The Owensboro Messenger from Owensboro, Kentucky (2024)

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The Owensboro Messengeri

Owensboro, Kentucky

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2 THE QWIN5B0RQ KT SUNDAY JULY 161252 administration 53500 as eet ime I 11 classrooms a read to bet would or this SUN ROUNDS is no longer in the jewelry business here GLASSES for TO WATERPROO IREPROO $15 TWO WEEKS OUR tCAVuiof 30 HIGH CLASS PLAYS VAUDEVILLE Movie Classification for up to 50 MON TUES WED MISS GRANT ATTACHMENT Sit 7 Hi STARS UNDER THE STARS TWO SHOWS EWER NICHT JUNE HAVER MARK STEVENS the pive CAIHQUH MIWTIUMo 0fHWM9 HtHTUtKT Your Bock dou wo two 2 Miles Out Leitchfield Rood 8:10 Rain or Clear Lucille Ball William Holden vn I his first street Standing COMING TO OWENSBORO Color Cartoon Short Children Under 12 ree No Large Trucks Admitted TONIGHT and MONDAY ABOUT 7:30 9:45 THEATRE OPENS 630 TUES WED THURS JOHN PAYNE lone System through your located and hat AMAZING OER! school veneer "Serving the public in the tome block for 39 years there must be reason" don with which a relatively number of drivers prodv move away from the traps the siren is sounded all should immediately move to a safe distance When the are down there is a very current and considerable near the traps St Martin's picnic at Rome Tues July 1 8 sup per 5 Plenty good old fashioned barbecue and burgoo and other en tcitammcnt TCHA0 PLUS be tied in with the central unit William Crawford Louisville was the architect PLUS 2ND LAUGH HIT 'TALL DARK AND GRUESOME" Hugh Herbert Ruth Roman Done Clark Sun Continuous from 2:00 Tuesday Doors Open 7:00 Last Show 9:00 PARKWAy'frmf Buy Your Household urnishings On Easy Payment! At Greer urniture Co Cor Main Locust Dial 3 9563 Wilson Greer Weyne oael After all the teacher is in classroom to teach not to vent to individual feelings because of nervous tension or short temper Therefore it behooves a teacher to give her students each day an out ward show of affection and to hide her inner personal feelings 45" Phonograph Plus 0 ALBUM RECORDS Bath for the Trice of the Phonograph Alone 5 To help those interested in better movies the following guide os suggested by the Notional League of Decency is published: OR THE AMILY The Golden Stallion Wonder SUN MON TWO HITS "I WONDER WHO'S KISSING HER NOW" Elite Cigar Co child does good work in give a few words of If he improves from one to another say SO If he an error in a test it is Il Opening Play "WHAT MOTHERS DON'T KNOW' I Hilkir LIITEC KAI KKIJtKA fVt UINY I 11 1 I Adults 50 Children 25f Reserved Chairs 25r Tax Included I Concert Nightly After Main Show 25 Tax Included con The building the Shnnpeler Louisville 318 raderica Diol 3 4727 Newspapers ago line Air Conditioned CEXTRAI SCHOOL built ROBERT SHAVER in September The new I'owderlv it brick Powderly KV July 15 Hie $160000 new Muhlenberg Central school here will be ready for occu pancy at the start of the school year tins fall Superintendent Rob ert Shaver said today An enrollment of between 450 and 500 students is expected An estimated 1270 students live with in six miles of the school now nearing completion Hie building will have 11 class rooms a study hall catetena ble office lounge rest rooms for teachers and student rest rooms The lighting system will be centric ring lights will be fireproof Construction company which constructed the structure has reported Superintendent Shaver said the 25 acres that compose the school grounds will provide ample room for expansion and for playgrounds The building has two wings Plumbing and electrical nutlets have been arranged so they can MAHALA The Master Magician Doors Open 7 Orchestra 7 :30 Curtain 8 trucks go past your neighborhood why not use the occasion to remind your boys and girls of the tremen dous difference between calling the department to an honost to goori ness and getting us out on nothing but a fool's errand? 