Stones of Maxen - Chapter 25 - Anne_Carter (2024)

Chapter Text

“Well, Seth and Rhea are gone,” Nikki said as she rejoined Charlotte in their quarters. “Hopefully, we’ll hear something soon.”

Charlotte nodded. “Thank you for allowing me to remain here. I’m sure they have enough to do at Shi’ar without looking after me.”

“I appreciate the company It’s going to be very quiet without Paolo.” After a moment of silence, she continued,” May I give you a piece of advice?”

“Of course,” Charlotte answered somewhat uncertainly.

“I was told this on my wedding day at Shi’ar,” Nikki smiled. “The men of Shi’ar aren’t easy to live with.”

After a moment, Charlotte smiled. “I imagine not.”

“Roman is a good man,” Nikki continued. “But he can be very irritating at times.”

Charlotte’s fingers tapped on the table in front of her. “Is there a reason you’re sharing this advice with me?”

“The two of you seem to be getting very close,” Nikki hesitantly answered. “I don’t think it’s just because he felt responsible for you.”

Charlotte bristled. “He wasn’t responsible for me. I chose to do what was necessary.”

“I didn’t mean to anger you,” Nikki apologized. “But I think there’s something between the two of you.”

“I admire him a great deal,” Charlotte admitted. “But I’m not sure there is as much there as you might believe.”

“What do you plan to do now?” Nikki changed the subject.

Charlotte shrugged. “I’ll make my way back to Dedresia once matters settle down in Shi’ar. After that, I’m not sure.”


Seth hugged Alundra then looked over her shoulder at Dean. He saw his brother’s worried look and kissed Alundra’s cheek. “How is he?”

“Not well.” Alundra pulled back and gave Rhea a smile. “Natalya and Roslyn are doing their best, but he’s not responding.”

“What’s wrong?” Seth asked.

Alundra hesitated. “He was poisoned.”

Seth looked at Dean. “When?” he finally asked. “When he went to Elhalyn after Omega died?”

Alundra hesitated. “You should talk with Natalya. But Balor’s know about it for a while.”

“He what?” Rhea half-shouted. “Why didn’t he say something?”

“I don’t know.” Alundra looked started at Rhea’s outburst.

“I apologize, Lady Alundra.” Rhea looked at the stone floor. “I had no right…”

“Of course, you do,” Alundra tried to smile. “Roman bellowed the same thing.” She gave Seth another hug then disappeared into the bedchamber.

Dean leaned against the wall and crossed his arms over his chest. “I don’t think it happened then.”

“You mean someone here poisoned him?” Seth looked shocked.

“We were attacked by someone from Shi’ar,” Deen coldly reminded him.

“Why only Balor?” Rhea quietly asked.

“How do we know Balor’s the only one who’s been poisoned?” Dean asked. “Maybe he’s just the first or it hasn’t affected anyone else yet.”

“We need to be sure the children aren’t affected,” Seth muttered. “What do they know?”

“Alundra only told them Balor wasn’t well,” Dean answered. “They don’t know anything else.”

“I’d hate to believe that,” Seth shook his head. “They know a lot more than we think.” He turned as the bedchamber door opened. Natalya and Roman walked out, closing the door behind them.

“He’s not responding,” Natalya began. “We’ve managed to stop the progression of the poison, but that’s not going to last very long.”

“So, you’re giving up?” Dean ominously growled.

Natalya raised a hand to stop Dean’s angry response. “I do not give up. I’m very stubborn.” She turned to Roman. “I need a messenger to go to Dedresia. Ask that my husband, Priest, come here.”

“He’s a healer?” Seth asked.

Natalya shook her head. “He has a great deal of power, however. I’m hoping it will augment the use of the Stone of Healing. So, we need Nikki here as well.”

“I’ll go to Dedresia,” Rhea volunteered, starting for the door.

“Send Julia,” Roman ordered.

“One can go to Dedresia and the other to Elhalyn,” Natalya firmly interrupted. “It doesn’t matter who goes where. Just do it.”

