Top 8 Meal Replacement Shakes in Australia (2024)

As our lives get busier and more demanding, we sometimes need help maintaining a healthy diet.

Preparing healthy meals every day can be challenging between work, school, and family obligations. That's where nutrient-enriched shakes come in.

These convenient and nutritious shakes are an excellent alternative for busy individuals who need a quick and easy way to get the nutrients their bodies need.

In this blog, we'll be discussing the top 8 shakes in Australia. We've researched and evaluated these shakes based on various criteria to provide a comprehensive guide to help you choose the best one.

What's a Meal Replacement and What are Some Examples?

A meal replacement is a product that you can use to replace one or more of your daily meals. Protein shakes are a type of meal replacement product that you can use to replace a meal.

These shakes usually contain a mix of protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals and other nutrients that your body needs to function correctly.

Examples of Meal Replacement Shakes

  • Optifast

  • SlimRight

  • Tony Ferguson

  • Celebrity Slim

  • Isagenix

  • Shakeology

  • Soylent

  • Huel

Meal Replacement Shakes - How Do These Work?

Top 8 Meal Replacement Shakes in Australia (1)

Protein shakes, or those shakes that could be taken in lieu of meals, work by providing your body with the nutrients it needs to function correctly. These shakes are usually formulated to have a specific macronutrient ratio, which is the ratio of protein, carbohydrates, and fat.

The macronutrient ratio is essential because it helps to keep you full and satisfied while providing your body with the energy it needs to function correctly.

When you consume a nutrient-rich shake, your body digests the nutrients and uses them to fuel your body.

Because these types of shakes are formulated to provide your body with all the nutrients it needs, you can use them to replace one or more of your daily meals.

Benefits of Meal Replacement Shakes

  • These shakes are a convenient and easy way to get all the nutrients your body needs in one drink.

  • They are usually low in calories, making them an effective tool for weight management journey.

  • Protein shakes are typically high in protein, which helps to keep you full and satisfied, reducing the chances of overeating or snacking.

  • They can save you time and effort by providing a quick and easy meal option, especially for busy individuals who may not have time to prepare a nutritious meal.

  • Such shakes can help to control blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity in people with type 2 diabetes.

  • They can also be helpful for people who have difficulty chewing or swallowing solid food due to dental or other health issues.

  • Shakes can be customized to fit your dietary needs and preferences, with various flavours and formulations available.

And to make the most of it, use the best quality protein shakers.

Top 8 Meal Replacement Shakes in Australia (2)

How to Choose the Best Meal Replacement Shake for You

Choosing the best meal replacement shake for you can be challenging because there are many options. Here are some factors to consider when choosing a meal replacement shake.

Top 8 Meal Replacement Shakes in Australia (3)

Nutritional Value

Look for a meal replacement shake that gives your body the necessary nutrients to function correctly. The shake should have a good balance of protein, carbohydrates, and fats.


It doesn’t have pleasant taste just to be tasty or savoury, not because it's a mere replacement. However, choosing a shake that tastes good will significantly help you stick to your meal plan.


The texture of the shake is also essential. Choose a shake that has a texture that you enjoy.


Meal replacement and protein shakes can be expensive. Choose a shake that fits your budget and can provide great value for your money.


Ensure that the shake you choose is readily available in stores or online. Consistency or continuity is essential, so your shakes must be easy to restock or replenish.

Top 8 Shakes in Australia that are Great Meal Replacements

Top 8 Meal Replacement Shakes in Australia (4)

After evaluating various meal replacement shakes, we've come up with the top 8 shakes in Australia that are great meal replacements.

1. Optifast

Top 8 Meal Replacement Shakes in Australia (5)

Optifast is a popular meal replacement shake in Australia. It's designed to give your body all the nutrients it needs while keeping you full and satisfied.

Optifast comes in various flavours, including chocolate, and vanilla bean, and strawberry.

  • Nutritional Value: Each serving of Optifast contains 200-230 calories, 14-16g of protein, 28-30g of carbohydrates, and 4-6g of fat.

  • Price: A box of 18 Optifast sachets costs around $60.

  • Availability: Optifast is available in supermarkets and pharmacies across Australia.

  • Pros: Optifast is a well-known and trusted brand. The shake is formulated to satisfy you, making it an excellent meal replacement for weight management.

  • Cons: If you’re thinking about taking on a meal replacement shake, it might be best to move on from this one. When people reviewed the shakes themselves, they expressed that hunger was still constant and others said their first few days were not enjoyable whatsoever.

