The Lexington Herald from Lexington, Kentucky (2024)

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2 The Lexington Herald Tuesday January 31 1956 Fire Calls Defendants In Abortion Case Slated To Be Sentenced Today Hospital Log Woman Says Dog Two Cats Poisoned Mrs Joe Hill 353 South Sprirf Street told police that three of her pets have been poisoned during past months the last of them yesterday Mrs Hill stated that one dog and two cats have died from poison She added the incidents started last summer Fayette County Bar Association to appoint a permanent committee to study the problem of adequate space for storage of Fayette County's public records The judge said he had asked Weldon Shouse president of the bar association to have the committee a the preparation handling display and preservation of all court records and public documents These include Circuit Court County Court clerk's office records and those of Magistrates' Courts Local Woman Accused Of Littering Highway A charge of dumping trash on a public highway was filed by county police yesterday against Mrs Hazel Harvey 40 of 421 Locust Avenue Lts Milt Lawell and Guy Best said they filed the charge on complaint of Chief Kenneth Banks who found the trash on the Hume Road Lawell Hid Mrs Harvey was traced through papers found in the trash The case will be heard today in Magistrate Court Kubifschek air 1:10 am 233 Conn Terracf Short In electric acrrlca wirea Firemen atood by until repair crew arrived 11:31 am 123 North Mill Street Occupant Cecil Holland locked out 5:54 pm 401 South Mill Street Automobile radiator bollinf over No damaia Ceanty 4:03 am 1104 Indian Mound Road Occupant Geo rye A Younf sump pump burned eut Damase confined to pump am Old Frankfort Plk Occupant Albert Portwood Fire cauied by faulty flue Small damafe SUITS OVERCOATS Made To Your Measure 90-Yeor-OId Mon Injured By Auto A 90-year-old man was admitted to Good Samaritan Hospital yesterday for treatment of Injuries suffered when he was struck by a car at High Street and Oldham Avenue Injured was William Meadows 552 East High Street Attendants who listed his condition as fair last night said he suffered face and head abrasions and a possible fractured right hip The driver of the car Bert Keith 34 of Carlisle was arrested by city police on a charge of being drunk in a public place to wit an automobile He told officers he was traveling west and did not see Meadows crossing High Street from south to north No statement was obtained from the injured man County Records Pose Storage Problem County Judge Dan Fowler Hid yesterday that he had asked the Bourbon Youth Hurt A nose cut suffered in an automobile accident at Walnut Hall Farm Newtown Pike sent Harlow Cain 17 of Route 4 Paris to Good Samaritan Hospital yesterday for treatment attendants reported OrOar aw mm Uf away weekfr par manta fit have It eatO far in a ahart tllM Rtody to Wear SLACKS S8 SIS Altaratiana ll sT-! Specialty I IEVY'S Justright Tailoring Co 205 So Limo Dial 2-96SI Chamber Group Asks Measure Be Opposed The retail division of the Chamber of Commerce wired Fayette County's representatives in the General Assembly yesterday that it "strongly opposses" House Bill 125 which would provide a minimum wage in Kentucky and the creation of a wage and hour board The wire was sent to Sen John Anggelis and Reps Foster Ock-erman and John Breckinridge Treated For Cut George Hsgan 46 of 239 Glendover Road was treated yesterday at Good Samaritan Hospital after he cut his left wrist while cutting meat attendants reported Blackburn Says (Caatlnaed Frem Fas 1) and did not come from county chairmen Among those receiving dismissal notices In the highway department were Crouse director of the Maintenance Division and Rye a deputy highway commissioner Others Included Thomas Preston assistant chief of locating engineering Sandusky former director of engineering at Somerset and Charles Brown traffic division Marshall Qualls director of the Soil and Water Conservation division of the Conservation Department was another getting-a dismissal notice He was appointed to the job in August 1946 under Republican former Gov Simeon Willis' administration Among others on the Personnel Division list as having been sent notices were George Catlett attorney for the Motor Transportation Department: Henry Hall of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Department: Warren Zitzmann and Larry Maddox of the Agricultural and Industrial Development Board and Paul Tanner and John Shannon of the Revenue Department (Cantinuai Fra at fa*g 1) national anthems and apoke briefly on the radio before he reached the cool of the airport building There 5000 spectators cheered his arrival In his broadcast Nixon brought greetings from President Eisenhower to Nerue Ramos the outgoing acting president and Kubit-schek Labor's importance in Brazil's new administration will be underscored when Nixon visits the Brazilian Confederation of Industrial headquarters Wednesday This is regarded as an unprecedented departure from protocol The vice president also will have a private meeting with