Rhea nodded to the others and left.

“Can I see him?” Seth quietly asked. When Natalya nodded, he slipped past them, barely noticing Roman taking Dean’s arm and leading him to the other side of the chamber.

Alundra and a young woman looked up as he quietly closed the door behind him. “I just want to see Balor,” he almost whispered.

Alundra sadly smiled. “This is Roslyn from Dedresia. She came with Natalya.”

“Our thanks for your help,” Seth absently said, staring down at his oldest brother.

Roslyn gently smiled then followed Alundra to the nearby window.

Seth awkwardly reached out and touched Balor’s hand. He flinched as his fingers touched his brother’s hot skin. “You’re not supposed to be like this,” he murmured. “You’re supposed to be strong and healthy. I’m not ready to see you like this.” Without a word to the two women, he quickly walked out.

Natalya quickly stepped aside as Seth almost ran into her. She smiled as he instinctively put a hand on her arm to steady her.

“Can you save him?” Seth quietly demanded.

“I don’t know,” Natalya admitted. “I’m going to try everything I can think of.”

Seth silently nodded and left. He paused in the hallway then slowly started walking towards the main staircase. He suddenly stopped when he saw his way blocked by all five children with Levi standing behind them. Seth forced a smile. “What are you doing out here?”

Paolo glanced at the others then took a deep breath. “Rangers don’t lie, do they?”

Seth went down on one knee in front of them. “Only unless it’s absolutely necessary,” he admitted. When he saw Paolo’s confused look, he explained. “If it means protecting Mama, I’d lie.”

“Are you going to lie to us?” Jaella demanded.

“What are you asking?” Seth asked with a heavy heart.

“What’s wrong with Papa?” Cheyne asked.

Seth sighed. “He’s very ill,” he slowly explained. “There are two healers with them and Nikki’s on her way as well.” He put a hand on Cheyne’s shoulders. “They’re doing all they can.”

“Is he going to…” Shiloh gasped.

“We don’t know anything of the sort,” Seth interrupted. “The healers are doing all they can, and your Papa is a very stubborn man.”

“What do we do?” Trainor asked.

“Just what you’ve been doing,” Seth tried to smile. “I promise I’ll let you know what’s going on.”

“Ranger’s promise?” Paolo pressed.

“Ranger’s promise,” Seth smiled. “Why don’t you stay together in the playroom? That way, I’ll know where you are.”

“We will,” Trainor promised.

Seth squeezed Paolo’s shoulder. When Levi passed him, he grabbed his arm. “If anyone tries to take any of them, you’d better stop them.”

Levi’s eyes widened. “I’ll certainly do what I can,” he indignantly replied. “But…”

“No excuses,” Seth roughly ordered. “Scream, yell, blow a hole in the wall. You do whatever you have to do in order to keep them all safe.” He released the little mezle and walked away.


“I don’t know who you are, but I demand to see Ali and whoever Priest is.” Rhea stared at the magnificently arrayed man barring her way. Behind them lay one of the guards, crumpled and moaning in agony.

“You simply cannot show up and assault people,” Bray reasonable pointed out. “Now, do you have an appointment?”

“An appointment?” Rhea’s eyes narrowed. “I’ll appoint you…”

“What’s the problem, Bray?”

Bray smiled over Rhea’s shoulder. “Jey!” he greeted. “Perhaps you can explain to this…this person that she simply cannot invade our city and create such havoc!”

Jey studied Rhea. “Yes, I’ve followed your progress,” he wryly smiled. “You’ve left quite a few of my men scattered across the city. I suppose I should thank you for not killing them in the process.” He looked at Bray. “Why don’t you find Ali and ask him to join us?”

“But who is she?” Bray loudly whispered.

“I’m Rhea from Shi’ar!” Rhea spun around to face Bray. “And, if what I’ve heard is correct, I’m Ali’s aunt! Now get him here! Now! Along with this Priest person.”

