shook his head trying to get these thoughts out of his head. An IceWing shouldn't complain about the extra work, they should take it gladly.

Either way, it was time to go to bed. He would finally be able to rest for a bit.

His ears perked just a little bit when he heard a Dragon running in the halls. That is unusual, IceWings never run in the royal halls except for emergencies.

The dragon in question ran around the corner, running past Winter, heading straight for the queen's throne room, which was to be expected.

Winter frowned in concern, the last time something was this important was when his sister had been captured a few weeks ago.

I guess it wouldn't hurt to go and make sure everything is fine. Winter walks down the halls heading after the messenger in a more dignified manner.

It's probably nothing to important, there was probably an attempted assault on one of their camps, Winter thinks to himself as he makes his way to the door of the Glacier's room.

He makes his way up to the throne room door, getting ready to open it up but stops when he hears Glacier talking.

"I'm telling you my Queen, Princess Icicle is with the Dragonets of Destiny right now as we speak at Blazes Fort!"

Winter stumbles back from the door in shock, ignoring the rest of the conversation. Icicle was with the Dragonets of Destiny? Why!

The Dragonets of Destiny were the reason she was captured to begin with. When her group explained what happened, the dragonets had her knocked out before she could even do anything. Handling her in a way that took no effort.

Winter started to walk back down the hall, his mind racing.

Why would the Dragonets keep Icicle with them? Everybody thought for sure that they would let the MudWings hold her.

He had to go and rescue her!

He flew out of the palace, making his way for Blaze's fort.

Winter was on an adrenalin rush, thinking a hundred different thoughts all at the same time. How was he going to save her? How were they going to get through this without being dropped to the bottom of the circles, Icicle already went from being up close to the top of the first circle to now being in the middle of the second. Were the dragonets as powerful as the news said they were?

The news that came in in the last couple of months had been... in better terms, just downright crazy. First thing that happened was a raid on the SkyWings from a small group of dragons, that is now to be believed to be the dragonets. Then there were rumors that the SeaWings were thinking of leaving the war due to some negotiations from the supposed "Dragonets of Destiny". Then it got even crazier.

The news from their spies came in. The SeaWings were now not at war and a small chunk of Blister's army had been beaten by just six dragonets, that had now been confirmed to be the Dragonets of Destiny. What was even crazier was the powers they had. It was said that they all had weird powers, all of them unique. Being able to control the world around them to their will.

The news never stopped coming after that. His sister had been captured by the dragonets when she was busy on an offensive push on the MudWings. Apparently, the Dragonets had been there to convince the MudWings to leave the war, and it was a coincidence that they had been there the moment his sister was there. They had been talking with their spies in the following weeks, keeping tabs on Icicle and her whereabouts. They had told how she had been kept with the Dragonets themselves and it would, and I quote, "Be suicidal!" to try and rescue her from them.

Then the MudWings had left the war, and with that, the whereabouts of Icicle. The spies thought for sure that she was in a secret MudWing prison. Apparently, the dragonets had also fought Burn, and apparently it was almost a good fight.

It was quiet for a few days till it was said that the dragonets had helped the SkyWings leave the war and bring a new queen on the throne. And there were rumors that they had killed Scarlet, but there were other rumors to about an assassin killing her. All that everybody knew was the fact that the dragonets were getting popular.

And now this, the dragonets were talking to Blaze, with his sister in tow.

He knew for a fact that he stood no chance fighting them if the stories were true. He truthfully had no idea if he would be successful in saving her, but he had to try.

If he was successful, he was sure that for once in his life, his parents would be happy with him. He already failed with Hailstorm, he wouldn't fail with Icicle too.

Chapter 29: Mistakes Were Made

Chapter Text

Don't have a lot to say, enjoy the chapter!

This was getting annoying. We had been at Blaze's for a day now, and we were getting nowhere. Icicle thought to herself as she walked through the halls of the fort.

Blaze was just so easily distracted! She could lose track of a topic in literal seconds. If you tried to bring up the war, she would give you a very short answer and start talking about something else, like her scale polish or her collection of capes.

"Hey, have you seen these jewels? My mom got them for me before she died!" Icicle recalled hearing from Blaze. "Hey, have you seen this cape? It's the only one in the world!"

It was just infuriating!

It was Clay and Peril's turn to take a crack at talking with Blaze; it would be their sixth time trying to talk to her today that sounded anything like negotiations.

She was hoping to at least get something started before her mother and the queen showed up, but that hope was looking like a snowflake's chance in hell. It was looking so bad that nothing was going to happen, even when they did show up.

She kept wandering down the halls, letting her mind wander in boredom. She would love to be practicing her powers, but she didn't want anybody, especially her mother and the queen, to know that she had them. She was hoping to keep this a secret from them as long as she could.

She was getting tired of just wandering around, so she started heading back towards the room she was staying in.

She reached her door, opened it, and sighed deeply in boredom. She wasn't ready for who was waiting for her on the other side.

She didn't even have enough time to say anything before he grabbed her and threw her into the room and closed the door.

Icicle shook her head, shaking off the fall, and asked Winter, "What are you doing here?"

"Are you okay?" Winter said, ignoring her question. Icicle didn't say anything, confused about why he was even here.

Winter cracked open the door and peeked outside, then closed it again shortly after. "Where are they?" Winter asked vaguely.

"Who?" Icicle asked, standing up off the floor of her room and starting to get frustrated with her younger brother.

"The Dragonets of Destiny, where are they?" Winter asked again.

Why would he want to know about them? Icicle thought to herself. "I don't know where everybody is at, but Clay and Peril are talking with Blaze right now," Icicle answered.

Winter was now the one confused. Why did Icicle call them by their first names? She hardly does that with anybody. He shook his head, "We have to leave!" Winter said, making his way towards the door.

Icicle was starting to understand what was going on. She was about to say something but was interrupted when there was a knock at the door, also making Winter freeze in his tracks.

"Icicle, are you okay?" Starflight said behind the door, probably hearing her thoughts from his room.

Winter shook his head at her, trying to tell her not to say anything at all.

Icicle snorted, Starflight knew a while ago that Winter was here but probably didn't do anything about it because he could hear in Winter's mind that he meant no harm to her.

"You can come in, it's just my brother," Icicle answered him.

Starflight walked into the room, shut the door behind him, and gave Winter a smile. "It's an honor to meet you, Prince Winter," Starflight said, giving him a bow.

Winter was shocked at first, a NightWing bowing to him. Then he remembered who he was talking to. Winter quickly went to a defensive stance.

"Back off, NightWing!" Winter said defiantly. Starflight's smile never faltered, unnerving Winter because he knew he didn't stand a snowflake's chance in hell against any of the Dragonets of Destiny if the stories were true.

Icicle smacked him hard on the head. "You will not threaten him!" Icicle ordered him.

Winter rubbed his aching head. Why was Icicle acting like this? Wasn't this one of the dragons that had captured her?

"Winter, I'm not their prisoner," Icicle told him.

Winter didn't say anything at first.


"I'M NOT THEIR PRISONER!" Icicle repeated herself.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU'RE NOT THEIR PRISONER!" Winter said, starting to get pissed. "We were told a month ago that you had been captured, and you're trying to tell me that you weren't!"

Winter's mind went to the stuff he had to cover for her. "Do you know how hard Tundra and Narwhal started to work me after you were supposedly captured!"

What Icicle said next shocked Winter. "I'm sorry," there was one thing that she knew, and that's how hard their parents can be on them. They always worked them dead tired so they could be the "Perfect IceWings." She felt truly bad for Winter.

They may not have the closest brother and-sister relationship, but that was one thing that had always kept them together, trying to get through dealing with their parents.

Truth be told, her time away from them was about the most relaxed she had ever been in her life.

She was about to start explaining herself until there was another knock at the door.

Starflight opened the door this time, and there was a SandWing on the other side of the door.

"All of your presence is requested by Queen Glacier; she has arrived," the SandWing said before leaving.

Icicle saw Winter get a panicked face. "What's wrong?" she asked him, wondering why he was worried. Then her eyes grew in realization, "You never told them, did you?"

Winter gave her a look that confirmed it all.

"WHY?" Icicle asked in frustration. What dragonet just runs off without telling anybody?

"I thought that you were in trouble, and I wanted to get here before the dragonets took you somewhere else," Winter explained.

"Didn't anybody say I wasn't captured?" Icicle asked him.

Winter's eyes grew in realization; he didn't stay for the whole message; he left the moment he heard that his sister was here.

Winter explained himself, and Icicle sighed, rubbing the bridge of her snout in frustration.

"Here is what we are going to do if they ask: tell them the truth except for rescuing me; tell them that you were making sure that I was okay," Icicle ordered Winter.

"What do I do if they ask why I didn't tell anybody I was leaving?" Winter asked her.

"Then I'll try and change the subject, but if it's unavoidable, then that's your problem," Icicle said sternly.

Winter nodded his head, accepting her plan. Why didn't he just listen to the messenger for a few extra minutes, or even ask to fly ahead? This is the same type of stuff that got his brother captured. Why couldn't he just listen to orders? This is why his parents didn't love him.

Starflight walked out of the room, Icicle and Winter following him out. They walked into the main hall. Blaze and the rest of the dragonets were already there, talking with Queen Glacier.

Icicle's gaze settled on Glacier, the queen's turning to Icicle. Both gave each other a glare.

Glacier made her way over to Icicle, her glare never leaving. Icicle sat defiantly in the face of the Queen. She wasn't afraid of her. If anything, she was hoping that Glacier would attack her.

"What were you doing? I told you to only scout out the MudWing border, not to go and look for some glory kills!" the Queen hissed out.

Icicle didn't say anything, just matching the Queen's glare.

"Then you get captured, endangering your group, or so that's what your group said. Till I got the news yesterday that you were in no danger whatsoever!" The queen said in rage, "This is treason!"

Icicle never faltered at any of her words. "I had my reasons," Icicle said confidently, "Everything I did was for the glory of the IceWings."

"How is running around with some special dragonets and abandoning your kingdom, for the glory of the IceWings?" The Queen asked her.

"You mean the dragonets who have now brought peace to three warring kingdoms, and the dragonets who have also taken out one of the most tyrannical queens this world has seen since the time of Darkstalker," Icicle explained, "It would have been one of the most foolish things I could have done to not join them on their quest, especially since they asked me to help!"

The queen turned to the dragonets, "Is this true?"

Every original dragonet nodded their heads in confirmation to the question.

"At first, we did capture her, but we realized that it would be fair to have every tribe in Pyrrhia help with our mission, and who better to invite onto the team than a princess?" Starflight explained.

Glacier gave a nod to the NightWing's explanation, "I can understand accepting a direct invitation from them, but this doesn't excuse you from not messaging us about your predicament," Glacier said to Icicle, "You could have sent a message."

"Hardly, we were always on the move, and by the time we were in the SkyKingdom, the group already knew that we were going to come here next, so I decided to just inform you here instead of sending a message," Icicle explained herself.

"Winter, what are you doing here?" Tundra asked, coming from behind the queen, "I was wondering where you had gone, I checked your room for you, but you weren't here."

"I came here to check on Icicle the moment I heard that she was here; I had to make sure that she was ok," Winter explained himself.

"Why didn't you tell anybody that you were coming here?" Tundra asked him.

"This hardly matters right now!" Icicle said, interrupting her now glaring mother, "Me and the dragonets have been waiting for your arrival all day, we would love to speak with you," Icicle told Glacier.

Unseen to everybody else, Blaze was glaring at them.

I decided to go with my own head cannon on how Winter acts. This is a whole year earlier than the jade arc in cannon, so I wanted to make it seem like he is just a younger slightly less mature version of his cannon self. He won't be as cold as his older self, he still will be with others, but slightly less so. Not as angry at the world for say. Also, you must remember, the nightwings never "Killed" his brother, so he pretty much has your average nightwing untrust towards nightwings. I can't tell you how excited I am to write about the bromance with him and Qibli. I will say this now, their will be no romance between them here, I am going to try to make the romance department strictly cannon. The only dragon I might change that for will be Winter. He is one of my favorite characters and my boy deserves some type of happiness. I'm actually halve way tempted to try and do an OC competition for that. I'm not sure yet, it might change later in the future if I get a really good cannon character for it. I like the Kinkajou x Winter thing, but Turtle has her, I guess. I don't like the Turtle x Kinkajou relationship, it kind of came out of nowhere and made no sense to me. Your probably wondering why Icicle called Clay and Peril by their name. She has been with them for almost a month now, she has been with them and fought multiple battles with them, she is slowly starting to respect them. They may not be the closest of friends, but she is starting to respect and get used to their company. Last thing, next chapter we start to hook up with my other fanfiction, my other fanfic is pretty much just a lore fic and its my own head cannon. Their will be no major Oc's in this story so you don't have to worry about that. "Almost" every character from that fic is dead in this one. It was set almost hundreds of thousands of years ago. If you're wanting to know where I got the lore idea, go and read "toothlessgolfer's" "Brothers of Night" fic. It's a very, very well written httyd fic. Probably my favorite fic of all time.

The next chapter shouldn't take too long to post, the Rough draft is pretty much done, and I have recently been working with AI to edit my work and its been helping wonderfully. I have recently been inputting my older chapters into chat gpt and its been editing them for me.

Chapter 30: LORE!

Chapter Text

Wow, chapter 30, and a year-old story, a lot has happened since I first published this fic, and a lot is going to happen. Hopefully the world doesn’t blow up till I finish this, that would suck... any ways onto the chapter.

The main dragonets, Glacier, Tundra, Winter, and Icicle were all alone in one of the rooms in the fortress.

Glacier just finishing up hearing the Dragonet's story, “So if I was one to guess, you’re here to ask me to leave the war?”

Everybody nodded, holding their breath in anticipation for the answer.

Glacier shook her head, “I’m sorry, but what we are fighting for is too important,” Glacier said, making everybody upset at first, “We almost have what we are fighting for and we can't stop now, we are too close”

“You're just fighting for some land, the land that’s not even close to your kingdom?” Sunny said upset.

“It’s more than that!” Glacier said, getting upset, then taking a deep breath to calm down.

“Let me tell you a story," Glacier started but was interrupted by Tundra.

“My queen, I don’t recommend telling them..." Tundra said with concern on her face, “Especially a NightWing...” Tundra explained glaring at Starflight.

“We have no allegiance to anybody, especially the NightWings" Tsunami said, “Actually it’s the opposite. They sent an assassin after us because we don’t do what they want us to do.” Tsunami explained.

“Ha! Of course, those control freaks would, they don’t like it when things don’t go their way.” Glacier said with a smirk, “Either way, Tundra, you're out of place, I can choose to tell who I want to, it's not like it’s a secret anyways.”

Tundra gave Glacier a small unseen glare.

“This story starts long, long, and I mean long ago. Even before dragons existed. Did you know that before there were dragons, scavengers ruled the earth...” Glacier started.

Starflight gasped lightly, “I heard that theory, but I thought it was just a myth!”

Glacier shook her head, “No, it’s not a theory. This story is passed down from queen to queen. It’s the story of how the IceWings and all dragons came to be.”

Everybody's eyes grew, especially Starflight's.

“This is the thing, we don’t know the whole story, just what's been kept in story's... I will get to that later but let me start the story and say what I do know.” Glacier took a deep breath before continuing.

“Before dragons existed, there were many nations of scavengers. But they were different from the scavengers we have now. They had powers, too much power. So much so that they had the power to destroy whole cities with just one weapon, or even go to the stars themselves.”

Starflight let out another gasp but tried to keep his questions to himself.

“The scavengers were never at peace, they were always fighting one another. Two of the most powerful nations went to war with each other, dragging almost all the other nations into war with them... kind of like now. They were at war for years, always in a stalemate.”

“We don’t know how, when, or why... but the very first dragon came into existence... what we do know is the scavengers apparently made the dragon to be a living weapon...” Glacier was interrupted by the shouting.

“How is that possible, you can't just go and create life like that!” Starflight said in wonder.

Glacier lifted up one of her wings, making everybody quiet down, “Look I find it hard to believe too, but this is just what the stories said... and that is why I want the land that we are fighting for.”

“We used to have a monument dedicated to this story, one that is supposed to house relics from that era, and the answers to our question. We lost the location during the war of Ice and Night during the Darkstalker era...”

“We have been trying to get it back for centuries now trying to make negotiations with the SandWings for years, we never wanted to start a war for just a monument, but when it came up where we could get it back and also place a queen in power that would be in debt to us... it was too good of a chance to not take it.” Glacier finished.

“So in short... if we get you your place back, will you leave the war?” Sunny asked Glacier.

“It’s a good idea, but what about Blaze, it would be un-honorable to just leave her in the dirt after I get what I want,” Glacier said concerned.

“Queen Glacier, I don’t think Blaze is who she portrays herself to be...” Starflight said unsure.

Glacier glared at him, “Explain yourself,”

Starflight nodded his head, “I can read minds,” He was cut off by Glacier laughing.

“Like I haven't heard that a million times, prove it,” Glacier said smirking at him.

Starflight smirked at Glacier back, “When you first got here, you were thinking since you were so close you would go and meet Jerboa to se-” He was cut off when Glacier jumped over the table and clamped his mouth shut to silence him. Peril jumped in action to, shooting one of her claws dangerously close to Glacier's chest, “Let him go or be incinerated.” Peril hissed out dangerously.

“I wasn’t going to hurt him, but what he was saying is something... personal,” Glacier muttered, letting Starflight go.

Tundra was glaring at Glacier, who was the dragon that the NightWing was talking about?

Glacier walked back over to her spot, “All right NightWing, you proved yourself, what was going on with Blaze?”

“Her thoughts didn’t match her personality at all, its like she is faking how she acts.” Starflight tried explaining.

“How so?” Glacier asked. Wondering about the princess of the Sandwings.

“When we were trying to talk about the war with her, she mind was going over what was almost like she was reading a script, such as “I'm going to talk about this now.” or it was like she was on purposely trying to seem a little... dopey. And then there was right before we started this conversation, right as you said that we could talk to you about the war her thoughts became hostile, thinking about ways to get rid of us...” Starflight finished.

Glacier took a deep breath, “All right, here is what my counter negotiations are, if you help me find the monument, I will think about leaving the war while we look for it.” Glacier asked him.

Starflight was reading her mind the whole time looking for a lie but found none... “Deal”

Sorry guys, this is the shortest chapter I have posted in a long time, but I know that you guys are getting practically content starved right now. I know I am considering I can read a 200,000 word fic in just a couple hours. But back to my actuall commentary on this chapter. Remember, this story from here on out is going to be NOTHING like the acutall book, the ending is going to be so different that this fic will be its own story. Also for Blaze... im sorry but there aint nobody that’s that dum but still has an army of dragons. The lore part of this that I wrote is from my other fic, it’s my own version of the “SCORCHING”. You don’t have to read that fic to read this fic, but I recommend it. Actually, this fic will almost spoil my oc fic. Lol.

Chapter 31: Bushes

Chapter Text

And we are off to the races! For the search of the mysterious ancient building. I am currently listening to Metallica’s 1989 Irvine, California live concert while writing this. In my opinion, one of their best. Funny thing for this chapter before you begin, I literally used a random name spinner to see what would happen this chapter, XD.

The Dragonets, Glacier, and Tundra were in the middle of setting up camp, in the middle of an evergreen forest. Clay had already set up some Stone structures to make some makeshift huts. A fire built in the middle to light up the darkening night.

“How much farther is this location where you think the monument is?” Tsunami asked Glacier.

“We should be in the area by tomorrow, I have no idea how long it will take to find it,” Glacier answered her.

Tsunami sighed and nodded her head, walking away.

Winter was sitting next to Icicle, both a little farther from the fire than everybody else.

“So what are they like?” Winter asked Icicle.

Icicle gave Winter a look, “The dragonets?” she asked him.

Winter gave her a nod.

“There... different,” Icicle stated, uncomfortable.

“What do you mean?” Winter asked.

“They all act completely different than what their tribes usually act like,” Icicle started.

“Sunny doesn’t act like a conniving snake that is always thinking how she can get something out of you, Starflight isn't full of himself and thinks he is the most special thing on earth, Clay doesn’t act like the most uncaring dragon ever, Glory doesn’t act lazy, Tsunami is open to talking with dragons, and Peril isn't the most hateful dragon ever.” Icicle finished explaining her partners.

“I would hardly believe you about the NightWing, but I have already been around him....” Winter said quietly, glancing over at the NightWing in the group that was giving him a slight smile back.

Winter jerked his head back when he saw the NightWing had caught him looking at him.