2. SlimRight

Top 8 Meal Replacement Shakes in Australia (6)

SlimRight is another popular meal replacement shake in Australia. It's designed to help with weight gain/loss and comes in various flavors, including chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry.

  • Nutritional Value: Each serving of SlimRight contains 215-224 calories, 15-17g of protein, 25-26g of carbohydrates, and 4-5g of fat.

  • Price: A pack of 12 SlimRight sachets costs around $25.

  • Availability: SlimRight is available in supermarkets and pharmacies across Australia.

  • Pros: SlimRight is an affordable meal replacement shake that's readily available in stores. The shake is formulated to help lose weight making it an excellent option for those looking to shed some pounds.

  • Cons: Drinking Slimright VLCD with straight water instead of the highly recommended almond or skim milk will be almost unbearable.

3. Tony Ferguson

Top 8 Meal Replacement Shakes in Australia (7)

Tony Ferguson is a popular meal replacement program in Australia. The program includes shakes, bars, and soups.

The shakes come in various flavours, including chocolate, vanilla, chocolate flavour and strawberry.

  • Nutritional Value: Each serving of Tony Ferguson shake contains 206-212 calories, 18-19g of protein, 21-22g of carbohydrates, and 6-7g of fat.

  • Price: A box of 14 Tony Ferguson sachets costs around $40.

  • Availability: Tony Ferguson is available online and in select pharmacies across Australia.

  • Pros. Tony Ferguson is a comprehensive weight gain/loss program that includes shakes, bars, and soups. The shakes are formulated to give your body all the nutrients it needs while keeping you full and satisfied.

  • Cons: A few years ago, it was easy to be succesful on your weight loss journey using the Tony Ferguson Shakes. However the ingredient change is for the worse.

4. Celebrity Slim

Top 8 Meal Replacement Shakes in Australia (8)

Celebrity Slim is another popular meal replacement shake in Australia. It's designed to help manage weight and comes in various flavours, including chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry.

  • Nutritional Value: Each serving of Celebrity Slim contains 201-206 calories, 15-17g of protein, 25-26g of carbohydrates, and 2-3g of fat.

  • Price: A pack of 10 Celebrity Slim sachets costs around $25.

  • Availability: Celebrity Slim is available in supermarkets and pharmacies across Australia.

  • Pros: Celebrity Slim is an affordable meal replacement shake readily available in stores. The shake is formulated to help with weight management, making it an excellent option for those looking to shed some pounds.

  • Cons: If you're looking for something with scientific evidence, this isn't it. It's all up to your personal experience – but that could be surprisingly rewarding!

5. Isagenix

Top 8 Meal Replacement Shakes in Australia (9)

Isagenix is a popular meal replacement shake and weight management program in Australia. The program includes shakes, bars, and snacks.

  • Nutritional Value: Each serving of Isagenix shake contains 240-280 calories, 24-36g of protein, 24-36g of carbohydrates, and 3-6g of fat.

  • Price: A box of 14 Isagenix sachets costs around $70.

  • Availability: Isagenix is available online and through independent distributors across Australia.

  • Pros: Isagenix is a comprehensive weight management program that includes shakes, bars, and snacks. The shakes are formulated to give your body all the nutrients it needs while keeping you full and satisfied.

  • Cons: Highly processed, sugary products with additives which certainly doesn't come close to replicating the nutrient richness of real foods. Plus Isagenix tends to be costly and based on unsubstantiated research that doesn’t give you any tools for adopting a healthier lifestyle long-term - not exactly winning marks in nutrition!

6. Shakeology

Top 8 Meal Replacement Shakes in Australia (10)

Shakeology is a meal replacement shake and weight gain/loss program popular in many countries, including Australia.

The shake comes in a range of flavours, including chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry.

  • Nutritional Value: Each serving of Shakeology contains 160-170 calories, 17-18g of protein, 17-18g of carbohydrates, and 2-3g of fat.

  • Price: A bag of 30 Shakeology servings costs around $170.

  • Availability: Shakeology is available online and through independent distributors in Australia.

  • Pros: Shakeology is a nutrient-dense shake designed to help with weight management. The shake contains a range of superfoods and antioxidants, making it an excellent option for those looking to improve their overall health and well-being.

  • Cons: Shakeology might sound like a miracle elixir, but it's far from perfect. Not only can it cost you an arm and a leg – there’s no proof that the ‘superfoods’ listed are actually in any meaningful amounts! Plus, some people have reported experiencing digestive issues after taking this shake. So overall...not exactly worth your hard earned money!