vice president Joao Goulart who heads the Brazilian Labor Party Another important foreign delegation head arriving today was Vincent Auriol former president of France Kubitschek the 53-year-old surgeon turned political leader brought hack a well kept secret in his pocket the official list of the cabinet members who will carry out his policies The president-elect was a conservative governor but was chosen chief executive with labor support The vice president-elect Goulart besides heading the Labor Party was considered close to the late President Getulio Vargas Goulart also is in Rio de Janeiro ready to take office Tuesday Conserve 'ives were cheered when Kubitschek visited the United States and Europe early this month in an effort to attract foreign capital to Brazil But in Belo Horizonte Sunday he promised to support the government's oil mono poly which has been under fire from conservatives 111 Penetrating relief from pain Qf arthritis and rheumatism i)l Mu hU IM DEEP HEAT from NEW MENTH0LATUM RUB gefs right to where it hurts! And Oh-h-hl What a beautiful price! Menthoiatum Deep Heat Rub includes the latest discoveries for relief a combination of active ingredients for extradeep skin penetrating power Guaranteed by a laboratory with 60 years experience you must feel relief deep or Menthoiatum will refund purchase price Stuffy head cold? Use regular Menthoiatum Soothe split lips with Menthoiatum Stick DEEP IIEAT a new and different penetrating relief for arthritic pain and misery And greaaelesa and etainlets Just massage Menthoiatum Deep Heat Hub on the sore pot aa needed In 30 seconds feel its Deep Heat bring relief Feel a warmth right at the point that hurts Quickly are relaxed Soon nagging arthritic or rheumatic pain is soothed Surprise pleas of nolo contendere' no defense) were entered today by the three defendants in the abortion death of a 22-year-old food chain heiress but the judge who'll impose sentence Tuesday said he considered them "the same as The pleas were entered by Mil-ton and Rosalie Schwartz in whose North Philadelphia apartment Mrs Doris Jean Silver Ostreicher died last Aug 24 and Mrs Gertrude Silver 49 mother of the dead girl The Schwartzea a 42-year-old bartender she's a beautician pleaded no defense to a single charge of "abortion resulting in death" Mrs Silver her tear-stained face drained of color as she stared at the floor mumbled "nolo contendere" to a charge of "accessory before the fact of abortion" as she stood before Quarter Sessions Judge Vincent A Carroll The maximum sentence on each charge is 10 years in jail and a $6000 fine The pretty red-haired Mrs Ostreicher was about six weeks pregnant when she died "within minutes" after the abortion attempt doctors who performed the autopsy testified The dead girl was the wife of Earl Ostreicher a Miami Beach Fla motorcycle policeman she had married in a surprise elopement to Georgia on June 24 after a story-book romance Mrs Schwartz admitted she performed the unsuccessful abortion Happy Says (CoiUhiI Fra a Far 1) did not have "in mind to pressure the governor" But St Clair said were told to mind our own business and not to meddle In other affairs" He said "We don't go in for personal attacks but we certainly do feel taxes on tobacco are our business because tobacco is important to our farm people and to the economy of the At Chandler's meeting with the farm leaders attended by reporters there was no mention of the Keeneland exemption and cigarette tax bills Saying he was a tobacco grower and Farm Bureau member Chandler told the group know what you and launched into a talk that took up most of tha 10-minute meeting The governor explained to newsmen that read in a newspaper Friday morning about the farm federation's directors going on record the day before at Louisville in opposition to the Keeneland bill Chandler said he had that bill in mind when he told the farm leaders fnot to "meddle in not the cigarette tax-reduction bill which he considered for this legislative session after the Senate's action The Keeneland betting tax put on by the 1954 legislature during former Gov Lawrence Wetherby's administration has yielded an estimated $300000 a year The pari-mutuel tax is 4 per cent on the first $18 million bet in a year 6 per cent on all above that annually It had been 3 per cent before being boosted in 1954 when Keeneland's exemption was removed Chandler had said he was given an estimate the cigarette tax cut would cost the state about $25 million a year The farm federation had estimated it would cost the state about $1820000 annually in taxes Puppets Being Given To Hospitalized Tots Issuance of "Pinkie the Puppet" a doll-toy designed for amusem*nt of tots admitted to Good Samaritan Hospital was begun yesterday The unbreakable puppet dolls are made by the hospital's women's auxiliary and can be taken to surgery or X-ray by the child The child will be allowed to keep the doll when discharged Judd SEE YOUR NEAREST OLDSRflOBDLIEf DEALER HART DRUG CO Ill WEST MAIN ST LEXINGTON KY Among the patients admitted yesterday and last weekend at Lexington