“Can he really read minds?” Winter asked Icicle, nervously trying to hide his thoughts.

Icicle nodded her head, “I know for a fact he can, I witnessed him using it multiple times to find dragons that were in distress during our time in the Sky Kingdom.” Icicle explained.

Winter looked down, thinking about all the bad things that the NightWing could hear.

“I know what you are thinking,” Icicle said, “I would never say this about any other NightWing, but I promise you he won't rat out your thoughts,” Icicle took a deep breath before continuing, “I know for a fact that he has heard some of my worst thoughts on them, yet he has never said a thing about it.”

Winter gave her a look, “How can you be sure?”

“For the way he still looks at me, I have seen enough dragons in the IceWing palace that have gave me judgmental looks, he never gave me one.” Icicle explained, remembering all the adult dragons that always were judging her worth to the IceWings.

“Huh...” Is all that Winter could say, looking back to the fire.

Glory and Sora were practicing with each other, hanging out near the edge of the camp by the woods.

“Glory, it’s near pitch black over here?” Sora asked Glory while trying to make out her surroundings.

“And this was not a mistake,” Glory answered her.

“But why are we practicing in the dark?” Sora asked for an explanation.

“I have already taught you how to grow plants, and control them, now I need to teach you how to sense them with ought being able to see them.” Glory explained.

“All right... how do I do that?” Sora said, uncertain of herself.

“Well, it’s really not that hard, It’s kind of like you're wandering around the dark, and you're waving your talons everywhere to try to find something, except this time you're just trying to find a plant that’s there somewhere.” Glory explained with no tact whatsoever. “You eventually get so good at it, it seems like it took you no time at all.”

“...Well, that’s very specific, but ok,” Sora said like she kind of understood her.

Sora closed her eyes, starting to send her powers out till she felt something, “All right, I got a hold of something,” Sora said when she felt some kind of plant.

“Do you know what it is?” Glory asked her, “Every plant feels different from each other,” Glory explained.

“Well, it's definitely above ground, and it doesn’t feel stiff like a tree,” Sora said, trying to feel out the plant. “It also doesn’t feel like it’s that tall, but it's definitely not a piece of grass...”

Glory looked the way Sora was facing, there was a bush that was moving unnaturally.

“I think I'm some type of sapling...” Sora said unsure.

“Close, but no, you can open your eyes.” Glory told her.

Sora opened her eyes and saw the bush that she had grabbed.

“So why does it matter for me being able to tell what kind of plant it is?” Sora asked Glory.

“It’s quite important, it tells you what that plant is capable of,” Glory started explaining, “ If you're trying to capture somebody, you're going to want something that is flexible but tough, like a branch from a tree, or a strong vine. Not something like a sapling or bush.”

Sora nodded her head at this and started trying again.

Anemone was bored, she started to walk over to one of the MudWing sibs, seeing that it was Reed. She sat down next to him, making his head jolt over to her.

“Umm... hi?” Reed said nervously.

“What up,” Anemone said simply.

“Nothing much... just getting ready to go to sleep,” Reed said nervously. Why did the SeaWing princess just start talking with her?

“Did you need something, Princess Anemone?” Reed asked her.

“Please don’t call me that, not here anyways,” Anemone requested.

“What, don’t call you what?” Reed asked her confused.

“Princess, I came here to get away from all that for a while,” Anemone said.

“Oh, I'm sorry.” Reed apologized to her, “Why don’t you like being called princess,”

Anemone sighed, “I just hate having to hear that all the time, everybody always expects greatness from you, or for you to be the next leader, and nobody ever acts themselves around you,”

Reed gave her a smile, “I can understand that kind of, for the longest time I had always been the Big wings to my sibs, it had always been my job to make sure that they were fed, and kept safe, even from a young age it was expected from me to make sure my sibs got through everything safely.”

Anemone snorted, “Try that, but having a mother that always made sure that you could never have fun with some friends,”

Reed gave her a nod, “Now that I can’t understand, I have always had brothers and sisters to be with when times got hard.” Reed gave her a look, “I know about Tsunami and Turtle, do you have any more brothers and sisters?”

Anemone gave him a nod, “yep, all together, I have 34 siblings,” Anemone said simply.

Reed started choking on his own spit, “34 siblings! Could your dad not even pull out of a driveway?”

Anemone gave him a look, “What?”

Reed shook his head, he couldn’t imagine trying to take care of that many brothers and sisters. “Nothing, nothing... so why don’t you hang out with them?”

“Mom said and I quote “They rough house too much for you to play with them”,” Anemone said drily.

“Oh... well at least you have us now,” Reed said giving her a smile.

“Ya...” Anemone said quietly.

Crane and Sunny were both chilling out with each other by the fire, trying to stay warm.

“Can't wait till we get out of the Ice Kingdom...” Crane said quietly.

“Why, you don’t like it here?” Sunny asked her.

“No, actually I think it is very pretty here, a nice switch up from all the brown in the Mud Kingdom,” Crane said truthfully.

“It’s because of this cold,” Crane said, the moment right after she said that, another gust of wind came through making them shiver.

“You can say that again,” Sunny said, shivering slightly.

Sunny looked over at Clay and Peril who were snuggled up to each other, “Hey Clay, do you want to share the heated dragon?”

“NO, go find your own heated blanket,” Clay said from his ramshackle hut.

Sunny looked back down at the fire, “Figures...”

Sora and Glory came back to the camp after a few minutes, making their way close to the fire.

Everybody else had already conked out for the night, already snoozing away.

“What do you think this monument is going to be like?” Anemone asked everybody.

“Not sure, I figure from how old it is, it won't look like anything we have seen before,” Sora answered.

Glory wasn’t paying attention to the conversation going on around her, she was too distracted by a tree off in the woods, it wasn’t moving naturally. Every tree moves a certain way, even In the windiest of days they move in certain ways.

Glory closed her eyes, taking ahold of the tree. Feeling what the tree feels.

She opened her eyes again, “I'll be right back everybody, I have to go use the bathroom,”

Glory walked into the woods, making her way over to where she felt the tree at.

She looked up into the tree, “All right come down Deathbringer,”

A black shadow jumped down from the tree, “How did you know it was me?” Deathbringer asked her.

“I know for a fact that you were a NightWing with how you felt on the tree, and if it wasn’t you, then whoever else it was right now would be wrapped up in the tree,” Glory explained.

“Awww, you liked me so much, you remembered how I felt wrapped up in your vines,” Deathbringer said with a smirk.

“What!” Glory said angrily. Was this dragon seriously flirting with her? “Deathbringer, what do you want?”

Deathbringer shook his head, getting a little more serious, “Just some rumors I have heard from the Night Kingdom, there was talk about them raiding someplace, I'm not sure yet but I'll let you know when I find out,”

Glory nodded her head, “All right, have you heard anything else?”

Deathbringer nodded his head, “I almost didn’t believe the rumors, but I almost have to because Morrowseer started calling off the dragons that he had following you guys.”

Glory gave him a nod, “Calling everybody back to get ready for a fight, you tell me the moment when you find something out, all right?”

“Yep, I'll tell you the as fast as I can so I can see you again,” Deathbringer said smirking at her.

And we will stop with that for today, hope you guys liked the character development chapter, I know I like to write about characters interacting with each other.

Chapter 32: Antiques

Chapter Text

Lets goo! Two in one week, ya never saw it coming! I got a song recommendation for this chapter, but don’t start listening to it till they enter the monument, its Pokémon fire red and Leaf green’s Lavender town theme. It goes perfect for the vibe I'm trying to capture.

The group was flying over the now, non-snow-covered evergreen trees, making their way south.

“We should be getting close, the map shows that it should be near the lake past the hills,” Glacier told the group, “It’s right on the border between the Sand Kingdom and the Ice Kingdom.

The hills slowly turned from an evergreen forest to a mix of rocks and gravel.

“Weird place for there to be a historical monument...” Turtle murmured.

“I am not sure why they put it here either...” Glacier said.

The group flew over the next set of rocky hills, and it was pretty easy to see it. The monument was large, but not overly so. It was a large round building that was covered in brush, vines, and it was cracked all over the stone pillars.

“I have never seen anything like this...” Starflight said in aw, looking at the historic structure, “Does this place have a name?”

Glacier shook her head, “If it did, it was lost during the Darkstalker era.

The group made their way down, landing on the gravel-covered ground that was around the monument.

Peril let out some fire to burn away the brush that was in the way of the path to the monument.

Glacier walked up to the palace looking around, “It is going to take years to repair this place to its formal state,” she said while looking at all the cracks in the walls and pillars.

The rest of the group make their way up the stairs that lead into the monument, burning any plants, or brush that got in their way.

The inside was in much better shape, plant life not consuming everything. The inside of the monument was actually in good shape, the only problem with it was that dust was everywhere, making the air have a stale smell.

It was getting darker and darker as they went along, so Peril made her body heat up to where she was glowing, not having to worry about the floor since it was a stone floor.

Everybody was looking at the assortment of items that were around them in wonder, not recognizing any of them. There were multiple items that were up for display on pedestals.

Starflight looked over to the queen, “May I please look around?” he asked her with a pleading look.

She gave him a nod, “Just don’t break anything,”

Starflight quickly ran off, looking at and studying all the items around him.

Clay just chuckled at the frantic Starflight, “Queen Glacier, I can feel the earth around me, and I can tell this place has multiple rooms, may we go look around also?”

Glacier nodded again, “Before you guys leave, can you make me a torch so we can study the place?”

Peril ripped out one of the few pieces of brush in the monument and lit the top of it on fire, handing it over to the queen before walking off with Clay to one of the other rooms.

Clay and Peril were chatting with each other, “So what do you think of this place so far?” Clay asked his girlfriend.

“Like nothing I have seen so far in our travels, this place looks completely different from every other tribe’s type of architecture,” Peril said while looking around.

Clay gave her a nod, both of them stepping into the next room. There were in a heptagon-shaped room, a statue of a dragon on all corners of the room. Each statue was from a different tribe of dragon.

Clay and Peril walked up to statue that was in the very back, it was obviously a NightWing when you looked at it. There was two different plaques in front of it, one of them held a weird triangle-looking item, and the other was a plaque that read something on it.

Clay looked down at the plaque and started to read it out loud, “Here lies Nightfall, a great leader, hero, friend, father, and loving mate...” Clay looked over at Peril, “Do you know who he is?”

Peril shook her head no, “Starflight might know, if not him then maybe Glacier?”

Clay looked all around at the other plaques that were placed in front of the dragon statues, “This must be a grave site,” Clay said grimly, “Let's get out of here,”

Both of them walked out of the room, heading back into the main chamber, seeing Starflight reading one of the plaques, his head turned when he saw him, “Oh hey Peril, Clay, there you are, we think we found what we were looking for,” Starflight said while looking at him.

“Really, you found the story?” Clay asked him, walking over.

Starflight nodded his head, “we were all reading the plaques, so we can put the story together quickly, and it confirmed the things that Glacier knew already. The plaques also say here that the scavengers made the dragons for war, as some type of weapon.”

Clay shook his head, “I don’t even know how that is possible?”

Starflight shrugged his shoulders, “Me neither, it hasn’t said yet...” Starflight perked up again, “Apparently the war ended with some weird superweapon that almost killed everybody on the planet, and the moon was somehow involved... weird...” Starflight said while reading his plaque.

“Have you guys found anything else out?” Peril asked Starflight.

Starflight nodded, “Ya, we figured out that the very first dragon’s name was Nightfall, sounds kind of like a NightWing’s name.”

“Hey, that’s the name one of the dragon’s that we found in those graves in the other room!” Clay said.

Starflight gave him a look, “Really... these plaques talk about him a lot,” Starflight was quiet for a few seconds, “This place must be a monument to him,”

Glacier walked back in after he said that, “Have you found anything else?”

Starflight gave her a nod, “Ya, this place has a reoccurring name here and it’s a dragon named Nightfall, he is apparently even buried here,”

“Hm, I have seen that name around here too, he must have been important,” Glacier said.

“Me and Peril are going to look around a little bit more,” Clay said, walking off once again.

Starflight waved them off, still reading the plaque, he sighed deeply, hardly any of these made sense. Maybe he could find something out by looking at some of the items, a lot of them had little name tags on them.

Starflight started looking at some of the items. Here is one, its called a... m60. It’s a black item that looks to be made from metal and a material that he has never seen before. Starflight shook his head, he has no idea what it was.

He went on to the next item. It was a small little metal triangle that had a blue-looking crystal in the middle. It's name tag said “Mark three power armor core”. Starflight shook his head again, none of these names were ringing any bells to him.

He did recognize the next item from some of the pictures that were on the wall, it was an item called a AIM9-L. He still didn’t know what it did...

He recognized a name immediately on the next item. Nightfall’s mp3 player, he knew whose item this was, but he still didn’t know what it did. He grumbled to himself.

He came up to one of the last items in the room. It's name tag was in a neon yellow paper that had a skull sine on it, probably signifying it was dangerous. It’s name tag said it was a W76 warhead, do not touch.

Starflight shook his head, bunch of useless junk.

Everybody walked back in after that, “Anybody find anything else?” Glacier asked everybody.

Everybody shook their heads no.

Glacier deflated slightly, “I guess I am going to have to send a team hear to study all of this to try and figure this place out.

Glory cleared her voiceslightly, “So... about the war?”

Glacier sighed, “We will discuss it when we get back to the IceKingdom, but more than likely, I think I am done being in the war...”

Chapter 33: Dinner Party

Chapter Text

Sorry it took me so long to get this chapter up and running, it took me forever to do a lot of things, college, writing the rough draft for this chapter, and also planning the last two arcs of this story, after this chapter, the Ice ark is over and we go onto the SandWing arc,. After this chapter, things are going to escalate quickly, very quickly. If I had to guess, there are only 15 maybe 20 chapters left in this book, then on to the next part of the series. I am thinking about writing a few shorts before the next part of the series comes out, for kicks and giggles. And writing deleted scenes for this book. This book was originally supposed to go a completely different route at the beginning, you would never recognize it. The dragonets were never supposed to have their powers until the Skywing arc.

Either way, Dear season is starting, I'm going to be on break, and I'm going to be in a deer stand for hours all by myself... you know what that means! TONS OF FREE TIME TO WRITE UP ROUGH DRAFTS! YAAAAY!

Glacier was leading the Dragonets back inside of the base, The IceWing guards outside letting them in without question since the queen was with them.

Blaze was waiting for them on the opposite side of the door, “Your back! how did your trip go?” Blaze said in her usual excited demeanor.

Glacier gave her a nod, “It went well, we had no issues with our trip,”

“Good, good, I wanted to invite you all for dinner tonight! I wanted to celebrate tonight,” Blaze said with a smile.

“Celebrate what?” Clay asked her, wondering what Blaze was so happy about.

“You being here, of course, it would be rude to not treat the legendary dragonets as honored guests.” Blaze answered.

Clay’s brows furrowed a bit but he nodded, making his way inside with the group following him.

Clay gave Starflight who was walking next to him a questioning look, Starflight gave him a nod.

Clay started to look serious but continued to walk down the hallway. Winter watched him with a concerned look.

Winter looked to Icicle who was also watching the ordeal with a frown, “What was that about?”

“Blaze is going to be trouble...” Icicle murmured to Winter.

Winter started to panic a little. What did she mean trouble, Blaze wouldn’t dare try to do something to the dragonets or the Queen.

“But, Blaze would never hurt the Queen, or betray her, Queen Glacier is her only ally,” Winter said in a hushed voice.

“She probably would if she found out that Glacier isn't going to help her anymore,” Icicle said back.

“But to attack her in her own kingdom?” Winter thought out loud.

“We never claimed that she was smart...” Icicle said with a slight grin.

Glacier and Tundra were by themselves in a different room, discussing what they were going to do.

“We may not have found what we were looking for today, but that doesn’t mean we should stop looking for the artifact that your grandmother spoke of.” Tundra said to Glacier.

Glacier was sitting in a chair with her arms pinching the bridge of her snout, trying to get rid of a headache.

“The least that I am worried about right now is an artifact that could or could not exist, I am more worried right now about Blaze,”

Tundra’s frown that always permits her face deepens, “You don’t seriously think she will do anything do you?”

Glacier leaned back in the chair slightly, “I didn’t at first until today, all her guards were tense and never let their eyes off me, and Blaze is acting even weirder than usual, I don’t know what she is going to do, but she is going to do something,”

Tundra nodded her head, “Should I alert the guards?” she asked, looking to the door of their room.

Glacier thought for a bit but shook her head, “No, we can't act like we know what is going on, if a guard happens to pass by on the way to the dinner, warn them, but don’t go out of your way to tell the guards,”

Tundra nodded her head, “Yes, my queen, what shall we do with the dragonets and what they requested of us?”

Glacier already had an answer for this, “Simple, if Blaze does try something tonight, then we will know they have not lied to us, but if she doesn’t, then we will drive them away,”

Tundra nodded her head, agreeing to the plan.

Glacier stood up from her chair, “Let's go, the dinner should start in a few minutes,”

Glacier walked to the door but stopped and turned to look at Tundra, “If it is proven to us that the dragonets can be trusted, I am sending your son with them,”

Tundra glared at her, “You will do no such thing!” she said with a hiss, “He is the only child I have left in the IceKingdom!”

Glacier flared her wings, spanning all the way across the room showing how much bigger she was, making Tundra back down, “You will not talk back to me, I am your queen and I want there to be one more IceWing to go with them!” Glacier roared.

This was only partially the truth, she had been watching how Tundra had been treating Winter recently. It was horrible, Winter would work all day and almost night, and get berated by Narwhal and Tundra every single time that he started to show how tired he was. They were true slave drivers with their kids, and now that Icicle was gone, it had been getting even worse. Winter needed a break from his parents.

She had talked with Winter long enough to know that he could be a very good ambassador one day. He always acted as calm as he could and never lashed out at others. She didn’t need Tundra and Narwhal to ruin that.

Glacier walked out of the room, Tundra sulking behind her. They made their way to the main mess hall for the officers, passing by two IceWing guards.

Tundra walked up to them and whispered into their ears. Their eyes grew in surprise, but they calmed down and gave her a nod. They formed up behind the queen and started to follow them into the mess hall.

The room had been cleared out for them, the tables all set up so it could accommodate all the dragonets, Glacier, Tundra, and Blaze.

Glacier sat at the head of the table, Tundra sitting to her right.

The dragonets all started to walk into the room, all of them looking a bit tense as they sat down.

All of them seemed to be looking at the NightWing, seeming to look at him for an answer that hadn't been asked yet.

It was broken when the NightWing leaned back in his chair, all the other dragonets following his motion.

All of them seemed to calm down and loosen up in their chairs, acting like nothing was wrong in the world.

Glacier got her answer at the weird sight when Blaze came through the door.

So that was what they were doing, they were waiting for Starflight to give them a signal for when Blaze was at the door.

Blaze came in with a bright smile, “I am so happy that all of you could make it tonight, I have some of the best food that we could find being served tonight!”

The dragonets gave her a kind smile and nod.

“So how did your guy's trip go, you never even told me what you were doing?” Blaze asked.

Glacier gave her a slight smile, “It went well, I was giving them a small tour of my palace,”

Blaze gave her a nod, “Nice, I hope you all enjoyed it, the Ice Palace is a beautiful place,”

And there it was, Glacier knew for a fact that she had made sure that Blaze knew they were heading south right before she left...

And Blaze didn’t ask a single question about it. She knew Blaze wasn’t the smartest one, but she knew that she paid attention when she told her the direction she was going.

SandWings started to come into the hall, carrying plates of food. Glacier noted that all the dishes were already put together, not letting the dragons pick what they wanted to eat like a regular dinner.

Glacier could tell that Tundra also noticed this, seeing her tense up even more.

If the dragonets caught on to this, they never showed it.

The SandWings put out the dishes, giving one to every dragon at the table.

Nobody started eating, trying to keep up the oblivious act.

Blaze was waiting for them to start eating with a smile, especially looking at Glacier.

She was waiting for her to eat.

Glacier sighed and pushed the dish away from her, “Blaze, I don’t recommend doing this,”

Blaze frowned, “That's Queen Blaze,”

“You... are no queen, not even a princess would betray their only ally just because they don’t want to fight anymore,” Glacier said starting to get angry.

“A queen must get rid of those who are useless,” Blaze said, starting to look behind Glacier.

Glacier’s eyes grew, she knew what was coming. But, it was already too late. How could she forget the SandWing server that was behind her?

But the attack never came. Blaze hissed in anger seeing her plan had been messed up.