7. Rapid Loss

Top 8 Meal Replacement Shakes in Australia (11)

Rapid Loss is a popular meal replacement shake and weight loss program in Australia. The program includes meal replacement shakes, bars, and soups.

  • Nutritional Value: Each serving of Rapid Loss shake contains 204-216 calories, 25-26g of protein, 19-21g of carbohydrates, and 1-2g of fat.

  • Price: A pack of 8 Rapid Loss sachets costs around $35.

  • Availability: Rapid Loss is available in supermarkets and pharmacies across Australia.

  • Pros: Rapid Loss is an affordable meal replacement shake readily available in stores. The shake is formulated to help with weight loss, making it an excellent option for those looking to shed some pounds.

  • Cons: After a recent change in ingredients, there have been many complaints. The strange flavour people are now reporting is due to 30% less sugar.

8. Optislim

Top 8 Meal Replacement Shakes in Australia (12)

Optislim is a popular meal replacement shake and weight loss program in Australia. The program includes meal replacement shakes, bars, and soups.

  • Nutritional Value: Each serving of Optislim shake contains 201-205 calories, 20-23g of protein, 21-23g of carbohydrates, and 3-4g of fat.

  • Price: A box of 21 Optislim sachets costs around $50.

  • Availability: Optislim is available online and in select pharmacies across Australia.

  • Pros: Optislim is a comprehensive weight loss program that includes meal replacement shakes, bars, and soups. The shakes are formulated to give your body all the nutrients it needs while keeping you full and satisfied.

  • Cons: Our research highlighted a disappointing trend - customers found the shakes difficult to drink due to taste. Making this diet a major challenge to stick to if you can't stomach what's on offer. Not exactly encouraging!

Formula to Lose Weight: Healthy Meals, Shakes, and Proteins Plus Religious Exercise

Top 8 Meal Replacement Shakes in Australia (13)

Losing weight can be challenging, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution.

However, incorporating a proper diet, regular exercise, and shakes into your weight loss program can help you achieve your goals faster and in a healthy manner.

Balanced Diet

A balanced proper diet that includes fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains can help you feel full and satisfied while providing your body with the nutrients it needs to function properly.

Drinking plenty of water is also essential as it can help flush toxins out of your body and keep you hydrated.

Meal Replacement Shakes

Meal replacement shakes can be a convenient and effective way to replace one or two meals daily.

They are typically low in calories and high in protein, fibre, and other essential nutrients that your body needs to function optimally.

By consuming fewer calories per serving, you can create a calorie deficit crucial for weight loss.

It's important to note that these types of shakes should not be used as a sole source of nutrition for an extended period. A proper diet that includes a variety of whole foods is crucial for long-term health and well-being.

Regular Exercise

Top 8 Meal Replacement Shakes in Australia (14)

Regular exercise is also an essential component of any weight loss program.

Not only can it help you burn calories and build muscle, but it can also boost your metabolism and improve your overall health and well-being.

Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days of the week, such as brisk walking, cycling, or swimming.

In summary, a healthy formula to manage weight involves a balanced proper diet of fruits, vegetables, lean protein, whole grains, plenty of water, meal replacement shakes, and regular exercise.

By following this formula, you can achieve your fitness goals healthily and sustainably.

Remember, the key is to make gradual lifestyle changes that you can maintain over the long term for a healthy and happy life.

Shake It Off!

Top 8 Meal Replacement Shakes in Australia (15)

Meal replacement shakes are a convenient and effective way to manage weight. They're easy to prepare, provide your body with all the nutrients it needs, and can help you feel full and satisfied.

With so many options available in Australia, choosing the best shake for you can be challenging. We hope this article has helped you narrow your options and choose a meal replacement shake that fits your needs and preferences.

When choosing a meal replacement shake, it's essential to consider factors such as nutritional value, price, taste, and availability.

It's also important to remember that meal replacement shakes should be used as part of a healthy weight gain/loss program that includes a balanced diet and regular exercise.

Top 8 Meal Replacement Shakes in Australia (16)

Lastly, we highly recommend seeking the advice of a healthcare professional before starting any weight gain/loss program or incorporating meal replacement shakes into your diet, especially if you have any pre-existing medical conditions or allergies.

And if you're looking to start or enhance your workout routine, we recommend checking out Evatac workout equipment and gear.

They offer a range of high-quality fitness equipment and gear, including resistance bands, workout gloves, and jump ropes, at affordable prices.

Grab your protein shaker and shake it off a little for a healthier you!

