How to cook porterhouse steak? - Chef's Resource (2024)

The porterhouse steak is a delicious and tender cut of beef that is perfect for a special meal or a barbecue feast. This steak is known for its dual combination of the tender filet and the flavorful strip, making it a favorite among steak lovers. If you want to learn how to cook porterhouse steak to perfection, here is a step-by-step guide.


  • 1 Step 1: Choose a High-Quality Porterhouse Steak
  • 2 Step 2: Preparing the Steak
  • 3 Step 3: Seasoning
  • 4 Step 4: Preheat the Grill or Pan
  • 5 Step 5: Searing the Steak
  • 6 Step 6: Cooking to Desired Doneness
  • 7 Step 7: Checking the Internal Temperature
  • 8 Step 8: Resting
  • 9 Step 9: Carving and Serving
  • 10 Frequently Asked Questions:
    • 10.1 1. What is a porterhouse steak?
    • 10.2 2. How do I select a good porterhouse steak?
    • 10.3 3. Can I cook a porterhouse steak in the oven?
    • 10.4 4. How long should I cook a porterhouse steak?
    • 10.5 5. How can I tell if the steak is done?
    • 10.6 6. What is the difference between a porterhouse and a T-bone steak?
    • 10.7 7. Can I marinate a porterhouse steak?
    • 10.8 8. What sides go well with a porterhouse steak?
    • 10.9 9. Can I cook a frozen porterhouse steak?
    • 10.10 10. Can I use a gas grill to cook a porterhouse steak?
    • 10.11 11. How should I store leftover porterhouse steak?
    • 10.12 12. Can I cook a porterhouse steak well-done?

Step 1: Choose a High-Quality Porterhouse Steak

To cook a porterhouse steak that will truly impress your guests, start by selecting a high-quality cut of beef. Look for a steak that has good marbling, as this will enhance the flavor and tenderness.

Step 2: Preparing the Steak

Before cooking, allow the porterhouse steak to come to room temperature by removing it from the refrigerator and letting it sit for about 30 minutes. This will help to ensure even cooking.

Step 3: Seasoning

**How to cook porterhouse steak?** To enhance the natural flavors of the porterhouse steak, generously season it with salt and pepper on both sides. If desired, you can also add other herbs and spices, such as garlic powder or rosemary, to further enhance the taste.

Step 4: Preheat the Grill or Pan

To achieve a perfect sear and lock in the juices, preheat your grill or skillet over high heat. The ideal temperature should be around 450°F (230°C).

Step 5: Searing the Steak

Place the seasoned porterhouse steak on the grill or heated skillet and let it sear for about 2 minutes on each side. This will help to create a flavorful crust on the outside of the steak.

Step 6: Cooking to Desired Doneness

**How to cook porterhouse steak?** Once seared, move the steak to a cooler part of the grill or reduce the heat to medium on the stovetop. This allows the steak to cook more gently and reach the desired internal temperature.

Step 7: Checking the Internal Temperature

Use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature of the porterhouse steak. For a medium-rare steak, the temperature should read around 135°F (57°C) when inserted into the thickest part of the steak.

Step 8: Resting

After removing the porterhouse steak from the heat, allow it to rest for at least 5 minutes. This resting period allows the juices to redistribute throughout the steak, resulting in a more flavorful and tender bite.

Step 9: Carving and Serving

To serve the porterhouse steak, use a sharp knife to carve it against the grain into thin slices. This allows for maximum tenderness. Plate the steak and garnish it with fresh herbs or a pat of butter for an added touch of richness.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. What is a porterhouse steak?

A porterhouse steak is a cut of beef that consists of both the tenderloin and the strip loin, offering a combination of tenderness and flavor.

2. How do I select a good porterhouse steak?

Choose a porterhouse steak with good marbling and vibrant red color for the best flavor and tenderness.

3. Can I cook a porterhouse steak in the oven?

Yes, you can cook a porterhouse steak in the oven by using the broiler or baking it at a high temperature. However, grilling or pan-searing often yield the best results.

4. How long should I cook a porterhouse steak?

The cooking time will vary depending on the thickness of the steak and desired doneness. A general guideline is to cook a 1-inch thick porterhouse steak for about 4-5 minutes per side for medium-rare.

5. How can I tell if the steak is done?

Using a meat thermometer is the most accurate way to determine the doneness of the porterhouse steak. The desired temperature for medium-rare is around 135°F (57°C).

6. What is the difference between a porterhouse and a T-bone steak?

Both cuts have the same two sections of meat, but the porterhouse has a larger portion of tenderloin, making it more desirable.

7. Can I marinate a porterhouse steak?

While it is not necessary to marinate a porterhouse steak due to its already rich flavor, you can marinate it for added tenderness or to infuse additional flavors.

8. What sides go well with a porterhouse steak?

Classic accompaniments for a porterhouse steak include mashed potatoes, grilled vegetables, and a fresh green salad.

9. Can I cook a frozen porterhouse steak?

It is not recommended to cook a porterhouse steak directly from frozen, as it may result in uneven cooking. Thaw the steak completely before cooking for the best results.

10. Can I use a gas grill to cook a porterhouse steak?

Yes, a gas grill is well-suited for cooking a porterhouse steak. Preheat the grill to high heat and follow the same searing and cooking instructions.

11. How should I store leftover porterhouse steak?

Wrap the leftover porterhouse steak tightly in plastic wrap or place it in an airtight container and store it in the refrigerator. Consume within 2-3 days.

12. Can I cook a porterhouse steak well-done?

While it is possible to cook a porterhouse steak well-done, it is generally not recommended as it can result in less tenderness and juiciness.

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How to cook porterhouse steak? - Chef's Resource (2024)


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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

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