Glacier turned around and saw the SandWing wrapped up in something that looked like it was made of ice. She realized that it was a snake that had wrapped around the SandWing and was hissing at the almost assassin.

“WHAT!” both Glacier and Blaze shouted.

Glacier turned back around and saw Icicle standing up with frost coming out of her opened mouth with her claws outstretched.

Apparently, the dragonets didn’t say everything.

Blaze roared and they were all surrounded by SandWing guards.

The two IceWings were trying to do their best to keep spears pointed at the SandWings to keep them away from their queen.

The tension was thick in the room, everybody was waiting for a command or something to happen.

“Glacier, you were useful for a long time, It’s a shame that I have to get rid of you now,” Blaze said with a smirk.

Glacier didn’t say anything, she actually started to smile, almost even laugh.

“Did you forget who you have surrounded in this room, you have almost all the most powerful dragons in the world in this room,” Glacier said, making Blaze look at the dragonets.

Blaze almost stumbled back when she saw all the dragonets glaring at her in anger, it was like looking down the jaws of a dragonbite viper

“You know what, I hope you try something, I want to see what they can do!” Glacier said with a wicked grin.

It was either fight or flight for Blaze.

Blaze started to take a deep breath getting ready to give an order.



Blaze and her guards were gone. Vanished into thin air.

Everybody’s eyes had grown wide in surprise. Then they looked at Anemone and Turtle, this obviously had something to do with animus magic.

“Don’t look at us, we didn’t do it,” Anemone said, defending her and Turtle.

An IceWING ran into the room, “My queen the SandWings....” The guard stopped when he saw the queen was standing up with guards standing around her brandishing their spears.

“Are you ok my queen?” The IceWing asked confused.

Glacier nodded, “Please continue what you were saying,” Glacier commanded him.

“The SandWings, all of them disappeared right in front of me, they were threatening me at one point then they just disappeared in thin air!” the guard said.

“Guys don’t worry, I got this,” Anemone said confidently.

“I wish Blaze of the SandWings to be teleported right in front of me right now,” Anemone said...

Nothing happened.

“Well, that’s not right?” Anemone said with a frown.

Glacier remembered that the young SeaWing was an animus. If that didn’t work then there were some serious implications to what was going on.

Turtle also tried but it didn’t work either.

“I enchant for a quill to come here, write on this napkin on what happened to Blaze!” Anemone commanded.

A quill shot through the door and hit the napkin but stopped there, not doing anything.

“What?” Anemone said confused, the spell only seemed to work halfway. Her powers obviously still worked, so what was going on.

“I enchant this quill to tell me why it won't write anything down” Anemone commanded.

The quill did start to write now.

“There was an enchantment cast that prevented me from being able to discover what happened...” Anemone said out loud for everybody to here.

All the dragonets had concerned looks on their faces. What animus helped Blaze?

Tsunami looked at Glacier, “I am sorry, but we have to leave and try to find her, she may still be close,”

Glacier gave her a nod, “I understand, but before you leave, I am leaving the war and also one more thing,”

Glacier looked at Winter, “I would like you to let Winter join you, I think it will be good for him.”

Winter was shocked, him, go with the dragonets. Why did Glacier want him to join them?

Clay gave her a kind smile, “We would be delighted for him to join us,”

Glacier nodded, “Then go, and if you find out what happened, please tell me.”

Ohhh my gosh. I have been so busy, and I am panicking. This is the busiest time of the year for me. The semester finals are coming in, hunting season, trapping, and a hundred other things are keeping me busy!

Chapter 34: Annoyed

Chapter Text

And here... we... go. Onto the second to last arc into the series and this is probably going to be the longest one. Welcome to the SAND ARC! Christmas is over and with that goes my Christmas special I made, it was part of the universe and set about 3 or 4 years into the future, I can't remember now and I'm too lazy to check. No song recommendation for this chapter, its going to be a shorter one.

“Guys! What are we going to do?” Sunny asked as she and the rest of the group were making their way towards the Sand Kingdom, flying over the frosted mountains of the western side of the Ice Kingdom.

Well I don’t know about you all, but I don’t think that the princesses should be allowed to even touch the throne, let alone rule it,” Tsunami said angrily. Everybody nodded at that, agreeing with her.

What are we going to do then?” Sunny asked worried, “We can’t pick the three princesses,”

Starflight thought for a bit, “Who said it has to be one of the princesses?” Starflight asked her.

a different candidate?” Peril said confused, “But there is no royalty left, Oasis had no other children and her husbanddied pretty soon after her death?”

Nope, no royalty.” Starflight shook his head, “We could look for social leaders, town heads, or SandWings that we think would fit the job,”

Do you think the SandWings would accept that, they haven't even tried doing that yet?” Clay asked.

They probably haven't even considered it yet,” Starflight said, sure of himself, “In the end, it's all going to be up to the SandWings to fix this,”

Everybody thought on it but nodded in agreement in the end. It was a better choice than to let any of those tyrants be the queen.

They were almost on the border between the kingdoms now. It was starting to get dark and they were looking for a place where they could spend the night.

“Hey guys! Is that a shack?” Riptide asked, looking over at a nearby beach where lights were coming out of something.

They made their way towards the light source and saw a small hut that was made of wood and had a palm frond roof.

“Think we should ask if we can spend the night on the beach?” Sunny asked the group.

“I don’t see why not,” Tsunami said looking at the nice-looking beach.

Sunny walked up to the door and knocked on it politely.

She heard scuffling inside after she knocked on the door.

An average-sized pale SandWing opened the door, “What on earth are some random dragonets doing out here?” the female SandWing asked after she saw all the dragonets outside her house.

“We were wanting to know-” Sunny was cut off by Starflight before she could continue.

“Hello, my name is Starflight, I am with the Dragonets of Destiny, I have a message from Glacier, yes I know you’re an animus, no I could care less if you are one. Yes, I know you are friends with Glacier, no I don’t care that you are friends with her.”

Jerboa’s eyes were wide from all the stuff Starflight was spitting out, “How did you...”

“I can read minds, Glacier didn’t believe me so she challenged me and she happened to be thinking of you,” Starflight answered simply.

Jerboa was confused and about to say something else but was cut off by Starflight.

“Wow, for being over two thousand years old, you don’t look like you’re a year over twenty!” Starflight said with a smirk.

Jerboa frowned, “All right, you can read minds, what do you want?” Jerboa said, getting annoyed at the dragonet in front of her, “You said Glacier had a message for me, I doubt a message takes a group this big,” She said motioning at the dragonets in her yard.

“Well, she didn’t order us to tell you this but I know she would like you to know that the IceWings were not at war anymore, and I think she is coming soon to visit you,” Starflight said.

Jerboa smiled slightly, “Is there anything else?”

Starflight nodded, “Me and my friends were wanting to know if we could spend the night tonight on your beach, we will be gone tomorrow morning,”

Jerboa frowned again in annoyance, “Sure, just don’t make a racket or be loud,”

Starflight nodded once again, “Thanks!”

With that Jerboa closed her door for the night.

Winter was looking at Starflight, “Who was that? You said she knew Queen Glacier and it seemed like they were friends?”

Starflight glared at Winter, reading his mind. “She is her friend, and you will tell no such thing to your mother,”

Winter was offended and about to tell the NightWing off, But Icicle cut him off before he could say anything.

“Winter, I know you don’t hardly know the NightWing, but if he tells you not to say something, then that means keep your mouth shut, it’s private and I will not condone you breaking that privacy,” Icicle said, deadly serious.

“How can you trust him, you have only been with him for a couple of weeks!” Winter said angrily.

“And in that time, he has done nothing wrong or to break that trust, I know he has heard things in my head that he has not spoken a word of, I turst him and I will not let you break the trust he has with others,” Icicle finished before walking off.

Winter was still frowning at the NightWing but nodded and wandered off with Icicle.

“You still haven't told me about your powers?” Winter asked curiously.

Burn was sitting on her throne, working on a dead albino Dragonbite Viper for her weirdling tower.

A SandWing runs into her throne room, panting from how hard they had been flying and running, “My Queen, the report from the scouts and spies are in!”

“It can wait, I'm busy,” Burn said, putting another stitch into the snake.

“It’s about the Dragonets and Blaze,” the messenger said, trying to get Burn’s attention.

Burns's head shot towards the SandWing, her attention now on him. The Dragonets were the only dragons in Pyrrhia to ever give her a good fight.

“Go on, spit it out!” Burn hissed at the messenger.

He cleared his throat, starting to read of the report, “It has been recently declared that Queen Glacier has ended her partnership with Blaze due to a recent incident regarding Blaze trying to dispose of Glacier for a more helpful ally, but the Dragonets had helped Glacier with Blaze during a fight. Blaze escaped and her current location along with her army is currently unknown.” the Messenger finished her report.

Burn was smiling menacingly. This war sounded like it wasn’t far from over. Burn and Blister didn’t have allies anymore and they both had no base, “And what of the Location of the Dragonets?”

“Reports show that they were making their way towards the desert,” The messenger answered, shaking from the look on Burn’s face.

Burn looked back down at the SandWing in her throne room, “Get out of here!”

The messenger ran out of the room, terrified for his life.

Burn looked back down at the snake. The dragonets were in her domain now.

Chapter 35: Mother

Chapter Text

New chapter, go and read it.

The group landed in front of the gates to a town in front of them. Walls guarding all sides of the dusty town.

The Scorpion den was the first stop on their way through the Sand Kingdom.

“All right guys, let's start asking some questions, but don't go and act out of place, there is apparently a bunch of criminals here,” Starflight said as he walked into the town.

“Ohh yeah, because a SeaWing walking around the desert isn't strange at all,” Tsunami said sarcastically.

“Actually, you will fit in better than you think, this kingdom mainly has SandWings, but there is a ton of other tribes that come here to get away from their kingdom and the war,” Starflight explained.

“Where do you think that the town leaders would be for the den?” Turtle asked out loud.

Starflight shook his head, “There is no “Town Leader” here, this place is run by two gangs that are constantly fighting, the “Outclaws” and the “Talons of power”, there are other smaller gangs, but those two pretty much run this place.” Starflight explained.

“Then why are we hear?” Winter asked, wiping the dripping sweat off his face.

“Because this is the main town in the Sand Kingdom.” Starflight answered, “All the other towns are much smaller like Redstone, and you never know, you may find a diamond in the rough,”

They were all walking through the town, besides the vendors overrunning them by presenting the group with their wares, it seemed to not be a bad town.

“Starflight, I thought you said that this was a seedy town?” Clay asked confused. He didn't see anybody that looked like they were in poverty or criminals.

A shopkeeper overheard them, “And you would be correct to assume that about this town, until a couple of weeks ago, It seemed like overnight that the crime started stopping.”

“What happened?” Sunny asked the shopkeeper curiously.

“Nobody here knows for sure, but there were rumors that it had to do something with the Outclaws.” The shopkeeper explained.

“Do you know how to find the Outclaws?” Starflight asked.

“Oh yea, everybody here knows, they regulate the oasis here and make sure it never runs dry, just head towards the center of town, you'll find guards from the Outclaws there.” The Shopkeeper finished.

“Thank you!” Sunny said nicely.

The group made their way towards the center of town, politely declining offers from vendors all the way through town until they reached the center.

It wasn't very hard to find the oasis. It was in the center of town like they were told, but there was also a huge line of dragons leading up to it with guards helping the villagers get water.

“Go to the back of the line, we promise that every dragon here will get some water,” one of the guards shouted at the group.

“Actually, we weren't looking for water, we were just wanting to ask you a few questions?” Sunny said, stepping up.

“Three moons, no we won't hel-” the guard shut up when he caught sight of Sunny’s tail. The guard hesitated for a bit but then bent over to the other guard, getting his attention and pointing at the tail.

The other guard walked up to Sunny, “Excuse me if I am being rude, but... did you get an injury on the end of your tail?”

Sunny grabbed the end of her tail defensively, “No, and there is nothing wrong with my tail,”

The guard nodded at the other guard, “You're not in trouble or anything, but I think our leader Thorn would like to meet you real quick.” The guard said.

Sunny perked up, “Oh wow, that was easy...” she said as she followed the guard leading the way, the group following her.

“Wait, the rest of you are not welcome to come, not without Thorn’s permission.” the lead guard said sternly.

“Is it fine if they just wait outside?” Sunny asked nicely.

The guard looked back at the group. It was a big group, sure... but they didn't look like they were looking for trouble, he had seen enough of that to know what trouble looks like.

The guard sighs, “Fine, but no looking around the base.”

The group continues forward, following the guard.

Sunny shifts over towards Starflight as they walk, “Psst, hey Starflight, what does the guard think Thorn wants me for?”

Starflight looks over at Sunny, “Not going to lie, it’s a bit surprising if what he is thinking is true, and if it is, I can't ruin the surprise...” Starflight said mysteriously.

Sunny bumped him as they walked forward in annoyance.

The group finally came up to what was definitely some type of compound in the city.

There were guards at the entrance to the compound, and they could see guards on the inside walking around.

The guard that had led them here looked at the group, “This is where you shall wait while we bring your friend to Thorn,” The guard said.

Everybody just nodded.

Sunny and the guard are walked into the compound. Sunny looking around at all the dragons around her. They were all in various ages, ranging from dragons as young as her to dragons that weren't too far away from being called elders. The main difference between her and them was how they looked. Almost all of them had huge scars on them or looked grizzled from war.

The gourd saw her looking at all the dragons. “Most of these dragons have been fighting for years for Burn, Blister, and Blaze. They realized they were fighting for the wrong reason, so they came here looking for a new place in life.” The guard said proudly.

Sunny looked at the proud look on the guard's face, “And I take it you are one of them?”

The guard nodded and turned around. “Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Six-Claws,” Six-Claws said as he held out a... six-clawed hand.

Sunny giggled and shook his talons, “Wow, your parents were sure creative,” she said as she introduced herself, “My name is Sunny.”

Six-Claws smiled at the young dragon, “Come on, Thorn is over here,” he said as he motioned over toward one of the tents in the compound.

Six-Claws stopped outside of the large tent, “Thorn, I hope I am not interrupting anything, but I have another SandWing that looks strange like you asked.”

“Hey, I don't look strange!” Sunny said defensively.

“It’s nothing personal, it’s just what I asked of him,” A voice said from inside of the tent. “Come on in.”

Six-Claws motioned her in.

Sunny walked into the tent and immediately took notice of all the dragons in the tent.

There was a large female SandWing behind the table, a male SandWing that was her age to her left, and a male NightWing that she recognized to the Female’s right.

“Stonemover, what are you doing here?” Sunny asked, looking at the now healthy-looking NightWing.

The female looked at Stonemover, “You know this dragon?”

“Do I know her, Thorn? She was with the NightWing that helped me realize my mistake staying away from you,” Stonemover said happily.

“And you did say she was one of the Dragonets, right?” The female SandWing that had been revealed to be Thorn asked.

Stonemover nodded. “That's what the NightWing introduced them as at the time.”

Thorn looked back to Sunny, “Are you one of the Dragonets of Destiny?”

“Thorn, surely you're not just going to believe whatever answer she gives?” The young male asked.

“It will be fine Qibli, Stonemover will check her to see if she speaks the truth,” Thorn said sternly. She looked back at Sunny for answers.

Sunny nodded, “Yes, me and my friends are the “Dragonets of Destiny”

Thorn looked over at Stonemover with a look. Stonemover nodded and looked down at an ink quill on the table and a scroll.

“I enchant this quill to write on this scroll to tell me if what this dragon just said is true” Stonemover enchanted.

The quill seemed to start dancing over the parchment, writing a very simple answer. “YES”

Thorn looked back up at Sunny with a new look in her eyes. Hope.

Sunny was curious. “Why did you want to know if I was one of the Dragonets of Destiny?”

Thorn looked over at Qibli, “Give Sunny’s friends a tour of the compound Qibli... I want to have a talk with my daughter."

Chapter 36: It's Tourist time

Chapter Text

Qibli’s eyes squint as the blazing sun hits his eyes as he walks out of Thorn’s tent. He walks out of the compound and takes notice of all the dragons that were VERY out of place. Especially the two IceWings that were in the group.

He could see one of the IceWings looked like he was practically melting in the sun and was annoyed at just about everything around him.

Qibli walked up to the group, “That’s something you don't see every day!”

Winter turned to look at Qibli, already annoyed at the SandWing, “What?”

“A melting IceWing,” Qibli said with a smile.

Winter looked offended and was about to say something but was stopped by Starflight.

“Was Thorn Sunny’s...” Starflight hesitated with his question.

Qibli’s eyes grew, how did this NightWing know, Thorn said that no NightWings ever really had mindreading and it was made up to scare other dragons. Well... this NightWing already knows what they are talking about in there.

Qibli nods his head, “Yeah, but how did you know already?”

“I can read minds, and Thorn was both right and wrong about NightWing powers,” Starflight answered.

“How can she be both?” Qibli asked, baffled at the NightWing in front of him and he immediately started trying to make it to where the NightWing couldn't read his thoughts.

Starflight smiles making Qibli uncomfortable, he knew what he was currently trying to do.

“We recently had Anemone write down on a scroll why I seem to be the only NightWings with these powers and it said that to have the power’s you have to be born under a full moon, and the other two make you stronger,” Starflight started explaining, “During the time of Darkstalker, he did something to frighten the NightWings so much that they stopped putting their eggs under the full moons in fear of making another Darkstalker.”

Qibli shook his head, “Geez, that’s a bit much, wonder what he did to scare them so bad.” Qibli paused before continuing, “You said that you had Anemone write it down?”

The younger SeaWing in the group nodded her head, “I'm an Animus!”

Qibli’s eyes grew even more. An animus, he was in the presence of some of the most powerful dragons in the world right now.

Clay was wondering what Starflight had been talking about, “Starflight, what’s going on?”

“It seems, Sunny has just found her mother,” Starflight answered.

Clay was immediately happy for Sunny, “Let’s go meet her!” he said while taking a step toward the gate of the compound.

Qibli held up a wing to stop Clay, “You can see her later, Thorn wanted to see her one-on-one first.”

Clay deflated a bit but nodded, “What are we going to do while we wait?”

“Thorn wanted me to take you on an extravagant tour around are absolutely vividly colored and diverse home, the scorpion den,” Qibli said in a very obviously fake bravado way.

Everybody got a chuckle out of that.

“Here follow me, we can start by showing you all the town square.” Qibli said, leading the group around the town and showing off all the “Wonderful” places.

Along the way, Starflight noticed that it didn't seem like any crime was happening around them.

“And right here, this used to be where the old SandWing barracks were before the war,” Qibli said while pointing to what was now a warehouse.

“Hey Qibli?” Starflight said, getting Qibli’s attention.

“Yes, me dark scaled friend.” Qibli joked.

“Every time that I would study the Sand Kingdom, it has always said that this place was filled with crime?” Starflight asked.

A thought flashed through Qibli’s head of a female sandwing slapping him across the face and some younger SandWings started to beat him up.

Starflight cringed at the memory.

Qibli frowned at first, but then he smiled, “You remember Stonemover, right?”

Everybody nodded, who wouldn't remember the weird NightWing who was once made of stone?

“Well, Stonemover was Thorn’s mate and Sunny’s father,” Qibli started to explain, “When he came back here, he immediately started using his powers to make the Scorpion den a safer place.”

“Wait a minute, that NightWing is Sunny’s dad?” Glory asked.

“Correct, at least that's what both Thorn and Stonemover said,” Qibli answered.

“That explains Sunny’s tail,” Tsunami said with a smile. Sunny got to meet both her mom and dad.

“anyways, revelations aside,” Qibli started back up his explanation, “Stonemover had cast a spell that made it so that if any dragon tried to break the law, they would be teleported outside the scorpion den for three days, and if they tried to murder or kill somebody, it would teleport them into the few prison cells in our compound.” Qibli finished explaining.

“Wow, that’s pretty clever,” Tsunami said, impressed with the idea.

Qibli smiled, “Thanks, that last one was my idea.

Qibli continued the tour. Qibli never said anything, but Starflight could read from his mind that he was avoiding a part of town that he didn't want to go near.

“Qibli, I'm not trying to be rude, but why don't you west side of town?” Starflight asked.

“You're not being rude, that side is the only part of town that is still dangerous,” Qibli answered.

“I thought you said that Stonemover cast a spell on the town?” Peril asked.

Qibli’s frown deepened, “My camel spit of a grandfather runs a gang on that side of town, and somehow, he got ahold of something that makes him and his gang impossible to enchant or use animus magic on.”

Anemone groaned, “Him too, a couple of days ago, we were trying to capture Blaze, and something happened that wouldn't let me enchant her.”

