Treat Yo Self: 7 Steps To Throwing a Fabulously Frugal Galentine’s Party (2024)

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Up until this year, I’ve typically celebrated Galentine’s Day.

Yeah, boo me; I have a counterpart now. But that doesn’t mean I can’t continue to celebrate this beloved holiday. (Shoutout for making it a thing, Leslie Knope.)

Not familiar?

“Oh, it’s only the best day of the year,” explains Leslie Knope (Amy Poehler on “Parks and Recreation”). “Every February 13 my lady friends and I leave our husbands and our boyfriends at home, and we just come and kick it breakfast-style. Ladies celebrating ladies.”

7 Steps To Throw a Galentine’s Day Party on a Budget

Because I can’t resist a good list, here’s my plan to throw a rockin’ Galentine’s Day party without breaking the bank — or my heart.

1. Send the invites.

Let’s be honest: My invites typically come in the form of a mass text message. But I love the idea of something more formal — and just as free.

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Evites! These are free, pretty, customizable and quick. I made one in less than 5 minutes, and no, it did not pay me to say that.

Treat Yo Self: 7 Steps To Throwing a Fabulously Frugal Galentine’s Party (1)

2. Decorate your space.

No need to host your shindig at a restaurant. That can get pricy, and fast.

Rather, invite your guests to your place. Add sophisticated touches of red and pink. But be careful — there’s no need to make it look like Cupid vommed.

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Here are a few easy ideas to get you Pinspired.

    • Candles: Take your leftover wreath materials, and craft some rustic candle decorations. Use them as a centerpiece!
        • Tablecloth: Nab a white tablecloth from anywhere. They’re under $8 on Amazon, depending on the size you need. Simply paint an “X” and “O” pattern on it for a subtle, sweet Galentine’s touch.
          • Balloons: These suckers are always an easy solution to make a space more festive. I love these heart candy balloons — $8.79 (Amazon Prime!).

            Depending on what you already have, you can likely add these sweet touches to your space for less than $40.

            3. Prepare the drinks.

            Sure, you can stick with classics: mimosas, Bloody Marys, Irish cream coffee…

            Or mix it up, and make something more personal for your guests. I always opt for a solid batch co*cktail and found a festive pink strawberry Moscow Mule that looks delish.

            What you need:

            • 1-1.5 cups of vodka — or more, if so desired
            • 1 liter of limeade
            • 2 12-ounce bottles of ginger beer
            • 1 cup of strawberries
            • 1 cup of strawberry puree
            • 1/2 bag of ice

            And don’t forget to top ’em off with straws!

            4. Break out the breakfast foods.

            Shall I just fill this part up with a bunch of waffles?

            You’ve got the classic Belgian waffles topped off with fresh fruit and whipped cream or syrup. Or you could get savory, with something like a bacon, potato and cheese combo. There’s also versions with Nutella, my favorite. And these lemon poppy seed types look A-OK.

            Pair your waffles with a side of bacon — heart-shaped. Be sure to add some fiber with strawberries. And chocolate. These chocolate-covered strawberry sticks are cute decorations, too.

            Frittata, anyone?

            You can also opt for a potluck. Have your girlfriends bring their favorite breakfast dishes (casseroles are so easy!), and dish ’em up.

            5. Create a playlist.

            This is the portion I’m never prepared for. Free Pandora with awkward commercials for a McDonald’s Filet-O-Fish? That’s me.

            Pandora really is just fine, but you have several other options, including Spotify, which lets you create your own playlist or pick a pre-generated one. Google Play is another solid option.

            6. Plan some gal-ctivities (gal activities, according to me).

            If you’re like me, the activity is probably a drinking game. I found a true Galentine’s drinking game via Buzzfeed.

            If you’re not so keen on drinks, one of my favorite ideas involves mason jars — of course.

            Cut out some paper hearts, and let your gal pals write sweet things for each other. At the end of the shindig, they’ll each have a party favor to take home.

            You could also channel your school days and decorate a shoebox to fill with cheesy, punny valentines.

            7. Prepare some party favors.

            Although Leslie Knope crocheted flower pens, wrote personal essays and slapped together mosaics of her friend’s faces, you can keep it simple.

            If you’re not into the mason jar concept, I’ve got some other options for you, including paper fortune cookies with personalized fortunes, bite-sized s’more kits or stylish succulents.

            In the end, just know the day is all about your gals.

            I can’t say it any better than Leslie Knope: “Hoes before bros. Ovaries before brovaries. Uteruses before duderuses.”

            Your Turn: How are you celebrating Galentine’s Day?

            Carson Kohler (@CarsonKohler) is a junior writer at The Penny Hoarder. After recently completing graduate school, she focuses on saving money — and surviving the move back in with her parents.

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            Treat Yo Self: 7 Steps To Throwing a Fabulously Frugal Galentine’s Party (2024)


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            Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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            Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.