hospitals were: Good Samaritan Jesse Shelton Morehead: Miss Margaret Florence 224 Waller Avenue Janies Moore Hazard Edwin A Huffaker Monticello Mrs Ruth Prewitt Mt Sterling Steward Williamson Nicholasville Mrs Leona Phillips Corbin Ever ett Taylor Rt 2 Nicholasville: Mrs Bettie A Creekmore 303 East Maxwell Street Simon Elam Maytown John Johnson Tates Creek Pike Mrs Martha Lawrence Hyden Mrs Grac Thomas Primrose Joe Warsh Paris Austin A Barnett Frankfort Mrs Hertalinc Hockersmith Sal visa Arch Johnson Hazel Green Gaylon Brown Route 1 Liberty Mrs Juett Owen County Miss Mary Estes 322 Glendover Drive Barbara Ann Hughley 464 Jefferson Street Mrs Ruby Spurlock Perry County Mrs Pauline Ryan Paris Mrs Oma Bell Lamb Route 7 Lexington Mrs Bertha Lbng Campton Mrs Norma J- Hoskins 1601 Carolyn Drive Darrell Gene Adams Cannel City: Mrs Julia Ann Florence 605 Bellaire Avenue Johnny Sexton Whitesburg Bradford Sexton Whitesburg Claude Green 638 Breckinridge Street: Mrs Mildred Howard 729 West High Street Mrs Nancy Ser-gent 710 Lancaster Avenue Autie Conley Ashland Bennie Oakes 1108 Fern Avenue Harold Long 129 Burley Avenue Barney Phillips Seco Oscar Glnter Winchester Road: William Wheeler Jr 329 Hilltop Drive Carol Tay lor 1004 Russell Cave Road Mrs Eudell Speaks Julius Marks Sanatorium the Rev Harry Green Owenton Mrs Ruth Marlowe 761 Lane Allen Road Ruth Gabbard Owsley County Richard Lewis Martin 323 Irvine Road Mrs Katherine Turner 714 Chiles Avenue Reid Stroud Philadelphia Edwin Clark 711 Central Avenue and Mrs Geraldine Chas-teen Route 2 Lexington St Joseph's Roscoe Napier Hyden: Sherman Hurst Bell County: Herbert Wesley Ryker Jr 1490 Townley Drive Mrs Bertie Mathers Carlisle Gordon Douglas Wilson 409 Johnson Avenue Charles Jarman 602-B East Sixth Street Mrs Ervin Skinner Route 3 Corbin Mrs Thomas Maguire 125 East Second Street Mrs Thomas Howard 312 Corral Street: George Mack Burberry 1907 Versailles Road: Mrs Leah Orloff Detroit Mrs McCauley Route 3 Cynthiana Mrs Edward Ballinger 808 Lynn Drive: Mrs Robert Evans 924 Delaware Avenue Michael Ray Stafford 857 West High Street Edward Wagoner Route 3 Paris: Joseph Edward Rose Keene Mrs William Lane 831 Loudon Avenue: Mrs Donald Endsley 223-B McCracken Drive Mrs Barnes Versailles Road Mrs Harold Kuhn Wilmore: Burry Daniels 468 Holliday Road Mrs Jack Rayboum Carter County Miss Patricia Ann Brandenburg 1206 Texaco Road Owen Yocum 194 Castlewood Drive Miss Ruby Anderson Frankfort Mrs James Wilson 701-F Havely Drive Mrs Harold Jones 225 Taylor Drive Mrs Burley Skeens Wooten Mrs James Holder 211 Locust Avenue Mrs Robert Brown 441 Klngsway Drive Mrs Wiley Conley Morehead Mrs Jess Wells 43 Maple Avenue Mrs Oliver Jones 745 Shropshire Avenue Mrs Sue Rogers Dunavent Midway: Mrs James Stanton Route 2 Maysville Mrs James Haz-lett 588 West Short Street Mrs Ruby Howard Morgan County William Courtney Midway Ranee Young Casey County Mrs Martin Rothan 987 Carneal Road: Clayton Woerth Paradise Pa Russell McDonough Jenkins Robert Kenney 944 Highland Park Drive Mrs Melvin Smithers 311 East Fourth Street Mrs Nancy Coles Midway Janice Moss 165 North Eastern Avenue Mrs Richard Mitchell 121-E Thomas Street and Michael Roy Stafford 857 West High Street (OanllnarS Fram Fata 1) flight" at Toussus-le-Noble Airport A veteran Trans World Airlines pilot Judd followed virtually the same 3600-mile course Charles Lindbergh did nearly 29 years ago Lindbergh made his summertime flight in 33 hours Judd flying a new four-place Cessna 180 is believed to be the first to fly the North Atlantic in midwinter in a light plane A wartime Air Transport command pilot Judd said he decided on the hazardous crossing for the fun of it" and incidentally to take his new plane to Cairo where he is based Explaining he had flown six hours picking up ice on his wings and another six hours on instruments Judd told reporters: pilot has to know his own limitations 1 thought under the circ*mstances I should land at Paris" Judd was greeted by his pretty French-born wife Colette and their 3 V4 -year-old son Alan Patrick They flew in from New York on a regular TWA flight He took off with 323 gallons of gasoline and despite the unfavorable weather said he had enough left to fly on at least as far as Rome Judd said he had no real trouble keeping awake because of the tricky flying conditions which required close attention to his instrument panel He kept at 11000 feet and was in radio contact much of the time with a regular TWA airliner After a day or so rest in Paris Judd and his family plan to fly on to Cairo Jurist The first 100 Adults who present a "Lucky Dollar" witK a "3" and an "0" in the serial number will receive a Mrs Martin Rothan's Condition Is Serious Mrs Martin Rothan 987 Carneal Road was listed in serious condition last night at St Joseph's Hospital She was admitted to the hospital Saturday Milk Stolen Theft of 2 4 gallons of milk from two Ball Ice Cream Co trucks was reported to county police yesterday by employees at the plant at 944 Winchester Road Padlocks on both trucks were broken Officers quoted employees as saying such break-ins had