Qibli frowned at that, “I wonder if they are connected somehow.”

“Why would they be?” Starflight asked, “I thought that the Scorpion Den was against the war.”

“My grandpa could care less about the war,” Qibli shook his head, “whatever gets him more power or treasure, that's what he is there for.”

The group continued through the town after that and eventually made it back to Thorn’s compound.

Clay looks at everybody in the group, “Guys, go on and talk with the town Peril, me, Tsunami, Starflight, and Glory will go inside and visit.”

Nobody complained, it would have been cramped if they all went in there at once.

Clay and the group headed on inside the compound. Being greeted by everybody who had obviously been told about the group by Thorn.

Qibli comes up upon the biggest tent in the compound and holds up a wing to tell them to wait.

“Thorn, we are back, I was just wanting to know if it was fine if Sunny’s friends could come in?” Qibli asked.

“Yeah, I want to meet my daughter’s friends,” Thorn answered from inside the tent.

Qibli nodded and let his wing down, “If she asks, tell her I'll be in my room in the main hut.”

They nodded and headed inside the tent.

Thorn was still at the table, but now with a smile, and looked way calmer than when the group first got there.

“It’s nice to finally meet you all, Sunny has talked very nicely about all of you,” Thron said, nodding her head to them.

“It’s good to meet you too, the moment we found out that Sunny’s parents were here, we wanted to meet you immediately,” Starflight said, nodding his head back politely.

Thorn laughed, “You're the second only NightWing that I have ever been glad to talk to,”

“Why is that?” Starflight asked, even though he had a few good guesses from the thoughts in her mind.

“You brought my mate back, and you are Sunny’s friend,” Thorn started, “And... we both hate Morrowseer.”

Starflight laughed at that, everybody else chuckling at that. “You don't even have to say anything past Morrowseer.”

Thorn calmed down from laughing, “Sunny said that you all had questions to ask me?”

Starflight nodded, “I am sure that Sunny has already told you, we are trying to stop the war, and we were just wanting to know a few basic things, like who should be the queen of the SandWings? If any of the princesses should be the queen, if not them then who?”

Thorn nodded, getting serious, “All three of the princesses shouldn't even be allowed to think about ruling a town, let alone a kingdom.”

“And we agree on this,” Starflight nodded, “We decided about a week ago, that we were going to go around the SandKingdom, and find out what dragons thought about the war, and just about everybody that we talk to, think that all three are not fit to even touch the SandWing throne.”

Thorn nodded, “The next question, I have no idea who should rule.”

Everybody nodded at that, “And that’s fine, we have been thinking, in the end, after everything is dealt with, we will just have the town leaders of the Sand Kingdom pick.” Clay explained.

Thorn nodded at that, “That sounds way easier.”

Starflight remembered what Qibli talked about earlier today during his tour around the west side of town.

“Do you need any help against Vulture and his gang?” Starflight asked.

This made Thorn sit up in her seat, “Sunny told me you all have powers and she showed me hers, do you think you can help with dealing with him?”

Everybody nodded their head, “Absolutely,”

“Then yes, I would gladly take your help in dealing with that pile of camel sh*t,” Thorn answered. Thorn looked outside and saw the now dark sky, “But we can deal with that tomorrow, It’s getting late and I need to process everything that has happened.”

“That’s fine, is there somewhere hear that our group can stay at?” Clay asked.

Thorn nodded her head, “Qibli told you about the hut, there is a room there with a bunch of bunks, go find him and he will show you where the room is.”

I think that is enough for this week, for now on, I am going to update every week, next week will be Birth of Wings, and then the Week after is Wings of Power. Go check out God of the Multiverse's fics. He had been the Beta reader for this story and his stuff is cool.

Chapter 37: Preview

Chapter Text

Sorry for those looking for an actual update chapter. But I just wanted to give you all a peek at book two, called Wings of Darkness. Wings of Power only has about 15 or twenty chapters left. I can't wait to finish this and work on the book I have been waiting for, for years.

One of the three moons... gone. Reduced to rubble. One of the holy moons itself. The ruble of the moon was being stood upon by the Dark Dragon himself.

The dark dragon was staring down the once, greatly respected and feared Dragonets of Destiny, who were now beaten, battered... and utterly humiliated in the face of what has happened in the last couple of weeks.

The dark dragon laughs as the now-adult Dragonets of Destiny stand in front of him for one last challenge.

“You pathetic mortals!” The dark dragon shouted, “You still challenge me, even though I know have the power of the GODS THEMSELVES!” the dark dragon said as the world trembled around him.

Clay walks in front of his family, holding his wings out to protect them from the monster in front of the group, standing strong for what was probably their last battle.

The dark dragon stopped laughing, not liking the dragons in front of him who were not cowering like they should be.

“Then so be it...”

The dark dragon lunges at the group, looking like death itself.

Starflight shoots out of bed, drenched in sweat.

Another dream... or a vision of impending doom.

Not very long, sorry, But the second book is about halfway from being finished. I just wanted to give you guys a glimpse of it.

Chapter 38: Lizards

Chapter Text

Surprise! I'm going to start doing two chapters a week so I can finish this story earlier. I hope you all liked the preview for book 2 last chapter.

Winter woke up with a deep yawn and stretched his legs. He got out of his bed, and he looked around in surprise but then sighed. Remembering he wasn't in the Ice Kingdom anymore, and probably wouldn't be for a long time.

He walked out of his room and at the same time Qibli was leaving his. Winter physically cringed.

Qibli must have seen it and smiled, “Hey buddy, I hope you didn't melt last night!”

“I slept fine...” Winter answered shortly, trying to not give Qibli anything to tease him with.

“Good, I don't want you to melt away like snow,” Qibli teased.

Winter sighed and walked down the hall, Qibli following him.

Icicle and Riptide were already down there, eating some type of lizard quietly.

“Is anybody else up?” Winter asked Icicle.

Icicle nodded, swallowing the food in her mouth, “Sunny, Starflight, and Clay all woke up earlier to talk about the other gang here.”

Qibli frowned at hearing that.

“Qibli, Thorn said to tell you to come to her tent when you woke up,” Icicle said and took another bite out of the lizard, looking like she didn't care for the taste.

Qibli nodded and headed out the door.

He didn't have to walk very far, the place they were staying in was a part of the compound.

He headed inside the tent, Thorn and the others were disusing Vulture.

“Vulture can’t be underestimated, he has almost 30 assassins working for him, and who knows how many mercenaries and other goons,” Thorn explained to the group.

Thorn looked over to Qibli, “We are discussing what they are going to do for Vulture's compound, I asked you to come here... well you know why.”

Qibli nodded and looked at Clay, “What were you guys thinking?”

“We were just originally going to run them out of town and out of their base of operation, but Thorn said that he will just move on to the next town and set up there, he has enough resources to set up wherever he wants,” Clay answered.

Qibli nodded again, “And that’s correct, he may live in the Scorpion den, but he is probably the richest SandWing alive outside of royalty itself.”

“Even if you did somehow run him out, and in a way where he didn't have his money, his assassins are very sought out and he makes money off the mercenaries too,” Thorn went on to explain.

“So what should we do?” Starflight asked them.

“In a best-case scenario, Capture Vulture and his daughter Cobra,” Thorn answered, “That really is the only way we could stop him for good.”

Starflight nodded, “Besides Vulture, is there any real threats inside that we should watch out for?”

Thorn nodded, “Vulture's daughter, she is one of the best assassins in the world.”

Clay groaned in annoyance.

Thorn looked at him, “Past experiences?”

Clay nodded, “A couple of months ago, we were helping the SkyWings in their civil war, we were tasked with raiding Scarlet’s bunker, and we were... knocked out by one NightWing.”

Thorn shook her head, “Hate those black-scaled bastards,” She looked at Starflight, “No offense.”

“None taken,” Starflight said, shrugging his shoulders. He didn't blame her for hating them.

“Either way, Cobra is one of the best, so watch out for her,” Thorn said sternly, “and don't underestimate the rest of his goons, most of them are all experienced killers.”

Starflight looked over at Stonemover, who was chilling at Thorn’s side, and then back to Thorn.

“How come you hate NightWings so much... considering you are married... to one?” Starflight asked confused.

“We are notmarried yet, we have been talking about it but we both agreed that we weren't ready for it, as for hating them so much.” Thorn started, giving a kind smile at Stonemover who mirrored it silently.

“I guess I should specify a bit more, I hate Morrowseer, I hate him and every dragon on the NightWing counsel,” Thorn said, digging her talons into her table.

“I hate them because they are the ones that got Sunny taken from me, made Stonemover believe he was going to kill everybody, and who knows how many dragons they have killed to get what they want?”

Starflight nodded, “I can speak for the rest of the group when I say this, we hate Morrowseer too, our prophecy was supposed to be fake for some reason, but we still all were born with powers?” Starflight said.

Stonemover shrugged his shoulders, “Wasn't me, I was in the council when the prophecy was made up, I have no idea why you all have powers.”

“Do you know why the NightWings made up our prophecy?” Starflight asked him.

Stonemover shook his head, “No, It was kept a secret between Morrowseer and the Queen Battlewinner.”

Thorn shook her head, “Let's get back on track, as much as I would talk about how much I hate my NightWings, we need to deal with Vulture first.”

“So how are we going to do this?” Sunny asked her mother.

Thorn looked at her, “Sunny, you said that you all had powers, right?”

Sunny nodded, “Ya, I have the power to heal dragons, such as dad, Clay and his sibs can control stone, Tsunami and Riptide with water, Glory and Sora with plants, Icicle can create animals with her frost breath, and lastly, Anemone and Turtle are both animus's,” Sunny finished explaining.

Thorn's eyes were big, let alone the dragons with strange powers, having three animus's in one city was crazy.

Thorn shook her head and opened a compartment in her table and brought out a map of the town.

“It’s pretty much up to you, I have no idea how all of you do anything,” Thorn said, pointing at an area on the map that was highlighted, “Vultures compound is here, and it takes up the whole city block.”

Thorn looked over at Qibli, “I hate to put you in this spot, but you know the compound better than everybody here, and you know what you are doing, do you think you can help lead them?”

Qibli frowned for a second but smiled and nodded, “Just had to go and make me visit family.”

“Sorry Qibli, but if this succeeds, we will finally have some true peace in the town,” Thorn said guiltily.

Qibli nodded his head, not saying anything, and looked at the three other dragons in the tent, “So how are we doing this?” Qibli started asking, “The quiet way or the loud way?”

Starflight looked at the other two and they all got a wicked grin on their faces.

Wow, I am so sorry that this was a short chapter, but on the bright side, you are going to be getting two chapters a week now! I am going to try to do this as often as I can so we can get to book 2.

Chapter 39: Burning rooms

Chapter Text

Na na na na, go read my chapter! ... Please?

Clay, Reed, Umber, and Crane came exploding through the roof of the Tallons of Power’s compound. Throwing ruble, debris, and dust across the room that they burst into.

It was obvious that this was the main hall, from the size and tables. It would have been even more obvious if it had... any dragons to speak of whatsoever.

They looked around the room. From what Qibli explained to them, this place was supposed to be crawling with Vulture’s men. There wasn't anybody here?

Clay was starting to wonder if they got the wrong place.

He looked out of the new skylight in the ceiling, “Come on, the place is clear.”

Qibli came down first and then the rest of the group. They all landed and looked around too in curiosity, wondering the same thing as Clay.

“Did you already scare them off?” Qibli asked Clay in surprise.

Clay gave him a confused look and shook his head, “there wasn't anybody here when we came through the ceiling.”

Qibli’s frown deepened, and he started to look around worried, like a ghost was about to appear from the walls.

“What’s wrong?” Clay asked concerned with the look on Qibli’s face.

Qibli shook his head, this was all wrong, “Vulture would never leave this place empty unless there was good reason, he always had this place manned, even if he was going out of town.”

Qibli thought for a moment in silence and then his eyes grew, “Unless he found out that he was about to be raided.”

“How would he know?” Reed asked him.

“Grandfather always had a knack for knowing things that he really shouldn’t, it would not surprise me if he found out somehow,” Qibli said, shivering slightly at the memories of his grandfather always knowing things about him that he told nobody.

“Do you think anybody else is here?” Clay asked him.

Starflight shook his head, “I don't hear anybody’s mind, so there shouldn't be.”

Clay nodded his head, “Let’s look around to be sure, you never know...”

Clay and Peril start to walk off, “Don't forget to watch out for traps, I know for a fact that they set a ton of them in the compound!” Qibli shouted as they walked off.

Qibli looked at the rest of the group, “We all need to split up into groups, this place is too dangerous to go alone, I don't care how powerful you are.”

Qibli, Winter, Reed, Sora, and Umber go one way, and the rest of the group goes another.

Clay and Peril were joking with each other as they walked down the dark hallway that was being illuminated by Peril’s scales.

“Me and Starflight would always see who was faster when we would train, if I could get him with my rocks or if he could catch me first with his shadow, One time we were doing this practice, and I had actually got to beat him, but by just barely, so my aim was a bit off, he captured me right when the rocks started coming up out of the ground and I got him right in the nuts!” Clay finished as he started laughing with Peril joining him.

“Oh my gosh, I wish I could have seen that!” Peril said between her laughs.

“He walked around with a limp for days!” Clay finished.

They took another step and then something clicked and the sound of something flying came towards him.

Something hit Peril but it was incinerated before it could ever do anything.

Clay stopped laughing for a couple of minutes, with Peril being quiet too.

They both looked at each other for a couple of seconds... and then they both started laughing again.

“Peril, your beautiful scales make you invincible to these puss*e’s traps!” Clay laugh flirted out.

“It wouldn’t have mattered anyways, I have my man to carry me over to Sunny even if it did hit me,” Peril flirted back.

They both continued down the hall, Peril staying up front to take the hits from all the traps that got in their way.

Qibli and his group were going from room to room, searching for anything useful at all about what was going on with the strange situation they were currently in.

Qibli had never been in this compound a bunch, maybe around ten to fifteen times in his life. There were always a few things about this place that were very consistent with it.

The creepiness of the place, his menacing grandfather following him around, and the hundreds of dragons that were lurking inside the compound.

Two of these things were not happening right now. His grandfather was obviously not here, and so were the other dragons.

“Qibli, what is Vulture like?” Reed asked him curiously.

Qibli shivered at the memories of his grandfather, “Terrifying, he knew things nobody should know, he had tattoos all over his body for all the dragons he had killed, he would always look at you like he was planning to kill you in every way you could think.”

Reed shook his head, “He sounds like a lovely dragon.”

The rest of the group weren’t having too much difficulty getting through the compound, they had found their way into the underground of the compound, finding multiple armories and storage rooms that held documents or food.

“What do you guys think happened?” Crane asked the group.

“What do you mean?” Riptide asked her as he peeked around the corner.

“Everything, why are there no dragons here?” She asked.

“If I had to make a wild guess, Thorn has a spy,” Starflight started to answer, “But we left to go raid this place before anybody could have warned them, so I dont really have a real idea what happened.”

They opened up another room, they were all shocked when flames started bursting out the door coming from a fire inside the room.

Icicle ran Infront of the group, “MOVE!” she roared as she started using her ice breath to put out the flames coming from the room.

The room didn't take too long to clear the fire, it wasn't very big.

It looked like another document storage room from all the charred scrolls and paper.

“What happened?” Tsunami asked Starflight.

“Vulture and his gang must have started this before they left, this room must have been important,” Starflight thought out loud.

The group looked around the room, trying to find something unusual.

Starflight walked over to one of the charred shelves and dug through the ashes inside of it, he pulled out a scrap piece of paper.

“Regarding your request – as long as the payment is good, I will make sure the job is done,” One of the papers said, being cut off by the charred edges.

Turtle dug out another sheet.

“Vulture, I got your request for some new items, I will be there in a couple of days to drop them off, just make sure to have my payment ready.”

Turtle looked at Starflight, “This looks like a letter?”

Starflight looked back from his scrap, “Mine does too.”

Starflight looked around, “That makes more sense, he didn't want to give away who hires him out.”

“So he pretty much got rid of all the important evidence before he left?” Tsunami asked angrily.

Starflight nodded.

The group walked out of the basem*nt and up into the main hall where the rest were waiting for them.

“Did you find anything?” Qibli asked them hopefully.

Starflight shook his head, “Nothing but a burning room that held what was likely information on Vulture's contracts.

Qibli frowned at that answer.

“What about you guys?” Starflight asked them.

Clay shook his head, “Nothing but a ton of traps that were amusing to set off.”

Qibli’s frown deepened. Thorn was going to be pissed that they didn’t have Vulture.

Bonus content

“Qibli, what is Vulture like?” Reed asked him curiously.

Qibli shivered at the memories of his grandfather, “Terrifying, he knew things nobody should know, he had tattoos all over his body for all the dragons he had killed, he would always look at you like he was planning to kill you in every way you could think.”

Reed shook his head, “He sounds like a lovely dragon.”

Winter shook his head, “Can’t be too much worse than my Mom and Dad, they have tried multiple times to get me killed.”

Qibli gave him a look, “Bro... same”

Chapter 40: Subscription end

Chapter Text

AAAAAAND im back, I have been busy with... stuff. Hey, new chapter is here! Me and Tbnrzip have been doing live streams together on Minecraft, go check em out on his YouTube channel, you will probably hear me talk about the series or watch me get beaten by my abusive friend with his magical fire stick.

Thorn loved her sleep, you wouldn't guess that because she is always awake doing something, but she does.

Like right now.

Thorn was in bed with Stonemover next to her, enjoying the peace and quiet. Right now, almost everything is right.

Stonemover was here next to her, Sunny was sleeping nearby in a different room, and Vulture finally decided to go f*ck off.

Everything was almost perfect...



Groan, “What is it!” Thorn groaned from her sleep, somebody apparently wanted to end their free subscription on life by waking her at this hour.

“Thorn, we just got bad news!” the dragon said from the other side of the door, the voice revealing the dragon to be Six-Claws.

Thorn shot up out of bed, waking up Stonemover in the process, “What the...” the black dragon muttered in confusion.

If this was Six-Claws giving the news, it was probably important. She opened the locked door to her room, seeing the concerned male SandWing “What is it?”

“You may want to get your daughter and her friends together for this...” Six-Claws muttered.

Thron was now sitting on her desk, waiting for everybody to get here, Six-Claws had just told her the news and it was... concerning slightly. Not to her, but it would matter to her Sunny and her friends.

Sunny walked through the door with Qibli and Clay following her, “You wanted to see me, Mom?”

Thorn nodded, “Yes, where is the rest of your friends?” she asked while looking out the tent flap, not seeing them.

“They were still asleep, me, Clay, and Qibli were the only ones awake,” Sunny answered her.

Thorn nodded, “It’s fine, but this is important,” Thorn started, “We just got the news that the town of Redstone had just been captured by Blister's forces a couple of days ago.”

Sunny’s eyes grew, waking up from her sleepiness, she looked at Clay, “She is close.”

Clay nodded, “We have to go after her, I have a hunch that if she just took one of Burn’s towns, Burn is too aggressive to not try and take it back from her...”

“We might be able to catch two of them in one day!” Sunny said excitedly.

Clay nodded, “I'll go get the others, we need to leave before Burn gets there.”

Clay left the tent and all that was left was Qibli, Sunny, and Thorn.

“Qibli, go with him, I need to talk with Sunny for a bit,” Thorn said to Qibli.

Qibli nodded and left the tent, following Clay back to the bunkhouse.

Thorn sighed, “Take Qibli with you when you go to leave.”

This caught Sunny off guard, “Not that I am saying no, but why?”

“I love Qibli like a son, but even I can tell this place isn’t good for him, he doesn’t show it but he hates this place, I can tell that it’s wearing on him,” Thorn explained.

Sunny nodded, “What are you going to tell him when we go to leave?”

“That I want him to lead you through the SandKingdom, in truth, I want him to join you on your quest,” Thorn started, “There is nobody here his age, all of them have left to go off and fight in the war.”

Sunny nodded, “I am sure that the others won't mind him joining, I'll bring it up to them on our way to Redstone,” Sunny said nodding.

Thorn nodded, “Thank you.”

Sunny went to leave but was stopped by her mother’s voice, “And Sunny!”

Sunny turned around to look at her, “Please be safe,” Thorn pleaded.

Sunny smiled and nodded, “Ill try Mom.”

She walked out the flap of the tent and saw the rest of the Dragonet’s weighting there for her with determined looks.

She looked over at Qibli who was starting to walk back into Thorn’s tent.

“Qibli, you're coming with us, Mom wanted you to take us to Redstone and help us,” Sunny ordered.