Top 8 Meal Replacement Shakes in Australia (2024)


Top 8 Meal Replacement Shakes in Australia? ›

Optislim VLCD is preferred for those focusing on a very low calorie diet to lose weight. However, Optiman focuses on a high protein, partial meal replacement blend to keep your body fuller for longer.

What are the top 10 meal replacement shakes? ›

Our Top-Rated Meal Replacement Shakes
  • BOOST High Protein with Fiber Complete Nutritional Drink.
  • Orgain Vegan Organic NutritionPlant Based Nutritional Shake.
  • OWYN Meal Replacement Shake.
  • Fairlife Core Power Protein Milk Shake.
  • Premier Protein Protein Shake.
Jul 4, 2024

Which is better Optislim or Optiman shake? ›

Optislim VLCD is preferred for those focusing on a very low calorie diet to lose weight. However, Optiman focuses on a high protein, partial meal replacement blend to keep your body fuller for longer.

What celebrities use meal replacement shakes? ›

From Khloe Kardashian to Vanderpump Rules star Brittany Cartwright, so many celebrities call the 310 Nutrition meal replacement shakes the ultimate slimdown secret anchoring their weight loss success!

What shake is comparable to Optifast? ›

Medifast Overview

Just like Optifast, Medifast is another leading band of meal replacements. But what sets it apart is that Medifast does not require medical supervision while on the program and also serves a more targeted population that do not specifically struggle with obesity unlike Optifast does.

What is the number one meal replacement in the world? ›

Herbalife is the number 1 brand in the world in meal replacement and protein supplements combined.

What is the world's number one nutrition shake? ›

Herbalife is the #1 active and lifestyle nutrition brand in the world.

How much weight can you lose on Optislim in 2 weeks? ›

You can generally expect to lose about 2 kg in 2 weeks on this plan.

Does Optislim actually work? ›

Generally, when you are on the Optislim meal replacement program, you can expect to lose about 1 kg a week. This can be more or less depending on a few factors including your starting weight, age, metabolism, medical conditions, exercise routine and the number of meals you are replacing.

Why is Optifast not suitable for over 65? ›

Age >65 years

The OPTIFAST VLCD Program Intensive phase is not recommended for use in persons over the age of 65 years, as metabolic and physiologic adaptations to intensive diets are decreased.

Is it OK to have a meal replacement shake everyday? ›

What are the downsides of commercial meal replacement shakes? While having a proper balanced healthy diet, intake of meal replacement shakes surpasses your daily requirement of carbs, fats, and proteins. This lifestyle may impact the energy stores and change the dynamics of balanced nutrition in the body.

How do I choose the best meal replacement shake? ›

We've asked Sanitarium dietitian Eliza Baird to share her top 4 tips on what to look for when choosing a healthy shake to sip.
  1. Check the type of shake. ...
  2. Look for fibre. ...
  3. Check for vitamins and minerals. ...
  4. Choose a shake created by experts.

What are the cons of meal replacement shakes? ›

Cons of Meal Replacement Shakes

Often, meal replacement shakes have a lot of artificial ingredients because the powder mixes are processed. The artificial ingredients help preserve the product and boost nutrients. Many shakes also include added sugars so they taste better. Be sure to read labels carefully.

What is the number one health shake? ›

LOS ANGELES, Jan. 28, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Premier global nutrition company, Herbalife Nutrition, has been named "The World's #1 Health Shake1" and "The #1 Brand in Active and Lifestyle Nutrition2" by Euromonitor International, an independent market research firm.

Can I buy OPTIFAST without a doctor? ›

Optifast is a medically supervised program

In order to successfully and safely lose weight with Optifast, you will need a clinic with a qualified medical professional who can approve you for the program and monitor your progress.

What happened to OPTIFAST? ›

Nestlé Health Science has decided to discontinue OPTIFAST® HP Chocolate Ready To Drink effective January 2024. Please refer to the chart below for alternative high protein selections that are available. Please see the enclosed price list which includes the product codes and ordering information.

What is the #1 rated protein shake? ›

Here's a Summary of the Best Protein Shakes for 2024
ProductForbes Health RatingsBest For
Lean Body by Labrada5.0Best Overall
Fairlife Core Power4.5Best Budget-Friendly
OWYN Plant-Based Protein Shake4.0Best Plant-Based
Premier Protein3.0Best Flavor Variety
Jun 28, 2024

Is there a difference between protein shakes and meal replacement shakes? ›

Meal replacement shakes can help you lose or maintain weight because they offer balanced nutrition and portion control. Meal replacement shakes help take the guesswork out of calorie counting. Protein supplement shakes are meant to boost your protein intake throughout the day.


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Name: Twana Towne Ret

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.