“Well, why didn’t you say so?” Bray sniffed. “You will keep her here, won’t you, Jey?” He smiled when Jey nodded.

Rhea took a step towards Bray only to see him disappear.

“I wouldn’t challenge him like that,” Jey advised. “He’s a very powerful wizard.”

Rhea slowly turned and studied Jey. “He could be a very dead wizard,” she pointed out.

“And Priest is also a powerful wizard,” Jey smiled. “I’m his brother.”

Rhea closely studied him. “That makes you Julia’s brother. I’m Dean’s sister.” The two studied each other with mutual consideration.

After a moment, Jey walked over and helped the guard to his feet. He spoke quietly to the man who glared at Rhea then left them alone. “Bray is right,” Jey continued, walking back to her. “You would’ve accomplished your task much quicker if you’d…”

“Requested an appointment?” Rhea scoffed.

“There are dangerous times,” Jey calmly pointed out. “Do you bring everyone to Lord Balor who asks to see him?”

Rhea started to reply when they heard voices down the hall.

“A very disagreeable person.” Bray’s voice echoed around them. “I’m not sure she shouldn’t be given a good talking to!”

Jey wanly smiled. “He’s not so bad when you get used to him.”

Rhea glared at him then turned to see Bray and a young man walking towards them. The young man raised his hand to stop Bray’s words. “Rhea?” he quietly asked.

“Ali,” Rhea replied after a moment. “You’ve changed.”

“Changed?” Bray curiously looked at Ali. “From what?”

Ali smiled and shook his head. “Bray, please find Priest and ask him to join us as quickly as possible. It’s very important.”

“Of course,” Bray smiled. “But you know he’s probably going to be very irritated.” He swung his arms in a wide arc and transformed into a rainbow. It hung in the air for a split second before shooting out the nearby window.

Ali grinned at Jey who masked his own grin as Rhea’s gape of astonishment. “We’d better speak quickly,” Ali urged. “Bray’s right that Priest’s not going to like the interruption.”

“Natalya needs Priest.” Rhea shook her head to regain her thoughts. “Balor’s not…responding to her. She thinks Priest’s power can help.”

“I’d ask Bray to go as well, but he’s far too chaotic for Natalya’s purposes,” Ali frowned. He seemed lost in thought then nodded to Jey. “You can go, Jey. I’m sure I can convince Priest not to attack Bray.”

Jey grunted, not looking convinced. He silently nodded to Rhea and walked away.

Ali walked to where Rhea stood. “You’ve changed, too,” he spoke. “I hope you know Father’s proud of you.”

Rhea glanced away then looked back at him. “I take it you plan no claim on Shi’ar?”

Ali sadly smiled. “No. My home is here.”

“Balor said something about you not being able to return,” Rhea prodded.

Ali curtly nodded. “Makes everything much simpler, don’t you agree?” he asked with a trace of bitterness.

Rhea flushed. “I barely knew you before you disappeared,” she hissed. “How do you expect me to treat you now?”

“I’m sorry. I’m worried about Father,” Ali sighed. “I had no reason to take it out on you.”

“You apologize well,” Rhea grinned after a moment. “Obviously, the Prophet taught you that.”

Ali snickered, looking much younger. “It took a while to learn,” he admitted. He turned suddenly, hearing Bray’s voice.

Rhea glanced past Ali. The man with Bray looked angry enough to destroy him.

“Is there something you wanted, Ali?” Priest’s voice grated. “If so, please send someone next time who will deliver the message without nearly destroying several days’ work.” He glared at Bray who cheerfully smiled.

“If you wanted your work protected, you should have raised guards and wards,” Bray pointed out.

“I wasn’t expecting a rainbow to come through my window.” Priest’s voice lowered dangerously.

“Priest!” Ali firmly spoke. When Priest glared at him, he continued, “Natalya needs your assistance at Shi’ar. This is Rhea of Shi’ar. She’ll escort you there.”

“Is Natalya safe?” Priest demanded.

“Yes,” Rhea nodded. “I’m not sure what she needs you for, however. I don’t understand healing.”