Winter groaned in annoyance.

Qibli got a big smile on his face, “You hear that Icy, we get to hang out some more and have some fun!”

“You're not coming to hang out with me to have Fun!” Winter said annoyed at the pale-yellow-scaled dragon, “You are coming with us to help us stop a war!”

“Anything can be fun as long as you’re not a serious popsicle,” Qibli said smirking.

Winter growled, “Don’t have too much fun you pile of sand, the wind might just blow you away in your ignorance.”

Qibli laughed, oh it was so on.

Starflight walked up to Qibli, “Qibli, I am not familiar with Redstone, what do you know about it?”

Qibli got a bit more serious with the question, “It’s a pretty small town,” Qibli started his explanation, “For Blister being called the smarts between the three sisters, she was pretty stupid for taking Redstone first.”

“Why?” Starflight asked curious.

“Redstone is in a piss poor location, no resources, an almost dry oasis, and also one of the smallest towns in Pyrrhia,” Qibli answered.

“There has to be some reason why she wanted to take that town?” Starflight asked him.

Qibli thought for a minute, “It is the farthest town in the SandKingdom from Burn’s stronghold?”

Qibli and Starflight both nodded, “Burn’s troops would be dead tired from all the flying they would have to do to get there.”

“So what is the plan?” Clay asked them.

“We can work on a plan when we get there, we need to leave now if we want to be there on time,” Qibli said sternly.

Clay nodded, “All right, you can fill us in on the location on the way there,” Clay said taking off, with the rest of the group following him.

I have no idea why this chapter was so short. I had almost twice the amount of words planned, but the rest of it didn’t seem to flow very well with me. Next chapter is going to be a bit longer so there is that I guess.

Chapter 41: Redstone

Chapter Text

RE RE MOTHETR FRICKERS! How we all doing? A new Wings of Fire tv show announced, so that's cool. Go watch Tbnrzip on YouTube, me and him have been doing live streams together.

Burn was standing on top of one of the many dunes that made up the SandKingdom, looking down at the small town that her “Sister” had just taken from her.

Her eyes scanned around the area, taking note that almost none of Blister’s army was in the Village itself, opting out to stay in their camp right next to the small village.

Burn scoffed at her sister's stupidity, she did not know how in the three moons everyone thought Blister was the smartest out of the three.

It didn't matter though, today is the day Blister dies!

Burn leaned her head back, pointing towards the sky, and roared, “Everybody into the air, prepare to charge!”

This didn't take much planning. Her army was almost twice the size of Blister’s army, just charge and overrun them in their poorly defendable area.

The rest of Burn’s army launched into the air from behind the dune, and stayed behind Burn, waiting for orders to be told.

Burn launched into the air with her army and roared, “Take no prisoners, this war ends today!”

Her army roared and dived down on the town with her with full confidence, they could tell they outnumbered Blister also.

But a dragon was waiting for them that they were not expecting, especially by himself.

Starflight was calmly sitting between the town and Burn’s army, not worrying at all. He was even taking a sip of tea that was made via Glory’s powers.

Burn halted, her army stopping as well, they knew that if she stopped, they should DEFINITELY stop.

Burn cautiously landed in front of the black dragon, recognizing him from her previous encounter with the Dragonets.

The rest of her army landed with her in confusion. It was just one NightWing. Why didn't she just kill him and move on?

“What are you doing here!” Burn hissed angrily at the sight of the NightWing Infront of her.

Starflight took a sip from his stone cup, promptly ignoring the pissed princess Infront of him, “Morning Burn, quite early to be pillaging a town at this time of the day...”

“Move NightWing, you and your dragonet friends will not be stopping me today!” Burn said taking a sinister step toward the dragon in front of her.

Starflight, still ignoring her, drank the rest of his tea and crushed the small stone cup in his talons, turning it to dust, “What do you mean?” Starflight feigned confusion, “I already beat you...”

Burn’s eyes grew, remembering what this NightWing was capable of. She looked down but it was already too late.

Her shadow was connected to his, and so wasn't the rest of her army.

She was trapped.

The quiet wind from the desert was audible in the dead silence.

It broke when a loud explosion went off not too far away, then she started to hear roars coming from Blister’s camp.

Starflight smirked, “Seems like we caught them off guard, it’s such a shame that I have to be stuck here babysitting you.”

Burn hissed in anger, “What was that?”

“We came up with a plan on the way here to make sure we disorientated Blister’s army while we try to capture her, Peril was to superheat the sand under the army and turn it into glass,” Starflight started explaining calmly, “Clay was supposed to come in later and use his powers to make all the glass shatter and explode out of the ground... sounds like it worked.”

Burn roared, they had ALL been played, “When I get out of here, I will rip you open and stuff you!”

Starflight shook his head in amusem*nt, “I think you need to sit down for a bit,” He said as he took a seat, Burn and her army mimicking him unwillingly.

Starflight got serious, “This IS what’s going to happen,” Starflight started with a calm tone, “Clay is going to encase you in the stone, and the whole way back home, you are going to be hooked up to my shadow so you can't move, and then you are going to be trialed for all the war crimes you have commited.”

Burn just hissed again, not being able to do anything.

The sounds of battle continued in the background. The sounds of dragons roaring being heard along with the sound of fire being spewed.

And then it was quiet.

Too quiet and too quickly.

Starflight got confused, why did it quiet down all of a sudden?

“What’s wrong, is your plan not working?” Burn said sneering.

Starflight shook his head, “Everything seems fine, Clay isn’t scared and none of the others seem to be too worried.”

He could start to feel all of the dragonet's minds make their way towards him.

Then he could start to hear them, he couldn’t pick the thoughts out indefinitely, but they were all complaining about something.

They came over the roofs of the village and landed next to him, the original dragonets not even batting an eye at the large army.

“It happened again!” Tsunami roared the moment she landed.

Starflight gave her a questioning look but then the answer came from everybody’s mind.

“She disappeared too?” Starflight asked out loud.

Clay nodded, “Along with her army, it’s exactly like Blaze.”

Burn was trying to listen with confusion written on her face, three moons were they talking about?

Starflight sighed and looked over at Burn, “Maybe our sandy friend knows?”

Burn got offended at the mere words that came out of his mouth, “Go kill yourself”

“Figures,” Starflight said with a smirk, “She knows about as much as we do”

Everybody groaned at that.

“Glory, Clay, if you would please?” Starflight motioned towards the hostile SandWing.

Both dragons that were mentioned nodded and stomped their talons onto the ground.

Rocks and vines started to burst out of the sand, wrapping around all the SandWing’s feet, tying them against the sand.

But Burn wasn't tied up against the sand like the rest of her army.

Her arms and legs were encased in a solid black rock that she couldn't break.

Starflight sighed, “That’s much better, controlling a whole army is so dreadfully annoying, especially out here in the desert.”

“What is this stuff?” Burn asked confused, never seeing rocks like this.

Clay was the one to answer, “That’s called obsidian, it’s formed when Lava and Water mix together in a special mixture, very strong.”

Starflight re-connected his shadow to Burn’s, “Come along princess, we got places to be.”

“I'm not going anywhere you piece of camel sh*t!” Burn roared.

“Don't have a choice, come on,” Starflight said bored, taking off the ground with the angry princess mimicking him once again.

The rest of the dragonets of destiny followed him, guarding the princess and making sure she couldn't get away.

The rest of Burn’s army were sitting there not knowing what to do, still being wrapped to the ground via Glory and Clay.

“Ya uhh... what the f*ck?” one of the soldiers said in confusion with everything that had just happened.

Everybody could only nod in agreement.

Chapter 42: the Wind

Chapter Text

Ayo, Ima back with a new chapter, read it or be gone! Burn is captured, lets go and see what’s going to happen.

The Wind was kicking up around the group as they were flying across the desert, the large pissed of SandWing princess in tow being dragged along by Starflight’s shadow. All of the Dragonets surrounding her, not giving her even a chance of escape.

Qibli was flapping his wings silently, his mind racing at all of the thoughts that were flying through his head. They had just captured the most violent princess out of the three, he could tell that they were bringing her back to the Scorpion Den, would this put it in danger? Should he try to fly ahead and warn Thorn? Should he be doing something else?

His eyes shot over to the grumpy IceWing flying next to him, noticing that he seemed to be upset about something. It didn't take him long to think about it, it had happened to him too.

Compared to the rest of the group, they were almost practically useless with them not being able to keep up.

Qibli knew that he wasn't a great warrior, but he knew how to fight. Winter was probably even a better fighter than he was since he was royalty.

He knew from the way Winter acted that being useless in a fight would hurt since he always talked about how an IceWing should always be “perfect”. So he took that last battle seriously.

The memory of the battle played out in his head.

It should be embarrassing that Clay was able to walk right into the middle of Blister’s army camp.

How nobody ever even noticed him, he will never know.

Last night, after they got done planning, Peril did something to the sand under the encampment, super heating the sand under them till it turned into glass.

Clay raised his front right arm and clenched his talons together as if he was crushing something.

A loud explosion happened from all the glass being crushed simultaneously. Throwing sand into the air and causing panic in the camp.

“GO, GO!” Tsunami roared while diving over the sand dune.

The dragonets flew into the camp, searching for Blister while Icicle, and the MudWing sibs dealt with any organized resistance from the army.

Qibli felt like a chicken with his head cut off, because every time he got somewhere to do a task, he had already been beaten to the punch by one of the other dragonets.

He would get to a tent or a hut to clear it, and one of the dragonets would shoot out of there beating him.

The only thing he really did that battle was run around trying to find somewhere where he could help.

He had only learned a bit ago that Winter was the only other dragon in the group besides him that didn’t have any powers, so he probably had the same issue as him.

Qibli flew up next to Winter, “Don't worry, we will find a way to keep up with them.”

Winter’s eyes grew in surprise that the Sandwing knew why he was upset, then it turned into a glare, “So what, as an IceWing, I am supposed to adapt and learn the moment it is required.”

Qibli shook his head and started to argue back, Starflight listening to the conversation through their minds. He could tell that Winter was pretty upset at himself for not being able to help at all during the battle, at least Qibli got to help plan the battle.

Winter had been with them for a while and he knew that he could be trusted. He had seen enough of his mind, he just wanted what's best for everyone, even if he acted a bit hostile. He acted like this because of the bad parenting that he had.

Qibli was new, and he doubted himself all the time. But Starflight could tell that if Qibli couldn’t be trusted, then Thorn would never have considered him to be her son.

Qibli could be trusted.

He looked over at the flying pink and blue female SeaWing to his left.

“Hey Anemone, can you come over here for a second?” Starflight called out to her.

Anemone nodded and flew over to him, “What is it?”

Starflight motioned his head to the back of the group, “What do you think of Winter and Qibli?”

Anemone giggled, “Like watching two of my brothers arguing over each other, which is hilarious to watch.”

Starflight laughed lightly, “Agreed, but what i am trying to ask is, do you think they could be trusted with powers?”

Anemone was surprised and she started to think out loud, “I definitely like Qibli’s attitude better than Winter’s, But Winter had only been hostile in direct conversation with him, but if you pay attention to him, he really hasn't done anything to make us not trust him.”

Starflight nodded in agreement, “Do you think they should have powers?”

Anemone thought in silence for a couple seconds, which should have practically been out load for Starflight.

Anemone nodded, “Winter has been with us for a couple weeks and he is due for it, and I can see Qibli being with us for a while, so he is going to need them if he wants to be able to keep up with us.”

Starflight nodded, “Do you think you could give them some?” he asked her.

Anemone nodded, “Should we go and ask them?”

Starflight shook his head, “No, I know for a fact that they want to help, this will be a present to them.”

“What were you thinking?” Anemone asked him.

“For Winter, let’s make his power like his namesake. Give him control over the weather. He can make the weather turn to winter, he can make the air around him freezing cold like the coldest parts of the north. Make his ice breath be able to be five times as powerful as it used to be. Give him the power to control the wind around him, and let him be able to fly as fast as the north wind.” Starflight listed off.

Anemone smiled and nodded, “That sounds pretty cool, what about Qibli?”

Starflight got a wicked smile on his face, “You want to keep screwing with the both of them?”

Anemone had an evil grin, “Oh, absolutely.”

“Then make him be the complete opposite of Winter,” Starflight started with a grin, “Make it to where he also controls the weather, make it to where he can make summer storms, control the wind, fly as fast the winds from a hurricane, control the temperature around him to be the warmest parts of Summer along with the humidity. But lastly, instead of making his fire breathe stronger, make it to where he can control the lightning from the storms that he controls.” Starflight listed off.

Anemone laughed the evil grin still on her face, “Give me a minute, I have to word this all out.”

She flew away from him and started to mumble something to herself.

Starflight, still smiling, looked back at the two newer members of their group.

Qibli was currently tormenting Winter.

“Come on, you're just going to ignore me, and mot make any snow cones with your frost breath?” Qibli asked him jokingly.

“I'll turn you into a snow cone!” Winter roared in anger.

“I’ll give you my snow cone...” Qibli smirked.

Winter was getting pissed and embarrassed.

Oh yes, this is going to be hilarious indeed.

Anemone started to speak out loud now, “I enchant Winter the IceWing and Qibli the SandWing to be enchanted with the powers I have just described!”

All the dragons were thrown sideways by the displacement in the air as Winter and Qibli shot by them.

Burn roared, “Can you all stop acting like freaks!”

Starflight, always being the one to shoot back first, “Then you should like us, you love to collect freaks like us.”

Burn roared again, “My freaks don't capture me and drag me halfway across the desert!”

Winter and Qibli shot back towards the group and stopped next to them, slowing down to match their speed.

“What in the three moons did you do?” Winter asked them, hearing Anemone right before the weird speed boost happened.

“Congratulations Winter and Qibli, you both now have powers!” Anemone said proudly of herself.

“But we didn't ask for powers...” Winter muttered in shock.

Starflight shook his head, “Yes you did, I heard in your mind that you wished you had powers so you could keep up with us.”

“What Winter is trying to say is thank you, what did you give us?” Qibli said, annoying Winter even farther.

“We gave you the power to control the weather around you, Winter you can control the weather to where it is like... winter, your Ice breath is more powerful, you can chill the air around you and you can fly faster,” Anemone explained.

“Qibli, imagine what we just said for Winter but the complete opposite, except for having better fire breath, you can control the lightning from the storms you can make.” Anemone finished explaining.

“Aww, ya hear that icy, I can give you the THUNDER now!” Qibli joked.

“Shut up” Winter groaned.

“Hey, if you're handing out free powers to everyone, how about giving me some?” Burn growled.

Anemone gave her the death glare, “I can give you the power to shut the f*ck up?”

Chapter 43: Short...

Chapter Text

Nanana! New chapter! Go read it... I guess... since you're here ya know?

The scorpion den came into sight as the dragonets and their prisoner flew over the desert.

"This sh*t town, why out of everywhere, did you take me to here?" Burn hissed.

Tsunami flew down next to her, giving the princess a glare, "This is where you are going to stay till we find out what to do with you."

"Why don't you just kill me?" Burn glared back, "That's what most dragons would do."

Tsunami shook her head, "Now where's the fun in that?" she said with a grin, "No, we are going to put you on trial for the crimes you have committed, and then the SandWings will decide what to do with you," she said as the group landed in front of the Scorpion Den.

Burn started to laugh, which would have been terrifying if she wasn't currently being led like a dog down the streets of the Scorpion Den. Being dragged by one of Glory's vines and Starflight's shadow.

Every dragon that they passed by looked like they had just seen a ghost, seeing what was considered the cruelest out of all the princesses being in that state from a group of dragonets.

The dragonets all looked up into the skies, hearing someone yell in anger.

"Damnit, why did you bring her hear!?" Thorn yelled in anger.

Sunny looked apologetic, "Sorry Mom, but we needed somewhere to keep her for just a bit."

"I understand that, but you're putting a huge target on this town," Thorn said annoyed, "We have finally got some peace around here, we don't need that kind of attention."

"And we will make sure that nobody touches you're town mom, we just need a place for her to stay for a hair bit," Sunny pleaded her case.

Thorn sighed, pinching the bridge of her snout, "Fine, but she better not be a problem for us!"

Sunny smiled and hugged her mother, "Thanks, mom."

Thorn smiled and hugged her back.

They put Burn in one of the jail cells inside the outclaws base, deep in the town where it would be hard to find her.

Qibli locked the jail cell door and turned around to look at the group, "So... what now?"

Tsunami spoke up first, "I don't think we should raid Burn's stronghold just yet, i think we should wait for just a bit and see what happens."

Sunny gave her a confused look, "Why?"

"Because we need to be together for these last few steps," Starflight explained, "We are so close to ending this war."

"We can't mess up by being spread out and hunting for the two other princesses and take a risk of losing Burn," Tsunami said, "Especially since she is technically wining the war."

Sunny frowned, "Do you guys think that Blister or Blaze are going to show themselves or something."

Starflight nodded, "Guaranteed, Burn is captured and her army in shambles, they would be stupid to not try something."

Sunny nodded understanding, "So... what should we do for right now then?"

Starflight shrugged his wings, "Go out and chill for a bit, just remember that anything could happen..."

Sunny smiled and walked off, heading for her mother's hut.

Peril gave a smile to Clay, "Want to go get something to eat?"

Clay smiled and nodded, "You know me so well," Clay said as he followed her out the door.

Everyone else looked at each other and just shrugged their shoulders and walked off to go do who knows what.

Oh my god, I am so sorry. I did NOT realize how short this chapter was. I swear that the next chapter will be WAY longer. Ima go kms now.

Chapter 44: clouds

Chapter Text

Raaaa! I'm back with a new chapter and this time I PROMISE, that this chapter will be longer. That last chapter was just embarrassing...

Winter was sweating bullets from the desert sun above him, practically cooking his now not-so-shiny white scales. He was out on one of the dunes close to the Scorpion Den, trying to get a grip with his new powers and understand how they work. Being able to feel the air around him in a way he never could before.

He had enough common sense to around the group about these powers since he was new, especially going to his sister. But, everyone's powers were so different from his own that none of them were a big help at all.

Well... except for one other.

“What are we going to do best buddy?” Qibli asked teasingly.

Winter sighed, already annoyed. Qibli was the only other dragon that had powers like him.

He could swear Anemone did this on purpose to torture him.

Winter turned around to look at Qibli, “We need to try and figure out how to use our powers.”

Qibli frowned but quickly smiled again, “Hey, we should finally be able to keep up with the rest of the group!”

Winter shook his head, “No, if we want to actually keep up with them, we have to not only be able to use these powers well, but get VERY good with them,” Winter started explaining, “The original dragonets have had their powers forever now and have gotten so good, I don't think we will ever be able to catch up to them if we don't train.”

Qibli frowned, “They looked strong, but they don't look THAT strong...”

Winter shook his head, “That was them just screwing around,” Winter started explaining, “I have watched my father and Hailstorm toy with the other soldiers when they train, I can tell you that they weren't even trying.”

“Well, what about the others in the group?”Qibli asked him.

Winter closed his eyes in thought but shook his head, “No, they aren’t exerting themselves too much, but you can tell by the way they move that they are still trying to do everything they can to keep up.”

“Even Icicle?” Qibli asked.

Winter nodded, “I can tell she is in her element in these battles, but she is still going as fast as she can.”

“How powerful do you think they really are?”

Winter shook his head, “I have no idea, they haven't really met anyone to test their strength,” Winter said remembering one of the reports from the war, “They took on Blister's whole army on in the SeaKingdom and from what I hear, it wasn't even close.

Winter almost shook at the next thought, “If we ever see them have to go all out, I don’t think that we should be a part of that fight.”

Qibli shook his head, “Then how are we ever supposed to catch up to them?”

Winter sighed again, “That’s why I asked you to come here, we need to find out how to use our powers and train with them.”

Qibli nodded his head, “So let’s see, Anemone said that we could fly really fast, which that was easy to find out, we can always practice that later.”

Winter nodded, agreeing with him, “She said that we could control the weather?” Winter said confused, “I have been trying to figure that out for about an hour now even before you got here, I definitely can feel a difference in the wind that I have never felt before?”

Qibli nodded, understanding what he meant, “Kind of like it’s a-”

“Tangible object,” they both said at the same time.

“It’s kind of like I can grab it, but yet... it seems like I can’t figure it out.” Winter said confused.

Qibli looked around, “Maybe this isn’t the best place to learn?”

Winter didn't have to think long on that, why would there be any weather in a dry hellscape that probably rains only once a year if it was lucky? As much as he hated to say it, the sand-snorter was probably right.

Winter nodded, “Where do you think we should go?”