11 Piece Swing Band 7 Piece Cowboy Band Singers Dancers Jugglers Novelties $160000 Muhlenberg Central School Ready or Use In all Trooper Almond Russell of Kentucky state police who knows traffic nt its worst having for a number of years investigated traf fic accidents in this and surround ing section as a member of thestate police formerly kpown as the stale highway patrol comes up with a suggestion of arresting cars which is not a bad idea Trooper Russell Trallic officers safety workers ami others in Owensboro Daviess county mid elsewhere moulds a piece of glass then a much brighter and better outlook is attained by the child If a school month makes much better to lend a helping hand than to say should know CM45 uftWMW '45" Attachment PIu! 5 ALBUM RECORDS Both for the Price of Attachment Alone CHARLES MILTON NEWCOMB vice president of the Owensboro National bank Members of the reception com mittee are ield president of the Owensboro National bank: Janies Ellis president of the Citizens State bank Monarch Cox executive vice president of the Cen tral Trust company McGow an vice president of the Citizens State bunk John Darnell as sistant cashier of the Owensboro National hank: Charles Smith assistant cashier of the Central Trust company and Shep herd cashier of the Owensboro Na tional bank On the committee on transpor tation are Walter Gannane cashier of the Central Trust company: Miller vice president of the Ow ensboro National bank and Paul erguson vice president of the Owensboro National bank Kellen president and cash ier of the Bank of Waverly Wav erly Ky is secretary of the group organization of which Mr Hender son is president Hoodenpyl who died several months ago while president of the irst National hank at Greenville was vice president of the group organization Vfll at a ost of approximately 8160000 will be ready for occupancy at the start of the new school year Along the Highways and Byways Have you noticed how the teen agers riding bicycles will run the red traffic signals without regard to traffic? The other night we saw an out of state trailer truck as it rolled out rederica strf I i Vs time mere was a iuk un and the lights were flickering the caution signal The truck 'driver kept going regardless of the sig nals However we were enlight ened in the matter when a fellow motorist informed us that the truck driver was of the opinion that the caulion meant only to be cautious and not stop We recall such flash ing lights on the outskirts of Hen derson and they did not denote emergency runs Maybe it would be a good idea to put in red re flectors to replace the caution sig nals or at least until we have uni versal traffic laws Motorists making right or left hand turns into private drives are required to tne same as Bankers rom 13 Counties To Meet In Owensboro Tuesday i a large number of these unfortunate but most pleasant folks She writes: Dear Breezy: May I pay a small tribute to the blind people? It has been my privi lege to serve quite a number of these as most folks call them hut I am afraid it Is some of us who can see that are more unfortunate than they It is amazing to see these people when they come into a restaurant They are the happiest sweetest people anyone could know They appreciate kindness but do not want anyone's sympathy and once you have made them your friends they never forget you They can tell more by your voice and touch whether you are sincere nr not and it is a pleasure to watch their faces light up at some small joke or act of kindness It always makes me a little sad when I see them but it also makes me appreciate the fact that God gave me eyes to see with and the patience to stop in my hurried life and sometimes do nine tilings show Him and these niiiirj toms sincere love and willingness help The Gun ighter I Who's Kissing Her Lowlcs Volley Stors In Silver At night wlira the dam is up Ibero are three gieen signal lights on the outer upper lockwall which means that a portion or all of the After a couple of experiences like that the entire department is bound to feel a particularly mur derous hatred for the morons who turn in false alarms But unlike the shepherd's friend we've got to keep answering call alter call alter call According to recently published figures departments in cities over 20000 in this country last year an Kw pit cl more than alarms In fact' one out of every fourteen calls answered turned out to be a false alarm an outright false alarm not a case where smoke or steam were hon estly mistaken for fire New York City alone had 10650 false alarms Chicago had 4600 Detroit had 1773 Los Angeles and San ran cisco both had more than 1500 And consider these figures: Little Rock Ark a city of 100000 did not have a single false alarm in 1949 Tuscon Ariz with 37000 pop ulation had 72 false alarms May be there's a moral there Maybe those figures suggest that in com munities where both children and adults have a good sense of respon siblity you don't have to waste hundreds and thousands of dollars of the money chasing false alarms Not to mention risking' the lives of firemen motorists and pedestrians! Heber Henderson executive Vice president of the Citizens State bank will preside at a meeting of Group 2 of the Kentucky