“But you’re not a healer,” Bray told Priest.

“I’m well aware of that,” Priest replied through gritted teeth.

“Well, I’m sure you’ll still do your best,” Bray encouraged, patting Priest on the arm.

“Shall we go now?” Rhea quickly interrupted. “Unless you need something to take with you?”

“No, I don’t.” Priest gave Bray one last glare. “Let’s go.”

“Let me know what happens.” Ali found Rhea’s eyes.

“I will,” Rhea promised, startled as Priest grabbed her arm. A second later, they disappeared.

Ali glanced at Bray. “You really shouldn’t tease Priest like that,” he gently remonstrated. “One of these days, he’ll retaliate.”

“He would be a much more pleasant man if he’d learn to smile,” Bray confided. “But thank you for caring.” He widely smiled. “Do you think Benami is awake from his nap?”


“You’ve got a great sense of balance,” Shawn said with admiration. “Now, it’s just a matter of practice.”

Nikki smiled to herself, seeing Shawn’s eyes running up and down Charlotte’s figure. She idly wondered how Roman would react to such scrutiny.

Charlotte’s fingers flexed around the width of the staff. “It feels…awkward.”

“It will until you get used to it,” Shawn assured her as he raised his own staff. “You’ll need to rely more on your other sense to warn you of an attack. The rest is skill and practice.” He quietly moved to his left.

“Shawn?” Charlotte was suddenly aware of his silence. She frowned and turned her head from side to side.

Shawn lowered his staff and gently rapped the knuckles of her right hand.

Charlotte jerked and nearly fell down, trying to move away.

Shawn stood silently until she regained her balance. He grinned at her expression of annoyance.

Slowly, Charlotte pushed a strand of pale blonde hair behind her ear as Shawn tapped her right calf with his staff.

Charlotte quickly swung her staff against his, knocking it away.

“Very good,” Shawn quietly said.

Charlotte turned her head in his direction and jabbed with her staff.

Shawn quickly moved back then closer to her.

Charlotte’s dark eyes narrowed as she suddenly brought the butt end of her staff upwards.

Shawn grunted as the end of her staff caught him in the stomach. His eyes widened as Charlotte jabbed him again. “Yeah…very good,” he grunted as he quickly moved out of range. “I think that’s all for today.” He rubbed his stomach and winced.

“Thank you, Shawn,” Charlotte cooly smiled. “I appreciate your time.”

“My pleasure.” Shawn gave her a wounded look, then grinned at Nikki and walked away.

“He seems like a nice man,” Charlotte commented as she and Nikki walked across the courtyard. “I didn’t really hurt him, did I?”

“Not as bad as Roman would’ve,” Nikki assured her. She laughed at Charlotte’s confused expression. “I’ll have to explain about Shawn sometime.” She looked at the wall in concern as the guards on the gate called out a warning before opening them. “It’s Julia,” Nikki said in alarm. She waited with Charlotte as Julia rode towards them.

Julia saw the staff in Charlotte’s hands and grinned. “Nikki, they’ve asked that you come with me to Shi’ar,” she explained. Lowering her voice, she leaned down, “Lord Balor’s not responding to Natalya’s treatments, and they need your skill with the Stone.”

“I’ll speak with Shawn and come with you,” Nikki promised. “Charlotte, you’re welcome to stay here if you wish or come with us.”

“I’ll come with you,” Charlotte decided. “I’d be useless in either case, but I’d feel more comfortable at Shi’ar with you.”


Seth gave his horse another pat as he closed the stall door. He hadn’t wanted to stay inside the castle, unable to help his brother. He certainly hadn’t wanted to spend time with the children who would ask questions he didn’t want to answer. He wanted to be with Nikki but knew she would go to Balor as soon as she arrived. So, he’d come out to the stables and busied himself with the horses. He suddenly shivered and reached for his sword.

“I always hated waiting.”

Seth spun around, not surprised to see Strickland. He glared at the man who nonchalantly sat on a bale of hay.