Qibli looked to the west, “Let’s head to the coast, there should be some type of humidity there,” He looked down at his wings like they were new, “Let’s see how fast we can really go.”

Qibli focused on his wings as he flapped them hard, shooting off the ground with one stroke of his wings.

Winter followed him, lifting off in the same way.

This was... very strange. Winter felt like his wings weren't pushing air fast at all but when he looked down, he could see the dunes shooting by in a blur. This is definitely the fastest he has ever been even on his steepest dives.

Qibli flew next to him with a wicked smile, enjoying the speed, “I'll race ya!”

Qibli shot ahead with a hard flap of his wings.

Winter frowned but he beat his wings hard too. This wasn't supposed to be a game...

They raced for almost twenty minutes, flying hard and fast till they reached their destination.

Both of them crashing down on the sandy beaches of the western coast, kicking sand up from the beach as they hit the ground.

Winter looked up, taking in deep gasp of air. If they could fly like that constantly, they could be back to the Ice Kingdom in less than a day.

Winter heard Qibli groan in between his gasp for breath.

On the other talon... probably not worth it.

Winter looked to the south and could see the mountains on the southern coast, signifying Darkstalker’s teeth.

Winter shivered, it’s fine. They aren’t going there today or ever.

“So who won?” Qibli gasped out.

“Not a clue?” Winter groaned.

Qibli got up and realized how far they had come in such a short amount of time, “Geez!”

Winter didn't mentally scold him there, it's the same way he was feeling right now. They flew three times faster than any other dragon could.

Qibli looked at Winter, “I know that we wanted to train but... can we wait for just a minute”

Winter ignored his whining, now feeling the air like it was water rushing over him.

Qibli waited for an answer but he felt it too suddenly, taking focus to the air around him.

It was like warm water was flowing around you, but you never got wet. But you felt like you could reach out and grab it.


Winter took a deep breath and focused on it.

He reached out to it and he could feel himself grab onto it. What should he do, this is the first time he will ever use this power, Mother and father would wnat him to do something special?

... They weren't here.

Winter took ahold of the tangible wind around him, making the wind blow around him and kick up the waves of the beach.

It was exhilarating. He had never felt anything like this. He reached out to the wind around him and started to make the wind howl, making the spikes on his back move around and rattle.

Winter slowed it down as basked in the now-cold wind. He smiled lightly but then frowned. If only he had these powers when Hailstorm was captured.

Qibli was watching with amazement on his face, “That’s awesome, let me try that!”

Qibli closed his eyes, and soon he had the wind blowing around him. But the wind that he took control of was warm.

Qibli slowed down his wind and looked over at Winter, “That didn't seem to be too hard to do?”

Winter nodded, “We can keep practicing with the wind later, Anemone said that we had two other parts to our powers.”

Qibli nodded, “She said I could control and make the summer storms and you could do the same with the winter storms.”

Winter nodded again, starting to feel around again, looking for something else.

He looked for a bit but couldn't find anything besides the now comforting air.

Winter sighed, “Do you have any idea how to do that?”

“Aww the prince is finally asking me for help.” Qibli teased.

Winter hissed in annoyance, “Shut it!”

Qibli shook his head, “Not yet... maybe we are not looking in the right area?”

“What do you mean?” Winter asked him confused.

“Well, storms are made higher in the sky,” Qibli started explaining, “Maybe we have to look up there?”

Winter nodded his head as he closed his eyes again, that did make sense.

The air did feel a bit more potent up there like it was thicker.

But to do now?

Winter took hold of some of the air in the atmosphere and started messing around with it, not sure what to do with it.

He could feel the air not too far away from his own being taken control of by Qibli, doing about the same thing.

He couldn't let Qibli beat him to the punch, he would never let him live it down.

Winter took ahold of the air up there and moved it around a little bit, not knowing what to do.

When he was younger, he remembered a time Lynx was studying the weather for a project she assigned herself.

She was trying to make a more accurate prediction of winter storm patterns in the Ice Kingdom and she discussed one time with him about how storms were made.

Winter grabbed more of the air and he started to compress it like he was making a snowball, letting the mass of air grow as he collected more of the air around it till, he started to feel something else. Almost like a solid object.

He opened his eyes and looked up with a smile, knowing what he was going to see.

“Aww, you beat me,” Qibli joked, as he looked up at the newly formed cloud, “How did you do that?”

Winter looked at him, “I took the air around it and started to rapidly compress it like I am making a snowball.”

“What’s a snowball?” Qibli asked confused.

Winter reeled back in shock but then mentally slapped himself. Qibli probably has never even seen snow before, let alone play in it.

“Just take the air and roll it around till you can start to feel it solidify into a solid object,” Winter tried to explain to him.

Winter looked up into the sky in confusion, he had no idea how to explain how the cloud showed up, but its like it slowly went from a transparent object to a now small white fluffy cloud.

Water is weird.

“It’s probably easier to make an actual storm when there are already clouds to work with,” Winter said to Qibli.

Qibli nodded back, letting go of his control, “I have a feeling that I’m not going to be controlling lightning today, how about you try your new ice breath?”

Winter gave a nod, trying to hide his excited smile, “Can't be that hard?”

He looked away from Qibli and started taking a deep breath, but he started noticing something immediately.

Usually, when you intake air for an ice blast you can feel the air you intake go down into the muscle that weaponizes the air and speed up and thicken till it was ready to blast out.

The moment he started this time, he could tell he was taking WAY more air than he usually would, and it was more potent.

He opened his jaws wide and he looked out towards the ocean, not knowing what was about to come.

A glowing white beam shot out of his mouth, and it went almost three hundred yards away until it finally made contact with the water.

Winter could finally close his mouth and looked out over the water in shock. Where the beam went over the water, was now a large path of ice that led to a large pillar of ice that came out of the water.

Qibli and Winter both looked at each other in shock, “Holy shi-”

With Tsunami

Tsunami was smiling as she walked down the streets of the Scorpion den, looking through all the store windows to see what they were selling.

“Find anything cool?” Riptide asked her, walking next to her.

“Sand, sand, and believe it or not, more sand,” Tsunami joked.

“HEY!” a store owner said, offended.

Tsunami ignored him and kept on walking down the street, Riptide following her.

Riptide laughed, “Not really much out here, smack dab in the middle of the driest place in the world.”

Tsunami laughed with him, “No, not unless you're into cacti and getting sand blown up your snout every five minutes.”

Riptide looked around like he was looking for something, “Have you eaten anything today?”

Tsunami shook her head, she would have to admit... she was starving, “Nothing since yesterday before the raid.”

Riptide nodded, “Thorn said that there was a bar not too far away from here?”

Tsunami froze with a thought, “She had never drank before...”

“Sure, how bad could it be?” She said, unknowingly.

Three hours later

Riptide was blushing in embarrassment.

Tsunami. COULD NOT. Hold her alcohol.

She was currently leaning on the bar, loudly spouting out small stories.

“ONE TIME, WE CAUGHT GLORY USING HER CAMOUFLAGE TO PRANK SUNNY BY DROPPING RED JUICE FORM A FRUIT TO MAKE SUNNY THINK SHE WASNT HEALING HER SELF RIGHT,” Tsunami said loudly, not even realizing she was shouting her story for everyone in the bar to hear.


Tsunami was only four beers deep and she was also bigger than him!

Tsunami looked over at Riptide, “Can I just say, you’re so handsome!”

Oh, three moons no...

“Tsunami, I think it's time to go!” Riptide said, dragging her off the bar.

Tsunami groaned, “But I want more!”

“No, you’re going home and I'm making sure you don't get anymore,” Riptide said, dragging her out of the bar.

“'re the one who asked me if I wanted some...” Tsunami moaned.

Chapter 45: Glass

Chapter Text


Peril huffed to herself, no it wasn't because of the sand that kept blowing up her snout that was coming off the road of the Scorpion den. She was getting upset since there was nothing super interesting here!

It’s no wonder that there had never been any attempts by the Princesses to try and capture this town for gain.

She passed by another shop, glimpsing inside the window to see... nothing interesting once again!

“What’s wrong Peril?” a voice said from behind her, making her jump in surprise.

Peril turned around quickly and saw Umber standing there with a worried look on his face.

Ummm... oh screw it, he already knew that she was dating his brother.

“Well... since we had time, I wanted to go on a date with Clay, but there isn’t anything around here to do,” Peril explained to the small MudWing.

Umber smiled to her, “Well, what does he like to do?” Umber asked her kindly, already having a good guess what he likes to do.

“He likes eating, but we did that last date!” Peril said upset, “I thought it would be nice to try something different.”

Umber shook his head while still smiling, “Well then... how about something you like?”

She couldn't explain it right now, but that question made her fall silent until it hit her... WHAT DO I LIKE?

Umber must have realized something was wrong when he frowned.

“Look, we can all tell that Clay loves you and you love him back, just hanging out with him will make him happy,” Umber explained.

“But that’s what we do all the time...” Peril complained while blushing at the “Love” comment.

“And you never hear him complain do you?” Umber said with a knowing grin.

Peril sighed in acceptance, “Do you have any ideas where we should go?”

Umber perked up at that, “Yeah, I was talking with Qibli and he told me that there is a BBQ over on the opposite side of town,” Umber explained, “They sell some exotic drinks and they got some games over there too.”

Peril nodded giving him an awkward smile, “Thanks Umber.”

Umber nodded, giving her a more confident smile than the one she held, “Go and have some fun with my brother.”

Peril walked down the road, heading back to the Outclaws HQ.


Peril turned around quickly, blushing like mad but it was hidden in her fire-red scales, “WHAT!”

The dust blew over the dunes, the sky turning golden as the sun went over the horizon.

Glory was leaning against the rail of a balcony in one of the local restaurants, enjoying the last of the sun’s fading rays.

“How is my favorite RainWing?”

Glory rapidly turned around, startled. Seeing the face of Deathbringer standing behind her who was laughing at her.

“What did I say about scaring me like that!” Glory hissed, turning red.

Deathbringer continued to laugh, “I didn’t even mean to scare you.”

Glory calmed her racing heart, “What in the three moons are you even doing here?”

Deathbringer smirked, “Oh what, I can’t see one of the most beautiful RainWings ever?” Deathbringer flirted.

Glory turned pink but then quickly turned orange, “I told you to stop flirting.”

Deathbringer laughed again, “Can’t help it.”

He calmed down after that, “I do have a reason to be here though, besides ya know... seeing you.”

Glory hid her disappointment by giving him a focused gaze.

Deathbringer sighed, “I overheard Morrowseer a couple of days ago with the queen, they were drawing up plans to raid the Rain Kingdom...”

Glory’s eyes grew, “Does the Rain Kingdom know?”

Deathbringer nodded slightly, “Even though the NightWings have spread so much propaganda, the RainWings are actually a pretty competent tribe, they just prefer to be a lone tribe and not get in other’s business,” Deathbringer explained, “Queen Carinatus has had her suspicions for years now with how many NightWings they have spotted lurking around the rain forest.

Glory sighed slightly in relief, “That’s good to hear, do you think they will need our help soon?”

Deathbringer hesitated for a moment in thought, “I’d give it about two weeks,” Deathbringer answered, “Morrowseer is going to have to make sure every NightWing is ready, and he still hasn't finalized the plans.”

Glory nodded in understanding, “I’ll try to convince my friends to be there then... should I keep you a secret still?”

Deathbringer slowly shook his head, “They need to know, you can’t just get all your friends over to the jungle without a reason since you're still trying to stop the current war.”

Glory nodded, agreeing with him.

Deathbringer turned around to leave.


He turned around to look back at her with a questioning look.

The words she was about to say got caught in her throat, “Tha- thanks...”

Deathbringer smiled and nodded, “Anything for the most beautiful dragon in Pyrrhia.”

He turned around and left, not seeing Glory’s now glowing pink scales.

The streets were starting to quiet down with the sky turning dark, Clay and Peril walking out of the restaurant. The streets being lit up by the lights inside the stores.

Clay and Peril were quiet as they walked, just leaning into each other in comfort, looking into the windows they passed by.

“Thanks, Peril, I had a good time tonight with you,” Clay said happily.

Peril, leaning up against him sharing her warmth, “I did too, thanks for being with me.”

They walked down the streets, passing by all the stores till a sight caught Peril’s eyes.

There was an old SandWing blowing into a long metal tube as hard as he could, even his cheeks bulging out. There was a glob of something glowing red at the end of the tube. She could tell the SandWing was trying to heat it up, keeping it over a fire.

“Sir, do you need any help?” Peril asked him.

The elder SandWing stopped what he was doing to look at her, “No dear, I think I got it, I'm just trying to keep the glass warm as I blow it,” The elder said with a smile, “But thank you for asking though.”

“Well I can definitely help with that,” Peril said, walking over to the molten glass, poking it with one of her talons, making it glow even more red instantly.

“Oh!” The SandWing said in shock, he started to blow into the pipe again, the blob of glass expanding much easier now, blowing into it till he had the shape he wanted.

“Thank you, you just saved me about 10 minutes!” The SandWing said happily.

Peril smiled and nodded, “You’re welcome... if you don't mind me asking... what are you doing?”

“I’m a glass blower, we make all kinds of items out of glass,” the elder said motioning to his glass objects in the shop.

Peril’s eyes grew when she turned around, seeing all the beautiful glass objects.

She had obviously seen glass before, but nothing like this.

She lowered the temperature on her scales, picking up one of the small glass objects, “You make this?” She said in wonder.

“Yep, I have been blowing glass ever since I retired from the army.” the elder said proudly.

“How do you make this stuff?” Peril asked him.

“I don’t really have time to teach you, but in my younger years, I made a scroll that teaches you.”

“Can I have one?” Peril asked him hopingly.

“Sure, just three silver.”

Peril nodded and started to head out the door, going to get some money. Clay stopped her at the door, “Don't worry, I'll pay for it.”

Peril smiled and gave him a light peck on the cheek, “Thank you.”

Clay smiled as he blushed, taking a couple of coins out of his side pouch, giving it to Peril.

Smiling while watching her rapidly turn around to pay for the scroll.

Ahh, I feel much better now. Usually, when I want to calm down, I play my guitar hard and loud... but it's now midnight...

Before you leave guys, listen to this if you want to take any advice from me. Don't let people get to you, I have seen it completely ruin people’s hopes and dreams.

I recommend getting a couple of hobbies that you can take your anger out on. And never let the words of some bitch ass puss*es get in your way to success and happiness.

Chapter 46: Sleep

Chapter Text

Who is the crowd, that peers into the stage... just not today! Man, I love listening me some metal. New chapter, as always, recommended listening to your favorite music but the song that inspired this chapter is Primo Victoria.

Blaze stared down the five SandWings in front of her with a hard judgmental glare. The five dragons in front of her were here five strongest and most skilled dragons in her army.

“I hope you all know how important your mission is...” Blaze muttered.

The middle dragon in the group who was also the largest nodded, “Yes your majesty!”

“Remember, if you can’t get her hear cleanly and silently without the dragonets seeing you, kill her on the spot,” Blaze explained, “We can't let this opportunity pass.”

The whole group nodded their heads and the leader kneeled in front of the princess, “As the captain of this mission, we will not fail you!”

Blaze nodded her head, “Good, the moment the raid starts and we draw the dragonets out of the city, get into the town and capture Burn,” She finished, the group nodded and left the tent.

Blaze snorted to herself as she turned around to go and lay down for the rest of the evening. They were more than likely going to fail but it was worth a shot.

Glacier was so handy having her elite guards train a few of her dragons. The “Desert Storm” were her own group of elite dragons for her own use.

Her mind started to wander over the last phew day’s events. Many of her soldiers had started questioning their loyalty to her but after the strange teleportation incident, they has started to believe that she had been “picked” to win this war.

Blaze sighed as she laid down, she had no idea what had happened, but it was smart to play it off like she had a clue.

She was just happy that she didn't have to fake being an incompetent idiot anymore. Tthe last couple of years, she had been giving herself a migraine from just how annoying it was.

It didn't matter, tonight they were going to “raid” the town and a contender would be out of the game... just another day of using deception.

Glory was basking in the bright sunlight, enjoying the warming rays. Resting up against a black dragon to her right.

A loud cracking noise went off and Glory’s pleasant dream was ruined, her eyes opening of groggily. She looked out the window to her room and saw a building catch fire from an explosion.

Glory hissed as she ran downstairs and out the door, looking up at the offending SandWings, “Can’t you literally attack us any other time of the day!”

Clay burst out of the door right behind her with the other dragonets behind them, looking up into the sky at the raiding army, all of them looked pissed at being woken up at such an hour.

Starflight shook his head, trying to get rid of the sleepiness, “They are here for Burn like we talked about!” Starflight yelled over the roaring offenders, “We need to protect the town, just make sure you don’t kill anyone!”

The group nodded in agreement and launched into the air, all of them having bags under their eyes and pissed.

He said no killing, he didn't say anything about beating the sh*t out of them! Tsunami thought to herself as she punched a SandWing getting ready to breathe a stream of flame.

Glory was the next one up... you don’t get in the way of a RainWing and their sleep. She had grown some wood and wrapped her claws in it, currently using the wood like brass knuckles, slamming her claws into any dragon that got close to her with a fiery rage.

Tsunami took a bit of water from the oasis nearby, but not too much... she didn't need that much. She took a puddle's worth of water and spread it out in the air to where it was just water drops and slammed it into the nearest dragon's face.

“GA-!” the SandWing roared in pain.

Tsunami grinned wickedly. Not many dragons know, but when water moves that fast and hits you like that, it feels like needles being stabbed into you, but it doesn't do any real damage.

Winter and Qibli were off away from the fight, working on something, focused on the air above them.

“Are you sure this is the best way to help them?” Winter asked Qibli.

“One hundred percent, Tsunami and Riptide will be more powerful,” Qibli explained while nodding, “also, SandWings practically think raining in the SandKingdom is a holy event.”

“Then why are we doing this then?” Winter asked confused.

“It’s an old tradition, but it goes back generations, almost no matter what was going on, if it ever rained in the SandKingdom, the Queen let everyone drop what they were doing to enjoy the rain,” Qibli explained, “Do you know how pissed the army is going to be that they have to fight while they could be enjoying the rain... I know I would be.”

Winter just shook his head. He was already sweating from the desert heat even during the night... Blast this desert, there were no clouds anywhere to use their powers!

“I don't think we are going to be able to do this...” Winter said annoyed.

“We have to try, look farther out,” Qibli said concentrating while closing his eyes.

Winter nodded and closed his eyes again, reaching even farther out with his grasp...

How far could he reach? Anemone never said they had a limit...

He started reaching out towards the coast that he and Qibli trained on yesterday. It didn't take him long to find moisture in the air. He actually felt no resistance at all while reaching out and taking control of the water in the air. He started forming more and more clouds until he had what he thought was a storm.

“Hey, I got a storm out on the coast that we were on earlier, think you can help me?” Winter asked the SandWing next to him.

“Sure... Ya I feel it, I'’ add what I got onto it,” Qibli answered.

Winter nodded and started to bring it towards where they were, he could feel it grow in size as it moved.

“It should be here in around ten or fifteen minutes, Im moving it as fast as I can,” Winter explained.

“How big do you think it will be by then?” Qibli asked.

“I don’t think I grabbed allot, but I don’t know?” Winter said while shrugging his wings.

Winter kept of focusing on the storm, pulling the storm to their location. He could start to hear a faint rumbling sound in the air, he opened his eyes and they grew wide at the sight Infront of him. The clear night sky was now impossible to see behind the flashing dark clouds above them.

He looked over at Qibli who was staring at the sky with a look of wonder, like he wasn’t on this planet at all.

Qibli reached a talon up into the air like he was grabbing onto something, almost shaking slightly while doing so.

He suddenly threw his talons down as if he was throwing something.

The world flashed a blinding light, blinding Winter and deafening him at the same time as the earth in front of him exploded in a white blinding light.


A lightning bolt came from the sky and landed about twenty yards in front of the two dragons, making them both jump.

The sand that the bolt hit flew up into the air and flash melted into glass, a jagged pillar of glass forming up out of the ground.

Anemone was right... Qibli could control the lightning inside the storms they controlled. And from the way it looked, it was even more powerful than his own supercharged ice breath.

It was almost annoying at the fact that Qibli had a weapon that was probably more powerful than his own...

Anemone said that he could control the storms to make them like the winter storms...

SandWings hate the cold.

How could he make the storms so cold? All he was able to make rain storms, Qibli was the one who could make powerful thunderstorms.

Winter slowly walked away from Qibli while thinking, getting an idea as he took a couple of steps away.