Bankers association of which he is presi dent next Tuesday at Hotel Owens boro Representatives are expected from the 54 member banks in the following 13 counties: Butler Chris tian Daviess Hanco*ck Henderson Hopkins Logan McLean Muhlen berg Ohio Todd Union and Web ster Registration will begin at the ho tel at 10:30 a and from 2 to 3 i there will be a tour of the Owensboro tube works of the Gen eral Electric company which em ploys about 3500 people There the visiting bankers will see the manu facture of radio tubes in operation At the business session to be held at 4:30 Tuesday with Mr Henderson presiding Robert Hatton ol Louisville general coun sel for Um Kentucky Bankers asso ciation will discuss among other things wage and hour law changes service charges opening on legal holidays and the proposed new fed eral deposit insurance corporation bill now pending in congress The hour from 5:15 until 6:15 is set aside as a social hour Music on the mezzanine floor at the hotel will be prodded by Mrs Charles Irwin at tlie Hammon organ and a banquet will follow in the hotel ballroom at 6:30 The speaker will be Charles Milton Newcomb of Candler who comes as a well known humorist and philoso pher who has spoken before many Important meetings The invocation will be by the Rev Alexander lor the last several years pastor of the irst Christian church Mr Henderson will preside at the ban quet In addition to hankers from the 13 counties there will be visiting bankers from Nashville Louisville and Evansville and officers of the Kentucky Bankers association in cluding Marvin Underwood pres ident of the irst Ha rdin National bank Elizabethtown state presi dent Marshall Barnes vice presi I dent of the Owensboro National bank state vice president Ralph ontaine Louisville executive sec retary and Robert Steptoe Lou isville secretary Entertainment for the visitors will include golf at i the Owensboro Country club under the direction of Harry Bottorf pres ident of the Central Trust company and Thomas Bartlett executive Starting Mon July 17th Location Back of Ranch House 'SENOR DROOPY" Color Cartoon 'MIRACLE ON 34TH ST" 20th Century ox News TAKES RICHMOND Plus 'DIZZY Comedy Nenrlv everything else tried without any overwhelming measure1 of success so why not try arresting cars as well as drivers? The daredevil driver usually has a lot of allection if not proper re spect lor his automobile If he knew that arrest on charges of speeding and reckless driving would get his old bus interned for a month or so I have an idea he would be a lot belter boy and a lit tle more reluctant to step on the gas Il is fascinating to speculate on what would happen in case junior wnnled to use the family vehicle and dad and mother knew they would lose the use of their ma chine for a couple of weeks if Jun ior got caught out of line with it 1 have an idea all concerned would be a great deal more thoughtful and careful It might not bo nec essary io hold more than a small number of cars either for news like that gets around fast Chief Ben Cummings of the Owensboro fire department lias a lot to say about these unnecessary runs caused by false alarms Hie Owensboro department had its share of false runs in 1919 when there wore 16 However this was ncarlv a third less than the year previous But let Chief Cummings relate the facts about false alarms He says You all know the old fable about the shepherd boy who cried once too often The lad had sparked a lot of excitement by calling for help several times when no wolf threatened his flock inally hen the wolf actually did appear no one would answer his cry And the I flock was de strojed ire departments have a lot in I common with the friends of that shepherd up to a point Near i every fire chief has had the cx asperating experience of having to make a number of runs every year only to discover that the depart incut Is answering a false alarm Both city commissioners LeRoyl Woodward and "Cap Merc I dith let it be known the past week! that they ill be candidates for re 1 election in the fall of 1951 in brief talks each made at the Daviess County Alcoholic Beverage associ ation barbecue held last Wednesday at Locust Grove This will perhaps silence the ru mor of a move to get one of the commissioners to resign his $36t)0 a year job with the promise that' he would be given a $5000 posi tion working under a city board We know that the commissioner in question indignantly turned it down and more power to him (Under a law passed by the last legislature which became effec (five June 15 last the city com missioners can any board