“I’m not here to cause trouble,” Strickland assured him, raising his hand. “I’m not even armed. Besides, haven’t you learned by now that you can’t hurt me?”

“This isn’t a dream,” Seth pointed out taking a few steps closer.

“You’re one of the most stubborn people I’ve ever met,” Strick said with an admiring smile. “But I’m not here to talk about you.” He paused. “That comes later.”

“Then why are you here?” Seth demanded.

Strickland shrugged. “I heard your brother was dying.” He studied the tip of his boot. “I never had anything against Lord Balor. In fact, I would’ve preferred to be his friend and ally.”

Seth snorted. “That was never likely.”

Strickland shrugged. “Who knows?” he mused. “Anyway, I’ve come to offer my help.”

“Your help?” Seth gave an ugly laugh.

“Well, I’m not the greatest healer,” Strickland admitted. “in fact, I don’t know anything about healing. But I can save your brother’s life.”

“What are you talking about?” Seth snarled.

“It’s very simple.” Strickland leaned back, folding his arms across his chest. “It’s my understanding that Lord Balor’s been poisoned.”

Seth’s dark eyes narrowed. “What do you mean by that?” he finally asked.

“I have sources of information so let’s not play games.” When Seth glared at him, Strickland smiled. “I can provide an antidote.”

“Assuming that you would provide an antidote, what makes you think I’d trust you enough to let Balor take it?” Seth reasoned.

Strickland flashed an easy smiled. “Would you have a choice?” he asked. “Understand me, Seth.” He leaned forward and stared into Seth’s eyes. “I can save your brother.”

“All because you’d have preferred to be his ally?” Seth blinked and took a step backwards.

Strickland shrugged. “I’m pretty sure that won’t happen now. Let’s just say that I never do anything without getting something in return.”

“Nikki,” Seth guessed, shaking his head.

“You,” Strickland corrected he as he stood. “You look surprised.”

“Why?” Seth demanded.

“Because you’re an irritation to me,” Strickland chuckled. “Because you interest me.” He shrugged. “The reason doesn’t matter. Only your answer matters.”

Seth stared at him, his fist gripping the hilt of his sword.

“Will you do it, Seth?” Strickland almost hypnotically asked. “Will you exchange yourself in return for your brother’s life?”

“You’re lying.” Seth took a deep breath. But he remembered Balor laughing while protecting him from both Roman and Dean after he’d tried to ride Dean’s horse…teaching him how to hold a sword…laughing when he’d tried to drain a mug of beer in one gulp…'Sometimes I pretended you were my son…'

“Am I?” Strickland’s eyes narrowed. “Do you really think I’m lying?” He smiled again as he slowly faded from sight. “Don’t wait too long before deciding. Even I’m not omnipotent.”


Julia immediately saw Seth slowly walking across the courtyard as they rode towards the castle. She saw Nikki hesitate, and dismounted. “I’ll take the horses and meet Seth. They need you with Lord Balor. Take Charlotte with you.”

Charlotte glanced in her direction, but allowed Nikki to lead her into the castle.

Julia’s eyes narrowed as she met Seth and studied his face.

“Is Nikki going to Balor?” Seth asked.

Julia nodded, but moved to block his way.

“Not now, Julia,” Seth wearily shook his head. “I need to know about Balor.”

“So, you can deal with Strickland?” Julia quietly asked as he passed her.

Seth froze then looked over his shoulder at her.”

“I can sense him around you,” Julia coldly muttered. “Almost smell his scent.” She turned to face Seth. “What did he promise? That he would cure your brother?”

“In exchange for me,” Seth slowly nodded.

“Did you believe him?” Julia asked. “After everything he’s done. Everything he will do?”

“I don’t know!” Seth exploded. “What if it were your brother?”

“Once it was my brother,” Julia coldly replied. She waved a hand in silent dismissal of his unspoken question. “Think, Seth. He could save Balor’s life but leave him paralyzed or mentally broken. It’s a poor offer.”