He opened his mouth and started taking large breaths of air, feeling it fill his lungs at an impossible rate.

Qibli snapped out of his wonder when he realized what Winter was about to do, “Winter, they said to not kill anyone!” Qibli said panicking.

Winter ignored him and kept on inhaling more air. He finally stopped and aimed his head up to the sky above. The beam of white glowing ice shot out of his mouth and hit the clouds above.

The rain slowly started to stop.

The fighting happening in the town died down, all the invading SandWings looking at the white beam in awe.

The wind around them started to cool down, almost becoming pleasant... then the cold started to come.

The SandWings had never felt anything like this here, first it had started raining... the invading forces almost recoiled in shock at what came next... snow.

The invading forces started to panic, realizing something.

They already knew that these dragonets were no ordinary group of dragonets with their powers.

But they have just done something thought impossible. For the first time in Pyrrhia history, it was snowing in the Sand Kingdom.

The SandWing army started to back away from the dragonets they were fighting, just now realizing how over their heads they have gotten. Just now realizing that NONE of the dragonets have even broken a sweat and now there were unnatural forces in play.

“RETREAT!” a captain yelled in fear.

All the dragons that hadn’t been knocked out started to fly back to the dunes that they came from, there was no way they could win this!

Blaze watched from the dunes, hissing in anger. She didn’t order a retreat.

She was about to yell out to keep pushing forward until she saw a sight that made her smile slightly.

The dragons she had sent out early were on their way back, making their way to her.

She was smiling happily but it turned to a frown when she saw they didn't have Burn with them.

The group landed in front of her and bowed in guilt.

“Where is she!” Blaze roared, her frown turned into a smile, remembering her orders, “She’s dead isn’t she?”

The leader frowned, “My queen... she was not there, she wasn’t in the town at all.”

Blaze roared, “WHAT!”

“We looked everywhere, we even found the cell she was being kept in but the door had been pried open, it seems she somehow escaped without even the dragonets knowing,” The captain explained.

Blaze sighed, rubbing the bridge of her snout. The day was lost.

“Sound the retreat, we are heading back to Agate Mountain,” Blaze muttered.

The group nodded and flew off.

Winter and Qibli flew back to the group who were now all celebrating.

They saw Winter and Qibli land, “Good job you two, that thing you guys did scared the SandWings so bad that they ran away.

They both worded their thanks.

Winter saw Icicle give a nod in approval and Winters's smile grew slightly.

It was hard to get his sister's approval.

His smile grew even more as everyone gave him compliments.

Icicle was watching with a very faint smile.

Glacier was right, Winter did need this.

Their celebration was broken when Thorn ran up to the group, “Bad news, Burn is gone!”

The group all groaned in annoyance.

Chapter 47: Generals Gather

Chapter Text

Generals gathered in their masses! Just like witches at black masses! Evil minds that plot destruction! Sorcerer of death's construction! In the fields, the bodies BURNING! As the war machine keeps turning! Death and hatred to mankind! Poisoning their brainwashed minds...

The group was huddled around a candle-lit map of Pyrrhia on a large table in the middle of a room. Everyone standing in silence, having just got back from cleaning up the Scorpion den from the battle.

"I think... we are ready," Starflight muttered out.

"Ready for what?" Turtle asked, saying the same thing that was running through everyone else's mind.

"To make the final push," Starflight started explaining, making everyone perk up with the first words to come out of his mouth, "Blaze and Blister have recently lost a large chunk of their armies, they are going to be getting desperate and will make mistakes, Burn is wearing down as well with all the fronts she is on."

Winter shook his head, "So what do we do?" Winter asked, "Even if we try to capture them again, they will probably just be teleported again."

Starflight sighed in annoyance, what Winter said was probably right, "That's a risk we are going to have to take if we want to end this war."

"Well... what's the plan?" Anemone asked anxiously.

"Qibli and I discussed this all night while we were working," Starflight began, "We figure that both Blaze and Blister are both desperate enough to do a big push if they think Burn's stronghold is weak," Qibli nodded and continued what Starflight was saying, "We think if we plant some "information" on both Blister and Blaze, that we can get them to attack Burn's stronghold at the same time."

"What's the information going to say?" Tsunami asked.

Starflight didn't have to think long, "Something they probably already have a good idea of, Burn was captured but she escaped, but not without being injured, she has lost allot of blood and is bed-ridden, her forces are in disarray and dragons are talking about fleeing."

"I think it sounds like a good idea," Sunny said excitedly, "how are we going to plant the information?"

"That's where Anemone and Turtle comes in," Starflight said with a smile, "We will enchant some items to look like a dead SandWing from Burn's army that had been bitten by a dragon bite viper along the way near where Blaze retreated too."

"And what about Blister?" Sunny asked.

"Blister is pretty cunning, so she is going to be a bit more difficult," Starflight explained, "Especially since we don't even have a clue where she is at, so Anemone is going to enchant a hawk with the information to fly low above them, making sure it gets caught."

"It all sounds pretty good, but what happens the moment they see it's a trap and not just leave or start to kill each other?" Clay asked with a frown.

Qibli nodded his head, "We need to make sure both armies do NOT leave, there will have to be a small amount of us surrounding the battle to make sure they have no way out," He explained.

"What about them killing each other, this is the whole point of what we have been doing?" Sunny asked worried.

Starflight sighed, "There will be fighting, that's for sure, I can stop a whole army for a few minutes, but there is no way me by myself could stop almost a whole kingdom," Starflight explained, "We need to spread out and make sure there is no deaths if we can help it, and another small group needs to go after the three princesses."

"Are you sure this is going to work?" Icicle asked concerned.

Starflight stared down and glared, "If they don't then we will make them stop... the war ends on that day whether they like who is picked to be queen or not."

Everyone nodded, "What do we do with the princesses?"

"We capture them, we are going to do this properly and put them on trial," Starflight answered.

"Speaking of a new queen, do we have any prospects yet?" Peril asked.

Starflight sighed and leaned back into his chair, "While we were in Redstone a couple of days ago, I checked everyone's mind in that town... they don't really have a leader there either."

"So what are we going to do then?" Peril asked.

"Actually, I think I have an idea?" Sunny said excitedly.

Everyone's head turned to her, "You do?"

"Ya!" Sunny said, "All right, here me out..."

The group heard her answer and smiled, "All right then, then that is solved... so when are we going to send these letters out?" Reed asked.

I know this chapter is short, but the next chapter is going to be the LONGEST in the series...

Chapter 48: That Was Just Your Life

Chapter Text

It is time... it’s been almost two years in the making... but it’s time. I hope this is worth the wait. There are two songs that you should listen to for this chapter “Ecstasy of Gold” and “Enter Sandman”. Oh ya, and a little warning... gore.

“Throw your soldiers into positions whence there is no escape, and they will prefer death to flight.” Sun Tzu,The Art Of War

The sun started to rise over the desert sands. The start of a new, long, scorching day... and maybe something else.

The Dragonets stood on top of one of the larger dunes, being able to view almost the whole desert from where they were. The only dragonets that weren't there were Qibli and Winter who were out scouting.

Nobody said anything, the tension hanging in the air like a thick fog, everyone knew this was more than likely going to be one of the most important days in their life... possibly in the history of the Sand Kingdom.

Glory was sitting partially back from the group, something completely different on her mind. Thinking back to what her and Deathbringer talked about just a couple days ago... she was so getting yelled at for not telling anyone about him.

Starflight surely knew, but he was keeping his promise to not spill any secrets he heard.

“What better time to talk about it than now when an incoming battle is about to happen, right?” Glory thought to herself sarcastically as she stood up.

“So... guys, you want to hear something interesting I found out?” Glory asked worried.

Everyone turned to her confused, why was she acting like that?

“Do you remember that NightWing that almost killed us?” Glory asked.

Clay, Peril, and Tsunami nodded, “We never actually saw him but ya.”

“Well umm... I may have been talking with him for the last few... weeks,” Glory muttered that last part out quietly.

“WHAT!” everyone roared besides Starflight, confirming her suspicion.

“Why would you ever talk to him?” Tsunami asked angrily. Her eyes grew and she turned to look at Starflight, “You KNEW! Why didn't you say anything?”

“It was her secret to keep and...” Starflight said while smirking at Glory.

Glory sent a death-filled glare.

Starflight nodded his head and his brow furrowed, “I made a promise to not expose any secret thoughts I have heard.”

“Ok, but it still doesn't answer our main question, WHY?” Tsunami asked again.

“He never actually wanted to kill us, he said his talons were forced into it by Morrowseer,” Glory started to explain.

“Ok, but why did you continue to talk to him?” Clay asked calmly.

“He was actually helping us, he has been keeping the other assassins off our back and spying on the NightWings for us,” Glory finished explaining.

Clay nodded, “That’s a pretty good reason in my opinion,” his head turned to the sky seeing a white dot, “We can talk about this later, Winter is back.”

Winter landed on the ground, shaking the sand off his scales, “Blaze is on her way, her army is about 20 to 30 minutes out,” Winter looked around, “Qibli isn’t here yet?”

Starflight shook his head, “Not yet, and I haven't heard his mind recently so he isn’t close either.”

Winter nodded, “Hopefully he gets back soon, it would be best if both armies got here around the same time.”

Starflight nodded, “We might have to send extra dragons to help him push the army in case they see the fighting too early.”

Winter nodded, “I can help with that, but first I have to find him.” he took off into the air, kicking up sand as he took off.

Starflight walked up to the MudWing sibs, “Do you guys think you can handle containing the armies after the fighting starts?”

Reed looked unsure, “I'm not sure, I'm not as strong as you guys are,” He muttered out.

Clay walked forwards and put his talons on Reed’s shoulder, “That’s why you have your sibs, and you will have Anemone and Turtle with you... I think you can do it.”

Reed smiled slightly, “We can try...”

Clay smiled and nodded, “Thank you,” he got a determined look on his face, “Peril and I are going after Burn, I have a score to settle after our last fight.”

Starflight nodded his head agreeing, “Then Glory, Icicle, and I will go after Blister, she seems to be the best at escaping somehow.”

Starflight turned to Tsunami, “You guys gave me the easy one... I guess me, Riptide, and I'm going to borrow Sora.”

Sunny perked up, “HEY! What about me, I want to help!”

Clay looked over at her, “You're going to do what you do best Sunny, make sure nobody gets killed.”

“But what about fighting?” Sunny asked.

Clay shrugged his shoulders, “I never said you couldn't fight.”

Sunny got a wicked smile on her face as she nodded.

“Clay...” Peril said as she walked up to the MudWing.

“What is it Peril?” Clay asked the female SkyWing.

“What do we... what do we do after all of this is over?” Peril asked.

“What do you mean?” He asked confused.

“After all of this, the war, the NightWings... all of it?” Peril started to sound worried.

Clay smiled and took everyone into his wings, “Then we start to enjoy life... we can do whatever we want.”

Clay let go of everyone except for Peril, “I want to live and enjoy life with you.”

Their moment was cut when Starflight started to shout, “Guys, look!”

Peril turned around and looked with her eyes to the distance. A cloud of dragons appearing on the eastern horizon.


A large crackling noise made the group turn to the other horizon. A large storm started on the western front.

Qibli and Winter were closing in with Blister.

Starflight snapped to attention and turned back to the group, “Reed, hurry up and take the sibs and make your way to your position.”

Reed nodded and took off, all of the sibs minus Sora took off.

“Clay and Peril, I'd also go ahead and start making your way over to the stronghold,” Starflight pointed out.

Clay nodded and both of them took off.

“For now, we will hold out here waiting for the armies.”

Winter was a blur in the wind, making his way towards where Qibli was supposed to be searching.

He flew with his eyes closed, focusing on the airflow around him, searching for any disturbances that would be more than likely caused by Qibli’s control.

Come on sand-scales, where are you?” Winter thought to himself.

He perked up when he felt something to his right. It felt like there was a disturbance about a mile to his right. He banked right, flapping his wings harder, making a beeline for the disturbance.

He opened his eyes just in time to see Qibli blur right by him.

“QIBLI!” Winter roared in distress, the wind disforming around him.

Qibli stopped almost instantly and turned around, “Winter, what are you doing here?”

Winter righted himself, “Blaze is almost to the stronghold, we need to get Blister’s there as fast as we can!”

Qibli’s eyes grew and he nodded.

“If I had to make an accurate guess, she should be getting close to here, she was a bit farther away than what Blaze was,” Qibli explained.

Winter nodded his head agreeing with the SandWing, “When we find the army, we have to speed them up, at the pace they are going now, they won’t be there in time.”

Qibli nodded and started flying again with Winter to his left, “So how are we going to speed them up?”

“Blister doesn’t know about us yet, we should be able to make a big storm and put it behind her,” Winter answered.

“But I haven't made a big storm yet...” Qibli said worried.

Winter gave him a rare smile, “I may not be able to make large thunderstorms like you are supposed to be able to do, but I do know I can help whatever storm you make grow.”

Qibli smiled back and nodded.

They kept flying right on top of the dunes, trying to stay out of sight but staying in a position that would let them spot the army if they were in the area.

It had been almost ten minutes and now Winter was starting to get frustrated, “Are they even com- oomf!”

The air was knocked out of his lungs, Qibli tackling him to the ground from the air.

“I'M GOING TO SLICE YOUR-” Winter was cut off again when Qibli slammed his talons against Winter’s snout.


Qibli got up and motioned over the dune, Winter realized why he had plowed him into the ground now and nodded sheepishly.

Both of them crawled up the dune, finally seeing the army lowly flying over the dunes like they had been doing before, trying to stay out of sight.

It took a couple minutes, after the army passed by, Winter slowly stood up.

“I don’t think they saw us...” Qibli muttered.

Winter shook his head agreeing, “Well then... lets get this started.”

Both Qibli and Winter closed their eyes, focusing on the air around them, taking their control of the weather out to the coast since the air around them was so dry.

Winter reached out to the ocean, taking ahold of as many clouds as he could, bringing them together and rolling them up till they formed into rain clouds.

“I got some rain coming in, have you started forming the storm?” Winter asked.

Qibli nodded, “I am pulling as much moisture from the air as I can.”

Winter got a concerned look on his face, “As much as you can... we haven't really tested how strong we actually are...”

A strong gust started to blow around them, none of it coming directly from their control...

Winter opened his eyes and looked out at the coast, clouds slowly starting to turn an ugly shade of grey and black.

“Qibli...” Winter said worried.

Qibli ignored him, continuing to form the weather.

“QIBLI!” Winter said franticly.

Qibli finally opened his eyes and looked up.

“...oh” Qibli squeaked out.

The storm that he had gone overboard on looked horrible, looking like a hurricane, lightning was arcing across the sky rapidly, lighting up the now-darkening desert. Now making it’s way towards them.

Winter gave a look at Qibli, “You didn’t need my help at all...”

“Let’s do this...” Qibli said excitedly.

Qibli re-closed his eyes, taking hold of the storm once more, making it move faster across the desert. Winter helped by taking control of the wind around the storm, making sure none of it gave any resistance to the storm.

He took to the air and could see the army in the distance now frantically flying as fast as they could to stray from the storm.

Tsunami was frowning while watching the incoming army. The group she was currently in right now was... a bit short-sighted truth be told. They were in the middle of the desert... which was enough said since there was almost NO WATER AT ALL! Riptide and her were practically useless since both of their powers completely revolved around the element. The only one in the group who could do ANYTHING was Sora, and she was still inexperienced with her powers.

She could hear the storm miles out, but it still wasn’t close enough that she could take some water from it...

She was going to have to stall... Moons damnit, I hate stalling.

She looked over at the male SeaWing next to her, “So... you like stalling?”

Riptide got a confused look on his face but it quickly turned to annoyance, “I hate stalling but sadly I am good at it,” He answered, shivering at the memories that came back to him.

“Queen Coral really didn’t like me, so when someone that she found to be very annoying and talkative but still kind of important kept talking to her, she would constantly use me as a decoy to talk to them so she could make her getaway,” Riptide explained.

Tsunami sighed and nodded, “Think you can stall a whole army with Sora for about eight minutes or so?”

“What?” Sora said, rapidly turning around. Hearing the conversation.

Riptide got a look that screamed, “are you kidding me!”

“A whole army...” Riptide moaned.

“Don’t worry... Sora will be with you!” Tsunami yelled as she took off into the air, kicking up dust that was quickly blown away from the wind coming off the storm.

Riptide sighed, “Fine...”

Tsunami smiled, “Don’t worry, you'll do great!” she yelled as she flew off.

A small smile grew on his face, “She thinks I'll do great...”

His frown returned when he turned around, the army almost upon him.

“Ah sh*t...” both Riptide and Sora muttered.

Glory sat patiently next to Icicle, the white dragon having an anxious look on her face. Glory noticed it and gave her a confident look, “You excited or something?” She asked sarcastically.

Icicle’s look turned to a frown as she nodded her head, “I am, but not happy about it.”

Glory frowned at the strange answer, “Why?”

“IceWings are not supposed to be excited about going out and flaunting their obvious strength... they are supposed to be cold and calculating, keeping your strength to yourself until it is required to show it,” Icicle explained.

“What are IceWings allowed to be excited about?” Glory asked, already suspecting a certain answer.

Icicle remained silent, confirming her suspicion.

Glory sighed, “Icicle, I'm not trying to be rude, but why is your tribe so... stoic.”

Icicle sighed and finally spoke an answer, “I wish I could say I don’t know why but I do and it’s part of the reason Glacier wanted Winter out of the palace.”

Icicle turned around looking out at the direction her brother went, “Winter is not... cruel... enough to be in the Ice Palace,” she muttered. “Even from a young age, Winter was too nice to the dragons around him... being kind is dangerous in the Ice Kingdom.”

“Do you know of the wall?” Icicle asked the RainWing.

“The Great Ice Cliff?” Glory asked back.

Icicle shook her head, “No, that is the gift of defense, what I am talking about is the gift of order.”

“What’s that?” Glory asked.

“Do you see my necklace?” Icicle said while showing the object off. A single circle made out of a silver material.

Starflight, who was sitting a little part aways had his ears perked, interested in the conversation.

“This circle shows what place you have in the IceKingdom, if you're in the first to the third you are important enough to live in the Ice Palace, if you are any lower than the third then you are deemed unworthy,” Icicle explained, “Mother would never except a child that wasn't in the first or second and Winter isn’t... harsh enough to stay in those circles.”

Icicle shook her head, “He can try to fake it all he wants but Winter is not like that at all...”

Icicle turned back away, “That’s why Glacier wanted Winter to leave, so he doesn't turn out like everyone else.”

Glory nodded understanding, “You're not that bad either...”

Icicle remained quiet, remembering the reason she wanted her powers. Her eyes flicked over to Starflight who was giving her a curious look.

He knew but yet he never judged...

Clay and Peril were slowly making their way to the stronghold, the winds kicking up now from the storm that was surely coming from Winter and Qibli. They flew low as close to the sand as they could, trying to not be spotted.

Peril was right behind Clay, thinking about what he had said right before they had left.

Clay said he wanted to live his life with her and she knew she wanted to do the same... but what else? She had lived her whole life killing and she wanted to do something different. Her mind flashed to the glass sculptures she had seen on her date with Clay. Those looked pretty cool, she wouldn't mind giving them a try.

Somehow, they made it to the compound without being spotted, landing outside the walls. They could hear hundreds of dragons inside roaring and running around, sounding like they were all in a panic.

Clay chuckled, he didn’t blame them. On one side they had probably the biggest storm they have ever seen making its way here, and on the other side was Blaze’s whole army.

Clay turned to the thunderstorm, now being able to see Blister’s army in the distance. Clay looked down at Peril and she gave him a nod, signaling that she was ready.

“LETS DO THIS!” Clay roared, turning back to the wall and punching it, using his powers to turn it into rubble.

The dragons behind the wall went silent in shock, looking at the two dragons who were standing in the new hole in the wall like they were looking into the face of the devil.

Riptide had gone slightly pale, looking at a sight that was like looking into the jaws of a great white shark.

Blaze wasn’t even that scary, even in her royal attire she never looked that threatening... but her whole army with spears up giving him a confused look certainly did.

Blaze was staring at him with a confused look, apparently not remembering the two dragons, “Who are you?”

Riptide was left quiet, “Ummmm...”

“My queen, it looks like one of the dragons in the group with the dragonets,” a soldier blurted out.

Blaze took another look and almost fell back in shock after she remembered, “WHERE IS THE REST OF YOU?” She shouted in panic.

Riptide cursed to himself, trying to come up with a way to stall, “Oh they are... around... f*ck” he muttered the last part after seeing Blaze turn around frantically.