set up in the city government which means the city dads can fair ly dictate their policies to a board if they care to and if their orders are not carried out a new board is likely to take over' And this $5000 job that was ru mored to be dangling as bait now bears a salary of $3600 With no idea of taking up the proposition of I resigning as one of the commis Isioners he asked: "Wbat aie you I going to do about Accord ling to the grapevine the reply was: will be taken care ol in an I other capacity BBB I rom time to time we Iwhere the city dads have added to I their city payroll And did you nu Itice the "increase in your tax bill? I Maybe this is one of fhe reasons I for the tax revenue boost I Around the first of the year the I law partner of the assistant city at Itorney 'was named alcoholic ad Iministrator for the city of Owcns Iboro without compensation Bill I just last week the city dads ith I Commissioner Meredith who is in I charge of finances dissenting put Ithe job on a salary basis of $l2(n la year I The nolice department was get I ting along nicely with Assistant Chief Gabbert serv I ing in the capacity as acting chief without increased compensation I pending the outcome of the ouster I proceedings against Vernie Bidwell I dismissed chief whose civil action Ils now pending in the Daviess I circuit court but there as a polit lical obligation to be met and Is Wcikel veteran peace tf I fleer and a former county olficial I was named to the job I Bob Weikel is a line fellow a (capable officer and one who will I not shirk his duty but why the added expense to the taxpayers? I And if the former chief Bidwell is I upheld by the courts and restored Ito his former position on the police I idepartment the city taxpayers will l)e obligated for his salary at $300 I jper month which will no doubt be I retroactive from the time of his I dismissal to his reinstatement My Crown Stone of Creek Zombo OR ADULTS: Annie Get Gun Arthur Takes Over fire The Block Hand Coged Cry Murder A Danqerus Pro fession ederal Agent At Large Kiss in The Dark Miss Grant Takes Richmond Sands of Iwo Jima Toll Dark and Hand some Vonishing Westerner Woman in Hiding OBJECTIONABLE OR ALL: Bor der Incident Calamity Jone and Sam Boss Miracle on 34th St Not Ycf Reviewed: Humphrey Takes a Chance It Happened One Night Sponsored This Week by the John Hinkle Rcbccca Lodge No 39 Victory Theatre CALHOUN KY Sun Tues July 16 18 traffic cn Saw a citv trash truck the other day make a turn off ord avenue into East Griffith 1 la and spill a lot of glass and bbish on the street The trec tne conveyor of the truck which had not been dumped into the truck proper after it had been gatheied Vernie Bidwell dismissed Owensboro police chief is now a car salesman for a well known local automobile agency while awaiting the outcome of the ouster proceedings against him which he has appealed to the Da viess circuit court Saw five out of state motorcyclists last Sun 1 day riding in a line east of ourth street and two of the cyclistsmade a deliberate run of the traffic sig nal at the Allen street intersec tion With school vacation now al the halfway mark a teacher takes time out to wriie of how we can encourage our children more by not being too critical of them Her letter follows: Dear Bii die: Older people are all too critical nf children nowadays II a pat on the back can be given by the teacher who is helping io mould a life as a glass blower rtion of the dam is open on the far end flndiann side) the dam When suclru condition isls it Is oxtiemely danpet inis boats to come near the dam At night when the dam is IL Rounds A Sons store was located at in front are two sons Ed Rounds and Harry Rounds Seen through the window at right is Rounds The Messenger has offered to pay $1 each for the use of reproducible photographs of Owensboro scenes made before 1905 This picture was furnished by Mrs Kay Cooper 1817 Parrish avenue making a turn at a street intersec tion or on a highway Now that hand signals where cars are not equipped with mechanical sig nals are required for making turns In traffic we hope the prac tice of drivers of having their left hand extended with their elbow resting on the door and their hand 1 i Il 1 1 noiamg me ujp wiivm dinarily denote a right hand turn will be broken up oy forcement officers RCA Victor You gef complete outomotic phonogroph uith ftuptrtensit ive speaker and the iamous Golden I nicer or the amous RCA Victor "45" Attachment which ploys 'present radio phonograph or television set D2t AM 10 rnr ds nil fl hiittOH lUSt OOIC minutes of the finest