“Why me?” Seth groaned. “You asked that yourself.”

Julia shrugged. “I suppose we’ll find out sooner or later. But we have another problem.” She waited for Seth to take a deep breath. “I sensed Strickland’s presence around you. Just like I sensed it around someone else.”

“Who?” Seth harshly demanded.

“Someone poisoned your brother. Someone he obviously trusted.” She waited until Seth nodded in agreement. “It was Renee.”

“No,” Seth immediately shook his head. “You’re…”

“I’m what?” Julia snarled as she stepped closer. “Trying to throw suspicion on Renee because of Dean? That I’m lying? Trying to turn you against Renee for my own reasons? Don’t be ridiculous! This is far more important!”

“I don’t believe it.” Seth shook his head again.

“Then look for yourself,” Julia ordered. “You remember the sigil I showed you? The sign of someone sealed to the Jackal? Renee will have it on her if I’m right. And she’ll also have some sort of altar with the seal on it. That’s Strickland’s entry to Shi’ar.” Suddenly very tired and not wanting to see the expression of doubt on Seth’s face. “Go and look for yourself. Go find your proof, Seth. If you dare.”

“Don’t challenge me, Julia,” Seth coldly warned.

“Go and look,” Julia stubbornly repeated. “Then come and talk to me about whether I’m lying.”


“Nikki, thank the Goddess you’re here!” Alundra hugged her closely.

“I’ll do all I can, I promise.” Nikki returned the hug, then stepped back.

They started to go into the bedchamber when the door was flung open as Rhea and Priest walked in.

“This is Priest,” Rhea introduced. “Priest, Lady Alundra and Lady Nikki.”

“Thank you for coming.” Alundra started to hug Priest then stopped herself and bowed her head.

Priest nodded courteously and ignored Dean. “The pleasantries can wait until we’re finished, My Lady,” he brusquely replied.

Rhea rubbed her forehead as they entered the bedchamber then leaned against the chamber wall.

“What’s wrong with you?” Dean asked.

“He didn’t use the gateways. It was…very different.” Rhea blinked several times.

Dean shrugged as the bedchamber door opened and Roman joined them. “How is he?” he quietly asked.

Roman shut the door behind him. “Barely breathing,” he muttered. “If this doesn’t work…”

“I’ll be outside.” Dean suddenly pushed himself away from the wall. “I can’t do anything here.”

Rhea glanced at Roman who barely nodded. “I’ll come with you,” she decided. “I think I need some air.”

The two silently walked down the stairs only to find Charlotte sitting on the bottom step.

“Charlotte, I didn’t know you were here,” Dean greeted as she turned her head towards them.

“I came with Nikki.” Charlotte slowly got to her feet. “I felt uncomfortable staying at Elhalyn without her.”

“We’re going outside to get some air.” Rhea gently touched her arm. “Would you care to join us? Or I can take you to Roman.”

“I think I would prefer some air,” Charlotte coolly replied, moving away from Rhea’s touch. “I’m sure Roman has more important things to do than play host for me.”


Seth more than half-hoped Renee would answer his knock. But she didn’t call out to him from behind her chamber door. So, he quietly opened the door and entered. He hesitantly looked around, absurdly feeling like a child prying where he shouldn’t be.

“Renee?” Not getting an answer, he began searching the cluttered room. It looked like Renee had moved everything she owned into the her new chambers. Not for the first time, he felt a surge of anger towards both Julia and Dean.

Not finding anything in the outer chamber, Seth reluctantly entered Renee’s sleeping chamber. If possible, it was even more cluttered. As he began searching, he idly wondered if Renee would agree to come to Elhalyn for a while. She would be company for Nikki, and it would put some distance between her and Dean. Maybe the distance would…

Seth froze as he uncovered a small table. Crudely engraved on it was the sigil of The Jackal. He closed his eyes, feeling his heart thump painfully in his chest. He opened his eyes, silently praying the engraving would have disappeared. He quickly looked away when he saw the engraving was still visible on the table.