Blaze turned to her army, “We are leaving, this is a trap!”

Riptide panicked, “Wait-wait!” not the best way to stall...

Blaze turned back around, staring at the SeaWing, “What?”

Riptide thought for a second, “... Have you heard of the tragedy of Dark Plagueis the wise?”

“What...” Blaze muttered.

Riptide shook his head, “What I am trying to say is... do you know... the Muffin Man?”

“The Muffin Man?” Blaze asked confused.

“THE MUFFIN MAN!” Sora yelled, not even having a remote clue what Riptide was asking.

Blaze shook her head rapidly, “Enough of your stalling, WE ARE LEAVING!”

She went to turn around again but a large wall of stone blocked the way. Riptide smiled, good to see Reed was ready.

Blaze turned back around with a twitch in her eyes, “You bastards planned this, Didn’t you, your group planted that letter!”

Riptide smiled, knowing this would be the icing on the cake, “What letter?”

“Don’t play dumb with me you peasant SeaWing!”

“I have no idea what you are talking about,” Riptide said with a full smile, knowing that he had her hook line and sinker.

Blaze hissed in anger, “I’m going to have you killed!”

Riptide heard a set of wings coming up from behind him, knowing she was back.

Blaze roared but was cut off by a torrential amount of water slamming into her.

Riptide turned around to see the female SeaWing laughing, “Thanks for setting that up, that made the trip to get all this water worth it!”

Riptide looked behind her and saw the pond's worth of water being suspended in the air, via her powers.

Winter was guarding Qibli as he focused on pushing the storm forwards at a fast pace, keeping Blister and her army moving.

Winter was at least pretending to look like he was protecting him, surely no idiot would ever come this deep into the storm like they were?

Well... all except for one.

“Dang... you guys got quite a storm brewing up here don't ya?” a voice said from above.

Winter and Qibli looked up to see the blue SeaWing Princess, “Um... Tsunami, what are you doing here?” Qibli asked confused.

Tsunami gave them an innocent smile, “Mind if I borrow some of this?”

“Borrow some of wh- WAIT WAIT WAIT!” Qibli started to panic, feeling a chunk of the storm leave his control unwillingly.

Tsunami gave them a polite nod with a grin still on her face, “Thank you for your generous donation!” she said as she turned around and flew off, a portion of the storm disappearing instantly and turning into a large stream of water that followed right behind Tsunami.

Tsunami left the sputtering duo behind while laughing.

Winter grew a worried look on his face, “Should I go back and get more?”

Qibli thought for a moment and shook his head, “Even after what Tsunami took, we are still in control of the biggest storm the SandKingdom has seen since the scorching.”

Winter looked through the rain storm and could see the stronghold in the distance, “We are almost there.”

Winter turned to look at Qibli, “I don’t care how we do this, do you want to split up or stay together during the fight?”

“Aww the IceWing does care,” Qibli joked but then got serious, “In most cases, we should stick together, but we need to spread apart here enough to handle both armies.”

“So who do you want?” Winter asked him.

“I’ll take Blister, every now and then I’ll pass by the stronghold to harass them,” Qibli answered.

“Then I guess I'm taking Blaze, that's good since I want payback after she threatened Glacier,” Winter said while looking up, “So I am just... going to take this...” he muttered while taking control of half the storm.

“Hey... that was mine!” Qibli joked.

“Shut it...” Winter joked back.

Blister was flapping her wings hard, trying to fight against the winds that battered her and her army.

This storm was strange and not natural at all, no storm was like this the moment it hit the desert, it didn't help that they were so close to the stronghold! That was actually the reason the stronghold was so far out in the desert, to keep away from the tropical storms so it would never get damaged by water.

Something caught her vision in the corner of her eye... another army. She went to yell something to her commanders but the thunder cut her off, making it impossible to hear anything.

The army slowed down, a weird feeling going through the air. Almost as if it was vibrating. A voice cut through the air that got everyone's attention from years of experience, “IT’S A TRAP!”

The moment she said that, all hell broke loose in the army. The air starting to vibrate as the thunder got even louder now, the air filling with static.

Blister turned around just in time to dodge an ice blast that was aimed at her chest, Icicle giving her a death glare.

She ducked down, Glory trying to tackle her and just barely missing the SandWing princess.

Blister went to order a retreat, but a large stone wall formed behind the army, trapping them effectively.

Blaze froze almost shivering... a memory from her mother played through her head, one of the many lectures she heard.

Place your soldiers in a position to where there is no escape, they will prefer death over flight.”

This is what they were planning... the letter was fake like she suspected.

Peril and Clay stood in the debris of the wall, staring down the shocked army within.

The army had no clue what to do, knowing very well who these dragonets were. It was almost impossible to not know.

A roar was heard inside the stronghold, everyone turning around already knowing who it was.

Burn landed Infront of the two dragonets, giving them a menacing look with a slight growl, “I take it this is your group’s fault?” she motioned all around the place, to the storm and the armies outside. Her face being lit up now by the flashes of lightning.

Clay didn’t confirm it, “It’s time Burn... we can do this the easy way or the hard way...” he muttered, already knowing the answer.

“My Queen, we are surrounded, both of your sisters' armies are here!” a dragon roared from the wall.

Burn jerked her head back to Clay, “You..” she turned back to her forces, “Everybody go and deal with the armies, ill deal with this.”

If you are actually listening to the music I recommend, then please listen to “Enter Sandman”

The army left in a hurry, not wanting to be there for the battle that was about to happen, dispersing over the walls.

Clay looked over to Peril, “I can deal with her, go and make sure that army doesn't cause too many problems.”

Peril nodded hesitantly, “Be careful,” She flew off going over the wall, following the large group of SandWings.

“It looks like I finally get my re-match MudWing,” Burn said murderously, Clay ignoring her as the SkyWing flew off, watching her leave.

He turned back around with a hard glare, not saying anything. Burn started to circle him, Clay keeping his eyes on her.

Out of all the SandWing sisters, she was the largest and strongest, it wouldn’t surprise him one bit if she was also the fastest. It was proof enough that she was strong enough to break through the stone walls he has formed before during their last battle in the Mud Kingdom.

“Are you going to say anything MudWing?” she hissed out.

Clay glared at her, “You have killed countless innocent dragons, it ends HERE!” Clay roared as he started to charge the dragon in front of him.

“LETS DO THIS THEN!” Burn roared, charging Clay as well.

Clay covered his claws in stone, raising his talons.

Burn raised her talons as well as her tail, going to pounce on Clay.

Sunny was flying around frantically, the battle had just started and she was already busy!

A couple stray bolts of lightning that came from Qibli struck a few poor dragons, she had to slow down their heart rate just so they didn’t die of a heart attack. No SandWing has gave her any trouble yet, apparently not realizing who she was in the chaos. So many dragons were getting hurt so quickly at this rate she would never be able to help out with the fight.

“Hey, who are you!” A soldier said to her left. A smile forming on her face.

Finally, a fight!” Sunny ran up to the soldier but a pinkish-blue blur fell from the sky, Anemone knocking the soldier out.

“Anemone! He was mine!” Sunny shouted, annoyed.

Anemone flashed her a smile, “Got to be quicker than that,” she laughed as she flew back into the fray, leaving Sunny fuming.

Reed was relieved, this was all going way easier than he thought it would. It seems after the battle fully got under way, his job was pretty much over. He looked over to see Umber smack a soldier back into the battle, the SandWing not even knowing what hit him.

Reed let out a sigh, this wasn’t bad at all... the air suddenly started to chill.

Reed started to shiver at the sudden chill in the air, he slowly looked up at a oddsight... snow.

He looked up even more and saw his male IceWing companion hovering in the air.

A smirk appeared on Winters face at the fight that slowed down around him, almost the whole battle stopping at the shocking sight, snow falling around them. A sight that many have never seen a day in their life or even in these lands.

Winter almost shook at the power that he felt from this, being able to shock so many dragons in such a way.

Many of the SandWings started to shiver from the cold, but not Winter.

Winter started to relax from the sensation, the cold making the uncomfortable warmth from earlier disappear entirely.

Winter let out a breath, preparing for his attack, intaking air into his lungs, a light white glow appearing around his maw.

The armies started to panic, knowing whatever was about to happen wasn't going to be good.

He opened his maw fully and realized the power from his lungs, the glowing white beam shooting out of his mouth, heading straight for the army.

He didn’t want to hit any dragons directly, it would kill them.

Winter just wanted to scatter them.

The beam hit the ground, making all the SandWings jump back, never seeing anything like this before.

Anemone and Turtle were both flying over the battlefield, being as big of nuisance as they could.

Anemone was using her enchanted gauntlets to use some of the lightning from Qibli’s storm, buzzing a couple of soldiers that got too close to killing each other.

Turtle helping her aim the lightning and find targets to disperse.

Before the battle started, Starflight had specifically told her to not use her powers to enchant both sides, they didn't need a whole tribe to hate them for enchanting them unwillingly.

Icicle roared as she clawed the soldier Infront of her, trying to get around the soldier to the Princess, “How did we miss an opportunity like that!”

After their first attempt at capturing Blister, she had hidden deep in her army, trying to stay out of the Dragonet’s sight.

The only reason Icicle wasn’t pissed was from the solstice she got knowing there was almost no way she could escape, with both Qibli and the MudWing sibs watching the area.

She summoned a snake with her breath, using it to tie up the soldier in front of her, the moment he was tied up, Icicle pushed him out of the way.

Starflight was actually having a bit of a hard time, the rapid flashes of lightning breaking his connection with his shadows, making it hard to control anyone.

Glory on the other hand was having no difficulties whatsoever, throwing dragons left and right with her vines.

Qibli was having a blast, the first time he took ahold of his lightning and able to use it. It was actually pretty easy. Fly up into the static-filled clouds and take hold of the static, roll it up into a ball and throw it like a spear!

Pillars of glass started to form around the desert where his bolts hit, flash-melting the sand into glass where it struck.

Qibli took another bolt and threw it into a group of soldiers, making them go flying.

“How is this even fair?” Qibli asked himself.

He dove down, using the wind around him to give a boost, displacing the air around him, making soldiers fall down.

Tsunami slammed a dragon against the sands of the desert, knocking him out, Riptide right next to her using his water spear to ward of dragons around him. He liked using the water to form a spear since he had been trained with them since he was a young dragonet.

Sora was tying up as many dragons as she could with her vines, trying to stay out of the fighting as much as she could since she wasn’t very skilled yet, but she was having a hard time keeping up with all the dragons Tsunami was putting out of action.

Tsunami growled, “Where is the princess...”

Clay dodged a left hook that was aiming for his throat, Clay jumping back and sending a boulder at the princess.

Burn punched the boulder, shattering it into dust, not even showing any signs of battle.

Clay wasn’t tired either, but he knew he couldn’t take a hit from her like she could him. He could have finished this battle a bit ago but that would only be if he tried to kill her, he was just trying to capture her.

He was wracking his brain for ideas, he didn’t have the obsidian like before, so he couldn’t trap her with just regular stone, and knocking her out was proving almost impossible, she was practically just a living tank!

Burn saw the distress in Clay’s face and smiled, “What’s wrong MudWing, having issues when a fight is actually fair?”

Clay didn’t make a retort back, knowing if this was a true fight to the death, she wouldn’t have lasted a minute.

“What, crocodile got your tongue?” Burn mocked.

Clay snorted, “No, I just know if this was a fair fight, it would have been over three minutes ago.”

Burn roared in rage, pouncing again at the MudWing, going for his exposed side.

Clay dived to the left, summoning the earth to wrap around his talons, going for Burn’s face to try and knock her out again.

Burn took the hit, not even flinching, grabbing ahold of his talons in a death grip with a murderous look on her face.

Clay’s eyes went wide, “Ah shi-”

Burn shoulder checked Clay, HARD. Throwing him across the stronghold into the wall.

Starflight was running through as many minds as he could, trying to find the princess that he was after. It was hard to pinpoint one specific dragon with all the chaos going on around him.

Everyone, we need to make a push for the stronghold if we want to win this!” Starflight heard in his mind, instantly knowing who that was. The thoughts were coming from his far left.

He jerked his head to the direction and saw a large group of dragons, “Everyone on me, she is over here!” Starflight roared to the group.

Icicle immediately jumped into the air, diving into the group of SandWings, tackling the group of soldiers to the ground with ice breath at the ready. She summoned her snakes and immediately had them choking the soldiers out, leaving the princess with only a few remaining.

The princess and her group started to try and make a run for it, Starflight stepping up, “Let’s finish this...”

Tsunami was watching the army slowly thin out now, but Blaze was still nowhere to be found... this made Tsunami angry, surely the SandWing didn’t manage to escape from the sibs?

“NO, BACK AWAY!” Tsunami’s head shot in the direction from where the shouting was coming from.

A flash of movement caught her eye and then there was screaming.

She flew over to where the screaming was coming from and what she saw shocked her to her core.

Clay was leaning against the wall of the stronghold, groaning in pain. Cracks ran down the wall from how hard he had hit it.

Burn started to saunter up to him, “It’s over MudWing! TIME TO DIE!” Burn roared as she charged the MudWIng.

Clay’s eyes expanded rapidly from the adrenalin rush, shooting his talons forwards instinctively, shooting a pillar of earth out of the ground towards the pouncing behemoth of a SandWing.


Most of Blister’s army was tied to the ground or knocked out, Blister and her royal guards glaring at the dragonets in front of them, knowing it was over.

“Stand down Blister!” Starflight roared, “You're defeated, accept your surrender peacefully!” he commanded.

Blister was hissing in anger but then calmed down... this wasn't over, not yet anyways. She still had her backup.

She loosened up and smiled at the NightWing in front of him, “You're right NightWIng... I surrender.”

This shocked the group but they didn’t show it, they were just happy she surrendered.

Glory wrapped the group of dragons in vines, tying them all up.

Blaze was writhing on the ground in pain, black lines starting to appear in the veins on her foreleg... a Dragon Bite Viper attached. She had been hiding by one of the few rock cliffs in the desert, trying to stay hidden from the battle.

“SUNNY!” Tsunami roared, trying to get her friend to hear her... no response, sh*t!

The SandWing started to spasm, “DON’T JUST STAND THERE, DO SOMETHIGN!” She roared in pain.

Tsunami glared and walked forwards, cutting the dragon bite viper in half killing it.

It was already to late for the Princess, the black lines making their way towards her chest.

“DAMN YOU! DAMn you all to... all to hel-” She started to choke, “Thi- is your... faul-”

Tsunami was happy none of the other dragonets were here to see this, they didn't need to see something as brutal as this.

Black blood started to leak out of the SandWing’s mouth, making her choke, but silencing her.

Tsunami turned around to see Sunny finally landing there, covering her mouth at the sight.

Tsunami ran up and covered her eyes with her wing, “No, don't do anything, she is already dead, it’s just mercy now.”

Blaze stopped shaking... dead.

Clay was panicking, the pillar he summoned went straight through Burn’s right lung, currently choking on her own blood.

“Three moons... damnit,” Burn muttered out in pain, spitting up a wad of blood, “You got me good with that one,” she chuckled out.

Clay ran back over to her, “Wait-wait, dont speak, I can go get you help!” Clay shouted.

Burn grabbed the MudWing as he tried to leave, “No... don’t... I have something you NEED to know...” She choked out.

“What, that I was your favorite Dragonet of Destiny?” Clay tried to joke to ease the tension.

She gave him a glare, “f*ck you... go to my mother’s grave,” she ordered.

He was confused but nodded, the least he could do was listen to a dragon’s dying wish.

“Dig it up,” She muttered, spitting another glob of blood.

He dug into the grave, uncovering the skeleton of the previous queen.

“Open... the jaw of the skull,” Burn instructed.

Clay obeyed and found a burlap sack inside, grabbing it and bringing it over to the dying princess.

“In this sack, there is a magical item, I don’t have the time to explain it, go and find my brother, he knows what it does,” she rasped out.

Clay nodded slowly, “Anything... else?”

Burn didn’t say anything for a while but nodded, spitting another glob out, this time coughing while doing so, “I know that I wasn’t the best dragon ever, but I did truly love this kingdom...”

Clay’s frown deepened, not making him feel any better about what was happening, “I will... I will make sure they know and you are buried with your mother...”

Burn took another gurgled breath, “I would... like that,”

She didn’t say anything after that, continuing to choke on her own blood.

Clay closed his eyes, “I'm sorry,” he stomped his foot on the ground again, another pillar of earth went straight through her chest into her heart, putting her out of her misery.... it’s over... this war is over...

Wings of Power - Mcvluffcins - Wings of Fire (2024)


Will Wings of Fire have a book 16? ›

A New Dawn (book 16)

Will there be a 9th Wings of Fire graphic novel? ›

Currently, there are several projects in the works -Arc 4 will be written -Darkstalker and Book 9 Graphic Novels are being made -TV Series is currently being worked on.

Will there be a book 8 Wings of Fire graphic novel? ›

Escaping Peril (graphic novel) is an upcoming comic adaptation of the eighth Wings of Fire book, Escaping Peril, with art done by Mike Holmes. The book is written from the point of view of Peril. It will release on December 24th, 2024.

What happens is the 8th book of Wings of Fire? ›

Now, Peril is loyal to Clay, the only dragonet who has ever been her friend. So when Scarlet threatens Jade Mountain Academy, Peril sets off to find her former queen, stop her, and save the day, no matter what it takes. There's just one problem: a strangely persistent SeaWing, Turtle, insists on coming along, too.

Can a 14 year old read Wings of Fire? ›

If you do give it to a 14 year old, read it yourself first and be prepared to discuss the dark and violent themes. If your young person is not an easy talker, I would say no. Elizabeth It has a very graphic rape scene that disturbed me greatly. I did read the whole series, but I'd use caution with younger readers.

Who is the main character in Wings of Fire book 10? ›

Darkness of Dragons is the tenth book in the Wings of Fire series. The main protagonist of Darkness of Dragons is Qibli. This book was released on July 25, 2017, with 31 chapters and 385 pages.

Is the Wings of Fire series done? ›

Each Wings of Fire novel has been released in hardcover and paperback format (in addition to ongoing graphic novel adaptations), and The Dragonet Prophecy (2012) is set for a 2024 limited special edition rerelease. A fourth arc has been confirmed by Sutherland to be in the works.

Does Peril lose her firescales? ›

She laughed and considered herself to be free, with nothing to worry about anymore, now that her firescales were gone. Even under the enchantment, however, Peril was still aware that she did not kill dragons anymore, and doubted what the right thing to do was.

Will there be a WOF book 7 graphic novel? ›

Winter Turning (graphic novel) is a comic adaptation of the seventh Wings of Fire book, Winter Turning, with art done by Mike Holmes.

What book number is Talons of Power? ›

Talons of Power (Wings of Fire, 9)

Is peril half RainWing? ›

Even though her father is a RainWing , because of his enchantment he was a full SkyWing when she was born, therefore Peril is not half RainWing and full SkyWing. The egg she hatched from had twins, a very rare occurrence, but while Peril was still in the egg, she absorbed her twin brother's fire.

Do Peril and Clay kiss? ›

"I really, really care," Clay whispered. Then unexpectedly, Clay lowered his snout and pressed it against Peril's snout. She was surprised but her heart, brain, body shouted 'HE'S KISSING ME! ' So, Peril kissed him back.

Who did Queen Scarlet marry WOF? ›

Canyon. Scarlet was engaged and married to Canyon before throwing him in her arena. Scarlet became fed up with his vanity after twelve years of marriage and thought it was thrilling when Canyon died. She found him to be a bore, and he was on Scarlet's list of enemies she wanted to kill.

Is the Wings of Fire series over? ›

Each Wings of Fire novel has been released in hardcover and paperback format (in addition to ongoing graphic novel adaptations), and The Dragonet Prophecy (2012) is set for a 2024 limited special edition rerelease. A fourth arc has been confirmed by Sutherland to be in the works.

Is book 15 the final Wings of Fire book? ›

THEORY: The Epilogue of Book 15 is Not the Finale of Wings of Fire, A Guide to the Dragon World is | Fandom. So I know many people are not so happy with the ending of TFoH for various reasons, one main one being that it does not have enough information.

Is a Wings of Fire movie coming out? ›

Wings of Fire: The Dragonet Prophecy is a 2024 animated motion picture directed by Ava DuVernay. Based on the books by Tui T. Sutherland, the starring actors are Matthew Broderick, Whoopi Goldberg, Riley O'Donnell, Jason Ritter, and Amy Addams, as they portray their roles as The Dragonets Of Destiny.


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