occurred approximately 20 times during the past year TC7aCs (UJp bstauie of add itomach at night? tCfrtfUP- 'See'0 (CanllnnH Fran Fas I) the people to the courts" through the medium of photography and broadcasts Thomas Edwards Cleveland Ohio general counsel for the Scripps-Howard Newspapers another witness contend that photographers have the same right to cover tHals reporters "Thee gentlemen who take pictures are no different than any other teporter" Edwards said Joseph Costa of New York chairmen of the board of the NPPA said maintain that a photographer should be barred from a courtroom for only the same reasons as a reporter or an attorney that is when he interferes with He presented as exhibits photographs! taken in the Sheppard murder trial in Cleveland and in the murder trial of George Sach in Portland Ore to support his argument that banning picture-taking in courtrooms could result In the opposite effect desired by a jurist Photographers were barred in the Sheppard trial except during recess and after adjournment of court fdr the day but were allowed to take pictures during the Sach trial will notice" Costa said "that dignity of the court is maintained in pictures of the Sach trial while those taken in the hurry and confusion of recesses at the Sheppard trial indicate chaotic conditions in the Smith Baby Burned Eleven-month-old Glenn Smith 145 North Eastern Avenue was treated yesterday at St Joseph's Hospital for second-degree burns on his left elbow Attendants said he fell against a grate at his home in Eutank Take 2 TUNS as a "Night-cap" If you feel exhausted aod "dragged out" mornings try this simple way to avoid restless nights due to excess stomach acid Just eat 2 before retiring See if you don't sleep feel fresher day Turns neutralize excess i acid Always keep Turns hauoy to counteract acid indigestion I heartburn Get a roll right now So don't miss the chance to become more popular than ever been before Check your wallet now for a "Lucky Studios open daily 10 AM to 10 PM RULES 1 To win you must present in person ne mail in your one dollar bill with a and an in the serial number Hand ft in to your nearest Arthur Murray Studio or mail it in! Use coupon below 2 Only one bill accepted fwn each individual 3 Adults only are unless minora are accompanied by parent 4 Arthur Murray students not eligible 5 Come in any day this week or moll coupon right away Open daily 10 A1G 10 P3L except Saturday and Sunday Look sc all your one dollar bills Any of the serial numbers contain a and an Then you've got a lucky "Dancing and simply by handing it in at your nearest Arthur Murray Dance Studio you win a $2500 Dance Course This wonderful offer is being made to show you the fun and good times that can be had at an Arthur Murray Studio You see learning to dance is so much fun because you go to party after party practice dancing with many different partners Even if a beginner Arthur Murray's famous "Magic method shows you the way to all dance steps quickly and easily' In almost no time at all be doing the latest dance steps with poise and confidence And at the Arthur Murray student parties meet lots of people make hosts of new friends through going to all the parties! Studios Air-Conditioned MAIL THIS COUPON To Apply For CASH UP TO $30000 The key to the city Is usually the final frosting on the hospitality cake when It's presented to a visiting fireman But Charles Wilson Secretary of Defense says he would have been satisfied with a key to the city dump When Mr Wilson was in California on New Day as Grand Marshal of the Tournament of Roses he decided to combine business with pleasure He hopped a helicopter In Alhambra for a conference at a nearby plane plant The trouble was the Alhambra Heliport Is next to the city dump and the area is locked up at 5 When the secretary got back he found the place padlocked with his car Inside He was really In the dumps There was a lot of trouble corraling another key Now the city has presented Mr Wilson with a gold key to the Alhambra city dump Which proves that gold is where you find it In Vienna man admitted in court he had three wives but asked for mercy on the ground that ha had "a very poor He ought to tie a string around his finger Tie a string around your finger just so you won't forget to stop in at our yard to check into the builders hardware you've been meaning to pick up You'll find everything in building supplies in our stock at the BEN EUBANK LUMBER CO 611 Third St Phone 4-1776 Amount Wonted I I I Oafs to have Raady Fmptaycr or Mail Emnloyar will not bo lutffiad) Kind of Work CepyrigM Arthur Murray lira I I Tour Nomo i USE THIS HANDY COUPON If it is inconvenient to present your in person at the studio Mail to ARTHUR MURRAY 117 ChtapsiJo Lexington Ky Inclosed is my In return for which I will receive a certificate good foraf2Jj00ArtharMarrayDn nee Coarse aarns (idliu Vhara eity Phono No Stoto Address City aYC-ayc 117 CHEAPSIDE PHONE 4-2191 LEXINGTON KY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROMPT SERVICE GUARANTY FINANCE CO 233 East Main St Tolephona: 2-0717 Lexington Ky.