“What are you doing?” Renee shouted from behind him. She pushed Seth aside and recovered the table.

Seth backed to the window and took a deep breath. “Why, Renee?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Renee shouted. “How dare you come in here without my permission? This is the last place I can call my own!” She quickly advanced on Seth. “Did you know he brought his whor* here? Here!? Flaunting her in my face!”

“Julia came to see if she could help Balor,” Seth mumbled. He quickly backed away, uneasy at her vehemence.

“They’ve fooled you, too, haven’t they?” Renee blinked back her tears. “Are you supposed to take me away, Seth? Well, I won’t go! This is my home…MINE!...not hers!”

Seth shook her head. “Where did you get that table?”

Renee glanced at the table behind her. “I don’t have to submit to your interrogation!” She suddenly rushed past Seth and into the outer chamber.

“Renee, talk to me!” Seth yelled, following her.

Renee paused on the parapet outside the tower, then turned to him. “Leave me alone, Seth! If you’re not going to help me, leave me alone!”

“Help you with what?” Seth quietly asked, cautiously stepping closer to her. “With Dean? I will. I promise.”

Renee shook her head, her blonde hair flying around her face. “You’re just saying that!” she accused. “I thought I could count on you! You always liked me!”

“I do like you,” Seth nodded. “But I need to know about that table, Renee. Who gave it to you?”

“It’s always been there.” Renee brushed away her tears. “Seth, make her go away and never come back!”

“I’ll do what I can, I promise,” Seth soothingly said. “But you have to talk to me. Who put that sigil on the table?”

“She did,” Julia quietly said from behind Seth.

“Julia, get out!” Seth ordered, keeping his eyes on Renee. “You don’t need to be here.”

“I can’t do that,” Julia answered, her blue eyes fixed on Renee.

“I thought I could trust you!” Renee screamed at Seth.

“What did Strickland promise you, Renee?” Julia quietly asked. “That he would destroy me? That he would protect you? Love you?”

“Make her stop!” Renee put her hand over her ears.

“That’s enough, Julia! I said go!” Seth angrily ordered.

“Is that what Strickland promised, Renee?” Julia raised her voice.

“YES!” Renee screamed, furiously glaring at Julia. “Strickland will never betray me! Not like Dean did!”

Julia slowly shook her head. “Strickland will offer anything to get what he wants.” She glanced at Seth. “Anything.” She looked back at Renee. “But he lies, Renee.”

“NO!” Renee screamed, violently shaking her head. “Make her go away, Seth!”

“Julia, I said stop,” Seth ordered through gritted teeth.

“What did Strickland ask you to do, Renee?” Julia pressed. “What did he do to you?”

“He loved me!” Renee defiantly shouted. “If Dean could take a lover, why shouldn’t I?” She glared at Seth. “None of you helped me! All of you betrayed me!”

“What did you do, Renee?” Seth asked in a shocked voice. “Did you poison Balor?”

“I had to,” Renee admitted. “You have to understand, Seth! Balor wasn’t helping me. He was allowing Dean to be with his whor*! But Roman won’t allow it. He’d make Dean love me again!”

“I understand now. I wish I’d known. But I’ll help you now. I promise.” Seth closed his eyes for a second. ‘Rangers don’t lie, do they?’

Renee stared at him for a few moments then shook her head. “No. You let them be together in Elhalyn.”

“I was wrong.” Seth took a step forward and held out his hand. “Let me help you now.”

“Strickland said you would tell me that.” Renee backed away, further out on the parapet. “He said you would lie to me.” She desperately looked around. “Strickland!”

“He won’t come,” Julia firmly spoke. “He’s the greatest betrayer of them all.”

“NO!” Renee kept looking around her as she backed closer to the edge of the parapet.


“What’s going on up there?” Dean suddenly stopped, looking up at his tower.

Rhea shaded her eyes from the setting sun. “It’s Renee and Seth.”