recorded music you have ever heord There no distortion! Virtually no rurface noise! See and Hear At THE WAX WORKS Dial 3 6058 rederica SI DIAL 3 6058 OR MAIL THIS COUPON i I am interested in free demonstration and 10 days trial PHONOGRAPH NAME I ADDRESS The early part last week a young matron was fatally Injutcd in a head on traffic accident on Highway 60 a short distance west nt Owensboro The injured had been removed In ambulances to the Owensboro Daviess County hospi tal and the state police rushed to the scene to clear the highway The dead pocketbook was found on the front seat of the car and the contents sans money had been spread about in the automo bile State Trooper Almond Russell was informed that the young wom an had some money in her purse before the accident Words cannot express our contempt for the fel low who would stooii so low' as to steal from a deceased person Talk about the cad stealing a nickel off a dead eye lie is a gentle man in comparison Even the free dom of the press does not give us flic right to write just what we really do think of this inhuman creature' BBB Thc other evening we were called and told that the wickets at Dam 46 would be up by the following morning and would give it no tice Wo replied to the affirma tive for we remember the early evening of July 4th last when we hoard a young man who had es caped death ns his companion was drowned remark thought the wickets were down at least they were in ms sime inont lie was correct for the wiik cts had bion raistd only within the lust 24 hours nt that time And if he had known the wickets were up the tragedy might not have oc curred After receiving the Hem about the wickets being raised at the Ow ensboro dam we called our good Tnnv Rnuf lockniftst and asked him to give us jnoic in formation about the wickets the operation of the lights at the dam and anything else that would be of aid to those not familiar with the river that we might pass it on to our" readers Tony complied imme diately and his letter follows: Dear Birdie: As you know a man was drowned recently when the outboard motoi boat in which lie was riding went over the dam That drowning could have been avoided if the man had been familiar with the signal lights at the dam It will be sincerely appreciated if you will publish this article in your paper in an effort to familiarize unsuspecting persons of Hie dan gers confronting ineni upoii proaching lhe dam Durmi? davliuht hours be done by observing fhe I 1 Ullrx rllCr' ooa i a a iridicator eaturing BOOB BRASIELD South's avorite Comedian PALACE THEATRE West Eighth Street An aiTiber light below the red light on the upper end of upper guide wall indicates that some portion of the far end of the dam on the In diana side is open This is also a very dangerous time for boats to come near the dam When the dam Is down and there is no danger three red signal lights are burning on the upper end of the river wall and two red signal lights are burning on the lower wall A siren mounted on one of the bear trap piers is always sounded before the bear traps are lowered as a warning to boats tn the vicin ity to When boats away traps swift rirtt It is hoped this article will be instrumental in making the per sons concerned realize lhe neces sity for taking all the precautions possible when fishing or' pleasure riding near the dam Very truly yours Rouse Loekmasfer A tribute to the blind from waitress who over a period years has come in contact with BISBEE'S COMEDIANS PEOPLE 30 We could name several jobs that I dam is up ar! that all passing have been created by this and the boats must go through the locks fnrmnr Ht nave had a tendency to up your tax bill from time to time The tax rate now is $298 of which the schools receive $168 and the city $139 There is still two tents on the $100 increase that can be made legally not to say anything about an increased assessment Wonder where ft is going to stop? B13B round while disc shaped on ie imstieum eno the upper guidewall which when facmg JSMwq5 By "Birdie" Gasser 1 vmi near 'S SMMfe wmMMi tixpw Bl give a hand signal I LW: Bn lii lllit lil THtH lyffB ill BB 1ip iBMMf Pl 1 uy Ax aV)an shrid I T1E Cp S0 but when this ashes wc 5 bren I i IwnwMWffi SmB VbbHH: ra fs aRS: cllfcvf I 5 fTr j'l $1 Ort 1 i i miff ii $6 $095.

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The Owensboro Messenger from Owensboro, Kentucky (2024)


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Author: Roderick King

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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.