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The Lexington Herald from Lexington, Kentucky (2024)


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Where is the Lexington Herald-Leader printed? ›

The Lexington Herald-Leader is a newspaper owned by the McClatchy Company and based in Lexington, Kentucky.

Why is Lexington important to Kentucky? ›

Lexington is renowned for its equestrian heritage, with numerous horse farms, training facilities, and the Kentucky Horse Park. Residents can enjoy watching thoroughbred racing at Keeneland or simply take in the beautiful landscapes dotted with grazing horses.

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Subscriptions that span up to 12 weeks (3 months): Customers must call Paddock Publications' customer service team within 48 hours of purchase. The subscription will terminate immediately and a full refund will be issued.

Who is the editor of The Lexington Herald Leader? ›

Richard A. Green is the executive editor of the Herald-Leader.

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Complaints and requests for editorial corrections or clarifications should be referred to the editor in the first instance, who can be contacted as follows:

Who owns the Lexington Herald? ›

The Herald-Leader is owned and published by the McClatchy Company. The paper is one of 29 daily newspaper papers published by McClatchy and is the only McClatchy publication in Kentucky.

Where is Lexington Herald-Leader located? ›

LEXINGTON HERALD-LEADER - Updated September 2024 - 52 Reviews - 100 Midland Ave, Lexington, Kentucky - Print Media - Phone Number - Yelp.

When did the Lexington Herald and Leader merge? ›

1983 - The Herald and the Leader merge papers to become one publication. John Carroll who had been the editor of the Herald is the editor of the Lexington Herald-Leader. Transy provides access to the Herald Leader from 1983-current.

What is the nickname of Lexington Kentucky? ›

Known as the "Horse Capital of the World", Lexington is a great place to live and work, whether or not you are single or raising a family! With a population of more than 322,000 and a metropolitan area of approximately 516,000, it is the second largest city in Kentucky.

Is Lexington, KY a nice place to live? ›

Lexington is a city in Kentucky with a population of 321,276. Lexington is in Fayette County and is one of the best places to live in Kentucky. Living in Lexington offers residents a dense suburban feel and most residents own their homes. In Lexington there are a lot of bars, restaurants, coffee shops, and parks.

Why are people moving to Lexington, KY? ›

The city's diverse economy, combined with its proximity to Louisville and Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airports, have earned the city national acclaim — in fact, Business Facilities ranked Lexington as the #7 mid-sized metro with the best business climate in 2023.

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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

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Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.