“And Julia,” Dean grimly added. He slowly starting walking back towards the castle. “What’s going on up there?” he repeated, keeping his eyes on the parapet.


“Renee! Stop!” Seth yelled. “Be careful!”

“He promised to protect and love you, didn’t he?” Julia raised her voice. “That’s all a lie, Renee.”

“No no no…” Renee moaned as she looked at Seth. “I loved Dean! You know I did! Why couldn’t he still love me?” Before he could answer, she glared at Julia. “This is all your fault! You should have stayed away…left us alone!”

“Renee, please come away from the edge…come to me…I’ll help you.” Seth took two steps towards her.

“You won’t ever have him ever again.” Renee eerily stared at Julia then closed her eyes and jumped from the parapet.

“NO!” Seth screamed, trying to catch her. He felt his fingers brush against her gown as the disappeared over the edge. “RENEE!”


“RENEE!” Dean roared, seeing his wife fall from the parapet. He began running to where she fell.

“What happened?” Charlotte demanded.

Rhea grabbed Charlotte’s arm, not hesitating to pull her along as she ran after Dean. “Renee jumped from the parapet,” she growled.


Seth spun around and glared at Julia. “Why did you do that? You goaded her!” He grabbed her upper arms and angrily shook her. “You could’ve stopped her with your magic! Couldn’t you?”

“She was sealed to The Jackal!” Julia hissed. “You’ll find his sigil on her body!” She took a deep breath and got control of her temper. “This was cleaner than what would’ve happened to her. Neither The Jackal nor Strickland is understanding about failure.”

Seth angrily shoved her away from him and ran from the chamber. After a few moments, Julia slowly followed.


Dean pulled Renee’s limp body into his arms and shook her. After a moment, Rhea put a hand on his shoulder. Kneeling beside him, she quietly murmured, “Dean, she’s dead.”

Dean ignored her and continued to stare at his dead wife. “Renee, open your eyes. Open them for me.”

Charlotte awkwardly stood close to them. She slowly turned her head, hearing footsteps rapidly approaching. Then she heard Seth yelling for others to stay away. A few seconds later, she heard two people join them.

Tears in his eyes, Dean looked up. “Why, Julia?” he whispered. “Why?”

Julia coolly stared at them for a second then looked at Seth.

Seth sank to his knees next to Dean. “It was Renee. She poisoned Balor.” He saw the disbelief in his brother’s eyes. “She allied with Strickland. She even had an altar to The Jackal in her bedchamber.”

“No…no…she wouldn’t hurt Balor.” Dean pulled Renee’s body against him. “She wouldn’t.”

“She listened to Strickland,” Julia quietly explained. “He convinced her that with Balor dead, Roman would make you return to her.”

“No!” Dean snarled. He slowly laid Renee on the ground and stood. “You could’ve saved her from jumping, Julia. I’ve seen what you can do. This is your fault!

Seth suddenly stood as well. Even though he’d said the same thing to Julia, he didn’t like the look in his brother’s eyes. He glanced at Rhea then put a hand on Dean’s arm.

Dean roughly shoved Seth away from him His hand flashed to the hilt of his sword.

Rhea took a step forward as Seth regained his balance.

Julia silently stared at Dean, not retreating from his anger. For several seconds they eyed each other in silence. Then without looking away from him, she spoke. “I would deem it a favor, Charlotte, if you would tell Priest I’ve returned to Dedresia.” She waited another couple of seconds then walked away.

Rhea quickly stood in front of Dean although he made no movement to follow Julia.

“Julia, wait” Charlotte gently spoke.

Julia hesitated then stopped, allowing Charlotte to slowly walk closer to her.

“He’s angry and grieving,” Charlotte quietly spoke. “Give him time.”

“It’s always easier to blame the living rather than the dead,” Julia mockingly replied. “Concern yourself with your own affairs, Charlotte.” Without another word, she walked away. Seconds later, she disappeared in a flash of light.

Stones of Maxen - Chapter 25 - Anne_Carter (2024)


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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Author information

Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.